
How many calories are in fish, calorie content of dried, boiled, fried and smoked fish. Dried fruit mix

Dried fruits have been made since ancient times. They contain many useful substances. When dried, fruits lose only water. Therefore, dried fruits are saturated with vitamins and minerals, they retain fiber and pectins. They are lighter than fresh fruits. And the calorie content of dried fruits and energy value, on the contrary, are higher. Their calorie content must be taken into account when compiling a diet.

The chemical composition of dried fruits

Dried fruits are an abundance of nutrients. All varieties of dried fruits contain significant concentrations of vitamins and minerals. Many types of dried fruits contain calcium and iron. They are a source of magnesium and potassium. They contain a considerable amount of iodine, sodium and potassium.

Dried fruits are enriched with pectins and organic acids. They are rich in fructose and glucose. They have a certain amount of protein. There are no fats in their composition. The high calorie content of dried fruits is provided by carbohydrates - natural sugars present in dried fruits in high concentrations.

What is the calorie content of dried fruits

Fresh fruits are not as high in calories as dried ones. This is due to the fact that during drying, the fruits lose water, respectively, the concentration of carbohydrates increases, leading to an increase in calorie content. The table helps to determine the exact calorie content of dried fruits.

The average energy value of a treat is taken into account if it is included in the diet of people who are subject to excessive physical and mental stress, suffering from anemia, and who are underweight. For diets aimed at weight correction, the table will help to correctly calculate the calorie content of dried fruits. It indicates the energy value of each type of sweets separately. On average, regardless of the type of dry fruits, they take into account the calorie content in the range of 250-300 kcal per 100 g of natural sweetness. Sometimes they resort to using this calculation: apples - 200 kcal, and all other varieties of delicacies - 300 kcal.

The benefits of dried fruits

Thanks to calcium, which saturates dried fruits, bones, nails and hair are strengthened, the condition of the skin improves. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and strengthens the nerves. Sodium paired with iron normalizes hemoglobin levels. The presence of magnesium in dried fruits brings blood pressure back to normal.

Fiber, which saturates dried fruits, improves digestion, organizing the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. No matter how many calories are in dried fruits, they are useful for those who are burdened with beriberi, anemia and anemia. They are of undoubted benefit to people suffering from depression, insomnia and weakened immunity.

Fruits dull the feeling of hunger and dissatisfaction in those who follow diets, especially strict ones. Dried fruits brighten up a meager diet, acceptable for a variety of diets. The minimum amount of dried fruits can suppress appetite, which is important for those who want to lose weight. This is possible because the calorie content of dried fruits is quite high.

Harm of dried fruits

In order to extend the shelf life and give a marketable appearance, these products are treated with certain chemicals that can harm the body. With prolonged storage, dried fruits turn into a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. In order not to undermine health, dried fruits must be sorted out and washed thoroughly before use.

There are manufacturers who place fruits in gas or gasoline ovens to speed up drying. Products taken out of them have a cracked skin, the smell of gasoline, and besides, it is saturated with carcinogens - fuel combustion products. It is better to refuse the use of such products.

Dried fruits are a rich source of natural sugars. People with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus cannot eat a tasty product without measure. Since the calorie content of dried fruits is significant, they should be present in minimal amounts in the diet of overweight people. In addition, we must remember that some of them are powerful allergens (especially dried citrus fruits).

Dried fruit mix

Ready-made mixtures of dried fruits are sold in shops and market stalls. Their basis, as a rule, is apples, to which apricots, raisins, pears, figs and cherries are traditionally added. Many people prefer to buy different dried fruits separately. At home, they prepare any specific mixture of dried fruits that can solve certain problems.

Most often, a vitamin mixture is made, adding, in addition to dried fruits, nuts, lemon and honey to it. When dried fruits are combined, mixtures are obtained:

  • energy and vitamin;
  • boosting immunity and hemoglobin;
  • for weight loss;
  • against constipation;
  • to strengthen the heart.

Energy mixtures relieve stress, stimulate appetite, cheer up, and provide a surge of vigor. Dried fruits from apples and pears are enriched with pectin and antioxidants that suppress the attacks provoked by free radicals. They improve digestion, remove toxins and prevent cancer cells from developing.

Dried fruits based on prunes, being digestion catalysts, maintain the water-salt balance and have a mild laxative effect. Mixtures of raisins and dried apricots are enriched with potassium, they strengthen the heart muscle. Dried cherries promote tissue regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.

Dried fruit compotes

Drinks based on dried fruits are most popular in the winter-spring period, when the body, which is deficient in vitamins and minerals, needs support. Dried fruit compotes fight beriberi and strengthen the immune system. They are able to remove harmful substances from the body.

Pectins stimulate digestion and metabolism. Dried fruits lower cholesterol, they are an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis. For prevention, nutritionists recommend eating up to 2 kg of dried fruits annually.

Calorie content of dried fruit compotes

How many calories does dried fruit compote contain? The calorie content of compote depends on the type of ingredients included in it and the presence of sugar or honey. The average calorie content of compotes is equal to 60 kcal per 100 g. Fruit and berry drinks and compotes with fruits saturated to the limit with sugars are considered high-calorie. The calorie content of a drink with sugar and apricots reaches 85 kcal, with apples - 93 kcal.

If you do not add sugar to dried fruit compote, its calorie content is low - an average of 44 kcal. In a drink of cherries and apricots 8 kcal, apples and plums - 9 kcal. Low-calorie compotes are good for people who control body weight.

Dried fruits and berries are often featured in the menu of diets and proper nutrition. They are healthy and full of natural vitamins. But for people who are losing weight and looking after their health, it is also important to know what the calorie content of dried fruits is.

There are a lot of dried fruits. These are known to everyone since childhood: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and more exotic ones: kumquat, pineapple, dogwood and papaya. Let's take a closer look at how many calories are in dried fruits of one kind or another?

Benefit and harm

Is there any benefit and harm to the body from dried fruits? The benefits are undeniable. Any fresh fruit contains many vitamins. Dry fruit, having lost moisture, and with it weight, retains all the same useful properties, but already at a lower weight. That is, the usefulness of dried fruit is higher and more concentrated. At the same time, the products are natural and quite available all year round.

But you need to remember about the high calorie content of many dried fruits. Despite the deceptively small size and weight, it is not recommended to eat a lot at a time. Especially if you are on a diet and counting calories. Not everyone will be safe for your figure. Also pay special attention to each species you choose, some have contraindications in the presence of certain diseases.


Raisins are perhaps the most famous type of dried fruit derived from grapes. It can be made by natural drying in the sun or by using special apparatus.

Types of raisins are very diverse. It can be dried from white or black grapes, from or with seedless berries. The calorie content, for example, of black raisins (aka dark raisins) is 273 kcal. in one hundred grams of the product. The calorie content of light raisins is slightly less - 264 kcal. per 100 g

As you can see, the calorie content of raisins is not small. 1 piece approximately 2.7 kcal. If you are losing weight and decide to brighten up your snack with raisins, it is better to immediately set aside a few pieces so as not to get carried away imperceptibly.

Raisins are also useful for the whole organism as a whole:

  • improves the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and heart;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • strengthens the protective functions of the body.

In cooking, this dried fruit is used very widely: salads, cereals, compotes, pastries and even soups. Oatmeal with milk and raisins is an example of a delicious and healthy breakfast. The calorie content of such a dish will depend on how many brown berries you add. When losing weight, it is best to cook oatmeal without sugar, it will be about 86 kcal per 100 g.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried apricots without pits. Do not confuse with apricot, it is obtained from an apricot with a stone.

Useful qualities of dried apricots are in a beneficial effect on the body:

  • suppresses the feeling of hunger;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • improves bowel function due to laxative and diuretic properties.

The calorie content of dried apricots is slightly less than that of raisins. On average, in one dried apricots 8 kcal. Therefore, a snack can not be limited to one orange dried fruit. A handful of dried apricots for tea will be an excellent substitute for sugar or harmful sweets and will effectively satisfy your hunger.

Also popular are pastries stuffed with dried apricots and prunes, as well as various sauces for meat dishes and, of course, compotes.

Although there is a more harmful version of dried apricot dessert - dried apricots in chocolate. Naturally, chocolate dried apricots are more nutritious than ordinary dried ones. There are 393 kcal per 100 g. This is even more than the calorie content of boiled condensed milk. But it's definitely worth a try, it's delicious.


This dried fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, good for the intestines, has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

In addition, prunes are very nutritious, and after eating a few things, you will not want to eat for a long time.


Less known, but no less useful, is the dried red dogwood berry. Dogwood is one of the leaders in low calorie content: only 209 kcal. per 100 g. Hence its widespread use in diets.

But dogwood will be useful not only for losing weight. These berries are highly valued for their beneficial properties:

  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • antibacterial action;
  • normalization of fat metabolism;
  • prevention of anemia and other blood diseases.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the large amount of vitamin C in each small berry. Its content is higher than in lemon or rosehip. Dogwood decoctions are very effective for colds.


Kumquat is perhaps one of the most exotic dried fruits and has become famous relatively recently. It belongs to the citrus family, although kumquats are slightly larger than walnuts.

Due to the large amount of vitamins A, P, B and C, this fruit has excellent anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Dried kumquat only increases its useful qualities.

Candied pineapple

It would be more correct to say not dried fruits, but candied pineapple. The difference is that when making candied fruit, it is not fresh pineapple that is dried, but boiled fruit. Pineapple is boiled in sugar syrup, then dried and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

The calorie content of 1 candied pineapple is small, only 91 kcal. A little candied pineapple will be an excellent snack for losing weight due to its pleasant taste and minimal calorie content.

It is important to note that real candied pineapple is quite tough in taste and light yellow in color. More often, under the guise of candied pineapple, you can find bright multi-colored cubes. In fact, this is true, but here dyes and flavors have already been added to the natural product. Pay attention to this when buying.

In cooking, candied pineapple is also actively used: all kinds of desserts and pastries only benefit from the addition of candied fruit. Plain oatmeal with a handful of dried pineapple will sparkle with a new taste and definitely cheer you up in the morning.

Dried fruits compote

One of the most common dried fruit dishes is the usual compote. The one that our grandmothers cooked for us. Not only a delicious drink, but also an invaluable storehouse of vitamins and minerals. This is especially true in the winter "vitamin-free" time.

The calorie content of dried fruit compote depends on the composition. Obviously, a decoction of dried fruits with sugar will be much more nutritious than compote without sugar. For example, the calorie content of compote with sugar will be on average more than 80-90 kcal, and without sugar - 59 kcal.

There are many recipes for delicious and healthy compotes. And without a prescription, any hostess will cope with this task. Choose your favorite dry fruits and berries and cook dried fruit compote, adjusting the calorie content and the presence of sugar. A rare case when both healthy and tasty even for children.

Dried fruit mix

Another popular and healthy consumption format is a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, the calorie content of which depends on the composition.

These are, as a rule, portioned bags with a ready-made mixture, which are convenient to take with you as a snack. Also, similar mixtures are sold by weight.

The calorie content of such a mixture is quite high, since nuts are very high in calories (for example, in hazelnuts as much as 704 kcal per 100 g). But, taking such a mixture with you, you can easily satisfy your hunger and will not be tempted by unhealthy fast food. Moreover, enrich your body with useful vitamins and minerals.

At home, you can add such mixtures to porridge or muesli, enriching breakfast, they can be served with tea and coffee as a dessert.

There are also specially selected blends of dried fruits that are good for the heart, digestion and immunity. You can easily find them in specialized health food stores. Choose based on the reviews and indications of your doctor.

Calorie table

The presented table clearly shows the calorie content of dried fruits. The calorie content of each type of dried fruit or nut is indicated per 100 grams.

The calorie table of these dried fruits will help you decide on the choice of one or another dried fruit, depending on your goal.

Properly selected dried fruits will diversify your menu and will provide invaluable benefits to your body.

In Soviet times, we knew only a few types of dried fruits. Usually they were consumed in the form of compote: in kindergarten, school, canteens and other catering establishments.

But there are many dried fruits in the world - almost as many as we know fresh fruits: not all fruits can be dried, and candied fruits are already “not that”. Fruits are dried whole (with or without stones) and pieces, cut into halves or thin slices.

We are also interested in the taste and benefits of dried fruits, including the ability to use them in weight loss diets. Many people think that it is not worth introducing dried fruits into the diet for weight loss - they are too sweet, but at the same time there are many effective diets for them. The sugars that dried fruits are so rich in are broken down and digested slowly, and they help to keep the feeling of satiety for a long time, unlike bars, sweets, cakes and other "unhealthy" sweets. There are no sharp releases of insulin into the blood, causing the growth of adipose tissue, from dried fruits, but the body receives useful substances in a considerable amount.

Sweet and fragrant, dried fruits are not only a healthy dietary product, but also a delicious delicacy: they can be stress-free without fear. This does not mean that you can absorb them in immoderate amounts. The calorie content of dried fruits is high, but they are also rich in fiber, which perfectly cleans out all toxic "deposits" and "accumulations" and helps strengthen immunity.

Some dried fruits are found in stores and in the markets of Russia more often, others less often, but all bring benefits. First - about more high-calorie types.

Useful calorie content of dried fruits

Dried apples (253-231 kcal) help the body quickly process proteins and fats, relieve hunger for a long time, have a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Their regular consumption is a normal hemoglobin, a calm mood, strong immunity, a well-functioning intestines, clear skin and many more wonderful “health and beauty effects”.

Photo: low-calorie dried fruits

Bananas (245 kcal) and prunes (233 kcal) are rich in vitamins and soft fiber, remove excess fluid and toxins, increase tone and mood, improve metabolism and memory, prevent the development of cancer cells and CVD diseases. Combining these dried fruits, you can feel light and calm, but bananas should not be carried away with diabetes and problems with the pancreas.

Dried apricots, pitted dried apricots, are perhaps the most popular dried fruit in Russia. Calorie content - 240-245 kcal; nutritionists say that dried apricots are “an ideal healthy food product” with a very high energy value. For those who want to lose weight, it is enough to eat up to 100 g per day and drink up to 2 liters of pure water: a wonderful fasting dayhelping normalize stools and remove excess fluid. An effective way to tame a "raging" appetite: suck one dried apricot fruit until it becomes soft, slowly chew and swallow - you will not want to eat for 2-4 hours.

Apricot is the "brother" of dried apricots, considered even more useful. Apricots of medium-sized varieties dry up on trees, in natural conditions and in general, retain more useful and have a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Photo: low-calorie dried fruits

Figs, or figs, are the champion among dried fruits in terms of fiber content. The calorie content is different - 245-260 kcal, but plays an important role in losing weight and therapeutic diets. Facilitates the course of many diseases associated with disruption of the work of any organs and systems; regular consumption of figs in reasonable norms allows you to maintain excellent health for many years.

Even the lowest calorie dried fruits contain a lot of calories. Therefore, you should not expect to lose weight by using them not as a replacement for harmful and heavy foods, but as a tasty treat in addition to your usual diet.

Everyone knows about the benefits of fresh apples, even small children, and it cannot be exaggerated. These fruits are one of the first complementary foods for babies, they are used in the diet and, in general, are shown to absolutely everyone. They are eaten raw, mashed and mousses are prepared, compotes and jams are cooked, and dried. Not with any processing, apples remain as useful as fresh ones. But whether the rich vitamin composition of these fruits is preserved during drying - let's figure it out and at the same time find out to whom dried apples are shown, how and with what they can be consumed in order to get the maximum of useful substances.

Calorie content and BJU

The number of calories in dried foods varies within 229-260 kcal per 100 g. The fact is that it directly depends on the variety and the method that was used to dry them. On average, the calorie content of this product is 240 kcal.

And the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, that is, BJU, it contains the following:

  • - 2 g (~ 8 kcal);
  • - 0.2 g (~ 0.9 kcal);
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g (~ 231 kcal).

Vitamin and mineral composition

Surprisingly, when dried, apples do not lose their beneficial properties at all, but even multiply them. This product contains vitamins, and. In addition, apple drying is saturated with, such as, copper, and. It also contains a lot of amino acids and flavonoids.

Did you know? The alchemists of the Middle Ages made the five-pointed star a symbol of knowledge, noticing that the core of an apple in a section has a similar shape.

Useful properties for the body

Dried apples are shown to almost everyone, and all this is due to the good and mineral composition.
Their main benefit is as follows:

  1. Favorably affect the digestive system, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Helps to eliminate toxins.
  3. Favorably affect the intestines.
  4. Enhance metabolism.
  5. Promotes fast saturation and perfectly energizes.
  6. Prevent.
  7. Strengthen the heart muscle.
  8. Increase the elasticity of blood vessels.
  9. Shown for and .
  10. Effective against.
  11. Able .
  12. Normalize blood glucose levels.
  13. Reduce the level.
  14. Positive effect on the nervous system.
  15. Prevent mental disorders and.
  16. Slow down the cells and the body as a whole.
  17. They have a positive effect on the condition.
  18. Strengthen teeth and hair.

Important! Dried apples are a great alternative to sweets, they are tasty and satisfying, while not affecting the figure and will only benefit your health.

What can be done, where to add, and what are combined with

This product is considered universal, as it can be added to various dishes, as well as eaten as a separate and self-sufficient delicacy, as a snack during a working or school day.

By adding a handful of drying to your morning porridge, you will provide yourself with a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. Apple drying is very often added to rich pies and pies. Also, this product is used for the preparation of compotes and infusions.

Dried fruits are added to various desserts, such as jellies, mousses or ice cream. They can act as a great snack for wine or. Apple drying goes well with any, and in such a tandem it can become a nutritious and complete dinner.

Is it possible to eat dried apples on a diet

Those people who are constantly puzzled by counting calories may think that this is a too high-calorie product, and it is better not to use it if you want to lose extra pounds, but this is not at all the case.

Dried apples can get full very quickly, and at the same time, the body will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as recharge with energy for the whole day, and they certainly will not add weight and extra centimeters on the waist and hips, you can be sure of this. During this time, it is an indispensable product, as it is able to speed up metabolism.

And another plus is that such fruits can be easily taken with you. Thus, you will have a tasty and healthy snack at work, while walking or traveling and will not get better at all.

Important! When buying dried fruits in a store or market, you should give preference to those that have the most faded and nondescript appearance. This is easily explained by the fact that they were prepared in a natural way and without the use of chemicals to color and enhance their attractiveness.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Women in an “interesting position” and with not only can, but also need to add this product to their diet. During pregnancy and lactation, the body of mothers is depleted, so they simply need such a source of nutrients as dried apples.
Naturally, we are talking about the fact that it must be consumed in doses and in reasonable quantities, and then the benefits will be enormous. A future or nursing mother will be able to restore and replenish the supply of vital vitamins and elements, improve her well-being and mood, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the baby.

At what age can children

Children can get acquainted with this product even in infancy. After the introduction of the first complementary foods, babies can be given non-concentrated dried apple compote, but, of course, only after consulting a pediatrician. Up to a year, its dosage should not exceed 100 ml per day, and it is prepared at the rate of 2-3 slices of dried fruit per 200 ml of water.

For older children, that is from 1 year to 3, you can cook a richer compote, without sugar and increase its daily volume. And from the age of 3, drying can be an excellent alternative to sweets and other sweets and be present in the child's diet every day. 1 slice of dried apple every 2-3 days is incredibly beneficial for the baby's body.

WITH 6 years you can increase the amount of dried fruit in the diet up to 4-5 slices per day. In any case, all this is individual and it is necessary to adjust the dosage and method of application for each child and discuss these points with a pediatrician.

Did you know? Until the 19th century, Europeans decorated Christmas trees with apples, but in the middle of the century before last there was a severe crop failure of these fruits, so French glassblowers came up with their own version of replacing traditional dyeing. They say that since then the history of Christmas balls familiar to us has begun.

Contraindications and harm

Contraindications to the use of dried apples include (at the last stage) and. In the first case, it is better to completely exclude the product, and in the second - just use it in doses. The calorie content of such apples is quite high, but despite this, they have a beneficial effect on metabolism, so it’s still worth using them, even for those who have them, but at the same time they should be present on the menu no more than 1 time in 7 days, and their number should not exceed 2-3 slices.

In moderation, this product cannot harm a person, but, on the contrary, will only bring benefits, saturate it with useful substances and cleanse the body.

Now you know that not only fresh, but also dried apples are useful. They can favorably affect the vital organs and systems of the human body. Their presence in the diet will add strength, help overcome stress, and also contribute to the normalization of weight.

Dried fruits are a rather multifunctional product. They can become one of the ingredients of a breakfast or salad, a decoration for a sandwich or a cake, a highlight in a dessert, or even a snack that is very convenient to take with you. It is much easier to have a bag of raisins, dried cherries and cranberries in your purse than to constantly throw in an apple or a banana. There is just one small problem: they, like seeds and nuts, are very easy to get carried away, forgetting about the need for self-control. But, judging by the table at the end, the calorie content of dried fruits is rather big and exceeds the same indicator for fresh fruits. The reason for such seemingly strange metamorphoses is the complete evaporation of water, the proportion of which in the fresh product is significant. The remaining carbohydrates and sugars ultimately make up the energy value figure. For those who want to always have a slim figure, but at the same time not to give up “delicacy”, it will be useful to find out how many calories are in dried fruits, find out how best to consume them in order to reduce the risk of gaining excess weight, and whether the numbers pay off at all , which gives out the calorie content of dried fruits. The table below will form the most frequently seen species, but before that it will not be superfluous to sort them out by bones.

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning dried fruits is, of course, raisins. Dried grapes, with or without pits, go well with cereals and dairy products, and also work great solo without requiring steam. One hundred grams of this delicacy accounts for about 260-280 kcal, which, of course, is not enough. For different varieties, the numbers will not differ much, but the exact values ​​\u200b\u200bfor white and dark are indicated below in the dried fruit calorie table.

The beneficial properties of raisins are the same as those of grapes: it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, working as a natural sedative. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is one of the main sources of potassium and magnesium among other fruits and dried fruits, which is undoubtedly very important for the proper functioning of the heart muscle. On top of that, raisins can improve the situation with anemia, normalize blood glucose levels. But the level of sugar, almost eight times higher than that of fresh grapes, requires the restriction of this excessively high-calorie dried fruit in the diet of diabetics and obese people. However, with a normal weight, you can not be afraid of it.

Dried apricots and apricots, which are derived from apricots and differ only in the presence or absence of a stone, differ little in terms of energy value. These dried fruits have a calorie content ranging from 232 to 242 kcal per hundred grams, and the proportion of protein is slightly higher than that of raisins. But in terms of useful properties in the field of the cardiovascular system, dried apricots definitely hold the palm. The potassium content in it is even slightly higher than in the result of grape processing, and therefore it is recommended to combine this dried fruit with rice, which flushes out potassium salts from the body in order to neutralize its negative side. Moreover, in addition to the effect on the heart, potassium is also noted in the normalization of water metabolism. In addition, dried apricots can weaken the negative effect of antibiotics, increase hemoglobin levels, and slightly reduce blood pressure. For this reason, it is indicated for hypertension.

Prunes lead among the foods that are most favorable for the gastrointestinal tract. This dried fruit with a calorie content of 256 kcal per hundred grams is an excellent antiseptic, diuretic and choleretic agent. It relieves constipation, normalizes digestion due to the high level of fiber in its composition, provides the body with vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, increases appetite, and activates the brain. In addition, the use of prunes with meat products facilitates its absorption. Among the important vitamins and microelements, potassium and magnesium, vitamin C, E and PP are contained in large quantities. Dried fruit compote is often made from the three listed products: its calorie content is usually 55-70 kcal, depending on the presence or absence of other sweeteners. This drink is good at any time of the year, but is especially useful during infectious diseases, as it can be considered a complete meal and at the same time not disturb the drinking regime by supplying a large amount of liquid.

Not everyone loves dates because of their strong sweetness, but in vain. The high calorie content of dried fruit is ensured by its nutritional value, allowing you to recharge your batteries even from a few things, lose lethargy and apathy, and resume reduced efficiency. For those who suffer from dystrophy, dates are the first product in line in the daily menu. The proportion of potassium in them, of course, cannot be compared with it in dried apricots or prunes, but it is also significant in order to be able to significantly help the heart. But what is more interesting is the scientifically proven beneficial effect of the substances contained in dates on the muscles of the uterus.

Dried apples very often become one of the main ingredients of dried fruit compote, with a calorie content of 25 kcal. They are especially good in combination with wild rose, hitting beriberi, viruses and fatigue. This is an excellent remedy for combating a weakened immune system and preventing heart disease. Despite the fact that dried apples themselves contain 253 kcal, and rose hips - 284 kcal, when used for dried fruit compote, you can not be afraid of calorie content.

Banana chips can be a great replacement for the much more empty and carcinogenic potato chips sold in stores. Of course, the calorie content of this dried fruit, like that of a fresh banana, is so high that eating it is constantly fraught with a figure, but in comparison with potato stuffed with chemicals, here such high numbers of 519 kcal are relatively justified. And yet, losing weight should not pay attention to them, but to the so-called banana figs - much lighter and more watery dried fruits with a calorie content of only 59 kcal. They are indispensable for heart failure, great for breakfast in combination with oatmeal, have high glucose levels, soothe the stomach and even fight insomnia.

Dried fruits in the diet of those who follow the figure

In addition to the above dried fruits, there are many more that have not been considered, but are much less common on store shelves. Although no one bothers to cook them yourself at home, especially since from the point of view of the naturalness of the product, this is the most correct solution. After all, whatever one may say, in the factories where they are made, often for long-term storage and a presentable appearance, treatment with chemical compounds is required, from which it is then necessary to thoroughly wash the food. More than once you can notice how in the process the water becomes greasy, and plaque appears on the hands. And it is not always possible to completely lose it.

Below is a table of calorie content of dried fruits for the most simple orientation in them:

  • White raisins - 264 kcal, dark raisins - 280 kcal
  • Dried apricots - 232 kcal, apricots - 242 kcal
  • Prunes - 256 kcal
  • Dates - 292 kcal
  • Dried apples - 253 kcal
  • Dried pears - 249 kcal
  • Dried bananas (fig) - 96 kcal
  • Dried figs - 257 kcal
  • Dried mango - 314 kcal
  • Dried papaya - 337 kcal
  • Dried peach - 254 kcal
  • Dried pineapple - 255 kcal

As for how to neutralize such high numbers, it is worth remembering just a couple of rules. First, do not eat dried fruits at night, their time is the first half of the day, including lunch. But try not to cross the border at 2 pm, after which the metabolism slowly slows down. It is best to include these foods in breakfast to recharge your energy and use it throughout the day. Secondly, the calorie content of dried fruit compote will be lower if you cook it without sugar. There is already enough natural sweetness in the ingredients, it makes no sense to add artificial sweetness, which will not be processed as it should, but will leave a reminder of itself on the scales. And in any case, knowing how many calories are in dried fruits, it will not be difficult to calculate their daily intake in accordance with your daily need, so as not to go beyond the limits of what is allowed in calories. The main thing is self-control and a reasonable approach.

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