
Funeral pancakes: recipes. Lenten pancakes on mineral water thin recipe

Since ancient times, relatives and friends have gathered on special memorial days to honor the dead and, in joint prayer, ask the Lord for repose for a loved one. Gradually, these meetings were transformed into modern commemorations familiar to us, about the traditions of holding, which we have already told more than once on our portal, and also about the fact that, according to the customs of the ancestors of the Slavs, the commemoration should not be complete without eating lenten pancakes in honor of memory and the "rest" of the soul departed person.

Now, of course, each hostess decides for herself what to put on the memorial table. But still, according to an established tradition, some dishes are traditional for a funeral dinner. These necessarily include pancakes, so today we will tell you how to cook traditional lean pancakes for the commemoration, and also naturally give their recipes.

What pancakes are baked for a wake?

At the funeral table, pancakes are considered one of the must-have dishes. If you adhere to funeral traditions, do not neglect this treat.

Pancakes at the wake can be rich and lean. we have given you in previous articles.

But if the memorial, and especially the 9th or 40th memorial day, falls in fasting, then the memorial dinner should be made fast. Based on how strict the family fasts, there are several recipes for lean pancakes.

What are lean pancakes?

Lenten pancakes are being prepared without adding muffin(cow butter, eggs, sour cream, sugar, etc.).

Dough for lean pancakes with milk will need:

- milk 4.5 cups

- flour 4 cups

- yeast 20-25 g

- salt 1 teaspoon

For cooking, you can take both wheat and buckwheat flour, or even oatmeal from which the Slavs traditionally loved to bake pancakes at the wake. Or mix them in any proportion.

Step-by-step recipe for lean funeral pancakes

In an enamel saucepan, dilute the yeast with a glass of warm milk, add another one and a half glasses of milk. Gradually add 2 cups flour while stirring.

Knead the dough so that there are no lumps, cover the pan with a towel and put in a warm place. When the dough has increased in volume by 2-3 times, add the rest of the flour, milk, salt to it, mix well and put it back in the heat.

After the dough rises again, you should bake pancakes, carefully scooping up the dough so that it does not fall off. The pan is usually first greased with one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Lenten pancakes on soda

Dough for lean pancakes on soda:

- wheat flour 200 g.

- buckwheat flour 200g.

- water 500 ml.

- soda ½ tsp.

- a quarter of a lemon

- salt ¼ tsp.

Water is poured into the flour, gradually stirring. Add soda slaked with lemon juice. If there is no lemon, you can replace it with citric acid or vinegar. But the dough will still be better if the soda is quenched with lemon.

How to cook pancakes with berries for a wake?

- yeast 50 g

- sugar 6 table. lies.

- warm water 2 cups

- flour 3 cups

- salt 1 teaspoon

- vinegar or lemon

- vegetable oil (in the dough) 2 tbsp. lies.

- vegetable oil for frying

- berries to taste (blueberries, blueberries, pitted cherries, etc.) 0.5 cup

To prepare pancakes with berries for a wake, you need to wash and chop the berries in a blender. Grind yeast with sugar and dilute with warm water. Add flour, salt, vegetable oil, quenched with vinegar, and preferably lemon juice soda.

Knead the dough and put in a warm place. When the dough is suitable, bake in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

Lenten pancakes with mineral water

to prepare dough for lean pancakes on mineral water:

- highly carbonated mineral water 2.5 cups

- wheat flour 2 cups

- salt 1.2 tsp.

- sugar 2 table. lies.

- vegetable oil 5 table. lies.

Pour sparkling water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar and stir until dissolved. With a mixer at medium speed, add the sifted flour. Bring the mass to homogeneity. Let the test rest for half an hour. baked in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

With what fillings are pancakes made for a wake?

On the memorial table, you can put just empty lean pancakes, pour them with jam, and wrap the filling in them. If the commemoration takes place in Lent, it does not mean that this should somehow limit the variety of the commemoration table. I present to you a variety of lean fillings for pancakes at the wake.

Lean pancakes with mushrooms

- champignon mushrooms 0.5 kg.

- onion 200 g.

- vegetable oil for frying

- dry basil 1 tsp.

- salt

- black pepper

Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil. Salt, pepper. When ready, sprinkle with dry basil. Wrap the pancakes in an envelope.

Lenten pancakes with mushroom caviar

- mushrooms 400 g.

- carrots 1 pc.

- tomatoes 2 pcs.

- salt

- black pepper

- vegetable oil for frying

Boil mushrooms. Sauté carrots in vegetable oil until tender. Twist tomatoes, carrots and mushrooms in a meat grinder. Add spices to taste and mix. Spread with stuffing and roll up.

Lean pancakes with mushrooms and buckwheat porridge

- dry mushrooms 100 g.

- buckwheat 300 g.

- onion 3 pcs.

- garlic 2 cloves

Boil mushrooms and buckwheat until tender. Finely chop the onion and fry until tender in vegetable oil. Pass mushrooms through a meat grinder. Mix with buckwheat and onion. Bake the stuffing in the oven for 10 minutes. When cool, add chopped garlic and wrap.

Lean pancakes with cabbage

cabbage 1 head (small)

- vegetable oil for frying

- onion 1 pc.

- carrots 1 pc.

- tomato paste 1 table. lies.

Finely chop the cabbage and mash. Cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots. Fry everything in vegetable oil, adding salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar to taste. When almost ready add the tomato paste. Stir and simmer a little under the lid. Cool and wrap the filling in ready-made pancakes.

Lean pancakes with potatoes

- potatoes 0.5 kg.

- onion 3 pcs.

- vegetable oil for frying

- salt

- ground black pepper

Peel potatoes and boil until tender. Onion cut into small cubes and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Make mashed potatoes, add fried onions, spices to taste. Mashed potatoes keep their shape well, so pancakes can be wrapped in any way, and roll, and an envelope, and even a bag.

with apples

- sour apples 7 pcs.

- sugar 2 table. lies.

- water 3-4 table. lies.

– cinnamon

In apples, remove the core and peel. Cut, add water and sugar and simmer a little cinnamon. When the apples are soft, the filling is ready.

How to calculate the number of pancakes for a wake, and how much to serve?

Serving pancakes at the wake is also a small science. Each hostess herself decides how much to cook for her. The number of pancakes is calculated based on the number of guests. Usually it is 2 pancakes per person. Pancakes are either laid out in a pile on large common dishes, or served to everyone in portions on small plates.

What do pancakes symbolize at a wake?

Pancakes are round and golden, at the wake they are a symbol of the life-giving sun and rebirth.

Ever since pagan times, through pancakes, a person’s connection with heaven, light and the afterlife has been reflected. Therefore, there is nothing surprising, pancakes for the wake are almost an obligatory dish. We will discuss the history and traditions of eating and cooking pancakes in the following articles.

And also if the memorial days that you arrange fall on non-fast days, then you can familiarize yourself with what pancakes symbolize, and.

How to cook lean pancakes with yeast for a commemoration recipe - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Lenten pancakes: dough on plain water

With such a dish as pancakes, a cheerful and well-fed Maslenitsa is usually associated. But there are also lean pancakes - their recipe is made taking into account all the features of abstinence in nutrition, prescribed by religious rules. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of eating pancakes, even if you observe all Orthodox customs and traditions.

Since the specificity of the cuisine in Lent 2017 is such that it cannot contain milk, sour cream, or eggs, we will have to take this into account when preparing dough for lean pancakes. It can have both a yeast base and a yeast-free base. In any case, the main components will be water, flour, sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Don't worry: if you do everything right, the result of your labors will be no worse than delicious pancakes for Maslenitsa. - except that there will be less oil.

The test will require. 250 g flour, 2 cups warm water, 5 g instant dry yeast, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 4-5 teaspoons sugar, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (sunflower or olive).

Helpful advice. you can cook lean pancakes entirely on wheat flour. But they will turn out much tastier if you mix equal amounts of wheat flour with buckwheat (125 g each).

pancakes. dry yeast is mixed with a teaspoon of flour and diluted with one glass of warm water. In principle, instant yeast is designed to be immediately mixed with the total amount of flour and kneaded directly from it into the dough. But the fact is that they are of different quality, and it is better to play it safe. Bubbles should appear on the surface of the dough - a mixture of flour, yeast and water - and this is a good signal. So the yeast didn't let you down.

Lean pancakes are baked with yeast using a special round pan - we talked about this in an article on how to bake pancakes without errors. It is not necessary to lubricate it with fat, since vegetable oil is present in the dough itself. When serving them to the table, you can show your imagination and cook some pancake dishes in a hurry.

Products for the test. 250 g of flour, 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1/3 teaspoon of soda and salt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Helpful advice. vegetable oil can be added directly to the dough, or you can simply grease the pan with it before frying the next pancake.

pancakes. sugar and salt must be dissolved in water. The flour is carefully sifted, poured into a bowl and poured into it with water, gently stirring the components until a homogeneous mass. After that, soda, quenched with lemon juice, is introduced. Add vegetable oil to the dough only if it is convenient for you to fry pancakes in a dry frying pan. This recipe can be used to make potato pancakes. having previously made the filling from mashed potatoes, fried onions, chopped herbs and some other components.

Products for the test. 0.5 liters of Borjomi-type mineral water, 1-1.5 cups of flour (it all depends on how thick the dough you need), 3 teaspoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

pancakes. flour is mixed with salt and sugar, diluted with mineral water, vegetable oil is added. Fry in a dry frying pan (only better not on Teflon) on both sides.

According to the established Slavic traditions, it is customary to serve pancakes cooked on lean yeast dough at the memorial meal. This funeral dish, being an integral part of traditional Russian cuisine, symbolizes the solar disk, rebirth and the beginning of a new life. Pancakes are an obligatory funeral dish in Rus'. It is considered good form to take the pancakes left after the meal to the church for the remembrance of the soul. The recipe differs from ordinary pancakes in ingredients: it is not customary to add eggs and sugar to the dough. They are baked in the usual way. After cooking, it is recommended to consecrate the dish in the church or sprinkle it with holy water after reading a prayer.

  1. Warm up 250-300 ml. water until warm. It is important not to overheat and not turn it into hot or boiling water.
  2. Pour water into a bowl or pan, dilute 10-12 g of yeast in it.
  3. Add another 150-200 ml. water, and then pour one glass of flour, stirring constantly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Cover the pot or bowl with a lid, wrap in a blanket and leave the dough in a warm place for one hour or less. The mass should increase by one and a half to two times.
  5. Then you need to add the remaining water and flour to it, as well as a pinch of salt.
  6. Knead the dough thoroughly and put it in a warm place again. Wait until it rises.
  7. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, and without stirring the dough, bake pancakes: pour the dough into the center of the pan, twist it to spread the dough over the entire surface and fry until golden brown. Then turn over and fry the other side.

This dish belongs to Russian cuisine.

You can also use buckwheat instead of wheat flour. If the wake does not take place during fasting, water can be replaced with milk. Bake pancakes should not be very thin. It is customary to eat a dish at a wake with honey, observing etiquette, without overeating a lot. It is customary to serve pancakes without folding into tubes, triangles or other shapes. Please note that in Orthodox traditions, it is not customary to give thanks for treats on such a day. Remember also that in different areas (regions) the recipe and traditions may vary.

22.01.15 23:28, Pancakes, 3 hours Russian cuisine

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Lenten pancakes with yeast for a wake

There are periods or days when, according to Orthodox rules, it is forbidden to eat food of animal origin. And besides Lent, throughout the year, on certain days, food should be lenten. Also, according to church rules, the memorial table menu should be Lenten. And thick lush lean pancakes with yeast for a wake, the recipe of which awaits you below, will help diversify it.
Yield: 10-12 pcs. Also see how to make kutya from rice and raisins for a wake.

- wheat flour - 150 gr.
- dry yeast - 8-10 gr.
- warm water - 250 ml.
- sugar - 1 tbsp.
- salt - a pinch,
- vegetable oil (odorless) - 5 tbsp.

1. Prepare the dough: dissolve dry yeast in warm water, add sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of flour. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover and leave for 5-10 minutes at room temperature.
temperature for the yeast to begin its action: a foamy “cap” should appear on the surface.
2. Add vegetable oil and salt to the dough.
3. Sift the wheat flour and combine with the liquid mass. Tip: it is always recommended to sift wheat flour before use, not only to remove excess "impurities", but also to enrich it with oxygen.
4. Mix thoroughly so that the dough is homogeneous and without lumps. The consistency is similar to pancake batter, maybe a little thicker. Leave the dough for lean pancakes in a warm place for 40-60 minutes. It should increase in volume.
5. When the dough has come up, it needs to be mixed. Then you can bake pancakes. Also look at other recipes for lenten dishes for the second.
6. Bake lean pancakes in a pan like regular pancakes, spreading a small amount of batter over the surface of the hot pan. When one side is browned, flip over to the other side. Tip: before frying the first pancake, it is advisable to grease the pan with vegetable oil. In the future, this should not be done, because this is not necessary - the dough contains oil.
7. Serve lean pancakes with jam, honey, mushroom stuffing.
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  • Lenten pancakes for the commemoration yeast recipe

    With such a dish as pancakes, a cheerful and well-fed Maslenitsa is usually associated. But there are also lean pancakes - their recipe is made taking into account all the features of abstinence in nutrition, prescribed by religious rules. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of eating pancakes, even if you observe all Orthodox customs and traditions.

    Since the specifics of the cuisine in Lent 2015 is such that it cannot contain milk, sour cream, or eggs, we will have to take this into account when preparing dough for lean pancakes. It can have both a yeast base and a yeast-free base. In any case, the main components will be water, flour, sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Don't worry: if you do everything right, the result of your labors will be no worse than delicious pancakes for Maslenitsa. - except that there will be less oil.

    Recipe for lean pancakes with yeast

    Required for the test. 250 g flour, 2 cups warm water, 5 g instant dry yeast, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 4-5 teaspoons sugar, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (sunflower or olive).

    Helpful advice. you can cook lean pancakes entirely on wheat flour. But they will turn out much tastier if you mix equal amounts of wheat flour with buckwheat (125 g each).

    Cooking pancakes. dry yeast is mixed with a teaspoon of flour and diluted with one glass of warm water. In principle, instant yeast is designed to be immediately mixed with the total amount of flour and kneaded directly from it into the dough. But the fact is that they are of different quality, and it is better to play it safe. Bubbles should appear on the surface of the dough - a mixture of flour, yeast and water - and this is a good signal. So the yeast didn't let you down.

    The remaining flour must be mixed with sugar and also diluted with a glass of warm water. This mass is allowed to stand for about half an hour so that it becomes sticky, and then it is stirred and the dough is introduced into it. Now you need to put a bowl of dough closer to a heat source and wait until bubbles begin to appear on its surface. It remains only to add salt and vegetable oil.

    The dough will turn out quite thick - this is required for thick and dense pancakes. If you want the pancakes to be as thin as possible, add about half a glass of warm water to the mass and mix thoroughly.

    Lean pancakes are baked with yeast using a special round pan - we talked about this in an article on how to bake pancakes without errors. It is not necessary to lubricate it with fat, since vegetable oil is present in the dough itself. When serving them to the table, you can show your imagination and cook some pancake dishes in a hurry.

    Recipe for lean pancakes with water and soda

    Test products. 250 g of flour, 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1/3 teaspoon of soda and salt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Helpful advice. vegetable oil can be added directly to the dough, or you can simply grease the pan with it before frying the next pancake.

    Cooking pancakes. sugar and salt must be dissolved in water. The flour is carefully sifted, poured into a bowl and poured into it with water, gently stirring the components until a homogeneous mass. After that, soda, quenched with lemon juice, is introduced. Add vegetable oil to the dough only if it is convenient for you to fry pancakes in a dry frying pan. This recipe can be used to make potato pancakes. having previously made the filling from mashed potatoes, fried onions, chopped herbs and some other components.

    Lenten pancakes with mineral water

    Someone once made a completely reasonable conclusion that lean pancakes on mineral water are more tasty and tender than plain water.

    Test products. 0.5 liters of Borjomi-type mineral water, 1-1.5 cups of flour (it all depends on how thick the dough you need), 3 teaspoons of sugar, #189; a teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Cooking pancakes. flour is mixed with salt and sugar, diluted with mineral water, vegetable oil is added. Fry in a dry frying pan (only better not on Teflon) on both sides.

    Any lean pancakes can be served with jam or honey, as well as potato or mushroom stuffing with herbs, fried onions and vegetable oil.

    Lenten pancakes - recipes for fasting, for commemoration and diets

    Pancakes can rightly be called a favorite dish of traditional Russian cuisine. They are prepared even for the wake. Pancakes are served on the table both as a main treat and as a delicious dessert. It all depends on which of the fillings and which of the sauces the chef prefers. You can indulge in pleasure and eat delicious pancakes even during Christian fasting, without violating its rules. Lenten pancakes are cooked on water or mineral water. There are both simple and yeast lean pancakes made from wheat, rye, oatmeal, buckwheat, chickpea flour. All of them are created without eggs, since this product is prohibited during fasting. Knowing some secrets, you can learn how to cook amazingly thin pancakes with holes. To help housewives, there is a step-by-step recipe for making pancakes.

    From this article you will learn:

    Sweaty pancake recipes: different options

    The most interesting, and most importantly, proven recipes for lean pancakes are collected below.

    Before you start frying the first pancake, it is better to first grease the pan with oil, and only then start the process. The best cooks recommend stirring the pancake dough each time before pouring it into the pan.

    The easiest lean pancakes

    This is the most elementary of all possible recipes, and the set of components in it cannot be cheaper. Even an amateur can knead such a dough. From the proposed number of components, about ten pancakes with holes cooked in water are obtained.

    • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
    • Purified water - 2 tbsp.
    • Table salt - 1 tbsp. l. (she will hold the dough together and prevent it from tearing).
    • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Baking soda - 1/3 tsp
    • Vegetable oil - 1/3 tbsp.
    1. Prepare the necessary food and utensils.
    2. First you need to sift the flour.
    3. Then pour the indicated amount of water into the container, dissolve salt and sugar in it, gradually stir in 1 tbsp. sifted flour. You should get a watery dough without lumps.
    4. Add soda and oil to it, mix everything thoroughly.
    5. Then gradually add another glass of flour and knead well. The dough is ready, you can start frying.

    Such pancakes can be easily and quickly prepared for a wake by increasing the proportion of ingredients. The result is beautiful thin pancakes.

    Pancakes for Lent with Hercules

    Hercules flakes, for sure, can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. But few people know that they can make amazingly delicious pancakes for Lent.

    Photo: lean pancakes with oatmeal
    • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
    • Flakes "Hercules" - 1/3 tbsp.
    • Purified water - 2 tbsp.
    • Sugar - 1/3 tbsp.
    • Salt - 1 pinch.
    • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.
    • Baking powder - 1 tsp
    1. First you need to pour Hercules flakes with boiling water and leave them to infuse for 12 hours. You can do this before going to bed, and in the morning prepare a fragrant dish for breakfast. Immediately before cooking, you should put everything you need to create pancakes with oatmeal on the work surface.
    2. Then take the soaked flakes and beat them with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.
    3. Add butter and sugar to it, beat again with a blender.
    4. Then you need to sift the flour, mix it with salt and baking powder, add it to the dough and beat everything again. A step-by-step recipe for such pancakes makes it possible to cook delicious pancakes without any hassle.

    Lenten recipe for pancakes on a mineral water

    Pancakes made with sparkling water are a real find. They can be served with any filling. Although they are prepared without eggs, this does not spoil their taste in any way.

    Photo: recipe for lean pancakes on mineral water
    • Wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp.
    • Mineral water - 2 tbsp.
    • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l. (4 tablespoons will go into the dough and 1 tablespoon will be needed for frying).
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • Salt - 1/4 tsp.
    1. Get the kitchen utensils and the necessary products, sift the flour.
    2. Then pour mineral water into a bowl, gradually pour flour into it and beat well with a whisk or mixer. The flour should be completely dissolved.
    3. Then add salt and sugar, oil to the dough, beat again. The consistency of the dough should be like sour cream.
    4. Let the finished mixture brew for 5 minutes and you can fry the pancakes.

    Yeast lean pancakes

    Such pancakes taste little different from the usual, classic ones. However, they can be eaten even during fasting, which will surely please the household.

    Photo: lean pancakes with yeast
    • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
    • Fresh yeast - 10 gr.
    • Purified water - 1.5-2 tbsp.
    • Sugar - 5 tsp
    • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
    • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
    1. Put all the necessary products and utensils on the table. The first step is to sift the flour.
    2. Then you can start preparing the dough. To do this, pour flour into a deep container, 4 tsp. sugar, pour them 1.5 tbsp. warm water, mix thoroughly until the lumps dissolve and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
    3. Then take another bowl, pour 0.5 tbsp. warm (but by no means hot!) water, add 1 tsp. sugar, yeast, mix everything and leave until bubbles form on the surface of the mixture.
    4. Then carefully mix the flour and yeast mixture, you can do this with a whisk, so the yeast pancakes will turn out to be more airy.
    5. Almost ready dough should be put for 30 minutes in a warm place to let it finally rise.
    6. Lastly, salt and vegetable oil should be added to the dough, mix everything again and only then proceed to frying.

    To prepare thin pancakes, the dough should not be too thick. This lean pancake recipe has already fallen in love with many housewives.

    Video recipe: lean pancakes on the water

    There are many recipes for lean pancakes, so every housewife will be able to find a recipe to their liking, experiment a little. Healthy food is always good. Delicious post!

    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    Since ancient times, the tradition has been preserved to gather on memorial days to honor the dead in common prayer. Today, modern commemoration is not complete without eating pancakes in honor of the memory of the deceased and the repose of his soul. In modern times, every hostess herself chooses what to put on the table on this day. But it must be present on it memorial pancakes, kutya and jelly. The first pancake is placed on the window for the deceased. This dish symbolizes the life-giving sun and rebirth. In ancient times, people believed that through round and golden pancakes, they reflect the connection of a person with the afterlife.

    What pancakes are baked for a wake

    Pancakes are considered one of the necessary dishes on this day. They can be both lean and rich. Lenten dishes are prepared if the memorial day falls on fasting. Depending on how strictly adheres to the family may be different. Today, few people think about the question of whether. But since ancient times, it has been considered that the one who prepares them is worried about saturating the soul of the deceased. At the same time, pancakes are baked in such an amount that each guest gets two. They can be served in portions on small plates or laid out in a slide on a large dish.

    Lenten pancakes with milk


    • 5 glasses of low-fat milk;
    • 3.5 cups flour;
    • 10 grams of dry yeast;
    • 5 grams of salt.


    According to this recipe, they can be prepared from wheat, buckwheat or oat flour. They can also be mixed in equal proportions. To do this, yeast is diluted in a glass of milk in a bowl and set aside for ten minutes. Then add the rest of the milk and two cups of flour. The components are mixed, covered with a towel and put in heat so that the dough comes up, while it should double in volume. Then they add flour, put salt and make the dough, then put it back in the heat. Bake funeral pancakes recipe which we are considering, in vegetable oil. To do this, scoop up the dough with a spoon and spread it on a hot frying pan.

    Lenten pancakes on soda


    • 220 grams of wheat flour;
    • 220 grams of buckwheat flour;
    • 500 grams of pure water;
    • 5 grams of soda;
    • juice from ¼ lemon;
    • vegetable oil.


    Carefully pour water into the sifted flour, while stirring constantly. Then add soda, quenched with lemon juice, and mix everything well. Pancakes are baked from the finished dough. If lemon juice is not available, it can be replaced with vinegar or citric acid. The finished dish can be sprinkled with holy water or added during the preparation of the dough.

    Buckwheat pancakes


    • 2 cups buckwheat flour;
    • 3 glasses of milk;
    • 20 grams of yeast;
    • salt.


    Before how to cook funeral pancakes recipe offered, you must put the dough in advance (two or three hours before serving). To do this, yeast is diluted in milk and set aside for fifteen minutes, then salted, flour is added, covered with gauze or a towel and sent to heat. When the dough rises well, start baking pancakes without stirring it. On a frying pan, previously greased with oil, spread the dough taken with a spoon and bake.

    Rye pancakes


    • 360 grams of flour;
    • 500 grams of water;
    • 100 grams of cream;
    • 25 grams of yeast;
    • salt.


    To cook, you need to dissolve them in heated water. Then they are mixed with flour, poured with water so that it turns out to be as dense as mustard. All this is well mixed and set aside until the next day in a warm meta. In the morning, flour, water, cream and salt are added to the dough, mixed and put back into heat. When the dough fits well, start baking pancakes in the above way.

    Pancakes on mineral water


    • 3 glasses of highly carbonated mineral water;
    • 3-4 cups flour;
    • salt;
    • 1.5-2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


    These funeral pancakes (we will look at the recipe with a photo of step-by-step cooking) are prepared quite simply. To do this, pour mineral water into the container, add granulated sugar and salt, mix until they are completely dissolved. Gradually add flour, while beating the mass with a mixer at low speed. The dough is brought to a homogeneous state and set aside for half an hour. Then they start baking pancakes in vegetable oil.

    What toppings can be put in pancakes

    Both simple pancakes are placed on the memorial table, watered with some kind of syrup or jam, and with stuffing. In this case, the filling can be different and can be used even in fasting. In pancakes put jam, cabbage, mushrooms or berries. This dish will add variety to the funeral table. There are a large number of recipes according to which you can cook delicious with different fillings.

    Pancakes with berries


    • 55 grams of yeast;
    • 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • 2 glasses of warm water;
    • 3.5 cups flour;
    • salt and soda;
    • vinegar or lemon juice;
    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
    • cherries, strawberries, currants or others.


    Those, you need to remember that the berries must first be sorted and washed, remove the seeds, if any. Yeast is mixed with granulated sugar, water is added, set aside for a while. Then they put oil, salt and flour, soda, slaked with juice or vinegar. The dough is well kneaded and put in heat. When it increases in volume, pancakes are baked from it in vegetable oil.

    Pancakes with onions and mushrooms


    • 320 grams of flour;
    • 160 grams of water;
    • 1.5 tablespoons of table yeast;
    • a few tablespoons of fat or vegetable oil;
    • half a kilogram of champignons;
    • 200 grams of onion;
    • 1 teaspoon dry basil;
    • salt and pepper.


    A dough is made from flour, yeast and water and sent to heat for several hours. Then add salt, butter and flour and knead the dough, which is set aside. Meanwhile, the mushrooms are washed and cleaned, soaked in water and boiled. They are cooled and finely chopped. Onions are also cut into rings and fried with mushrooms and basil, salt and pepper in oil. This filling is evenly distributed throughout the pan and poured with prepared dough, fried like ordinary pancakes.

    Pancakes for the wake with mushroom caviar


    • 420 grams of champignons;
    • 1-2 carrots;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • salt and spices, vegetable oil.


    The dough is not prepared in the way known to us, which is indicated above. Start preparing the filling. To do this, the mushrooms are washed and boiled in water with salt. Carrots are rubbed on a grater and fried for several minutes in oil. Tomatoes, mushrooms and carrots are passed through a meat grinder, salt and spices are added and mixed well. Ready-made pancakes are smeared with filling and wrapped in a convenient way.

    apple filling for pancakes


    • 8 sour apples;
    • 2.5 tablespoons of table sugar;
    • 4 tablespoons of pure water;
    • cinnamon.


    We already know how the dough for pancakes is prepared. Now you need to prepare the apple filling. Cut the apples, take out the core and remove the peel. They are finely chopped, granulated sugar and water, cinnamon are added, and stewed in a pan for several minutes.

    Pancakes for non-fast days


    • 300 grams of buckwheat flour;
    • 100 grams of wheat flour;
    • 25 grams of yeast;
    • 2-3 eggs;
    • incomplete glass of low-fat sour cream;
    • milk, salt, fat.


    Yeast and sugar are dissolved in warmed milk, set aside for a while. Then flour, salt and eggs, sour cream are added to them, mixed well and melted fat is added. The dough is kneaded and set aside in heat for four hours, stirring it occasionally. After a while, pancakes are baked from the dough in butter or melted lard. They are served with herring, sour cream or caviar.

    Pancakes for the wake


    • 360 grams of flour;
    • 1 egg;
    • 570 grams of water or milk;
    • 25 grams of sugar, salt.


    Beat the egg with salt and granulated sugar, add half of the milk or water, flour and beat with a whisk or mixer, gradually adding the rest of the milk and flour. The dough is filtered through a sieve to remove all lumps, and with the help of a ladle, poured into a preheated pan, greased with lard so that it spreads all over the bottom. The pancakes should be thin. They are served with jam or filled with various meat, vegetable and so on. Pour ready-made pancakes sometimes with sour cream, butter and honey.

    Stuffing for pancakes from mushrooms and buckwheat porridge


    • 100 grams of dried mushrooms;
    • 350 grams of buckwheat;
    • 3 onions;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • vegetable oil.


    Buckwheat with mushrooms is boiled. Onions are chopped and sautéed in oil. Mushrooms are chopped with a meat grinder, and onions are added. The filling is sent to the oven for ten minutes so that it bakes a little. Then crushed garlic is added and mixed well. Pancakes are filled with the finished filling, the recipe of which can be read above.

    There is a post in the yard, and we, as if it were a sin, remember pancakes, and the family asks to cook, and so we want to please them with delicious pancakes. And, it seems, well, what pancakes are without eggs and milk, however, there are lean pancakes in which these important ingredients are replaced by others, as a result they turn out to be no worse than our usual and beloved pancakes. In addition, lean pancakes have a significant advantage: they are not as heavy as regular pancakes and have a low calorie content, so they are good for both those who follow their figure and those who fast.

    So it’s quite possible to please yourself and your loved ones with pancakes during fasting, because the recipe for lean pancakes is made taking into account all the food abstinences prescribed by religious rules: no eggs, no milk, no sour cream. Dough for lean pancakes can have both unleavened and yeast base. You can cook delicious lean pancakes on ordinary water. The main ingredients of lean pancakes are flour, water, salt, sugar and vegetable oil, the presence of which indicates that pancakes can only be prepared on church-allowed days: Saturday or Sunday. As a liquid base, water, vegetable or cereal decoctions or highly carbonated mineral water can be used. By combining different types of flour, you can get different types of lean pancakes - mix rye or buckwheat flour with wheat flour, as well as oatmeal or corn. This opportunity to use different types of flour and a variety of fillings opens up endless scope for imagination.

    Lenten pancakes are good on their own, but you definitely can’t spoil them with the right tasty filling. Prepare lean pancakes with a variety of sweet fillings, using jams, syrups, honey or jam, dried fruits steamed and ground in a blender with honey or sugar, as well as sweet pumpkin lightly stewed in a pan with sugar, apples, bananas, pears, berries , kiwi, pineapple or other fruits mashed or lightly toasted with sugar or honey, crushed nuts or coconut with honey. Lenten pancakes with unsweetened fillings will turn out to be no less tasty: mashed potatoes with fried onions or fresh herbs, buckwheat and mushrooms, stewed cabbage with herbs, mushrooms with onions, with eggplant and zucchini stew, as well as with various seasonings. Perhaps among our recipes you will find one that will be the perfect dish on your Lenten table.

    Lenten pancakes on the water

    1.5 stack. flour,
    2 stack water,
    50 ml vegetable oil,
    1 tbsp Sahara,
    ½ tsp soda,
    a little vinegar or citric acid,
    salt - to taste.

    Dissolve sugar, salt in water, add the sifted flour and citric acid and knead the dough thoroughly until smooth so that there are no lumps. Then add soda and vegetable oil. Mix everything well. Preheat the pan, grease it once before baking with vegetable oil and bake pancakes over medium heat.

    Pancakes with mineral water

    500 ml mineral water,
    1.5-2 stack. flour (it depends on the thickness of the desired dough),
    4 tsp Sahara,
    ½ tsp salt,
    2 tbsp vegetable oil.

    Mix the sifted flour with salt and sugar, add mineral water and vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Preheat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil into it so that the pancakes do not stick to the surface of the pan, and fry them on both sides until cooked.

    Pancakes on tea

    250 ml black or green tea
    6 tbsp (with a slide) wheat flour,
    1 tsp (without a slide) baking powder,
    2-3 tbsp Sahara,
    1 tbsp vegetable oil,
    a pinch of salt.

    Brew tea, cool it, pour it into a deep bowl and add vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Mix everything with a whisk. Gradually stir in the flour. If you want thick pancakes, add another 1-2 tbsp. flour. Add baking powder and beat with a whisk until there are no lumps. Preheat the pan, grease it with vegetable oil, and bake pancakes.

    Pancakes in brine

    2 stack flour,
    1 liter cucumber or tomato brine,
    2 tbsp vegetable oil,
    1 tsp soda.

    Add flour and soda to the brine and mix thoroughly until thickened. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat it up and bake pancakes on both sides until browned.

    Pancakes with apple and lemon juice

    250 g wheat flour,
    100 ml apple juice
    420 ml of water
    100 g sugar
    10 g baking powder
    1 tsp lemon juice
    vegetable oil.

    Combine flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in a separate bowl. Mix apple juice with warm water, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Pour some of this liquid into the flour, mix with a whisk, then add the rest of the liquid, continuing to stir. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat it up and start baking pancakes.

    Pancakes with soy milk

    1 stack flour,
    ½ stack soy milk,
    ½ stack water,
    50 g vegetable margarine,
    2 tbsp honey,
    1 tbsp Sahara,
    ¼ tsp salt.

    Mix flour, salt, melted margarine, sugar, honey, soy milk and water, cover the resulting mass with a film and refrigerate for 2 hours. Preheat the pan, after greasing it with vegetable oil, pour in 3 tbsp. dough, evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the pan and fry on both sides.

    Lean yeast pancakes

    1.5 stack. flour,
    300 ml of water
    3 g dry yeast (or 10 g fresh pressed),
    2 tbsp vegetable oil,
    5 tsp Sahara,
    ½ tsp salt.

    Mix flour with 4 tsp. sugar in a deep bowl. Pour in 200 ml of warm water and leave for 15 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the brew. To do this, dissolve the yeast in 100 ml of warm water and 1 tsp. sugar until foamy. Then pour the finished dough into the dough, mix and leave until bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. Then pour vegetable oil into the dough, add salt, mix and bake pancakes in a preheated pan on both sides. Thick pancakes are obtained from this dough, if you want thin pancakes, add another 100 ml of water to the dough.

    Such pancakes with spicy are very tasty. To do this, soak the washed dried mushrooms for three hours, boil until tender, cut into small pieces, fry, add chopped and lightly fried green or onion, cut into rings.
    After spreading the baked goods in a pan, fill them with dough and fry like ordinary pancakes.

    RRussian yeast pancakes (old recipe)

    2.5 stack. wheat flour
    ⅓ stack. buckwheat flour
    25 g fresh pressed yeast
    1 tbsp Sahara,
    1 tsp salt,
    vegetable oil - to taste.

    Knead a rather thick dough from buckwheat and half the norm of wheat flour, yeast and water in the evening and place it in the cold. The next day, add the remaining flour, sugar, salt and let the dough rise. 30 minutes before baking pancakes, pour so much warm water into the dough so that it has the density of sour cream, and mix. Then you can start baking pancakes.

    Lean buckwheat yeast pancakes "Grechishniki"

    4 stack buckwheat flour
    4.5 stack. water,
    25 g yeast
    salt - to taste.

    Dissolve fresh yeast in half a glass of warm water, then add another half a glass and mix until smooth. Continuing to stir, add 2 cups of flour and stir well so that there are no lumps. Cover the dough with a towel and place in a warm place. It should increase in volume by 2-3 times, then add the remaining flour, pour in the remaining water, add salt, mix thoroughly and put in a warm place again. As soon as the dough rises again, start baking pancakes. Do not mix the dough.

    Lean millet yeast pancakes

    3 stack. flour,
    1 stack millet flakes,
    5 stack water,
    1 pack dry yeast
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    1 tsp salt,
    ½ stack unrefined vegetable oil with a smell.

    Pour millet flakes with 3 cups of boiling water, put on fire and cook for 3 minutes. Cool the resulting porridge. Dilute yeast in a third of a glass of water by adding 1 tsp. Sahara. Add flour to the porridge, mix, then 1 glass of water, sugar, salt and yeast. Mix everything well, cover and leave for 1 hour for the dough to rise. Then pour 1 cup of warm water and vegetable oil into it and mix again. Before baking, grease the pan with vegetable oil and bake pancakes in the usual way.

    Rice-based pancakes stuffed with rice and raisins

    2.5 stack. wheat flour
    4 tbsp vegetable oil,
    1 stack rice,
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    ½ tsp soda,
    ½ stack raisins,
    salt - to taste.

    Boil rice in 2 liters of water under a lid until tender. Drain the broth through a sieve or colander (you will get about 1 liter of broth). Cool the resulting broth. If it turned out to be too thick, it can be diluted with boiled water to the state of liquid jelly. Total broth should be 1 liter. Add flour, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, soda to it and mix. You should get a dough of the consistency of liquid sour cream. Bake pancakes on a hot pan, greased with vegetable oil, on both sides. Let the ready-made pancakes cool down and wrap the stuffing prepared as follows in them: add raisins to the boiled washed rice, which you pre-soak for 5-10 minutes in hot water, and sugar. You can make a savory filling by adding fried mushrooms with onions to rice.

    Potato pancakes with mineral water

    ½ stack wheat flour
    3 potatoes
    1 stack mineral water,
    4-5 tbsp vegetable oil.

    Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and boil until tender. Then drain off excess water, leaving a little broth. Make mashed potatoes and cool slightly. Add sifted wheat flour to it and gradually dilute the resulting dough with mineral water so that the dough has the consistency of kefir. At the end, add vegetable oil and mix. Roast as usual. Such pancakes will be especially good for mushrooms or sauerkraut.

    Lean oatmeal pancakes

    2.5 stack. flour,
    2 stack oatmeal,
    4 stack water,
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    2 tsp starch,
    1 tsp salt,
    ½ tsp soda,
    4 tbsp vegetable oil.

    Pour oatmeal with water overnight, strain the resulting mass in the morning, you will get 900 ml of oat milk, add sugar, starch, salt, soda and flour to it, pour in 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. Beat with a whisk until smooth. Pour 1 tbsp into a heated pan. vegetable oil and bake pancakes on both sides.

    Lean semolina pancakes

    1 stack decoys,
    1.5 stack. water,
    2 carrots
    1 onion
    1 tsp salt,
    some turmeric.

    Chop the onion very finely and fry it along with the turmeric until golden brown. Add grated carrots on a medium grater and fry for a few minutes along with onions. Mix semolina with water, add fried onions and carrots, mix and bake pancakes in the usual way.

    Lean corn pancakes

    200 g cornmeal,
    1 onion
    50 g vegetable oil,
    1 tsp salt.

    Knead the corn dough, which resembles jelly in consistency, add chopped onion to it, salt, pour in vegetable oil, mix and bake corn pancakes in a greased with vegetable oil and a heated frying pan until golden brown.

    Vegetable lean pancakes

    120 g wholemeal flour,
    3 large potatoes
    1 carrot
    1 onion
    3-4 tbsp vegetable oil,
    1 celery stalk
    20 g parsley,
    20 g dill,
    spices: dried basil, ground black pepper and marjoram,
    salt - to taste.

    Grate the carrots, potatoes, celery and onion on a coarse grater. Add flour, spices, herbs and vegetable oil. Stir and let stand for a few minutes. Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan and fry the pancakes over medium heat. Fold the finished pancakes into a saucepan, cover with a lid and let stand for a while, 5-10 minutes, they will become even tastier. Sprinkle pancakes with lightly toasted sesame seeds before serving.

    Lenten pancakes are a wonderful opportunity not only to please loved ones, but also to diversify the lean diet with tasty and healthy dishes.

    Bon appetit!

    Larisa Shuftaykina

    To make it easier for the laity to observe Great Lent, it is worth preparing lean pancakes with mineral water: the recipe proposed here will allow you to easily master this simple culinary science. As a result, amazingly delicious pastries will appear on your table: thin, ruddy, appetizing, lacy, with holes. A unique option for creating baked goods in a pan is based on the use of a minimum amount of products, but this should not be feared at all. The result is a surprisingly appetizing delicacy that will appeal not only to those who fast, but also to vegetarians or adherents of proper dietary nutrition.

    Cooking time - 20 minutes.

    The number of servings is 20.


    A simple recipe for lean pancakes with mineral water does not involve the use of any complex and rare ingredients. On the contrary, the composition of baking includes the simplest and most affordable products. Here is a complete list that strikes with its minimalism:

    • mineral water - 500 ml;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil - 75 ml;
    • flour - 250 g;
    • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

    How to make thin lean pancakes on a mineral water

    If you decide to make lean pancakes on mineral water according to the recipe presented here, then you have nothing to worry about. You will certainly get excellent pastries in a pan: thin and tender, openwork and porous. The main thing is to follow all the steps step by step and take note of the recommendations given.

    1. First of all, you need to prepare a large and deep bowl. Sift wheat flour into it.

    1. Dry powder will need to be diluted with sugar. Then salt should be added to the resulting mixture.

    1. Now you need to add a little mineral water to the flour composition and lightly beat the mass with a mixer.

    1. Acting in this way, you just need to knead the dough. That is, it will be necessary to pour mineral water into the mixture in small portions in a thin stream. In this case, the operation of the mixer should not stop. But do not work at high speeds. Let the dough beat on medium speed.

    1. Next, you need to pour a little vegetable oil into the resulting composition on thin lean pancakes on mineral water according to a simple recipe, after which the mixture will need to be beaten with a mixer just a little more times.

    1. This is how our dough turns out without kefir, milk or whey and eggs.

    1. Now you can start frying. To do this, take a good frying pan with a ceramic or non-stick coating. It must be properly heated on fire. Then the surface of the container is slightly smeared with vegetable oil. On a hot surface with a ladle, you will need to pour the dough and distribute it in a uniform and thin layer. Pancakes need to be fried until browned.

    1. Then the pastries should be gently pry with a spatula and turn over. On the reverse side, you need to fry it quite a bit. As soon as a golden hue appears, the pancakes must be removed from the pan.

    Following this simple principle, you will need to fry all the pancakes. Lubricate the pan before each instance is not required, since vegetable oil has already been added to the dough. But here much depends on the incandescent capacity and its quality. So look at the situation: if the pastry burns or turns over badly, then you will have to grease the pan as needed.

    Variants of lean filling for pancakes

    Making lean pancakes on mineral water according to this recipe, as you can understand, is not difficult at all. Moreover, for such baking, you can make a variety of mouth-watering and satisfying fillings:

    1. With mushrooms and buckwheat. This option is very satisfying and nutritious. Mushrooms can be used any: mushrooms, white mushrooms, champignons, etc.
    1. With mixed vegetables and potatoes. For such a filling, you need to boil potatoes and make mashed potatoes, onions and carrots - cut and fry. Everything is mixed - and the filling is ready.
    1. With cabbage and eggplant. Eggplant must be baked and passed through a meat grinder. Onions should be fried, and cabbage should be stewed. This mixture makes a great addition to pancakes.

    On a note! An excellent filling is obtained only from stewed cabbage.

    1. With apples and cinnamon. This option will be very popular with the sweet tooth in the post.

    These are just a few of the possible options, which are quite easy to prepare. But you can always experiment and find a new unique combination!
