
How to bake lean pancakes. How to make lean chocolate pancakes

Even in strict post It makes no sense to give up baking and your favorite desserts. It is quite possible to do without dairy products, butter and eggs by preparing, for example, lean pancakes with mineral water. The recipe with a photo of their preparation is prepared in detail, so you can easily bake them. They will turn out no worse than pancakes on kefir or milk, they will be thin, very tender. cook delicious pancakes can be in two versions: a snack, with a minimum addition of sugar (they are amazingly tasty stuffed with potatoes, mushrooms or cabbage) and dessert - sweet. We will bake sweet lean pancakes on mineral water. If you decide to bake pancakes for stuffing, then simply reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe.

Mineral water we need highly carbonated, but neutral in taste. The more bubbles get into the dough, the more airy and tender the pancakes will turn out. Don't overcook them so as not to dry them out. As soon as lightly browned, remove from the pan and pour the batter for the next pancake. To lean dessert pancakes serve any jam, honey, fruit syrups, fresh berries and fruits, or purée frozen berries.

So how do you cook lean pancakes on mineral water.


- highly carbonated mineral water - 250 ml;
- wheat flour premium- 1 glass;
- sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons (put to taste);
- fine salt - 2 pinches;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- berries, fruits, honey, jam - for serving pancakes.


Sift a full faceted glass of wheat flour through a sieve into a deep bowl.

Add fine salt and sugar, mix with flour. The amount of sugar is given for sweet dessert pancakes, they will turn out to be sweetish in taste. If you cook pancakes in snack option, put a tablespoon of sugar, this will be enough. If you do not add sugar at all, then the pancakes are poorly browned, you need to put at least a little sugar.

We take out mineral water in advance from the refrigerator so that it has time to warm up to room temperature. If the water is cold, then the dough will need to stand warm for half an hour. Pour the mineral water into the flour mixture gradually, stirring the dough with a whisk.

First, add about half of the right amount. Beat flour with water until a thick dough forms. Now gradually add mineral water, adjusting the density of the dough as in regular pancakes. You can make it thicker than in the recipe, or vice versa - not very thick. Focus on the consistency of pancake dough that you are used to.

When everything is whipped to a homogeneous mass, pour in the vegetable oil. With a whisk or spoon, intensively stir the dough, mixing in the oil. Special attention on the walls of the dishes - oil stains or rims may remain near them, you need to drive the oil away from the walls and beat the dough again. We give him a rest for 10-12 minutes (if the mineral water was cold, leave it for half an hour).

We grease the pan with oil only before the first pancake, this is usually enough. First, we heat the pan, then grease the surface with a culinary brush (or use a cut potato, dipping it in oil). We scoop up the dough with a small ladle, pour it into the center of the pan. We scroll, dispersing the dough with a thin layer.

Lenten pancakes are baked on mineral water quickly, 1.5-2 minutes on each side. They will not be as ruddy as pancakes on kefir or milk with eggs, lean pancakes will turn out a little lighter. After frying, stack the pancakes one on top of the other in a pile, cover with a bowl so that they do not dry out and cool down.

How and with what to serve lean sweet pancakes on mineral water is a matter of taste. Slice kiwis, oranges, apples, bananas, or make berry puree from fresh or frozen berries, take out the jar fragrant jam, jam, pour pancakes with honey - all these options are suitable for lean pancakes. Bon appetit!

And in our time, many are fasting. But, whatever one may say, without baking and in the post in any way. Make lean pancakes quickly and tasty. This universal dish, which can be eaten with both sweet and salty fillings. From pancakes you can even Save good mood help us in the post wonderful recipes simple, but at the same time delicious meatless dishes - such as these ruddy suns.

Diversify your Lenten menu 2019 with these appetizing, fragrant pancakes with your favorite toppings and your table will become bright, tasty and healthy. This article will help you learn how to bake lean pancakes quickly and tasty.

Thin lean pancakes on mineral water perfectly absorb all the juices from the filling. Suitable for pancakes and cakes. As a rule, the dough is kneaded in a ratio of 1 to 2, i.e. for one glass of flour there are two glasses of mineral water (in the recipe, the volume of a glass is 220 ml). It is better to use sparkling water, then lacy holes will appear.

Premium wheat flour - 1 cup (220 ml)
Mineral water - 2 glasses
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


First, mix the dry ingredients: flour, salt, sugar.

Pour in the first glass of mineral water, knead a homogeneous mass without lumps.

Adding a second glass mineral water, vegetable oil, whisk vigorously.

We immediately start baking thin lean pancakes on a mineral water. Lubricate the hot pan with a thin layer of any fat. Pour out batter about a third of a ladle and dry on both sides.

Lean pancakes on mineral water ready. Serve them with jam, honey, jam. Bon appetit!

On a note
It is best to sift the flour through a sieve so that it is saturated with oxygen.

Lean custard pancakes on the water without eggs

This recipe is useful not only for fasting people, but also for losing weight. Soft, fragrant and very appetizing pancakes.
Water - 500 ml
Tea bag - 1 pc.
Flour - 9-10 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Soda - 0.5 tsp
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tea bag. Let it brew for 5 minutes.

Add 300 ml to the bowl cold water. Add sugar, salt and mix.

Add flour and knead the dough.

Add vegetable oil to the dough and mix.

Then extinguish the soda with lemon juice and add to the dough. Once again, mix everything well.

Bake pancakes in a hot skillet until golden color.

Bon appetit!

Lean pancakes on flax flour

Prepare lean pancakes. This basic recipe, it will definitely come in handy for delicious breakfast during the post. It is also suitable for you if you exclude dairy products and eggs due to allergies or dietary habits. This recipe produces small and rather thick pancakes, in the style of American "pancakes". They are always enjoyed by both adults and children.
This recipe uses a standard vegan trick as a substitute for eggs: ground flaxseed. If you fill it with water and let it stand for a while, a viscous mass is formed, which perfectly replaces eggs in recipes where they play a binding role.
Instead of one egg, you need to take 1 tablespoon flax flour and 2.5 tablespoons of water. This replacement in baking can also be used for various vegetable “patties” during fasting. Flaxseed or ready-made flaxseed meal can be bought at a pharmacy or in the "healthy" section of a supermarket.

Flaxseed flour - 1 tbsp. l. (ground flaxseed)
Water - 2.5 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Soda - 1/4 tsp
Salt - 1/4 tsp.
Soy milk - 255 ml (almond or oatmeal)
Vinegar - 1 tsp (apple)
Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l. (in dough)
Vegetable oil - for greasing the pan

How to bake lean pancakes with flaxseed flour

Let's make an egg first. A tablespoon of flaxseed flour should be poured over 2.5 tbsp. l. cool water and let stand.

Then whisk together the flour and other dry ingredients.

Mix separately soy milk And Apple vinegar- so you get a lean analogue fermented milk product. Acid is needed to react with soda and get a more fluffy dough.

Then add the oil and the flaxseed egg.

Next, gently knead the dough. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the liquid ingredients. Mix slowly until the ingredients are combined. A few lumps may remain, this is normal, the dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time until it is completely smooth, otherwise the pancakes will turn out tough and “rubber”. Pay attention to how many bubbles appear in the dough when mixing: this soda reacts with vinegar, the pancakes will turn out lush.

Heat up a skillet over high heat. Brush the skillet with vegetable oil using a pastry brush or paper towel. To check the temperature, you can bake a test micro-pancake. The dough should sizzle and sizzle when it hits the pan, and after 1-2 minutes numerous bubbles should form on its surface.

One pancake should take about 4 tablespoons of dough, pour the dough into the pan with a small measuring cup. If the pan is enough big size, it can bake 2-3 pancakes at a time. Fry on one side for 1-2 minutes, until many large bubbles appear on the surface, and the edges of the pancake begin to acquire a golden hue. Turn over and fry for another minute. To keep the pancakes warm, you can put the first batch in the oven, preheated to 75-100 Cº.

Serve lean pancakes with fresh berries and fruit, with jam or chocolate syrup or with other sweet additives.

You can add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a grated apple to the dough. Very tasty with nuts and honey. By the way, if you reduce sugar a little and put one teaspoon instead of a tablespoon, the pancakes will become completely unsweetened and can be served with vegetables or fish. Bon appetit!

Recipe for lean pancakes on the water without the use of eggs

The simplest lean pancakes on the water without eggs, ideal for lean or vegetarian table. A prerequisite for making pancakes without eggs is boiled water. You need to fry pancakes for a very hot pan, greasing it with a drop of oil, or use a non-stick frying pan.

Boiled cold water - 500 ml
Flour - 250 gr
Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. l.
Baking soda - 2 gr
Salt - 1 pinch


Sift flour into a bowl, add sugar, a pinch of salt and soda. Mix dry ingredients.

Gradually add water and mix with a whisk. The amount of water may differ from that given in the recipe, determine by the density of the dough, it should be like liquid sour cream. The dough must be kneaded very well so that there are no lumps.

When desired consistency test reached, add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix again.

Heat the pan and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Pancakes on the water without eggs are ready. Lay them out on a plate.

And serve with tea delicious jam. Bon appetit!

Lean pancakes with semolina

Pancakes can be prepared without milk and eggs, and they will taste even more tender than the classic ones. Such pancakes are prepared with the addition of semolina, which does not taste at all in ready-made pancakes. Lean pancakes with semolina are perfect for Lenten meal and those who do not consume dairy products or eggs.
Semolina - 60 gr
Wheat flour - 140 gr (1 cup)
Water - 1.1 l
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tsp
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook lean pancakes with semolina

Pour 750 ml of water into a saucepan or saucepan and add sugar and salt. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil, sugar and salt will completely dissolve during this time.

Pour semolina into boiling water in a thin stream, constantly stirring with a hand whisk or mixer at low speed. Bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the heat.

Now you need to mix flour with water. To do this, take half a glass of flour and pour 170-180 ml of warm boiled water into it, mix well so that there are no lumps.

Pour this mixture into the casserole dish and stir. Then repeat this procedure again with the remaining flour.
In the dough for pancakes, there should be twice as much flour as semolina, otherwise the pancakes will tear when frying and turn over poorly.
Mix the contents of the saucepan well again with a whisk so that there are no lumps, and add 1 tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil.

The consistency of the dough should be thicker than for pancakes, but much thinner than for pancakes - something in between.

Heat a frying pan well and grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Pour the batter into the bottom of the hot skillet. You will see that the dough is covered with many holes - as it should be. Fry pancakes on both sides for about 1 minute.

Pancakes fry quickly. You need to constantly watch so that they do not burn. Since pancakes are cooked without eggs, they will be slightly lighter than regular pancakes. But, if you hold them longer in a pan, you can achieve a more ruddy color.
In order to turn the pancake over to the other side without any problems, you should wait until its edges dry well and begin to rise slightly. Do not pour too much batter into the pan, otherwise the pancakes will be thick and may tear during flipping.

Ready pancakes stack on top of each other in a pile or envelope.

While lean semolina pancakes are hot, they are incredibly tender, and honey or jam is perfect for them. Bon appetit!

Video on how to cook lean rye flour pancakes

Bon appetit!

How to cook lean pancakes with yeast

When baking, lean pancakes with yeast are more troublesome than regular pancakes. The dough constantly “grows” and bubbles, sticks even to an oiled surface - a proven frying pan and some skills will help out. But the result is not disappointing. On the contrary, pancakes without eggs and milk, due to the warm yeast aroma, taste deceptively rich, and in texture - soft, flexible, springy. With yeast, the taste is completely different, for those who are fasting - just great. Especially if they are with your favorite jam.

Flour - 180 gr
Water - 500 ml
Dry yeast - 1 tsp
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Vanilla sugar - 5-10 gr
Vegetable oil - 30 ml


In warm water, about 150 ml, we breed a portion of dry yeast and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Cover with foil until foam appears for 7-10 minutes.

The yeast composition should foam noticeably. Add the rest of the water.

Mix the sifted flour with salt and a second spoonful of sugar, flavor if desired vanilla sugar. Pour in the dough, knead a homogeneous pancake dough.

Beat again with vegetable oil.

We bake lean pancakes with yeast, preheating the pan, until golden brown on both sides.

We serve lean pancakes with yeast warm or cooled - overeating with your favorite jam and tea! Bon appetit!

On a note
The appearance of small bubbles on the surface of the dough indicates that the yeast has begun its work.

Lean yeast pancakes

Yeast played a role and the taste of pancakes is completely different, for those who are fasting - just great. Especially if they are with your favorite cherry jam, it's always a win-win goodies.
250 gr flour (1.5 cups, 250 ml glass)
400 ml water (warm enough)
2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara
1 PC. potatoes (raw, medium)
1 tsp dry yeast (or 15-20 gr fresh)
3/4 tsp salt
3-4 st. l. vegetable oil for the dough and for greasing the pan

Add sugar, salt, yeast to the sifted flour.
Peel the potatoes and grate on the smallest grater.
Add vegetable oil and grated potatoes to the water.
Combine flour, sugar and yeast mixture with potato mass and water.
Mix well, put in a warm place and let the dough double in size (this is ~ 1 hour). Then mix and bake, greasing the pan with vegetable oil. The pancake should be allowed to brown well, and then turn over to the other side. It is necessary to bake not on low heat, otherwise the pancakes will be pale. It is better to bake in a pan with a non-stick coating, on cast iron - they stuck - the absence of eggs affected.

Pancakes are not thin, it is better to eat them warm with sugar lemon.
Also, before frying, you can add a little cinnamon to the dough, and put soft lean meat inside. chocolate icing- tastes like bitter chocolate (3 tbsp. cocoa, 3 tbsp. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, 4 tbsp. ice water).

Bright spring pancakes - delicious with your favorite jam and tea! Bon appetit!

Recipe for soft chocolate pancakes

Make these pancakes, because it's delicious, simple, not at all expensive. Even a beginner can handle this pancake recipe. Products for such a recipe are always in the kitchen of any housewife. It's simple perfect option lean pancakes.

Wheat flour - 1.5 cups
Water - 500 ml
Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - a pinch
Cocoa powder - 1-3 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l. and for greasing the pan

How to make lean chocolate pancakes

Pour sugar, salt, cocoa powder into a deep bowl.

Then we add water. Using a whisk, stir the liquid thoroughly so that the salt, sugar, cocoa are completely dissolved.

Now it's time to add flour. It must be sifted through a sieve. Due to the mass of factors, sometimes flour should be added a little less or a little more, about + - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Now the mass should be thoroughly mixed with a whisk until a homogeneous mass.

The next and final step is to add vegetable oil. Again, mix everything with a whisk. It turned out a beautiful glossy mass. If you add more cocoa, the color will become even more saturated.

The consistency of the mass should be approximately as good as heavy cream but fairly fluid. It's okay if, during the frying process, it becomes clear that the dough, for example, is thick. Then you should add a couple of tablespoons of water and mix well. And you can fry more.
The whisk has done its job, we remove it. Now let's take a ladle, plastic from a multicooker - its volume is just enough for a medium frying pan, with a diameter of about 24 cm.
It is better to use a non-stick pan or a well-prepared pan. cast iron pan, cleaned with salt and well oiled. You can also use a ceramic-coated pan like Tefal.

Next, pour some vegetable oil into a saucer. Using a silicone brush, we will lubricate the pan before each pancake.

Heat well and grease the pan.

Using a ladle, pour the first portion of the dough into the pan and then tilt the pan clockwise to distribute the dough over the entire surface.

The pancake turns out to be a pleasant color, appetizing and even slightly lacy.

Pancakes are very elastic, not dry, it is easy to wrap any sweet stuffing. TO chocolate pancakes good fit cherry filling. Such a pancake is well sprinkled with grated dark chocolate. If someone does not observe the fast strictly, pancakes can be served cream cheese or stuff them custard. In general, here fantasy can be limitless. Bon appetit!

How to cook an incredible lean cake Fairy Tale without eggs, butter and milk

A cake prepared according to this video recipe will cheer up your whole family in the post.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes on the water are lean with salt. Recipe stuffed with mushrooms, onions and garlic

The pancakes turn out tender, turn over well, and remain soft the next day. And stuffed, and with jam or honey, and just instead of bread - very tasty.
Ingredients for pancakes on the water:
Cold water - 0.5 l.
Hot water - 0.5 l.
Salt - 1 tsp
Soda - 1 tsp
Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.
Oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
Ingredients for baking:


Mix with cold water all ingredients except oil and hot water. Then we pour hot water and vegetable oil. If you are making with berry sauce, do not forget to add sugar to the dough to taste.
For baking: fry mushrooms and onions, add herbs and garlic, salt to taste. Let cool.

Then we mix into the dough and bake pancakes.

The pancakes are tender, turn over well, the next day they remain just as soft.

Lenten pancakes on the water with mushrooms are ready. Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes on the water without baking

Cooking pancakes without baking. Anyone who does not know that pancakes are lean will never guess. Golden, porous, tender, very tasty!

I hope this article will be useful for you. Bake lean pancakes, add to them various fillings(mushrooms, stewed cabbage, apple jam, jam, nuts, honey). And let your Lenten table will be tasty and healthy. Come in for delicious recipes more often, see you on my blog.

Today we will talk about ritual dish- Lenten pancakes for commemoration. Traditionally, lean pancakes with yeast are prepared for a wake for those people who came to remember a deceased person. That is, to honor his memory - to remember. Pancakes are distributed to the poor, neighbors and brought to the church for the same purpose. To prepare such pastries, milk, butter or eggs are not added to the dough. Pancakes are served on the day of the funeral, on the 9th or 40th day after them. This dish symbolizes farewell to the human body and rest his soul. First still hot pancake they must break it with their hands and leave it on the window so that the soul of the deceased is nourished by it. Even on the Maslenitsa holiday, pancakes are baked in order to commemorate their ancestors. That is, they "bake" about their reassurance.

Lenten funeral pancakes prepared in an amount of two pieces for each guest. Pancakes should be relatively plump, not thin at all. The third part of the flour, if desired, can be replaced with oatmeal, buckwheat flour. It is allowed to cook pancakes with lean stuffing. Fried mushrooms, berries, jam, jam are suitable.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • Warm water - 550 ml;
  • Wheat flour (any grade) - 300 g;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.

How to cook lean pancakes with yeast for a wake

Sift some wheat flour into a cup and add dry yeast. Take flour of any quality and variety, in pancake dough it does not matter. Leave the dry mass for a couple of minutes.

Pour warm mixture into dry mixture. boiled water and stir with a whisk until smooth. This is how steam is made on yeast dough. It can be prepared if desired in a safe way. That is, immediately mix all the liquid ingredients, and then add all the dry ones. Stir and leave to ferment in a warm place until a foamy head appears on the dough. But in this recipe, the method is spongy, it is convenient when you do not know exactly what quality your yeast is. It should be mentioned that the yeast in the recipe can be used not only dry, but also fresh pressed. It is also better for them to make a dough.

When the dough begins to ferment, bubbles will appear on the surface. This is the beginning of the formation of a foam cap. So, the yeast began to work actively. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave for now.

Separately sift the rest of the flour.

Add salt and sugar to flour.

Gradually stir in dry ingredients mixture yeast dough. There should be no lumps in the dough, so actively beat the mass with a whisk or even a mixer using the first speed.

Mix the dough thoroughly and leave for a quarter of an hour to work the stickiness of the flour.

Pour into dough liquid oil and stir with a whisk. It is necessary to add oil, because there are no eggs in the dough, and pancakes will not burn on the pan. Don't be alarmed if the dough is too thick - the foamy mass will be well distributed in the pan. Well, if you want to bake completely thin pancakes, pour a little more into the dough warm water and stir well. And after a couple of minutes, proceed to the next cooking step.

To start baking, be sure to heat the pancake pan well. Pour some batter over the ladle and spread it all over the pan. It is convenient to do this by slightly lifting it above the included stove. When the top surface of the first pancake sets, turn it over and bake on the other side. If you heat the pan well, one pancake will take no more than a minute.

Such lean funeral pancakes are prepared not only from wheat flour alone, but also with the addition of buckwheat. Despite the fact that the pancakes are thin, they are very soft and are great for diet food.

Although classic version such pancakes are prepared with yeast, you can deviate a little from tradition. The main thing here is that the baking is lean.

The dough can be kneaded for:

  • water with baking soda slaked with vinegar or lemon juice;
  • potato broth:
  • on mineral water with gas (gas bubbles loosen the dough and make pancakes thin and light).

But, in any version of the dough, there must be vegetable oil - it makes the mass for pancakes more homogeneous and prevents burning to the pan.

It is allowed to add a little holy water to the dough for funeral pancakes or sprinkle them after cooking.

Since ancient times, the tradition has been preserved to gather in memorial days to honor the dead in common prayer. Today modern commemoration do not do without eating pancakes in honor of the memory of the deceased and the repose of his soul. In modern times, every hostess herself chooses what to put on the table on this day. But it must be present on it memorial pancakes, kutya and jelly. The first pancake is placed on the window for the deceased. This dish symbolizes the life-giving sun and rebirth. In ancient times, people believed that through round and golden pancakes, they reflect the connection of a person with the afterlife.

What pancakes are baked for a wake

One of necessary meals pancakes are considered on this day. They can be both lean and rich. Lenten dishes prepared in the event that the memorial day falls in fasting. Depending on how strictly adheres to the family may be different. Today, few people think about the question of whether. But since ancient times, it has been considered that the one who prepares them is worried about saturating the soul of the deceased. At the same time, pancakes are baked in such an amount that each guest gets two. They can be served in portions on small plates or laid out in a slide on a large dish.

Lenten pancakes with milk


  • 5 glasses of low-fat milk;
  • 3.5 cups flour;
  • 10 grams of dry yeast;
  • 5 grams of salt.


According to this recipe, they can be prepared from wheat, buckwheat or oat flour. They can also be mixed in equal proportions. To do this, yeast is diluted in a glass of milk in a bowl and set aside for ten minutes. Then add the rest of the milk and two cups of flour. The components are mixed, covered with a towel and put in heat so that the dough comes up, while it should double in volume. Then they add flour, put salt and make the dough, then put it back in the heat. Bake funeral pancakes recipe which we are considering vegetable oil. To do this, scoop up the dough with a spoon and spread it on a hot frying pan.

Lenten pancakes on soda


  • 220 grams of wheat flour;
  • 220 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • 500 grams of pure water;
  • 5 grams of soda;
  • juice from ¼ lemon;
  • vegetable oil.


Carefully pour water into the sifted flour, while stirring constantly. Then add soda, quenched with lemon juice, and mix everything well. From ready dough pancakes are baked. If not lemon juice, it can be replaced with vinegar or citric acid. The finished dish can be sprinkled with holy water or added during the preparation of the dough.

Buckwheat pancakes


  • 2 cups buckwheat flour;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 20 grams of yeast;
  • salt.


Before how to cook funeral pancakes recipe offered, you must put the dough in advance (two or three hours before serving). To do this, yeast is diluted in milk and set aside for fifteen minutes, then salted, flour is added, covered with gauze or a towel and sent to heat. When the dough rises well, start baking pancakes without stirring it. On a frying pan, previously greased with oil, spread the dough taken with a spoon and bake.

Rye pancakes


  • 360 grams of flour;
  • 500 grams of water;
  • 100 grams of cream;
  • 25 grams of yeast;
  • salt.


To cook, you need to dissolve them in heated water. Then they are mixed with flour, poured with water so that it turns out to be as thick as mustard. All this is well mixed and set aside until next day in warm weather. In the morning, flour, water, cream and salt are added to the dough, mixed and put back into heat. When the dough fits well, start baking pancakes in the above way.

Pancakes on mineral water


  • 3 glasses of highly carbonated mineral water;
  • 3-4 cups flour;
  • salt;
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


These funeral pancakes (recipe with photo step by step cooking we will consider) are prepared quite simply. To do this, pour mineral water into the container, add granulated sugar and salt, mix until they are completely dissolved. Gradually add flour, while beating the mass with a mixer at low speed. The dough is brought to a homogeneous state and set aside for half an hour. Then they start baking pancakes in vegetable oil.

What toppings can be put in pancakes

Placed on the memorial table simple pancakes, watering them with some kind of syrup or jam, and with a filling. In this case, the filling can be different and can be used even in fasting. In pancakes put jam, cabbage, mushrooms or berries. This dish will add variety to memorial table. Exists a large number of recipes, according to which you can cook delicious with different fillings.

Pancakes with berries


  • 55 grams of yeast;
  • 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of warm water;
  • 3.5 cups flour;
  • salt and soda;
  • vinegar or lemon juice;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • cherries, strawberries, currants or others.


Those, you need to remember that the berries must first be sorted and washed, remove the seeds, if any. Yeast is mixed with granulated sugar, add water, set aside for a while. Then they put oil, salt and flour, soda, slaked with juice or vinegar. The dough is well kneaded and put in heat. When it increases in volume, pancakes are baked from it in vegetable oil.

Pancakes with onions and mushrooms


  • 320 grams of flour;
  • 160 grams of water;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of table yeast;
  • a few tablespoons of fat or vegetable oil;
  • half a kilogram of champignons;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • 1 teaspoon dry basil;
  • salt and pepper.


A dough is made from flour, yeast and water and sent to heat for several hours. Then add salt, butter and flour and knead the dough, which is set aside. Meanwhile, the mushrooms are washed and cleaned, soaked in water and boiled. They are cooled and finely chopped. Onions are also cut into rings and fried with mushrooms and basil, salt and pepper in oil. This filling is evenly distributed throughout the pan and poured with prepared dough, fried like ordinary pancakes.

Pancakes for the wake with mushroom caviar


  • 420 grams of champignons;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • salt and spices, vegetable oil.


The dough is not prepared in the way known to us, which is indicated above. Start preparing the filling. To do this, the mushrooms are washed and boiled in water with salt. Carrots are rubbed on a grater and fried for several minutes in oil. Tomatoes, mushrooms and carrots are passed through a meat grinder, salt and spices are added and mixed well. Ready-made pancakes are smeared with filling and wrapped in a convenient way.

apple filling for pancakes


  • 8 sour apples;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of table sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of pure water;
  • cinnamon.


We already know how the dough for pancakes is prepared. Now you need to prepare apple filling. Cut the apples, take out the core and remove the peel. They are finely chopped, granulated sugar and water, cinnamon are added, and stewed in a pan for several minutes.

Pancakes for non-fast days


  • 300 grams of buckwheat flour;
  • 100 grams of wheat flour;
  • 25 grams of yeast;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • incomplete glass of low-fat sour cream;
  • milk, salt, fat.


Yeast and sugar are dissolved in warmed milk, set aside for a while. Then flour, salt and eggs, sour cream are added to them, mixed well and melted fat is added. The dough is kneaded and set aside in heat for four hours, stirring it occasionally. After a while, pancakes are baked from the dough in butter or melted lard. They are served with herring, sour cream or caviar.

Pancakes for the wake


  • 360 grams of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 570 grams of water or milk;
  • 25 grams of sugar, salt.


Beat the egg with salt and granulated sugar, add half of the milk or water, flour and beat with a whisk or mixer, gradually adding the rest of the milk and flour. The dough is filtered through a sieve to remove all lumps, and with the help of a ladle, poured into a preheated pan, greased with lard so that it spreads all over the bottom. The pancakes should be thin. They are served with jam or filled with various meat, vegetable and so on. Pour ready-made pancakes sometimes with sour cream, butter and honey.

Stuffing for pancakes from mushrooms and buckwheat porridge


  • 100 grams of dried mushrooms;
  • 350 grams of buckwheat;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil.


Buckwheat with mushrooms is boiled. Onions are chopped and sautéed in oil. Mushrooms are chopped with a meat grinder, and onions are added. The filling is sent to the oven for ten minutes so that it bakes a little. Then crushed garlic is added and mixed well. Ready stuffing fill pancakes, the recipe of which can be read above.

Step-by-step recipes for lean pancakes for a wake with filtered and mineral water, skimmed milk and berry juice

2018-03-03 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

9 gr.

4 gr.


64 gr.

295 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for lean pancakes for the wake

Day of Remembrance of the untimely departed loved ones - difficult time. And hostesses often lack the desire to invent and prepare some kind of separate menu. Apparently, therefore, from time immemorial in our kitchen there are special dishes for these mournful events. One of them is lean pancakes for the wake. Take a look at our selection and perhaps some recipes will be useful to you. Although in this rare case, we wish you never cook anything like this.


  • two and a half glasses of water;
  • two glasses of flour (white, wheat);
  • a pinch of fine salt;
  • refined oil(in the dough and for frying).

A step-by-step recipe for lean pancakes for a wake

Pour two glasses of (standard) purified cool water into a bowl.

Sift wheat flour into liquid. Beat the dough with quick, very active movements using a whisk.

When you get a completely homogeneous mixture, add fine salt. In addition, pour into the dough a couple dessert spoons lean refined oil.

Once again (with the same whisk) beat the contents of the bowl.

Now heat up a dry pancake pan. As soon as the bottom is hot, brush (lightly, lightly) with oil. To do this, you can use a piece of sponge or a napkin folded several times.

Pour in small batches into the middle of the pan and spread (thinly) the resulting dough.

In turn, fry lean pancakes for a wake for half a minute on each side. Turn over with a wide spatula.

Ready fine pastry stack up. Store until serving, covered with a film (food) or a new disposable bag.

Since there are no eggs in the dough, the first pancake can really turn out to be lumpy. However, subsequent preparations should be fried without problems. As for the oil for greasing the pan, do not overdo it with the amount. Otherwise, it will be incredibly difficult to spread the pancake in a thin layer.

Option 2: A quick recipe for lean pancakes for the wake

To cook a large number of pancakes in a short time, we advise you to take two or even three pans. Yes, it takes a lot of attention. But you will not stay near the stove for long.


  • two glasses of skim milk;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • oil (refined) for dough;
  • salt in the dough to taste.

How to quickly cook lean pancakes for a wake

Chilled skimmed milk combine with flour. It is better to sift it in a sieve.

After adding salt, quickly beat the dough for lean baking with a whisk.

At the end, pour the oil inside (a spoon will be enough). Mix again.

Heat two special pancake pans over medium heat. Immediately lubricate both surfaces with a very thin layer of oil.

In turn, pour the batter into the bottom with a ladle. Fry for 25-27 seconds. Then turn over and cook the same.

Store all lean pancakes for a wake under foil or cling film. Serve warm or cold with other traditional dishes for this event. For example, borscht or vinaigrette.

Option 3: Lenten pancakes with mineral water for a wake

Mineral water will replace the use of soda in its own way. This is especially suitable for those who do not use it in cooking. However, we recommend choosing medicinal waters, which can cause undesirable consequences, but simple canteens.


  • two glasses of flour (high grade);
  • two and a half glasses of mineral water;
  • lean (vegetable) oil;
  • fine salt in the dough.

How to cook

Pour mineral (only table) water into a deep (high-rimmed) bowl.

Whisk with a metal whisk clean water to remove bubbles. Only after that add a little salt. Sift flour immediately.

Continue to actively interrupt the dough until all the resulting lumps disappear. If this still happens, strain through a sieve.

On the current preparatory stage pour oil. Mix.

Heat a frying pan (pancake, wide) on the stove. Burner fire - medium.

Lubricate the hot bottom with a thin layer of oil (sponge or napkin). After a few moments, pour in, using a small scoop, a sufficient amount of dough for lean pancakes for the wake.

Fry the blanks until they darken, on both sides. Place on a flat plate. At the same time, try to choose the diameter of the bottom of the plate corresponding to the size of the pancake. So you can avoid deformation. After all, they will be served, as a rule, in a few hours.

It is important to remove the bubbles from the mineral water so that they do not burst directly in the hot pan, causing the pancakes to burst. By the way, you can get rid of gases right in the bottle. To do this, it is enough to shake it several times, periodically opening the lid. At the same time, be careful that the contents of the plastic container do not “run away” to the outside.

Option 4: Funeral Lenten Pancakes with Soda

But in the case when soda is not prohibited for you, try making pancakes by including it in baking. It will turn out very beautifully, with curved openwork knitting. But do not overdo it with it, otherwise you will spoil the taste of pancakes.


  • a quarter of a spoon of soda (food);
  • four glasses of quality flour;
  • salt (a pinch in the dough);
  • four and a half glasses of water;
  • 24 grams of vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe

Mix soda (specified amount) with premium flour and fine salt. Mix dry ingredients with a spoon.

Pour chilled filtered water in a thin stream directly into the flour bowl. Mix the dough as actively as possible with a whisk.

The faster this is done, the fewer options that lumps will appear that are unacceptable for creating thin pancakes.

At the end, add oil (refined, a couple of tablespoons). Continue the process of active mixing.

Now on big fire heat a frying pan (pancake, with a flat wide bottom).

As soon as it warms up, grease (carefully so as not to burn your fingers) with a napkin soaked in oil.

Pour in turn the dough for lean pancakes for the wake in the middle of the pan. Spread evenly.

Fry thin pieces, reducing the temperature of the burner to medium. Place on a plate, covered with cling film before serving.

Thanks to soda, baking will turn out openwork. But since we don't add acid, the pancakes won't rise, leaving them thin. Which is what we need. If, on the contrary, you want the baking to be more dense and fluffy, add quite a bit to the flour citric acid or squeeze out sour juice lemon (1/2 tsp).

Option 5: Lean pancakes with yeast for a commemoration

The yeast used for lean pancakes will help you achieve the tenderness that is often lacking in baked goods without the use of eggs and butter. However, a spoonful is enough for a couple of glasses of water. Otherwise, pancakes will not differ much. pleasant smell. Keep this in mind when determining the amount of food, if you cook more pancakes than indicated in this recipe.


  • two glasses of purified water;
  • 3-4 grams of yeast (in granules);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two and a half glasses of high-quality wheat flour;
  • 14 grams of sunflower (lean) oil.

How to cook

Combine granulated yeast with wheat flour And fine salt. Moreover, it is better to sift the flour through a sieve (rare).

Warm up filtered water. Sufficient temperature- 34-35 degrees.

Pour the prepared liquid into the dry mixture of flour, salt and yeast. Mix vigorously with a whisk.

Add the specified amount of oil. Beat actively.

Pour a small scoop of dough into a frying pan that has been warmed up and lightly greased with sunflower vegetable oil.

Spread evenly over the bottom. The layer is thin.

Fry lean pancakes for a wake for 27-28 seconds. Flip. Leave the same. Repeat the process until the dough runs out.

Put the pastry on a regular flat plate. Then cover the pancakes with a film (special food) and store on the desktop right in the kitchen. If desired, warm them up before serving in the microwave or a well-heated oven.

Thanks to warm (but not too much) water, the yeast will start to play. At the same time, it is not necessary to insist the dough so that it does not rise. We still need to make thin and tender, not tall and fluffy pancakes.

Option 6: Funeral lean pancakes with berry juice

IN latest recipe In our simple selection, we suggest replacing water (or skim milk) with berry juice. Moreover, they are excellent as self snacks, and in the form of a lean dessert.


  • two glasses of berry juice;
  • salt (a pinch);
  • refined vegetable oil in the dough;
  • two and a half cups of flour.

Step by step recipe

Purchased berry juice pour into a bowl. By the way, you can do it yourself. Especially in the summer when there are a lot of them. So, cut currants (red and black), raspberries and strawberries in a blender. Strain through a sieve. Use the resulting mixture.

Now pour salt, refined oil and sifted flour into the juice.

Whisk the ingredients quickly to form a dough. uniform consistency. If there are lumps, strain.

Pour in small portions liquid mass from a bowl using a suitable ladle.

Raising the pan over the heat, spread over the entire hot surface. Return the lean pancakes for the wake to the fire.

Fry each blank for about half a minute so that it darkens well. Turn over and cook further (time - similar).

If you still decide to serve these pancakes for dessert, put a vase next to it with fresh and, of course, washed berries. Just don't sprinkle them with sugar. For sweetness (maximum), natural honey can be used.
