
Sockeye salmon or pink salmon which is better. What is better chum salmon or coho salmon? Which red caviar is better: chum salmon or pink salmon

The meat of red fish is very useful for the body and is in great demand. People who regularly eat this product are less likely to suffer from many types of diseases. The salmon family has many species, the most commercial ones are pink salmon and chum salmon. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know what is the difference between these types.

What does chum fish look like, how does it differ from pink salmon?

Species have the following distinguishing features:

  • fish size;
  • growth rate;
  • different color;
  • caviar size;
  • habitat;
  • spawning place;
  • meat calories.

Keta is larger than pink salmon, its length can reach a meter, and its weight is 14 kg. In terms of numbers, it is inferior to pink salmon and is in 2nd place. Her meat is not as fatty as that of pink salmon, but it is drier. Pink salmon prefers to winter in warm places where the temperature does not fall below +5 0 C.

Chum salmon can be summer and autumn, the fish that lives in the oceans has a silver color that changes during the spawning period, wide crimson stripes appear on the sides of the fish. At the time of spawning, chum salmon return to their native places and choose a quiet area.

Chum salmon caviar is slightly larger than that of pink salmon, has a more pronounced color, and is covered with a dense shell.

Pink salmon has a bluish tint with small spots on the back. During the spawning period, it acquires a silvery color with a yellowish or greenish tint, and a hump appears in males.

Pink salmon grows much faster than chum salmon, but when it grows to adulthood, it dies. Keta dies after spawning, which she has only once.

Chum salmon meat is very rich in vitamins B of different groups. Pink salmon meat contains many minerals. The calorie content of chum salmon is about 120 kcal, and pink salmon - 140.

What is chum salmon and pink salmon?

Both species belong to the salmon family, they have some similarities. The meat of these species is very useful and its use is an excellent prevention for certain diseases. The production of these species is 80% of all salmon and is in great demand among consumers.

Keta - sea or river fish?

The chum salmon has a very wide range of habitats. Fish can be found in the Arctic and Pacific oceans, various seas and rivers. Keta begins to enter the rivers at the time of spawning, depending on the habitat, its color changes.

Chum salmon prefer to spawn in the following Siberian rivers:

  • Lena;
  • Kolyma;
  • Inligirka.

Difference between chum salmon and pink salmon

The most common commercial fish is pink salmon. It is small in size with small scales. Its main difference is small dark spots located on the tail and back.

The fish living in the oceans has a light blue color, and at the time of spawning, its color changes to gray and the belly acquires a mute yellow or green tint. During this period, a hump appears on the back of the males.

Slightly larger than pink salmon, the salmon is a fish that lives in the oceans and is silver in color. Going to spawn, it changes its shade and becomes darker, acquiring crimson stripes on the surface of the back.

Pink salmon goes to spawn in rivers with a strong current and chooses places with large pebbles. This species can spawn not only in native backwaters. Fish caviar has a lightish tint, and its diameter does not exceed 8 mm.

Chum salmon, for spawning, constantly returns to their native river spaces. For these purposes, the fish prefers quiet rivers with small pebbles. The caviar of this species is slightly larger in diameter - about 9 mm, its color is brighter, and the shell is much denser.

Chum salmon fry, immediately after birth, keep their way to the sea. Pink salmon cubs, on the contrary, remain in the open spaces of the river for a long period of time and go to the sea after they increase slightly in size.

Pink salmon prefers to eat plentifully and high-calorie, so it grows much faster than chum salmon. The nutritional quality of pink salmon has a great influence on the meat. It is for this reason that it is slightly fatter and higher in calories than chum salmon.

Caviar in both species also differs from each other both in appearance and in composition. Chum salmon caviar is slightly larger and has a brighter color than pink salmon caviar, it also contains a lot of proteins, minerals and vitamins, which are almost completely digestible.

Doctors say that the meat and caviar of chum salmon are much more useful for the human body than pink salmon.

Differences in appearance

The chum salmon has rather large scales, on the sides, its quantity does not exceed 150 pieces, it also lacks dark spots on the fins and body. Pink salmon has much more pronounced sexual characteristics.

During spawning, male pink salmon develop a hump, and chum salmon have crimson stripes on their backs. In males during this period of time, large teeth appear, the jaw lengthens significantly and becomes like a hook. When pink salmon just goes to spawn, it has large oval spots on its tail.

How to catch pink salmon?

Pink salmon is best caught in June and July, it prefers to be close to the shore. The location of schools of fish can be determined by the characteristic splashes of water. The standard fishing area is at a depth of 0.8–1.4 m. To find shoals of pink salmon, it is advisable to use a boat.

A good bite is obtained on bright-colored baubles, it should have a decent weight and an elongated shape.

Fish need to be caught until its color has changed, into baubles of bright colors. The best biting is obtained on a lure with red or orange hues. All types of salmon move in jerks, they prefer to swim fast enough and settle in those places where the river is much quieter.

To catch pink salmon with a spinning rod, you need to cast in such a way that the lure is near the bottom. As soon as the cast is completed, the fisherman needs to wait a bit until the lure reaches the bottom. If fishing is carried out in deep places with a strong current, then the casting is carried out a little obliquely.

After the throw, it is necessary that the bait play for some time near the bottom of the river. In no case should the bait be dragged along the bottom.

In the case of a bite, pink salmon females begin to rush from one side to the other and jump out of the water, for this reason, they often break. Males, hitting the hook, very quickly begin to lose speed, pulling the line continuously with great force.

Pink salmon bites well on artificial flies, they should be bright and large, to attract the attention of fish, you can use multi-colored decorations. The fly should go along the bottom in short jerks or continuously, but slowly.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

How to catch chum?

The best time for catching chum salmon is from the end of August to October. The extraction of chum salmon can be carried out in its habitats. To spawn, the fish goes into the rivers in shallow water. The chum salmon spawns only once, after which it dies. It is better to catch fish before the start of the spawning period or during spawning.

Many anglers prefer to use a class 9 rod.. The fisherman may not feel the beginning of a bite at all, and the fish will break the line and quickly leave no less than 40 m downstream. To simplify fishing, you need to have about 100 meters of fishing line on the reel.

Some miners use a front sight (sea). To do this, you need to throw tackle, downstream to the very bottom. If the chum salmon does not behave actively, then it is advisable to use a light fly. The fish can start to resist very sharply, it is for this reason that the fisherman must always be ready for this and always take additional gear and fishing line with him.

Catching chum salmon requires a certain skill and a lot of patience.

All types of salmon are very useful for the body. The most common of them are chum salmon and pink salmon. Not every person can distinguish one species from another, but it is not very difficult. Chum salmon are slightly larger, during spawning they form bright stripes on the back. In males of pink salmon during spawning periods, a hump appears, the nose lengthens and bends.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

    If we talk about the beneficial properties of all types of fish that you mentioned above, then coho fish wins in terms of the amount of vitamins and everything useful, and this can even be seen in the table:

    Yes, and it tastes better, it is more pleasant to eat, and it is also very easy to cook, and you can make several types of dishes from it.

    I propose to compare these three types of fish (coho salmon, salmon and pink salmon) in the table below, which provides a description, as well as characteristic features.

    Of course, in this trio, coho salmon will take the first leading place, both in terms of taste and useful substances.

    In principle, coho salmon is considered a delicacy, since it has the smallest abundance of the presented species.

    If you choose between coho salmon, chum salmon and pink salmon, then the fattest will be pink salmon. Next in fat coho salmon, well, the drier of the above fish is chum salmon.

    Below are the indicators of the biochemical composition of fish:

    Coho salmon is considered a delicacy, respectively, and the price of this fish is higher.

    But keta will be more useful. Keta does not breed in captivity, so you can be sure that she does not contain antibiotics and artificial growth accelerators.

    Coho salmon is the most expensive fish, followed by chum salmon, and pink salmon is the cheapest.

    The taste qualities of coho salmon will be the best, then chum salmon, pink salmon is the most tasteless. In my opinion, pink salmon is the least fatty fish and it has the most bones. Therefore, with a small difference in price, it is better to give preference to chum salmon or coho salmon. Often they sell pink salmon with a head, and salmon salmon and coho salmon without a head.

    All this fish will be good both in soup and fried, but my favorite is steamed or oven-baked keta.

    As for the useful properties of these fish, they will be at their best for all fish. All marine fish have a lot of useful and indispensable substances for humans. But if we talk about taste, then it is worth giving preference to the largest and, accordingly, fleshy - this is coho salmon. This fish has the most tender meat.

    Kizhuch is probably preferable. Its meat is rich red in color, contains a lot of useful substances.

    But it should be borne in mind that a lot depends on the time of the catch and on the freshness of the fish, how many times it was refrozen, etc. Alas, it is very difficult to buy quality fish now.

    I also like coho salmon more, not so long ago it appeared in stores, the best thing about it compared to expensive varieties of red fish is wild, caught, which means all sorts of nasty things, there are fewer antibiotics in it, of course chum salmon and pink salmon are also wild

    Red fish tastes very different depending on the species. One is too dry, the other is bitter, the third cannot be chewed. The best in taste and quality, which has the least flaws, is undoubtedly the Far Eastern coho salmon. Its meat is much softer, tastier and not as fatty as other species. It is especially tasty in a salty form, but this is provided that the salt in it is in moderation and it is fresh. This fish has been highly valued for a long time and is a valuable species of commercial fish, but its numbers are not very large.

    Coho salmon is by far the most delicious, it is more fatty and fleshy, in my opinion, chum salmon and pink salmon are drier and more boney. For the price, kezhuch is a little more expensive, but cheaper than salmon and trout.

    Here, for example, coho salmon fillet (by the way, his caviar is very tender, smallish, but tasty)

    And this is a chum salmon fillet

    And salmon fillet

    From the above photos it can be seen that the coho salmon fillet is thicker, fleshy, has a rich red-raspberry (red-orange color). The largest among salmon is Chinook, lives up to 15 years, hence the body weight.

    Perhaps coho salmon will be tastier than all. it is the largest of the salmon. its meat is the most tender. pink salmon, perhaps not as tender as coho salmon. As far as benefits, it doesn't matter. all these salmon fish live in the sea and go to spawn in the rivers. the larger the salmon, the more tender and tastier it is, in my opinion.

People who often eat salmon meat are much less likely to suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular, hormonal and nervous systems. This fish is a wonderful prevention of dysbacteriosis, diseases of the organs of vision, muscles. Salmon gives shine and beauty to hair, skin, nails. What can I say, he is even able to fight Alzheimer's disease!

The salmon family includes a large number of fish species. The greatest commercial value among the fish of this family belongs to chum salmon and pink salmon.



Pink salmon is the most common type of salmon. It is a small fish with small scales. Its distinguishing feature is small dark spots on the back and tail. In the ocean, it has a light blue color, but with the onset of spawning it becomes gray with a yellowish or greenish belly. At this time, a large hump grows on the back of the males, thanks to which pink salmon got its name.

Pink salmon

Keta is larger than pink salmon, but it ranks second in terms of numbers. It is subdivided according to the season: there is a summer and an autumn keta. In the ocean, it has a silvery color, which changes to a darker one during spawning. A distinctive feature of the "wedding attire" is wide crimson stripes on the sides of the fish.

Pink salmon spawns in fast-flowing rivers with large pebbles at the bottom. Remarkably, during spawning, she does not always return to her native backwaters. Pink salmon caviar is quite large (up to 8 mm), paler in color than chum salmon.

The sense of home (homing) in chum salmon is much more developed than in pink salmon, and during spawning it always returns to its native rivers. She chooses quiet backwaters with a bottom of small pebbles. The caviar of the chum salmon is larger (up to 9 mm in diameter), brighter colored, with a dense shell.

After the babies of pink salmon are born, they remain in the river for a long time and allow the current to carry them into the sea only after they grow up a little. Chum salmon fry immediately after birth are sent to the sea.

Pink salmon grows much faster than chum salmon. This is partly due to the plentiful and high-calorie food that she eats, as well as the fact that this fish hibernates in warm areas with an average temperature of at least five degrees with a plus sign.

The nutrition of pink salmon is also reflected in the quality of its meat. It is quite dense in texture and more fatty (on average - 150 kcal) compared to chum salmon meat (up to 125 kcal). Keta is more tender and is great for the diet of those people who monitor their weight.

Findings site

  1. Keta is a larger fish than pink salmon, but in terms of numbers among salmon it ranks second after its small “relative”.
  2. In the ocean, the chum salmon has a silver color, the pink salmon is light blue, and has small black spots on its back.
  3. During spawning, the chum salmon changes color to a darker color, crimson stripes appear on its sides. Pink salmon becomes silvery yellowish (greenish). A hump grows on the back of males.
  4. The caviar of the chum salmon is larger, brighter colored.
  5. For spawning, the chum salmon chooses quiet backwaters. She always returns to the places where she was born. Pink salmon spawns in fast-flowing rivers and does not have a strong sense of home.
  6. Chum fry after birth immediately go to the ocean. Pink salmon fry remain in the river until they grow up.
  7. Chum salmon grows slower than pink salmon.
  8. Chum salmon meat is more tender, contains fewer calories.

Fish is an important part of the human diet. Experts recommend regularly eating red fish meat, because it is a source of useful trace elements, vitamins and fats. From this product, our body receives important omega-3 fatty acids.

Appearance of chum salmon and difference from pink salmon

Unscrupulous sellers deliberately replace salmon with pink salmon, since the latter is cheaper, fatty, although no less useful. Often people who do not understand the topic of fish species and families in detail confuse these two species. That is why when buying there are doubts, and questions about whether the sellers are deceiving. When cut, the fillet parts are difficult to distinguish, but possible.

Keta is larger in volume: it reaches 1 m in length, with a weight of almost 15 kg. This is a common fish, and occupies a confident second place in terms of population among its family. The meat of this fish is less high-calorie and fatty. It looks unremarkable: with a silver color, which is complemented by pink-crimson stripes during the spawning period.

Pink salmon is 25 cm shorter than its congener. This is primarily due to the fact that adults often die after spawning, not having time to grow to large sizes. Also noticed a feature that they grow faster. It has spots on the body and pronounced sexual characteristics.

Keta has a strongly developed sense of homeland. For spawning, it returns to the place where it was born itself. Pink salmon does not have such an instinct, therefore each time it chooses a new place for breeding.

What is chum salmon and pink salmon

Chum salmon and pink salmon are representatives of the Salmon family. They make up 80% of the Salmon catch and are in demand on the market.

Keta is one of the varieties of the Pacific salmon, with a characteristic elongated body shape and a brilliant silver color. There are 2 species: "summer", which lives in the northern latitudes, and "autumn", which lives in the southern part of the world. They differ in length: representatives of the north are 20 cm shorter than their relatives from the south.

Balyk is prepared from this fish, canned, salted, dried, smoked, frozen. In addition to meat, its most valuable caviar is used as food. In our country, it is freely available for anyone to purchase.

Pink salmon, or Pink salmon, is also a species from the Salmon family. This fish lives in cold waters, the temperature of which does not exceed 15 °. The most optimal temperature for the life of an individual is 10 °, and at 26 it dies. It feeds preferably on high-calorie foods, so pink salmon meat is fatter and more nutritious. After 1.5 years, mature individuals go to spawn to lay eggs and die. The fry, having hatched, remain for some time in a secluded house, waiting until they grow up, so that the current carries them into open sea waters.

Keta - sea or river fish

Keta stands out for its special value, because it does not breed and does not live in captivity. When buying a real individual in a store, there is no doubt that it was grown in natural conditions and did not use any artificial growth stimulants.

This species has a wide halo of habitat: it is found both in the oceans and in the seas and rivers. In terms of prevalence, this fish has no equal among the Salmon. The quality of fish meat directly depends on the nutrition of the individual. Catches on the territory of Russia are small, and this also determines the corresponding price.

This is the fish that does not have a specifically defined range of habitat. Large flocks enter the river waters for spawning, while others, on the contrary, are melted from the river into the seas and oceans. During such journeys, their color changes - it becomes darker and stripes appear.

The large, wide and massive tail is intended primarily for tearing out holes in which eggs are laid. Some holes reach 2 meters!

Differences between chum salmon and pink salmon

There are several points on which these types differ:


80-100 cm, elongated torso.

Up to 75 cm, with a hump during spawning.

Light gray, silvery, with stripes during spawning.

Gray-blue, and during spawning - gray with a yellow-green belly.

Lighter, brighter, juicier and larger.

Slightly smaller, thin-walled and darker.

4. Place of spawning

Place of birth, quiet rivers.

The first place I came across.

Dietary, gentle, full of vitamins and minerals.

Fatty and savory. Calorie content - 140-150kcal.

They are equally amenable to heat treatment, and excellent dishes are obtained, even with a minimum of spices and additives. A versatile product with which you can experiment: in processing methods, side dishes and spices. You can get an appetizer, a salad, a pie, a first course or a second course - you are not limited by anything in your imagination.

When choosing a fillet, pay attention to the shade - pink salmon is faded pinkish. It is easiest to distinguish it among the rest of the family, and the chum salmon is a bright, juicy pink color. Don't buy pickled or frozen, as the shades can be the same due to processing.

Differences in appearance

Chum salmon has a light gray color, which darkens on the way to spawning. Raspberry stripes also appear in the tail area - this is a sure sign that the individual is heading to the breeding site.

Pink salmon got its name because of the hump that appears on males during spawning. Such a distinguishing mark well distinguishes these fish from others. It also has small scales and dark spots all over the back and tail. The inhabitants of the ocean have a gray color with a blue tint, and during breeding, the color changes to a concrete gray with a yellow-green tint on the abdomen.

Caviar also varies: chum salmon eggs are larger, they look brighter, with a dense shell. Accordingly, the caviar of the second type is smaller, approximately 1 mm in diameter, of a darker shade and with thinner walls. However, both species have excellent taste qualities, are equally beneficial for the body and are recommended for use. The rich composition of minerals, trace elements, proteins - that's what distinguishes the caviar of these fish!

Differences in composition

Meat and caviar of chum salmon is considered more fat, tender, healthy and dietary product. This also affects the price. In terms of taste, everyone chooses what they like. And yet, people often make a choice in the direction of this fish. It contains vitamins E, C, PP, B1 and B5. Caviar contains a third of vegetable protein, which is completely absorbed by the human body. . In contrast, supporters of pink salmon come forward, who consider it a useful and relatively inexpensive product.

The differences in composition are insignificant. Differences are expressed in the mineral and vitamin composition. Chum salmon are dominated by B vitamins, while the smaller counterpart has a richer mineral composition. The latter has a storehouse of iodine and fluorine, as well as manganese. Children are required to take a course of fish oil, so that vitamin D is better absorbed. For this, caviar of both representatives of Salmon, their meat or allocated fat is suitable. It is a source of polyunsaturated acids, amino acids not found in any other food.
