
Puer - Tea House: online store of Chinese tea, tea utensils. Pu-erh, oolong, green tea, red tea, black tea, yellow tea

We all know that tea is distinguished by its colors. There is tea: green, white, exotic yellow and turquoise and, perhaps, the most familiar, familiar to us, black tea. But it turns out that in China, the birthplace of tea and tea culture, our “black” tea is called red because it is not fermented enough to be called “black”. However, there is in China (and only in this country!) real Puer tea!

Puer - the most common post-fermented invigorating Chinese tea. The main distinguishing feature of Pu-erh is a special production technology: the collected leaves are subjected to natural (natural) or artificial fermentation, in other words, aging. After this type of processing, in the tea leaf, already ready for use, under the right storage conditions, certain biochemical reactions continue to occur, as a result of which the tea acquires a unique and more pronounced taste and aroma over the years. There are only two in the world today Pu-erh species ov: Shen and Shu. Distinguishes Puer color (Shen - light, Shu - dark), aroma and taste.

Let's answer the question, how does Pu-erh work?

This type tea is able to lower blood cholesterol levels, fight indigestion and indigestion. Most noticeable effect Pu-erh tea is manifested in its strong tonic properties, this is explained by the presence in its leaf of such a substance as tannin. Puer has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, diluting the blood, cleansing blood vessels, improving blood composition, normalizing the work of the heart, is a wonderful prevention of arteriosclerosis and prevents hemorrhages. Also, the aforementioned drink helps the body remove toxins, harmful toxins and restore metabolism. Puer green tea shows its properties most noticeably in the fight against hangovers and overweight, stops cell aging, the appearance of age spots and wrinkles.

How to brew Pu-erh?

For all Pu-erhs, in principle, there is one cooking recipe: for one teaspoon of Pu-erh we take 150-200 ml of water; fill the tea leaves with water for aged - at a temperature of 95-100 degrees, young - 80-90 degrees; after a few seconds, drain the first water (this procedure is carried out to clean the tea); infuse tea for 10-15 seconds and drain for consumption. The consumer decides how many times to brew Pu-erh himself, only a matter of taste (someone brews it 2-3 times, and someone manages to brew it 10 times).

Pu-erh storage

Storage of Pu-erh should be, in principle, the same as for other teas, but there are some peculiarities. So, the basic rules of storage: the absence of any foreign odors, air humidity must be maintained at 60-75, the presence of dust and other pollutants must not be allowed, direct contact should be avoided. sun rays, several times a month it is imperative to check the tea for mold and other undesirable deviations.

Oolong (oolong)

Oolong (oolong) is a semi-fermented Chinese tea that combines the properties of red and green tea, this ability is explained by incomplete fermentation (only the edges of the tea leaf are exposed to enzymes). This type of tea can improve heart health, lower blood cholesterol, fight obesity and diabetes and even help in the prevention of caries, in addition, it is very rich in vitamins and trace elements. For weight loss, it is recommended to regularly consume Oolong 3 times a day before meals. This tea is able to stimulate the metabolism in the body, and block the deposition of fat cells.

Oolong, oolong, turquoise tea is a semi-fermented tea. During its processing, fermentation is not completed: not the entire leaf is subjected to it, but only its edges and part of the surface. At the same time, the inner layers of the tea leaf retain their inherent structure and are not fermented. Therefore, oolong occupies an intermediate position between green and black tea. With even less fermentation, yellow tea is obtained.

Oolong has a special aroma and taste that does not allow confusing it with other types of tea. Dry tea has a characteristic spicy aroma. The infusion of pure oolongs is obtained with a specific, spicy and slightly sweet, floral or honey flavor and aroma. Sometimes oolong tea is even called "spicy" or "spicy" tea because of its taste. The color of the infusion can be different: from light green to light brown and orange-red. The color scheme depends on many factors: climate, soil structure, features of production technology.

Oolongs are usually produced from mature leaves collected from mature bushes.
The collected leaves are dried in the sun for half an hour to an hour. Then the dried leaves are laid in a thick layer in baskets and placed in the shade for fermentation. key point in preparation is that during fermentation, the leaves are gently stirred and kneaded every hour, while trying not to break. Such processing leads to the fact that the leaves are fermented unevenly - the edges of the leaves are more than the middle. Depending on the duration of the process and the characteristics of the raw material, varying degrees fermentation - from 20% to 60% (for most oolongs, it is in the range of 40-50%.

After reaching the desired degree of fermentation, it is interrupted by heating - the leaves are dried at a temperature of 250-300 ° C. Usually, drying is carried out in two stages - first, the leaves are briefly dried for several minutes, then twisting is carried out, after which the tea is dried to reduce its moisture content and finally stop the fermentation. The resulting tea is packaged and sent for sale.

The characteristic features of the oolong processing technology make it quite easy to determine the authenticity of tea - a real oolong is always whole-leaf, it should not contain broken leaves, crumbs, dust, and its leaves, unfolding during the brewing process, have a characteristic appearance - the edges are dark, like a black leaf tea, and the leaf veins and some part of the leaf in the middle part are green and have retained their structure and strength. However, the characteristic taste of oolongs makes them very difficult to fake.


Weakly fermented oolongs are usually recommended to be brewed according to the brewing technology. green teas, that is, water at a temperature of 60-85 ° C, for 1-3 minutes. Heavily fermented oolongs, which are closer to black teas, are brewed longer (up to 5 minutes) and with hotter water (80-95 °C).

Puer tea

Official definition

In the summer of 2006, after a long review, new provincial regulations were published, establishing the definition of pu-erh, requirements for manufacturers, evaluation methods, etc.

Among them, the main one is DB53/103-2006 "Pu-Er Tea", which comes into force from the beginning of 2007 and replaces the previously existing provincial regulation DB53/T 103-2003.

3.1 Puer tea
Pu-erh tea is a local product of Yunnan, it is a tea with special quality characteristics, produced using a special technology from large-leaf sun-dried leaves of Yunnan tea
plants from areas that meet the requirements of the place and the conditions for the production of pu-erh. Pu-erh tea has two types - pu-erh tea (sheng cha) and pu-erh tea (shu cha).

3.2 Puer tea(sheng cha) is a pressed tea produced by a technology that includes fixing, twisting, sun-drying, steaming and shaping,
from fresh tea leaves of Yunnan large-leaved tea plants grown in places that meet the requirements of the place and conditions for the production of pu-erh.
Its quality features: the color of the leaf is brilliant dark green, the aroma is clean, long-lasting, the taste is dense (strong) with a sweet aftertaste,
the color of the infusion is green-yellow, clean, boiled leaf is fleshy, yellow-green.

3.3 Pu-erh tea (shu cha) is a loose or pressed tea produced from large-leaf sun-dried Yunnan tea from areas
meeting the requirements of the place and conditions for the production of pu-erh according to a certain technology, which has undergone post-fermentation (accelerated post-fermentation or slow post-fermentation).
Its quality features: the color of the leaf is brilliant red-brown, the color of the infusion is red, dense, clear, the aroma is special chenxiang (seasoned aroma),
aged (strong) taste with a sweet aftertaste, red-brown boiled leaf.

Thus, the existence of two different types of pu-erh - "raw" (sheng) and "ready" (fermented) pu-erh, was officially recognized, and the equality of slow (that is, natural) and accelerated (industrial) post-fermentation was recognized.

Puer is a separate group Chinese tea, which is made from raw materials collected from the Yunnan large-leaf tea tree. The peculiarity of pu-erh is that it is subject to aging (long-term storage). Before the advent of motor transport, tea had time to ripen on the way to the consumer. In the second half of the 20th century, with an increase in demand and a reduction in the time of delivery of goods to the consumer, tea ceased to have time to ripen (ferment) to the desired degree, in connection with which, in the seventies of the 20th century, the technology of artificially accelerated fermentation was developed (the tea leaf is folded into heaps, watered water, after which the temperature inside the heap rises, thereby accelerating the fermentation process). Thus, two main types of pu-erh appeared - “raw pu-erh” made according to the original technology and (“forced”) “cooked pu-erh”.

Cooked pu-erh is pu-erh that has passed the stage of accelerated fermentation: raw tea is dumped into heaps of a certain height indoors, covered with burlap, 40 liters of water are added for every 100 kg of raw material and left for a period of one day to a week.

Last stage preparation of pu-erh - pressing. Tea is softened with steam, given the desired shape (brick, pancake, rectangular tile, bird's nest or fungus) and dried, wrapped in a cloth. Bricks and pancakes of pressed pu-erh can be both miniature and huge. Pressed pu-erh is a suitable material for creating large relief paintings, however, for making tea, it is more convenient to use pressed balls designed for one serving.

The birthplace of pu-erh is considered to be Puer County in the southwestern province of China Yunnan, from which the name of tea comes, although pu-erh is also produced in other regions of China (a mixture of Guangdong and Yunnan raw materials, or products completely from Yunnan raw materials, but produced in other regions), and even outside of it (Burma, Thailand, Vietnam produce their own pu-erh). Climatic conditions in Yunnan are optimal for growing tea: a slight temperature difference in winter and summer, high humidity and a large number of precipitation. Pu-erh has a history of at least 1700 years.

Pu-erh in conditions of proper storage with age only improves its qualities. As a result, tea acquires softness and velvety taste, subtlety of aroma and accumulates the power of impact, color saturation. According to tradition, pu-erh is considered ready when "freshness has passed into old age." The oldest pu-erh to date is stored in the storerooms of the Imperial Palace. This tea has been aged for over 300 years.

Nature fresh tea cold, so it can hurt the stomach, deprive you of sleep, cause tea intoxication. The nature of pu-erh is soft and warm. Old pu-erh and cooked pu-erh - do not injure the stomach, help digestion, calm the spirit, fill us with qi. For this he is valued. Pu-erh not only quenches thirst and uplifts the spirit, it also has a medicinal effect.


properties of pu-erh tea soft taste And delicate fragrance, it heals from 100 diseases. Most of all, Pu-erh became famous as a medicine for diseases of the digestive system. It also has other useful properties: lowers cholesterol, cleanses toxins, relieves the effects of intoxication (including hangover syndrome), promotes weight loss (vitamins A, D, E), normalizes metabolism.

With regular use, pu-erh is extremely beneficial. Many modern clinical studies have confirmed the improvement of digestive functions, the acceleration of metabolism, the improvement of skin condition, the lowering of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the loss of excess weight.


Since pu-erh has a very strong smell And saturated color, it is not recommended to brew it in a clay teapot if you brew any other tea in the same teapot. Clay absorbs all odors, and any tea brewed after pu-erh will look like pu-erh. For pu-erh, you should keep your own clay teapot. The rich saturated color of pu-erh will look beautiful in glass or porcelain dishes. High-quality tea can be brewed many times, so it is advisable to use a small teapot (100-200 ml) and small bowls. The cleansing effect of pu-erh is possible only when it is drunk without sugar and other sweets. A small amount of dried fruit or dark chocolate is fine.

With a knife, separate a piece of 2-3 sq.cm in size from a pu-erh tile. The exact dosage cannot be recommended, since the strength of pu-erh depends on many factors. To "spice up" and purify the tea, place it in cold water while the kettle heats up. You can also pour tea with hot water, and immediately pour it out. Water for making pu-erh should be soft, with a temperature of 90-95 gr. Boiled water will spoil the taste quality tea. The first brewing of pu-erh should be quite long (from 10 to 30 seconds), the next 2-3 brewings give a rich infusion in a very short time, with the fourth and subsequent brewings, the time should be increased.

In addition to the above method, there is a method for brewing pu-erh using the Lu Yu method.

Your name this method was named after its founder, the first ever tea explorer, Lu Yu.

Cooking - the old fashioned way making pressed teas. It is best to cook pu-erh in glass teapot. Then you can observe the stages of heating water and the behavior of tea leaves. When brewing pu-erh, it is very important not to miss the "crab-eye" stage (small bubbles rising from the bottom of the kettle). At this stage, scoop out 1-2 cups of water from the kettle and pour it back in at the “noise in the pines” stage (thuds that precede boiling). Thus, the water is rejuvenated and prepared for the adoption of tea. pre-soaked in cold water Pu-erh is brought into the water until it boils. At the first stage of boiling (“strands of pearls”), the teapot is removed from the fire and infused for 30-60 seconds. Brewing pu-erh requires experience, because with too much infusion time, pu-erh becomes cloudy, bitter and tasteless, and with insufficient infusion time, it becomes weak and watery. Another drawback of this method is uneconomical. Brewed tea cannot be brewed again. Pu-erh can be drunk with milk and honey.


Tea intoxication can be caused by strong tea drunk in large quantities, or improperly prepared. It is also harmful to human body as well as severe alcohol intoxication. tea on empty stomach, strong tea on a full stomach, a shock dose of strong tea for an unaccustomed body can lead to intoxication with symptoms such as anxiety, dizziness, impotence in the limbs, discomfort in the stomach, hunger. Since these symptoms may not be as pronounced as with drunkenness, they usually do not pay serious attention.

The greatest danger is strong tea on an empty stomach, as well as improper use of large-leaf red tea, which is much stronger than other teas. Most susceptible tea intoxication people with weakened kidneys. With the manifestation of the described symptoms, you should immediately eat something, just sweets or fruits will do.

Summary: I propose to take a walk around the city and go to a cafe, a cup of tea or a tea club. I will tell you what is interesting and useful for oolong or puer tea. We will taste tea together to exchange impressions.
Visual communication:

I'll treat you to oolong tea Yes Hong Pao- Big Red robe

An optimistic view, what is good, what is the benefit:

I propose to take a walk around the city and go to a cafe, a cup of tea or a tea club. Drinking tea is pleasant after a walk on a hot summer day to quench your thirst and restore strength, after winter festivities to warm up after hearty lunch to normalize digestion.

Natural tea is not only useful, but will give odds to anyone energy drink, especially green tea, oolong or shen pu-erh. Plus, tea drinking is always the go-to fallback option if it starts to rain during a date. Tea drinking among friends unites more closely and is socially approved by society. There are people who have left addictions to tobacco or alcohol that are detrimental to health, receiving a large boost of positive emotions by switching to drinking tea.

For tea drinking, it is always possible to choose a suitable catering point offering sweets, pies or cakes, or gather for tea at home, or go to a tea club to taste unusual varieties of tea to broaden one's horizons.

A balanced, serious approach:

I will tell you what is interesting and useful for oolong or puer tea. Oolong or Puer tea and other teas are quite a fashionable trend and no less convenient and neutral occasion to start a conversation or fill in a pause when meeting for a cup of tea than to talk about the weather or ask how you are. The more you learn new things about tea, the more you can tell your friends about it, be remembered and attract attention. Learn more about the amazing fermentation process used in the production Chinese oolongs and pu-erh.

The tea room is convenient in that your judgments about it can be original, based on your personal experience. It is easy to read about tea, almost any tea is available to buy by weight from merchants in suitable quantities and taste, you can watch videos about tea on the Internet, tea is convenient to give and receive as a gift.

While others do not know and do not understand why people generally drink tea in the morning, and what they find special in it compared to coffee, cocoa, fruit drink, kvass, juices and soda, you will have the opportunity to reasonably justify your choice of a particular type of tea. After all, the conscious use of tea is one of the components healthy lifestyle of life and, as Eastern wisdom says, the way of knowing oneself, expanding one's worldview. And, healthy and, a little, philosophically mysterious people have a serious acquaintance, they give off a bewitching sense of depth and stability, they are in no hurry, fleeting relationships are not for them.

It is very convenient to buy a box of tea as a gift, both for official purposes and for personal, friendly ones. Because tea can be picked up at any suitable cost of different grades and weights, presented in beautiful packaging, and having an idea about the characteristics of the tea variety, you can easily think of something original that you can say to the donee so that he becomes even more pleasant from your attention.

How to avoid mistakes with a lack of experience and practice:

We will taste tea together to exchange impressions. During many meetings, often, situations will arise one way or another related to tea and tea drinking. At a party, on a trip, in a cafe or in a restaurant, wherever it is offered to choose a drink of your choice, you will be constantly asked by the owners, waiters or acquaintances, if tea, then what kind of tea will you drink, black or green, with jasmine, with bergamot, another, or you will think about what kind of tea is best to offer guests.

And, you will make a good impression and draw additional attention to yourself if you do not briefly answer the question about tea in the way that most do, but at the same time explain to your friends why you like to make just such a choice, that you find it pleasant and useful in tea, or what kind of tea you want to offer others. This will allow you to see the interlocutor's reaction to your words, to feel whether the interlocutor understands your explanations, whether he is interested in you, whether this is a person of your circle.

When drinking tea at a catering point, try to choose any tea according to your mood, except for pu-erh, especially shu-puerh. Because Puer tea you need to be able to rinse well with boiling water before brewing, and it is convenient to rinse on your own at home or in a tea club, because. you should have boiling water at hand and a container where you can drain the water from washing.

Communication with foreigners, foreign experience, shopping abroad on the Internet:

Tea Benefits of Oolong Tea

Tea Benefits of Oolong Tea May aid with metabolism and can be used as part of a weight loss plan Relaxing tea that promotes healthy skin and teeth Oolongs promote general relaxation and stress relief, which has a positive effect on skin health and improve the condition of teeth Good for skin and complexion Oolongs improve skin color and texture, give a rejuvenating effect Contains 10-15% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee

Statue Guanyin or Quan Yin on a tea box Tie Guan Yin

Oolong tea varieties Tie Guan Yin, Tieguanyin or varieties Iron Guanyin, rather, Iron tea from Guanyin, a classic green oolong. Guanyin is the goddess of compassion and mercy, who gave a tasty and healthy variety of tea to the peasant. In addition to taste, tea is distinguished by the fact that, supposedly, quickly, as iron ax, goes to the bottom when brewing due to the severity of the leaves, according to some data, and according to others it is so named, because. grown for seedlings in an iron bowl by his first tea grower. Online tea stores Tie Guan Yin like to call Iron Guanyin, although it was customary to call iron Margaret Thatcher because of her strong-willed qualities, and iron compassion and mercy sounds strange. Da Hong Pao Tea Oolong tea varieties Da Hong Pao or varieties Big Red robe, classic black oolong. The name comes from an expensive robe, which was thrown over a tea bush as decoration as a sign of respect.

Tea Benefits of Puer Tea

Tea Benefits of Puer Tea May be energizing, a great morning tea Pu-erh tea also contains antioxidants. Pu-erh has a positive effect on healthy heart function, contains antioxidants. As part of a diet program, may help maintain healthy cardiovascular & circulatory systems. It is also used for reducing high cholesterol. The use of pu-erh with a diet helps maintain blood circulation and the cardiovascular system in a healthy state, helps to reduce cholesterol levels. Pu-erh tea may promote digestive health Pu-erh helps to normalize the digestion process Contains 20% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee Cooked puer, Ripe puer, Aged puer Sheng Puer, Raw Puer Sheng tea or shen puer is puer that came out of the factory highly fermented, but young, and is able to mature and taste on its own in a natural way, becoming a post-fermented tea.

Qizi Cake Tea

Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea is also known as National Tea. Yunnan pressed pu-erh tea is a widely popular tea among the Chinese people and is known as a national product. Although the price of Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea is quite expensive but it has many benefits. Although the price of such Yunnan pressed tea is quite high, it is justified by the beneficial properties of tea. No wonder Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea is named as a Health drink in the new century. No wonder Yunnan pressed tea has been called one of the healthiest beverages of our century. The characteristics of this Chinese tea are: This Chinese Puer tea has the following distinctive features: a bright and red-yellow color of tea, a pure and fragrant taste, natural fragrant taste tea, a sweet after taste. sensation of sweet aftertaste when consumed. The benefits of drinking Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea the effect of alcohol. eliminates the effects of alcohol. The functions of Yunnan Qizi Cake Tea Yunnan pressed pu-erh tea is used to help reduce fat, blood sugar, and blood pressure, to reduce weight, blood sugar and normalize blood pressure with tea, to prevent blood vascular disease of cerebellum. to prevent cerebrovascular disease.

How best to choose oolong or pu-erh tea for tea drinking or as a gift

Tea Tie Guan Yin varieties Black dragon in a gift box decorated with golden statues of Guanyin

From the inscription on reverse side boxes: Semi-fermented tea Black dragon(note: oolong, i.e. Wu-Long on Chinese means Black dragon) is made from the highest quality raw materials collected in the ecologically clean mountainous region of southern China.

The constant use of tea promotes the resorption of uterine fibromas, intestinal polyps, helps the body to destroy and remove pathological cells. Of all green teas (note: oolongs with green tea leaves), it is Tie Guan Yin has a maximum of substances that adsorb toxins and fats. This tea helps to strengthen the walls, blood vessels and treat thrombophlebitis. Use this tea normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Vitamin K in the composition of tea reduces blueness and puffiness under the eyes. Tea Black dragon helps to eliminate age spots, improves complexion, improves skin elasticity, heals and rejuvenates internal organs.

Compound: green tea of ​​the highest category Tie Guan Yin with the addition of such well-known in Chinese medicine medicinal herbs, like Japanese honeysuckle, Cassia beans, etc. Tea contains about 400 substances valuable for the body, vitamins D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B3, H, B12, C, P, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, iodine, magnesium, selenium, manganese, zinc.

Manufacturer: Zhejiang Tea Company, China.

When choosing tea for tea drinking or buying pu-erh or oolong as a gift, it is most convenient to be guided by the purpose for which it is more important for you to purchase tea. Usually, tea is chosen for its beneficial properties, for example, to improve digestion or for weight loss, or for the beauty of the brewed tea infusion, for example, to serve tea on the table to guests in a transparent glass teapot, where tea leaves are visible exuding delicate fragrance, or for the stimulating effect of tea, for example, to relieve fatigue and increase tone, or to buy tea in a solid gift box.

Useful properties of pu-erh and oolong tea, which tea is more suitable for which

If possible, when choosing tea, consider the taste, aroma, beneficial properties of tea, habits, character and lifestyle of a potential tea consumer. Then you will be able to pick up a very individual gift or treat, which many value above formal signs of attention and courtesy. In case of doubt, be guided by your taste, what kind of tea would be pleasant, useful and interesting for you to brew for yourself.

Useful properties of pu-erh tea, the choice between shu pu-erh and sheng pu-erh

Pu-erhs have the highest degree of fermentation, giving them taste and beneficial properties. Pu-erhs are post-fermented teas, and shu pu-erh is more mature than sheng pu-erh.

Choose shu pu-erh tea for weight loss and for the sake of the beneficial properties of tea

Choose shu pu-erh tea, for the sake of taste and beneficial properties of tea, if you want to take care of your health or your friends and loved ones. Shu pu-erh tea will appeal to those who prefer to drink black tea more often than green tea, or who equally like black and green teas.

It is believed that shu pu-erh tea is well absorbed, because. already extremely fermented and, therefore, the body does not spend extra resources on its processing, splitting and digestion in order to extract for itself useful material from the infusion of tea, and immediately gets them to the maximum. Drinking shu pu-erh improves the digestion process, shu pu-erh tea helps normalize blood pressure and has many other beneficial properties.

The benefits of shu pu-erh tea in the absence of heart palpitations

Strong brewing of shu pu-erh gives a tonic effect, like any other tea, but with such a feature that it affects the heart rate more gently than coffee or green tea. And, therefore, tea in reasonable quantities can be consumed before bedtime, not particularly fearing that it will be difficult to fall asleep, which may be true for older people suffering from increased heart rate, insomnia, or active children who are difficult to put to sleep in the evening. Of course, the influence of tea is individual, and, if necessary, it is better to consult a doctor and carefully observe the reaction of your body.

Shu pu-erh tea is suitable as a gift for men

There is an opinion that regular use shu pu-erh tea has a positive effect on male activity due to a combination of its stimulating properties, positive impact on the work of the kidneys, the hematopoietic system and the improvement of metabolism in the body. Some consider shu pu-erh to be more of a male tea, and women are advised to brew, for example, dried chrysanthemum flowers or rosebuds, believing that the flower infusion rejuvenates the skin and improves appearance, I wonder if you agree with this opinion after trying shu pu-erh.

Shu pu-erh tea will please flower growers, lovers of gardening and horticulture

There are many people who are accustomed to their country house, plot of land, their crops, and enjoy working in the garden, planting fruit trees and bushes into holes, arrange high beds and all kinds of compost heaps, who are happy to mess around with flower pots, replanting flowers, who love and know how to grow seedlings in a greenhouse or on a windowsill. Such people are accustomed to the smell of a wooden house, freshly dug earth, humus, ash, humus or peat, which evoke in them pleasant associations associated with activity on the ground. fresh air, the experience of seeing beautiful and healthy plants grow successfully and have a bountiful harvest. Just such countryside aromas are especially rich in shu pu-erh.

Passion for agricultural work is seasonal, and in autumn and winter, such people, especially those who are in the city, will be very pleased to brew and drink shu pu-erh tea and feel the specifics of its peaty taste and smell, evoking positive memories of the earth, the harvest of environmentally friendly root crops, dive in reflection and anticipation of the implementation of their spring-summer ideas in nature.

Shu pu-erh tea will appeal to those who dislike everything sour

People's individual internal acid-base balance can determine their eating habits and preferences. If you can say to yourself or someone you know that you don't particularly like tea with lemon, like cucumbers more than tomatoes, or like sweet dark red apples, a little bitter, like a variety Jonathan and not sour Antonovka, then the taste of shu pu-erh tea may be a pleasant discovery for you.

The fact is that shu pu-erh is a unique tea that gives an alkaline reaction of the infusion, and not an acid one, thereby not irritating the stomach and not causing an increased appetite, which may especially appeal to those who dislike sour foods and drinks.

The benefits of shu pu-erh tea for weight loss and normalization of weight

Shu pu-erh tea is useful for weight loss and normalization of weight, like all oolongs and pu-erh. Tea not only normalizes metabolism, stimulates the breakdown and digestion of food, removes toxins, but also does not excite such an increased appetite as green tea, if you drink tea on an empty stomach, which plays into the hands of everyone who wants to lose weight. Due to the fact that, usually, shu pu-erh has a sweetish-neutral taste without astringency, bitterness, sourness, astringent taste sensations, it can be consumed in any amount before, after, during meals, and in between meals, filling the stomach healthy tea instead of frequent meals.

If you are used to drinking tea with something sweet for tea between meals, but want to give up sweets, sandwiches, gingerbread and cookies for tea, then it will be easier to refuse with shu pu-erh than with green tea, which can cause excessive appetite and desire. have a snack, and the benefits of shu pu-erh will bring no less than green tea.

Sheng pu-erh tea is not only useful, but also interesting because of the taste and aroma.

choose sheng pu-erh when you want to compare its taste and aroma with shu pu-erh or you are already fed up with shu pu-erh or drunk when you think it's time to brew tea that is close in taste and aroma to green tea, catch the smell of dried fruits, when you are entertained by a variety of flavors of bitterness, sourness, astringency in tea.

Dynamics of sheng pu-erh flavor properties compared to shu pu-erh stability

The taste of pressed sheng pu-erh tea can change from year to year for the better as it is stored and slowly proceeding inside the residual fermentation. It is believed that connoisseurs and connoisseurs of pu-erh tea use more often, namely, sheng pu-erh tea than shu pu-erh tea, because of the richer taste and aroma of tea infusion, which makes the process of tea drinking more interesting. But, without sufficient experience, it is more difficult to buy a good and tasty sheng pu-erh than a good shu pu-erh. when buying sheng pu-erh, it is easier to make a mistake in choosing. After all, sheng pu-erh is a more dynamic tea in terms of maturity than shu pu-erh of the same year of release, and can vary in aroma and taste sensations, both positively and negatively. negative side compared to shu pu-erh, which is stable in taste. Therefore, when buying, it is always advisable, if possible, to brew some tea and taste the specific tea you choose to your personal taste. And, if there is no opportunity to taste, then check out the following tips for buying pu-erh and oolong tea for tea drinking .

Sheng pu-erh tea is suitable as a useful and original gift for a wedding or for the birth of a child.

Wedding romantics give two bottles of champagne tied with a ribbon, saying that such wine can be saved in order to consistently celebrate such events as a wedding anniversary and the birth of a child in the family circle or among friends. For the same purpose, it is possible to present as a gift a pressed pancake of sheng pu-erh tea of ​​any suitable value, from which you can break off pieces for brewing for many years, thus celebrating various events and positive changes in your personal life over a cup of tea in the family circle, strengthening and maturity of relationships, and drawing a parallel with the positive changes in the taste of tea over the years.

Some adhere to the tradition of planting a tree in memory of the birth of a child, so that the whole family can observe the growth and maturation of the tree and the child at the same time. In addition, you can also buy a one-year-old pancake of sheng pu-erh tea, which you can treat yourself to annually at birthday parties, as it matures, even a package seven sons from one batch, in case the family is large, there are many friends and everyone wants to try tea.

Sheng pu-erh tea will be useful for collecting and as a possible way to invest

The consumer value of sheng pu-erh increases over the years under normal storage conditions. Often, after tasting a young sheng pu-erh of a successful harvest, they buy a pack of pressed pancakes or briquettes of the same batch, as long as there is an excess supply of tea on the market and the price is low. And they store tea in a dwelling or in a utility room on shelves or mezzanines in paper boxes so that the tea does not absorb foreign odors and does not spread its smell to the entire apartment.

During storage, sheng pu-erh tea continues to slowly ferment and erode foreign odors from itself, approaching the degree of fermentation to shu pu-erh tea. From storage, sheng pu-erh becomes more and more seasoned, mature and expensive, darkening in color, but remaining dark green and, to a large extent, retaining the original flavor bouquet and aroma, inaccessible to shu pu-erh tea.

Shu pu-erh can also be purchased and stored, and tea will become better with time, but not because it becomes more fermented and mature, because. it is already fermented to the maximum at the factory. The improvement of shu pu-erh tea is due to the fact that during storage, the excess smells of rotten leaves will better disappear from the tea and, accordingly, the tea will need to be washed with boiling water less before brewing. In addition, shu pu-erh of a certain year of production may turn out to be more tasty than similar younger shu pu-erh of the same series, because everything is learned over the years in comparison. But, in general, it is more profitable and efficient to collect and store sheng pu-erh than shu pu-erh, if you have the patience to store, of course.

Oolongs are convenient to buy as a gift because of the beautiful packaging and diverse composition.

For example, oolong tea Lan Gui Ren contains oolong and ginseng root, which gives ginseng oolong its exotic specificity.

Oolongs are offered on their own, and mixed with ginseng, and other useful herbs and fruits of shrubs, such teas are selected as a gift for men, for women, for lovers of sweet fruit and medicinal herbal teas, for lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

Cassic oolongs Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao and other oolongs differ from each other in technology and in the degree of fermentation, and, therefore, in color, aroma and taste of the infusion. Tie Guan Yin and similar oolongs are close to green tea, and Da Hong Pao And similar teas- to puer.

Oolongs are often sold not only by weight in different colored vacuum or regular bags, but also in beautiful branded boxes and jars. And, pu-erhs are not particularly distinguished by such attractive packaging, although they also sell beautiful gift boxes for them, lined with yellow silk from the inside, or wrapped in golden foil, but not everywhere.

Choose Te Guan Yin Oolong to enjoy the color and aroma of green tea without a bitter aftertaste.

Oolong tea Tie Guan Yin has twisted semi-fermented green tea leaves, classic green oolongs, resembles sheng pu-erh in color, and is softer in taste.

Choose oolongs, for example, classic tea Tie Guan Yin to give yourself and friends energy before work, a walk or a disco, or to put on festive table in a transparent glass teapot and look at the color of the infusion and large twisted tea leaves unfolding from brewing, or please your green tea lovers with the aroma and taste.

Te Guan Yin oolong tea will help you learn how to brew any green tea to the desired condition.

Oolong tea Tie Guan Yin beautifully served in a transparent glass teapot. Large tea leaves straighten and sink to the bottom.

Sometimes it happens that when brewing green tea or sheng pu-erh for its tonic effect, fresh taste, green-golden color, spring smell, useful trace elements, common errors in brewing are allowed.

For example, due to an erroneous calculation, there may be too much tea leaves in the teapot, or the tea has cooled down or stood in the teapot, the moment has been missed to pour the tea from the teapot into another container in time, and, for such reasons, the green tea infusion in the teapot becomes so thick , tart, astringent, bitter, that drinking it becomes not very pleasant, to put it mildly. Many tea lovers prefer to drink black tea only because they have not fully mastered how best to brew green tea so that it is not only fragrant to inhale, but also really tasty to drink.

Oolong tea Tie Guan Yin, while maintaining certain beneficial and stimulating properties inherited from green tea, it easily forgives many mistakes in brewing. Tea does not respond to brewing flaws with a sharp bitterness due to the fact that it was fermented to a certain extent during production, and fermentation beats off the bitter taste.

fermentation transfers Tie Guan Yin from the category of green tea to the category of semi-fermented tea, which occupies an intermediate position between ordinary green tea and highly fermented sheng pu-erh. Oolong tea already ceases to be green tea, but does not yet become pu-erh, which is manifested in the fact that when brewed, the stimulating effect and bitterness of green tea are sharply reduced, but the color and aroma of green tea brewing remain. Oolong is called turquoise tea, i.e. no longer green, but moving towards a more mature tea.

It is best to practice making delicious green tea on a small amount Tie Guan Yin or another oolong, because Oolong is brewed quite smoothly and gently, allowing you to have time to use it before it starts to taste bitter, and makes it possible to remember the shade of the color of the infusion that best suits your taste.

Tie Guan Yin oolong tea is a perfect gift for those who prefer the taste of soft green tea.

Tea Tie Guan Yin also suitable for those who would like to drink green tea with pleasure because of its cleansing effect, antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements, but cannot fully get used to the bitter taste of greens in tea or because of an excessive increase in heart rate, and therefore have to stop their selection on black tea. Such people will discover for themselves that tea Tie Guan Yin can meet their needs in that it will have the effect of black tea on the body, with the taste, color and smell of green tea.

Oolong tea Da Hong Pao is suitable as a gift for those who prefer the taste of soft black tea.

Oolong tea Da Hong Pao has fermented black and brown tea leaves, a classic dark oolong, reminiscent of shu pu-erh in color.

Joint tea drinking is conducive to acquaintance

With the development of acquaintances, they are often invited to visit or to a cafe for a cup of tea in order to spend time together and be able to talk about everything. Then, it is convenient to smoothly start a conversation just by talking about your favorite tea. Start to interest the interlocutor in yourself with original information about tea, tell about various benefits and the degree of fermentation of tea, take an interest in the health of your friend. Find the right words to praise the beneficial properties of a particular type of tea that you are offered to try, thank you for a good choice of tea, show optimism, say that there is no bad tea. Or, invite someone over for a wonderful tea or an impromptu homemade tea ceremony that invites you to get to know each other.

There are a variety of types and varieties of teas, which can be divided into six main categories. "Polar" varieties are black and green teas. There are also oolong, pu-erh, white and yellow teas.

Differences between oolong and pu-erh

Oolong and pu-erh teas have appeared on Russian market relatively recently, but steadily gaining more and more popularity among admirers of home "tea ceremonies". There are six types of tea, and oolong and pu-erh are included in this classification. It can be argued that oolong and pu-erh are some kind of intermediate stages between black and green teas.

Features of pu-erh

Pu-erh is a post-fermented type of tea produced in a specific way: the collected leaves are processed to the stage of green tea, and then subjected to accelerated artificial fermentation. The leaves are poured into a pile, poured with hot water and covered with bags or cloth. This production process is distinctly reminiscent of rotting, but this is its main difference from the methods of obtaining other types of teas.

A characteristic feature of pu-erh is that as it long-term storage its taste improves.

Pu-erh is sold in pressed form, most often in the form of a semicircle, but there are also figured tea tiles. The aroma of pu-erh is dominated by woody notes. It is recommended to drink such tea with the addition of milk or cream, because with this combination, the entire flavor range of pu-erh is perfectly revealed. By the way, most coffee houses and restaurants usually offer milk or cream for pu-erh.

Oolong Features

Oolong is a semi-fermented tea that, like Puer, is an intermediate stage between green and black teas. The peculiarity of the production is that the leaves are carefully rolled, trying not to break, and left for several hours in the shade for slow fermentation. Thanks to this technology, the edges of the sheets are dried more than the middle, which is the secret rich taste and the aroma of oolongs.

By the way, it is by the leaves that the quality of such tea is determined. If, during brewing, the leaves open completely and are not broken, this is evidence High Quality oolongs. This type of tea is flavored with natural and artificial extracts of plants and fruits. Flavored oolongs are usually exported, as in China they prefer to drink teas without impurities.

Oolong is not green tea. This is a separate variety, a kind of "golden mean" between black (red) and green teas.

Key differences between oolong and pu-erh

Oolong and pu-erh are absolutely not similar, and differ both in production methods and in taste. The taste of oolong resembles a very fragrant, non-acidic green tea. The taste of pu-erh is tart, with a woody aroma. Oolong leaves are neatly rolled, while pu-erh is pressed. It is generally accepted that tea itself is very beneficial for the body. Both oolong and pu-erh are also very useful for humans, as they contain many vitamins, iron, phosphorus, calcium and other substances.

You can buy these types of tea not only in specialized boutiques, but also in many grocery stores. However, it should be understood that the quality and assortment will vary significantly.

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