
Sturgeon - characteristic, use in cooking. Sturgeon - useful properties and contraindications of royal fish

Any fishing can be very exciting, but sturgeon fishing is especially. Sturgeon species of fish are protected by the Red Book, and you can catch them only with a special permit, or on paid reservoirs. But no high cost bothers lovers of active fishing. The cost of catching king fish is fully paid off with pleasure and an adrenaline rush.

Phylogenetically, this is the oldest group of fish on the planet. Today, nineteen species have survived in the world, of which eleven can be found in the ichthyofauna of Russian waters. They are united by common structural features:

  • a cartilaginous skeleton with a cartilaginous chord ("dorsal string") instead of a spine;
  • spindle-shaped body;
  • thick rough skin with diamond-shaped scales ("bugs"), covered with enamel-like ganoin;
  • five rows of plates protecting the body from the ventral, dorsal and lateral sides;
  • the dorsal fin is far from the head, the anterior ray of the pectoral is in the form of a spine;
  • the front of the skull is extended into the rostrum (snout);
  • mouth opening in the form of a semilunar fissure on the lower part of the snout;
  • the mouth is retractable, with soft lips, without teeth, surrounded by four sensitive antennae;
  • rudimentary spatter on operculum;
  • small black caviar.

There are sturgeon fish in three forms: semi-anadromous, anadromous and residential. Anadromous are sea sturgeons. Most of the time they "graze" in the sea, entering the rivers.

Semi-anadromous do not tolerate high salinity, but like to feed in pre-estuary waters, where sea water is diluted. For spawning, semi-anadromous species of sturgeon rise to the upper reaches of the rivers.

Residential (or local) are river or lake freshwater sturgeons. They migrate to spawning grounds without going out to sea.

All types of sturgeon live in the Northern Hemisphere. Mostly seen in temperate latitudes. One of the most "southern" species is the Adriatic sturgeon, which lives off the coast of Italy.

Sturgeon is a fish, mainly benthic food. Leads a benthic lifestyle, eats mollusks, crustaceans, larvae. Adult large individuals (beluga, kaluga) feed on fish.

The weight of the sturgeon and its size vary greatly depending on the species. The most "tall" - a. .

On a note. Sturgeon fish reach sexual maturity very late. Some varieties mature only by 15 years. Sturgeon spawning occurs at intervals of several years. Females spawn only 2-5 times in their lives.

Photo 1. Kaluga fish.

Sturgeons of the Russian open spaces: a brief overview

In Russia, the sturgeon habitat extends from the White Sea to the Caspian Sea. Distributed in the basins of Siberian rivers. In the west it is sometimes found in the Baltic Sea, in the east - in the Pacific Ocean.

Sturgeon species



Amur sturgeonThe Amur river basin, including floodplain lakes: Bolon, Kizi, Orel-Chlya.Endemic, not found in other areas. The Amur sturgeon is a resident species; its feeding area coincides with the spawning one. Very large: grows up to more than three meters, weighing up to 250 kg. In nature, the Amur sturgeon can live up to 60 years.
KalugaThe Amur basin along its entire length. It comes across in Ussuri, Zeya, in Lake Orel. It does not enter the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.Belongs to the genus Beluga. Very large species: length over 4 meters, weight up to 1 ton. Kaluga is a long-liver. With a weight of about 600 kg, the age for this fish is indicated as 50 years. It feeds on fish - silver carp, carp. Small individuals also hunt lampreys. Sexual maturity occurs at 18-20 years of age.
Atlantic sturgeon (Baltic sturgeon)In Russia it lives in Lake Ladoga, spawning in Svir, Volkhov and Syas. In the waters of the Baltic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, it is almost exterminated.Anadromous fish, inhabited only in Lake Ladoga. Atlantic sturgeon is a massive fish (3 meters long and up to 300 kg weight). In Ladoga and rivers it feeds on benthos (worms, mollusks, crayfish). In the seas he hunts for fish. In Western European farms, the Baltic sturgeon is bred artificially.
Russian sturgeon (Caspian-Black Sea)Water areas of the Caspian and Azov seas. Included for spawning in the Volga, Don, Kuban, Tuapse. Sometimes comes across in Kame. In adjacent territories - the Dnieper, Dniester, Rioni.Quite a large anadromous fish (1.5-2 m), but there are as many weight and size options as there are populations. For example, the Volga sturgeon is larger than the Don sturgeon. Can live up to 50 years. Food is predominantly benthic, but in the Caspian they hunt for gobies and sprat.
ThornBasins of the Black, Caspian and Aral seas. Often rises to the Ural River. Occasionally enters the Volga delta.A characteristic feature of the spike is an undivided lower lip. With regard to this fish, ichthyologists have doubts: is it a pure species. According to some assumptions, the ship is a hybrid of beluga and sturgeon. Large-sized fish - more than 2 meters in length, weighing 20-30 kg. The color of the skin is quite light for sturgeon, which is why the ship is sometimes called the "white sturgeon".
Caspian and Azov seas. It rises in the Volga, Kuban, Laba, Don, Ural rivers.The strongly elongated rostrum makes it possible to distinguish the stellate sturgeon from other sturgeons. The usual sizes are from 130 to 150 cm, weight - up to 10 kg. Lives up to 30 years. The Caspian stellate sturgeon eats crustaceans and marine polychaete worms. The diet of the Azov - amphipods, worms, small fish.
SterletBasins of Ladoga and Lake Onega, Volga, Don, Irtysh, Ob, Northern Dvina. Artificially populated in the Neman, Pechora, Amur.The fish are mostly resident. Only in the Volga delta does it become semi-passage. Among sturgeons, it is the smallest: up to 125 cm long and up to 16 kg in weight. But even such instances are rare. More often caught sterlet weighing about 2-4 kg. Food is exclusively benthic. Spawns annually.
BelugaCaspian, Azov and Black seas. Along the Volga it reaches the mouth of the Samara River, along the Kama - to Vishera. Occurs in the waters of Vyatka, Belaya, Don, Ural.A giant among sturgeons - more than 5 meters long. Weight can exceed a ton. Anadromous long-lived fish (lives up to a hundred years). Predator, in the sea it feeds on fish (tyulka, herring, gobies), sometimes attacks the cubs of the Caspian seal.

On a note. In nature, many species of sturgeon easily form hybrids. Thanks to this, bester, a hybrid of sterlet and beluga, was artificially bred for commercial cultivation.

Photo 2. Sevruga

Seasonal migrations of sturgeons

Sturgeon fish are constantly on the move. They distinguish between spawning and feeding migrations. Spawning - from the place of wintering and feeding to spawning grounds, forage - in the opposite direction. Sea sturgeons migrate to spawn in rivers because eggs and larvae survive only in fresh water. But residential freshwater forms also move along riverbeds - they are looking for clean shallow waters with a fast current and a pebble bottom.

Spawning of all sturgeons occurs in the spring-summer period, but they migrate to spawning grounds at different times. On this basis, sturgeons are divided into seasonal races - winter and spring. Spring ones start spawning immediately before spawning, in the spring. Winter crops - in autumn, with not yet mature reproductive products, and their spawning migration coincides with wintering. It is curious that different seasonal races can form even within the same species, depending on the specific habitat.

Spawned anadromous and semi-anadromous sturgeon roll back to the sea for feeding. Residents also return to their permanent place of residence. During this period, the fish are "thin", with an extremely low body fat content. The fry that have hatched from the eggs grow up for some time near the spawning ground, and then follow their parents.

Features of sturgeon fishing

Sturgeon fishing can be started after spawning. Places of wild reservoirs where sturgeon is found are recognized by the following signs:

  1. Large shallows, underwater slides and spits.
  2. gaps between dams.
  3. Places with a slow current up to two meters deep.
  4. Artificial shore dumps.
  5. Extensive old ones.
  6. Mouths of tributaries.
  7. Sandy coastal areas with stumps and boulders.

Considering the rarity of sturgeons and taking care of their safety, it is more correct, of course, to use the services of paid reservoirs. You can’t get a trophy on them, but you can catch small sturgeon for your own pleasure. Individuals weighing 1-4 kg are usually launched into "payers". The most active pecking fish released the day before.

Tackle for sturgeon is prepared taking into account its bottom lifestyle. Most often used with rigid forms. Bologna fishing rods are not suitable - sturgeons easily break them. The length of the rod depends on the method of fishing: from the shore or from a boat, in the near zone or with distant casts.

Photo 3. White sturgeon.

Many anglers use barbless hooks to reduce injury to the sturgeon's soft mouth. The sizes of hooks when fishing on paid reservoirs are No. 8-10. For larger wild specimens - Nos. 2-6. Be sure to prepare a wide carp and gloves so as not to injure your hands on spiked prey.

On what to catch sturgeon on the “payer”, it is better to find out in advance from the owners of the reservoir or other fishermen. In general, sturgeon animal baits work best:

  • smoked capelin;
  • bunches of earthworms or dung worms;
  • fish fillet.

A separate topic is pearl barley or toothless meat. With its help, sturgeon fishing can be very successful, because in nature sturgeons willingly suck these mollusks out of their shells. You can pick them up right on the spot.

Bait for sturgeon can be prepared for carp. It will be large enough so that small fish do not immediately take it away, slowly dissolving and fragrant. Sturgeons have poor eyesight, but a subtle sense of smell, so it is better not to use unnecessary flavors. Strongly feed this fish is also not worth it.

There is one secret about how to catch a sturgeon: you need to immediately respond with hooking even to a barely noticeable bite. Sturgeons can very gently remove the bait without swallowing the hook.

The caught sturgeon sharply presses to the bottom and strongly resists. You need to exhaust it quickly and confidently. A sturgeon can break loose by throwing itself out of the water, so it’s better not to hesitate. However, even if he manages to get off the hook in this way, the spectacle of the branded sturgeon “candle” and the pleasure of fighting a strong opponent will fully compensate for the lack of a catch.

It can be sold not only chilled or frozen, but also alive. It is believed that the most delicious fish are individuals that have reached a weight of at least 3 kg. Unlike most cases, sturgeon, the more, the tastier.

Sturgeon can be sold:

  • whole or cut into pieces in a frozen form;
  • live;
  • whole or cut into pieces chilled;
  • without packaging or packaged in containers.

It is recommended to buy chilled or live sturgeon. Frozen fish is no less tasty than fresh, but it is more difficult to choose it. Some stages of quality assessment cannot be carried out. In addition, there is a risk of buying stale sturgeon, which was frozen specifically to hide the first signs of spoilage.

How to choose a sturgeon

When choosing any, including sturgeon, you must first pay attention to its appearance and smell. It is also not worth ignoring the information on the labels if the fish is packaged in separate containers or bags. Buying spoiled or expired fish can be harmful to your health if you eat it.

What kind of sturgeon should I buy:

  • the larger the sturgeon, the better and tastier it is;
  • butchering a sturgeon implies some nuances, therefore, when buying this fish for the first time, it is better to know in advance the intricacies of its preparation;
  • the smell of sturgeon should be fresh and "fishy";
  • in sturgeons, the gills are always dark in color (in addition, the gills must be clean, without mucus or pollution);
  • sturgeon skin should not have even the slightest damage (bacteria quickly accumulate and begin to multiply at the site of damage, so the fish can begin to deteriorate without changing the smell or appearance);
  • if you press the skin of the sturgeon with your finger, then no deformation should be observed (any kind of chilled fish is checked in this way);
  • if the sturgeon is bought in sliced ​​form, then you need to pay attention to the skin, which should fit snugly against the meat (otherwise, the fish can be considered of poor quality);
  • if the sturgeon is bought frozen or in ice glaze, then the ice should not be cloudy or contain particles of debris, as well as blood (a large amount of snow or ice indicates re-freezing of the fish);
  • sturgeon steaks may differ in color (the meat of this breed of fish has different shades depending on the subspecies - grayish, creamy or pinkish);
  • on a sturgeon steak, a strip of fat is permissible (visually, fat is very easy to distinguish from meat, it is usually located under the skin);
  • the belly of the sturgeon should be pinkish (any spots of unknown origin, inclusions or the presence of other shades are considered a deviation).

When buying fresh sturgeon in a chilled or live form, you must definitely ask the seller for a certificate with a note on the date the fish went on sale. Fresh sturgeon can only be sold within 14 days.

Which sturgeon is not worth buying:

  • if an unpleasant smell is felt from the sturgeon, then you should not buy it (the fish is spoiled or stored incorrectly);
  • if there are damages on the surface of the sturgeon, you should refuse to buy it;
  • gray and green gills of sturgeon are considered a sign of its too long storage;
  • if there are white or red spots on the skin of the sturgeon, then this may be a sign of a fish illness;
  • if the sturgeon is frozen, and there are stains on its surface (most often yellow or rusty), then this is a sign of repeated defrosting or improper transportation of the fish;
  • if the belly of the sturgeon has acquired a yellowish tint, then the fish begins to deteriorate.

The choice has several nuances. For example, it is believed that the gills of fresh fish should be red. It is almost impossible to find a sturgeon with such features. The gills of this breed of fish are always dark, and in the presence of any of their other shades, it is better to refuse to buy. The sturgeon is often called the "river pig" because of its large size and considerable amount of meat. This name indicates a sign that must be considered when buying - the meatier the fish, the juicier and tastier it will be.

Or: where to buy real sturgeon.

In Moscow - by no means in stores. There, under the guise of sturgeon, besters swim in aquariums, i.e. mix of beluga and sterlet. By the way, not so long ago, sterlet could be bought everywhere, but now it has also disappeared.
An ordinary ordinary sturgeon weighs 10-15 kg. And he does not have such a sharp and elongated "muzzle" as those fish that are offered under the guise of a sturgeon. Although, these are all fish of the sturgeon family, but still not sturgeons.

Why is sturgeon so good, besides the excellent quality of meat?

Very few inedible parts.
Instead of a bone skeleton, sturgeons have cartilage, and instead of a spine, a cartilaginous chord, the head also consists of cartilage. And all this is boiled and eaten mainly in hodgepodges and pickles, and the chord is processed into vyaziga. Have you heard about pies with vyaziga? And I ate, once upon a time my grandmother baked - it's amazingly delicious!

Another advantage is that there is practically no weight loss during heat treatment.
Sturgeons are wonderful boiled, fried, steamed, both hot and cold. That's just to let them cutlets - blasphemy. For this, fish is also simpler. Sturgeon is the royal, "red" fish, although the meat of sturgeon is white, and the sturgeon itself is amber-yellow with a pink tint, due to the fact that it contains fat between the muscles. Sturgeon was called red not for the color of the meat, but as a synonym for beautiful, valuable.

On the market you can still find (of course, only ice cream) real large sturgeon. And it costs 2 times more than what floats in an aquarium. The larger the sturgeon, the more expensive it is.

From this piece (here is only a part of what I bought), I took off the skin and took out the chord - the spine, removed it for fish hodgepodge.

The most delicious sturgeon is boiled and fried. I tried to smoke it - I didn’t like it - it turns out to be dry. For this, correctly, there is another fish.
And two recipes from the cult book "The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food".

Sturgeon steam

To cook steam sturgeon, you need:

  • 500 g fish

  • 200 g fresh mushrooms

  • 3 tablespoons white table wine

  • 1 tablespoon flour

  • 2 tablespoons oil

Put the cleaned, scalded, washed and chopped fish into a shallow saucepan. Put peeled, washed and sliced ​​​​mushrooms (porcini, champignons) between the pieces of fish.

Salt the fish, sprinkle with pepper, add white wine, a glass of broth (or water) and, covering the pan, cook for 15 - 20 minutes.

When the fish is cooked, pour the broth into another pan, put on fire and boil until it remains about a glass. Add to it an incomplete tablespoon of flour, mixed with the same amount of butter, and, stirring, boil for another 3-4 minutes. Remove the resulting sauce from the heat, put a piece of butter in it and stir again so that the butter combines with the sauce, add salt and strain.

If the fish will be cooked without wine, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice or diluted citric acid to the finished sauce.

When serving, put the pieces of fish on a warmed dish, put mushrooms on top of each piece and pour over the prepared sauce. Fish can be served with boiled potatoes, cucumbers or salad, as well as slices of peeled lemon.

Mushrooms are porcini, wine is white, but I would never have thought that everything goes together perfectly. A very tasty sauce that goes amazingly well with fish and mushrooms.

Fried sturgeon with tomatoes and onions

To cook fried sturgeon you need:

  • 750 g of fish (or 500 g of finished fillet)

  • 3 tablespoons oil

  • 2 tablespoons flour

  • 1/4 cup milk

  • 4 tomatoes

  • 1 head of onion

Dip prepared pieces of fish in milk mixed with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry. Separately, fry in oil fresh or canned tomatoes, cut in half, salted and sprinkled with pepper. Onions, peeled and cut into rings, also brown in a pan in oil.

The sturgeon is one of the most ancient freshwater fish on Earth. Archaeologists claim that these fish lived in reservoirs even when our planet was inhabited by dinosaurs. Scientists confirm this fact with many evidences, and it is up to everyone to believe them or not.

So, the sturgeon is the main representative of the sturgeon family. It has an elongated body, an elongated head, pointed towards the mouth and a jaw that does not have teeth. Near the sturgeon's mouth are four antennae, which are an important organ of touch. It is they who help to look for food that the sturgeon feeds on - crustaceans, mollusks, insects, larvae of aquatic insects. Instead of scales, the skin of this fish is protected by bone plates, which are located along the body in the amount of five pieces.

The average length of a sturgeon ranges from 1.5 to 2 meters, and its weight can reach 50 to 80 kg. But there are also individuals that can grow 3 meters long and reach a weight of 200 kg. Their spawning takes place in spring and summer, the eggs laid by them have the ability to stick to the bottom of the reservoir. In our time, 19 species of sturgeon are known, and some of them are included in the Red Book.

How to choose

Connoisseurs recommend choosing fresh, preferably live fish. In extreme cases - chilled. You need to know that chilled fish is only allowed to be sold for 14 days - for your own health, do not hesitate to ask for a certificate for fish and pay attention to the time it arrives at the store. The smell should be fishy, ​​fresh, without a sour note. The gills of all sturgeons are dark, red-brown. The longer the fish was stored, the more the gills change color towards gray, and then green. A quality sturgeon should weigh more than 3 kg. When pressed, the carcass should immediately return to its original shape. If it is possible to look at the belly of the fish, it should be pure pink, without the slightest yellowness, which indicates improper storage or repeated freezing and thawing.

Pay attention when buying a fresh product! The sturgeon has a so-called screech (vyaziga) - a dense bubbly chord, which must be removed when cutting, and in the first place. This part of the body has dangerous properties that transfer to meat during storage and cooking. Vyaziga is also suitable for food, but it must be carefully and properly cleaned of the contents.

If you decide to buy frozen fish, then pay attention to the color of the pulp - it should also not have a yellow tint. The scales should be smooth and close to the skin. If the tail is dry and very shabby, the fish is frozen or stored for a very long time. The carcass must be free of white or red spots and damaged skin.

Calorie content and nutritional value of sturgeon meat

Many people know that sturgeon meat is very valuable both in terms of taste and composition. It is undoubtedly biologically necessary, since it contains whole complexes of essential amino acids, vitamins, essential fatty acids, and minerals. Those who have tried sturgeon will say that its taste is very similar to meat. Such a taste deception is possible with the help of glutamic acid, which the fish carcass contains. It is worth noting that this fish is very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, which lower blood cholesterol levels and can prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

But do not forget about the beloved by many sturgeon caviar. It is rich in lipids and proteins, which in turn are sources of valuable fat-soluble vitamins of groups A, D, E, C, PP, B1, B2.

The energy value of sturgeon is: 16.5 g of protein, 11 grams of fat per 100 g of raw product. Calorie content - 165 kcal in fresh and lightly salted form. Fried, smoked and dried sturgeon has much more calories - from 250 to 280 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

Useful properties of sturgeon

  • Due to the fact that sturgeon contains fatty acids, it is recommended to use it for people who suffer from a disease such as atherosclerosis.
  • In addition, this fish contains protein, which is 99% digestible and has exceptionally high nutritional qualities.
  • A delicacy in the form of sturgeon is called by many a panacea for diseases of the heart and brain.
  • In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that the useful composition of sturgeon is able to normalize blood pressure, improve some metabolic processes, and affect the renewal of the skin.
  • Nutritionists in their field of activity also cannot fail to note the full benefits of this fish, and this is not surprising, because the ideal combination of high energy value with low calorie content allows this delicacy to be used in various diets.
  • And it is also worth noting that sturgeon facilitates the absorption and digestion of food, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The use of sturgeon in folk and traditional medicine:
  1. In our modern world, the swim bladder of this fish is used to make glue, which is simply necessary for surgical intervention in the internal organs of a person. This glue allows you to connect them without seams. It is non-toxic and does not cause allergies.
  2. In addition, after heavy operations, for the rehabilitation of patients, doctors recommend eating sturgeon meat and its black caviar.
  3. In folk medicine, namely in Yakutia, the sturgeon chord, from which a delicacy is prepared, is able to ward off all diseases and increase a man's potency.
  • The use of sturgeon in cosmetology:
  1. In the middle of the last century, in France, Madame Millet opened a production line of skin creams that contained black sturgeon caviar extract. She made this discovery after she noticed that women who are engaged in sturgeon caviar fishing had perfectly smooth and young skin on their hands.
  2. After such a discovery, Millet carefully studied the composition of caviar at the cosmetology institute and after that released a whole series of cosmetics, which included skin-rejuvenating sturgeon caviar.
  3. Unfortunately, modern cosmetologists are forced to forget about the cosmetic properties of black sturgeon caviar, since it is not used in the production of cosmetics due to its high cost and limited stocks of raw materials.
  • Place of sturgeon in cooking:
  1. This fish is suitable for culinary delights of any kind. It can be fried, stuffed, poured, baked, cooked from it barbecue, hodgepodge, various soups.
  2. Sturgeon can be cooked using the cold or hot smoking method. Its meat is usually called "red", even though it is white in nature. That is how in the old days they called everything the most favorable and valuable.
  3. It is worth paying attention to such an important fact that the sturgeon has a small amount of inedible parts, a maximum of 14%, since the chord and cartilage can also be eaten. For example, dried dorsal cord can be used to make vyaziga, which can later be used as a filling for pies. And boiled cartilages, which make up the head and skeleton of the sturgeon, can be added to pickle or hodgepodge.

Possible harm

If the fish is no longer alive, then the causative agents of the dangerous botulism disease that live in the intestines of the sturgeon can easily get into the body of the fish or into its caviar. This condition can be observed only by specialized plants that use modern equipment in their work. That is why it is very dangerous to buy sturgeon caviar by hand, as poachers are not able to meet such strict requirements when extracting caviar, and this can lead to serious poisoning and death. So, when buying sturgeon or its caviar, you do not need to focus on cheapness and buy these products only from trusted sellers who have long established themselves in this market!

Sturgeon fish has been known to people for a very long time. According to researchers, sturgeons have been living on Earth for more than 250,000,000 years!

Today, sturgeon fish is one of the most valuable and delicious foods in the world. A separate culinary treasure, of course, is sturgeon caviar, but meat is also a very expensive (in every sense) product.

Unfortunately, in our time, the active fishing of sturgeon has gradually brought this fish to the brink of extinction, so sturgeon grown in nurseries is now more and more often found on sale.

There are several subspecies of sturgeon. The most valuable fish are, in fact, the sturgeon itself, as well as the beluga and sterlet.

Sturgeon in cooking

Sturgeon is a versatile product from which you can cook many completely diverse dishes. Sturgeons are not only very tasty meat, but also a small amount of waste: even the head, skeleton and vertebral part are used for food, since they do not consist of bones, but of edible cartilage. Boiled sturgeon cartilage is a great addition to pickle or hodgepodge.

Another culinary advantage of sturgeon is the fact that its meat practically does not lose weight after heat treatment, that is, not "fried".

Sturgeon meat is very tasty and nutritious, rich in valuable amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Many people like that sturgeon tastes like pork. The reason for this is the glutamic acid contained in the meat of this fish.

In addition, like many other fish, sturgeon is rich in omega-3 acids, which improve metabolism and contribute to the prevention of many diseases and overall strengthening of the body.

The fat content of sturgeon can be characterized as medium, while there is a balance between fat content and calorie content (90 Kcal per 100 g). AND due to its balanced composition, sturgeon is ideal for regular consumption.

Professional chefs say that sturgeon is great in any way of cooking. It can be fried (including barbecue), stewed, boiled, baked, etc.

On a note: The traditional Russian way of cooking sturgeon: the fish is poached in a concentrated broth with wine vinegar, spices and spices and kept for two days. Serve cold.

Composition of sturgeon meat

in 100 grams of product

The nutritional value



trace elements

Calorie content 163.7 kcal
Proteins 16.4 gr
Fats 10.9 gr
Water 71.4 gr
Unsaturated fatty acids 2.4 g
Cholesterol 80 mg
Ash 1.3 gr

Vitamin PP 1.7 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.1 mg
Vitamin C 1.1 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 4.4224 mg

Calcium 50 mg
Magnesium 75 mg
Sodium 100 mg
Potassium 280 mg
Phosphorus 270 mg
Chlorine 165 mg
Sulfur 164 mg

Iron 0.7 mg
Chromium 55 mcg
Fluorine 430 mcg
Molybdenum 4 mcg
Nickel 6 mcg

Black sturgeon caviar

Black sturgeon caviar is one of the most valuable and expensive delicacies in the world. The popularity of this product provides the perfect combination of unique great taste and beneficial properties. Black caviar is rich in vitamins and many organic compounds. Regular consumption of black caviar has a positive effect on the body systems and individual organs, the skin improves, blood pressure normalizes, and the risk of many dangerous diseases and disorders decreases.

Black caviar is saturated with complete proteins from the group of albumins and globulins. Sturgeon fat has a high iodine value and is rich in valuable amino acids.

Black caviar is a unique nutritional complex that includes minerals, amino acids, vitamins and proteins. And among the useful properties of black caviar is even the effect of slowing down aging!

Composition of black caviar

in 100 grams of product

The nutritional value vitamins macronutrients trace elements

Calorie 252 kcal

Proteins 24.6 gr
Fats 17.9 gr
Carbohydrates 4 gr
Ash 6.5 gr
Water 47.5 gr
Cholesterol 588 mg
Saturated fatty acids 4.06 gr

Vitamin A 0.271 mg
Vitamin A (RE) 271 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.19 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.62 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 3.5 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.32 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 50 mcg
Vitamin B12 (cobalamins) 20 mcg
Vitamin D 0.1724 mcg
Vitamin E (TE) 1.89 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 0.6 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.12 mg
Choline 490.9 mg

Calcium 275 mg

Magnesium 300 mg

Sodium 1500 mg

Potassium 181 mg

Phosphorus 356 mg

Iron 11.88 mg

Zinc 0.95 mg

Copper 110 mcg

Manganese 0.05 mg

Selenium 65.5 mcg
