
Quick yeast pancakes with dry yeast. Airy and openwork yeast pancakes, dry yeast

Pancakes are called and cooked differently in different countries. In France they are thin crepes, in America they are thick ones, in India they are crispy rice dosa, and in Holland they are buckwheat pannecockens. But thick yeast pancakes are a primordially Russian dish. These pancakes cook a little longer than regular, thin pancakes, but it's worth it!

Quick Yeast Pancake Recipe

These pancakes are quite dense and are ideal for fillings, both salty and sweet.


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour - 360 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • milk - 570 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • refined oil - 55 ml.


Milk should be heated to 35-40 degrees, add sugar, salt and beat in an egg. Yeast is not very readily soluble in milk, so we dissolve it in a small amount of warm water, pour it into milk. Mix everything thoroughly and slowly begin to add flour, stirring with a whisk. Melt the butter, let it cool to room temperature. Knead the dough to the consistency of sour cream, the main thing is to break all the lumps, pour the oil into it and cover with a towel, lid or film. The dough should rise in a warm place so that its volume has doubled. Stir it with a whisk so that it settles. We put a pancake pan on the stove, it will be easiest to bake pancakes in it, because. it is lightweight and often Teflon or ceramic coated. But the usual traditional cast iron is also suitable, just before each pancake it will have to be lubricated with oil. With the help of a cooking brush, grease the surface of the pan with refined oil. If you have a well-coated pan, you don't need to grease every time. Pour the dough into the center of the pan and spread it over the entire surface in a circular motion.

The first pancake will be trial. you need to decide how much dough to pour out so that it completely covers the entire surface of the pan and at the same time the pancake is not very thick, otherwise it will not bake. As soon as the surface is no longer liquid, the pancake can be turned over. The fried side can be immediately oiled, or you can do it when the pancake is already on the plate. By the way, the filling can be put directly in the pan, as soon as the pancake is turned over.

Pancakes do not turn out lush, airy and porous. Therefore, they perfectly absorb oil or sour cream. For these thick pancakes, it is better to take a frying pan with a thick bottom so that they have time to bake and do not burn.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • yeast - 30 g
  • flour - 1 kg;
  • refined oil - 50 ml;
  • butter - 100 g.


Soak yeast in 1/2 cup warm water for 5 minutes. Pour salt and sugar into warm milk, beat in eggs, stir, pour yeast. Mix everything well and, adding flour, knead further, trying not to form lumps. Knead until the dough becomes smooth and viscous, the density is like pancakes. We clean in heat, covering with a lid or film for 40-60 minutes. After this time, we beat the dough by pouring hot water into it, about a glass. Mix vigorously, it should be fluid and viscous. Lubricate a very hot frying pan with refined oil or a piece of bacon and immediately fill it with plenty of dough so that it covers the bottom of the frying pan with an even layer. The fire should be small so that the dough has time to bake. If the product is torn, then there is not enough flour and it is worth adding it. Fry on both sides and already prepared pancake liberally grease with butter.

There is an opinion that it is possible to learn how to cook delicious and beautiful thin pancakes only with age, when experience comes, the hand “fills”. And if this is a recipe for yeast pancakes, then definitely not every housewife will take it, because for many, working with yeast seems to be something magical. In fact, the secret of classic yeast pancakes is in the simple observance of a few rules.

Yeast dough for pancakes is kneaded in water or milk, today we will make it in milk. Yeast pancakes with milk are fatter and more nutritious than their lean "brothers", but also tastier! As for calories, no one bothers you to take low-fat milk, although I prefer whole milk at least 4%.

You should immediately expect that it will not be possible to bake yeast pancakes in haste, it will take enough time: 15-20 minutes for kneading the dough, at least 1 hour for proofing the dough and 30 minutes for baking pancakes.

In the preparation of the ingredients, at first, amateur performance is also not necessary - only fresh products are taken and only in the indicated quantity.

Separately about yeast. You can use dry, granular and regular pressed yeast, as long as they are of good quality.


  • milk with a fat content of more than 3% 500 ml
  • medium-sized eggs 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt 1 tsp
  • dry yeast (7-8 gr.) 2 tsp.
  • or fresh pressed yeast 20 gr.
  • premium wheat flour 300 g
  • butter 30 g
  • vegetable oil
    for greasing the pan 0.5 tbsp. l.

From this amount of products, 20-22 pancakes are obtained, baked in a pan 20-24 cm in diameter.

How to cook yeast pancakes with milk

  1. In order for the yeast to start “working” quickly, you need to let it disperse in warm milk with sugar. Warm a glass of milk a little to a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, add sugar and yeast to it, mix well and leave for about 10-15 minutes. During this time, a foam of their yeast forms on the surface of the milk.

  2. Important! When preparing the dough, you should not allow the yeast to come into contact with food or dishes heated by more than 38-40 degrees, then the yeast will simply stop working and no perforated air pancakes will work.

  3. While the yeast diverges, you can have time to melt the butter (so that it also has time to cool)

  4. and beat eggs with a whisk or fork.

  5. Now you can start kneading the dough. Pour milk with yeast into a sufficiently large cup, add the remaining milk, add butter, salt and eggs, whisk everything a little with a whisk.

  6. Sift flour into the resulting mass from above and mix thoroughly with a whisk, the task is to ensure that there are no lumps left in the dough.

  7. Now the dough should rise, and twice. To do this, he definitely needs a warm place without drafts. In real realities, not everyone has a warm corner at the oven, so you can consider such a simple way: pour warm water into a large-diameter dish (remember the temperature!), put a cup of dough in it and cover the top with cling film. Keep the water warm from time to time.

  8. After about half an hour, the dough will increase in volume and begin to bubble. Remove the film, mix well all the dough and leave again under the film to approach in a warm cup. The second stage will take again approximately 30-40 minutes. The finished dough for yeast pancakes looks like this. And you don't need to stir it any more!

  9. Lubricate the frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil, for example, using a silicone brush and heat very well over medium heat.

  10. Everything is ready to start baking pancakes. To pour the dough into the pan, almost everyone uses an ordinary ladle (ladle), and for good reason, it’s hard to come up with a more convenient tool. Grab a little dough from above with a ladle and pour it onto a hot frying pan, quickly distributing the dough over it, tilting the frying pan in different directions. If the right amount of dough is poured into the pan (usually this is found out on the second or third pancake), then the pancake in the pan will immediately have a huge number of holes.

  11. While cooking pancakes, you should not move away from the stove, they are fried quickly. It is convenient to turn the pancake from one side to the other in a pan with a spatula.

  12. Put the pancake fried on both sides on a plate and, if desired, grease the top with butter. When baking subsequent pancakes, grease the pan with oil if necessary, if they suddenly start to stick to the pan.

Openwork yeast pancakes cannot but cause an appetite! You can serve them with sour cream, jam, honey, condensed milk. And on the festive table, yeast pancakes will be appropriate if they are served, for example, with red fish or black or red caviar.

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Pour the right amount of milk and purified water into a deep saucepan or stewpan. We put this dish on medium heat and heat these ingredients to 36-38 degrees Celsius, so that they are just warm and you can safely put your fingers in them without fear of getting burned! Then pour the liquid into a deep bowl, add dry granular yeast, salt, sugar and a couple of chicken eggs there. Beat everything with a whisk until light fluffiness. As soon as the mixture acquires a homogeneous structure, we begin to sift wheat flour into it through a sieve with a fine mesh, while kneading the dough of medium density, like for pancakes.

After that, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to it, shake everything again, cover the bowl with all the contents with a kitchen towel or a lid from the pan and put in a warm place on 30–40 minutes. After this time, we send a couple more tablespoons of vegetable oil to the finished semi-finished flour product, beat everything again until smooth and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: fry pancakes with yeast fast.

We fold a piece of a sterile bandage in 2-3 layers, moisten it in vegetable oil, once grease the bottom of the pan and put it on medium heat. Let this cookware heat up. After that, we raise it at an angle of 25–30 degrees and pour about half a ladle of dough onto a hot surface. With a circular motion of the hand, we make the flour semi-finished product spread in an even layer with a thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters in the form of a circle. Fry the pancake on one side until golden brown. 30–40 seconds or until its edge is browned, and the middle does not acquire a denser structure.

Then, using a wide kitchen spatula, turn the resulting product on the other side and cook for another half a minute or until golden brown. Then we hook the pancake, move it to a large flat dish and cook the rest in the same way until all the dough is over, but we no longer grease the pan, there is enough fat in the semi-finished flour product! After cooking, if desired, we process each round with a thin layer of butter and go on tasting!

Step 3: serve pancakes with yeast quick.

Quick yeast pancakes are served hot, and preferably warm. From the above amount of products, about 13-14 pieces with a diameter of 22 centimeters come out. The serving of this delicious dish depends only on your taste and desire, you can fill each pancake with sugar cottage cheese, condensed milk, fruits, berries, honey, jam or other sweets, and you will get a wonderful dessert. Also, a good filling would be boiled rice mixed with meat, stewed minced meat, fried mushrooms with vegetables, eggs with herbs, but in this case, a full-fledged snack or second course for breakfast, lunch or dinner will come out. Cook with pleasure and enjoy delicious homemade food!
Bon appetit!

If you want to cook this dish with fresh yeast, then you will first need to make a dough, then knead the dough and leave it in a warm place for quite a long time, in which case the pancakes will no longer be fast, but they will also turn out to be very tasty;

Depending on the choice of filling, some spices can be put in the dough, if the filler is sweet, cinnamon, vanilla sugar will do, and if spicy, then dried herbs, such as dill, ground bay leaf, rosemary and others;

Very often, instead of vegetable oil, melted butter is used, and instead of one type of flour, two are taken: plain white and rye in a ratio of 1: 1;

Some housewives lubricate the pan not with vegetable oil, but with a piece of raw bacon, its fat is not so liquid and is better applied in a thin layer on the surface of hot dishes;

Does the dough break during frying? Do not rush to add flour, beat another chicken egg into it and try to cook another pancake. Nothing has changed? In this case, of course, flour will still help.

Pancakes with yeast were traditionally baked on Maslenitsa by the Slavic peoples.

Or as they were also called for porosity and splendor -. Today, such pancakes with many pores and a visible openwork grid on the surface are also called “tulle”, “openwork”. Yeast pancakes are a traditional Russian type of pancakes for ritual holidays, for Christmas and New Year, for Epiphany and Easter.

Similar ones with yeast in their composition had a different set of ingredients. We will tell the readers of "Povarenka" how to cook the classic in several ways. Although, we repeat, there are dozens of recipes for pancakes with yeast.

Royal wheat yeast pancakes

To prepare such yeast pancakes, truly royal, you will need:

six glasses of flour
three glasses of milk
50 grams of live yeast
six eggs
a pack of butter
three hundred grams of whipped heavy cream
salt and sugar to taste

All milk must be warmed up (slightly), add yeast and half of the sifted flour to it. Cover with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place. When the dough comes up, you should add to it the yolks of the eggs, which were previously ground with soft butter. Now add the remaining flour, salt, sugar. Let the dough rise in a warm place.

After forty minutes, if the dough has risen, add whipped whites with cream to it. Just do this carefully, stirring the dough from the bottom up with a wooden bowl. We heat the pan, grease it with a piece of bacon planted on a fork, pour a portion of the dough onto it and fry our yeast pancakes on both sides.

Pancakes yeast "tulle"

These openwork pancakes with yeast can be prepared for Shrovetide week. We will cook them from buckwheat flour mixed with wheat. We will need:

Two glasses of wheat flour
one glass of buckwheat flour
30 grams of live yeast
a little more than half a liter of milk
three eggs
two tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil
salt and sugar to taste

Pancakes with yeast in this way are made like this. Dilute the yeast with half of all milk (warmed up), add wheat flour to them, let the dough come up. When it rises and clears up, add buckwheat flour, yolks, spices, oil to it. Let's go again. Add the remaining warm milk in a stream, add the egg whites whipped into foam with a spoon, gently mixing into the dough. Thin yeast pancakes are baked from the resulting dough.

They need to be stacked on a flat dish, served with sour cream or melted butter. It is possible with other fillings, the recipes of which you will find in the Maslenitsa section "Cook".

Few people know, but real, correct Russian pancakes are yeast pancakes. And all the other options, although more in demand, are only simplified variations of them. It is also customary to brew traditional pancakes before baking, but I have not yet mastered this technique. Therefore, I offer the simplest, classic recipe for pancakes with yeast and milk. I won’t argue, there will be more fuss with baking such pancakes, but it’s definitely worth it, because you won’t succeed with such soft, fluffy and at the same time very perforated pancakes!


  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • milk (I had 3.2% fat) - 2 tbsp.,
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.,
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • dry yeast - 0.5 sachet,
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l. + a little for greasing the pan when frying.

How to cook yeast pancakes with milk

This pancake dough, like most yeast dough options, starts with the preparation of dough. To do this, pour the milk into a bowl, if it is cold, warm it up a little in the microwave or on the stove, and immediately pour in the yeast and sugar.

Shake the mixture with a whisk so that all the lumps are well dispersed, and pour a glass of flour into a bowl. Be sure to sift the flour.

Knead the dough again with a whisk and leave to rise, setting the bowl somewhere where it is very warm. I usually put it next to the batteries, but not quite close, otherwise the dough can be welded to the sides of the bowl from the strong heat.

After 30-40 min. The dough should have doubled in size by now.

In a separate bowl, mix the eggs with the butter and beat them with a fork or whisk, then add to the risen dough.

Knead the dough thoroughly so that it becomes as homogeneous and viscous as possible. That is, when you scoop the dough with a ladle, it should drain like a regular thick pancake dough. There should not be any lumps in it. If at the exit you want to get very thin, openwork pancakes, the remaining 0.5 tbsp. no need to add flour!

Set the bowl of dough aside, turn on the stove and heat the pan well. As soon as it gets hot enough, grease it with oil or a piece of bacon and bake pancakes in the usual way. Yeast pancake dough has a couple of features. Firstly, the pan must be lubricated, otherwise the pancakes will stick, no matter how much oil there is in the dough. Secondly, it takes 1.5-2 times more dough to bake one pancake, because it is thick and hard to spread in the pan.

We stack the finished pancakes in a pile and serve as soon as we have finished baking. Such yeast pancakes are especially good with honey and hot tea.
