
How long to bake a whole pink salmon in the oven. Pink salmon in foil on an onion pillow

Feasts, family holidays, gatherings with friends are always a headache for housewives, because you need to figure out how to treat guests, what dishes to serve on the table. And I want to surprise you with something new every time. And although there are a lot of recipes on the Internet, the problem of choosing holiday dishes does not disappear anywhere. Yes, and not always the recipe for a particular dish can be successful, but pink salmon in the oven will become a favorite that will be on your table more than once.

On holidays, as a rule, delicacies, the most expensive snacks, wines, meat and fish appear on the table. But it is not at all necessary to spend exorbitant amounts in order to organize a generous and tasty table. Expensive salmon and trout can be replaced with fresh pink salmon, which is in no way inferior in taste and usefulness.

When cooking each type of fish, you need to have some tricks in your arsenal that will help make fish dishes as successful and juicy as possible.

It is necessary to purchase only fresh pink salmon, which floated in the water a couple of days ago. After all, the freshness of the fish greatly affects its taste. Try to avoid buying frozen fish, but if local stores only sell this version of pink salmon, then defrost it at room temperature.

It is quite difficult to achieve juiciness in the preparation of pink salmon. Before cooking, be sure to marinate the fish and use fatty sauces that will give the very juiciness to the dish. And in order to achieve it for sure, it is recommended to cover pink salmon with foil when cooking. It is worth taking this moment seriously, because it is not for nothing that housewives very often have a question: how to cook juicy pink salmon?

Each housewife prefers to bake fish in her own way. Someone does not butcher the carcass and sends it to the oven as a whole, while someone cuts it into pieces. In order not to mess with the fish, cutting off unnecessary parts, it is easier to purchase a cut fillet in the store.

The most delicious recipes

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of recipes on the Internet, but not all of them are tested and successful. However, here is a selection of the most delicious pink salmon recipes.

Whole baked fish

To prepare 1 kilogram of fish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon carcass;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • sour cream - 60 grams;
  • potatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • vegetable oil;
  • olives for decoration;
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper;
  • spices for the marinade to taste.
  1. Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the fish. To do this, rinse it well with water, then make an incision on the stomach with a knife and remove the insides. You also need to rinse the fish inside.
  2. Next, you need to make a marinade. To prepare it, mix sour cream with pepper, salt and other spices to your taste. Outside and inside, rub the pink salmon with the prepared marinade, cover with something and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. This is necessary so that the meat of the fish is soaked.
  3. Set the temperature in the oven to 180 degrees. At this time, peel the potatoes and cut them into large pieces. Then brush with oil and salt to taste.
  4. We cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil, and put pink salmon on it. Next to the fish we put pieces of potatoes. We send the fish to the oven for 40 minutes. After the time has passed, decorate the dish with olives and sprinkle with lemon juice.

To prepare 1 kilogram of finished fish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 2 jokes;
  • sour cream - 200 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 medium tubers;
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices to taste;
  • mayonnaise.
  1. Cut the fish fillet into large pieces. We mix sour cream with spices, salt, pepper and coat each piece of fish with the resulting marinade. We remove the pink salmon in the refrigerator for several hours.
  2. At this time, we clean the vegetables. We cut the potatoes into slices, rub the carrots on a coarse grater, and cut the onion into thin half rings.
  3. In vegetable oil, fry onions and carrots for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Take a deep dish for baking. To prevent the fish from sticking, grease the dish with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  5. Distribute the potatoes along the bottom of the dish, then lay out the slices of pink salmon, and on top of the frying of vegetables. Lubricate our culinary creativity with mayonnaise, cover with foil and send to bake for 40 minutes.

Pink salmon with lemon baked in foil

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • lemon - 2 pieces;
  • greens (parsley, dill, etc.);
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper.

The step by step recipe is as follows.

  1. At this time, finely chop the greens and add two lemons to the juice.
  2. Put a little lemon dressing on each piece of fish and wrap it in foil.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We put all our foil envelopes on a baking sheet and send the pink salmon to bake for 30-40 minutes.

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

This is the step by step recipe.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the salmon fillet into large pieces, salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. We clean vegetables. We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, and chop the onion. We throw the carrots with onions on and fry in vegetable oil for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir.
  3. My tomatoes and cut into slices.
  4. We take out a baking sheet, spread the frying of carrots and onions on its bottom, evenly distributing it. Then there are pieces of pink salmon, circles of tomatoes and a layer of grated cheese completes everything.
  5. The fish is baked for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. The crust of cheese gives a very delicate and soft taste, so that you lick your fingers.

Fish stuffed with cheese and mushrooms

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • champignons - 350 grams;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

The step by step recipe is as follows.

  1. Before cooking, it is necessary to rinse and cut the fish well: remove all the insides, cut off the fins, tail, head, and spine.
  2. Mushrooms also need a good wash, and after that you will need to finely chop them together with onions and fry in vegetable oil for about 10 minutes.
  3. After the mushrooms with onions have cooled down a bit, they need to be mixed with grated cheese.
  4. Having stuffed pink salmon with the resulting filling, it is necessary to stab an incision in the abdomen of the fish with the help of toothpicks.
  5. Do not forget to sprinkle a little vegetable oil on the bottom of the baking dish. After laying the fish in a mold, grease it with mayonnaise and send it to the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. After cutting the fish and spreading it on plates, sprinkle each piece with lemon juice for sourness.

Baked pink salmon with mustard

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • grained mustard - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • lemon - 2 pieces;
  • olive oil;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

The step by step recipe is as follows.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the salmon fillet into large pieces, salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. At this time, cut the lemons into thin slices, and very finely chop the garlic.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil, put the pieces of fish on it, coat with mustard, sprinkle with olive oil, and spread the lemon slices on top.
  4. We cover the baking sheet on top with another sheet of foil and bake the fish for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • cream 20% - 600 milliliters;
  • greenery;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

This is the step by step recipe.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the salmon fillet into large pieces, salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. This recipe calls for a soft, creamy sauce. Add a little salt, black pepper and chopped herbs to the cream, and then mix well.
  3. Lubricate the bottom of a deep dish with oil and lay out pieces of pink salmon. Fill the fish with sauce, it is necessary that it almost completely covers the pieces.
  4. At a temperature of 180 degrees, bake pink salmon for 30 minutes.

Pink salmon "under a fur coat"

To prepare 1 kilogram of pink salmon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil;
  • black pepper;
  • salt to taste.

The step by step recipe looks like this.

  1. Rinse the fish thoroughly under running water and dry. Cut the salmon fillet into large pieces, salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
  2. We clean vegetables. We cut the onion into thin half rings, and rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until slightly golden.
  3. Lubricate the bottom of the mold with oil, lay out the pieces of pink salmon. Then we evenly distribute the frying of carrots and onions, pour milk and sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top.
  4. We send the fish for 40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.

Pink salmon is a fish that very often turns dry when cooked. Before baking, be sure to hold it in the marinade for some time. The best marinade is lemon juice with spices.


The question of how to cook pink salmon in the oven has been settled, because all the secrets have been revealed. Listening to the recommendations, pink salmon will always turn out very juicy and tender. The list of ingredients is very simple and not expensive, and the dish is licking your fingers.

How to cook pink salmon in the oven juicy and soft - this question worries many housewives. Often, baked fish turns out to be dry, since pink salmon meat is lean, and this can thoroughly spoil the impression of the dish. When using dry oven heat, you should take a few extra steps to prevent the fish from drying out while baking.

First of all, if your goal is to get a soft, juicy fish, choose chilled pink salmon, not frozen, as when frozen, the fish can lose its taste and beneficial properties. Since pink salmon, like all salmon, is a very tender fish, it cooks very quickly, so it is important not to overcook it in the oven, otherwise you will have to be content with dry fish. Pink salmon - depending on the size - is baked, on average, from 15 to 30 minutes.

To make the fish juicy, it must be lubricated with a sufficient amount of vegetable or olive oil before baking. To make this task easier, use a special culinary brush. The oil helps the fish stay moist inside while exposed to the dry heat of the oven.

Roasting pink salmon in aluminum foil not only makes it easier to clean the pan or pan later. This method keeps moisture inside the foil to prevent the fish from drying out. This method also allows you to add various flavors to pink salmon - for example, you can complement the fish with lemon, orange, various herbs and vegetables for a richer taste. Ground black pepper, minced garlic, dill, thyme and Italian seasonings go well with pink salmon. Alternatively, special baking bags can be used, which also keep the fish juicier. Lubricating fish with oil when baking in foil or a bag will have the best effect on its juiciness and softness.

You can also marinate pink salmon fillets to make the fish juicy, soft and fragrant. Fish can be marinated in oil, vinegar, or lemon juice, combined with desired seasonings. Marinating for 30 minutes before roasting is sufficient.

To add extra juiciness to pink salmon, you can use sauce - the fish will partially absorb it and become more moist. For example, you can make a quick sauce by whisking together regular yogurt, honey, mustard, and chopped dill. You don’t need to marinate pink salmon in the sauce - just grease the upper surface of the fish with it before sending it to the oven. The easiest option is to grease the pieces of fish with mayonnaise and bake, which will also give the fish softness and juiciness.

So, if you are wondering how to cook pink salmon in the oven juicy and soft - go ahead, get acquainted with our selection of recipes!

Salmon baked with butter and lemon

500 g pink salmon fillet,
1-2 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil
2-3 slices of lemon or orange
salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Lay a portioned piece of pink salmon in the center of a square piece of foil. Be sure to use enough aluminum foil to wrap around the entire piece of fish.
Drizzle the top of the fish with oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can use your favorite spices, such as basil or oregano. You can also bake vegetables such as onions, zucchini and tomatoes along with pink salmon in foil. Add lemon or orange slices to enhance the flavor.
Fold the edges of the aluminum foil over the pink salmon so that the fish is completely wrapped. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until the fish is fully cooked.

Baked pink salmon in mustard-honey marinade

400 g pink salmon.
For marinade:
2 cloves of garlic
3 tablespoons lemon juice,
3 tablespoons of honey
3 teaspoons mustard,
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon chili pepper
3 pinches ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Mince the garlic and mix all the ingredients for the marinade together thoroughly. Cut the pink salmon in half and marinate for 30 minutes to 2 hours, turning the fish several times. Put the pink salmon on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and bake for 12 minutes. Garnish the fish with chopped parsley and serve immediately.

Baked salmon stuffed with cheese and mushrooms

1 pink salmon
2 bulbs
100 g cheese
200 g champignons,
80 g mayonnaise,
3 garlic cloves,
1/2 lemon
seasoning for fish
salt and ground black pepper,

Rinse pink salmon, make an incision along the belly, gut, remove the spine and all small bones. Drizzle the fish with lemon juice and set aside.
In a bowl, mix mayonnaise with salt and fish spices. Add garlic passed through the press, mix. Lubricate the fish inside and out with the resulting sauce and leave to marinate for half an hour.
Chop mushrooms and onions and fry in butter. Stir the mixture with grated cheese, season with salt and pepper. Put the resulting filling into the cavity of the fish, wrap it with cooking string, wrap in foil and put in the oven for about 1 hour.

Marinated baked pink salmon with yogurt, mustard and dill sauce

For pink salmon in marinade:
4 pink salmon fillets,
4 tablespoons lemon juice,
2 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil
4 tablespoons fresh dill.
For sauce:
60 ml plain yogurt
3 tablespoons of mustard,
3 tablespoons fresh dill
2 tablespoons lemon juice.

Combine all marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Put the fish in a bowl so that it is evenly covered with marinade. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or up to 6 hours.
Mix all sauce ingredients in a small bowl. The sauce can be stored in a covered container in the refrigerator. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Place salmon on a baking sheet lined with foil, season with salt and pepper to taste, and bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve fish with prepared sauce.

Pink salmon baked with vegetables

500 g pink salmon fillet,
6 potatoes
2 bulbs
2 boiled beets,
2 carrots
300 ml heavy cream
2 tablespoons of mustard,
1 teaspoon dried basil
salt and ground black pepper.

Cut the salmon fillet into thin long pieces. Dice vegetables. In a deep bowl, mix cream, mustard, dried basil, salt and pepper. Put the vegetables in a baking bag and pour in the cream mixture. Seal the bag and shake gently to coat the fish and vegetables with the mixture. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 45 minutes.

We hope that the question of how to cook pink salmon in a juicy and soft oven will no longer bother you, because your fish - thanks to our tips and recipes - will always turn out just delicious! Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

In order not to run around the kitchen in a hurry and not look for products, lay them out in the right amount on the kitchen table. Put the right amount of spices in a separate bowl. Peel the onion with a knife and rinse it under running water along with the lemon. Then dry the onion and lemon with paper kitchen towels, lay them alternately on a cutting board and cut, onion into half rings with an approximate thickness of up to 5 millimeters, cut half the lemon into rings up to 7 millimeters thick, and put the other half aside, it will come in handy later, arrange the ingredients on plates. Peel the garlic and place on a separate plate. Rinse juicy, fresh pink salmon fillet with skin under running water, dry with paper towels, place on a cutting board and cut with a knife into 4 equal parts. Slice the fish by eye, 1 piece of fish should weigh approximately 400 - 500 grams. Rub the fish with salt, place in a deep bowl and let it soak in salt for 10 - 15 minutes.

Step 2: prepare the baking dish and lay the onions.

Take a small non-stick baking dish, with an approximate diameter of 19 by 30 centimeters. Lay aluminum foil on the bottom of the mold so that its middle lies on the bottom, and the edges extend beyond the sides of the mold. Spread the onion half rings evenly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mold.

Step 3: Add bay leaf and black peppercorns.

Determine the places where you will put your pieces of fish and place 1 bay leaf and peppercorns on them.

Step 4: Lay the lemon.

Squeeze the peeled garlic through the garlic press and spread it around the entire perimeter of the onion layer. Then place the lemon rings on top of the bay leaves.

Step 5: Put the fish in the mold.

Preheat oven to 200 - 220 degrees. Place the salted fish on a baking dish, skin down and generously sprinkle it with allspice ground pepper, then add black ground pepper to taste.

Step 6: Season the fish with lemon and drizzle with olive oil.

Using a manual juicer, squeeze the juice from half a lemon directly onto the shaped fish. Then drizzle with the required amount of olive oil. Due to the onion pillow, you will be sure that your fish will not burn, and the olive oil will fry the lower part of the pink salmon until golden brown and fry the onion.

Step 7: Roll up the foil.

With your hands, connect the edges of the foil so that there are no gaps and hot steam can accumulate under the top layer of foil and steam the fish and onions.

Step 8: bake pink salmon in foil on an onion pillow.

Place the fish dish in the preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven, let the fish stand in it for a while. 5 - 7 minutes and remove the mold with a kitchen towel. Carefully unfold the foil with a knife, let the hot steam come out and then, with a kitchen spatula, place the pieces of pink salmon on portioned plates, put a small amount of onion and a few lemon rings next to it.

Step 9: serve pink salmon in foil on an onion pillow.

Pink salmon in foil on an onion pillow is served hot, laid on portioned plates, decorated with baked onions and lemon rings. Fragrant and very tasty fish can be supplemented with a side dish. For people who are on a diet for some reason, boiled rice, jacket potatoes or baked potatoes can be offered as a side dish. For fat lovers, you can cook boiled potatoes and flavor it with butter or boil pasta and season them with cream sauce. You can also serve separately a salad of fresh vegetables or fresh vegetable slices. This dish is pleasant to savor with dry white wine or citrus juice. Bon appetit!

- - The set of spices in this recipe is not critical, you can add any spices you like that are suitable for fish dishes.

- - If you purchased a whole fish, cut it into fillets. Preparing the fillet is very simple, clean the fish from scales, cut off the head, fins and tail. Rinse under running water from the chaff, blood and remaining small scales. Dry the fish, cut along the ridge, cut the back bone with a knife and carefully cut the fillet, then proceed according to the recipe.

- - Instead of fresh garlic, you can use dried ground garlic, which can be sprinkled on top of the fish, for the amount of fish indicated in the recipe, 1 teaspoon will be enough.

- Lime can be used instead of lemon.

- - Remember that for cutting fresh and cooked food, there should always be separate cutting boards and knives!

First - two instructions on how to bake pink salmon in the oven in slices and serve spectacularly with amazing gravies.

For 4 servings we will need:

  • Pink salmon fillet - about 700 grams
  • Chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic, passed through a press - 2-3 cloves
  • Dijon mustard (mustard with grains) - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - to taste (it took us 0.5 tsp)
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon slices for serving - 4 slices

How we cook - 25 minutes.

We heat the oven to 250 degrees.

Cut the salmon fillet into 4 pieces.

Prepare the sauce: oil, lemon juice, mustard, crushed garlic, chopped parsley, salt and pepper - mix with a fork in a bowl.

Lay the slices of pink salmon on a baking sheet - outer side down. To prevent the fish from sticking, you can use baking paper.

Coat with sauce on top and sides. It is convenient to use a cooking brush. On top of the fish - a circle of lemon. Bake for 12-15 minutes at 250 degrees.

We carefully monitor so as not to overdry the pink salmon! As soon as the fillet brightens and slightly increases in size, you can check for readiness with a fork. If the layers easily lag behind each other along the entire height, and the juice between them is transparent, the fish is ready!

Pink salmon in the oven with slices and sauce with sour cream

A sauce of sour cream, lemon juice and butter, with the addition of wine is another way to bake pink salmon in the oven so that it is juicy.

We need 5-7 impressive servings :)

  • Pink salmon (fillet) - 1-1.5 kg
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Chopped parsley (or dill) - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste

Lemon Cream Sauce:

  • Onion - 1 small head
  • Lemon juice - about 60 ml (3-4 tablespoons)
  • White wine - 50-60 ml
  • Thick fat sour cream or cream - 100 ml
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons

How we cook - 30 minutes.

We cut the pink salmon fillet into pieces, salt, pepper, lay on a baking sheet with the outer side down and lightly grease with olive oil on top. Bake in a preheated oven (220-250 degrees) - 12-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the pieces in the highest place.

We're preparing the sauce. The main condition for success is constantly stirring (!)

We chop the onion as finely as possible and simmer in lemon juice and wine in a deep saucepan - over low heat for 6-7 minutes. Add sour cream (or cream) and butter to the pan - piece by piece, so that it melts quickly. We continue to mix well - on low heat for 1-2 minutes.

As soon as the butter has melted, remove it from the stove and mix vigorously again. The consistency of the cream, noticeable sourness and the favorite aroma of fried onions are a great decoration for red fish! Pour sauce over baked pink salmon and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Baked salmon fillet in foil

The last recipe for today is how to bake a whole pink salmon fillet - under mayonnaise in foil.

For 4-5 solid servings we need:

  • Pink salmon (fillet) - about 1 kg
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 pinches
  • Ground black pepper - 2 pinches
  • Paprika - 2 pinches
  • Granulated garlic - 2 pinches
  • Can be replaced with gruel of 1-2 cloves (pass through the press)
  • Mayonnaise (preferably light) - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

How we cook - 35 minutes.

Mix spices, sugar, salt and gently rub the whole fish fillet.

Lay the salmon on a baking sheet on a piece of baking paper - outer side down.

We distribute mayonnaise over the fillet and put lemon slices.

We cover the fish with foil and put the pink salmon in a preheated oven (220-250 degrees) - for 25-30 minutes. Readiness can be checked already from the 20th minute of baking.

A spectacular presentation thanks to slices of lemon and the usual mayonnaise taste is the key to the success of this simple recipe. Get ready - you won't regret it!

Ten secrets of success

The question of how to bake pink salmon in the oven so that it is juicy has extremely easy answers:

  1. Temperature - 220-250 degrees Celsius. Putting the fish in a preheated oven (!)
  2. Two more incredibly tasty sauces for baked pink salmon: mushroom sauce with pieces of fried champignons and sweet mustard (from Dijon mustard with honey).
  3. The most interesting thing is that red fish can be quickly and tasty baked without any sauce at all. In foil or without, but always - not for long. If we bake uncoated pieces, then it is worth monitoring readiness after 10-15 minutes of languishing in the oven.
  4. Having decided to bake pink salmon without oil, we will make sure and put pink salmon on baking paper. The foil can stick to the fish from below, the baking sheet - even more so.
  5. Another good option for oil-free roasting is a grill rack over a baking sheet where the fat will drip off.
  6. Do not rush to add mayonnaise and cheese! And it’s easier to decide on experiments with herbs: dill, parsley, cumin, thyme, sage, rosemary. You can sprinkle the fish itself or chop the greens abundantly into a light sauce, which we offer separately - already on the table.
  7. The epithet "light" is mentioned for the sauce not by chance. Oven-baked pink salmon in itself is tender, juicy and lush. She's always in need of spices, and heavy sauce recipes are just one of the alternatives.
  8. Pink salmon from Russian producers is often less fat, better suited for baking in foil.
  9. Norwegian red fish - the most oily. Perfectly baked open slices.
  10. If using frozen fish, be sure to defrost it slowly. This will keep the juiciness and benefits. From the freezer - to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator until completely thawed (6-12 hours depending on the size)

We wish you inspiration for a successful search for a signature recipe on how to bake pink salmon in the oven so that it is juicy! Come visit us - with a story about your successes and for new ideas for delicious fish.

I want to see really tasty dishes on the festive table, but it’s not very pleasant to stand at the stove for a long time. The ideal way out is salmon fillet or steaks baked in the oven. It turns out tasty and healthy, in addition, this fish is always a real delicacy. The main thing is to be able to properly in the oven.

It is best to do this in foil - it turns out juicier and more refined. Here are some proven recipes.

Recipe one

To bake, you need to take half a kilogram of fillet, two tomatoes, a lemon, one hundred grams of cheese, one hundred grams of sour cream, vegetable oil, fresh herbs, pepper, salt. Cut the fillet into portions, rub with salt, pour over with lemon juice and oil. Let it marinate a little. In the meantime, carefully remove the zest from half a lemon and slice it thinly. You need to remove all the zest so that the pink salmon does not taste bitter. Chop the tomatoes and cheese too. Choose the cutting width to your liking. Now put everything in foil (each piece of fish should be wrapped separately). Put a circle of lemon on a leaf greased with olive oil, then pink salmon, smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise, and then a slice of tomato and cheese on top. The foil is wrapped so that there is a small space for the juice. To make the fish bake better, pour water on a baking sheet. How long to bake pink salmon in the oven? Enough half an hour at a temperature of two hundred degrees.

Before serving, the finished dish must be decorated with herbs and served with any side dish of your choice.

Recipe two

To bake in Admiralty foil, take one fish, one lemon, onion, one carrot, fifty grams of butter and herbs to decorate the dish. Clean and rinse the carcass well. Chop the peeled onion into half rings. Coarsely grate the peeled carrots, and cut the lemon into slices. Fry vegetables in oil, pepper and salt. The fish should also be rubbed with pepper and salt inside and out. Put vegetables and a couple of lemon slices in it. Don't overdo it or it will turn out too sour.

Cut a piece of butter and add fish to the filling (so it will turn out more juicy). Put all the remaining vegetables on the foil, and place the fish on top of them. Garnish with lemon wedges and fold over, carefully sealing the edges. Lay out on a baking sheet. It will take an hour to bake pink salmon in the oven in foil at a temperature of two hundred degrees. Before serving, carefully cut into portions, garnish with lemon and herbs.

Recipe three

You will need one carcass of pink salmon, two carrots, two onions, a tomato, one hundred grams of cheese, chopped herbs, butter and pepper. Stew all the vegetables, after chopping them finely, until golden brown. Cut the fish into pieces and season. Lay vegetable fry on the foil, place pink salmon on top, add a circle of tomato and a piece of hard cheese for each piece. Wrap the foil and bake at a temperature of two hundred degrees for about half an hour. After that, open the dish and bake for another ten minutes to get a delicious crust.
