
How to bake pink salmon with lemon. Pink salmon recipes

Pink salmon baked in the oven- one could only dream of her before. Today, oven baked pink salmon different recipes, with various side dishes, is often present on our tables.

Choosing pink salmon for baking in the oven

In stores, pink salmon is sold in various types. She may be:

  • - whole and not gutted;
  • - whole gutted with and without a head;
  • - separate pieces;
  • - separate parts (fins, heads, ridges, tails, etc.).

Choose good salmon in general is difficult. If it is gutted or sold in pieces, then it is easier to make it.

Rules for choosing high-quality pink salmon:

  • - this species fish are not very large; the standard weight of the sold carcass is 0.8 ... 1.5 kg;
  • - according to the norms, frozen pink salmon cannot carry more than 5% of the weight of ice;
  • - the color of the belly of a good pink salmon is always even; its surface is close to flat (in females with eggs it can be convex); it should not have swelling;
  • - in gutted fish, the color of the inner surface of the abdomen is pinkish;
  • - the color of the gills of pink salmon is light red, bright and saturated;
  • - scales on the body of pink salmon should be clean, smooth, shiny;
  • - no damage is allowed on the skin of the fish;
  • - pink salmon fillet;
  • - when pressing with a finger, dents should not remain on the body of pink salmon;
  • - if the belly of pink salmon has pink shade, which means that there is caviar inside;
  • - there should be no ammonia tint in the smell of fish;
  • - the skin on the body of pink salmon should not exfoliate from the meat.

When you buy pink salmon in a package, you need to make sure that it is intact. If there is even a hint of them, do not buy the product. The fish may look good, but it's not worth risking your own health.

Her eyes can "tell" about the freshness of pink salmon. Their cloudy state indicates the depravity of the carcass. Their same condition suggests that the fish was frozen.

What to buy - gutted fish or whole? The latter is always cheaper, but after cutting it, you will get a lot of waste, which can negate all the savings.

Pink salmon males are more juicy and fatty meat. If you are interested, the sex of the fish can be determined:

  • - by body color, which is darker in males;
  • - according to the shape of the head - females have a rounded head, and males - elongated and sharp;
  • - along the hind fin, which is shorter in the male than in the female.

Oven baked pink salmon recipes

Oven baked in foil

Pink salmon baked in the oven with potatoes

Cooking a recipe for one pink salmon requires 2 onions, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 8 potatoes, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 garlic cloves, half a lemon, 150 g hard cheese, 30 g butter. You will also need salt, mayonnaise, spices, vegetable oil.

You will get an amazing dish if you do everything according to the following rules:

1. First, prepare the fish. Scales are removed from it, washed, dried, which is usually done with paper towels. Leave it without a tail, fins and head (they can be used later for the fish soup). cut into sharp knife portioned steaks 2 cm thick.

2. Steaks are slightly peppered, salted, sprinkled with lemon juice. Leave to marinate.

11. Salt on top, cover the potatoes with a little mayonnaise.

13. The remaining potatoes are laid out on top. Place a tomato ring on top of each steak.

  • - take deep dishes, beat eggs there;
  • - add sour cream, salt;
  • - mix thoroughly;
  • - add crushed garlic, grated cheese;
  • - mix well.

17. Again send the form to the oven and hold until it becomes ready potatoes. Ready pink salmon is served on its own, but it is better with vegetables and herbs.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with potatoes in portions, video

Whole salmon baked in the oven

This recipe uses products: a medium-sized pink salmon carcass, a small onion, 50 g of butter, salt and pepper to taste. To prepare green mayonnaise - 100 g of mayonnaise, 75 g of spinach, 40 g of parsley and watercress, Art. l. lemon juice, 2 tsp. wine vinegar salt, pepper to taste.

The order of cooking the dish:

1. All the products from which it is prepared are placed in the blender bowl. green mayonnaise. Mix until you get a homogeneous consistency.

2. Peel the onion, cut it finely with a knife.

2. The fish is cleaned and washed. Then they rip open her belly and remove the insides. Also remove the gills.

3. In the belly of the fish, according to the recipe for baked pink salmon in the oven with mayonnaise, place a piece of butter. Fill it with chopped onions. Top the fish with seasoning, oil. Put the prepared carcass on a sheet of foil. Lubricate with strongly green mayonnaise.

4. Wrap the fish in foil.

6. Send it to the oven to bake. Temperature 200 °C, baking time 30 min. Served with cold vegetable salad. The calorie content of pink salmon baked in the oven as a whole is 135 kcal.

Whole pink salmon baked in the oven with cheese and mayonnaise, video

Pink salmon with lemon baked in the oven

According to the recipe, the list of products for cooking the dish is as follows: a kilogram of pink salmon, 2 onions, carrots, lemon, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, vegetable oil, spices, salt - the latter to taste.

When preparing a dish, use the following order:

1. The beginning is traditional in relation to fish - pink salmon is cleaned, gutted, deprived of fins and tail. Then washed, wiped with paper towels, removing excess water. Carcasses of fish are cut into pieces - for portions.

2. Salt, lemon juice, spices, lemon slices are added to the fish pieces. All mix well. We leave to marinate.

3. Carrots are rubbed coarsely on a grater. Finely chop the onion. Everything is placed in a pan and fried in vegetable oil until the vegetables turn golden. Roasting is peppered, salted. They take a sheet of foil, lay it out on the table and spread the roast on top in an even layer.

4. On top of the vegetables, fish pieces are laid out in a layer. Lubricate them with mayonnaise. Place lemon slices on top.

5. Wrap everything together in foil and place inside the oven. The latter is heated up to 200 °C by that time. Baking time for fish is half an hour.

6. Remove the finished pink salmon from the oven. It is very juicy and extremely tasty.

Pink salmon baked in the oven in the sleeve

Pink salmon in a sleeve baked with lemon

For baking in a sleeve, you will need one pink salmon, a third of a lemon, 3 peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, sea salt.

The beginning of cooking the dish is associated with the preparation of the pink salmon carcass. It is cleaned, relieved of the insides, gills. Wash well.

1. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, rub it on all sides and in the abdomen sea ​​salt. For pickling, leave it for 15 ... 20 minutes.

2. Take a sleeve intended for baking, put prepared fish inside, add bay leaves, pepper. Tie a sleeve.

3. The sleeve with pink salmon is sent for 20 ... 25 minutes. into the oven. The oven must already be preheated to 170°C. After the fish is taken out, taken out of the sleeve and divided into portions.

4. When serving, fresh vegetables, rice, boiled potatoes are added to the serving.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with vegetables

Pink salmon baked in the oven with tomatoes

The products included in this recipe are as follows: 2 fresh pink salmon, 3 tomatoes, 2 bell peppers, lemon, 2 onions, 40 g of greens. To taste and if necessary, use salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

In order to properly prepare this dish, you should perform the operations in the following sequence:

1. Gutted fish, cleaned of scales, washed. Lubricate with vegetable oil inside, rub on all sides and inside with salt and pepper.

2. Wash the tomatoes, cut into rings.

3. Peel the onion, cut it into rings.

4. Lemon is washed, cut into rings.

5. Stuff the fish, placing rings of lemon, onion, and tomato alternately inside the abdomen. After laying the prepared pink salmon on the bottom of the baking dish.

6. Bulgarian pepper is washed, cleaned, cut into pieces.

7. Tomato rings, onions, pieces are placed between the laid fish bell pepper. You can add other vegetables that you like. Top with plenty of vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, put in it for 30 ... 40 minutes. pink salmon shape.

8. For 2 ... 3 minutes. until the end of baking, sprinkle everything on top with chopped herbs. Pink salmon is served with roasted vegetables.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with sauce

Pink salmon baked in sour cream in the oven

Starting to cook a dish, you need to take care of the availability of all necessary products- one pink salmon, a little less glass sour cream, 4 gherkins, 20 g dill, 2 onions, horseradish.

The sequence of operations for the preparation of the dish itself is as follows:

1. Pink salmon, if necessary, is thawed, cleaned, removing the insides, scales, gills. Wash and cut into small steaks.

2. Prepare the marinade:

2.1. Wash the gherkins, cut them finely.

2.2. Wash the dill, chop it.

2.3. Horseradish is cleaned, washed, rubbed finely.

2.4. Add to sour cream chopped dill, chopped gherkins, grated horseradish. Stir.

3. Peel onions, cut them into rings.

4. The bottom of the form, which is used for baking, is covered with onion rings.

5. Pieces of pink salmon are placed on top of the onion layer. Top with prepared sauce.

6. Bring the temperature in the oven to medium. The form with fish is set for 45 ... 50 minutes. inside the oven. Pink salmon is served in sour cream sauce, baked in the oven, with a side dish, for example, rice. Be sure to decorate with greenery.

Pink salmon in cream baked in the oven

Ingredients for this recipe include: 14 pink salmon steaks, 1 cup fresh cream, 20 fresh mint leaves, one and a half tbsp. l. salt, 3 cubes brown sugar, tsp thyme.

Among the operations that must be performed in order to prepare a dish are:

1. Take a mortar, pour salt inside, add thyme, Brown sugar. Everyone is overworking.

2. The pink salmon steaks are laid out on a dish, which should be flat. Sprinkle the top side with half of the prepared mixture.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. Put on fire, warm up. Put the steaks in the pan with the seasoning side down. Sprinkle the rest of the seasoning on top of the fish.

4. Fry the steaks. Seek education golden brown from two sides.

5. Pour cream into the blender bowl, add mint leaves. Salt, pepper a little.

6. Grind everything with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

7. At the bottom of the form used for baking (you can take a baking sheet), put a sheet of foil. Spread the fried pieces of fish on it. Top with prepared sauce.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Put in it for 20 ... 25 minutes. shape with fish. At this time, it turns out tender fish, if put for 40 minutes, then it will have a crispy crust on top.

9. Serve pink salmon in portions, add a side dish to taste.

Other recipes for cooking pink salmon baked in the oven

Pink salmon baked in the oven with cheese

Products that will be needed for this recipe: one carcass of pink salmon, 2 onions, 150 g of cheese, mayonnaise, pepper, salt, herbs.

The order in which the dish is prepared:

1. First, prepare the fish. Clean, wash.

2. Cut off the head from the carcass, remove the tail, entrails, fins. They cut along the back on the side of the ridge and carefully remove the fillet from the pink salmon. Everything remote is saved - it will go to your ear.

3. Cut the fillet into portions. Salt them, pepper them.

4. Peel the onion. Finely chopped.

5. Take a baking sheet from the oven, grease with oil. Lay out the pieces of fish. Lay them down with the skin.

6. On top of each piece, according to the recipe for pink salmon fillet, baked in the oven, put heavily chopped onions.

7. Lubricate with mayonnaise on top. Then they send everything to the oven. Baking time - 20 minutes, temperature - 200 ° C.

8. Rub the cheese coarsely.

9. Remove the baking sheet from the oven. Sprinkle cheese on top of the fish. Again sent for 10 minutes. into the oven. Serve fish in portions and with herbs.

Pink salmon in dough baked in the oven

The recipe is uncommon, although it requires a set traditional products: 1.3 kg pink salmon, 0.5 kg puff pastry, 300 g mushrooms, 70 g fresh spinach, tsp. salt and sugar, vegetable oil and pepper to taste and need.

Prepare by performing operations in this order:

1. They clean the fish, remove the insides, decapitate, cut off the fins and tail. Separate the fillet from the carcass, remove all the bones from it. From the side of the pulp, make shallow cuts, sprinkle the fillet with sugar, add some salt.

2.Get out puff pastry, defrost. Roll out into a rectangle. Cut with a knife into three identical parts. The sides are divided in half (each). The extreme parts are cut into strips (see photo).

3. Cut the mushrooms, 5 ... 7 min. fried in a pan with vegetable oil. Add chopped spinach leaves, pepper, salt. After cooling, spread the filling on the fish, on its one side.

4. Close the filling by placing the other half of the fillet on it.

5. Pink salmon with filling is placed in the middle of a sheet of puff pastry.

6. Cover the fish with dough on the sides.

7. Strips of pink salmon are intertwined crosswise. The dough is pierced with a toothpick.

8. Grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil. Spread the fish in the dough on it. Placed in an oven at 200°C. for 40 min. Type of finished pink salmon in puff pastry, baked in the oven bewitching.

Whole salmon stuffed, baked in the oven

This recipe is prepared with one pink salmon. It also uses 200 g of mushrooms, 2 onions, 50 g of sour cream, 2 carrots, 40 g of dill and parsley. The rest (salt, pepper, vegetable oil) to taste and need.

Stuffed salmon is cooked like this:

1. They are engaged in fish, removing scales from it, all bones (the spine too), gills, entrails. In this case, the carcass is cut along the abdomen.

They also clean mushrooms, vegetables, wash them.

2. Grind onions, rub carrots. Then they are fried in a frying pan, into which vegetable oil is poured. Fry until the vegetables turn golden.

3. Cut the mushrooms. They are fried in another pan and also using vegetable oil.

4. Mix mushrooms, vegetables. Add chopped greens. Salt and mix. After cooling, stuff the belly of the fish with the filling.

5. The abdomen is sutured. Stuffed fish is coated with sour cream, sprinkled with pepper. Spread on a baking sheet, which is previously greased with vegetable oil.

6. Put the baking sheet in the oven for 30 ... 40 minutes. The oven should be preheated to 200°C by this time. After the fish is taken out, it is cooled, the threads with which the abdomen was sewn are removed. They serve pink salmon stuffed with mushrooms, baked in the oven, garnished with herbs.

Pink salmon in kefir baked in the oven

For such a recipe, you need to take products: one pink salmon, 300 ml of kefir, 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce, onion, st. l. spices, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 tomatoes, 100 g of cheese, herbs.

The sequence of operations necessary for the correct preparation of the dish is as follows:

1. Pink salmon is cleaned, washed, and the insides are removed. Cut into steak pieces.

2. Pour kefir into a container, add spices, soy sauce. Stir.

3. Marinade is poured onto pink salmon and for 25 minutes. left to marinate.

4. Peel onions, garlic, wash tomatoes. Onions are cut into half rings, tomatoes into rings, garlic into slices.

5. Cheese is rubbed coarsely on a grater.

6. They take foil, make it look like “boats”. Put steaks inside.

7. Top the steaks with onion rings and garlic.

8. Put circles of tomatoes on top. Pour over marinade made from kefir.

9. Sprinkle over the tomatoes with cheese.

10. Steaks in foil are placed on a baking sheet and set for 20 ... 25 minutes. into the oven. The latter should have a temperature of 180 °C.

11. After the appearance of a golden crust on top of the steaks, they are taken out of the oven.

12. You can serve without removing it from the foil - in "boats".

Pink salmon with pineapple baked in the oven

According to the recipe for one kilogram pink salmon, you need to buy a jar of sliced ​​pineapples, 200 g of cheese, salt and mayonnaise.

Pink salmon with pineapple is cooked like this:

1. They are engaged in fish. Clean, skin, fillet.

2. The resulting fillet is cut into pieces. Their size should be sufficient to accommodate a pineapple ring.

3. Take a baking sheet, cover it with a sheet of foil. Pour a little vegetable oil and grease the entire bottom (foil). Spread pieces of pink salmon on top. Better with the side where the skin was, down.

4. Salt and grease with mayonnaise.

5. Place a pineapple ring on each piece of fish.

6. Cut the cheese into slices and put them on top with a circle of pineapple.

7. Put a baking sheet with prepared pink salmon in the oven. The fire is medium. Time is half an hour. Serve in portions, putting vegetables nearby - tomatoes, cucumbers.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with rice

This is an improvisation recipe. There is no specific number of products that are needed for him - everything is chosen to taste and along the way. Everyone does something like this:

1. Take the bulbs, peel them. Cut into pieces.

2. Fry the onion in a pan using vegetable oil.

3. Rub carrots. Before it is washed and cleaned.

4. Add carrots to onions and continue frying vegetables.

5. Rinse rice, mix it with fried onions and carrots.

6. Prepare the fish - clean, cut portioned pieces-steaks. They are placed on rice with vegetables, which were previously laid on the bottom of the baking sheet. Pieces of fish, before placing, add salt, pepper.

7. Boil water and fill the fish with it with a layer so that there is 1.5 cm above the pieces of pink salmon.

8. Close the baking sheet with foil, set for 30 minutes. into the oven. During this time, the water should evaporate. They take out a baking sheet. A tomato ring is placed on each steak, tsp on top. mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

9. Again, the baking sheet is sent to the oven for 20 minutes. After serving in portions with rice.

Serving to the table pink salmon baked in the oven

Pink salmon has always been considered exquisite and self-sufficient. This also applies to its oven-baked appearance. Such fish can be eaten alone, without any side dishes. Although she is good with fresh vegetables, vegetable salads. You can safely offer together with pink salmon mashed potatoes, rice.

Truly, royal fish- pink salmon baked in the oven will decorate any table. It doesn’t matter if you are preparing it for a holiday or just want to decorate the evening. It is important to know that this is lean product, so it needs the right approach. These recipes will help you surprise guests and relatives with your culinary skills.

Whole salmon baked in the oven

Of course, it is better to use foil or a baking sleeve, but in the first recipe we will try to do without them.

Let's take:

  • 1 pink salmon (whole carcass);
  • sour cream - ¾ cup;
  • garlic;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • hard cheese- 150 g;
  • bulb.

Prepared fish (gutted, cleaned, with cut fins and head) must be marinated. IN this case it will be sour cream mixed with salt, garlic and pepper. We coat the whole carcass (inside too) and set aside for 25 minutes. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and saute a little in sunflower oil.

Now let's start laying. So that the juice does not spread much, take cast iron pan and put pink salmon along the wall. Insert pieces of butter into the cross cuts on the ridge. Put it on top fried onion and sprinkle generously with grated cheese - the dish is ready for baking. While the fish is in the oven, sometimes open it and pour over the juice.

Juicy pink salmon baked in foil with lemon

To make the fish juicy, we will use various ways moisture retention. One of them is baking in foil. Whole fish, which is easy to decorate, is always at the head of the table.

For this simple recipe, we will take:

  • gutted carcass of pink salmon;
  • whole lemon;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • various seasonings;
  • olive oil;
  • a handful of frozen lingonberries;
  • salt.

Let's prepare the fish, which must be marinated before heat treatment. With a special or simple knife, remove the remnants of the scales, cut off the head and fins. Remove the innards if you bought whole pink salmon.

  1. Now we thoroughly rinse, leave the carcass so that all the water is glass, and make cuts across the ridge. At this time, prepare the marinade. Grind garlic, add spices, juice of half a lemon, salt and olive oil. With this mixture, generously lubricate the carcass inside and out. In a cool place, it will stand for 30 minutes.
  2. Let's prepare the foil. Its size should be enough for all the fish to be wrapped. We send it to the oven. After 30 minutes, remove the top - you need to let the back brown.
  3. When the pink salmon has cooled, insert the slices of lemon that we have left into the cuts on the back and sprinkle the lingonberries on top.

We bake in the sleeve

Let's cook stuffed fish using another device designed to keep the dish juicy. We are talking about a baking sleeve, which is sold almost everywhere.

For a carcass of one medium-sized pink salmon, take:

  • 1/3 cup round rice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • lemon;
  • 2 carrots;
  • the same number of eggs;
  • 15 ml dry white wine;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • olives;
  • vegetable oil.

Bake pink salmon at a temperature of 180 degrees.
In air grill bake pink salmon at a temperature of 200 degrees and an average blowing speed.
pink salmon bake in a slow cooker on the "Baking" mode.

How to bake pink salmon

Pink salmon - one and a half kilograms
Onion- 2 heads
Flour - 3 tablespoons
Vegetable oil- half a glass
Salt and ground black pepper - to taste

Food preparation
Peel the pink salmon and wash, cut into portioned pieces, rub with salt and pepper, roll in flour. Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry pink salmon for 5 minutes on each side. Peel the onion and cut it into rings.

Baking in the oven
Grease a baking sheet with oil, put pink salmon. Lay the onion on top of the salmon. Drizzle with oil. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Put the baking sheet with pink salmon on the middle level of the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

Preheat the air grill to 200 degrees. Put the products in a baking dish, put the form on the lower level of the air fryer. Bake pink salmon for 25 minutes and medium blowing power.

Baking in a slow cooker
Put the products on the bottom of the multicooker, greased with vegetable oil. Set the slow cooker to the "Baking" mode and bake pink salmon for 1 hour.

Baked pink salmon with cheese in the oven

Products for baked pink salmon with cheese
Pink salmon - one and a half kilograms
Tomatoes - 4-5 pieces
Hard cheese - 150 grams
Processed cheese - 100 grams
Garlic - 3 teeth
Onion - 2 heads
Sour cream - 150 grams
Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste

How to bake pink salmon with cheese
Peel the pink salmon, cut off the head, gut and rinse thoroughly, then dry. Separate the bones. Lay the pink salmon fillet on a clean board, cut into portions with an approximate diameter of 7x12 centimeters, cut into pieces by eye. Rub the fish with salt and pepper, place in a bowl, cover and marinate for 10-15 minutes. Put melted cheese in the freezer for 20-30 minutes.
Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Cut the tomatoes into 1 cm cubes. Grate hard and melted cheeses. Mix melted cheese and tomatoes. Peel and chop the garlic, squeeze it through a garlic press to the tomatoes and melted cheese, salt, pepper and mix.
Grease a baking sheet with oil, put pink salmon on it (the skin should be on the bottom), put the onion on top. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with pink salmon in it. After 20 minutes, open the oven and put a mass of melted cheese and tomatoes on the pink salmon. Bake for 10 more minutes. Then sprinkle with hard cheese on top and bake for another 5 minutes.

Pink salmon is a representative salmon fish. It is not as expensive as many types of this family, but it is no worse in quality and taste when proper cooking. You can cook almost all the components of a fish carcass, for this there are a variety of fillets - this is the most delicious and healthy part of it, which is in the greatest demand.

Useful properties of the product

Pink salmon is a real storehouse of useful compounds for the human body. At the biochemical level, the valuable components of this fish are the following components:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • phosphorus and other trace elements.

Eating this product normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands (especially the thyroid gland) and helps strengthen the skeletal system of the body. Thanks to high content fatty acids pink salmon dishes help strengthen the heart muscle and reduce bad cholesterol.

There are practically no contraindications to the inclusion of this fish in the diet, except for allergies and hypersensitivity to iodine and phosphorus. It is not too oily, yet nutritious enough to be cooked as a main ingredient. Nice rich taste allows you to get from the dishes not only benefit, but also pleasure.

Rules for choosing fish

Ideally, this product should be fresh and not susceptible to freezing, however, it is very difficult to find chilled sea fish (especially some of its species), pink salmon fillet also belongs to it. Recipes of domestic cuisine are focused on a frozen product, so it is important to know how to choose it correctly.

There are 2 types of freezing fish:

  • on board (the process takes place immediately after catching, while still on the ship);
  • on the shore (cold processing of pink salmon is carried out after arrival at the port).

Of course, the first option is preferable, although you can find out exactly how the fish was frozen only in the accompanying documentation for the batch of products. It is visually important to look to ensure that there is not too much ice on the fillet pieces, although a little heavy water glaze is still needed. It saves the fish from the destructive influence external environment and keeps it fresh during transport. Fillet pieces should have even edges, a uniform texture and not a pronounced characteristic smell.

Pink salmon fillet: cooking recipes for every taste

Pink salmon - so much universal fish what can be cooked from it great amount both first and second courses. For fish soup, it is better to use a whole fish or its head, and soft part without bones, it is desirable to fry or bake. Among national cuisines different countries world you can find similar recipes for pink salmon. With skillful cooking and a properly selected marinade, fillet acquires a bright taste and exquisite aroma.

It is better to fry the fish on a hot fire, turning the pieces every 2 minutes. This will keep delicious crust outside and juiciness inside. Before heat treatment It is advisable to marinate the fish in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

The fillet of this dish is very tasty. different ingredients(vegetables, mushrooms). Therefore, each person can easily choose the appropriate option for themselves.

Pink salmon fillet baked in the oven: recipe, photo, cooking secrets

The standard recipe for this fish is to use foil to keep the texture moist and juicy. Fillets are salted, peppered and sliced thin pieces which are placed on a baking sheet. It must first be lubricated with vegetable oil to avoid burning.

On top of the fish, you can put finely chopped carrots and onions in half rings, this will add juiciness and bright flavor notes to the dish. If desired, add a little to vegetables and pink salmon low-fat mayonnaise. The foil is wrapped or covered with a second sheet on top. Bake the dish in the oven at 200 ° C for about half an hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, the foil can be opened and sprinkled with any grated cheese to form a delicious crispy crust. The perfect side dish to this version of pink salmon - boiled rice. It will allow you to enjoy the taste of the main dish and will not interrupt it, but only add satiety.

Pink salmon with spicy sweet sauce

Among all the options for cooking fish, baked pink salmon fillet is especially popular. Recipe with unusual sauce will appeal to connoisseurs of bold combinations in food. For him, you need to prepare:

  • fish fillet - 1 kg;
  • 0.5 tsp paprika;
  • 0.5 tsp cumin;
  • 15 ml of liquid honey;
  • 15 ml soy sauce;
  • olive oil - to taste;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • low-calorie mayonnaise - 120 ml;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • chopped ginger root - 30 g;
  • finely chopped mint - 45 g.

Soy sauce must be mixed with honey until a viscous mass is formed. Lemon juice, mayonnaise are poured into it, garlic is squeezed out and mint and ginger are added. This piece is removed from cool place, as it will be watered over the fish at the end of cooking. Pink salmon is rubbed with oil and paprika with cumin, it is not necessary to salt it. Bake the fillet in the oven at 200 ° C for about 25 minutes. After that, the fish is served with a pre-prepared sauce to the table. soft and tender fillet V this dish contrasts with bright sauce which causes an indescribable taste sensation.

Fried fish

Almost all sea ​​fish very nutritious in fried, including pink salmon fillet. Recipes in the pan will tell you how to cook this dish so that it retains the juice and has pleasant taste. For this you will need:

  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • flour - 60 g;
  • white wine - 100 ml;
  • sunflower oil, salt, pepper - to taste.

The fish should be thoroughly washed and inspected for residual random bones. Before frying, it is cut into pieces of the same thickness and dried a little. paper towel. Flour is mixed with spices and portioned prepared pink salmon is rolled in them.

Fry the fish for about 7 minutes on each side, after which white wine is poured into the pan and stewed until the liquid disappears completely. You should not cook too many pieces at a time - there should be free space between them so that the pink salmon does not stick together and has an appetizing look. Mashed potatoes or a seasonal vegetable salad are a great accompaniment to this dish.

Pink salmon fried in sour cream

To diversify the classic a little, you can put it out in sour cream. This will give the dish a special tenderness and melt-in-your-mouth texture. There are various similar recipes for pink salmon. The fillet in some of them is supposed to be used after a little pickling in herbs for more exquisite aroma and taste. The duration of this process can be from 30 minutes to 2 hours, while it is better to cover the fish cling film and put in the refrigerator.

Before frying the main product, a thin layer of onion is laid out in the pan, which is cut into half rings. If desired, carrots, previously chopped on a grater, can be added to it. It is sauteed for 5 minutes, after which a layer of pink salmon is laid out on it, and all this is poured with sour cream on top. It is necessary to simmer the dish under a closed lid for a quarter of an hour. The enticing aroma will inform about the readiness of the fish, after which it can be served at the table.

Recipe with apples

If you want to try interesting and new combinations of products, you can take as a basis unusual recipes pink salmon. Fillet with apple is one such option. This modern interpretation fried fish will not leave you indifferent discerning gourmets. To prepare such a dish, you need to take:

  • pink salmon fillet - 1 piece;
  • ripe apples - 2 fruits;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • parsley root and celery;
  • sunflower oil, dried herbs, salt - to taste.

It is necessary to roll in spices and pour lemon juice. It is advisable to keep it in this marinade for at least an hour. After that, peeled apples are grated and mixed with chopped parsley. The mass is sent to fry in a pan, adding chopped celery root to it. After the mixture is fried for 10 minutes, fish pieces are laid on it, the dish is poured with water on top and simmered over low heat for 45 minutes.

Baked pink salmon with mushrooms

For lovers hearty meal you can offer a dish that combines Forest mushrooms and fillet The recipe, the photo of which is located just below, does not require special skills; even novice cooks can cook it. Required set products:

  • pink salmon (fillet) - 2 pcs.;
  • forest mushrooms - 350 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • salt, spices, lemon juice - to taste.

Mushrooms should be washed and boiled together with onions in boiling water for 20 minutes. In parallel, you can marinate pink salmon - roll it in spices, grease with oil and lemon juice, and then put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After boiling, the mushrooms are lightly fried in a pan to give them bright taste and aroma. Then they are laid out on fish fillet and put in the oven for 20 minutes. After that, the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese and left to bake for another quarter of an hour.

How not to spoil the dish?

During cooking, it is important not to spoil the main valuable ingredient, in this case it is pink salmon fillet. Recipes with photos will help you avoid mistakes and better navigate when choosing a cooking method. There are several simple rules at cooking this fish:

  • in order for pink salmon to be juicy, it is better to bake it in foil or a sleeve (if the dish requires a crispy crust, then the top should be left open);
  • when frying, you should not interrupt the rich taste of the main product with an abundance of spices; it is enough to use lemon juice, salt and pepper;
  • It is very important not to increase the cooking time given in the recipe, as this can dry out the pink salmon or make it rubbery.

Harmoniously selected garnish helps to enhance the taste pleasure from eating fish. Pink salmon, for example, does not go well with cereals and noodles. It is optimal for this purpose to use mashed potatoes with cream, light salad or steamed rice.

Pink salmon is a popular red fish that is attractive to its owners. undeniable benefits for the body and democratic price.

The disadvantages of fish include its dryness, but with proper preparation and selection the right ingredients, you can easily cook juicy pink salmon that melts in your mouth. There are many dishes from this unique fish, it is salted, boiled and fried. But the most easy way to cook is baking in the oven.

You just need to put the ingredients of the recipe in required sequence on a baking sheet, turn on the oven, wait a certain time - and voila, juicy pink salmon cooked in the oven is ready.

Juicy pink salmon - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven - general principles

You need to purchase fish from a seller, whether it is a store or a market that you trust. The fact is that now there are a lot of tinted fish on sale, which are passed off as pink salmon. And, if you have even the slightest doubt about the freshness, color, shape of the fish, refuse to buy.

Get a whole gutted carcass. It is the easiest way to determine the freshness and quality of fish. In addition, whole pink salmon, when frozen, retains more useful properties than frozen steaks. Therefore, even if the recipe calls for pieces or fillets of fish, it is better to cut the necessary parts from whole pink salmon.

When the fish is selected and prepared, it remains only to decide on additional ingredients and a baking dish.

To cook juicy pink salmon in the oven, you can additionally use almost all products: vegetables, herbs, cheeses, sour cream, cream, lemon, spices and much more.

Pink salmon under a fur coat of vegetables turns out to be incredibly juicy and tasty; such fish is baked in a glass, metal or cast iron form.

Pink salmon without additional components can be marinated and sent to the oven in foil. Marinade for fish can also be varied: sauces, fruit juices, dairy products, herbs, spices and spices.

Recipe 1: Juicy pink salmon with vegetables under a cheese crust - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven

Please note that additional impregnation is not used to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven with vegetables, vegetable juices will be enough to make the dish tender and juicy. Pink salmon prepared in this way will be an excellent hot dish, even for diet table if you replace the mozzarella with more light cheese.


A kilogram of pink salmon;

150 grams fatty cheese, mozzarella type;

large carrot;

Oil for frying;


Sprigs of parsley and rosemary;

200 grams of Brussels sprouts (both fresh and frozen are suitable);

Two sweet peppers;

6-8 cherry tomatoes.

Cooking method:

1. We wash and clean the pink salmon from the bones, cut the fillet in small pieces.

2. Coarsely chop the peeled carrots, chop the onion into half rings, peppers into strips. Brussels sprouts and cut the cherry in two.

3. My greens, shake, getting rid of excess moisture, and chop.

4. We rub the cheese.

5. Deep glass mold lay out all the prepared ingredients in layers: oil, fish, herbs, carrots, peppers, onions, cabbage and cherry tomatoes.

6. The final layer of the dish will be grated cheese.

7. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about forty minutes.

Recipe 2: Juicy pink salmon in sour cream - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven

In this recipe, it is perfectly acceptable to replace sour cream with high-fat cream.


Half a kilo of pink salmon fillet;

200 grams of sour cream;

200 grams of hard cheese ("Russian", "Dutch" or any other variety);

Parsley (leaves only)

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fish into pieces of arbitrary shape, add some salt and set aside.

2. Rub the cheese and mix well with sour cream.

3. Add to cheese sauce finely chopped parsley leaves.

4. Put the pink salmon on a small baking sheet, pour fragrant spicy sauce.

5. Bake no more than half an hour.

Recipe 3: Juicy pink salmon with potatoes - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven

To prepare juicy pink salmon according to this recipe, it is best to choose medium-sized potato tubers.


A kilogram of pink salmon;

A kilogram of potatoes;

Oil for baking;

150 grams of mayonnaise;

200-220 grams of semi-hard cheese;


Cooking method:

1. We gut the washed fish, freeing it from skin and bones.

2. Cut the fillet into thin slices.

3. We peel the potatoes and cut them into circles, five millimeters thick.

4. Cut the onion into transparent rings.

5. Pour the oil into a deep form, pour the onion, then evenly distribute the pink salmon.

6. A little salt and grease the fish a small amount mayonnaise.

7. Spread the potato rounds carefully, salt a little more and coat with mayonnaise.

8. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese.

9. Bake for 30-40 minutes until the potatoes are ready.

Recipe 4: Juicy pink salmon with green beans - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven


800 grams of fish;

Two carrots;

A little salt;

400 grams of frozen green beans;

50 ml soy sauce;

ground pepper;

dried herbs taste;

Two tablespoons of lemon juice;

200 gram piece of hard cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fish and sprinkle with a mixture of lemon juice and soy sauce. Marinate the pieces for half an hour.

2. We rub the carrots, chop the onion.

3. Cut the cheese into layers.

4. Pour boiling water over the beans for a couple of minutes, drain the liquid.

5. Cut the foil into squares measuring 20 by 20 cm.

6. In each square, first lay out a pickled piece of pink salmon, then some onions and carrots, beans and a layer of cheese on top.

7. Fold the foil envelopes.

8. Put everything on a sheet, bake for thirty minutes.

Recipe 5: Juicy pink salmon with mushrooms - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven

You can use any mushrooms in this recipe. If you choose champignons or oyster mushrooms, it is enough to simply rinse them before cooking, while wild mushrooms will need to be boiled first.


A kilogram of fish fillet;

Half a kilo of mushrooms;

300 grams of sour cream;

Large bulb;

300 grams of cheese;

5-10 grams of saffron;

Vegetable oil;

Small bunches of dill and parsley;

20 ml lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fish fillet into portions of about five by five centimeters.

2. Sprinkle pink salmon with lemon juice, add a little salt, cover with a bag and set aside for thirty minutes.

3. Cut the onion into quarter rings, mushrooms into slices. Fry both ingredients until golden brown.

4. We rub the cheese.

5. Mix sour cream with a small amount grated cheese and saffron.

6. Put pink salmon in a deep mold first, mushrooms fried with onions on top of it, pour everything sour cream sauce.

7. We put the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for twenty minutes.

8. We take out the juicy pink salmon from the oven, sprinkle with cheese chips, send the form with the fish back to its original place.

9. We bring the dish to readiness already at 200 degrees for five to ten minutes.

Recipe 6: Juicy pink salmon with tomatoes and sour cream - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven


One fish;

half a lemon;

70-80 grams of sour cream;

Three tomatoes (large and fleshy);

180-200 grams of cheese;

Spices to taste;

One carrot;

Parsley (leaves only)

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pink salmon in layers of two centimeters, sprinkle with salt and spices, sprinkle the fish with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

2. Chop carrots and onions and fry in a pan until cooked.

3. Thoroughly wash the tomatoes in thin circles.

4. Cut the cheese into slices.

5. Put some fried vegetables on a piece of foil, then a piece of fish, followed by a couple of circles of tomato, a slice of cheese and parsley leaves. We do the same manipulation with all pieces of pink salmon.

6. We close the foil and send it to the oven on a baking sheet.

7. Bake juicy pink salmon for twenty minutes.

Recipe 7: Juicy pink salmon with zucchini - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven

Zucchini can be substituted for zucchini in this recipe.


400 grams of pink salmon;

Young squash;

Salt, ground pepper;

Olive oil;

30 grams dried tomatoes;

30 ml lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. Cut pink salmon into four parts, season each piece with spices.

2. Lemon juice mix with two spoons olive oil and chopped dried tomatoes.

3. We coat each piece of pink salmon with a fragrant mixture, marinate at room temperature for about twenty minutes.

4. Wash the zucchini, cut off the ends and cut into thin transparent strips.

5. Wrap each piece of marinated fish in two or three zucchini slices, add a little salt and sprinkle with oil.

6. Put the rolls on a greased baking sheet. Cover the mold with foil.

7. Bake the fish for half an hour.

Recipe 8: Juicy pink salmon in batter - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven

It is not necessary to marinate the fish before baking in the specified marinade, you can use absolutely any ingredients to your taste.


1. pink salmon;

2. a third of a glass of milk;

3. ground pepper;

5. 20 grams of mayonnaise;

6. a clove of garlic;

7. 100 grams of flour;

8. frying oil;

10. 100 grams of tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Mix in one plate tomato paste with mayonnaise, minced garlic and salt.

2. In another bowl, beat the egg with milk, pepper and salt, add the flour. Knead the batter until smooth.

3. We gut the fish, separate the meat from the bones and skin, cut off the fins, tail and head. Cut the fillet into small pieces.

4. Coat each piece of fish with tomato mixture, fry pink salmon on both sides, giving each no more than one minute.

5. Dip each fried piece in batter, put on a greased baking sheet on top of baking paper.

6. Bake for twenty minutes.

Juicy pink salmon - how to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven - tricks and tips

Pink salmon is good because it goes well with almost any product, so you can easily interpret each recipe for your own needs. taste preferences. For example, replacing sour cream with cream, some vegetables with others, and so on.

Also, pink salmon cooked in the oven turns out juicy and tender if you twist the fish meat into minced meat and fashion cutlets, meatballs, and small meatballs out of it. In this case, for the juiciness of the fish, put in the center of each cutlet small piece butter.

Pink salmon loves rosemary, the herb can be used both fresh and dried. Also, this spice can serve wonderful decoration fish dish. But you should not put a lot of rosemary, just for flavor.

If you like unusual tastes, you can replace hard cheese in some of the above recipes with smoked cheese. This will give juicy pink salmon unique aroma and taste. To smoked cheese rubbed well, it should be slightly frozen.

Any traditional side dish can be served with pink salmon, this fish goes well with both vegetables and cereals, pasta.

In order to cut pink salmon into slices or layers beautifully and neatly, the fish should first be put in half an hour in freezer.

So that the cheese does not dry out during baking, grease it with a thin layer of sour cream.

If the recipe does not specify lemon juice, you can still marinate fish in it, this will give pink salmon a special taste and aroma.

To trim the fins and tail, use kitchen scissors, it is faster and more convenient to work with them than with a knife.

Do not abuse the spices, they can kill the taste of the fish.

If you use sour cream, mayonnaise, soy sauce in cooking, be careful with salt.
