
Dough for pancakes from pancake flour. Pancake flour pyshechka pancake recipe

Let's get acquainted with the recipe for baking from store-bought pancake flour. We can say that this product greatly facilitates the process of making pancakes. After all, it is no longer necessary to select the proportions of laying the ingredients for the dough, just pour liquid into the loose mixture to your taste. Pancakes made from pancake flour with milk are a simple and quick option for home baking. But you need to know about some of the nuances in working with such flour.

On sale there is such a pancake flour, in which you do not need to add anything at all - no more ingredients in addition. It already has sugar, dried egg powder, salt, powdered milk or cream, starch and, of course, baking soda with citric acid. For this option, you only need a little water and a few minutes to knead a homogeneous mass. And you will have a ready-made pancake dough of excellent quality. It remains only to bake pancakes in a pan. This option saves not only time for kneading, but also money.

We use Skyfood "Pyshechka" pancake flour, which contains: premium wheat flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, egg powder and citric acid. To quickly prepare pancakes from this flour, you can simply dilute the pancake flour with warm milk. For 500 grams of pancake mixture, you will need about 700 ml of milk for making thin pancakes and 600 ml for making thicker pancakes. But still, such pancakes seem a little bland to me, and I add an egg and a little sugar.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • Pancake flour - 600 g;
  • Milk - 750 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Lean oil - 1-2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook pancakes from pancake flour with milk

Take a bowl to mix the ingredients.

Crack an egg into it. Add some sugar, but keep in mind that the sugar is already in the mixture, so don't add too much.

Beat the mixture with a whisk, a regular fork or a blender. The latter option will speed up the test preparation process.

You can also choose not to add sugar at all and go straight to the second step.

Pour in slightly warmed milk, you can heat it to a temperature of 36-38 degrees, so it will “make friends” with flour faster.

If desired, instead of milk, it is permissible to take liquid kefir, whey from the curd mass, mineral or ordinary boiled water.

About the amount of milk. Very often, the proportions of liquid to flour are written on pancake flour. Usually, less liquid is added to this flour than regular flour, as it includes other additives.

Mix the mass with a whisk. If using a blender or mixer, turn on the first speed, otherwise the mixture will splatter in all directions.

Sift all the flour and pour into the liquid part in portions.

Stir well. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps of unmixed flour. Now, if desired, you can add a little vegetable oil to the dough, just a couple of tablespoons. But this is optional.

If it seems to you that the dough from pancake flour is thick, then you can add more milk. But do not rush to do this, first bake one pancake, and then add flour if anything.

Now get on with the pan. Warm it up over moderate heat. Lubricate with vegetable oil. Optionally, you can lubricate with any fat. Even a piece of salted lard or butter. Pour some watery batter onto the hot surface. Spread it evenly with circular movements of the pan or a special wooden stick.

When the underside is golden, flip the pancake over to the other side. On average, one pancake takes about 2-3 minutes. And when the pan warms up well, the time will decrease to 1 minute. For the second and subsequent pancakes, you no longer need to coat the pan, they will not burn anyway.

Thus, bake all the pancakes. The thickness of the products will depend on the amount of flour used. In this case, they are thin. If you take more flour and make a thick dough, the pancakes will come out thick.

Tips for the hostess

  • The same recipe is suitable for making pancakes or pancakes with baking.
  • For sweet pancakes, it is not necessary to have sugar or honey in the pantry. A little fruit jam or jam will make pancake dough sweeter and more flavorful. And the baking itself will come out more original and more interesting to taste.
  • In addition to pancakes, pancake flour can be used to make batter for meat, vegetables or fish.

Step-by-step recipes for tender pancakes made from pancake flour with milk, kefir, yogurt and mineral water with and without eggs with the addition of yeast and soda

2018-09-29 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

6 gr.

7 gr.


21 gr.

167 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for pancake flour pancakes with milk and eggs

Making thin pancakes involves a few simple secrets. Without knowing them, baking is easy to spoil. We will tell about them, but we will reveal one already now. Namely, we will cook openwork pancakes from pancake flour based on water (plain and mineral), milk, kefir and yogurt.


  • 200 grams of pancake flour;
  • a couple of teaspoons of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 500 grams of cold milk;
  • 10-12 grams of butter;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil

Pancake flour pancake recipe step by step

Wipe a suitable deep container dry with napkins. Inside, sift the pancake flour high so that it is well saturated with oxygen. Add salt and some sugar.

Mix dry ingredients. Beat in all the eggs at once. Knead until they "disperse" in flour. Only then thinly pour cool milk.

Knead dough similar in consistency to sour cream. Wrap the container with foil and leave to infuse for an hour and a half.

After this time, return the dough to the table. Pour in all the vegetable oil and knead everything again. Place a flat pancake pan over medium heat.

Ignite the surface, then grease it with a thin layer of butter. Pour in enough dough. Distribute, forming a round blank.

Fry pancake from pancake flour for about 20-25 seconds, then carefully turn over and continue the process for another 10-12 seconds.

Transfer the pastries to a dish, grease with butter and return to frying the next batch of dough. Cook the pancakes one by one until the mixture runs out.

If you do not want to interrupt the process for infusing the dough, we recommend kneading the mixture late in the evening and leaving it until the morning. Then it remains only to add oil and quickly fry, and then serve for breakfast with any filling.

Option 2: Quick Recipe for Pancake Flour Pancakes

As a rule, the dough for today's pancakes is better to insist. Thanks to this, the flour will “open up” and it will be easier to fry thin round billets from the mixture.


  • 130 grams of pancake flour;
  • 290 grams of water;
  • large egg;
  • salt and sugar in the dough;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil.

How to quickly cook pancakes from pancake flour

Sift pancake flour into a clean bowl of a food processor. Install whisk. Add a pinch (small) of salt and sugar.

Knead a fluid dough similar in structure to sour cream. Turn off the machine. Immediately put a frying pan on two burners.

Having calcined on medium strength of fire, grease the surface with oil as carefully as possible. The layer should be very thin.

Now, in turn, pour in a sufficient amount of dough and fry for half a minute on the first side. Flip.

Continue cooking for another 10-13 minutes, then remove the pancake from pancake flour and put on a plate. Fry the rest of the blanks until the dough runs out.

We will not insist the dough and make pancakes in two pans at once, due to which the process will be significantly reduced. This recipe is especially suitable for breakfast or an afternoon snack, when there is simply no time for a long presence at the stove.

Option 3: Pancakes from pancake flour on kefir without eggs

Eggs "cling" the ingredients of the dough well, so that the layer in the pan does not burn, and the pancake itself is easy to turn over. However, if you do not want to use this ingredient, exclude it, and replace milk or water with thick kefir.


  • 400 grams of warm kefir;
  • 130-135 grams of pancake flour;
  • a pinch of fine salt;
  • 2 dessert spoons of butter.

How to cook

An hour before cooking, leave the kefir on the kitchen table so that it becomes warm. As soon as this happens, pour from the package into a deep container. Whisk lightly.

Now add salt and add a couple of dessert spoons of vegetable or melted butter. Continue vigorous mixing.

At the end, sow pancake flour in batches. Ensure that there are no lumps left in the mixture. If they do not break, rub the dough through a sieve.

Place a flat frying pan on a suitable burner. Lubricate the calcined surface with oil as thinly as possible. To do this, you can wet the sponge and lightly draw along the bottom.

Pour a small amount of dough inside. And before that, beat it strongly so that a lot of bubbles appear. It is they who will provide an openwork pattern on the surface of pancakes made from pancake flour.

Fry in turn for 15-20 seconds on each side of each round billet and fold the pastries in an even pile on a flat large plate. Serve with any hot topping.

Since in this version we will not use chicken eggs, we advise you to knead the dough on relatively fatty kefir with the obligatory addition of salt and vegetable oil. In this case, it is important to actively kill the mixture until a stable foam appears.

Option 4: Pancake flour pancakes on yogurt with soda

There is also sour milk, but you do not know what to do with it? Make yogurt pancakes. And to make them more airy, include a little baking soda in the recipe.


  • two glasses of curdled milk;
  • a glass of pancake flour;
  • incomplete teaspoon of soda;
  • large (65-70 grams) egg;
  • 20-25 grams of refined oil;
  • sugar and salt in the dough.

Step by step recipe

Sift pancake flour into a suitable sized bowl. Pour sugar, a little soda and fine salt there. Mix and set aside.

In a separate bowl, combine yogurt and a large fresh egg. Bring with a whisk to a uniform homogeneous structure.

Now mix dry and liquid ingredients. Knead liquid flowing dough. At the end, add vegetable oil. Beat until foam appears.

Pour a small amount of the mixture into a well-heated skillet. Distribute in a thin layer. Fry on the first side for about 20-25 seconds. Turn over with a spatula.

Continue the process for about 10-14 seconds, after which put the pancake from pancake flour on a plate. Repeat until the mixture in the bowl is finished.

Since the curdled milk used is acidic, soda will not need to be quenched. The necessary reaction will take place already in the pan, thanks to which thin pancakes will turn out to be delicate and very beautiful.

Option 5: Pancake flour pancakes with yeast in milk

On the basis of dough to which yeast is added, as a rule, lush pastries are prepared. However, in the next recipe, we will tell you how to make pancakes with yeast thin and very tasty.


  • 2 cups warm milk (fresh);
  • half a teaspoon of active yeast;
  • sugar with salt in the dough;
  • large egg;
  • 10-15 grams of sunflower oil;
  • a full glass of pancake flour.

How to cook

Slightly warm fresh milk. Pour salt, active yeast and a little sugar into a bowl to speed up the reaction.

Pour in the prepared milk (up to 38 degrees). Leave without mixing. When foam forms, and this will happen in just a few minutes, mix with a fork and add the egg.

Continue mixing while pouring in the oil. Having obtained a uniform structure, sow the pancake flour in batches.

Achieve a fluid consistency, then put a frying pan with a flat bottom on the included stove.

Pour a sufficient volume of the mixture onto the surface with a ladle. Align to form a round shape. Fry 20-22 seconds.

Flip pancakes from pancake flour to the other side. After 10-12 seconds, transfer from the pan to a plate. Prepare all other thin pancakes in this way.

Option 6: Mineral water pancakes made from pancake flour

We will make the last pancakes on carbonated table water with the addition of a small amount of soda. It will turn out incredibly tasty!


  • 390-400 mineral water with gases;
  • 130-140 grams of pancake flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 15-19 grams of refined oil;
  • salt with soda in the dough.

Step by step recipe

Break the washed chicken eggs into a suitable container. Sprinkle with salt Whisk whisk until foamy. Only then pour in the oil.

Continue interrupting, gradually pouring mineral sparkling water. Having obtained a uniformly homogeneous consistency, sift the entire volume of pancake flour.

Knead the dough to a liquid but viscous consistency. At the very end, add soda. Whisk vigorously, and in parallel, ignite the pan on the burner (switched on).

Now grease the surface that is hot by this time, onto which immediately pour a little dough. Form a thin pancake from pancake flour.

It is important to use sparkling water to make the pastries more openwork. However, we recommend using table water, not medicinal water. Otherwise, you may not get a delicious breakfast, but digestive problems.

Every housewife in the countries of the former USSR knows at least one recipe for making chic pancakes. Now such an interesting little thing as pancake flour has appeared on the shelves of supermarkets. It differs from the usual one in that it already contains everything you need for a full-fledged test.

Therefore, there are absolutely no difficulties in how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. But even with the presence of such a miracle product, it cannot be denied that the dish will turn out tastier if natural dairy ingredients are added to it. Therefore, today I advise you to read about how to make pancakes from pancake flour.

Recipe for pancakes from pancake flour on the water

Kitchen utensils and equipment: plate; non-stick frying pan; mixer or whisk; scapula; deep plates and bowls; sieve.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • The dough made from this special flour makes the work of housewives easier, as it already contains some ingredients. Egg powder, milk powder, sugar, salt and some other ingredients are placed in one package. But this does not limit you in any way, and you can add any ingredients to the dough at your discretion.
  • But before you cook pancakes from pancake flour, you need to know a few secrets that will help you prepare a very tasty dish.
  • If you add eggs to the dough, then only the products of the first freshness are taken for cooking, and you need to beat them separately from all the ingredients.
  • Also, when adding salt and sugar, dissolve them in water or milk, and then add them to dry ingredients. In this way, you can avoid getting sugar or salt crystals into the structure of the dough.
  • Do not put granulated sugar into the dough. If there is a lot of it, then it will caramelize and burn during the frying process.

Cooking sequence

video recipe

Be sure to pay attention to the video, which shows how to cook a very tasty and simple dish - pancakes using water. But according to the same recipe, you can cook pancakes from pancake flour in milk.

How to serve and how to complement the dish

  • You can complement this dish in a variety of ways. You can cook it with sweet or savory toppings. Eat pancakes with jam, jams, sauces, condensed milk.
  • For example, a very tasty option is. I'm sure you've never tasted this before. And salty pancakes with ham and cheese can become a chic breakfast and hearty dinner for the whole family. You can also cook hearty ones. Well, the younger inhabitants of your house will be delighted.
  • The options for preparing this dish are not as diverse as the options for serving and supplementing it. For example, you can use a simple recipe for kefir pancakes with pancake flour. Or cook pancakes from pancake flour in milk. In any case, the cooking sequence will not change much. In these cases, you just need to replace the water with your desired dairy product.
  • But for the preparation of thin pancakes from pancake flour in the recipe, you must definitely use milk or kefir. If you add water, then you should not count on a thin and delicate dish.

  • Be sure to sift the flour just before making pancakes. This is necessary not only in order to cleanse it of unwanted impurities and grains, but also in order to saturate it with oxygen and make it airy.
  • In order for you to get the right, tasty, thin and delicate pancakes, you must first mix all the liquid ingredients, and then pour them into the sifted flour in a thin stream. In this way, you will be able to control the process of dough formation and prevent the appearance of a large number of lumps.
  • To make openwork pancakes easily and simply, you need to separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat them separately.
  • If you add vegetable or butter to the flour before the rest of the ingredients, then the dough will turn out elastic and dense.
  • If slaked soda is needed in the recipe, then be sure to make sure that it has all dissolved and has been extinguished correctly. Otherwise, in the end, pancakes will taste like soda. An excessive amount of vegetable oil in the dough will give a lot of fat and calories.
  • Also, if you add more eggs than you need, you will end up with more of an omelette than pancakes. Well, if there are no eggs or there are few of them, then the dish will break.

Today I shared with you my little secrets and talked about how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. In fact, this simple recipe is so simple that even a novice cook can handle it. So share this recipe, cook for health and delight your loved ones. Write your recipes in the comments, leave feedback, and be happy. Bon appetit!

How to cook pancake flour pyshechka pancake recipe - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Liked the recipe: 28

Recipe: Pancakes on pancake flour - “on milk”

pancake flour - 500 gr;
milk - 900 ml;
vegetable oil - 3 - 4 tbsp. ;
chicken eggs - 1 pc. ;
granulated sugar - 1 tbsp

In my family, everyone loves pancakes very much, so I have to cook, although to be honest, I don’t really like baking them, but what can I do, I want something delicious! For this, for the first time, I took ready-made pancake flour, all the ingredients have already been added there, dilute and bake! But I still decided to add both the egg and sugar to my liking. So let's sift the flour.

We heat the milk so that it is warm. Gradually add the flour to the milk, stirring all the time so that there are no lumps.

Then beat one egg and pour into the dough.

We also add sugar and vegetable oil there.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

If the dough is too thick, you can add more warm milk or water. Heat up a frying pan, grease it with a little vegetable oil. I lubricate with oil only before baking the first pancake, so everything goes like clockwork anyway.

Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

Bake on both sides.

Put the finished pancakes on a plate. Usually it is not possible to accumulate a pile of pancakes, they are immediately snatched up, but then I had to make sure that no one stole it until I took a picture.

Pancakes can be served with anything. Everyone smears with what he loves: sour cream, jam or condensed milk. Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking time:PT01H00M 1 hour

Approximate cost per serving:50 rub.

Pancake flour: fast, simple and delicious!

Pancake flour is very convenient for housewives. It does not need to add sugar, baking powder, salt and other ingredients. She is already completely ready to bake pancakes, pancakes, rolls. It is enough just to dilute it with warm water or milk - and the dough is ready. Agree, it is very convenient to save time.

The cuisines of most peoples are replete with recipes for various pancakes and pancakes, fritters, pancakes, as well as pancake pies and rolls. The basis for their preparation is ordinary flour. But it is necessary to add baking powder, sugar, salt, egg and vegetable oil to it. And this takes some time. In order for housewives to cook more quickly, pancake flour must certainly be in their kitchen.

It usually includes the following ingredients:

It is worth noting that pancake flour is different in its composition. It depends on the manufacturer. Usually this is written on the packaging. Some add egg powder to it. Sometimes milk powder is on the ingredient list. From what components are present in the dry mix, it depends on what vitamins and minerals the pancake flour is filled with. It may include vitamins: E, B1, PP, B4, B8, B2, B6. Also in this flour there are trace elements:

Each housewife has her own preferences, what liquid to add to the flour to make the pancakes tasty and appetizing. You can dilute it with warm water, warmed milk, mineral water with gas (pancakes will then be in holes), as well as kefir. The dough should be infused for at least half an hour in a warm place. At the same time, it is desirable to slightly stir it two or three times so that it is filled with oxygen and becomes lush.

As for the calorie content, here are the indicators per 100 grams of the product:

On each pack of pancake flour, both the calorie content and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are indicated. They may differ due to different proportions of the constituent ingredients.

pancake flour recipes

There are many dishes that can be made with pancake flour. For example, pancake cake with chicken.

To prepare it, first knead the dough for ordinary pancakes: 1 cup of milk for one and a half cups of pancake flour. Mix well and bake pancakes.
Then we do another batch. For one and a half glasses of pancake flour, we need half a glass of warm milk and half a glass of tomato juice. Mix, bake. We get red pancakes.

We are preparing the stuffing. We take 200 grams of boiled chicken fillet, cut into pieces. Add 3 boiled eggs, cut into cubes. Now we need to prepare the sauce. We take 200 grams of sour cream, squeeze 2 cloves of garlic there, add a tablespoon of mustard and lemon juice. Stir, pour chicken and eggs into this mixture, mix well again and send to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Then we start to collect the cake. Lubricate the first white pancake with melted cheese, lay out the filling and cover with a red pancake. We repeat this procedure until we get a tall cake. It can be decorated with herbs, chopped cucumbers or tomatoes.

If you love pizza but don't feel like messing around with the dough, you can make it with pancakes. Pancake flour is quickly diluted with water or milk, 3-4 pancakes are baked, the pizza base is ready. Only for this it is desirable to make a substrate not from one pancake, but from two or three. Then your pizza will not crumble. After you put the ingredients on the pancakes - mushrooms, meat, tomatoes, cheese, and so on, send the workpiece to the oven for 10 minutes.

You can also make a closed pizza - cover it with one pancake on top. Before serving, such a dish can be greased with sour cream and sprinkled with herbs. It is best to eat this pizza immediately so that the top pancake does not dry out.

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Pancakes on pancake flour: 3 simple recipes

Pancake flour is plain wheat or other flour with various additives. As the name implies, it is used to make pancakes, as well as pancakes and other products made from batter in butter. Before you cook pancakes from pancake flour, you need to understand all the features of this product.

So, pancake flour is made in such a way that it only requires the addition of a liquid base to get the finished dough. It can be milk, water, whey or kefir. Pancake flour usually contains egg powder, salt, sugar and baking powder. Moreover, all these components are included in certain proportions, so you only need to add the portion of liquid indicated on the package to get a high-quality balanced pancake dough. The recipe for pancakes on pancake flour is the easiest, because you just need to pour in the liquid, knead the dough and bake the pancakes.

Undoubtedly, pancakes with milk turn out to be more juicy, because they not only have an appetizing ruddy crust, but also a rich milky taste. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of special pancake flour;
  • 220 milliliters of milk;
  • one egg;
  • a little salt if desired;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (you can not add, especially if you plan to stuff pancakes with unsweetened filling).

Cooking such pancakes on pancake flour is also the easiest. They may be thin depending on the amount of flour added, and you can also make them fluffier by adding more flour.

So, we make pancakes from pancake flour in milk as follows:

  1. In a large bowl, mix one egg, at the end of beating, add salt, sugar and dilute with slightly warmed milk (its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees).
  2. Pancake flour, like any other, must be sifted before adding to the dough. Thus, sift the flour and pour it in parts into the resulting dough. Stir until smooth, you can use a mixer for this purpose.
  3. The dough should come out not too dense, but not too liquid. Cover it with foil and let it "rest" for about 20 minutes.
  4. Now grease the pan with fat, for example, refined vegetable oil, heat for several minutes over low heat. Bake pancakes for two minutes or less depending on thickness on each side.

The dough during the frying process must be periodically mixed so that it becomes a homogeneous consistency. Pancakes are served with any fillings of your choice; in terms of structure, color and aroma, they are no different from those cooked with ordinary white flour.

Water pancakes are the most budget option, because if you have special pancake flour, you only have to add water and optionally a few more components to get pancakes of acceptable taste. In addition, pancakes on the water are suitable for fasting, if you do not add eggs and other animal products to the dough.

Prepare these foods:

  • a full glass of pancake flour with a small slide;
  • 1-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of ordinary or mineral water with gas;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt to taste;
  • To make pancakes more fluffy, you can add half a teaspoon of soda.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Sift pancake flour into a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in pure boiled or carbonated mineral water in a stream, stirring the mixture periodically. Your task is to knead the dough strongly so that not a single flour lump remains.
  2. Now soda, if you decide to add it, extinguish with a few drops of vinegar and pour into the mixture. Now add granulated sugar and a little salt and mix well again.
  3. At the end of the process, pour in refined sunflower or other oil and finally knead the liquid pancake dough, similar in consistency to low-fat sour cream.
  4. Then we do everything as usual - we oil the pan, heat it up, pour a small portion of the dough into the center and distribute it over the frying surface. Fry on each side until golden. If you have a good frying pan, you do not need to use additional oil for greasing, since it is already in the dough.

You can serve such pancakes by first greasing them with soft butter, as well as with sour cream or honey.

Kefir is a fertile basis for baking, including pancakes. Firstly, it gives the dough density, and secondly, it has a rich milky flavor and a characteristic sourness. Depending on the fat content of kefir, you may need more or less flour. The fattest kefir makes the dough very thick, so it is recommended to dilute it with water or milk.

So, for pancakes made from pancake flour on kefir, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter and a couple of tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil;
  • 200 grams of pancake flour;
  • 3/4 cup of water;
  • 2 cups of kefir;
  • 2–3 eggs;
  • Optionally, you can add flavorings, for example, a bag of vanillin.

We prepare such pancakes as follows;

  1. Sift the flour immediately into a dry deep bowl. When all the flour is sifted, collect it in a high hill, make a small depression at the very top.
  2. Crack the eggs into this well and mix thoroughly with the flour.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix and beat kefir with sugar and slightly warmed water. Pour this liquid mixture in a thin stream into the egg-flour mass.
  4. Beat the dough well with a mixer and leave it to infuse for about 15 minutes.
  5. After this time, add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again. Now you can start frying pancakes.
  6. To do this, grease the pan with oil or lard, calcine over medium heat and fry each pancake on both sides until a light ruddy shade.

Such pancakes are good on their own, but to make them even tastier, spread each with butter, jam, marmalade or serve with honey, sour cream, fruit and berry sauce.

Pancakes from ready-made pancake flour

Pancakes are one of the most common flour dishes. This is probably due to the fact that pancakes have always been the main symbol of one of the most fun holidays - Maslenitsa. By the way, on our website you can pick up interesting congratulations on Maslenitsa 2015.
Pancakes are simple and with the addition of different products during baking. As a rule, pancakes are baked from buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat flour. Dough for pancakes is usually prepared in two ways - sponge and non-dough. In addition, the dough can be prepared without yeast, on kefir, milk, sour milk. These are simpler ways to make pancake dough.
Well, if you need to feed your family or guests with pancakes very quickly, use ready-made pancake flour, which you can buy at any store. It already contains wheat flour, sugar, egg powder, whole milk powder, citric acid, baking soda and salt.

Pancakes from pancake flour - recipe.

- classic pancake flour - 500 g;
- water (milk) - 800-900 ml;
- vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Sift pancake flour into a bowl. This will saturate it with air, and the dough will turn out more magnificent.
Dilute the flour with water or milk at room temperature.
Stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous (no lumps) mass is obtained.
Pour in vegetable oil and stir well again.
Heat the pan well and grease once with vegetable oil - only for baking the first pancake.
Pour enough dough so that it evenly covers the bottom of the pan with a layer of 3-4 mm.
Bake pancakes on both sides.
Serve pancakes from ready-made pancake flour on the table hot, with sour cream, butter, salmon, chum salmon, caviar and other products.
We also recommend cooking custard pancakes on kefir.
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Review: Pancake flour Skyfood “Pyshechka” - Excellent flour, pancake recipe.

Egg powder in the composition

Good day, dear readers and authors of Otzovik!

Pancake flour Skyfood “Pyshechka” was recommended to me by my mother-in-law. For making pancakes, this is, in my opinion, the best flour.

It is very convenient because you do not need to raise the dough, add yeast, lay eggs. Everything is much simpler: I add it to kefir, plus other ingredients, mix everything until smooth and spread it with a tablespoon on a preheated pan.

This flour is sold in Pyaterochka. Packing 1 kg. I have not seen more pancake flour on sale, although I would buy more, because when I often bake pancakes, I quickly run out.

Flour contains vitamins PP, B1, B2.

The composition includes premium wheat flour, salt, sugar, emulsifier (baking soda), acidity regulator (citric acid), egg powder.

And I make fritters like this:
Half a liter of kefir, pancake flour, soda on the tip of tea. spoons, salt, sugar.
Half a liter of kefir (I take it fatter, pancakes are more magnificent on it), I put flour, judging by the density of the prepared mixture, sometimes I add more in the process. I start kneading from 6-7 tbsp. spoons of flour. If the dough is runny, add more flour. It should become like thick sour cream.

In the process, I love to bake both thinner and thicker pancakes. When the dough comes to an end, I put more cocoa in the rest and mix, we get white pancakes and plus chocolate ones.

The cost of a pack of pancake flour is 40 rubles.
Production Russia, Mosk. region Dmitrovsky district, Nekrasovsky settlement.

Year of manufacture/purchase:2013

General impression. Excellent flour, pancake recipe.

Pancakes on pancake flour

Read in this recipe how to make wonderful pancakes with pancake flour.

Pancake flour today can be seen on sale in almost any store. This is a special type of wheat flour, which has already added additional ingredients such as egg powder, sugar, baking powder or baking powder, whey powder, etc. - in general, products traditional for making the most ordinary pancakes.

Interestingly, high-quality whole wheat flour is used for quality pancake flour, as ordinary refined flour is not considered to give such good results.

Recipe for pancake flour pancakes

10 g butter

2 tbsp vegetable oil

Total cooking time: 60 minutes

How to make pancakes from pancake flour:

Sift the flour, mixing it first with salt, into a deep bowl, make a hole in the center, beat the eggs into it and mix them with flour, moving with a fork gradually from the edges of the hole to the walls of the bowl.

Mix milk with sugar and water, gradually, mixing everything well, introduce liquid into the flour mass - there should be no lumps, and the consistency of the dough should be like liquid sour cream.

Leave the dough for half an hour or overnight, then pour in the vegetable oil and mix the dough well again.

It is good to heat the pan, pour the dough about a third of a ladle onto one pancake and bake pancakes in the usual way on both sides until browned for 30-40 seconds.

Lubricate the finished pancakes with butter and stack on top of each other.

When the dough has stood for 30 minutes to several hours before beating it, for greater perforation, you can add a tablespoon of mineral water with gas or just beat the dough well with a mixer until bubbles appear without mineral water.

Friends, do you cook pancakes on pancake flour? If yes, why? Share your experience and impressions about such flour in the comments.

Video recipe for cakes on pancake flour

The most favorite homemade dish - pancakes made from pancake flour with milk

Pancakes for the hostess - a magic wand Pancakes for the hostess - a magic wand. Homemade people usually like to have breakfast with them, drink tea or coffee, children simply adore sunny, oily and delicious pancakes. There are a lot of ways to cook them, but the recipe for pancakes made from pancake flour in milk is most often used.

A simple recipe for pancakes made from pancake flour with milk

The easiest recipe to make. It is well suited for an inexperienced hostess or as a tool for teaching a child the simple skill. The cooking method can be called "one to one", since all the ingredients are taken in these proportions.

  • a measuring cup of pancake flour;
  • measuring cup of any fat content of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • table. a spoon (25 gr) of granulated sugar;
  • we take salt to taste;
  • sunflower oil for baking.
Pancakes are very easy to make
  1. We take a bowl, preferably a larger one, since the ingredients must be mixed well.
  2. We drive in an egg, add sugar, salt, mix lightly and pour milk.
  3. We sift the flour, but it is worth considering the moment that there are additives in pancake flour and, if the sieve is very fine, then pour everything that is left in it into the dough.
  4. The dough should be left for 15-20 minutes to rest.
  5. Pour about a teaspoon of oil into a preheated pan, a small portion of the dough, so that it covers only the bottom of the pan.
  6. Bake on each side for 2-2.5 minutes. The fire must be made medium, otherwise the pancake may burn.

In this case, it is better to serve pancakes on the table immediately, hot. They are good with sour cream or melted butter. For lovers, you can make a sauce in Polish by adding a finely crushed soft-boiled egg to the oil. But this is most likely for adults, since an egg cooked in this way can cause a negative reaction in the child in the form of an allergy.

How to cook custard pancakes from pancake flour in milk

These pancakes are suitable for preparing a more experienced hostess. Great option for stuffing. Having come up with various types of fillings, you can bake a bunch of such pancakes in your free time, stuff them and freeze them in the freezer.

This article has helped many gardeners stop overworking on their plot and at the same time get a generous harvest.

I would never have thought that in order to get the best harvest on my personal plot in my entire “dacha career”, I just need to stop overworking myself in the beds and trust nature.
For as long as I can remember, every summer I spent in the country. First on the parent, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn, all free time was spent on planting, weeding, tying, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, conservation and trying to save the crop until next year. And so in a circle.

Appetizing and hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner for the child of a very busy mother. All you need is to put it in the microwave and heat it up. Just a lifesaver.

To prepare a small batch of pancakes, you need to take:

  • measuring cup of flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1.5 measuring cups of any fat content of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar is already in pancake flour, but for a sweet tooth, you can add a spoon.
These pancakes are suitable for preparing a more experienced hostess.
  1. Whisk the eggs, sugar and salt into a large bowl. It is better if the whole mixture is lightly beaten, so the pancakes will be fluffier.
  2. Add flour little by little and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. At the same time, heat the milk until almost boiling.
  4. As soon as the milk begins to rise with a hat, it must be removed and poured into a mixture of flour and eggs in a thin stream. It is necessary to constantly mix so that no lumps form.
  5. Leave the prepared dough for 20-30 minutes, covering the bowl with a napkin. The dough should be the consistency of liquid sour cream and spread easily over the pan.
  6. Pour so that the mass of dough covers the entire surface of the bottom of the pan. Bake on both sides until golden brown.

Having prepared various fillings: from mushrooms or cottage cheese, meat, offal or rice with an egg, you can not worry about getting up early and preparing breakfast. It is much easier to reheat ready-made stuffed pancakes.

Recipe for pancake flour pancakes in milk with zucchini

This, one might say, is a seasonal recipe, since young zucchini must be added to the dough. They cook well in the country, when children always have an appetite, and everyone knows how healthy zucchini is for children.

Delicious in any form, both hot and cold. Preparing them is easy. In a classic recipe, you need to grate a small zucchini. They need to be baked in a preheated pan, over medium heat, so that the pancakes do not burn.

Usually the cooking recipe is written on the package with flour, but in this case it needs to be slightly modified.

  • 1 measuring cup of flour;
  • 3/4 measuring cup of milk;
  • egg;
  • salt and sugar are taken to taste;
  • sunflower oil for baking;
  • 1/2 - 3/4 measuring cup finely grated zucchini.
Pancakes are delicious in any form - both hot and cold.
  1. Drive the egg into a wide large bowl, mix with salt, sugar, milk and sifted flour.
  2. Add grated zucchini and mix again.
  3. Since zucchini provides a lot of liquid, it is possible that flour will need to be added. The dough in this case should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. For 20-30 minutes, the dough should be left, covered with a napkin.
  5. Before cooking, mix again and bake in a well-heated pan on both sides.
  6. It is worth noting that the dough must be mixed before each time you pour it into the pan. Otherwise, all the zucchini will remain at the bottom.

Cooking such pancakes will not take much time, the main thing is to grow a good crop of zucchini.

Recipe for a bachelor: pancakes from pancake flour on the water

Often a young man living alone dreams of hot and tasty pancakes. Even for him, it will be possible to bake delicious pancakes from pancake flour. There are not always the necessary products and ingredients for an inexperienced cook.

If there was a girl in the house, then perhaps after her cooking there was a bag of flour left, and milk can be replaced with boiled water. It will turn out no worse.

Since preparing a portion for “yourself”, there is no need to dilute the dough too much.

  • a measuring cup of pancake flour;
  • 1-2 chicken eggs;
  • 1-1.5 measuring cups of water;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon, if you like sweet, then more can be;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of unscented sunflower oil.
Such pancakes can be baked by an inexperienced cook

The cooking method is the simplest:

  1. An egg is driven into a wide dish, sugar, butter and water are added.
  2. The whole mixture is well mixed and flour is added in small portions.
  3. Flour with the rest of the ingredients must be constantly mixed so that rather unappetizing lumps do not form.
  4. Leave the dough for 20-30 minutes. covered with a napkin in a warm place.
  5. Now you can heat up the pan and bake pancakes.
  6. Oil can be omitted, as it is present in the dough.
  7. Pour a thin layer of the mass onto the pan so that it covers the bottom, turn over after 2 minutes, fry on the other side.

A young bachelor will not be ashamed to invite a girl to such pancakes, as they turn out to be tastier than usual if you put a small piece of butter on each of them.

Pancakes from pancake flour on kefir

It often happens that there is no milk at home, but the family voted for pancakes for dinner. Looking in the refrigerator, you can find a lot of things you need to prepare everyone's favorite dish.

For example kefir and chicken eggs. Which house does not have pancake flour? That's all - homemade dinner is provided, and the hostess can be calm, if you try and bake more, then the breakfast will be hearty. These pancakes are fluffy and delicious.

  • 2-2.5 measuring cups of kefir;
  • 1.5-2 measuring cups of pancake flour;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 chicken eggs.

You need to cook in a wide convenient dish, taking into account what will need to be kneaded.

Pancakes from pancake flour can also be cooked on kefir
  1. Gently breaking the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Having rubbed the yolks, pour kefir into them, at room temperature.
  3. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Stirring constantly, add the flour in small portions, trying to avoid lumps.
  5. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with salt with a mixer.
  6. In small portions, we introduce whipped proteins into the main dough, trying to mix gently.
  7. Pour the dough into a preheated and oiled pan, bake for one to two minutes on each side.

Home will accept such pancakes with applause.

Pancakes from pancake flour (video)

How to cook thin pancakes (video)

It is worth noting that almost everyone loves pancakes. There are a lot of recipe options. It is impossible to spoil such a dish. You can experiment endlessly and get a new taste every time.

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Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

How to cook a recipe for thin pancakes on pancake flour - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Pancakes on pancake flour

Read in this recipe how to make wonderful pancakes with pancake flour.

Pancake flour today can be seen on sale in almost any store. This is a special type of wheat flour, which has already added additional ingredients such as egg powder, sugar, baking powder or baking powder, whey powder, etc. - in general, products traditional for making the most ordinary pancakes.

Interestingly, high-quality whole wheat flour is used for quality pancake flour, as ordinary refined flour is not considered to give such good results.

Recipe for pancake flour pancakes

10 g butter

2 tbsp vegetable oil

Total cooking time: 60 minutes

How to make pancakes from pancake flour:

Sift the flour, mixing it first with salt, into a deep bowl, make a hole in the center, beat the eggs into it and mix them with flour, moving with a fork gradually from the edges of the hole to the walls of the bowl.

Mix milk with sugar and water, gradually, mixing everything well, introduce liquid into the flour mass - there should be no lumps, and the consistency of the dough should be like liquid sour cream.

Leave the dough for half an hour or overnight, then pour in the vegetable oil and mix the dough well again.

It is good to heat the pan, pour the dough about a third of a ladle onto one pancake and bake pancakes in the usual way on both sides until browned for 30-40 seconds.

Lubricate the finished pancakes with butter and stack on top of each other.

When the dough has stood for 30 minutes to several hours before beating it, for greater perforation, you can add a tablespoon of mineral water with gas or just beat the dough well with a mixer until bubbles appear without mineral water.

Friends, do you cook pancakes on pancake flour? If yes, why? Share your experience and impressions about such flour in the comments.

Video recipe for cakes on pancake flour

Pancakes on pancake flour: 3 simple recipes

Pancake flour is plain wheat or other flour with various additives. As the name implies, it is used to make pancakes, as well as pancakes and other products made from batter in butter. Before you cook pancakes from pancake flour, you need to understand all the features of this product.

So, pancake flour is made in such a way that it only requires the addition of a liquid base to get the finished dough. It can be milk, water, whey or kefir. Pancake flour usually contains egg powder, salt, sugar and baking powder. Moreover, all these components are included in certain proportions, so you only need to add the portion of liquid indicated on the package to get a high-quality balanced pancake dough. The recipe for pancakes on pancake flour is the easiest, because you just need to pour in the liquid, knead the dough and bake the pancakes.

Undoubtedly, pancakes with milk turn out to be more juicy, because they not only have an appetizing ruddy crust, but also a rich milky taste. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of special pancake flour;
  • 220 milliliters of milk;
  • one egg;
  • a little salt if desired;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (you can not add, especially if you plan to stuff pancakes with unsweetened filling).

Cooking such pancakes on pancake flour is also the easiest. They may be thin depending on the amount of flour added, and you can also make them fluffier by adding more flour.

So, we make pancakes from pancake flour in milk as follows:

  1. In a large bowl, mix one egg, at the end of beating, add salt, sugar and dilute with slightly warmed milk (its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees).
  2. Pancake flour, like any other, must be sifted before adding to the dough. Thus, sift the flour and pour it in parts into the resulting dough. Stir until smooth, you can use a mixer for this purpose.
  3. The dough should come out not too dense, but not too liquid. Cover it with foil and let it "rest" for about 20 minutes.
  4. Now grease the pan with fat, for example, refined vegetable oil, heat for several minutes over low heat. Bake pancakes for two minutes or less depending on thickness on each side.

The dough during the frying process must be periodically mixed so that it becomes a homogeneous consistency. Pancakes are served with any fillings of your choice; in terms of structure, color and aroma, they are no different from those cooked with ordinary white flour.

Water pancakes are the most budget option, because if you have special pancake flour, you only have to add water and optionally a few more components to get pancakes of acceptable taste. In addition, pancakes on the water are suitable for fasting, if you do not add eggs and other animal products to the dough.

Prepare these foods:

  • a full glass of pancake flour with a small slide;
  • 1-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of ordinary or mineral water with gas;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt to taste;
  • To make pancakes more fluffy, you can add half a teaspoon of soda.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Sift pancake flour into a large bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in pure boiled or carbonated mineral water in a stream, stirring the mixture periodically. Your task is to knead the dough strongly so that not a single flour lump remains.
  2. Now soda, if you decide to add it, extinguish with a few drops of vinegar and pour into the mixture. Now add granulated sugar and a little salt and mix well again.
  3. At the end of the process, pour in refined sunflower or other oil and finally knead the liquid pancake dough, similar in consistency to low-fat sour cream.
  4. Then we do everything as usual - we oil the pan, heat it up, pour a small portion of the dough into the center and distribute it over the frying surface. Fry on each side until golden. If you have a good frying pan, you do not need to use additional oil for greasing, since it is already in the dough.

You can serve such pancakes by first greasing them with soft butter, as well as with sour cream or honey.

Kefir is a fertile basis for baking, including pancakes. Firstly, it gives the dough density, and secondly, it has a rich milky flavor and a characteristic sourness. Depending on the fat content of kefir, you may need more or less flour. The fattest kefir makes the dough very thick, so it is recommended to dilute it with water or milk.

So, for pancakes made from pancake flour on kefir, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • 50 grams of butter and a couple of tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil;
  • 200 grams of pancake flour;
  • 3/4 cup of water;
  • 2 cups of kefir;
  • 2–3 eggs;
  • Optionally, you can add flavorings, for example, a bag of vanillin.

We prepare such pancakes as follows;

  1. Sift the flour immediately into a dry deep bowl. When all the flour is sifted, collect it in a high hill, make a small depression at the very top.
  2. Crack the eggs into this well and mix thoroughly with the flour.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix and beat kefir with sugar and slightly warmed water. Pour this liquid mixture in a thin stream into the egg-flour mass.
  4. Beat the dough well with a mixer and leave it to infuse for about 15 minutes.
  5. After this time, add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again. Now you can start frying pancakes.
  6. To do this, grease the pan with oil or lard, calcine over medium heat and fry each pancake on both sides until a light ruddy shade.

Such pancakes are good on their own, but to make them even tastier, spread each with butter, jam, marmalade or serve with honey, sour cream, fruit and berry sauce.

Liked the recipe: 28

Recipe: Pancakes on pancake flour - “on milk”

pancake flour - 500 gr;
milk - 900 ml;
vegetable oil - 3 - 4 tbsp. ;
chicken eggs - 1 pc. ;
granulated sugar - 1 tbsp

In my family, everyone loves pancakes very much, so I have to cook, although to be honest, I don’t really like baking them, but what can I do, I want something delicious! For this, for the first time, I took ready-made pancake flour, all the ingredients have already been added there, dilute and bake! But I still decided to add both the egg and sugar to my liking. So let's sift the flour.

We heat the milk so that it is warm. Gradually add the flour to the milk, stirring all the time so that there are no lumps.

Then beat one egg and pour into the dough.

We also add sugar and vegetable oil there.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

If the dough is too thick, you can add more warm milk or water. Heat up a frying pan, grease it with a little vegetable oil. I lubricate with oil only before baking the first pancake, so everything goes like clockwork anyway.

Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

Bake on both sides.

Put the finished pancakes on a plate. Usually it is not possible to accumulate a pile of pancakes, they are immediately snatched up, but then I had to make sure that no one stole it until I took a picture.

Pancakes can be served with anything. Everyone smears with what he loves: sour cream, jam or condensed milk. Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking time:PT01H00M 1 hour

Approximate cost per serving:50 rub.

Pancakes from pancake flour: a detailed photo recipe

Pancakes from pancake flour are very thin and somehow special. They are prepared according to the traditional recipe with eggs and milk. It will take you quite a bit of time to cook, but the result will definitely please both you and your household. Prepare these pancakes for breakfast with cottage cheese or other fillings, because it is hearty and appetizing. Pancakes with salty filling such as meat, mushrooms are suitable as a main course, but with caviar or salmon they will be a wonderful appetizer on the buffet table and will delight your guests with their great taste.

The ingredients for making pancake flour pancakes are as follows:

  • 200 g pancake flour;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • two eggs;
  • two st. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • two st. spoons of sugar;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 10 g butter;
  • some salt.

The process of making pancakes from pancake flour is quite simple, namely:

Sift flour and salt through a sieve, thus enriching with oxygen. Make a well in the flour and break the eggs into it. Gently mix the ingredients from the edges to the center. Mix milk, water and sugar. Slowly add the liquid ingredients to the flour while continuing to stir. Beat the dough with a whisk or mixer so that there are no lumps. The dough will have the consistency of thick sour cream. We leave the mass for several hours, and preferably at night, so that the flour is completely swollen, otherwise the pancakes will tear. After the dough has stood, add vegetable oil so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan. Stir well. Prepare pancakes from the finished dough. Fry pancakes on both sides in a very hot pan until golden brown. Put the finished pancakes in a pile on a separate dish, grease each one with butter so that the pancakes remain soft for a long time. Delicious pancakes are ready! You can serve them with sour cream, jam, condensed milk or honey.

Recipes for pancakes on kefir - from openwork to lush

Since ancient times, pancakes have been known as a hearty and tasty dish. They are often prepared for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Many women prefer to make pancake dough with yeast, but this takes a lot of time. It is for this reason that hostesses find alternative solutions by replacing yeast with kefir or yogurt.

These pancakes are quick and easy to make. There are some recommendations that it is advisable to follow. If you follow our tips and instructions, you will get tender, airy and delicious kefir pancakes.

  • High-quality flour is considered important for the splendor of products, which needs to be sifted about three times for the dough. This is necessary in order to saturate it with oxygen.
  • The fat content of kefir does not really matter, but if you have a choice, stop at the maximum.

Cooking delicious pancakes on kefir

Many women are sure that the splendor and airiness of pancakes depends on the number of chicken eggs. But this is absolutely not true. This recipe uses one egg. What then is the secret? Try to guess while cooking.

  • kefir - 200–220 ml;
Kefir Flour Egg
  • chicken egg - one;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and soda - 0.5 tsp each;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Cooking steps:

    The dough for pancakes on kefir should resemble liquid sour cream. Place the oil in a hot skillet and reduce the heat. Pour the dough with a ladle and let it fry on one side, and then on the other side.

    Pancakes on kefir - video

    That's it, our pancakes are ready! It's time to serve them with jam, condensed milk, sour cream or fruit. It is believed that human energy is transferred to the dish during its preparation. Therefore, be sure to put all your soul and love into it.

    Simple pancakes on kefir

    They are considered a Russian traditional dish. This dessert is considered easy to prepare, and it is pancakes that have become a traditional dish during Shrove Week. Presumably, they first appeared several millennia ago, when our ancestor, warming up jelly, overexposed it on fire.

    In shape and color, a pancake resembles the sun, so there is such a sign that the one who eats more pancakes on Maslenitsa will have a good year.

    • kefir - 0.5 ml;
    • boiling water - 100 ml;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.;
    • sunflower oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
    Butter Boiling water Sunflower oil
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp
  • butter - 50 g.
  • Cooking steps:

    Heat up a frying pan, grease it with butter. Fry on both sides until golden brown. Submission depends on the imagination. Quick pancakes will delight every housewife with time savings and gratitude from the family.

    Custard pancakes on kefir with boiling water

    Cooking pancakes on kefir is very simple. They turn out to be airy and tender and, most importantly, they do not lose these properties even the next day.

    Delicious pancakes can be prepared in a variety of ways, but hardly anyone knows that custard pancakes can be baked on kefir. That's what this recipe is about. They practically do not tear, which makes it possible to stuff them with various fillings or serve them with sauce.

    • kefir - 400–500 ml;
    • wheat flour of the highest grade - about 0.5 kg;
    • sugar - 3-4 large spoons;
    • boiling water - 200 ml;
    • salt - a pinch;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Cooking steps:

    When the time is up, you can start baking pancakes. For this, either a Teflon or cast-iron pan is suitable. We heat the sunflower oil and pour the dough into the center of the pan with a ladle. We distribute it evenly and wait about 2 minutes until a golden crust appears around the edges. This means that the time has come to flip the pancake to the other side. Rest assured, these will be the most delicious pancakes you've ever tasted.

    Thick pancakes in a hurry

    A simple recipe for thick pancakes is not known to everyone. But, as it turns out, not everything is so difficult. Such pancakes can be made with yeast, but it takes a lot of time, so today we will learn how to make yeast-free dough based only on kefir. Quick pancakes will surprise you with their tenderness and satiety. Alternating them with the filling and laying one pancake on another, you can make a pancake cake.

    • kefir, curdled milk or sour milk - 400-500 ml;
    • wheat flour - 2 cups (maybe a little less);
    • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • sugar - 50 g;
    • sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
    • soda - 0.5 tsp

    How to prepare dough:

    1. First of all, you need to combine sugar and eggs in a container, beat a little with a whisk.
    2. Then add soda and oil, mix again.
    3. As with any other recipe, flour is added last. To avoid lumps, the flour must be sifted and poured in small portions.

    The dough is ready, and to make pancakes, put the pan on the fire, dry it and pour in the sunflower oil. As soon as you realize that the oil is hot, you need to reduce the heat and start baking pancakes on both sides. Since these will be thick pancakes, it will take a little longer to bake than regular ones. Do not worry that the pancakes will not fry from the inside, the main thing is to watch the strength of the fire on the stove.

    Classic pancakes, the recipe of our grandmothers

    Baking pancakes is not such a difficult thing, however, if you are new to this matter, then this recipe is for you. Many recipes are passed down from generation to generation, so many people remember these classic pancakes from childhood. Ingredients, in principle, are no different from ordinary ones. And how to cook the dough, let's figure it out together. I would like to note that now our lives are simplified by modern kitchen machines, for example, a blender or food processors. If you do not have either the first or the second, you should not despair, because this is an old recipe, and our grandmothers used a fork or whisk to mix the ingredients.

    We use the following ingredients:

    Let's start preparing the dough:

    Before you start baking kefir pancakes, you need to heat the pan, then pour sunflower oil into it (you can also add a little butter). Swirl the pan in the air so that the fat evenly fills the pan. Reduce the heat to medium and pour the dough into the center of the pan with a ladle. Turning it in the air, distribute the dough to the sides. Fry on both sides until crispy golden brown.

    Thin pancakes made from pancake flour

    Cooking pancakes on kefir is a pleasure. Do you know what pancake flour is, because, for sure, you have met such a product more than once in recipes? In fact, everything is elementary simple, since pancake flour is a mixture in which water, sugar, salt and egg powder are added to wheat flour. That's all. Pancakes made from pancake flour on kefir are especially thin and tender. However, despite this, they can also be filled with any fillings.

    So what products do you need:

    • pancake flour - 1.5 cups;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • kefir - 2 cups (maybe a little more);
    • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.

    Test preparation steps:

    Now, in order for the pancakes not to tear and they can be easily stuffed, the dough must be left for two hours so that the flour swells completely. After the time has elapsed, add two tablespoons of sunflower oil (this is necessary so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan during baking). Stir well again and start frying on both sides. We put each pancake on a dish and grease with butter.

    Openwork pancakes on kefir with holes

    Baking pancakes with holes is probably the dream of every housewife. Outwardly, they resemble lace, it is for this reason that every woman seeks to learn the secrets of their preparation and baking.

    Ingredients you will need:

    • kefir - 0.5 l.;
    • wheat flour - 150 g;
    • chicken egg - 3-4 pieces;
    • sunflower oil - 100 g;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • baking soda - 0.5 tsp

    Remember, the dough should turn out to be thin and even a little fluid. Therefore, if your consistency is thicker than you expected, then add a little water. Bake in a hot pan on both sides.

    Pancakes on kefir with yeast

    There are many different recipes for making pancakes. Yeast gives pancakes splendor and density. Of course, it is not worth denying that yeast dough is one of the most high-calorie ones, so those who adhere to proper nutrition should take this into account. These pancakes are very good on their own, but meat, fish or cheese filling will further improve their taste.

    Required Ingredients:

    • dry yeast (sold in any supermarket) - 1 tsp;
    • kefir (if there is no kefir, you can take sour milk or fermented baked milk) - 1 cup;
    • hot water - 1/3 cup;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - at the tip of tsp;
    • high quality flour (grade I) - 1–1.5 cups;
    • sunflower oil - 70 g.

    Steps for preparing dough for yeast pancakes:

    The dough with yeast and kefir is ready, you can start baking delicious and tender pancakes. Pour the dough into a heated pan and fry on both sides.

    Hearty pancakes on kefir with semolina

    Pancake dough with the addition of semolina is a very satisfying and at the same time delicate dessert. It can be cooked not only in the festive oil week, but also for breakfast for your beloved family. In order to diversify ordinary pancakes, we bring to your attention this new and very simple recipe that does not require expensive products and a lot of effort.

    • semolina - 40–50 g;
    • egg - 1 piece;
    • wheat flour - 0.5 cups;
    • sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
    • kefir - 200–250 ml;
  • soda and salt - 0.5 tsp each;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • boiled water.
  • So, let's start preparing the dough:

    It is best to use a special pancake pan or with a Teflon coating. In this case, you do not need to pour vegetable oil into the pan (it is enough that we added it to the dough). Fry pancakes with semolina on both sides, like ordinary classic ones. Serve with any sauce or fruit.

    Airy pancakes with mineral water

    Pancakes with mineral water have become popular not so long ago. Their secret lies in the fact that the carbon dioxide contained in mineral water makes this dessert simply incredibly airy.

    Ingredients for pancakes with mineral water:

    • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 250–300 ml;
    • flour - 1-2 cups (you will look at the consistency);
    • kefir - 250–300 ml;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    Starch Mineral water
  • butter - 250–300 g;
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.
  • When preparing such pancakes, the pan can not be lubricated, they turn over well, do not stick and do not tear. If ready-made pancakes are smeared with butter, they will acquire a pleasant milky aroma. Bon appetit!

    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe
