
Croissants from ready-made puff pastry with jam. Croissants from puff and yeast dough at home

When the morning starts with a cup of fragrant coffee and a delicate croissant, it seems that life is a success. After all, what could be tastier than such a breakfast? For lovers of French pastries, we will tell you a few cooking recipes croissants at home. With their help, you and your household will start your day with real pleasure.

We associate the croissant with French cuisine, because in Paris and other French cities, every bakery presents many types of this pastry.

However, croissants were not actually invented by the French. In this country, they only gained wide popularity and fame thanks to the activities of Queen Marie Antoinette. The true creators of bagels were Austrian bakers:

  • During the war between Austria and the Ottoman Empire in the 13th century, they worked the night shift and heard the Turks digging tunnels to Vienna. The confectioners warned the defenders of the fortress about the danger and thus saved the city from bloodshed.
  • In honor of the victory over the Ottomans, the chefs baked buns shaped like an Islamic crescent. Thus, the confectioners wanted to ridicule the symbol of the Turks, who, while escaping from the battlefield, forgot bags of coffee beans near the walls of Vienna.
  • Austrian chefs at that hour decided to serve croissants with a cup of coffee. So the first "Viennese bakery" was opened.

Nowadays, croissants are baked all over the world. In our country, this pastry has been slightly modified. Surely, everyone in pastry shops has seen more than once cookies on the shelves that look like croissants, but they are called “fingers” or “bagels”. To taste, of course, these are not croissants at all. If you want to cook real French pastries, then use step by step croissant recipes that we have collected for you in this article.

Step by step croissant dough recipes

The hardest thing in croissant recipes - this is the dough. He needs to pay maximum attention, otherwise the legendary pastries simply will not work.

We will present you two options for making puff pastry for croissants:

  • Yeast-free (although it is rarely used)
  • Yeast dough - a classic version of the croissant recipe

For those who do not have time to do the test, we will present puff pastry croissant recipe test.

Puff pastry croissants: recipe with photo

french croissant recipes so many. They differ from each other in dough kneading and fillings. Someone likes to add yeast to the dough, as it should be according to the classic baking recipe, but there are also adherents of the opinion that delicious croissants can also be prepared on the basis of yeast-free puff pastry.

To begin with, we propose to deal with the options for kneading dough for an exquisite French dessert:

  1. Yeast dough recipe for croissants:
  • Take a large and deep bowl. Sift half a kilogram of premium wheat flour into it. Add salt (literally one pinch).
  • After that, sugar (50 g) is added to the flour. The resulting mixture must be well mixed with a mixer.
  • Without turning off the mixer, add a glass of warm milk and dry yeast (15 g) to the flour. After adding these ingredients, turn on the mixer to medium speed.
  • Remove the resulting dough from the bowl. Knead it with your hands so that you get a ball. Wrap it in cling film and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half. During this time, the dough will rise.

  • While the dough is rising, prepare the butter. You need to get it out of the refrigerator and wait until it thaws a little.
  • When an hour and a half has passed, roll out a thin layer of dough (1 cm thick). Put butter on top of it and roll it around the perimeter of the dough.
  • Fold the resulting dough into an envelope, wrap it in cling film, and then place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • After that, the dough will need to be rolled out again, wrapped in foil again and placed in the refrigerator, but for 2 hours.
  • Only after that it will be possible to sculpt bagels from the dough. Cut one layer of dough into triangles, and roll croissants from them, adding the filling to them.
  1. Recipe for yeast-free croissant dough:
  • Take a deep container and sift 350 g of premium wheat flour into it. Add immediately 100 g of sugar and 60 ml of warm milk (room temperature).
  • Knead the dough with your hands, and then roll it into thin layers. Put butter on top of each layer and roll the dough into an envelope.

  • Wrap the dough in cling film and place it in the freezer for literally 15 minutes.
  • After that, roll the dough well again, cut it into triangles and form croissants.
  • Before placing them in the oven, brush the pastries with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Croissants from ready-made dough: recipes

From any ready-made test, the recipes of which you described above, you can cook croissants with different fillings:

  1. Recipe for croissants with jam:
  • Cut the dough into small triangles.
  • Place your favorite jam on the wide base of the triangles. It is very important that it is not liquid.
  • Form croissants. Top them with egg.
  • Put them to bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.
  • When the pastry is ready, sprinkle it with powdered sugar and serve.

  1. Chocolate croissant recipe:
  • In the same way, we prepare triangles from the finished dough. You can make them wider so that there is more space for the filling.
  • We spread several pieces of your favorite chocolate on the base of each triangle (as a rule, pure black is used).
  • We turn the dough into bagels and put them to bake in the oven, heated to 220 degrees. Bake them at this temperature for no more than 5 minutes. It is better to reduce the temperature a little - to 190 degrees, and leave the croissants to bake until golden brown for 15 minutes.

There are more easy croissant recipe. Instead of chocolate, you can use nut butter or chocolate fudge. Many use nutella croissant recipe. It makes for a very tasty breakfast.

  1. Recipe for croissants with condensed milk:
  • Cut the dough into wide triangles. That's why recipe you can cook royal croissants(big size).
  • We spread condensed milk on the base of each. We recommend using custard instead of plain condensed milk, as it is thicker in consistency.
  • We form croissants and put in the oven, heated to 185 degrees for 25 minutes.

By the same recipe for croissants with cottage cheese and other cheese fillings.

  1. Cream croissant recipe:
  • We prepare not triangles from the dough, but strips 2.5 cm thick.
  • We wrap each strip on a cone-shaped mold. This is necessary so that the inside of future croissants is empty. We will fill it with cream or other cream.

By the same recipe for almond croissants(with almond cream).

  • We put the bagels to bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  • Stuff the croissants with whipped cream. By the way, many in this croissant recipe, in addition to cream, add strawberries or any other fruits and berries.

Fill your home in the morning with the aromas of gourmet French pastries! We assure you that the day started with a delicious fragrant croissant and a cup of coffee will give you a good mood, a charge of vivacity and energy.

Video: "Croissant Recipe"

Despite the fact that croissants are very popular in France and are a kind of visiting card, they were born in Austria there, back in the 13th century crescent-shaped buns appeared. Later, already in 1839, one Austrian officer, August Tsang, opened the “Viennese Bakery” in the center of Paris, in which such unusually shaped buns were baked. However, it was French chefs who suggested adding fragrant fruit, cheese or cream filling to such pastries, and they also changed the recipe for making pastry from rich to puff. So, thanks to the Austrians and the French, the world saw and immediately fell in love with this impeccable pastry in every respect.

Try to cook croissants in your own kitchen using our recipe.

In order to cook croissants with apricot jam, we need the following set of products:

Yeast for baking - twenty-five grams;

Creamy margarine - one hundred grams;

Milk - half a glass;

Wheat flour - five hundred and sixty grams;

Granulated sugar - one tablespoon;

Chicken egg - one piece;

apricot jam;

Vegetable oil.

Croissants with apricot jam - recipe cooking.

Stage one. Let's start preparing our pastries with yeast, for this we crumble them into a small, deep container, add one tablespoon of granulated sugar to them and pour it all with warm milk. Stir and put in a warm place for about twenty minutes, during which time the yeast should rise.

Stage two. In the meantime, take margarine, knead it and melt it in a water bath.

Stage three. We combine the approached yeast and warm margarine, mix everything well and begin to gradually introduce the sifted flour, knead the dough. By the way, it is necessary to sift flour when preparing any, regardless of the type of dough.

Stage four. Done, we divide the well-kneaded dough into three pieces of approximately the same size, temporarily set aside two, and roll the third into a round-shaped layer about three millimeters thick.

Stage five. Then we take a sharp knife and carefully cut the rolled round layer first into two equal halves, then we divide each half in half again, and again divide the resulting quarters into two approximately equal parts. (see photo below).

Stage six. After that, we take one part of the triangular-shaped circle and spread it on its wide part, stepping back from the edge about one centimeter of a little apricot jam. Pay attention to the jam you need to take not liquid, otherwise it will all leak out during baking, it is even better to put whole apricot slices inside the croissants. You can also cook pastries with thick jam.

Stage seven. Then we carefully roll our croissant towards the narrow part and slightly bend it in the shape of a horn.

Stage nine. Following the egg, we send the croissant to a plate with poured sugar and dip it on only one side.

Stage ten. Grease a baking sheet with a small amount of vegetable oil (sunflower) and put the formed croissants on it at a distance of at least one and a half centimeters from each other, sugar up.

What do we represent by the word croissant? Well, of course, France, a cozy little cafe, a cup of strong coffee and the unique taste of crispy dough with an incredibly delicious filling. But, what if you cook such puff pastry croissants at home?

Croissants from ready-made puff yeast dough with marmalade

Appetizing, ruddy, with fresh fruit filling, such croissants will simply turn heads to everyone who tries them.

To bake such a charm you will need:

  • Shop puff yeast dough - 200 g;
  • Flour - how much dough will take (about 100 g);
  • Jam - 200 g;
  • Dried apricots, nuts and other additives - to your taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. We take out our dough from the freezer, cover it and let it defrost slightly.
  2. To prevent the dough from drying out, cover it with cling film.
  3. After the dough has become soft, lightly go over it with a rolling pin, forming a rectangle.
  4. Cut the dough into triangles.
  5. At the base of the triangle (the smallest side) we put jam and additives, as you see fit.
  6. Carefully fold and form beautiful crescents.
  7. Lay the croissants on a baking sheet at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.
  8. Let the dough rise, for this we leave it in a warm place for half an hour.
  9. We send the pastries to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Don't miss the croissants. They bake very quickly, within 15-20 minutes.
  10. Just blushed - immediately pull out and you can serve.

Croissants with condensed milk

Croissants made from ready-made puff pastry, which will appeal to absolutely all the sweet tooth. A little fragrant temptation.

Let's take:

  • Ready puff pastry - 900 g;
  • Condensed milk - 500 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 30 - 50 g.

We prepare in this way:

  1. We prepare the dough. Defrost, roll out slightly, cut into triangles.
  2. We put a spoonful of condensed milk on the base of the triangle and carefully form a croissant.
  3. Lay out on the prepared baking sheet.
  4. Let the cake rest for 15 minutes.
  5. While our croissants are "resting", let's prepare a mixture for lubricating them.
  6. Crack an egg into a bowl, add sugar.
  7. Beat the mixture with a mixer.
  8. Lubricate the pastry with an egg and send it to the oven until a blush appears.

Step by step recipe for croissants with jam with photo.
  • National cuisine: french cuisine
  • Dish type: Pastries, Croissants
  • Recipe Difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 18 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Amount of calories: 71 kilocalories
  • Reason: For breakfast

Delicious crunchy croissants with jam, both strawberry and apricot, everyone will like it! Learn how to make croissants with jam at home.

Beautiful and ruddy croissants with jam look very appetizing! With tea, with coffee and even with dessert liqueur - they are perfectly combined! Serve both children and adults for tea. Cold and hot are equally delicious. But fresh croissants with jam are full of excellent flavor.

Servings: 3-4

Ingredients for 3 servings

  • Puff pastry - 500 grams
  • Jam - 150-200 milliliters
  • Egg - 1 Piece
  • Vegetable oil - 1 Art. spoon
  • Powdered sugar - to taste

step by step

  1. If the puff pastry has been frozen, thaw it and roll it out.
  2. Divide the dough into large triangles. Put a teaspoon of jam on the widest part of each.
  3. Roll the croissants with jam into bagels. Place on a baking sheet lined with perca paper and brush with beaten egg.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Serve croissants with jam sprinkled with powdered sugar.

From ready-made puff pastry, you can easily and quickly prepare a sweet treat for tea or coffee - croissants stuffed with jam. Usually there is always a jar of jam in the refrigerator. But even if the jam is over, then do not despair. It can be replaced with pieces of chocolate, marmalade, fruits from compote, in the end, with ordinary butter with sugar.

  • packaging of puff pastry without yeast,
  • not very liquid jam (or jam),
  • egg yolk for brushing croissants.

Cooking method:

1. Roll out sheets of dough on floured baking paper. Cut each into 4 triangles.

2. Put a teaspoon of jam on the wide part of each triangle. If the jam is still watery, you can sprinkle it with a little flour.

3. We turn the triangle from the dough into a croissant, starting from the base and ending with the top. We stick the tips of the croissant so that the jam does not flow out. Lay the croissants on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. If there is no baking paper, then grease the baking sheet with butter and lay the croissants directly on the baking sheet.

4. Lubricate raw croissants with egg yolk.

5. Put the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

Let the croissants cool down and welcome to the table!
