
Pu-erh tea: what is it? Useful properties and contraindications, the effect of Chinese Pu-erh tea. Puer tea - what is it, properties, benefits and harms Puer tea medicinal properties

Everyone has heard about the legendary pu-erh tea. Its unique properties have long been legendary. In China, it has long been used by healers, saying that it is a cure for a hundred ailments. Some varieties of pu-erh are so rare and valuable that they are forbidden to be exported outside the country. Why is it so popular, does it benefit or harm with regular use?

Pu-erh tea occupies a special niche among Chinese tea varieties. It is a dark variety, but does not belong to black teas, since its production is based on the influence of external factors, and not on the enzymes of the tea leaf itself. It takes at least 12 months for the tea to reach its minimum maturity. Although the initial stages of pu-erh production resemble the process of preparing green tea leaves. Only the fermentation of pu-erh takes not several hours, but several months.

Pu-erh tea is the only tea that becomes stronger, tastier and more expensive over time. Currently, tea produced more than 100 years ago has a huge value, it can only be purchased at tea auctions. If someone, somewhere, offers you to buy 20-50 year old pu-erh at a bargain price, immediately refuse, this is a scam. Outside of China, this age is not sold.

Types of pu-erh

Those who are just starting to learn different types of tea may be faced with the choice of which puer to try first: green or black. Indeed, what is the difference between these two types of Chinese drink? Everything is very simple.

Pu-erh refers to raw tea. Raw tea undergoes minimal processing. The leaves are dried, pressed, folded into special ceramic vessels, in which they accumulate their strength, like wine. With each year of aging, shen pu-erh changes its taste and color. Time improves pu-erh, reduces harm, reduces the amount of caffeine.

This type of tea has a green tint. If it is brewed, the infusion will be translucent, light, with a pleasant sweet aftertaste and slight sourness. The taste is fully revealed in the process of drinking tea. You can feel the notes of prunes, the aroma of raisins, sweet dates. Only when brewing you need to be careful not to overexpose the drink. Otherwise, an unpleasant bitterness will appear.

Shu pu-erh is a new development of Chinese tea makers. This is an artificially aged type of pu-erh. It is prepared according to the method of accelerated fermentation, which does not spoil the taste of tea at all. In one month, it is possible to achieve an effect that has been achieved for decades. The process of deep fermentation changes the structure of the leaf, averages the taste, breaks the integrity, you can see both petioles and autumn leaves in it.

Has a black infusion. It has an unusual woody aroma, a deep taste in which you can feel chocolate and nutty notes. Theine is less in it than in other teas, it helps to lose weight, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and relieves strong arousal. It is wrong to think that shu pu-erh tastes like earth or fish. This only says that the tea was stored in improper conditions. Pu-erh is stored away from extraneous odors, temperature changes, and high humidity.

The quality of tea is practically not affected by packaging. Just small nest bowls or tablets are pressed from smaller tea crumbs. Loose pu-erh is best suited for creating blends, including flavored ones. It goes well with rice grass, cherry, lavender.

Pu-erh: what does it contain

Since ancient times, pu-erh has been considered a wonderful tool for maintaining beauty, youth and health. It tones and invigorates, despite the minimal amount of caffeine. The drink has a natural taste and aroma; no synthetic flavor enhancers are added during its production.


  • saccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids (theophylline and theine);
  • vitamins E, C, A, P;
  • manganese, zinc, fluorine, chromium, potassium;
  • phenolic compounds (anthocyanins, catechins, phenolic acids).

The total value of the drink is 152 calories. Pu-erh is produced in loose and pressed form. A variety of shapes can surprise tea gourmets: these are cakes, bricks, squares, nests, pancakes.

Useful component of pu-erh

It is believed that this drink has a unique property: to cause tea intoxication with sobriety. This is a state when the level of stress decreases, attention increases, the mind clears up, cheerfulness remains for a long time. Tea owes this effect to three of its components:

  • L-theanine;
  • theinu;
  • theophylline.

What are these substances? Theine is the same caffeine, only its harmful effects are softened by tannins. May stimulate brain function when combined with L-theanine. Neurotransmitters in tea improve mood, bring peace, relieve irritation. Theophylline has a mild effect on the central nervous system, respiratory tract. The concentration of oxygen increases, a feeling of lightness appears.

Since the whole process is gradual and smooth, a sharp increase in heart rate and pressure surge can be avoided. Tea alkaloids provide invaluable benefits in case of poisoning. Tannins and catechins normalize metabolism. Antioxidants strengthen blood vessels, reducing the risk of strokes, thrombosis, and heart attacks. Pectin blocks dangerous proteins well, polysaccharides reduce sugar levels.

Pu-erh properties

Chinese folk medicine has long used pu-erh as an effective cure for many diseases. Scientists from France after the research confirmed the fact that tea has useful properties, pu-erh is useful for lowering cholesterol levels, cleansing the body, and preventing diseases. Useful properties of pu-erh:

  1. Activates the liver.
  2. Normalizes the acidity of the stomach.
  3. Stimulates the digestion process
  4. Energizes and invigorates.
  5. Accelerates metabolism and metabolism.
  6. Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  7. Promotes weight loss.
  8. Cleanses the body of deposits of heavy metals.
  9. Blocks the growth of diseases.
  10. Helps manage low blood pressure.

This is the only type of tea allowed for consumption by people with stomach diseases without any consequences.

Who should not drink pu-erh

You can talk about the benefits of pu-erh for hours, but do not forget that they are also available. Harmful consequences can occur with improper use of tea, improper preparation. For example, severe heartburn and pain can occur when drinking a drink on an empty stomach.

Pu-erh requires caution in taking, because:

  • has a strong diuretic property;
  • may cause insomnia if taken before bed;
  • a strong drink can cause clouding of consciousness (tea intoxication);
  • overexposed tea can lead to vomiting, intestinal upset;
  • with glaucoma, urolithiasis, it is better not to drink pu-erh;
  • children under 12 years old, pregnant ladies need to exclude the drink from their diet.

If there are no contraindications, it is still not worth abusing tea, otherwise the state of health will worsen, the heartbeat will become more frequent. At high temperatures, drinking such tea is also not worth it.

Rules for making pu-erh

Compliance with the rules for preparing this amazing drink is necessary so that the properties of tea are preserved in it as much as possible. Only properly prepared pu-erh will reveal to you all the subtleties of its taste. You need to properly sustain the time in order to feel for yourself how useful it is.

  • To prepare a drink, they take a porcelain or clay small teapot, which is heated before use.
  • You will need drinking water purified from impurities, it must be boiled, and then wait until it cools down to 95 ° C. This is the optimal temperature for making pu-erh.
  • Pu-erh (1-2 teaspoons/150 ml of water) is placed in a teapot, poured with hot water. The first water must be drained, it is needed to clean the tea from tea dust, to help it open up.
  • Refill the tea with water. It is necessary to wait from 3 to 10 seconds. Since pu-erh can be brewed multiple times, the infusion time increases by 10 seconds with each brew.

The process of brewing loose tea and pressed tea is no different. If it is necessary to cut tea from a pressed cake, a special knife is inserted from the side, the leaves are carefully peeled off without damaging. Compressed tablets are best broken by hand rather than cut.

Drink pu-erh in small sips from small bowls. Sugar and honey are not served with this type of tea. During tea drinking, you need to relax, not being distracted by unpleasant thoughts, then tea will bring maximum benefit.

Pu-erh is a kind of real original tea. It has a large number of interesting and pleasant taste qualities. In addition, this drink has many benefits. Thanks to him, a person feels cheerful and gets rid of stress. This article will talk about pu-erh tea, effect, customer reviews. Here you can find a lot of interesting information about this product.

Pu-erh tea: useful properties

Due to the fact that the drink has a delicate resinous taste, it is called smoked. It has many useful properties. This drink is considered one of the most expensive in its price category.

Currently, Chinese Pu-erh tea can be bought in any supermarket. It is sold both in loose and pressed form and in tablets. One of the advantages of this product is that it does not have any special storage requirements.

Pu-erh tea's beneficial properties are considered unique. The drink has a tonic effect and invigorates better than coffee. In pu-erh tea, the benefits and harms are not combined in equal proportions. The second category will be discussed in more detail in the next section.

It is also used for weight loss. The drink perfectly helps to improve memory and better concentrate. It is also used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

Regular consumption of Chinese Pu-erh tea will allow you to forget about health problems.

The drink improves performance. Therefore, if you have a responsible exam or report, do not forget to drink a cup of tea before this.

One of the advantages of this product is that it helps to remove toxins from the body, and also burns fat. The process of losing weight is lightning fast. At the same time, the effect of it remains for a long amount of time.

It is also advised to use this type of tea for those who have problems with high blood pressure and liver. It cleanses the body of accumulated debris.

An interesting fact is that it helps to bring a person out of alcohol intoxication. It is also considered useful for diabetics, since regular consumption of this drink can lower blood sugar levels.

What harm can be from a drink?

Pu-erh tea has contraindications. You should also know them. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to human health.

The drink should not be consumed by women in position, because it contains a substance such as theophylline. The last component contributes to an increase in body temperature, which, of course, is undesirable for pregnant women.

One of the disadvantages of this product is that it helps to actively produce gastric juice. Thus, it should not be drunk by people with gastritis and ulcers.

Also, it should not be given to a child. Since it is not entirely known how the child's body can react to the components of the drink.

What Puerh tea will bring - benefit, harm - to a person depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each.

How to brew a drink in tablets?

This product is sold in three versions. It can be bought in the form of tablets, in pressed and loose form.

Each of the people who purchases it is probably wondering how to properly brew pu-erh tea. The correct preparation of the drink will allow you to save all its beneficial properties in it.

Pu-erh tea in tablets is one of the most common types of product in supermarkets. A properly brewed drink should be thick enough with a hint of caramel.

To begin with, the tablet is kneaded and poured with boiling water into the teapot. Then this water should be drained. This process will ensure the cleansing of the tea petals from the dirt that has accumulated in them.

After that, hot boiled water is already poured. The drink must be infused for about four minutes. Then you can already use it. You can drink this tea all day long. If it is over, you can add more boiling water to the teapot. In this case, the taste of the drink will not change in any way.

How to prepare pressed tea?

This product is sold in the form of tiles. It may have patterns or symbols on it. Also, when brewing tea in tablets from the pressed one, it is necessary to break off a piece and add it to the cup. Pour boiling water over it, rinse and drain. Then again pour water at 95 degrees and already enjoy the drink.

There is also another way to brew tea. To do this, you do not need to rinse anything. You just need to pour pressed tea with boiling water and let it brew for two minutes.

Unlike the considered type of product, the time of infusion of this must be increased each time.

How to brew a loose type of product?

This tea is very similar to regular tea. And unlike the previous species, it does not scare away buyers with its unusualness.

So how to brew pu-erh tea in this case? To do this, you need a glass teapot. It is necessary to put a couple of teaspoons of tea there. Then pour a small amount of hot boiled water into the container. Shaking the teapot, the liquid will need to be poured out. All this is done to ensure that the tea is cleansed and moistened.

After that, boiling water is poured into the container. The drink should be infused for three minutes. If you want to get a stronger drink, then the amount of time for this process should increase. Tea is drunk without sugar and other additives.

At what temperature should the product be brewed?

Puer is an unusual drink. You should follow the rules of its correct preparation, and only in this case you will be able to appreciate not only the useful properties of this product, but also the taste.

This tea can be brewed several times in a row. Every time it is brewed, it tastes almost the same. But there is an opinion that the effect of pu-erh tea, according to customer reviews, is achieved with its sixth infusion.

Also, as you have noticed, according to the rules, the first tea leaves must be drained. In addition, you need to prepare tea at the right temperature. So, boiling water at 91-96 degrees is considered the best. It is the most optimal. At this temperature, tea should be infused for about three to four minutes.

How long does it take to brew a drink?

Pu-erh tea is considered one of those products that takes very little time to reveal all its taste qualities. It all depends on the type of product. So, it is believed that in order for Puer tea to brew, it will take from 25 seconds to 4 minutes. As mentioned, each variety requires different cooking methods.

Usually, due to the fact that tea leaves are stored for a long amount of time, they tend to accumulate dirt and dust. For this reason, the first time tea is washed with boiling water. This process also allows the moistened leaf to impart colors and many flavors.

How many times can this product be brewed?

Due to its unusual way of maturation, tea can produce different flavor profiles with each infusion. The higher the price and quality of the product, the more times it can be brewed.

If when brewing ordinary tea again, for example, for the fifth time, we get clear water, then when preparing pu-erh it will not look like that at all. So, the last type of product can be cooked again from five to twenty-one times. But it should be remembered that with each infusion, the brewing time must be increased.

Pu-erh tea: effect, customer reviews

Having studied the opinions of people who have ever bought this product, we can say that they are ambiguous.

So, some say that they did not like him right away. But when they tasted it for the third time, they liked the tea. In many ways, its tonic property is noted.

Other buyers do not note any positive effects from the product. But they also do not see the negative side in it.

Still others say that Pu-erh tea is more interesting to drink hot. But regular consumption of this drink is boring for them. However, buyers do not deny that it can be drunk not every day, but as an original variety.

Summing up the above, we can say that, according to reviews, the effect of pu-erh tea is varied. But still, he is. And many people notice it. Remember that there are contraindications for the use of this drink. Therefore, if you have health problems, consult your doctor.

Among the true connoisseurs of tea, pu-erh is the most popular. In addition to the exquisite taste, this drink, when used correctly, can have a positive effect on the body. Knowing the beneficial properties of pu-erh tea for men, you can restore or increase male strength, as well as improve the condition of the body as a whole.

What is Puer?

The birthplace of pu-erh tea is the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, it is here that the most high-quality and healthy product is grown. However, increased demand led to the development of such production in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Burma. After collecting suitable leaves (a conscientious manufacturer always makes sure that the leaves of old, centennial plants are included in the composition), they go through many complex stages - drying, twisting, fermenting, drying and pressing. All these processes differ in duration - it can take up to ten years to prepare good and truly healing raw materials.

You need to know! Pu-erh aged 25-30 years is considered the best. Such tea is quite difficult to get, since it is not sold in markets and shops. Therefore, when purchasing this product (especially in bags) in a supermarket, you should not expect a miracle from it in the form of healing all ailments.

Real Chinese pu-erh has a unique composition, which includes:

  • vitamins, among which a special place is occupied by B 2 and PP;
  • minerals;
  • tannin;
  • amino acids;
  • saccharides;
  • monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats;
  • fruit acids;
  • theabrovins, thearubigins, theaflavins;
  • specific tea polyphenols.

Combining with each other, complementing the healing qualities of each other, these components form a substance that in ancient China was called "a drink from a hundred diseases."

Useful properties of pu-erh tea

Regular consumption of the drink contributes to:

  • strengthening of brain activity;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • increase in physical endurance;
  • normalization of digestion processes;
  • cleansing of toxins and toxins;
  • removal of sugar and "bad" cholesterol from the body;
  • acceleration of metabolism, which is necessary for those who want to lose weight;
  • removing excess fluid, reducing swelling.

Important! British scientists in the course of research found that pectin, which is part of this tea, can prevent the development of cancer.

Effect on the male body

The benefits of pu-erh for men are due to its complex effect on the male body:

  • helps to relieve stress, emotional overload, relieves chronic fatigue, which is important, because the unstable state of the nervous system most often provokes male sexual failure;
  • improves blood circulation, increases vascular tone, which leads to increased erectile function;
  • prevents the development of prostatitis, prostate adenoma and other inflammatory and neoplastic pathologies of the male reproductive system.


Attention! In chronic ailments with long periods of remission, 200 ml of the drink per day is allowed. It is strictly forbidden to drink it on an empty stomach.

Puer tea is not always useful for men - it can be harmful if there are contraindications to its use:

  • various disorders of blood pressure (hyper- or hypotension), as well as arrhythmia. Pu-erh has a strong effect on the cardiovascular system, even a slight violation of the permissible dosage can aggravate existing problems;
  • atherosclerosis (pu-erh increases the extremely undesirable load on capillaries and blood vessels in such a disease);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system or kidneys;
  • SARS, influenza and other infections accompanied by fever. Pu-erh contributes to an increase in body temperature and reduces the effectiveness of antipyretic drugs;
  • glaucoma;
  • individual intolerance to this type of tea.

Note! Excessive consumption of pu-erh or its incorrect brewing can cause the so-called "tea intoxication", which is accompanied by indigestion, vomiting, and heart rhythm disturbance.

Features of use

In order for Pu-erh tea to bring true pleasure, without harming it, you need to listen to the following recommendations:

  1. When choosing tea, special attention should be paid to its smell. In a quality product, it is quite strong, with characteristic notes of black soil and smoked dried fruits.
  2. Brewing tea lasts from a few seconds to a minute. A longer brewing process will add bitterness to the drink. In addition, after an hour, the beneficial properties of pu-erh will decrease many times over, and bacteria will begin active reproduction, which will turn a useful product into a toxic one.
  3. For brewing, it is necessary to use high-quality water and only glass or porcelain utensils.
  4. You should not add sugar to pu-erh or drink sweets and pastries with it - this will interrupt the noble taste of tea, and also contribute to the destruction of some of the useful components of tea.
  5. The daily norm of pu-erh is 1-2 cups. It is advisable to drink them before noon. If you take a drink before bedtime, then most likely it will lead to insomnia.

Be carefull! Various aromatic additives such as lotus, jasmine, rose and others are added to low-grade varieties, thereby trying to hide the lack of natural aroma or cover the smell of mold. Real pu-erh does not accept any additions.

Pu-erh tea can be called truly miraculous, because it not only invigorates and energizes, but also helps to correct some unpleasant features of the state of health. The main thing is to remember the existing contraindications and observe moderation when drinking the drink.

Pu-erh tea is equated by many tea experts with such elite drinks as whiskey or brandy. Over the years, the taste characteristics of the drink are revealed better and better, and the beneficial qualities also increase.

Aging and processing make this drink unique. A wide variety of varieties will satisfy even picky gourmets. But you need to understand in more detail what is the use of this tea, who can and who cannot use it.

How to choose a good quality drink

Black tea, which you are used to in everyday life, is considered red in China, but real black tea, which involves special manufacturing and brewing technologies, is called pu-erh.

This name comes from the place where the leaves were found, which are still actively brewed all over the world.

The difference in the method of preparation is that pu-erh leaves, after careful processing, become completely fermented. First, they are collected from the bushes, after the raw materials are laid out in heaps, from time to time irrigated with water.

The leaves dry out a little, then they are laid out in thin even layers, left for a couple of months to ferment naturally. It is possible to harvest tea and artificially, however, the properties and flavor are somewhat lost from this.

It takes about 7-8 years to prepare raw materials in a natural way.. During this time, the taste, smell, composition completely change. This tea has a dark color, called "shen".

Artificial drying, of course, involves less time- in a year, a drink called "shu" will be ready. Its shade will be an order of magnitude lighter than the previous version.

Of course, a ten-year-old drink will be more beneficial for the body.. But artificially prepared pu-erh also has benefits. This drink has more than 120 types, each is useful in its own way. They have different taste, color, aroma. A popular species, for the production of which combine old and young leaves.

To choose good quality pu-erh tea, firstly, you need to at least study a little the technology of its production, the names of the leading manufacturers. Expensive product does not mean quality.

Also inspect the packaging, study the storage conditions. The product must be stored in a cool, dry place with sufficient air circulation.

The packaging must be original, allowing the product to "breathe". It is better not to buy tea in sealed bags - mold can develop there.

Well, if you have the opportunity to feel the aroma. It will depend on the age of the tea - the older it is, the more woody notes in the smell. Foreign, unpleasant odors are not allowed. Due to the ability of tea to absorb the odors of a storage location, proper conditions are important.

look at the color. With a long exposure time, the briquettes will be reddish, with a short exposure time - greenish. There is no pure black pu-erh. Extraneous colors are not allowed in the briquette - white, yellow. Inclusions of other colors indicate that the product has begun to deteriorate.

If you were not previously familiar with this drink, then it is better to start with fermented varieties - they are more familiar. “Raw” pu-erh is more exotic, it is recommended to switch to it a little later.

On the pages of our site you will also learn everything about how to brew a drink correctly.

Composition and calories

Real black pu-erh consists only of tea leaves, without flavorings and impurities.

Its chemical composition includes the elements:

100 g of the product contains 151.8 kcal. To prepare one cup, a teaspoon of raw materials is usually enough - about 2 g, which accounts for only 3 kcal.

What is good for health

This drink has been popular in China for a long time., and this is also due to its beneficial properties.

The main ones among them are:

For children

Pu-erh is contraindicated for small children. Their body is too weak to normally perceive a product with such strong properties.

For the elderly

Older people who do not have heart and blood pressure problems can drink the drink within reason. It prolongs youth reduces the risk of a number of age-related diseases.

Potential Hazard

Product may be harmful if consumed on an empty stomach.

The reason is the presence of enzymes in the composition that activate the gastrointestinal tract. This eating habit can lead to heartburn and stomach pain.

Much depends on the correct preparation of tea. and the amount of use. Do not drink more than three cups a day. Do not use it before bedtime, as this can provoke insomnia, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Severe harm is also possible if the raw materials were collected in places with poor ecology.. And this is another reason to carefully choose the product. Pu-erh cannot be drunk strongly brewed, and the strength of the tea leaves is not proportional to the usefulness of the drink.

There are a number of contraindications under which you can not drink tea. The first is individual intolerance.


  • Hold your drink at a high temperature, since he can lift it even more.
  • It is not recommended to drink tea during pregnancy. During lactation, a maximum of one cup is allowed.
  • Pu-erh is contraindicated for small children.
  • It is important not to get carried away with the product for hypertensive patients, as it tends to increase pressure.
  • Caution is needed when, because the drink has a diuretic effect, which can lead to pain, movement of stones.

Also, keep in mind that improperly brewed tea can provoke tea intoxication, manifested by vomiting and a strong heartbeat.

You will learn more about the beneficial properties and contraindications for drinking black pu-erh tea from the following video clip:

You can drink no more than three cups of tea per day. It is recommended to use it in the first half of the day, so as not to provoke sleep disturbances.

It is important to prepare tea properly. In general, there are many ways to prepare pu-erh, each of them gives him the opportunity to open up in his own way.

This is the only type of tea that can be boiled.. Sugar, milk and even salt are added to the drink.

Some peoples have special cooking recipes using animal oil and fat, adding cereals. Regardless of the brewing method, there are general rules:

  • Before filling the tea leaves, you need to heat the container on fire or water. The water temperature should be hot, but not boiling.
  • Pressed leaves should not be broken off, but their upper layers should be separated with a knife.
  • One cup needs about 7 grams of dry raw materials. It is applied from three times without rinsing.
  • Tea is poured over with boiling water for 30 seconds and the liquid is drained. This allows you to wash off the dust, let the leaves open.
  • The infusion is poured into a separate teapot, and after that it is poured into containers without dilution with water.
  • Drink the drink fresh. After two hours, it acquires an unpleasant taste, acts too sharply on the heart and gastrointestinal tract.

Application for weight loss

Tea is popular among those who lose weight. The reason for this is its ability to speed up metabolism, cleanse the body, and regulate appetite. It is recommended to drink a cup 15 minutes before a meal - this way you will eat less, and what you eat will be better digested.

Pu-erh will help overcome bad mood and loss of strength, characteristic of losing weight. But, of course, you should not get carried away with them, and even more so to replace breakfast or lunch with them.

Use in traditional medicine

Infusion tones, improves concentration, so people who work mentally can drink it.

In the next review, we will tell you the secrets of making a delicious and healing drink.

What are the benefits of black tea with milk? Read about the features of drinking a drink popular all over the world.

And from the following article you will learn about the benefits of milk with turmeric, about how this drink is used in traditional medicine recipes:.

Influence in cosmetology

The anti-aging properties of tea are also widely appreciated, therefore, it is added to face masks, combining with ingredients such as kefir, olive oil, honey, starch.

Good product for hair and nails. To improve the condition of the curls, you can make masks by mixing tea infusion with honey and egg yolk.

Pu-erh tea is a unique drink with a rich history. If you use it wisely and moderately, you can feel all its benefits, which have long been valued in its homeland.

In contact with

Tea with the poetic name Puer is now one of the most popular in the world. It has been cultivated for 3 thousand years. Yes, yes, in the Chinese province of Yunnan, a camellia was found, the age of which is exactly that. Her leaves are now being sold at auction. And in the Hong Kong Museum you can admire this tea with a respectable age of 300 years. It is from the holdings of the last emperor of China. And it is simply a unique specimen. Because the exposure for this type of tea means a lot. It makes it truly unsurpassed in its healing properties.

The value of the Chinese legend

Why is he so valued? Because age for Puer is the best thing that can happen to him. It is over the years that he acquires more and more healing power, and the taste and aroma become the sweet dream of a tea gourmet.

Since the middle of the 17th century, the technology of cultivation and production has remained unchanged. Real elite Chinese Pu-erh tea is harvested by hand and crushed in the same way, which only adds to it even more value.

To obtain true Pu-erh, it is necessary that at least three years of storage under certain conditions pass. And for a very long time, leaves collected from the most ancient trees acquire a price of up to 100 thousand dollars per 350 grams. In China, there was even a tradition after the birth of a daughter to fold young Pu-erh for storage. And when she turned 20, he became her dowry, and quite respectable.

There is one interesting fact: if a tree is planted in another place, the Pu-erh tea obtained from it quickly deteriorates from long-term storage. Perhaps the answer lies in the soil of Yunnan province?


Production takes place in several stages.

  • Collection of leaves. Here special, large and dense, leaves of the most ancient and tall trees are needed.
  • Drying. Moisture is removed from raw materials. This stage is called "killing the green".
  • Twisting or wrinkling. Giving the leaves the desired shape. Produced by machines, but in some places still done by hand.
  • Drying under the sun. Raw materials are laid out in a thin layer for greater process efficiency. This stage can also be carried out with the help of fire, but there will be a completely different quality.
  • Languor. Raw materials are piled up and wetted with water. So Puer tea is saturated with moisture. All heaps are given the same shape, and, then, the fermentation process begins.
  • Drying + cooling. After fermentation, the leaves are again dried in the sun. Dried, they are sieved.
  • Pressing. Steam pressed. After softening, it is given the shape that is needed. Then it goes into storage. Conditions are strict, certain humidity and temperature must be observed. True real Pu-erh is obtained after at least three years of such storage.

Two types are produced: Shen Puer - light and Shu Puer - dark. The production of Shen after the 4th stage goes its own way, it ages naturally, Shu - artificially. Color, taste and aroma are completely different. But they are both equally useful. What is Puer useful for? Let's consider further.

Useful properties of Pu-erh

For the first time in writing, Puer is mentioned in the 17th century. In the area where it was grown, the population has always been distinguished by excellent health and longevity. For more than one hundred years, it has been considered an amazing drink of eternal youth and beauty.

Pu-erh tea contains at least 700 elements that are beneficial to humans. Only 500 of them have been studied, and the rest have not been solved.

Microorganisms that are in the leaves are contained in natural yogurt, but in much smaller quantities.

Healing abilities of the plant and infusion:

  • It helps to focus when needed. That is, it increases concentration.
  • Tones, eliminating lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue. Fills with incomparable energy.
  • Clarify the mind and mind.
  • Improves eyesight.
  • Satisfies thirst.
  • Neutralizes the action of any toxic substances. It can even remove radioactive elements.
  • Reduces fever. It easily copes with colds and strengthens the immune system.
  • It sobers up with severe intoxication and cures alcoholism.
  • Accelerates and improves digestion. It has a very mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Takes care of the airways and cleans them.
  • Helps to lose weight.
  • Normalizes bowel function. Relieves constipation.
  • Regulates the fluid balance in the body.
  • Cures diarrhea.
  • Normalizes the cleaning function.
  • Has mucolytic properties.
  • Protects the heart.
  • Strengthens teeth and gums. Heals the mouth.
  • Blocks the feeling of hunger.
  • Stops the aging process. Rejuvenates the skin.
  • Heals hereditary diseases.
  • Increases Qi energy (the natural force of the Universe).

Not mentioned here are the following properties of Pu-erh tea: reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, help in anti-cancer therapy (especially in the initial stages), reduce sugar, cleanse the liver, and eliminate bad cholesterol. It is also allowed for peptic ulcers due to its mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Another benefit of Puer is that it thins the blood, and this is of great importance for those who suffer from thrombophlebitis. And, in general, he takes good care of the blood vessels. If you take 2 or 3 cups of weak infusion per day, you can forget about atherosclerosis and other potential health threats associated with arteries, veins and capillaries. It can be attributed practically to medicines, which it was for a long time in China.

For women, Puer tea is indispensable in terms of weight loss. It is even called the "drink of harmony." With the ability to burn fat and remove toxins, as well as a diuretic effect, it quickly brings the figure into shape. Regular use allows you to lose a few centimeters at the waist. The calorie content of the drink is 2 kcal. There is evidence that regular use of the infusion for a month led to a weight loss of 7 kilograms.

But Chinese Pu-erh tea also has contraindications.

Puer tea: contraindications for use

Avoid or limit the use of:

  • with sensitivity to caffeine;
  • for any serious illness.

Strong Puer tea is contraindicated in the following ailments and conditions:

  • nervous excitability;
  • psychasthenia;
  • insomnia;
  • kidney disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • glaucoma.

Since Pu-erh has a strong tonic effect, it should not be used by children under 10 years old, because their body is very susceptible to such influences.

Today, instead of putting money in the bank, it is customary in China to buy Pu-erh. Perhaps this tea is indeed a worthy contribution!
