
Preparation of quince jam and useful properties. What is useful in the fruits of quince

Few people know about the benefits and harms of quince. Throughout our planet, there is a diverse number of fruits and berries that have not only excellent taste, but also useful properties.

Many of them contain one or another set of factors that positively affect our health. You can eat them and even need to often enough.

One of these fruits is quince. And oddly enough, it does not grow somewhere in exotic countries. You can pick it on trees in mid-latitudes, and buy it in our markets.

Everyone knows about the benefits of a lemon, an apple or, but few people realize that quince has so many useful substances in its composition that it is ten times richer in vitamins than several types of fruits combined.

The appearance of a quince resembles an apple. Only its fruits are covered with small villi, like a peach. As for the benefits of this fruit, it is much healthier than pears and apples. But few people dare to eat raw quince. Even if she is very ripe.

The fact is that it has a tart taste, after which it thoroughly tickles in the throat. Yes, and eating it raw is undesirable, because it has tannic qualities and causes constipation.

1. Quince in its composition contains glucose. It is glucose that is the energy generator in the human body. It contributes to the maintenance of all vital processes of the body at the proper level.

2. Also present in quince fructose, which helps to maintain metabolic processes in the human body.

3. Another important element in the composition of this miracle fruit is carotene. This element has a positive effect on the immune system and helps it function properly.

4. Quince also contains minerals such as, iron, phosphorus, copper, calcium. Their positive impact on the well-being of the human body as a whole is not even worth mentioning.

5. Of the vitamin group, quince contains the following - A, B6, C, E. All these vitamins are very useful for a person, because they help maintain various organs of his body in good shape. Ascorbic acid is also present in quince.

6. Despite the fact that the quince has so many good qualities, it is also low-calorie. There are less than 50 calories in 100 grams of this product. Therefore, it is recommended for weight loss. Nutritionists advise to actively include this fruit in the diet of people with extra pounds.

7. Having so many vitamins and other elements in its composition, quince is very useful for the human body. Thanks to its tannins, it cleans the intestines from toxins and prevents inflammatory processes.

8. In addition, this fruit has anti-allergic qualities. But here we should not forget that it should not be consumed raw. Since the fresh fruit is covered with villi, which, on the contrary, can cause allergies.

9. Being a generator of a group of vitamins, quince helps with heart disease. It prevents the development of a heart attack, atherosclerosis, anemia, hepatitis.

10. The presence of ascorbic acid in its composition is very useful for colds. Teas and tinctures, as well as consumption in the form of jam, will help overcome a cold much faster.

Eat more quince jam for bronchitis, tonsillitis and other similar diseases.

11. If you are sensitive to weather changes and pressure surges, then quince will be just right. After all, it is recommended to use high blood pressure and headaches. Prepare yourself tea with quince jam and relax a little. After a while, you will feel a surge of vivacity, energy and strength.

12. Quince perfectly fights tension and stress. After using it, you will be much more cheerful and active.

14. These teas will also help with bleeding. Therefore, they are actively involved in their practice by gynecologists.

15. If you have problems with appetite, then quince will come in handy here too. Eat a couple of spoons of quince jam and after a while the appetite will appear.

16. Few people know that quince is also removes bad breath. Therefore, do not be too lazy to use it before going out, a romantic date or an important meeting.

17. There are groups of people for whom quince is very useful for consumption. First of all, people suffering diabetes. After all, they are contraindicated to consume sugar in its pure form. And quince contains glucose and fructose, which are excellent sugar substitutes.

19. Quince is actively used for cosmetic purposes. With its help, masks and lotions are made for the face, which help to remove excess oil on the skin.

20.Quince juice rubs the skin of the face. After that, it becomes fresher, and also fights freckles.

21. A decoction of quince leaves miraculously fights gray hair.

Harm quince

In addition to such a number of useful qualities, quince also has negative ones. It's important to know that the seeds of this fruit are poisonous. Therefore, carefully remove them when preparing something from quince.

How to choose a quince

After learning how useful quince is, buy some fruits on the market. It's easy to choose them. Please note that the fruits are large and dense. Do not buy fruit if it has dents.

The skin of the quince should be slightly yellow, indicating its ripeness. When transporting home, keep the quince separately as it is very delicate. If you hit it, dents will quickly form, which will soon lead to damage to the fetus.

Jam and jams from quince

Since it is not recommended to use quince in its raw form, jams and jams remain very popular. quince jam. It's easy to prepare them. There are many recipes, here are the simplest ones.

For jam, you need to take 1 kilogram of fresh fruits, carefully peel them and cut into small slices. Pour 500 grams of sugar and pour a small amount of water. Boil this mixture over low heat.

In the process of cooking, as it decreases, add water. All pieces should be boiled to a homogeneous slurry. At the end, add a pinch of citric acid. It prevents the jam from browning.

Then roll the jam into sterilized jars. You can also close the jam when the pieces are not completely boiled, but will have a whole, but already finished look.

If you want to cook quince jam, then you have to tinker a little longer. The recipe is the same, but there is a peculiarity: already boiled pieces of quince must be crushed in a blender and boiled again until tender.

Bon appetit!

The benefits of an exotic fruit - Japanese quince, allow you to use it not only in recipes for human health, but also in other areas of life: cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Initially, Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of quince, although modern technologies make it possible to grow this plant in almost any climatic conditions. Japanese quince or Henomeles is a tree from the evergreen family, sometimes reaching two to three meters in height. Its appearance resembles lemon orchards in Italy.

Japanese quince blossoms in a beautiful red-pink color, while the flowers emit a pleasant aroma. Sometimes the flowers are white with a pink border or pure pink.

Flowering usually begins in May and continues until June. The largest growths of chaenomeles are noted in Japan, which is why the tree got its name. The Japanese quince is famous for its fruit fruits, which are rich in valuable natural components.

In recent years, people have learned to grow many exotic fruits in our climate. Japanese quince, the benefits and harms of which should be studied before using this fruit, is one such fruit.

The fruiting season begins in mid-autumn, by this time the fruits have time to pour all the necessary components. The special aroma is also preserved due to moderate climatic conditions. Excess heat or cold does not contribute to proper ripening.

What does the fruit of Japanese quince look like?

The fruits of Japanese quince in their appearance resemble a spherical apple or pear, with a large number of brownish seeds. Color ranges from light yellow to greenish, depending on ripeness.

Quince has a fairly dense texture, and it is problematic to eat it fresh. This fruit takes time to settle down and acquire even more usefulness.

The weight of the fruits are different sizes. If these are wild plantings, then the fruits do not differ in special size and reach a maximum of 100-200 grams. At the same time, the cultivation of trees makes it possible to grow fruits weighing up to two or more kilograms.

When buying quince in food markets and stores, the fruits must be carefully examined. The presence of dents, stains, damage indicates improper storage of the fruit and the loss of its value. Also, quince should be evenly covered with hairs over the entire surface, which allows you to maintain nutritional value for a long time.

Japanese quince: what does it taste like

This fruit does not taste like an apple or a pear.

Japanese quince is distinguished by its astringency, and the presence of many fruit acids gives it a distinctive sourness.

It is the characteristic sourness that makes it possible to use quince instead of lemons in tea, compotes and many other dishes.

Since the pulp of quince is very dense, it is practically not eaten fresh. Sometimes the taste of an outlandish fruit is compared with pineapples, sometimes with lemons. In fact, quince combines the taste qualities of all these fruits together.

Basically, fruit puree is prepared from quince fruits, juice is squeezed out, and it is also used in cooking as an independent basis for many dishes. Due to the presence of a large amount of pectins, quince is gelled without additional components.

Japanese quince: benefits and harms to the health of the human body, contraindications

Japanese quince is a unique fruit, which can be not only beneficial, but also harmful to the human body. The value of quince lies in its medicinal properties. Due to its rich chemical composition, quince is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

In its composition, the fruit has the following list:

Of the vitamins in Japanese quince, most of all are A and C.
  • vitamins- the fruit is most saturated with vitamins C and A, in a smaller amount - PP, B1, B2, E.
  • macronutrients- fruits are rich in potassium, calcium, fluorine, magnesium, sodium.
  • trace elements- the presence of a huge amount of such an element as iron turns quince into a particularly hematopoietic drug.
  • acids- acetic, malic, ascorbic, tartaric, citric, fumaric, tartron.
  • Pectins- contribute to intestinal peristalsis, promote detoxification of the whole organism as a whole.
  • Tannins- have an astringent, hemostatic effect;
  • Harmless Sugars- fructose, glucose, sucrose.

Japanese quince has a lot of useful qualities that have a beneficial effect on various organs of the human body:

  • Diluted juice and compote help to cope with gastrointestinal disorders.
  • It is extremely useful for people who have anemia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, significant blood loss during menstruation.
  • It is indicated for women during gestation, as well as during breastfeeding and body recovery after childbirth.
  • Helps to cope with the manifestations of hemorrhoids and periodontitis.
  • It has a diuretic and choleretic effect, helping to cope with swelling.
  • Since the fruit has a very low calorie content, it contributes to the acquisition of a slim figure.
  • Helps restore the protective functions of the body, strengthening the immune system.

Japanese quince is rich in anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, wound healing and other beneficial properties. The benefits and harms depend on the method of processing the fetus.

Without pre-treatment, raw fruit is harmful with dangerous toxic substances that disrupt the digestive tract.


Japanese quince, along with an abundance of benefits, has contraindications and is harmful if used incorrectly:

  • Very carefully you need to introduce the fetus into the diet of the child, for a child's body, an abundance of iron is not beneficial, it can provoke constipation.
  • People suffering from allergic reactions should carefully clean the fruit from fluff on the peel.
  • It would not be superfluous to even scald the quince with boiling water in order to completely protect it from allergens.
  • Since quince contains a record amount of organic acids, then people with peptic ulcers should not use it. The same applies to inflammatory processes in the intestines, various types of enterocolitis.

Japanese quince is contraindicated in gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers and enterocolitis
  • It is not recommended to eat fruits together with seeds., they contain the organic substance amygdalin, which contains the poison - cyanide.
  • Japanese quince fruits should not be abused. The components found in the skin of the fruit irritate the laryngeal ligaments, this negatively affects the voice.

Useful (healing) properties of quince fruits: use in traditional medicine

Japanese quince is widely used in folk medicine and can prevent many of the diseases, as well as carry out preventive measures.

In folk recipes, not only fruits are used, but also leaves and seeds:

  • In the presence of vomiting and pathological processes in the liver, it is used puree from boiled or baked Japanese quince.
  • Freshly pressed juice and fruit effective for anemia, heart disorders, as well as for digestive disorders that are accompanied by blood loss.
  • Decoctions of dried fruits improve appetite, increase immunity, help stop blood loss in the uterus.
  • Effectively copes with hemorrhoidal bumps freshly squeezed juice quince, is used in the form of external lotions.
  • Decoction from quince seeds has a fairly wide spectrum of action - it envelops the walls of the stomach, helps to cope with periodontal disease, relieves spasms with a strong cough, and stops diarrhea.

A decoction of quince seeds helps with various diseases
  • Mucus from boiled syrup It is also used externally - for inflammatory processes of the skin, burns, and is used to rinse the tonsils.
  • From the leaves of the quince tree, a special decoction helping to cope with bronchial asthma.
  • Tea, prepared using quince leaves and seeds, is useful for weight loss, as it has a diuretic effect. With regular use, it lowers blood sugar levels, lowers blood pressure, relieves stress.

The use of natural remedies according to folk recipes helps the body to quickly cope with painful conditions of a different nature. A weighty argument in favor of natural products is the absence of side effects, as with the use of pharmaceutical preparations.

Recipes for making cough medicine from quince fruit

Quite effective are the remedies prepared on the basis of Japanese quince in the fight against cough manifestations. There are a lot of recipes for the preparation of medicinal raw materials:

Infusion of quince pulp should be taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day
  • Finely chopped fruit pulp with peel pour one glass of boiled water, let stand for at least thirty minutes. Apply such infusion you need a tablespoon three times a day. Such a solution even relieves the symptoms of whooping cough;
  • Shows good results. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour ten grams of seeds with one hundred ml of purified water. Cook over low heat until a slimy slurry consistency forms. A tablespoon of medicine three times a day will provide relief from the disease.
  • If the cough is dry, then you can stop the attacks quince seed tea, which additionally cleanses the body of toxic substances.

The provided recipes are easy to prepare, and the result is sometimes superior to expensive drugs.

How to use quince fruits in cooking, what can be cooked

Quince is very good for preparing various culinary masterpieces, giving them a special taste and aroma. Traditional dishes prepared with this fruit appear in a completely new role. Gourmets will appreciate the rich taste of quince in combination with other ingredients.

Pilaf with quince: cooking, step by step recipe

Pilaf with quince is a rather extravagant dish, but having prepared it once, you can fall in love with its taste for life.

For cooking you will need: 400 g of round-grain rice; one large ripe quince; two medium-sized carrots; 150 gr chicken fillet; one bulb is small; spices to taste (zira, dried garlic, curry, hot pepper).

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the rice with cold water until transparent.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.
  3. Quince cut into cubes and soak in warm water.
  4. Heat up a saucepan, pour in sunflower oil.
  5. Fry the meat until golden brown, add chopped onions and carrots, salt.
  6. Put quince and add a little infusion of quince, stew meat with vegetables.
  7. Add spices, put rice and increase the heat.
  8. Cook over high heat for 3-4 minutes, then reduce, stir and leave to cook over medium heat for another 7 minutes.
  9. Then put the fire on a minimum and leave to cook for another 7-8 minutes, cover with a lid, turn off the heat, let it brew for 15 minutes.
  10. Open the lid, stir and serve.

Japanese quince: a recipe for cooking fruit in the oven with meat

Meat stewed with quince in the oven, in addition to taste and aroma, is particularly soft. The presence of many organic acids in quince contributes to the breakdown of protein fibers and makes the dish unusually tender.

Required products: 0.5 kg of pork, 3 pieces of quince, one medium onion, salt, spices to taste. Cooking:

  1. Cut quince fruits into slices, peeled from seeds, fry in butter.
  2. Cut the pork into portions, brown until golden brown.
  3. Fry the onion in half rings after the meat.
  4. Put in layers in a baking dish, seasoning with spices and salt, onions, meat, quince slices.
  5. Pour everything with water, about ¾ cup, cover, simmer in the oven for about an hour.
  6. Remove the lid and put in the oven for another 15 minutes, serve to guests.

Quince pie: cooking recipe

Delicious, unusual quince pie will please the whole family with a delicate taste and useful properties, thanks to oatmeal and quince. Baking ingredients: two large quince fruits, one chicken egg, 80 grams of butter or margarine, half a glass of wheat flour and oatmeal, half a glass of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Peel quince fruits from peel and seeds, cut into slices, boil for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Put the quince in the form. After lubricating it with butter, you can sprinkle with nuts, if you like.
  3. Combine sugar, butter, add the egg, then flour and cereal, knead the dough well.
  4. Put the dough on top of the stacked fruits, bake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Preparations for the winter: delicious quince jam - cooking, recipes

Quince contains a lot of pectins, which contribute to the high-quality preparation of blockages without the use of additional gelling agents. In addition to excellent taste, quince gives each jar prepared for the future with vitamins to strengthen immunity.

Japanese quince jam with slices: how to cook - a recipe for the winter

In order to make jam with quince slices, you only need to stock up on sugar, quince fruits and water.

For jam, quince fruits must be cleaned of specific plaque, washed and cut into slices, cutting out the core

First of all, you should thoroughly clean the fruit from a specific plaque and wash it, then cut it into slices, clearing the seeds. Boil the resulting slices in water for several minutes and drain immediately. Sprinkle the slices with sugar and let them release the juice.

After about 9-11 hours, it will be possible to boil the jam for the first time and leave it alone for another 11 hours. So repeat several times until the jam acquires an amber hue. After the last boil, lay in sterile jars and wrap.

Recipe for quince jam with walnuts: how to cook

Walnut jam is even more useful due to the presence of walnuts in the composition. They saturate the body with fats and omega acids, help improve brain function.

Required products: one kilogram of quince, 400 grams of granulated sugar, 200 ml of purified water, 50 grams of walnuts, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, one lemon. Cooking:

  1. First, carefully wash the fruit, cut into slices, clearing the seeds.
  2. Next, mix water and granulated sugar, bring to a boil, add chopped quince, cook for 4-6 minutes, leave to stretch with syrup for 10 hours.
  3. We repeat the procedure again.
  4. Next time add chopped walnuts, lemon and vanilla sugar, boil for a few minutes and place in sterile containers.

The most delicious recipe for quince jam with lemon

The combination of quince with lemon helps with many colds. Both fruits are record rich in vitamin C, so they increase immunity and cope with most viral infections. The composition of the grocery set: quince - one kilogram, one medium lemon, a kilogram of granulated sugar, a glass of pure drinking water.

To prepare jam from quince with lemon, the latter should be crushed - on a grater or in a blender

First of all, we prepare the quince, having cleaned it of fluff, seeds and core. Cut into cubes, mix the resulting mass with sugar, let it brew for 6-10 hours until a sufficient amount of juice appears. If there is very little juice, add a glass of water.

Boil for 5-7 minutes, leave to infuse for 10-12 hours. Repeat two more times. For the fourth time, add chopped lemon and cook for 7-10 minutes, pour into a sterile container, roll up.

Japanese quince is a curiosity that is ready to replace lemons in our diet, in no way inferior to it. In terms of its medicinal qualities, quince is far ahead of many fruits and berries. The benefits of using quince in medicine and cooking far outweigh the slight harm that is possible in individual cases.

Japonica. Benefit and harm:

Japanese quince - cultivation:

The main difference between quince jam and jam or liquid marmalade lies in the consistency of the dessert. The fruit retains its structure, and does not turn into a shapeless liquid mass. The best variation of the product is considered to be homemade, cooked in your own kitchen according to a proven or innovative recipe.

What you need to know about quince jam, how many calories and benefits for the human body?

general characteristics

The chemical composition of the food component

Possible harm and contraindications

It is better to refuse quince jam for diabetes, obesity and serious problems with the intestines. Singers and people whose profession is related to public speaking are also forbidden to get involved in sweets, since quince can harm the larynx and vocal cords.

People who do not experience health problems should not carelessly eat a can of sweets a day. The jam is half white refined sugar. The product negatively affects both the appearance of a person (provokes a rash, destroys tooth enamel) and internal health (clogs blood vessels, interferes with normal digestion). If possible, prepare a dessert without sugar. It can be replaced or with sweet fruits like. It is best to avoid artificial sweeteners as they are just as harmful as white sugar.

Do not forget that in addition to sugar, industrial jams contain a number of preservatives, flavor enhancers, and thickeners. Choose the most organic and clean products, or make jam in your own kitchen, carefully choosing the ingredients. So you can create unique flavor combinations and gain complete confidence in the quality of the finished dish.

Use in traditional medicine

A jar of quince jam has replaced medicines for:

  • constipation
  • flatulence;
  • colitis;
  • pathologies of the respiratory tract;
  • cough;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

It was believed that the delicate astringent structure of the jam additionally enveloped the mucous membranes and protected them from the aggressive effects of infections.

Fruit mass helped not only internal health, but also external beauty. The sweet product was smeared on the face/body to achieve hydrated skin, and even hair to enhance their growth. The skin really became smoother and softer due to fruit acids, but such methods are now inappropriate. As for hair, no quince jam masks will help enhance their growth or improve their structure. Hair is a dead tissue, the appearance of which is almost impossible to influence.

Today, quince jam is more often perceived as a sweetness, not a medicine. Nobody forbids eating a few spoons of jam during a cold. They can really help if the disease is not a serious threat. But with serious health problems, it would be more rational to contact a specialized doctor.

Use in cooking

Quince and dishes based on it are characteristic of the Central Asian and Caucasian culinary traditions. Fruit is added not only to desserts, but also sweet and sour sauces for all types of meat / fish / game. The structure of the classic sauce is very similar to jam, but the taste is complemented by intense notes of bitterness and spiciness.

Quince jam is a great dessert for the winter. It does not need to be insisted for a long time, and the preparation itself takes a minimum of effort and culinary skills. Start stocking up in the fall, when the grocery shelves are brimming with sweet-smelling pear-like fruit.

The easiest way to make sweets is to boil whole fruits together with granulated sugar. Before cooking, it is necessary to peel off the dense rough skin and remove the seed box.

Life hack: the skin contains a lot of aromatic substances, but its structure is so rough that a person simply cannot chew the product normally. In order not to lose the unique delicate taste of the skin, prepare a syrup based on it. The finished liquid can be used to make sauces or jams, and the peel can be sent for disposal.

To get a rich fruity taste - alternate boiling the mass with infusion. Boil the slices for several minutes in boiling syrup, then let it brew for several hours to several days. Repeat the processes several times until you achieve a thick structure, a transparent shade of quince and a perfect taste.

Quince is a shrub or tree from 1.5 to 5 meters tall, the fruits of which are spherical or pear-shaped with a hard, tart, astringent, sweetish taste. People have known the beneficial properties of quince since ancient times, often using the fruit as a medicinal plant. Its seeds are rich in iron, so quince is useful in decoctions taken to saturate the body with useful microelements, as well as a mild laxative, to reduce cough, for eye diseases, as cosmetics that soften the skin.

What are the benefits of common quince?

Common quince is a rival to lemon and a competitor to apple in terms of the presence of nutrients. From early spring to late autumn, it is eaten raw, baked, and made into delicious jam. Famous cuisines of Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean cannot be imagined without this fruit: they season meat with it, make soft drinks and sweets. Quince is also called a false apple, because it is spherical and golden in color, and its properties are amazing. Fruits, seeds, leaves of quince contain in their composition:

  • a huge amount of pectin;
  • niacin, vitamin C;
  • sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium;

Common varieties of quince and their medicinal properties

There are many varieties of quince. Only on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 10 species of this fruit. Famous Russian varieties: Teplovsky, soft-fruited Volgograd, collective, Krasnoslobodskaya and others. But not everyone is allowed to eat fresh fruits. Many varieties are grown on the territory of Ukraine, in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan. We will talk about the most famous varieties of quince, which have particularly beneficial properties.


The early ripening French variety differs from its relatives in the speed of ripening. In this variety, the fruits resemble apples, the pulp is dense with granulation near the core. It is used fresh, for processing or for medicinal purposes. Blooming and fruiting Anzhers quince is a very beautiful ornamental plant that decorates squares and parks. With a decoction of Anzherska with angina, they gargle the throat of a child and an adult. Quince compote helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which should be noted by women during pregnancy.


Quince Japanese gardeners call henomeles, and its flowers are very similar to apple trees. Chaenomeles is cultivated in Japan and China as an ornamental or fruit tree. On some islands of Japan, wild chaenomeles is often found. Japanese quince fruits contain many healing properties, such as pectins, which cleanse the human body of salts of heavy metals. Fresh or dried fruits of Japanese chaenomelis are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and diabetes. You can learn more about the healing properties of chaenomelis from the video:


The fruits of Chinese quince are up to 1.5 kg in weight and contain:

  • vitamins A, C, B;
  • calcium, iron;
  • malic, tartaric, citric acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • pectin.

Chinese quince, which has undergone heat treatment, is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, organs of the cardiovascular system, it has the ability to reduce blood pressure and "bad" cholesterol. Jam is especially useful in winter, when it is easy to get infected with various viruses. It is also widely used in cooking. Marmalade is especially good, because it is not for nothing that the word “quince” in Portuguese means “marmalade”. A decoction of Chinese quince seeds tends to have a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Quince recipes for the treatment of various diseases

The breadth of the scope of the false apple is enormous. These fruits are used to prevent the risk of diseases such as:

  1. Flu.
  2. Gastric ulcer.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. Haemorrhoids.
  5. Diseases of the liver.
  6. Eye diseases.
  7. Diarrhea.
  8. Jaundice.
  9. Dysentery.
  10. Tuberculosis.

Fresh quince juice is indicated for anemia, and only 100 g of fresh fruit can provide the body with two daily norms of iron. To weaken bronchial asthma, leaves from 6 fruits should be poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes, then squeezed, topped up with water to the original volume and taken 4 times before meals daily, 2 tbsp. l. The infusion is stored in the cold for no more than 3 days.

Seed decoctions for inflammation of the bronchi

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the bronchi, quince seeds are used. They contain glycerin, starch, beneficial mucus, glycosites, tannins and fatty oil, which allows them to be used as an enveloping and expectorant agent. Less commonly, the seeds are used as a laxative, for painful periods, baldness, dry mouth symptoms.

Seeds of only mature fruits are collected. The main thing is not to damage their shell, otherwise the seeds will become unsuitable for the treatment of bronchi - they will lose useful hydrocyanic acid. Seeds are dried, stacked in a glass jar, stored for no more than one year. With inflammation of the bronchi 1 tbsp. l. seeds should be poured with warm water, shaken for several minutes until the liquid becomes mucous, take 100 ml before meals three times every day until recovery.

Leaf decoction to stabilize blood sugar

The beneficial properties of the leaves of the false apple are known no less than the seeds and fruits. The decoction is used for blood pressure, diabetes, asthma attacks and to lower blood sugar levels. To prepare a decoction, you need to grind quince leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon. The broth is kept until cool under the lid, then filtered and drunk three times daily, 2 tbsp. l.

To normalize an asthma attack, it will be useful to simmer boiled quince leaves for 15-20 minutes, and then strain and bring to the original volume (200 ml) with water. Drink 4 times before meals, 2 tbsp. l. daily until the seizure subsides. If you use quince decoction for a long period of time, then asthma will completely stop bothering you. Hypertensive patients will benefit from alcohol tincture, which is prepared as follows: 100 g of freshly picked quince leaves are taken and 100 g of vodka are poured. The infusion is aged for a week in a dark place, filtered and consumed daily, 20 drops 2 times.

Quince compote to strengthen the body

To prevent colds, prudent housewives stock up on quince compote for the winter, which retains all the beneficial properties of fruits, even when boiled. It is easy to prepare: for this, ripe fruits are peeled, cut, removing the core, and then immersed in acidified water to soften. When the fruits, pricked with a needle, slide off easily, they are taken out and left to dry. At this time, 300 g of sugar is added to 1 liter of water, brought to a boil. Then the quince is poured with syrup, placed in glass jars, and then sterilized.

Quince tea has no less useful properties. The diuretic properties of the drink serve as a salvation for edema of various types, as well as for acute respiratory diseases, hypertension and cough. To prepare quince tea, quince seeds and leaves are taken in equal proportions, which are poured with boiling water, steamed or very slowly simmered for 5 minutes, infused under the lid for 5 hours, and then filtered. Drink this tea should be 3 times daily until the disappearance of edema or an attack of disease.

Quince jam for gastrointestinal diseases

The beneficial properties of the golden fruits of the false apple are excellent in jam, which is a more popular dish among housewives. It is very tasty, surprisingly fragrant and preserves the useful substances of the false apple as much as possible. Jam is especially indicated for any problems of the gastrointestinal tract. To properly cook it, you will need: 1 kg of ripe fruit, 1 liter of water, 1 kg of granulated sugar.

Washed fruits are placed in a saucepan, poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes, then transferred to a container with cold water and peeled. Peeled fruits are cut into 8 parts, the core is removed, poured with pre-prepared syrup for 4 hours. After the jam is put on fire, brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, infused for 8 hours. This procedure is repeated 3 more times, after which the finished jam is sterilized and stored.

Baked quince is a favorite and healthy treat for children and adults. When baking, the aroma of fruits intensifies, they cease to be tart, retaining all the beneficial properties. To do this, free the fruits from the core, and pour honey into the dimple, sprinkle with a little cinnamon, add any chopped nuts and let the fruit bake well for 40-60 minutes.

Fruit contraindications

Quince is contraindicated for pleurisy, constipation, inflammation of the larynx or disruption of the vocal cords, so professional singers or teachers should use this fruit with caution. But you can replace the ingestion with the external use of quince in the form of lotions or balms. Also, the use of fruit is undesirable for enterocolitis - seeds, pulp will cause intestinal blockage or spasms.
