
How to brew pu-erh tea, properties of pu-erh tea. How to brew pressed pu-erh

Tea is one of the most common drinks in the world. Many people drink it as often as regular water. There are a large number of varieties of this ancient drink, one of which is pu-erh. This special type of tea undergoes special processing and a long fermentation process. Connoisseurs of the noble drink are wondering: how to brew pu-erh? Since this relaxing tea is different from other varieties, there are some subtleties of proper preparation: water temperature, number of leaves, quality of dishes and others.

How to brew pu-erh at home

There are two types of this ancient drink: sheng (green, raw, wild pu-erh) and shu (black, ready-made). They have a different taste and color (shades from white to red). After processing the leaves of earth tea, both types are released in different forms:

  1. Loose.
  2. Pressed in the form of a pancake.
  3. Tea tablets.
  4. In the form of a square tile.

The preparation of this type of hot drink is a special art. The best quality, long aged pu-erh may taste like regular tea if the brewing conditions are not right. Water plays an important role in preparation - the drink always absorbs its taste properties. Therefore, the brewing liquid should not contain a large amount of heavy metals. Bottled, filtered or spring water will do.

Many novice tea makers are wondering - at what temperature should tea be brewed? With a very hot or not hot enough liquid, the leaves lose their beneficial qualities and taste, smell. Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the culture of tea drinking knows that the temperature of the water plays an important factor in the preparation of tea. For Shu tea, a liquid is prepared, heated to 90 - 100 degrees, and for shen - 85-95. In order not to constantly heat up, water during the tea ceremony is stored in a thermos.

There are several original ways to brew earth tea with different additives. Consider one of them - pu-erh with milk:

  1. Rinse two teaspoons of earthen tea with boiling water.
  2. Put the milk (500 grams) on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of tea and 20 grams of butter.
  4. Boil for about five minutes.
  5. At the end of cooking, add spices to taste: half a cinnamon stick or a cardamom pod is ready. Many tea connoisseurs like to drink milk pu-erh with honey, lemon, tangerine.

Shen pu-erh

This tea is known as "green puer". This is a powerful natural energy drink with a juicy taste and a tonic effect. The history of sheng tea goes back over 750 years. This is the only type of hot drink that improves medicinal and taste qualities with age. When stored under special conditions, the fermentation of tea does not stop, as a result of which changes occur at the cellular level - the composition of caffeine and tannin decreases.

Shu pu-erh

It is the most famous black tea in the world, although it has a short history. The technology for the production of shu pu-erh was developed by the Chinese in the 70s. The secret lies in the invention of accelerated fermentation by scientists. This process has the obvious advantage that there is no need to wait for the tea to age and acquire the necessary qualities. A good shu drink gives a pleasant taste even if aged for one year, so aging this tea for 10-30 years or chasing age when buying does not make sense.

How many times can pu-erh be brewed

Tea brewing is used from three to six times - the answer to the question of how many times tea can be brewed. At the first preparation, pu-erh is insisted for no more than 40 seconds - the drink aged for a longer time will turn out to be tart and bitter, unhealthy. For each next tea leaves, ten seconds must be added: the second will be 50, the third - a minute, and so on.

How to drink pu-erh correctly

To enjoy tea drinking, you should know some basics of the tea ceremony. It is also carried out at home in the company of friends. For such cases, connoisseurs buy special dishes. Utensils for tea ceremonies are selected depending on the number of participants - if there are 1-4 people who drink the drink, a gaiwan (a special teapot with a saucer and a lid) is suitable. For large companies, teapots of different sizes and materials are used (ware from Yixing clay is valued).

Pu-erh properties

Often, visitors to tea shops come and ask for such a puerchik, so that after drinking it would “stick out” or start to “pin”, could “insert”. Indeed, this drink is associated with such a concept as "narcotic effect". However, the properties of tea have not yet been fully studied - it acts differently on each person. There are two varieties of earthen drink that have an effect of intoxication on the body - Da Hong Pao and Te Guan Yin. Some are wondering: is pu-erh harmful? Under certain conditions - yes! Doctors advise - earth tea should not be brewed in such cases:

  1. During pregnancy.
  2. The presence of kidney stones.
  3. At high temperature.
  4. Having problems with blood pressure.

Often people ask doctors - how much pu-erh can you drink a day? To avoid health problems, doctors advise limiting yourself to one or two drinks per day. To enjoy this amount of tea is enough. Puer benefits:

  1. It has the properties of a sorbent.
  2. Effective in weight loss programs.
  3. It is used to remove cholesterol and cleanses the walls of blood vessels.
  4. The ability to invigorate.

Learn how to drink and brew properly.

Video: how to brew pressed pu-erh

If you have a desire to learn how to brew pu-erh tea correctly, then this video is for you. Here you can find information about what effect the drink causes, what is harmful, how much it costs and how to choose it. In a short video review, you will not only learn how to prepare earthen tea, but also other secrets - why it sometimes smells like fish and how tea affects the body.

Many tea lovers are wondering how to brew pu-erh properly, because it is slightly different from ordinary tea.

Probably the simplest way to make pu-erh tea is to brew it in an ordinary teapot or cup. For one person, 3-5 grams of dry tea per 150-200 ml of water will be enough. Tea leaves are easiest to separate from each other with a knife or even with your hands. After you have received the crushed one, we will tell you step by step how to cook it and how to brew pu-erh to insert.

Stage 1 - Preparation of tea. Pour dry crushed tea into the teapot and fill it with water. It is very important that the water does not boil, i.e. was not 100 degrees. The optimum temperature for brewing tea is 90 degrees Celsius. After 10-20 seconds, drain the water from the kettle. It is not advisable to drink it, because Puer tea is stored in the ground for several years. This is just a kind of disinfection, but at the same time it helps the tea to open up as much as possible and show its natural taste, so you need to strictly adhere to the method at home.

Stage 2 - Brewing Pu-erh. Now again fill the tea with water of the appropriate temperature, leave to infuse for 1-3 minutes and then you can safely pour the tea from the teapot into a mug. If you are brewing pu-erh in a cup, you should pour the tea into another cup. This should be done so that the tea stops brewing right in the mug, otherwise there will be an unpleasant taste of bitterness. When everything is done, you can safely enjoy the taste and aroma of real pu-erh tea. I hope I answered the question about pu-erh tea - how to brew it in stages.

If you are brewing tea for the first time, then you should insist it within 1 minute, because. it is very strong and unaccustomed may not like it. When the taste of tea seems too weak to you, then increase the infusion time of the tea leaves. Also, tea can be too strong, then vice versa, just reduce the tea brewing time. By trial and error, you yourself will choose the right dose of tea leaves for yourself. As you can see, brewing pu-erh is very simple, the main thing is to follow a couple of basic rules.

Puer! How to brew to insert?

Now I would like to talk about what Puer tea is and how to brew it without proper skills. Now a lot of young people, following the habits of their idols (I mean the king of Puer Bastu and Guf, etc.), are slowly adopting the culture of tea drinking. On the one hand, this is wonderful, because the propaganda of beer, alcohol and other nonsense has finally disappeared. People began to care about a healthy lifestyle and, as an example, get carried away.

However, there are some people who seek to get some kind of income from pu-erh - “to pearl”. Puer - how to brew was described above - a very strong tea and, naturally, is enriched with a large amount of enzymes and pheromones, caffeine and theamine. Such a set contributes to the effect of wakefulness. It is enough just to overexpose the tea leaves in a mug and you will get a tea that is very strong in nature, from which you will not fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, to understand. how to brew pu-erh in order to insert it, you don’t need to read additional literature - just brew it strongly and get a strong healthy drink.

And now how to CORRECTLY brew pu-erh

Technology, we understand, but I want to warn you. By itself, pu-erh is the strongest tea in the world, and more oversaturation of brewed pu-erh tea in a mug can cause dizziness or even nausea without habit. Therefore, do not experiment with pu-erh, but treat it like ordinary tea and enjoy its unique earthy flavor.

Every person who has ever tried real Pu-erh tea is interested in how to brew a drink so that it is tasty. In fact, the taste of tea depends on the technique of making tea, and if you do not follow certain rules, then you will not be able to achieve truly high-quality tea.

What is the effect of Puerh tea and what are its beneficial properties

In addition to the earthy taste that many people like, Pu-erh tea has positive properties that can promote health and improve a person's well-being. The therapeutic effects of the drink include the following features:

  1. Metabolism is accelerated, so the drink is recommended to be consumed after eating fatty and heavy foods. In addition, you can improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder with its regular use.
  2. Reduces blood pressure, as tea has antihypertensive properties.
  3. Eliminates bad breath, caries and other dental diseases.
  4. The condition of the skin improves - the skin acquires a healthy appearance.
  5. Reduces the risk of cancer cell growth due to antioxidants.
  6. Strengthens immunity.
  7. Increases blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Promotes weight loss, as it speeds up metabolic processes.

Many people consider Pu-erh's main advantage to be its invigorating property, and therefore it is not recommended to drink it before going to bed, as it will be difficult to fall asleep. It is best to take the drink in the morning or before a long trip. It is worth knowing that Puerh contains little caffeine, and it invigorates much better than coffee.

If you bought Pu-erh tea and it smells of mold, then you should not use it to make a drink, as this indicates a spoilage of the product or improper storage.

Pu-erh tea has recently become very popular due to its "drunk effect". This action can be achieved due to the content of alkaloids in the drink, which affect the human nervous system. Do not confuse this condition with alcohol or drug intoxication, which adversely affect human health. Tea intoxication means a state when a person can concentrate on his thoughts - that is why people in ancient times took it before meditation.

Ways to brew Pu-erh tea at home

In order for Pu-erh to be tasty, you need to wash it well, that is, drain the first tea leaves. You can perform this procedure using one of two methods:

  1. Rinse the tea leaf with cold water, pour boiling water over the plant, drain the infusion and brew tea for drinking.
  2. Pour Puerh leaves with hot water, drain the tea 1-2 times and brew it again with boiling water.

When you make tea at home, you need to know how to do it correctly. It is necessary to pour dry tea into a heated teapot per 100 ml of 7 g of dry raw materials. In order to feel the real taste of Pu-erh, you need to drink it in its pure form, without adding sugar and milk. However, during a cold, it is allowed to add a little honey to the drink, but only for medicinal purposes.

A good recipe for making Puer tea can be called the following:

  1. Heat the water to the desired temperature and pour it into a thermos.
  2. Heat up a tea pot.
  3. Put loose tea into the teapot.
  4. Pour the raw material with boiling water from a thermos.
  5. Drain the water.
  6. Pour boiling water again.
  7. Pour out the water again after 5 seconds.
  8. Fill with liquid for the last time.

In addition to using the right dishes and water, you need to take containers with the required volume. Since Puer is a tea that is not used in the form of tea leaves, that is, it is not diluted with water.

Recommendations for brewing pressed Pu-erh tablets

In order to prepare pressed tea, you need to use a different method of preparing the drink. It is worth noting that the product of this form has large leaves, and therefore the brewing time increases and the main ingredient is required a little less than the loose product. To prepare pressed tea, you will need a special Pu-erh knife and an awl. Thanks to these tools, you need to break off a small piece from the tablet (no more than 7 g) and brew tea according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour a piece of tea with cool water so that the leaves can open.
  2. After 2-3 minutes, drain the water.
  3. Pour the opened Pu-erh leaves with boiling water no more than 95 degrees.
  4. Drain water after 10 seconds.
  5. Brew tea again.

Boiling water can also be used to open the leaves, but in this case it must be drained immediately after the raw materials have been poured. There is also Pu-erh tea in the form of small tablets that need to be brewed in a different way. If you are preparing a drink in a thermos, then it is recommended to follow this recipe:

  1. Soak two tea tablets in boiling water.
  2. Put the tea in a thermos.
  3. Fill with water at 95 degrees.
  4. Leave the drink for 2 hours.
  5. Accept.

Ready tea is recommended to drink in one hour, otherwise its taste may be bitter. But if you cannot overpower the thermos of the drink, it is allowed to separate it from the tea leaves. If you are preparing a drink for yourself alone, then it is recommended to brew it in a teapot. Preparing Puer in tablets is very simple:

  1. Soak one tablet of tea with boiling water for no more than 10 seconds.
  2. Pour boiling water over and leave for 7 seconds.
  3. Drain the water.
  4. Brew tea again.

The method of brewing crumbly young Shu Pu-erh in mandarin

Shu Pu-erh tea in mandarin has such a name for a reason, since the crumbly product is actually in the dried fruit. One tangerine contains 15 grams of the plant. Due to the pleasant taste of mandarin, tea differs from ordinary Pu-erh. Until you brew the drink, the aroma of mandarin will mainly give out, but when the tea is brewed, the Pu-erh itself will receive the strongest aroma.

In order for the taste to turn out to be saturated, it is recommended to brew it in a clay teapot. For one tea party, you will need to take ½ of a mandarin with Puer. To get a pleasant taste of tea, you need to put a small part of the fruit along with the plant. As with classic brewing, the first brew must be drained, and only subsequent ones should be used for tea drinking.

This tea can be called one of the healing ones, since mandarin contains many useful properties, and together with Puer it enhances its effect on the body. Thanks to the regular adoption of this drink, you can cleanse yourself of toxins, toxins and improve metabolism.

In order for the drink to turn out delicious, you need to follow this recipe when brewing it:

  1. Pour Pu-erh into a container for making tea.
  2. Add some tangerine zest.
  3. Pour the ingredients with water 90 degrees: in the ratio of 7 g per glass of water.
  4. Drain the liquid after 7 seconds.
  5. Pour another glass of water.
  6. Leave for 1 minute if you like weak tea and 5-7 minutes if you are used to drinking strong drinks.

Preparing milk tea

Milk Pu-erh is one of the delicious Chinese teas, which has a delicate caramel flavor. In addition, it is considered another and healthy drink. Thanks to regular use, it can cleanse your body of toxins and toxins. One of the advantages of this drink is that it perfectly quenches thirst. Other health benefits of milk tea include:

  • helps to lose extra pounds;
  • prevents cancer;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the mood and performance of a person.

In order to achieve all the beneficial properties of the drink, it must be properly prepared. In general, it is recommended to brew it, but if there is not enough time for this, you can brew it like regular tea, observing the following order:

  1. Pour 10 grams of tea with 600 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for about 3 minutes.
  3. Use for tea.
  4. You can brew 3-4 more times.

You can also cook Pu-erh in milk using the following recipe:

  1. Pour loose Pu-erh with cool water for a few minutes.
  2. Place medium-fat milk over medium heat.
  3. When it boils add a piece of butter.
  4. Add purified Pu-erh.
  5. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
  6. Accept.

In order to diversify the taste of Pu-erh, you can add your favorite spices to it.

Fragrant green Shen Pu-erh

Pu-erh green tea is distinguished by the taste of prunes, which is rarely found among such varieties of the drink. After taking it, a sweet aftertaste remains in the throat for a long time. You need to know that if you overexpose this tea, it will become bitter. Useful properties of the drink can be called the following:

The method of brewing the drink is not much different from brewing black Pu-erh. In order to clean the leaves of the plant before brewing, it is recommended to pour boiling water over them several times. You need to brew it in a small teapot at a water temperature of no more than 90 degrees.

Wild tea Pu-erh

Wild Pu-erh is so named only because it is made from the leaves of a wild plant. You need to know that the older the tree was, the tastier and richer the drink will turn out. This tea comes in different varieties: white, green, black. But the most common is the latter. The main advantage of this drink is that it perfectly invigorates and gives a person strength and energy for the whole day. Other health benefits of tea are:

  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • fights with excess weight;
  • eliminates thirst;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

In the taste of the drink, you can feel woody notes and a nutty smell. The method of its preparation differs in that the tea needs to be infused longer than other types of Puerh. The principle of brewing is as follows:

  1. Warm up the kettle.
  2. Pour in tea.
  3. Pour in water: at the rate of a tablespoon per glass of water.
  4. Drain water after 10 minutes.
  5. Add boiling water again.
  6. Infuse for 1-6 minutes depending on taste.

This type of tea can be used for repeated brewing, it does not lose its taste. But if you drink it for medicinal purposes, then it is not recommended to use more than 3 times.

Unsurpassed Royal Pu-erh

Royal Pu-erh is one of the Chinese black teas, as other varieties are considered red in the country. It is also the only type of drink that is not contraindicated for people with peptic ulcer. This tea is one of the soft ones and has a Logan flavor. Its beneficial properties and method of preparation are similar to wild tea.

However, this drink has its own peculiarity, since it is dried, and not dried like other varieties. The real royal Pu-erh has micro-organisms, due to which its taste is unique.

The nuances of brewing Pu-erh to "insert"

In fact, there are many methods for properly brewing tea. But some people drink Pu-erh not to enjoy the taste and heal their health. Increasingly, modern youth drink the drink in order to "insert". In this case, the person is addicted - but it is still better than smoking or drinking alcohol.

In order to get a charge of vivacity and energy, it is recommended to brew tea for a long time and infuse it so that it becomes strong. But you should not drink too much of such a drink, as it causes harm to the body, a person may experience dizziness, nausea and other side effects.

The best utensils for brewing a drink

The taste of the finished tea depends on many factors, including what kind of utensils were used to prepare the drink. It is best to brew Pu-erh in an earthenware teapot - ideally, use Yixing utensils. Such dishes steam the leaves of the plant well and maintain the desired brewing temperature for a long time. Tea, which has been infused in earthenware for a long time, will be truly appreciated by lovers of strong tea leaves.

When brewing white tea or sheng pu-erh, you can use porcelain, glass or ceramic dishes. Many people use kettles with a drain system for brewing. Before making tea, the dishes for it must be warmed up well, leaving boiling water in it for several minutes.

In addition, it should be clarified that only one type of tea is allowed to be brewed in one dish. Since over time, plaque forms on the walls of the kettle, which is difficult to clean from there. Thus, over the years of using one teapot, the taste of the drink becomes more saturated - this is one of the secrets of the Chinese.

What temperature of water should be for brewing Pu-erh

The person who is interested in how to properly prepare tea knows that for each type of drink there should be a different temperature, which mainly depends on fermentation. Shu-Puer tea is considered the most fermented, so it is recommended to brew it in water at a temperature of 90-100 degrees.

Shen-Puer tea should be brewed in water, the temperature of which is not higher than 85-95 degrees. Accurately determine the temperature regime will help the age of the leaf of the plant. The older the Pu-erh, the hotter the water must be to prepare it.

In addition to maintaining the optimal water temperature, you need to know which liquid is suitable for making a drink. If you use tap water to brew tea, it must be passed through soft filters. When boiling water, it is not recommended to heat more than 100 degrees, as it is disinfected and loses its beneficial properties. You can also use spring water, which is allowed not to boil, but only to heat up to a certain temperature.

How long to brew different varieties of Puer

Shen Pu-erh is one of the gentle varieties of tea, which is recommended to be brewed for no more than 5 seconds. But if the drink seems weak to you, then you can increase the brewing time. If the tea leaf is brewed for more than an hour, then you should not drink the finished drink, it can be harmful to health, as the leaf of the plant releases toxins and tastes bitter.

Depending on the type of tea, the duration of brewing may vary, for example, a green variety should be brewed for no more than 4 minutes, and a milk variety for three minutes. For wild tea, two minutes of brewing is enough, otherwise the drink will turn out to be bitter. But in some cases, people brew Puer for 5-6 minutes if they like strong drinks.

How many times can you brew different types of tea

One of the positive characteristics of any tea is the ability to brew the same raw materials several times. It is worth noting that this rule does not apply to all varieties of Puer. The frequency of brewing depends on the type of tea, the quality of the plant and the method of preparation of the drink.

With repeated brewing of tea, you need to take into account the fact that with each subsequent time there are fewer useful properties in it. During the first brewing of tea, you can extract up to 50% of the positive properties of the product, during the second brewing up to 30%, the subsequent infusion of tea with boiling water gives only 10% of the beneficial properties. The rest of the steaming of the plant will be inappropriate, since the drink will no longer be useful.

But in order for Chinese tea to be delicious, it needs to be brewed several times, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • start re-brewing when the raw material has cooled down;
  • for every 100 ml of water, take no more than 5 g of the plant;
  • each subsequent time of brewing increase the time of infusion of tea.

We suggest watching a visual video lesson on brewing Chinese noble tea right now:

In conclusion, I would like to say that any kind of Puerh tea is not only tasty, but also beneficial for the body. The most important thing is to buy a natural product, not a fake, and brew it correctly. If you are a connoisseur of Pu-erh, then it is recommended to get special utensils for making a real drink. Even if the first time you failed to achieve the desired taste, do not be upset, over time you will understand how to properly brew tea. There are a lot of varieties of Puer, so everyone can find a drink to their liking.

In contact with

Has Chinese roots. The most common form of product release is pressed washers. The latter vary in size and are represented by tablets and lozenges, the brewing of which is identical. The preparation of the drink in question is a complex process. Everyone who decides to try it must ask himself the question "in pills?".

What affects the quality of brewed tea?

The concept of "perfect tea" does not exist. Depending on individual preferences, it is different for everyone. It can be a steeply brewed and slightly colored drink, with or without sweeteners, with or without any additives (for example, spices), cold or hot. However, the aspects of achieving maximum taste and aroma properties remain unchanged for any variant. These include:

  • the quality of the welding used;
  • water properties;
  • used utensils;
  • brewing technology.

An interesting feature of pu-erh is that with the age of tea leaves, the taste and healing qualities of the drink increase.

Features of pu-erh in tablet form

A tablet is a piece of pressed small tea leaves in a formed shape. The color of the raw material is brown-blue.

Properly prepared drink is characterized by such features:

  • rich brown color;
  • moderately thick consistency;
  • astringency;
  • noticeable notes of chocolate and caramel;
  • nutty flavor;
  • softness and velvety sensation on the palate.

The intensity of the manifestation of astringency can be adjusted by the amount of tea leaves and the time of infusion.

Such tea in tablets is characterized by a number of healing qualities:

  • increasing the efficiency of the digestive system and its improvement;
  • promoting the removal of radionuclides;
  • positive effect on the state of the nervous system;
  • providing an invigorating effect;
  • increasing the endurance and performance of the body.

What kind of water should be used?

Tap water contains a lot of unnecessary impurities. The latter can affect the taste characteristics of the tea product, making them dull and less pronounced. Therefore, the main recommendation on the issue of “tablets” is the use of high-quality filtered water.

The optimal temperature regime is determined on the basis of the variety and age characteristics of tea.

If the taste and aroma properties of the resulting tea product seem undisclosed (not noticeable enough), during the next brewing, you should experiment with the water temperature (take it a few degrees hotter).

Kettle for brewing

For cooking, you need a teapot. It must be porcelain or glass. Clay options are not recommended. They are characterized by the ability to absorb odors. After a single use, the kettle emits aroma for about two more weeks. Result:

  • you can spoil the pu-erh with the smell of the previous tea;
  • the quality of subsequent brews can be influenced by the smell of pu-erh.

The ideal option is to stock up on a separate kettle for the drink in question.

Cooking technology

To extract the maximum of valuable qualities, it is recommended to prepare the tea in question in tablets as follows:

  • preheat the used teapot (for this, it is enough to pour over with boiling water);
  • put tablets (xiao to) in it at the rate of one piece per serving;
  • gently crush them (you can use a knife, you do not need to grind to a powder state);
  • soak the feedstock in a small amount of boiling water for 10 seconds;
  • add water of the recommended temperature;
  • insist 5 seconds;
  • separate the thick;
  • bring to the table.

Reuse is possible up to ten times. The infusion time with each subsequent preparation must be increased by a couple of seconds.

Experts often prefer non-standard cooking methods. The last one is to follow these steps:

  • take a thermos with a capacity of one and a half liters (if this option is not available, you can use others by adjusting the amount of water and xiao used);
  • warm up a thermos (pour boiling water over);
  • gently crush one tablet with a knife;
  • soak the raw material with a small amount of boiling water for 10 seconds;
  • put raw materials in a thermos;
  • fill with water at the recommended temperature;
  • leave to infuse for an hour and a half.

In the case when the drink turned out to be of insufficient concentration, you can:

  • double the amount of xiao to;
  • extend the infusion time to two hours.

If the pu-erh prepared in this way cannot be drunk within an hour, then the thick should be separated. Otherwise, a noticeable bitterness will appear in the taste.

Sugar use

Dependence on this sweetener is a common problem. You can add it to the drink in question. However, this will affect the quality of the product: taste and aromatic features will be muffled.

Unsweetened drink:

  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • lowers cholesterol reserves;
  • contributes to the fight against excess weight;
  • cleanses the body;
  • tones and helps fight fatigue.

Experts do not exclude the addition of the considered tea delicacy with dried fruits and dark chocolate.


  • pregnant women;
  • children;
  • persons with kidney stones (puerh can cause them to move).

Tableted pu-erh is a tasty and healthy drink. However, the degree of manifestation of these quality directly depends on how to brew pu-erh tea in tablets. There are no unimportant aspects in this matter. Everything matters: from the used dishes to flavorings.

There are hundreds of types of black, green, white and other teas in the world, and each of them requires special handling, or rather, following the rules of brewing. This is not a fashion, not a tradition, but the very condition under which a drink is obtained with its characteristic taste and aromatic qualities.

A little about tea

True Pu Er is one of the most expensive and strong teas, which is distinguished by production technology and, of course, taste. Before you buy it, you need to get acquainted with the properties and recommendations on how to properly brew Puerh tea. Let's start with what the product is. Puer is a tea with a long fermentation period, which can last for decades. The longer it is stored, the more valuable and diverse its taste. Few manufacturers today use the traditional technology for manufacturing this product, because it requires a minimum of 10-15 years. That is why today many people use accelerated production technology, which allows you to get tea that is similar in taste after 6 months.

  • Shu Pu Er - produced using accelerated technology, pressed, as traditional, into tablets, bricks and other forms;
  • Shen Pu Er aged - made according to traditional technology, involving post-fermentation. The color of the product is dark green. Taste with pronounced sweetness, multifaceted aroma;
  • Mao Cha - green leaves, not pressed, going to the production of Pu Er Shu and Shen.

The traditional, and therefore the most popular form of leaf pressing is a flat cake, which can weigh from 20-30 grams to a kilogram. The longer the cake is stored, the better the tea becomes. Under the action of microbes and enzymes, the leaf ripens, new organic compounds, sugars, tannins are formed in it, earthy notes disappear. Pu Er is an aged tea, which is also compared to cognac and cheese, which become even better over time.

Brewing rules

Why do you need to know how to brew Pu-erh tea? In order to appreciate its taste correctly. Many who have not tried this drink before often refuse to re-tasting it, and all because they brew it incorrectly and choose a non-optimal amount of tea leaves.

Tea cakes are stored in special conditions for a long time, so they require washing before direct brewing. It is better to break off a piece from the cake with a sharp knife; special tea knives are even sold for this. This must be done so that the cake itself does not crumble. About 1 tsp is needed for one serving of tea. tea leaves. Be sure to brew in a teapot.

This is how the color of the infusion changes from brew to brew

The technology is as follows:

  • put a broken piece of tea in a teapot;
  • boil water, let it cool to 90 degrees;
  • pour and wait 20 seconds to allow the sheet to open slightly and get rid of dust;
  • drain the water, pour again for 1 minute;
  • pour into cups.

The time of direct brewing may vary depending on the variety and the aging period. How much Pu-erh should be brewed on average? From 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes, and the longer the infusion period, the stronger the drink will be. It acquires astringency, slightly knits, but strongly invigorates and restores strength. Pu-erh in tablets is brewed in the same way, but before filling the tablet with water, it is better to knead it, so the drink will be richer in taste and aroma. Tableted tea, like classic tea, is brewed up to 10 times. You can drink it with dried fruits.

Yixing clay teapot - ideal utensils for brewing

One of the main conditions for delicious tea is soft water. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to warm all the dishes with hot water, especially the kettle itself, because the higher the temperature in it, the better the leaf will steam and give the water more taste and aroma.

Some experts recommend crushing a piece of Pu-erh cut off from the cake, others advise putting it in the teapot as a whole. There is also an opinion that hot rinsing can be replaced by cold rinsing, that is, before putting tea into the teapot, it is washed by hand under running cold water.

If we are talking about Shen Pu-erh, then it can be brewed up to 15 times and with each new brew you get new notes in taste and aroma. But for this, each time pouring it with water, extend the infusion time by 10-20 seconds. You can not insist this tea for a long time, otherwise it will become bitter and astringent.

Properties of the finished drink

Every tea is good. If green is positioned as a drink of youth and longevity, then Pu-erh is positioned as a source of strength, vigor and healthy digestion. Due to the special production technology, this type of tea has a composition that is different from all the others, which allows us to talk about the benefits of the drink in certain areas of health.

  • Fights bad breath and prevents the development of caries.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Reduces pressure.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Accelerates metabolism, promotes weight loss.
  • It has an antioxidant effect, fights the development of tumors.
  • Stimulates the work of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Improves skin condition.

Puerh has less caffeine than coffee, but its stimulating effect is higher. Therefore, you can not drink more than 3 cups of weak tea per day. There are categories of people to whom it is contraindicated:

  • with kidney disease;
  • with stones in the gallbladder;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • hypotensive patients.

There are also individual signs of intolerance to this drink, which can be expressed in palpitations, flies in the eyes, skin allergies. It is not recommended to drink Pu-erh on an empty stomach. Puer is a tea worth trying, but it must be done correctly and with an understanding of its essence. It is ideal to hold a real tea ceremony with all the attributes.
