
Guinness record for drinking vodka a day. World beer records

One of the main records was set by Stephen Petrosino Carlisle, who in the USA in 1977 drank a liter of beer in 1.3 seconds. His speed drinking colleague Englishman Peter Dowdswell drank two liters of beer in 6 seconds. Another record for drinking beer was set by the American Dowdswell in Rochester, he drank two liters of beer while standing on his head in 4.49 seconds.

The Ukrainian record was set in Odessa - half a liter of beer was drunk in 1.2 seconds.

Chef Mider from the Czech city of Ostrava drank ten and a half liters of beer in 3 minutes. The Imperial Hotel, where Mieder worked at the time, claimed that he drank at least eight liters of beer daily.

Frenchman Mufsfi was also a big fan of beer. He once drank 16 liters of beer in 50 minutes. And in Warsaw, at the first all-Polish beer festival, 30 people drank 400 liters of beer in 12 hours.

There are beer sniffing experts in the world. So, the actor Alexander Filipenko sniffed out a mug of dark beer in 12 hours.

As for the production of beer, there are also many interesting things here. So, the oldest of the world's breweries is located in Freising near Munich in Germany, founded in 1040 and called "Weihenstephan".

The largest brewing company, Anheuser Bush Incorporated in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, owns 12 breweries and produces about 11 billion liters of beer per year. And the smallest brewery can be considered an exhibit of the Brewery Museum in Pilsen in the Czech Republic.

The current copy of the brewery was made by Josef Vesely from Nizhnye Berkovets, which became the work of his whole life. The mini-factory can brew 30 liters of beer.

The strongest beer is considered "Famous Falling over Water", brewed by the Ross Brewery in Bristol in the UK. It contained 17.3% alcohol by volume (14.2% by weight).

And the weakest beer was produced in 1918 in Germany by the Sunner company. The potential alcohol content in it is 0.1% by volume. This is about five times less than the amount of alcohol found in typical non-alcoholic beers today.

The smallest bottle is made in the Swiss village of Wadenswil near Zurich. It holds 40 ml of beer and costs 9 francs.

The largest bottle, 211 centimeters high and 164 centimeters in circumference, was filled with ninety-two gallons of Laidley Gold wheat beer on September 2, 1989.

The most expensive can is Rosalie Pilsner, which was sold in April 1981 for $6,000.

From beer products - that is, cans and bottles - beer fans make very interesting things. Residents of the Australian village of Forchendorf stacked 56 beer crates against each other. This tower stood for 15 seconds.

German Silveire from Portugal built a 160-bottle ferry and during a storm successfully covered the distance of 16 miles from the island of Iorge to the island of Siki in the Akov archipelago. And the American Bob Bishop built a plane capable of flying out of 11,000 cans. The plane weighed 210 kilograms, its carrying capacity was 240 kilograms (including 160 liters of fuel).

Quite often, this kind of competition leads participants to the intensive care unit. And in some cases, it can be fatal. However, despite the warnings of doctors, the number of fans to compete in this way does not decrease in any way. This is confirmed not only by the news bulletin, but also by the world-famous Guinness Book of Records. Who still takes part in such competitions?

The first position in the ranking of drunkards was taken by a 40-year-old Pole.

He was discovered by police in a ditch near the town of Nova Demba. This happened several years ago. The man was without signs of life, and this is quite natural, taking into account the amount of alcohol consumed. Doctors found that the man's blood contained about 14 ppm alcohol. Translated into vodka, this means that he drank about three liters of this strong drink. The record holder was saved from death, however, alcohol caused irreparable harm to the health of the record holder.

The second position went to a resident of Bulgaria.

Despite the 67-year-old age of the man, he had a fairly strong addiction to alcohol. At the same time, he used it completely uncontrollably, which led him under the wheels of a car in 2004. The doctors who came to this challenge were simply dumbfounded by the results of the tests. In the blood of an elderly man, 9.14 ppm of alcohol was found. Surprisingly, the record holder could adequately answer all the questions of doctors. A little later, it was found that within 1.5 hours the man drank about two liters of vodka. He was urgently hospitalized. In this case, the accident became his salvation from death.

In third place was a man from Riga, who decided to get drunk after a quarrel with his wife.

He was found at a public transport stop with no signs of life. In the record holder's blood, 7.22 ppm of alcohol was found, which is equivalent to drinking 1.5 liters of vodka. At the same time, the man absolutely could not remember not only what kind of drink he used, but also that he did it at all. Doctors carried out procedures to resuscitate the patient, which most likely saved him from death.

It should be remembered that the blood alcohol content of more than 5 ppm can lead to irreparable consequences.

However, there are examples of people surviving after significantly higher blood alcohol levels. But this is possible only with the timely provision of medical care.

Smooth does not approve of such records, as they say in such cases: "Do not try to repeat at home."

You should not fall into the ranks of record-breaking alcoholics and become the person who drank the most alcohol.

You can get into the Guinness Book of Records with a record that is less harmful to health.

Compete in the number of drinks is very fun, but quite risky. Often such competitions end in the intensive care unit. And in especially dangerous cases - and the morgue. But, as they say, until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself. And no matter how much doctors warn lovers to measure themselves with mugs (or glasses), the number of daredevils does not decrease in any way. Confirmation of this fact is not only in the news, but also in the famous Guinness Book of Records. So who are these brave men who decided to show their brave prowess?

The first place in the ranking is occupied by a 40-year-old resident of Poland. A few years ago, the police found him in a ditch near Nova Demba. The man showed no signs of life, which is not surprising, given the amount of alcohol he drank. Doctors found that almost fourteen ppm of alcohol was present in his blood. If translated into vodka, then he consumed almost three liters of the drink. Fortunately, the record holder survived, but alcohol caused irreparable damage to his health.

The second place is rightfully occupied by the Bulgarian Petr Petrov. Despite his rather advanced age (67), grandfather turned out to be a big fan of Bacchus. And he had absolutely no control over the amount of alcohol he drank. For this reason, Peter in 2004 fell under the wheels of a car. The doctors who came to the call were shocked by the results of the study. 9.14 ‰ of alcohol was recorded in the grandfather's blood. The strangest thing is that the victim communicated normally with the doctors and clearly answered questions. A little later, it was possible to establish that in an hour and a half, grandfather consumed approximately two liters of vodka. He was immediately taken to the hospital. This is the rare situation when the accident saved the life of the victim.

The third position is occupied by a resident of Riga, who got drunk due to strife with his wife. This record holder was found at a bus stop with no signs of life. The unlucky victim was found to have 7.22 ‰ of alcohol, which is identical to one and a half liters of vodka drunk. Interestingly, the victim of a family scandal did not remember what he drank or the name of the drink. Doctors performed resuscitation procedures, which saved the man from death.

As you know, the use of alcohol can lead to tragic consequences if its concentration in the blood exceeds 5 ‰. Although cases have been established when people remained alive even with a much higher alcohol content. Naturally, if they were provided with timely medical care.

Enjoy your beer- life will be beautiful!

Fans of the foamy drink are no less enthusiastic. They constantly compete both in the amount of drink and in the speed of its use. One of the record holders is Steven Petrosino drank a liter of beer in 1.3 seconds. This achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Stephen participated in a beer drinking competition held in Carliss (USA, Pennsylvania). The record was set on June 22, 1977. The previous champion was Peter Dowdeswell, who drank a liter of beer in 2.3 seconds. By the way, in 1977, the Frenchman Carlisle distinguished himself with an unprecedented speed in drinking beer. He also "swallowed" a liter of foamy drink in 1.3 seconds. But for some reason, his record was not included in the Guinness Book. But the Czech chef Mider trained for a long time before becoming a champion. As a result, in three minutes he drank ten and a half liters of beer. But in order to achieve such an impressive result, Mider honed his skills for several years.

One of the main records was set by Stephen Petrosino Carlisle, who in the USA in 1977 drank a liter of beer in 1.3 seconds. His speed drinking colleague Englishman Peter Dowdswell drank two liters of beer in 6 seconds. Another record for drinking beer was set by the American Dowdswell in Rochester, he drank two liters of beer while standing on his head in 4.49 seconds.
The Ukrainian record was set in Odessa - half a liter of beer was drunk in 1.2 seconds.
Chef Mider from the Czech city of Ostrava drank ten and a half liters of beer in 3 minutes. The Imperial Hotel, where Mieder worked at the time, claimed that he drank at least eight liters of beer daily.
Frenchman Mufsfi was also a big fan of beer. He once drank 16 liters of beer in 50 minutes. And in Warsaw, at the first all-Polish beer festival, 30 people drank 400 liters of beer in 12 hours.
There are beer sniffing experts in the world. So, the actor Alexander Filipenko sniffed out a mug of dark beer in 12 hours.
As for the production of beer, there are also many interesting things here. So, the oldest of the world's breweries is located in Freising near Munich in Germany, founded in 1040 and called "Weihenstephan".
The largest brewing company - "Anheuser Bush Incorporated" in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, which owns 12 breweries, produces about 11 billion liters of beer per year. And the smallest brewery can be considered an exhibit of the Brewery Museum in Pilsen in the Czech Republic.
The current copy of the brewery was made by Josef Vesely from Nizhnye Berkovets, which became the work of his whole life. The mini-factory can brew 30 liters of beer.
The strongest beer is considered "Famous Falling over Water", brewed by the Ross Brewery in Bristol in the UK. It contained 17.3% alcohol by volume (14.2% by weight).
And the weakest beer was produced in 1918 in Germany by the Sunner company. The potential alcohol content in it is 0.1% by volume. This is about five times less than the amount of alcohol found in typical non-alcoholic beers today.
The smallest bottle is made in the Swiss village of Wadenswil near Zurich. It holds 40 ml of beer and costs 9 francs.
The largest bottle, 211 centimeters high and 164 centimeters in circumference, was filled with ninety-two gallons of Laidley Gold wheat beer on September 2, 1989.
The most expensive can is Rosalie Pilsner, which was sold in April 1981 for $6,000.
From beer products - that is, cans and bottles - beer fans make very interesting things. Residents of the Australian village of Forchendorf stacked 56 beer crates against each other. This tower stood for 15 seconds.
German Silveire from Portugal built a 160-bottle ferry and during a storm successfully covered the distance of 16 miles from the island of Iorge to the island of Siki in the Akov archipelago. And the American Bob Bishop built a plane capable of flying out of 11,000 cans. The plane weighed 210 kilograms, its carrying capacity was 240 kilograms (including 160 liters of fuel).

August 27 marks the birthday of the Guinness Book of Records, which appeared thanks to the love of the managing director of the Guinness Brewing Company, Hugh Beaver, for all sorts of disputes. There are many interesting records in the book concerning the fine drink.

1. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Stephen Petrosino is the world champion in speed drinking beer. On June 22, 1977, he drank 1 liter of beer in 1.3 seconds in Carlise, Pennsylvania, surpassing by 56% the previous world record set a few years earlier by Englishman Peter Dowdeswell (1 liter in 2.3 seconds).

2. World record for carrying beer mugs - 20 mugs. Restaurant manager Reinhard Wurz, a Bavaria-born Australian citizen, set a new world record by carrying 20 liter beers 40 meters away. The weight of each mug filled with beer is 2.5 kilograms, so during the record setting, Wurz carried 50 kilograms of beer and dishes. The previous record of 16 mugs was set by German barmaid Anita Schwartz.

3. The most bitter beer in the world. Peter Fowler, 58, who has been a brewer at Pitstop Brewery since 1975, created The Hop, an 8% beer with as much as 323 international units (IBUs) of bitterness. This is the most bitter beer in the world. The previous Guinness World Record was held by the American Devil Dance Triple IPA, containing 200 units of bitterness. The world record is set with the help of two independent laboratories.

4. The strongest beer in the world. The alcohol content of a pale Belgian beer with the addition of juniper berries and nettles has been brought up to 55% using a special freezing technology. Manufacturer - BrewDog.

5. The world's largest house made from beer coasters. 21-year-old Sven Göbel built a house out of 300,000 beer coasters. Actually, this is not a house, just a five-room apartment with a fireplace, a table and chairs. No glue or any other connectors were used to create this structure. After entering the record in the Guinness Book, the creator destroyed his building.

6. World record for driving on bottles of beer. A Chinese man drove a car 60 meters along two rows of beer bottles in Wenzhou. Li Guiwen, an army driver from Beijing, drove over 1,798 bottles in 8 minutes and 28 seconds. He tried to set this record back in 2009, but then a tire slipped due to rain. The idea to set such a record came to Lee after an argument with friends while drinking.

7. World record for the most pints of beer held on the head. In June 2010, John Evans set a new world record with 237 pints of beer on his head. However, he even held a Mini Cooper car on his head.

8. The most expensive bottle of beer in the world. A bottle of Lowebrau lager that survived the crash and fire on the German airship Hindenburg in 1937 was sold at auction for more than $16,000. This is one of six bottles found by the fire chief at the crash site. Prior to this, the most expensive bottle of beer was sold for $2,500.

9. The largest beer mug. The owners of the Irish pub Auld Dubliner filled an eight-foot glass tumbler with 430 gallons of strong Guinness and hit the Guinness Book of Records. Approximately 400 spectators watched this. The dishes weighed 900 pounds and the contents weighed 2,772 pounds. Before that, the largest beer utensil was considered a four-foot six-sided mug with a handle and a tap. This beer-filled mug weighed approximately 1,000 pounds.

10. The longest bartender experience. Angelo Cammarata is the longest-serving bartender according to the Guinness Book of Records. For many of his 77 years, he stood at the bar in his bar. In September 2009, the bar where he still helped his sons John and Frank was sold and Cammarata retired. Angelo worked as a bartender in an institution that was owned first by his father, and then by him and his sons, all his life except for the time of Prohibition and service in the Navy during World War II.
