
What to cook in fasting for a funeral dinner. Dishes on the funeral table

Anyone who has already encountered such an unpleasant, but obligatory Orthodox tradition as a day of commemoration, is aware that on the third, ninth and fortieth days after the funeral, it is customary for the relatives of the deceased to set the memorial table. It doesn’t matter at all how many people will be present on the day of the commemoration of the deceased, but there must be special dishes at the commemoration dinner.

Dishes that are usually prepared on the memorial day

Every Orthodox person knows that an integral part of the memorial ceremony is nothing more than kutya. This is a kind of symbiosis of their millet cereals, rice, raisins, dried apricots and honey, which looks more like porridge. They prepare such a dish only because it symbolizes the new birth of the soul of a deceased person in the other world. In addition, such a dish as kutya, as it were, makes his stay “sweeter” in the Garden of Eden.

It goes without saying that due to the fact that kutya is the main dish at the wake, it is customary to serve it in a certain order and ahead of all other dishes. First of all, kutya is given to taste the relatives of the deceased, soon after which kutya is betrayed by close friends, former work colleagues and acquaintances of the deceased.

Another one of the most important dishes, which must be at the wake, are pancakes. It is pancakes, exactly like kutia, that are not just food, because their presence on the mournful table carries powerful symbolism about the other world. It is customary to serve pancakes to guests at a memorial dinner without filling. They can be served either with honey or washed down with a glass of jelly.
An interesting fact: Few people know, but such a drink as jelly has been prepared in Rus' on the day of commemoration for centuries. If you serve it on the table to guests, this means proper observance of Orthodox traditions.

Alcoholic drinks: allowed or not?

When arranging a commemoration, it is extremely important to know that such strong alcoholic drinks as cognac, vodka, rum and many others should not be on the memorial table. The same applies to low-alcohol products in the form of white or red wine. According to the Christian faith, alcohol at the wake is inappropriate.

In the event that the relatives of the deceased nevertheless decided to drink a little alcohol in order to remember and pay tribute to the deceased "without clinking glasses", then this can only be done in moderation. Otherwise, an excess of alcohol consumed at the evening in memory of the deceased will be considered an insult to the honor and blessed memory of the deceased.

What else can be prepared on the day of the memorial ceremony?

As mentioned above, kutya, jelly and, of course, pancakes are the main thing on the day of remembrance of a deceased person, but not the only thing that guests need to serve. In addition to these dishes and drinks, it is allowed to serve various soups, light salads, some types of meat or cooked of which are dishes (i.e. homemade cutlets, stew, hodgepodge). The presence of fish, young potatoes and bakery products (patties) is also not forbidden. The only thing you need to know for someone who will start the process of preparing lean food for a wake is the preparation of all dishes without frills and frills. That is why, many people cook vinaigrette from beets and carrots, herring under a fur coat, sourdough cabbage and the most common tomato and cucumber salad. As for pies, it is best to cook them not empty, but with various fillings. For example, pies with cabbage, the rule, rice and eggs, apples and mushrooms - it will be perfectly appropriate to take their place on the memorial table.

The main thing is properly prepared dishes, their serving and the design of the table itself. Under the design of the table means modestly served food, without much pomp and even more pretentiousness. It is necessary that cups, spoons, forks, plates and other utensils at the wake have a calm shade. The same applies to the tablecloth on the table, it should be in muted, unobtrusive color tones and not catch the eye. During this event, you can not rush the gathered guests, and you should not rush yourself. Let this day last exactly as long as everyone deems it necessary.

Recipes for funeral dishes: a sample menu

It’s worth mentioning right away that absolutely everyone can cook this or that dish on a memorial evening, regardless of culinary talent and even religion. Perhaps the most important thing that is needed to dull these dishes is pure and immaculate thoughts that are directed towards the good memory of a deceased person.

Recipe for kutya with rice and dry fruits.

  • Step 1. We take a small amount of rice cereal and a handful of dried fruits. Soak both products in water for 15 minutes. We pour out the water.
  • Step 2. Rice groats must be placed in a saucepan and put on a slow fire. The approximate time for rice to be cooked is 15-18 minutes.
  • Step 3 Drain the remaining water and rinse the rice under cold water.
  • Step 4. Raisins, dried apricots, prunes or honey can be added to the finished rice.

Exactly the same procedure for preparing kutya must be followed if it is prepared from wheat, and not from rice groats.

Pancakes without filling, pies, bakery products. The only thing you need to pay attention to when preparing these dishes is to minimize the amount of milk and eggs, and if possible eliminate them altogether..

  • Step 1. The dough, from which the pies will soon be prepared for the funeral table, should contain only ordinary flour, yeast, and a little sugar.
  • Step 2. All three components must be mixed in one small bowl and diluted with warm water. The resulting mixture should be mixed several times, then add a few drops of vegetable oil to it and wait until the dough rises and is ready.

As for pies, the recipe is identical to lean pancakes. There is only one principle - do not add milk and eggs to the dough. Pies can have absolutely any filling, that is, with vegetables, berries or fruits.

Kissel recipe.

  • Step 1. Pour water into a liter saucepan and bring it to a boil. Why, while stirring, add boiling water to 1 tsp of starch with 2 tsp of sugar
  • Step 2 After the jelly thickens, you need to add any berry syrup to it.
  • Step 3. Cool the jelly until fully cooked and serve on the funeral table.

Reminders help the soul go to heaven to paradise. In Orthodoxy, memorial words and prayers are a petition before God for the deceased before the final verdict. like a ritual is a collective meal of relatives and friends in memory of the deceased.

How to hold a memorial

They say that a person truly dies when his relatives and all those to whom he was once dear cease to remember him. Preserving the bright memory of a person who has left this world is a mission that must be accepted and carried out despite the inexorably running time and events that divided life into “before” and “after” the loss. Gratitude for the fact that a person lived next to us cannot be replaced by high-flown words at a funeral, which, alas, happens over time, over time flow into rare memories of a once living person. To remember means to keep in memory the bright moments from the life of the deceased, his good deeds and deeds.

What We Forgot

Our wise ancestors came up with commemorate- a kind of set of rituals dedicated to the memory of a departed person. Centuries have passed, but this tradition has been preserved and to this day helps people survive the sad event, observing all the honors to the deceased in mourning. Wake of a hundred years ago and a modern ritual are significantly different.

So, today, not everyone goes to church to organize a memorial service for the deceased and consecrate the dishes for the memorial meal, and even less often go to the cemetery to the grave of the deceased person. Although each of these rituals is considered obligatory in the commemoration and was performed by our grandparents not only during the days of mourning, but also years after the funeral. Another violation of age-old traditions at today's commemoration is the often tolerated use of alcohol. To commemorate a departed person with copious libations is, to put it mildly, wrong. Hence the hops, inappropriate fun, and sometimes squabbles and impartial showdowns between relatives. To sort out at the commemoration who will get what from the property of the deceased is, without exaggeration, the highest manifestation of disrespect for a person who has just passed away. But, alas, life shows that such cases are not uncommon in our time. Commemorate the deceased with dignity is our absolute duty.

Orthodox commemoration

Nevertheless, many Christian traditions are strictly observed by the majority. One of them is to hold a commemoration strictly. It is necessary to honor the memory of another person who has departed into the world several times. The first commemoration, according to Christian traditions, is held in funeral day, that is, on third day after death.
The next commemoration should fall on ninth day after the departure of a loved one. On this day, it is customary to gather, as a rule, in a narrow family circle, to remember the deceased only with kind words and pray for the repose of his soul. Prayers at the wake of a believer, no matter what day they fall on, should always be said. If you and the audience do not know how properly conduct Orthodox commemoration, it is better to invite a clergyman or spiritual superior, to whom you turned during other important life events - weddings, christenings. Prayer is nothing more than an appeal to God, therefore, at these moments, peace and quiet should reign at the commemoration.
On 40-day commemoration, or forties, you should call everyone who knew the deceased well.

For information on how best to issue an invitation to a commemoration, see.

About the commemoration through the lips of the clergy

Funeral meal: dishes and etiquette

An age-old tradition at the wake- lay a memorial table for those gathered on this day. food on Orthodox commemoration special, and they cook it in compliance with certain rules and traditions.
A memorial meal, organized in a dining room or cafe, is a valid option for those who want to save themselves from unnecessary trouble on already difficult days. Those who want to cook treats Houses, with your own hands and at the same time observe all the rules of the memorial table, an article with a description of the main dishes and recipes - traditional and lenten - will serve you well.

During the memorial meal, one should observe silence, do not speak loudly (we note separately that mobile phones must be switched to silent mode), do not laugh, and even more so, do not sort things out with one of the relatives. In case of incorrect behavior of other guests, it is permissible to pull them up, reminding commemoration rules of conduct. During these hours, the thoughts of those gathered should be focused on one person who is now not around, but whose memory is still dear to them. You should eat slowly during the funeral meal, be sure to try traditional dishes (kutya and pancakes), but at the same time observe moderation and not gorge yourself to satiety, as if during a wedding feast.

How to seat guests

No matter, where the wake is held - at home or in a banquet hall- the audience is seated at the table in a certain order. The most close relatives of the deceased- Spouses, parents, siblings. They sit next to a place that is customary to leave empty at all Orthodox commemorations as a tribute to the memory of the deceased. Then the guests should sit down, observing the principle of kinship or seniority. Important point: a woman should sit next to a man, at the wake it is better to avoid the neighborhood of men next to each other. In this case, the spouses should be seated separately. A portrait of the deceased and a glass of vodka, on top of which a slice of black bread is placed, are sometimes placed next to the place that is left empty. Not everyone accepts this tradition, believing that alcohol at a wake is not allowed according to Christian canons.

How to dress (dress code) at the wake

When gathering for a wake, it is important to think over your appearance and clothing, since the dress code is no less important than the preparation of dishes and the nuances of behavior at the memorial table. So, it is not allowed for guests to come in multi-colored and colorful robes. For women, it is better to choose a closed dress of a dark color to the knees, and tie a scarf (preferably in dark tones) over your head. Instead of a dress, you can put on a suit, but also in a classic cut, without large cutouts and open areas. For men, it is preferable to come in a dark suit, while the shirt can be slightly lighter than the jacket and trousers. If you remove the jacket, then a dark shirt and a lighter tie in a restrained color are also appropriate. When children are present at the wake, they should also be dressed in a calm, seasoned style.

A trip to the cemetery

On the day of remembrance in addition to the meal itself, it is customary to visit the grave of the deceased. It can be done both before and after meals at the memorial table. Before going to the cemetery, you should take care of flowers and fresh wreaths. Flowers can be brought both in the form of bouquets and in the form of seedlings, if, for example, you want the grave to be always beautiful and well-groomed. If the rules of the cemetery do not restrict, then you can plant a tree on the grave, but not in a flower garden. Coniferous plants (spruce, pine, fir) are suitable for this, symbolizing eternal life.
Near the monument, you can leave ritual symbols or objects that were important to the deceased during his lifetime or could become so. It can be a fresh family photo, if the deceased never saw how his grandchildren were born, or a favorite soft toy, if fate separated you from a relative who passed away at a young age. Clean up the grave before leaving the cemetery. Removing weeds, wiping down a monument, or freshening up the paint on a fence will strengthen the memory of a loved one and help relieve the burden of sadness, and maybe guilt.

Memorials for Muslims

Muslim funeral traditions have the same ancient roots as those of Orthodox believers, but still there are great differences between them.
According to Muslim traditions, the deceased is buried as early as possible, since it is believed that until the body has found its last shelter, the human soul cannot ascend to heaven and is tormented by torment on Earth. The first Muslim commemoration is held on the day of the funeral. The deceased person is prepared for burial by performing ablutions and wrapping him in a shroud. Only people with great authority are allowed to this ritual - as a rule, older people and the closest relatives. If a woman's funeral is coming, then only women are allowed to her at that time. If a man passes away, men come to bathe. As long as the body is not buried underground, there are always people next to it, because the deceased cannot be left alone - in this way they are, as it were, protected. Before the procession moves towards the cemetery, they read over the deceased prayers from the Koran, and this is usually done by a specially invited mullah.

Only men bury the deceased: according to Muslim traditions, women cannot be present at the burial. At the same time, the mullah reads prayers several times for the repose of the soul of the departed person and its speedy entry into heaven.

Funeral meal and haer

After the funeral, the first commemoration is held. Everyone who came to support the relatives and friends of the deceased can attend them. A table is laid for those gathered, but unlike Orthodox traditions, a Muslim memorial meal does not involve the preparation of any specific dishes. But still, in memory of Muslims It is customary to cook soup with noodles, meat, boiled potatoes and cabbage, and serve national dishes from sweets - bausak and chak-chak, as well as sweet pilaf from rice and dried fruits.

During the meal, it is customary to behave quietly and listen to the prayers of the mullah. In the past, only men could sit at the memorial table, today women share the meal on an equal footing with them. As a rule, children are not allowed to the memorial table.

Funeral etiquette

During the funeral Muslim meal, it is customary to distribute hayer, or alms, on behalf of each person present. haer give to everyone who is sitting at the table. After each alms, which is performed in a circle, the mullah reads a prayer. As alms at a Muslim commemoration, you can distribute money (the amount is always at the discretion of the distributor), scarves, soap or tea. Like Christians, it is not customary for Muslims to talk at the memorial table, but even those present do not speak about the deceased leaving all experiences as if within itself.

The event obliges the audience to look appropriate. Women must be dressed in closed dresses or sweaters and long skirts. Must be on the head should be tied with a scarf. At the same time, clothes are predominantly light and white. Men also wear suits of discreet colors, or shirts and trousers in light colors, with a skullcap on their heads. After the meal, the guests do not linger and quickly disperse. The owners of the house distribute untouched dishes and sweets to all those gathered in the form of gifts.

Wake on the 7th, 40th days and anniversary

The next commemoration among Muslims is held on the seventh and fortieth day after the death of a person, and one year later and more. For every funeral it is customary to invite the mullah, relatives and just people who knew the deceased. Traditions oblige to lay a modest table, read prayers and make alms at every commemoration. Commemoration, which takes place a week after death, for 40 days and on the anniversary, as a rule, takes place in a narrow circle of relatives and relatives of the deceased. But everyone who knew him has the opportunity to honor the memory of the deceased at any time. According to Muslim traditions, in the name of a deceased person, you can distribute alms to those in need and pray in the mosque. During the second and subsequent commemorations, those gathered, including women, can optionally visit the grave of the deceased.

Perhaps someone will say that it is not always feasible to organize and hold a commemoration according to all the canons - whether it is a Christian commemoration, Muslim or secular. Some relatives live far away, others have urgent business ... But no matter what events happen around, no matter how the circumstances develop, it is important to remember: commemoration is a modest rite that does not require frills and pathos, the main thing in which is the content that you put into your actions, with what thoughts about the departed you set the table or come to the cemetery. A commemoration is, first of all, an opportunity for relatives and friends to keep in their hearts a bright memory of a person who will never be around again.

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It is very important to properly organize a memorial table on the day of the funeral. Even in ancient times, people believed that the more magnificent the farewell of the deceased, the more comfortable he would be in the other world.

What dishes to put on the table?

Some dishes are required in the memorial menu. For example, you need to put kutya on the table. The traditional version of this dish is recommended to cook from wheat. A glass of cereal should be soaked for 2 hours, and then boiled for half an hour. After this, the grains must be mixed with a small amount of raisins. Such food will be even tastier if you first dilute the honey in water.

Rice can be used instead of wheat if desired.

Light snacks are quite appropriate at the wake. For example, you can cook fragrant ham rolls. Take 2 cloves of garlic, 300 g of ham, greens, 200 g of hard cheese, mayonnaise, 3 eggs. You need to cut the ham into thin slices. Boil the eggs and separate the yolks from the proteins, which should be chopped with a fine grater. Proteins and cheese rub on a coarse grater. Greens and garlic should be chopped with a sharp knife. Then we combine greens, cheese, chopped proteins, garlic and mayonnaise. Put the filling on the edge of the piece of ham. After that, we roll the ham with a roll, which must be lightly dipped in mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated yolks. This food is quite tasty and will not be superfluous at a commemoration event.

It is better to spread the rolls on a large dish, which must be covered with lettuce leaves.

On the day of the funeral of the deceased, the closest people will gather. For them, you can cook stuffed tomatoes. This food diversifies the menu and will definitely please everyone present at the event. Take:

  • 1 can of canned fish;
  • 6 medium sized tomatoes;
  • 5 eggs;
  • pepper;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

In washed tomatoes, cut off the tops and very carefully remove the pulp. Grind pre-boiled eggs and mix with tomato pulp, herbs, pepper and salt. We combine this mass with canned food and fill the tomatoes with it. This dish is quite successfully you can cook in the afternoon. And before serving, it is better to decorate it with green peas.

What dishes are on the menu?

It's always nicer to cook delicious meals on your birthday. But life is such that sometimes you have to face the need to take loved ones on their last journey and make a memorial menu. After seeing off the deceased on his last journey and the burial ceremony, all those present go to commemorate him. To make the funeral table filled with delicious food, enter a dish such as, for example, an eggplant appetizer on the menu. This food is quite suitable for such an event.

Take 3 cloves of garlic, 2 small eggplants, a little vegetable oil, 5 ripe tomatoes, herbs, salt. We clean the eggplants, immediately cut them into circles, salt them, fry them on both sides in sunflower oil, put them on a large dish, alternating with circles of tomatoes and sprinkling with chopped garlic.

This food can be stored for a maximum of 2 days in a cool place.

The lightest dish is sandwiches. However, it must be remembered that they cannot be stored for even 2 days. Take:

  • mayonnaise;
  • half a white loaf;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 1 can of sprats;
  • greenery;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

The loaf should be cut into thin slices, fried, rubbed with garlic, generously smeared with mayonnaise. Then put a slice of cucumber and sprats on each slice. Be sure to decorate sandwiches with green leaves.

For a solemn wake on the day of the funeral, you can cook a fairly simple beetroot salad. Take 2 cloves of garlic, 2 medium-sized beets, salt, nuts, 100 g of any cheese and mayonnaise. We clean the beets, bake in the oven, grind with a grater. Finely chop the garlic and cheese. Then we combine cheese, beets and garlic. The resulting mass is seasoned with mayonnaise.

You can add some nuts if you like.

A vegetable salad must be on the menu. Take 1 cucumber, 1 bell pepper, salt, 2 tomatoes, oil, canned corn. Peel cucumbers and finely chop. Chop red tomatoes and peppers as well. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper and season with a small amount of vegetable oil.

A good dish is a vinaigrette with herring. Take beets, herring, onion, 3 potatoes, some vinegar, carrots, lettuce, 2 pickles, salt and pepper. Boil carrots, potatoes and beets, cut into cubes. Cut the herring fillet in the same way. We combine all the components, salt, pepper, and then season with oil and vinegar.

Dishes that are allowed to be prepared for a wake

If you want to diversify the menu, cook cabbage rolls with mushrooms and vegetables. For this dish you need to take:

  • 2 onions;
  • small cabbage;
  • greenery;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • salt;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 200 g of champignons;
  • pepper;
  • oil.

Cabbage leaves should be dipped in boiling water for a few minutes and cooled. Then you need to prepare the filling for future cabbage rolls. Cook rice for 5 minutes. Cut the mushrooms into neat slices. Remove skin from tomatoes and chop. Garlic,

carrots, onions and herbs should be finely chopped.

After that, fry chopped onions and carrots in oil for 4 minutes. We take out these vegetables and fry the mushrooms. Then we combine tomatoes, rice, garlic, onions, herbs, carrots. Season the resulting mass with tomato paste, salt and pepper. Then on each sheet lay out 1.5 tbsp. l. fillings and wrap. Put the cabbage rolls in a saucepan and pour the sauce (2 cups of purified water, 4 tablespoons of tomato paste, salt).

Stuffed cabbage should be boiled over low heat for half an hour.

A simple and inexpensive dish - oatmeal cutlets. You need to cook 1 potato, 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 cup of boiled water, salt, 4 champignons, sunflower oil, 1 onion, herbs. It is necessary to pour oatmeal in a separate bowl with boiled water and leave for about 20 minutes. Grind mushrooms, potatoes, onions, herbs and garlic with a meat grinder. We add this mass to the oatmeal. Salt and pepper the resulting mass. Put the oatmeal cakes in a preheated pan with oil and fry them. It is better to serve cutlets with mashed potatoes and a delicious vegetable salad called "Spring Freshness".

To prepare this dish, take:

  1. 4 radishes;
  2. 1 cucumber;
  3. 2 tbsp. l. yogurt;
  4. 2 tomatoes;
  5. salt;
  6. dill;
  7. 1 st. l. grainy curd.

Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into strips. The radish should be cut into rings, and the greens finely chopped. Mix all the vegetables, add salt, cottage cheese and yogurt.

The death of a loved one is a great grief. But, unfortunately, it cannot be avoided. If a dear person has died, then loved ones have many questions. Where to bury? How to think over the menu? Is a canteen or cafe better suited for such an event? And this is not a complete list of questions. Today we will talk about commemorations.

Such a meal is not just a meal, but a rite during which loved ones remember the deceased, his good deeds. During this event, people read a prayer addressed to God. They ask to forgive the deceased for all his sins. Of course, a memorial dinner should be properly thought out, the menu of which must be compiled correctly. To make it easier for you to decide on the list of dishes, we will tell you what you need to cook for this event and why.

Memorial Dinner Principles

The lunch itself should be simple. Its main goal is to maintain the physical and mental strength of those who came to commemorate the deceased. Everything must be prepared from fresh ingredients. This is what a memorial service should be like. Its menu can be varied. It all depends on the traditions of the family, wealth, as well as the preferences of the people who come to commemorate. Although, of course, guests are not traditionally invited, they themselves come.

A memorial dinner is not a feast during which you need to feed those who came to satiety. The purpose of the commemoration is to satiate the guests, thank them for their participation, remember the deceased, and pray for his soul. Here, as you understand, the main thing is not food, but people - the dead and the living, who were united by the grief of parting.

Planning a funeral dinner

We will describe the menu a little later, now we will consider the main dishes that should be at this dinner. Firstly, (the second option is Kolivo). What it is? It is boiled from grains (rice, barley and others), sweetened with honey and raisins. Such a dish is consecrated at a memorial service. Grain here is a symbol of the resurrection of the soul, and honey and raisins denote spiritual sweetness.

What do you need?

The list of products is small:

  • 0.5 kilograms of rice;
  • 200 grams of dried apricots;
  • three st. l. honey;
  • nuts (optional)
  • 200 grams of raisins;
  • 1 liter of water (for soaking).

How is the dish prepared? Soak the grains in water overnight or for several hours. This is necessary in order for the porridge to turn out crumbly. You need to cook until done. Toward the end, add honey diluted with water, as well as raisins and dried apricots. This is how kutya is obtained.


This is another must have dish. For five liters of water we need:

  • 700 grams of meat on the bone (preferably beef);
  • three potatoes;
  • two bulbs;
  • one beetroot (small);
  • three tomatoes;
  • one bell pepper (it is best to use red or green);
  • one cabbage;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Cooking borscht for a funeral dinner

For such a dish, first prepare the broth from the meat on the bone (boil for two hours). After that, you need to add chopped potatoes there. Then take a frying pan, pour oil into it, put it on the stove, pour finely chopped onions into it. After about three minutes, add carrots and beets (of course, also chopped) to the pan. If the beets are processed in this way, they will be able to retain their color.

Carrots will take on a bright, orange hue. Vegetables need to be simmered in a pan until they become soft. Remember that carrots, onions, and beets retain their flavor and most of their vitamins when cooked over high heat. Then pour the contents of the pan into the broth, boil everything a little, add chopped cabbage, bay leaf, a few black peppercorns, chopped tomatoes and sweet peppers.

Cook for another 15 minutes. Then you need to try the dish and salt. After that, you can turn off the fire and remove the borscht from the stove. Serve the dish hot, with sour cream. You can sprinkle with herbs.


You can buy pies, or you can bake them yourself. We offer a banana puff recipe. What do you need?

  • package of ready-made dough (500 g);
  • bananas (gram 200-300);
  • powdered sugar (to taste).

Cooking sweets for a wake

Take the finished puff pastry. Let it thaw, then roll it out. Then take a knife and draw rectangles with it. Spread the banana filling on them (fruit cut into small pieces). Then connect the edges of the dough so that the filling is completely in it. Next, pinch the products a little. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees for about fifteen minutes. Products should be browned. Sprinkle finished puffs with powdered sugar.


For cooking, you can use both fresh and frozen fruits. Compote should not be sweet or too sour. How to cook? Put a five-liter pot of water on the fire, let it boil, pour in fruit (about 1 liter filled jar). Then add sugar (to taste) and cook until tender (about an hour).

The first version of the menu for thirty people

Now let's talk about what should be a funeral dinner. The menu after the funeral may be different. We offer our:

If you will be holding a funeral dinner for a year, this menu is quite suitable for this event. Kutya, however, can be removed from the list. It is an obligatory dish only at the wake after the funeral. And then - as you wish.

Second menu option for 12 people

Now we will analyze the approximate menu of a memorial dinner in a cafe or at home (for forty days). So, the list of products:

  • fried fish in batter (two kilograms);
  • mashed potatoes (2.5-3 kilograms);
  • salad "Olivier" (two kilograms);
  • cutlets (pieces 12, approximately 1.2 kg of minced meat);
  • sandwiches with red fish or sprats;
  • or potatoes (pieces 12-15);
  • pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (about 1 kg);
  • 5 liters of liquid (water + juices + compote)
  • sweets and sweet cakes (optional).

If you plan to hold another funeral dinner later, the menu for six months, for example, may be the same. Although, of course, you can adjust the list of dishes at your discretion.


Thinking through everything, pay attention to whether the commemoration fell on the post. If the answer is yes, then you need to adjust the funeral dinner (menu). Lenten set of dishes will not only be appropriate. but even necessary. What to prepare for such a wake? How to correct the usual menu, making it lean? Now let's make a rough list of foods:

  • knot;
  • lean borscht;
  • kutya;
  • lean pies;
  • potatoes with mushrooms;
  • cabbage or carrot cutlets;
  • vegetable salad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • the vinaigrette.


We described in detail how to think over the funeral dinner, we also discussed its menu. Now let's touch on another important topic. "What?" - you ask. Should you drink alcohol during the funeral? There is no clear answer to this question. Some priests believe that during the funeral dinner, you can drink some red wine. The Church condemns the use of alcoholic beverages during such a ceremony. Therefore, here you must decide for yourself whether you need alcohol at a memorial dinner or not.


Now you know how to make a funeral dinner. We have reviewed the menu in detail. We have offered you a couple of options for approximate lists of dishes for the commemoration. We hope that our tips have helped you decide on the choice of food for such a dinner.

After the funeral, as a rule, all those present are invited to commemorate the deceased. So what is prepared for the commemoration and what is actually needed for the commemoration? Firstly, kutia, pancakes with honey and jelly should be on the memorial table. During the funeral and commemoration, even unbelieving relatives try to worthily see off the deceased, observing the rules and regulations of the Christian faith. And if the commemoration falls on fasting days or on fasting days, which are Wednesday and Friday, then lenten food is prepared. It is clear that not all those who came to the funeral and subsequent commemoration will accept this circumstance, but this is not about the pleasure of those present. As a last resort, on fasting days and during fasting, funeral pancakes should be cooked on water without milk and eggs. Please note that women who come to pray for the dead are fasting, and in any case they will have to cook separately. Now we will learn how to cook kutya for a wake. This will require rice and raisins. Traditionally, millet should be used for kutya, but now for some reason they cook rice. It is boiled to make it crumbly and not overcooked, the raisins are soaked. After the swelling of the raisins and the complete cooling of the rice, everything is combined. Kutya is not salted and sugar is not added to it!

Lenten menu

Now actually to the menu, and to begin with, consider the option of a lenten table. Of course, potatoes, wrinkled in this case, will not be a very right decision. It is better to boil the whole peeled potatoes, sprinkle with herbs and pour over with sunflower oil. Pickles will increase the number of dishes on the table, of course, if it is not a hot summer outside. If possible, fry a fillet of some fish or make fish cakes, butcher the herring. A salad with beans would be good, you can stuff peppers, using mushrooms instead of meat. You can also replace the herring with mushrooms in the Herring under a Fur Coat salad, served without eggs and with lean mayonnaise. The most common salads: vegetable (tomatoes, cucumbers), salad with cabbage or sauerkraut. Lean pancakes with mushrooms, mushroom cutlets with potatoes, vegetable cutlets and all without eggs. In the hot summer, you can cook okroshka with vegetables and herbs.

Menu for the meat table

What is prepared for a wake for a table richer in meat dishes? You can cook anything, the main thing is without frills, everything is simple, satisfying, affordable and familiar. Cutlets, fried chicken, fried and salted fish, sausage cuts, cuts from smoked chicken breasts and other smoked meat. Also simple vegetable salads or just chopped vegetables. Stuffed peppers, liver chops, pancakes with liver or meat. If the weather is cool, you can cook jellied meat.

In some families, it is customary to serve cabbage soup, borsch or chicken noodles first after kutya and pancakes, but this is up to you.
