
China green beer. Tanuki green beer is a Chinese drink made from bamboo.

For more than a decade, interest in a drink with a slightly intriguing name "Green Beer" has not waned. There is a special demand for an unusual product among the youth, especially in its female part. The search for the origins of the origin of the recipe points to two directions: one of them leads to the far Chinese east, and the other to the west? to Ireland.

Chinese green beer

Tanuki? this name has a low-alcohol Chinese drink of emerald color. Does it use a variety of bamboo in its production? phyllostakhis (leaf-flower), which is harvested on plantations in the valley of the river. Yangtze. For brewing beer, leaves are used, which are harvested in the fall. They are used fresh or dried to make an extract. It is the special ingredient that gives the beer its emerald color. Phyllostachys extract is exported to other producers in countries where bamboo does not grow.

If not for the outlandish color, tanuki can be classified as a traditional light beer with a strength of 4-5?, a density of 10-12% with an unstable, quickly disappearing foam. An exotic taste note is added to the recipe by a slight herbal flavor of bamboo. Some varieties have spicy aromas.

Soft green Tanuki beer is combined with traditional East Asian dishes: sushi, rolls, seafood, spicy rice noodles, meat in sweet and sour sauce. Healing qualities are also attributed to the bamboo hop product:

  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • normalization of the work of the heart;
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The tanuki recipe follows the rules of traditional brewing: grain must (from rice or barley) ferments for several weeks with the participation of brewer's yeast, hops and raw bamboo. The mash is then aged in sealed tanks at low temperature under pressure, filtered and bottled.

European green beer recipes

The popularity of the emerald intoxicating drink is growing in Europe and in Russia:

  • In Poland it is the TYSKIE cultivar dyed with syrup.
  • In the Czech Republic, Starobrno breweries produce Easter beer, achieving an emerald color by adding a secret mixture of herbs. Lager brewed according to this recipe is usually drunk on Maundy Thursday. On this day, priests put on green cassocks, dishes that need to be made from green vegetables are served at the table.
  • In Germany, the intoxicating drink is colored with lime.
  • Russian brewing brand? Ochakovo? also has in its assortment beer? Emerald?.

Fans of everything green, celebrating the traditional Irish holiday on March 17 every year? St. Patrick's Day, do not ignore the color of the intoxicating product. Their recipe? coloring regular lagers with food coloring. Sometimes a blue tint is added, which, when mixed with amber beer, gives it an emerald hue.
Dressed and painted in emerald hues, processions and parades spread the optimistic and cheerful St. Patrick's Day around the world. And that means that more and more people are becoming fans of green beer.

The mysterious composition of natural dyes

It is known for certain that plant materials, extracts of herbs, leaves usually color liquids in shades of yellow and brown. A permanent dye of natural origin that gives a green color that does not change over time? not known. Manufacturers of emerald beer, who declare the use of secret recipes from natural ingredients, are most likely disingenuous and cannot do without chemistry.

Chlorophyll instability and burnout are well known. Homemade absinthe lovers have been waging an unequal fight against this phenomenon for a long time. Spirulina, tarragon, mint, lime, dark glass bottles? when using these products, the drink returns over time to its original amber hue. Therefore, it is better to make a spectacular coloring by adding the extract to the foamy drink just before serving.

Green beer in traditional brewing

The term ?green? was known in relation to beer long before the emergence of a glamorous youth fashion for the emerald color of the drink. He did not refer to color, but to the technology and production recipe.

In the first case, green beer is called young beer (another name? "half-beer?"), obtained as a result of bottom main fermentation. At this stage of brewing, the yeast converts the malt
Sahara? maltose. The process continues up to 2 weeks at a temperature of 8-14? The result is a fragrant foamy drink. It contains residual sugars, a small amount of alcohol. As a rule, according to the classical technology, young beer is sent for post-fermentation, but there are lovers of green unripe product.

Mentions of brewing? half a beer? are found in Russian historical documents from the middle of the 18th century. Even then there were drinking establishments called? Half-beer houses?. According to the famous historian of Russian cuisine Maxim Syrnikov, the term? half a beer? means that the recipe uses half the amount of mash added to the wort at a full rate of water. Thus, the drink turned out to be half thinner and weaker than the traditional one. Half-beer houses were allowed to work longer than ordinary beer houses and taverns, women and the military were allowed there. Half a beer was brewed for the table of Catherine II.

The second use of the term? for green malt beer. It means grain (wheat, barley, rye) sprouted to the required degree and put into preparation without prior drying. A hoppy drink according to this recipe is distinguished by a clean grain aroma and a slight grassy aftertaste. In all other respects, the preparation does not deviate from the classics. Brewed with the addition of caramel malt, hops, yeast. Pauses between heatings, cooking mode, primary and secondary fermentation and aging are observed.

An unusual pastime in Prague is sampling green beer. Yes, you heard right: only once a year, residents and tourists of the Czech Republic are given a unique opportunity to try green beer! Therefore, if you are in Prague on April 2 this year, be sure to perform this ritual.

Green beer with a unique taste and aroma has been brewed for the inhabitants of the Czech Republic for 10 years in a row. This beer is brewed by such famous breweries as Starobrno and Lobkowicz.

By preparing green beer, Czech brewers celebrate Maundy Thursday (Czech. Zelený čtvrtek) - the day from which preparations for Easter begin. According to Christian tradition, on Maundy Thursday, cleansing rites are held related to food and health. But the Czechs purify themselves in their own way and drink green beer on this day.

Green beer festival just one day a year, and in 2019 it will take place April 18th.

Green beer is brewed from the finest Moravian barley and the famous Žatec hops, and it does not contain any chemical dyes - everything is natural. Beer is brewed in the traditional way, just when brewing beer at the time of boiling, a plant extract based on nettle and other wild herbs is added. Thanks to this brewing method, the beer has an expressive taste with a pleasant bitterness. Ultimately, the beer goes through a process of bottom fermentation, which lasts another 8 days. The last step in the production of beer is the addition of herbal liquor under the supervision of a technologist.

Where can you taste Czech green beer?

Green beer will be presented in more than 200 restaurants and pubs throughout the Czech Republic. A complete list of beer gardens is available at Zelenepivo.cz. Here are a few places where you can try this beer in Prague: Restaurace U Mlynářе, Zlatý Dvůr, Výtopna, Malostranská hospůdka U Tří Zvonků, U Tří kočiček, Restaurant & Pub Krok zpět.

This year, beer lovers will be pleased brewer Lobkowicz: especially for Maundy Thursday, he will release a slightly sweet green beer Zelený Krasličák 14%, and for Easter - light green-red beer Velikonoční Krasličák 10%.

Brewer Purkmistr This year I brewed green beer in honor of another holiday: St. Patrick's Day, which was March 17th. Only other herbs were added: lemon balm and hemp. Don't be upset if you didn't have time to try it: the brewer promised to brew the same beer for Green Thursday.

I wish all residents and guests of Prague to have a good time with a mug of green beer! I promise to make an update to this post based on the results of a personal test of green beer.

And then this alcohol-poison, called beer, to this site about medicine?! Fake "experts" brainwash us with fairy tales that beer is beneficial, not harmful. They "recommend" this poison to people. In fact, even vodka contains fewer toxic compounds than beer: methanol, aldehydes, esters and other poisons multiply during the fermentation process.
Remember: beer is extremely unhealthy
The effect of beer on the brain
Alcohol contained in beer sticks together blood cells into lumps, which causes clogging of cerebral vessels. Oxygen ceases to flow to the brain cells and they die. The effect of memory loss after drinking is connected precisely with this. With a plentiful libation, entire sections of the cerebral cortex die off and a person completely forgets what happened to him last night or afternoon.

Roughly speaking, alcohol gradually kills the brain of the drinking person. Sclerosis, a decrease in the speed of thinking and some "stupefaction" are provided to him. This is especially noticeable in drinking schoolchildren or students - there is a clear connection between the academic performance graph and the amount of beer they drink.
Harm of beer for the male body
Beer is a hoppy drink, the hop plant is used in its production. And hops contain horse doses of phytoestrogen - a substance that promotes the production of female sex hormones. Roughly speaking, a man who constantly drinks beer is no longer quite a man. Men begin to produce female sex hormones, which affects their appearance: the chest grows, the pelvis expands. Due to the weakening of the abdominal muscles, a “beer belly” is formed, fat is deposited on the hips and sides.

Not a rainbow picture, is it? But that is not all. The harm of beer for men is manifested not only in appearance, but also in voice and even character. I will not describe metamorphoses in detail - what is the difference between a male character and a female one, you already know without me.

In general, if you want to change your gender to the opposite - do not stop evening gatherings with beer on the couch. And often look in the mirror in the bathroom.

Harm of beer for the female body
In women, the appearance of additional hormones also does not lead to anything good. At first, the hormonal background increases, causing violations of the monthly cycles and causing increased attraction to the opposite sex. So at least they say, I'm honestly not an expert in this. But it does sound logical.

Over time, the female body gets so used to constant external infusions of hormones that it stops producing them on its own. The reverse process begins - the amount of female hormones gradually decreases, the hormonal background shifts to the "male" side. This leads to very unpleasant consequences for the female body. “Beer tendrils” appear, the vegetation on the chest and legs increases, the voice becomes rougher, the character changes.

But the most terrible harm is done to the reproductive system. The alcohol contained in beer, at the gene level, strikes at a girl's ability to bear children. However, the same applies to men.

When considering options for exotic alcoholic products in your city's alcohol boutique, do not bypass bamboo beer.

This is an original class of intoxicating products that can not only please with exotic gastronomic incarnations, but also surprise with tenderness and velvety.

The popularity of these products is systematically growing. They are actively purchased by the best bars, restaurants and clubs in the world. Having tried this alcohol once, you will surely want to enjoy it more than once.

When consumed in moderation, bamboo liquor is extremely beneficial to the body. It removes harmful toxins from the body.

Just like ginger beer, real bamboo green beer will delight you with its unique tasting characteristics.

There are no analogues of this product on the market, and it is for this reason that many experienced tasters classify this alcohol as a separate class of intoxicating products. We also note that this alcohol is made exclusively from natural ingredients, and its degree measure does not exceed 3-5%.


The external design of drinks of this class pleases with a pronounced green tint with an attractive emerald overflow.


Aromatic characteristics of bamboo intoxicating can be seriously different, but their generalizing feature should rightfully be considered an abundance of plumes of spices, fruits and caramel.


The taste ambitions of emerald beer demonstrate the balance between fragrant spices and fruits. They also have a slight hop bitterness.

Production technology

When choosing green bamboo beer, keep in mind that it is brewed only with a certain type of Phyllostachys bamboo, which grows in South Korea and locally in China.

The collection of leaves for cooking occurs in the fall. After that, they are dried and sorted for further production of extracts.

The classical manufacturing technology initially involves the creation of grain wort from rice and barley, to which hops and bamboo leaf extract are gradually added.

Subsequently, the wort is boiled, filtered and cooled to room temperature, systematically saturated with oxygen and those impurities that were provided by the added brewer's yeast.

The fermentation of the drink takes several weeks, and upon its completion, a liquid is obtained, slightly reminiscent of mash. It is poured into sealed barrels and allowed to brew for some time under high pressure and a temperature of no more than 2 degrees.

The final stage of preparation is filtering and bottling the drink.

How to buy the original intoxicating

When choosing Tanuki bamboo beer in the shops of your city, try to be extremely careful, as these products are objects of attention from counterfeiters.

In other words, just like the popular live beer, this alcohol is often faked, which upsets a wide audience of drink lovers around the world. In case you don't want to miscalculate, take a look at:

  • consistency. It should be smooth without any impurities in the form of turbidity or sediment.
  • Design of a bottle or jar. Each manufacturer strives to produce authentic products, which is why before buying one or another branded alcohol, be sure to visit the official website of the manufacturer and get acquainted with what its branded packaging looks like.
  • Place of purchase. You can’t buy a real green intoxicating drink in an ordinary grocery store or a small stall. It is sold only in a specialized store, and even there it is not easy to get it.

If you managed to buy a product in a store in your city, do not rush to rejoice, be sure to check the product for authenticity. To do this, pour the product into a glass and wait a few minutes. A fake will definitely change its color.

How to serve

Like Irish ale, in hot weather, bamboo beer needs to be cooled to 5-10 degrees so that its aromatic and flavor characteristics find a universal balance.

Unlike most representatives of intoxicating alcohol, these alcohol options can also be heated up to 30 degrees on cold winter evenings. Moreover, this method involves the addition of a spoonful of burnt sugar.

The heated emerald drink gives off an enveloping and warming taste that cannot be compared to any other product on the market. Drinking a drink in this case should be from classic tall beer glasses.

What products are combined with

Like Irish beer, the green drink goes well with a wide variety of dishes and snacks. In fact, you can choose the perfect accompaniment yourself, because the drink has no restrictions. It looks great with meat dishes, seafood, chips, canapes and other nice additions.

In a real bamboo beer, you will never find a large foam. At the same time, its calorie content is only 40-50 kcal per 100 ml.

Other uses

To diversify your tasting evening with green beer, we recommend paying attention to the Cranes, Diesel, Depth Charge, W-beer, Bishop, White Cocktail and Three Comrades cocktails.

Each of them has its own unique tasting characteristics, allowing you to take a completely new look at the usual taste of hops. We also note that experienced mixologists have come up with an original cocktail specifically for this emerald drink for a long time. This mix is ​​called Fresh.

What are the types of this drink

It is sad to admit it, but you will not be able to surround yourself with an impressive variety of emerald intoxicating in the CIS countries. Although emerald is very popular, most manufacturers in America, Europe and Asia make it exclusively for the domestic market.

Only rare representatives of such interesting products reach us. In particular, when you decide to get acquainted with real green, in the shops of your city you are likely to get acquainted with two brands, namely:

  • Bamboo Beer in can. Alcohol of an attractive emerald color with pleasant notes of fragrant spices and bitterness in the aroma. The taste ambitions of the drink are expressed by a harmonious combination of spices and herbs.
  • Starodub. Bamboo green, created using a unique technology without preservatives. It has a light caramel flavor and excellent aroma, dominated by a variety of spice shades.

Historical reference

Real bamboo beer was first brewed in Asia. Where exactly remains a mystery, but it is reliably known that it has been served in the east for at least 50 years.

At the same time, Canadian, American and European specialists are also engaged in the production of these alcoholic products, who have established direct supplies of Phyllostachys bamboo from South Korea.

At the moment, bamboo hops are actively produced all over the world, including in Russia.

A drink with its own unique characteristics

Bamboo beer is a special kind of hoppy beer that every modern connoisseur of alcoholic beverages should try.

It hides not just an interesting taste and a memorable aroma, but a real coloring of colors that makes you experience a unique pleasure from the very first sip. Moreover, these drinks are great for any events and events.

With them you can relax after a hard day's work, as well as have fun in the company of best friends. Visit the nearest alcohol store in your city today to choose an exquisite emerald product that has won the trust of a multi-million audience of intoxicating connoisseurs around the world.

If you want to follow the tradition, stock up on just a couple of ingredients: green food coloring and, of course, the beer itself.

Food coloring will have to choose from two options. You can take the gel, sold in pastry shops, drop a little directly on the bottom of the glass, dilute with a couple of tablespoons of beer, and then pour the remaining drink. The sequence is just that. Otherwise, the gel will hardly dissolve in the abundance of liquid and will simply float in pieces.

The second option is powder dye, which can be obtained from almost any supermarket. The advantage of this method is not only greater availability, but also the ability to independently adjust the color of the drink by adding dropwise powder diluted with water to the beer.

Approximately ¼ teaspoon is enough to color for the whole company. Dissolve the dye in a small amount of cold water until all crystals disappear.

Add liquid coloring to the beer drop by drop until you achieve the desired color of the drink.

To make the green as vibrant as possible, mix the paint only with light filtered beer.

If you wish, you can experiment with shades by combining yellow and blue dye. Different proportions allow you to get a whole palette of green.

In the photo below, yellow and blue powder were mixed in equal parts. The difference in shades is noticeable to the naked eye.
