
What is the best puer? How to choose a quality Pu-erh.

Pu-erh tea is known as one of the oldest and elite varieties Chinese tea, much is said about its taste and healing properties. However, connoisseurs of tea ceremonies, and simple lovers tonic drink is recommended to learn about pu-erh tea more before replacing their usual drinks. The benefits and harms of pu-erh largely depend on the quality of the product, the brewing technique and the number of cups drunk. If you follow simple tips, pu-erh will be exquisite delicious tea and exceptionally healthy drink.

By the way, the birthplace of pu-erh is the Chinese province of Yunnan, and the specific properties of tea are prioritized due to the variety and production technique. Pu-erh refers to post-fermented teas, that is, subjected to natural or artificial aging with the help of a special fungus from the genus Aspergillus.

Puer tea - production features

Pu-erh is unique in its kind for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is produced exclusively from the elements of large-leaved tea tree Yunnan province. The older and more massive the plant, the higher the quality of the leaves collected from it. Well-known Chinese tea are made exclusively from large, juicy and fleshy leaves.

Secondly, it takes a lot of time for the harvested leaves to reach the desired condition. First they are pressed, turning into washers. They oxidize natural way, and this stage may take several years. In this way, an elite pu-erh, unique in its properties, is created, which can be very expensive.

Nowadays, a variant has been invented that allows you to produce tea composition much faster. To do this, the leaves are collected in piles and watered. This triggers the reproduction of special microorganisms, which by their vital activity increase the temperature in the bale and stimulate the production of juice. Such a fermentation process is controlled by specialists who dry the blanks and, if necessary, moisten them again, preventing the mass from rotting.

The last step is the same anyway. The oxidized raw material is pressed, it is given a special shape, by which you can recognize the manufacturer or product grade. One puck by weight can reach several kilograms. But today, miniature balls designed for one brewing are the most popular.

Types and varieties of pu-erh

Acquaintance with pu-erh should begin with the study of its classification. Initially, the product is divided into three types:

  • Obtained in the classical way. This large leaves greenish brown. The tea prepared from them turns out golden-red. The drink smells faintly of smoke, apples and dried fruits.

  • It turns out accelerated way. The leaves are small, brown-black or with a golden hue. The smell is sharp, earthy, slightly bitter. Ready infusion can acquire from red and brown to black.

Interesting fact
In ancient times, the birth of a girl in a wealthy Chinese family was accompanied by the creation of tea preparations. They reached the desired state by the time when it was time for her to get married. Pu-erh was considered a sign of wealth and was part of the dowry.

  • Look like green variety tea, but the leaves are covered with a white coating. The drink has a specific smell of meadow herbs and honey.

Further, pu-erh is divided into subspecies according to the type of raw materials (type and size of leaves), fermentation stages. The main thing here is to know that tea aged for 20 years is considered the best. It has a dark green color and cannot be cheap.

Types of pressed pu-erh

lovers unique tea understand that beneficial features Pu-erh does not depend on the province in which it is produced. Despite this, they try to use the same type of product, because each of them allows you to get a drink that is unique in taste and aroma.

  1. Bin cha (flatbread or puck). For their production, raw materials from the largest and oldest trees are used. The weight of the cakes is acceptable in the range from 100 g to 5 kg.
  2. Tocha (nest or bowl). In this case, the portion size should not exceed 3 kg, provided that minimum weight can be anything.
  3. Juan cha (parallelepiped or brick). The simplest type of product to which no special requirements are imposed.
  4. Fan cha (cube). Its weight rarely exceeds several hundred grams. On the surface of one of the faces there should be an imprint of a hieroglyph.
  5. Jin cha (mushroom). Pu-erh from Tibet. Quite rare and very high quality tea.
  6. Jing gua (gourd). There should be longitudinal grooves on the surface. Initially, the variety was used only by representatives of Chinese royal families.

Any deviation from the above rules should alert. If the shape of the product does not correspond to the declared one or there is a strong discrepancy in weight, most likely the pu-erh is not real or the technology was violated during its production.

The benefits of Chinese tea, its medicinal properties

Pu-erh must be properly brewed. If you master all the secrets of making a drink, you can count not only on gastronomic pleasure, but also on therapeutic effect:

  • Development of attention, improvement of memory. Positive changes in this area are noted not only with regular use drink, but also after the first sample. Pu-erh relieves fatigue, helps to concentrate, after which a person absorbs information better.
  • Weight normalization. This point is especially important for women. There is no point in exhausting yourself with aggressive diets if you can just drink delicious tea. It will reduce appetite, speed up metabolic processes, stimulate digestion and more actively remove fluid from the body.
  • Removal of inflammation. Tea leaves are coated with essential oils and polyphenols. Together with tannins, they eliminate harmful effect microorganisms that cause inflammation. Additionally, the work of the adrenal glands is stimulated, which minimizes inflammatory processes.

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system. A unique drink reduces the negativity that occurs against the background of eating fatty foods. Due to this, there is no feeling of heaviness, but harmful components quickly removed from the tissues. Tannins reduce the acidity of the stomach, so pu-erh is very useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Fight cholesterol, remove toxins. Against the background of such an impact, the liver, heart and blood vessels begin to work better, the risk of developing atherosclerosis decreases.
  • Reducing the toxicity of tobacco or alcohol. But this property is more important for men. Of course, a complete tea mixture does not neutralize negative impact alcohol or, but it will decrease several times.
  • Decreased blood sugar levels. Pu-erh is useful for diabetics, of course, if you drink tea correctly, without adding sugar and various sweeteners.

Pu-erh is not just considered an elixir of youth and health. The centuries-old use of the drink as a tonic and medicinal product has proven its effectiveness more than once.

How to brew pu-erh?

Benefit and harm pu-erh tea studied by ancient doctors and proven by modern scientists. And everyone agrees on one thing - you can count on a therapeutic effect only when correct brewing and drinking.

Tea ceremony at home:

  1. To brew a drink correctly, you need to use earthenware or a special thermos. Moreover, water must not be boiled separately, but in this container. It should be brought to a boil three times, each time draining a third of the liquid, cooling slightly and returning back.
  2. After the third boil, you need to quickly stir the water with a spatula or tongs so that a funnel appears - tea is poured into it.
  3. When the tea begins to boil again, the dishes must be removed from the heat. It is important not to let the tea boil, its temperature should not exceed 98º C.
  4. It remains to wait until the tea leaves sink to the bottom, and the tea can be poured.

In addition to water, pu-erh can be brewed with milk. In general, there are many options for preparing a drink. Each manufacturer offers its own perfect way.

Potential harm of pu-erh

Useful and flavored drink practically has no contraindications and does not cause harmful effects. It is only not recommended for people with caffeine intolerance and children under six years of age. In case of kidney disease, pu-erh is drunk with caution: the diuretic properties of the liquid can increase the load on the diseased organ, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition.

It is important to remember that pu-erh is not drunk on an empty stomach and before going to bed. Do not drink a cold drink. No need to be afraid to stir the tea leaves - this makes tea only tastier, richer and healthier.

Particular attention should be paid to the proper storage of the tea mixture. Do not expose it to moisture, grease, dust, foreign odors. It is necessary to ensure that the packaging is always hermetically sealed, do not allow contact with sun rays on tea leaves. If a white coating appears on green or black pu-erh, this is a sign of damage to the product, it can no longer be restored. Compressed briquettes are best kept in wooden boxes with tight-fitting lid.

Puer tea is ancient, but at the same time modern drink which gained popularity in all countries. It is brought from China almost everywhere where there are its admirers. The Chinese drink is uniquely soft, but very rich taste with many useful features.

But in order to experience the intricacies of the taste of this incredible product, tea lovers need to know how to choose the right real pu-erh, how to brew it without losing its characteristic taste and draw all its benefits.

Origin of pu-erh tea

The Chinese consider this drink national pride and valued so much that it was forbidden to export individual varieties abroad. Green tea leaves are harvested from old tall trees. Its origin is Yunnan province, from where Chinese tea was brought to other settlements for sale in local markets.

The first Pu-erh tea was obtained during the long transportation of tea by Chinese merchants. The raw material was pressed into bricks, which significantly affected its taste and aroma, and in a good way.

The preparation of raw materials for sale takes place in several stages: the collection of leaves, drying, twisting to extract the maximum juice, fermentation under the influence high temperatures, drying and packing.

A distinctive feature of this tea is a characteristic "earthy" flavor. After brewing, the drink acquires a rich dark brown color. Brewed chinese drink Very hot water(maximum - 95 degrees).

Those who have never tried this expensive drink should be prepared for a taste shock. Before brewing dry raw materials, it must be soaked in cold water, and remove from pressed briquettes with a knife upper layer. The first tea leaves will have to be drained, and the second can be enjoyed.

Raw pu-erh tea is different in that you can independently control the degree of fermentation, and, accordingly, the taste of tea. This process requires a considerable amount of time: after 2-3 years of storage, the bitterness and roughness of a fresh leaf begins to leave the tea.

According to connoisseurs, tea becomes unique after 10-20 years (if stored properly).

What kind of puer is there?

There are the following types of pu-erh: Shen and Shu. They are distinguished externally by color, when used - by taste, smell of the variety. The drink is endowed unique properties: not only will it not deteriorate when long-term storage, but age will give it nobility and brightness of taste.

Sheng tea is a product of long fermentation. It is obtained from the process of fermentation, or the fermentation of bacteria on the surface of the tea leaf for several years.

Shu tea is a tea of ​​accelerated fermentation, which reduces the time of its ripening. Green tea is stored with the addition of water and covered with a cloth. The fermentation process is very fast, and Shu is created from 120 days, and a maximum of up to a year.

Exquisite gourmets can choose varieties of tea according to their preferences:

  • white pu-erh;
  • black;
  • green or red;
  • pu-erh with milk;
  • cherry pu-erh;

How to choose?

Tea connoisseurs need to know a few rules:

  1. When buying, settle for 2-3 summer drink, so you are more likely to buy an expensive one, but quality product received naturally, at a fair price. On sale you will hardly find varieties of tea whose age is 20-30 years.
  2. Tea should be chosen by smell. IN this case this is a pronounced aroma of black soil and smoked dried fruits, fragrance-free mildew.
  3. If the tea is pressed, then the tiles should be dense, with no visible gaps.

Which puer is better choose? Try it without various additives. exotic flowers lotus, lily, ginseng are commonly used to flavor tea and give it a pleasant aroma.

It is more correct to immediately taste the tea, and only then buy it. The infusion of the leaves should have a rich red or brown color, with pleasant taste and velvety aroma.

When choosing loose tea consider the nuance: its aroma is slightly weaker than that of the pressed one. So it should be, this does not mean that the drink is of poor quality.

Pu-erh release forms

Exists loose pu-erh and pressed. The latter is usually produced in the form of pancakes or a disk. Or bricks, bowls, nests, with embossed hieroglyphs, as well as in the form of tablets.

Tea, packaged in tablets, can be safely considered a very successful form of its packaging. The convenience of its storage and brewing speaks for itself. Usually these are 10-gram round or square tablets with a longitudinal notch that allows you to divide the portion in half.

It brews faster than pancakes, discs. This is due to the smaller fraction of the tea leaf. Saturated, but young infusion with a sweetish aftertaste is easy, confident, pleasant to drink.

Loose pu-erh is not inferior to pressed pu-erh palatability and the benefits they bring. It also continues to "roam" when stored.

Why is pu-erh considered elite?

Good tea is comparable to expensive cognac, because it acquires its value thanks to many years of exposure. Elite pu-erh is a black tea with a rich, noble taste.

The most pleasant moment in its use is the aftertaste. Sweetish taste with nutty notes makes you fall in love with this drink forever. Real expensive tea is made in China, which is a guarantee that there is no fake.

A little about green pu-erh

This type of tea is a powerful energy drink with a wonderful juicy taste, invigorating and invigorating. His age only improves the taste and medicinal properties. When storing this variety, fermentation does not stop, which helps to reduce the amount of caffeine and tannin in its composition. Green pu-erh is obtained as a result of short exposure, sometimes it is called "raw".

Its antioxidant properties have a beneficial effect on human health, the body is filled with energy, and the brain clears up. This recipe gives a multifaceted taste, and green tea does not contain bitterness, - only pleasant soft shades.

The value of black pu-erh

Pu-erh black tea Chinese tradition, is the product obtained as a result of post-fermentation. There is also accelerated version obtained artificially. There is an obvious plus in this: there is no need to wait until the tea acquires all the necessary qualities. Even the young age of tea is not an obstacle to the pleasant and multifaceted taste of tea.

The infusion of black tea has a deep amber-red color, a powerful taste and a sweet aroma. This great recipe for breakfast, it promotes awakening and increases efficiency.

What is considered white pu-erh?

white pu-erh, or Ya-bao, is obtained from the buds of tea trees, which are many decades old. In terms of properties, it is no worse than black and green, but white tea is easier to prepare. White pu-erh is so named because of the light, almost white color raw material, which gives a pale infusion. White wild pu-erh is considered raw.

Its refined taste fresh aroma complemented valuable properties, because white pu-erh is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Recipe white tea effective in healing and rejuvenating the body. White pu-erh helps to normalize digestion, improve complexion.

About red tea

Tea is sometimes called red because bright color his infusion. In the process of cooking, it undergoes maximum fermentation. red pu-erh very tasty. This is not just tea, its taste is more multifaceted and velvety.

Exotic cherry pu-erh

Cherry pu-erh is an expensive tea with the addition of cherries, which has reached many years of age. Leaves behind an interesting sour aftertaste. Recipe of the exotic drink will not leave indifferent connoisseurs of quality fruit teas.

Cherry pu-erh will give not only pleasure, but also help in the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Making pu-erh with milk

Pu-erh with milk will appeal to gourmets, as this recipe opens tea from a completely different side. Pu-erh with milk surprises with its warmth; it is really warming and nutritious.

  • Boil 2 teaspoons of tea in half a liter of milk for 5 minutes;
  • Optionally, you can add oil, honey, spices;

The pleasure of tea will manifest itself to the full if it is drunk without sweeteners, not combined with a meal. Only then will tea reveal all its secrets and share its exquisite taste with those who are not afraid of something new. Try your choice and enjoy!

1. When a child was born in a family of tea growers in the Chinese province of Yunnan, that year the parents put one Pu-erh cake in storage. Thus, when a child grew up and was going to get married (or get married), then the money received from the sale of old tea should have been enough for the wedding. After all, the price of pu-erh grew every year.

And today, many Chinese, instead of investing in a bank, buy Pu-erh, the price of which grows faster every year than the interest on a bank deposit.

2. Tea, which we used to call black, is considered only red in China, because really black tea is Pu-erh.

The tea got its name from the name of Puer County, where tea was traditionally brought from all over the province to be sold at the local market. At present, Yun Nan ("Southern Cloud"), a province in southern China, is home to several hundred large and small factories and manufactories that produce tea of ​​the highest quality.

3. There are two types of Pu-erh: Shen and Shu. Both those and others grow in the same place, and the same raw materials are used for their processing. But they are completely different in taste, color and aroma. It's all about production technology

4. Color. Shen Puer is light and Shu Puer is dark. It is easy to determine which Pu-erh you are holding in your hands: just look at its color. Shen Pu-erh leaves have a greenish tint or "brown-green" color. And in Shu Puer they will be dark brown or almost black.

The same is with the infusion of brewed tea. Shen Puer gives a light, translucent infusion, Shu Puer - dark, thick, opaque.

5. The tastes of these two types of Pu-erh also differ quite a lot. Shen Puer has peculiar taste, in which there is sourness and a little sweet aftertaste, and sometimes a taste of prunes is clearly felt. If Shen Pu-erh is overexposed during brewing, then it will begin to noticeably bitter. The taste of Shu Puer is heavier, but softer. It does not sour or bitter, there is no sweetness in it at all. It has a certain "chocolate" quality.

6. Shen is a "fresh", "raw" pu-erh of long fermentation. It is considered the most ancient tea. The history of Shen Puer goes back over 700 years. The aroma of this tea contains a rich palette of smells: raisins, woods, dates, light haze... The variety of effects of this tea is truly amazing. Puer Shen is able to calm, invigorate, warm and give sweetness to the whole body.

Shu Puer is made using accelerated fermentation technology, which was developed in the 70s of the 20th century. According to this technology, the collected tea leaves are stacked in large piles, watered a small amount water and cover with a cloth. In such heaps, the leaves begin to ferment quickly. Depending on certain factors, this process lasts from 40 to 120 days. After that, the leaves are dried and sold loose or pressed into various shapes. Unlike Puerh Shen, which is rarely found in loose form (wild Shen), Puer Shu is made both pressed and loose.

7. In Russia, the puer hype has given rise to many myths. It is worth dispelling at least the most common ones.

Firstly, this tea is not buried for storage in the ground. Earthiness in aroma and taste is associated with the youthfulness of the tea; in aged tea, this “dampness” disappears.

Secondly, obsession with the age of Pu-erh. When choosing, you need to rely only on your feelings: either you like Puer or not. And it is not at all necessary that a twenty-year-old Shu Pu-erh will seem more colorful in taste and aroma than a young one.

8. How to brew pu-erh tea? Like most Chinese teas, Pu-erh can be prepared in two main ways: it can be steeped or boiled.

The easiest way:

For 150 ml of water, take a small pinch of tea. Boil the water, but don't let it boil. As soon as they appear at the top big bubbles then turn off or remove from heat. The brewing temperature is about 95 degrees, so after boiling, wait about a minute. Pour water into the container where the tea is already and immediately drain. This will remove the smell and taste of dampness. Fill the vessel with hot water again and close the lid. After 10 minutes, pour the infusion into another cup; for this it is better to use a strainer. The tea is ready, enjoy the taste and aroma of freshly brewed tea.

Strait brewing

With a knife, separate a piece 2-3 cm in size from a pu-erh tile (or take a pinch of loose). To "spice up" and purify the tea, place it in cold water while the kettle heats up. You can also pour dry pu-erh with hot water and immediately pour it out. The first brewing of Shu and Shen Pu-erh is different. Shen behaves like green tea - it is brewed very quickly, Shu Puer does not like fuss, it can be brewed longer. High-quality Pu-erh can withstand up to 15 brews.

classic brew, the old fashioned way making pressed teas

Pu-erh can not only be brewed, but also cooked. How to prepare pu-erh tea?
The most effective brewing of Pu-erh in glass teapot when you can observe the stages of water heating and the behavior of tea leaves. At the stage of "crab eyes" (small bubbles rising from the bottom), drain a cup of water from the kettle and continue heating. When boiling (this stage is called "wind noise in the pines"), pour the water back. Thus, the water is rejuvenated and prepared to receive the tea. After re-boiling the kettle is removed from the heat and quickly stirred until a funnel forms. Pu-erh pre-soaked in cold water is added to the water and infused for 10-20 minutes.

Pu-erh has a very strong smell And saturated color, so it is not recommended to brew it in a clay teapot; any other tea brewed after will be similar to Puerh. The rich color of this tea will look beautiful in glass or china. High-quality Pu-erh can be brewed many times, so it is advisable to use a small teapot (100-200 ml) and small bowls.
Get detailed instructions with photos
9. Why is pu-erh tea useful? Pu-erh has no competition in healing properties, many scientists even call it the tea of ​​harmony and beauty. Pu-erh was used in the middle of the second millennium BC medicinal purposes, and only after many centuries this tea began to be used as a drink for daily use. In China, Pu-erh tea received a very promising name - "a cure for seven diseases." It brings out the accumulated harmful substances from the body, "cleanses" the blood, liver, reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood.

In a number of countries, studies have been conducted to identify the results of the use of Pu-erh tea to combat overweight. During one of the experiments, it was found that when using Shu Puer, the weight of the participants in the experiment decreased by 7 kilograms per month. Based on favorable experimental results, nutritionists different countries began to actively include Pu-erh tea in the diet of everyone who wants to get rid of excess weight.

10. If other types of tea lose their strength over time, then the properties of Puer proper storage on the contrary, are improving. Tea seems to enter into a creative union with time. Pu-erh catalyzes your potential very powerfully: it will lull those who want to fall asleep, and invigorate those who need to wake up.

In this article, we will tell you what are the main differences between Shen And .

Moreover, very often they are produced even by the same tea masters, but despite all this, these two types of Puer tea have completely different characteristics, let's look at them below. Of course, since the difference is not in production and not in presentation, so it should be in everything else.

This is true. Difference between Shen pu-erh and appear in appearance, in their aroma, and most importantly - in taste.

Appearance and color

At first sight these teas are unusually similar, they have the same shape and color close to each other. So an inexperienced eye may not distinguish them, but our article makes sense to make your eye experienced, so you can definitely distinguish these teas after reading this material.

So, we started with appearance, and so, if you carefully consider these two varieties of pu-erh, you can see that Shen pu-erh leaves have greenish tint, it can be both light green and dark.

But despite this color, which may seem rather dark, Shen pu-erh considered a light tea, and it is indeed lighter in color.

Accordingly and Shen pu-erh infusion will be light, with a greenish tint, and which is very characteristic of him - transparent has dark brown leaves that look black. Therefore, it is also called black pu-erh. His infusion is not only dark in color, but it will still be thick and opaque.

Flavor Differences

Aroma is a very important characteristic for any product, but especially for tea. After all, as you know, in the East it is very much appreciated delicacy of aroma this lovely drink. Therefore, you and I should pay our attention to this, every time we work with tea, whether you drink it, brew it, or are just going to buy it.

In addition to the fact that the aroma itself is an important characteristic of any tea, we want to note that for tea Shen and Shu Puerh it is also a significant difference between these two teas. Since the aroma can be caught both in brewed tea and in its dry form, it will not be difficult for you to distinguish between them. Let's start again with Shen Puerh.

This wonderful tea has a very pleasant saturated, sweet fruity aroma. While a heavier and earthy aroma is inherent. You may even catch some hints of smoke in it.

The taste of pu-erh

Since we aim to help you, it is likely that you will be interested in learning about the differences Shen and Shu Puerh in taste. Despite the sweet aroma, Shen pu-erh has quite unusual taste, in which you can catch some sourness, but it has an aftertaste, as the aroma portends, sweetish!

Shen pu-erh we advise you to cook carefully, this is one of those teas that begins to show its other shades if it is overexposed. In this case, you will get a bitter aftertaste, which will not always be pleasant, and of course, do not finish the tea either, because then the whole the fullness of his taste.

But, despite its "gloomy" appearance has more soft taste, but at the same time it is slightly heavier than Shen Pu-erh. It has chocolate shade and it lacks both sourness and bitterness. Let's summarize this article with you. Tea Shen (green) pu-erh And Shu (black) pu-erh grow in the same place, and are sold in the form of pressed pancakes.

They differ significantly from each other. And of course, one cannot help wondering where such a variety of differences come from, if teas are essentially made from a single tea leaf.

What do you think, then how can this be explained? If you assumed it could be explained different technology production, then, congratulations - you guessed it!

Well, if you didn’t guess, then don’t be upset, the main thing is that now you know it! Let's proceed to a more detailed consideration of manufacturing technology.

Tea Shen pu-erh has more than 700 years of history. To produce it, it is grown, after which it is harvested, dried on fresh air, conjure and press, after which it looks like pancake.

Much younger than his friend, they began to produce it about 40 years ago, in the mid 70s. And more work is done with it, namely, after the tea leaves are collected, they are dumped into one large pile and filled with water, if there is a lot of tea collected, then there will be several such large piles.

The point is that in these heaps the tea leaf itself warming up to decent temperatures and starts to sing, that is, artificially aging. By the way, it is thanks to this process that the tea leaves become dark, and they have a different taste, and also appear different flavor.

When it comes to tea selection, many rely on in-store consultants. But remember, the store makes a profit from sales, and often the consultant will tout the product in order to sell it to you. Inexperienced drinkers can spend a lot of money on tea that is not really worth it. Although there are, of course, stores whose recommendations you can trust, it’s better, after all, to understand some of the subtleties yourself, and not rely on the advice of sellers.

Here are the main tips that will help you in choosing real pu-erh tea:

1. See how tea is packaged and under what conditions it is sold.

Pu-erh must be sold and stored in a cool, dry place, separate from strong-smelling substances, but in such a way that it has little access to air. Usually it is sold in the original paper packaging. Tea shops selling pu-erh briquettes in sealed packages are unlikely to offer you quality goods. And they store it, most likely, incorrectly.

2. Smell the tea.

Good pu-erh has a clear, distinct smell. Depending on the age of the tea, smoky or woody aromas may be present in the smell. But there should be no other foreign odors or mold smell. Tea absorbs odors very easily, so if stored improperly, it can take on an interesting aroma: cooking food, spices, etc.

3. Pay attention to the appearance of the tea.

Tea briquettes with long term exposures will look reddish. Young pu-erh will be greenish. But it will never be pure black. There should be no white or yellow dots on the briquette, which indicate the formation of mold. When buying an expensive pu-erh briquette, pay attention that it is solid, without large cracks. Sometimes expensive pu-erh is given a taste by scraping small piece from the rear surface of the briquette. Then on the briquette you can find a small depression and notice the peeling of the leaves. It is rarely noticeable, but if you see it, you know that you have lost some tea since your briquette was selected for testing.

4. Try tea.

Of course, you can understand the taste of pu-erh only after you have tried many of its types. You can taste various samples in tea museums, this will allow you to better understand the taste of pu-erh and its aging time.

And a few more tips:

  • Be clear about what you want. If you are clear about what type of pu-erh you want (for example: Shu, Sheng, aged, young), you can spend more time researching the properties and finding the exact type that you are interested in. Although for beginners it is not so important. It is more important for them to try as much as possible various kinds pu-erh to decide which one you like best.
  • Check out the prices and range of tea online, even if you're going to buy it from a local shop. Pu-erh is produced by various factories, but there is always a specific batch number. The main factories are Menghai, Xiaguan, Shuangjiang Mengku and others. Some tea shops that do not specialize in pu-erh will sell you poor quality tea at a high price.

I hope these tips will help you choose a really high-quality and delicious tea.
