
Funeral meal in fasting 40 days recipes. memorial meal

Commemoration is one of the most ancient customs of our people. The first commemoration began to be celebrated by the ancient Slavs. Then they were called trizna. They were celebrated mainly by leaders and respected warriors. The feast included a feast and military competitions held in honor of the deceased or dead husband. With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the meaning of the commemoration changed - more attention began to be paid to the soul of the deceased, who was in a "suspended" state during this period.

Photo 40 days after death

Wake to your liking

Wake of 9 days is very important. In most world religions, on this day the soul leaves the habitat of its body and goes on a “journey” through the subtle worlds. For "nine" days, relatives and closest friends of the deceased gather in the house of the deceased. They say only good things about him and conditionally "release" his soul.

Fortieth photo

Obligatory kutia, pancakes and kissel are served on the table, as well as dishes typical for the area in which the deceased lived.

Forties is a critical period for the soul. It is on this day that it is determined where she will go - to Heaven or Hell. Therefore, relatives gather for a wake 40 days after death in order to support the soul of the deceased. The more good things will be said about the deceased, the higher his chances of finding shelter among the bright angels and finding eternal peace.

At the commemoration of 40 days, only relatives are going to. Friends of the deceased, pleasant colleagues, colleagues, students and mentors are waiting in the house. According to a tradition preserved from pagan times, a 40-day commemoration is accompanied by a feast.

Photo commemoration 40 days

The principle of selecting dishes for the menu for the wake of 40 days is as follows:

  • Mandatory dishes: wheat or rice kutya, pancakes without filling, served with honey and jelly. Each of these dishes has been accompanying feasts for many centuries. Each of them has a sacred meaning, helping those present to appreciate the frailty of being.
  • Traditionally, pies are baked for 40 days after death. With rice and mushrooms, offal with onions and meat, with berries and cottage cheese.
  • Meat dishes, if the forties did not fall on the post.
  • Fish dishes, which are more loyally considered by church cookery.
  • Soups, broths - especially in the cold season.
  • Pickled vegetables and salads, most of which have Lenten interpretations, are therefore considered universal dishes at any memorial event.
  • Many housewives prepare the favorite dish of the deceased. For example, aspic or chicken fricassee.
  • Sweet cheesecakes, cakes, pies, cookies, sweets. It is these products that will be distributed to people who have gathered for the forties, or taken to the nearest shelter.
  • At the table for 40 days after death, poems, speeches are pronounced. But, they should be as less pretentious as possible and as sincere as possible.

    Year after death

    The year after death is the final event in commemoration of the deceased. It is attended mainly by relatives and closest friends. The commemoration menu for the anniversary of death is similar to what is served for 9 and 40 days.

    Photo from the commemoration a year after death

    During the celebration of the commemoration for a year after death, people remember the good things that the deceased possessed, list his achievements and successes. A commemoration a year after death is accompanied by a prayer for the dead and a joint trip to the cemetery of the next of kin of the deceased.

    A commemoration for half a year is celebrated very rarely, because this period has no sacred meaning. But, with a special desire or circumstances - a trip abroad, an upcoming wedding, christening, some relatives may celebrate a wake six months after death.
    Nine days, forty days, commemoration 1 year - milestone events for the soul of the deceased and his relatives in perpetuating his memory. That is why it is customary to celebrate them with a memorial prayer, a feast and good deeds performed in the name of the memory of the deceased.

    Wake is an ancient custom that serves as a kind of farewell to the soul of a loved one. The fortieth day after death is considered very important for the soul, since at this time it is determined exactly where the soul will go to heaven or hell. Relatives and close people gather at the table to support the soul of the deceased. Many people are interested in what to cook for 40 days and carefully develop the menu for the commemoration. It is important not only to set the table, call relatives, but also to say a lot of good things about the deceased, because this way you can increase the chance of the soul getting into.

    What is prepared for the commemoration of 40 days?

    Remember that this is not a holiday and you do not need to cook any delicacies, everything should be as simple and home-style as possible. What you need to prepare for the commemoration of 40 days:

    1. Traditionally, it is customary to bake pies on this day. As for the filling, rice with mushrooms, liver with onions, berries, cottage cheese or meat are most often chosen for it.
    2. If the commemoration does not take place during fasting, then meat dishes can be served on the table, these can be meatballs, goulash for a side dish, etc.
    3. The church is more loyal to fish dishes, so you can serve fish soup or just fry steaks.
    4. Understanding what dishes are prepared for the commemoration of 40 days, it is worth mentioning the obligatory treat - kutya. It is best to cook it from wheat or rice groats. Be sure to put on the table and pancakes without filling with honey. It is believed that these dishes have an important sacred meaning.
    5. For first courses, you can choose completely different recipes, it can be traditional noodles, borscht or simple chicken broth.
    6. It is customary to serve vegetable salads or pickled vegetables as appetizers. It is worth giving preference to simple recipes, for example, combine chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and onions, and season everything better with vegetable oil.
    7. As for sweet dishes, it is better to give preference to shortcakes, pies, cookies and sweets. Treats should be distributed to guests and taken to the shelter.

    Many also prepare the favorite dish of the deceased, setting it apart from the common table.

    When close and dear people leave life, grief and sorrow settle in the souls of their relatives. Many people believe that the human spirit is immortal, after losing the physical body, it makes an unknown path to eternal life. But not everyone knows what happens to the soul on the 40th day after the funeral, how to behave correctly at this significant moment for her, and what words should be said. Holy Scripture says that this time is the end of the heavenly path of the deceased, and loved ones should help him get to heaven and find peace.

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      Where is the soul on the 40th day after death

      After a long journey on the 40th day, the soul of the deceased enters God's judgment. In the role of her lawyer is the guardian angel who accompanied the person during his lifetime. He talks about the good deeds that the deceased managed to do, and tries to mitigate the sentence.

      At forty, the soul is allowed to descend to earth, visit native and dear places, say goodbye to the living forever. The relatives of the deceased feel his presence next to them on this day. Returning to heaven, the soul is obliged to accept the judgment rendered by the court for its deeds committed during life. They can sentence her to eternal wandering in the dark abyss or life in eternal light.

      If relatives pray on this day, then for the deceased this is the best proof of their love and care for him. In monasteries and churches where daily services are held, magpie is ordered - this is a daily mention of the name of the deceased for all 40 days. The words of prayers act on the spirit like a sip of water on a hot day.

      How to hold a memorial

      On the 40th day, relatives and friends of the deceased go to church. All people who come to pray must be baptized, like the deceased himself. In addition to going to the temple, it is necessary to follow the order of the commemoration:

      1. 1. Take food with you to church that you need to put on the memorial table. Sweets, sugar, flour, cookies, various fruits, cereals, vegetable oils and red wine are best suited. It is forbidden to bring meat, sausage, fish and other similar products to the temple.
      2. 2. Entering the church shop, you need to write a note "On the repose", which indicates the name of the deceased. You need to order a prayer service in the church on the same day. Under the name of a recently deceased person, all relatives who have ever departed are registered.
      3. 3. Be sure to put a candle for the repose and offer a prayer for the soul of the deceased.
      4. 4. If at this time there is a service in the temple, it must be defended to the very end, while reading a prayer. The first to leave the church is the priest, and then the rest of the parishioners.
      5. 5. On the 40th day they go to the cemetery, lay flowers and light lamps on the grave. Each bouquet brought must contain an even number of flowers. They can be both living and artificial.

      The state of mind of loved ones and himself depends on the number of prayers uttered on this day and kind words about the deceased. That is why it is important to gather relatives and friends of a departed relative at a common memorial table on the 40th day.

      What do they do on this day

      It is believed that the soul of the deceased comes to the house where he lived, and stays there for a day, after which he leaves forever. In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that if you do not carry it out, then it will suffer and will not be able to find peace for itself. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to this day and do everything according to the rules.

      No matter how many conflicting opinions there are about how to celebrate this day, there are still certain rules that should be followed:

      1. 1. Pray for the deceased. This will help alleviate the fate of the soul of the deceased. It will also act as a kind of request to the Higher Powers, so that they show their mercy and mitigate the punishment.
      2. 2. To refuse from bad habits. For the sake of saving the soul, it is necessary to give up various addictions, at least for a while. It is necessary to exclude alcohol, smoking and foul language.
      3. 3. Sincerely believe in God. Those gathered at the table should be believers, since those who do not believe in the existence of the Lord will not be able to help the soul and mitigate its fate.
      4. 4. To behave modestly and befitting a mournful event. The funeral dinner should not be taken as an opportunity to meet with friends and relatives. It is forbidden to sing, drink alcohol, have fun.
      5. 5. Dress in dark colors. Also, for all 40 days you need to look strictly and wear a mourning outfit. It will help to refrain from worldly fuss and tantrums.

      What is cooked for a funeral dinner

      Preparing the right dinner is just as important as going to church and saying prayers. At the table, they commemorate the deceased with good owls, thereby helping to rest his soul. Food is not the main component at the wake, so you should refrain from culinary delights. To properly set the funeral table, you need to know a few simple but important rules:

      1. 1. There must be kutia on the memorial table. Traditionally, the dish is made from rice or millet. It symbolizes the frailty of the world and carries a sacred meaning. It is allowed to replace it with pancakes without filling.
      2. 2. It is best to drink food with jelly, bread kvass, berry fruit drinks, lemonade or sbiten.
      3. 3. It is recommended to bake special funeral pies with various fillings.
      4. 4. If relatives decide to cook meat dishes, then they should be simple. They make cabbage rolls, meatballs, goulash. You can also put fish on the table. It must be remembered that on fasting days it is allowed to cook only lenten dishes.
      5. 5. Salads are made entirely from lean ingredients. You can fill them only with simple fillings; you should not use mayonnaise and various fatty sauces.
      6. 6. Be sure to put the deceased's favorite food on the table.
      7. 7. Simple cheesecakes, cookies and sweets can be suitable as desserts.

      Who to invite to the wake

      On the 40th day after death, relatives, friends and acquaintances gather at the memorial table in the house of the deceased. They see off the soul of the deceased and honor his memory with kind words, remembering all the bright and most significant moments of his worldly life.

      It is necessary to invite to the commemoration not only close people, but also his colleagues, students, mentors. It doesn’t matter who exactly comes to dinner, it is important that the person treats the deceased with respect.

      How and what they say for 40 days

      At the table, it is customary to remember not only the recently departed person, but also all relatives who have died. The deceased should be addressed as if he were at dinner. Speech should only be done while standing. Christians should honor the memory of a person with a moment of silence.

      Before the commemoration or immediately after them, you need to turn to the Lord. You can speak in your own words or read a prayer to St. Huar. This will be the request of loved ones that the Almighty grant the soul of the deceased freedom from eternal torment.

      In order for the wake to go well, you can appoint a leader. It can be a friend or closest relative. It is important that a person knows how to keep his emotions to himself and was able to prevent disorder at the table. It is necessary that all those present give a memorial speech.

      The facilitator should have prepared phrases that will help defuse the situation if someone's words cause strong emotions among the audience. Also, these phrases can make up for a pause that may occur due to the tears of the speaker.

      The leader also has other responsibilities:

      • see to it that the words are said by all who wish;
      • keep others from gossip and prevent quarrels;
      • to interrupt the commemoration at the moment when those gathered stop talking about the deceased and begin to discuss everyday problems.

      At the memorial table it is impossible to report illnesses of other relatives, to discuss the inheritance, the personal life of those present. Wake is a gift for the soul of the deceased, which helps to pass the test and find peace.

      Alms and alms

      According to the Orthodox faith, on the fortieth day after the Assumption, it is customary to sort out the things of the departed and take them to the church. They can also be distributed to needy people who live nearby. Be sure to ask those who accept alms to pray for the soul of the deceased, asking the Lord to give him eternal light.

      This ritual is considered a good deed that helps a deceased person and counts in his favor in court. Relatives can keep some things that are especially dear and memorable. It is impossible to take out the property of the deceased in the trash.

      The Church advises giving alms in the form of treats to people. They will remember the deceased with a kind word and pray for him. It is allowed to give beggars and children various pastries, sweets, fruits.

      Is it possible to celebrate the wake earlier

      The soul begins to wander between the worlds on the day of death. Her ordeal ends on the fortieth day, when God's judgment is passed on her future fate. This is the most important day when it is necessary to pray and remember the positive moments from the life of the deceased.

      They commemorate the deceased for all 40 days, therefore, a commemoration for the forties can be collected ahead of time. If it is not possible to invite relatives on this day, then relatives must go to church and order a memorial prayer for the deceased.

      The meal itself does not play any role in the future fate of the soul. What is important is not the abundance of dishes on the table, but attention, the memories of loving people and prayers. It is forbidden to transfer the commemoration to the cemetery or memorial service.

      What to do if 40 days falls on Lent

      Great Lent is the main and most strict of all Christian fasts. It is allowed to commemorate deceased relatives during his period only on special days. These are the second, third and fourth Parental Saturdays. If the commemoration fell on a normal day of Lent, then they should be moved to the next Saturday or Sunday.

      It is also allowed to commemorate the dead on the Annunciation, Thursday and Saturday in Holy Week. At this time, you can submit a note "On the repose" and order a liturgy. It is best to find out about the possibility of holding a memorial dinner on a particular day in the church.

      If the 40th day of death falls on the strictest weeks of Great Lent, then only the closest relatives are allowed to be invited to dinner. Do not forget about prayers for the repose and do good deeds for the repose of the soul of the deceased, and also give alms as on ordinary days.

      It is not forbidden to gather at the memorial table for the family of a deceased person. But it is worth remembering that according to the rules of Great Lent, you can eat fish only on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. Flavoring food with vegetable oils is possible only on weekends and on the days of memory of saints.

      If there are people among those invited who strictly observe the rules of Great Lent, then special treats should be prepared for them. The task of the dinner is to strengthen the strength of people to pray.

      According to tradition, pickles, sauerkraut, peas, potatoes, various cereals on the water, raisins, nuts should be on the lenten table. You can treat those present with bagels, bagels and other lean pastries.

      Who should not be remembered

      There are people for whom the church does not hold memorial services and forbids them to be commemorated. If a person decides to neglect God's gift and commit suicide, then it is impossible to collect a commemoration for him. You can pray for such dead and give alms. Also, people who left this world while in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication are not buried.

      For dead babies, it is best not to arrange a commemoration. It is worth going to church and pray for his soul. It is generally accepted that this is how the Lord tries to protect the newborn from a difficult fate in the future. The parents of the deceased child can only accept his will and tirelessly pray for their baby.

      Signs and traditions

      Even in Ancient Rus', there were rituals and traditions that they tried to adhere to for 40 days after the death of a relative. Some of them have survived to this day. The most famous of them:

      • forty days after the death of a person, it is forbidden to cut hair and wash clothes;
      • the table for a funeral dinner is set, excluding sharp appliances, and the spoons are placed on a napkin with the back side up;
      • it is impossible to sweep away the crumbs from the memorial table and throw them away, they are collected and taken to the grave of the deceased, so that he knows that he is being commemorated;
      • It is not forbidden to bring guests their own food to the wake;
      • you need to close windows and doors at night, you can’t cry at this time, since the tears of relatives can attract the spirit of the dead and prevent him from leaving for another world.

      Also, many superstitions have come down to our times, which are observed up to 40 days after the death of a person. So, at this time you can not turn on the light in the apartment and clean it, you can burn candles or light a dim night light. It is also impossible to go to bed in the place of the deceased. All reflective surfaces in the house of the deceased must be covered with a dense cloth, otherwise the soul may be reflected in them and take a living person with it.

    If the memorial day of 9 or 40 days falls in fasting, then a fasting memorial dinner should be prepared. What is included in it, what dishes may be present on the memorial table - read below. Read the general rules for holding a commemoration.

    If the commemoration of 9 or 40 days fell during Great Lent, then on weekdays the commemoration is not performed, but is transferred to the next (forward) Saturday or Sunday, the so-called “counter commemoration”. This is done because only on these days (on weekends in Lent) are the Divine Liturgies of John Chrysostom and Basil the Great celebrated, panikhidas are performed. If the memorial days fell on the 1st, 4th and 7th weeks of Great Lent (the most severe weeks), then only the closest relatives are invited to the memorial dinner.

    Kutya recipe for a wake

    The traditional dish of the memorial table among the Slavs has long been considered. The simplest and most unpretentious dish: wheat grains are soaked overnight, then boiled until soft, steamed raisins and poppy seeds, honey are added. You can replace wheat with rice, but this tradition appeared much later.

    Lenten pancakes for the wake

    Pancakes should also be on the table. In a fasting week, they are cooked without eggs and milk, but this does not affect their taste in any way. To prepare lean pancakes, mix flour, salt, sugar and dry yeast, dilute with warm water, add vegetable oil and leave for a while in a warm place so that pancakes can rise.

    Uzvar or compote for Lenten commemoration

    Uzvar (vzvar) is a traditional dried fruit compote with honey. You can serve its modern counterpart: compote of frozen berries or dried apricots. However, you should not replace this dish with soda and any sweet water from a bottle, juice. Compote has traditionally been present at the memorial table among the Slavs since ancient times.

    Traditionally, pies should be present on the memorial table. They are also handed out to guests after the meal is over.

    Recipe for lean cakes for the wake:

    The dough for lean pies is made according to the recipe below. As a filling, you can use mushrooms, onions, green onions, sorrel.

    For the dough, dilute the yeast in 1.5 cups of warm water, add 200 g of flour, stir and put in a warm place to stand for a couple of hours. Then mix 100 g of vegetable oil with 100 g of sugar, pour into the dough, add 250 g of flour, leave for another hour.

    Shape the dough into balls and let them rise. Then roll the balls into cakes, put the mushroom mass in the middle of each, make pies, let them rise for half an hour on a greased baking sheet, then carefully grease the surface of the pies with sweet water and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes over medium heat.

    Cover the finished pies with a towel to cool. Remove from pan when they are completely cool.

    The first dishes of the memorial dinner in Lent

    First, cook any soup, cabbage soup or borscht, but not with meat broth, but with beans, beans, lentils. You can make mushroom soup. If you serve it with croutons, it will turn out no less satisfying and tasty than the usual meat first.

    The second dishes of the memorial dinner in Lent

    For the second at the lenten funeral table, dishes with mushrooms are suitable. For example, boiled potatoes in mushroom sauce, stewed potatoes with mushrooms, noodles with mushrooms. You can cook rice with vegetables (prepared like pilaf, but without meat). This is a rather fragrant and satisfying dish, quite appropriate on the funeral table.

    You can cook soy patties or even soy chops. If you do not want to buy ready-made soy products in the store, you can make your own cabbage or carrot cutlets. After frying in breadcrumbs, they will become a worthy replacement for their meat prototypes.

    Salted and pickled vegetables can be served with the main dishes: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini (in general, check your country stocks). Vinaigrette, Olivier without meat and mayonnaise, any vegetable salad (cucumbers + tomatoes, cabbage + cucumbers) will do as a side dish.

    Remember that the essence of any (even a modest, even fasting) memorial dinner is not to eat deliciously, but to "reinforce strength for prayer for the deceased."

    Wake theme I still don't want to let go. More recently, I wrote two articles about this - about the organization and holding of Godinas, and about Muslim funeral traditions. These materials were read by several of my acquaintances and started a discussion with me.

    One of them is a lady V a respectable age - condemned me for What I write a lot about food and little about the spiritual component of memorial events (although I don’t think so myself). A few more people reproached for the omission: I did not say anything about commemoration during Lent . This accusation is indeed true.. And now it's time to correct the oversight. I was spurred on to this by another incident that happened at the wake my cousin aunt. They took place recently V recently passed Christmas fast , and were, to put it mildly, spoiled due to the shortsightedness of their organizers.

    Features of the organization and design of the memorial tableV fast(whichCanput dishes that are not allowed, how to behave at the table)

    The fact is that my relatives on my father's side are not too religious and, in principle, do not bother about fasting. They don't seem to really know when those posts happen. And shortly before the New Year, the fortieths of our aunt happened - the mother of cousins ​​just on the paternal side. The first commemoration (at which I was also, of course) passed quietly and peacefully in a small cafe and with the participation of only the closest. And in this case, everything turned out less idyllic.

    As I already noticed the case took place during post, and evenWednesday. A lot of people came, since Aunt Valya was a famous person V certain circles. She served for many years V conservatory - sang. AND on the fortieth gathered, in addition to relatives, her former colleagues and even some fans. The table was laid traditionally for a funeral, but not for Lenten. This is what caused the misunderstanding. Many of my aunt's girlfriends and co-workers, as it turned out, became very religious and now sing V church choirs. At first, they just sat very dissatisfied, did not eat anything and looked at each other indignantly. But when relatives began to talk about the deceased "with vodka", a real scandal almost occurred. Ladies began to express dissatisfaction already V open. Then they got up, read and sang the 17th kathisma and left together. My relatives were embarrassed, and the commemoration was crumpled.

    Then my brothers and their wives scolded the old women very much, who dared to protest so defiantly against what was happening. To be honest, I didn't argue with them. For what? They would be, irritated and offended, at that moment I still didn’t V than not convinced. But in fact, I do not agree with their position at the root. Indeed, when preparing such a complex and delicate ritual event, you need to think through everything properly. If commemorations are held in Lent and onbelievers are invited to them, and even more so church people, then both the table and the regulations should correspond to the situation. The fact that the organizers themselves are far from Orthodox traditions does not exempt them from the need to respect other people's beliefs and ethical feelings.

    Psychologycommemorationhas always been closely associated with their religious significance

    At first, they were escorted off to pay their respects to the departing V another world for the dead. Memorial events, which are customary to organize not only in Russia, but also in most other countries, have an ancient pagan origin. And the pagans have always attached a mystical and ritual significance to the joint meal. It was believed that at funeral feasts the dead eat and drink together with the living, which is why the feast has always been the center of any commemoration. In our time, their dead are commemorated partly simply by custom, and partly in order to gather at the table everyone who was close to the deceased. It is important for relatives that people say good words about him, regret his departure. For many, this relieves grief, helps to relieve the terrible emotional stress caused by death. Modern world religions say thatWhatit is necessary to commemorate the dead with prayer and alms, and not with food or (even more so!) Drink. It is important for the departed soul that the living repent from the Lord for all the voluntary or involuntary sins of the deceased. But not one of the religions imposes a direct ban on memorial tables, so this tradition continues to exist.

    People remember their dead including in posts . At the same time, as life shows, to the organization commemoration in fast days, and even more so V period of long posts must be approached with particular care. If the family that arranges such meals is not religious, but V In memorial events, the participation of believers is supposed, then it will be just a good form to think about their feelings. Well, Christians should not forget about the requirements post . Otherwise modest commemoration you can not only not help the soul of the deceased (for which, in theory, everything is started), but also harm it.

    VChristian culture very large. Fastis, first of all, abstinence, which we perform in the name of Jesus Christ. This is how we sacrifice our bodily pleasures V benefit of the spiritual life. Most people perceive this time V first of all, as the need for a temporary refusal of certain types of food and drink. IN basically, from meat, dairy, fat, from all kinds of luxurious dishes. And of course, from alcohol. The list of undesirable products varies from person to person. For example, the sick, pregnant women, children and people who are associated with great physical exertion in life do not fast at all or limit themselves partially. However, in a post it is not enough just not to eat fast. John of Damascus once rightly remarked, What in that case, all cows would be holy. And one of my friends wisely said, what a post many perceive it only as “tasting the sacred potato” and at the same time they sin worse than unbelievers: they swear, take pride, condemn everyone around. In fact, in addition to physical abstinence, prayer and spiritual perfection are very important.

    Christianpoststhere are:

    One day is

    • every Wednesday and Friday (days of betrayal and crucifixion of the Savior);
    • Epiphany Christmas Eve;
    • the day of the beheading of John the Baptist;
    • feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

    multi-day posts four:

    Of course, the severity post may vary individually. The clergy themselves say that V faith, everyone should take on a feasible burden. Fanaticism and excess never lead to anything good.

    Here I had Vlife case, opposite of what I described at the beginning. IN I lived as a student on grandmother's apartment. She was very pious, constantly went V church, read the Bible, prayers. And fasted, of course. And she tried to adhere to the monastic post - with a raw food diet and all other strict restrictions. At the same time, Baba Shura was a big lover of food, and after the end of the lenten period, she simply pounced on eggs and meat. It came to the hospital, as the senile body was shocked by such drastic changes. V nutrition. And then one day she went for a wake at about middle of some post (I think Petrova). The table there was modest, seductive, and grandmother could not resist. She ate so hungry What The case ended with an operation for the gallbladder. Which she safely cut out.

    It's me that in everything there should be a measure. And memorial table during posts, even V Wednesday and Friday, it is not necessary to make it very meager. It is not forbidden to remember and in Great Lent, only the 9th, 40th days and years from weekdays are better transferred toweekend. And if the day of the funeral came on Wednesday or Friday then on the table is served according to the rules of any vegetable food without any oil. But in our rather abundant food times Can worthy to get out of this difficult situation.


    can be surprisingly varied. Moreover, the main traditional dishes and V In this case, they remain the same, only they are prepared without the use of animal products.

    1. Kutya. They say, What this dish has greek
      origin, and the word itself is translated as "boiled wheat."
      IN Ancient Greek porridge ( V mostly barley) with fruit was dedicated to the deceased ancestors. A V Christian Byzantium, she began to be consecrated V temples. There she was calledkoliba, which corresponds to our other name for kutya -kolivo. There are other names of food: kanun, saty and juicy. It is made from boiled rice, wheat, barley. IN honey water, raisins, sometimes poppy seeds and nuts are added to the porridge. The grains themselves - the basis of kutia - symbolize rebirth, immortality. Sweetness and various tasty additives V it is a sign of the goodness of eternal life on Heaven. Such kutya is consecrated in the church, any memorial meal begins with it.
    2. Pancakes and fritters cooked without eggs on water. They are considered symbols of the sun, dying in the evening and resurrecting at dawn. They are eaten after kutya. On a lean table is good to serve for this rosette with honey.
    3. Taken at our wake first meal also very helpful in post . You can cook or order borsch with beans, noodles on vegetable broth, stew of cereals and potatoes. It is believed that the steam from the hot helps the soul to rise into the sky.
    4. On the second is served different cereals with vegetable oil or salads from beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, etc. Kashi, like kutya, are associated with the eternity of being. And from the gastronomic point of view, they diversify the table. Can cook porridge from buckwheat, pearl barley, the same rice, etc. Main - on the water.
    5. In post often fish is also allowed. It is prepared for such commemoration fried, baked. They serve herring and salads with it (the same under a fur coat with lean mayonnaise), sprats and other canned food, fish pies. In Greek, the name of the fish isichthyos. After the advent of Christianity, the word immediately began to be perceived as an abbreviation in which the name of Jesus is encoded. But the fish itself V The early period of the development of religion was closely connected with the symbolism of the savior. That's why on At Christian tables, fish dishes began to be considered a sign of the Christian faith.
    6. IN funeral pies except fish stuffing
      , you can put rice, buckwheat, beans, sorrel with honey, potatoes, cabbage, carrots. There are a lot of lean fillings, and flour stuffing on the Russian funeral table has always been traditional.
    7. In addition to these dishes, the table is set different vegetable salads and cuts, fried and salted (marinated) mushrooms, others pickles. and fruits: bananas, citrus fruits, apples. Just do not overdo it with pickles: fasting is not the time for gluttony.

    IN traditional drinks are served kvass, compote, kissel, honey water. For those who wish Can stock up on mineral water, soda and purchased juices. Regarding alcoholic beverages, there are discrepancies. Some argue (and to some extent they are right) that on some fasting days when wine is allowed at the wake you can drink alcohol. However, the Church herself believes that it is not at all necessary to do this, so as not to turn everything V ordinary worldly feast. A particularly strict ban on this is the thing the priests impose in Great Lent.

    Behavioronmemorial events

    V Fast days are almost the same as how you should behave V such cases in general. That is at the table cheerful conversations and generally loud conversation and communication are unacceptable onextraneous topics. Clothing for those who came should be calm, preferably dark tones. Dressing up somehow in a special way is both a bad taste and a violation of customs.. It is advisable for women not to put noticeable makeup on their faces. It is better, of course, not to paint at all. And don't come to the wake of the uninvited.

    It is considered important to order services
    Vchurches.In particular, 40 liturgies. Very good to apply for this V different monasteries, as they have daily services. Many order the annual reading of the church Psalter. And of course, they put funeral candles and pray - and V temple and at home. And they give alms.Churched people in general in fasting are limited only to church commemoration, and civil feasts are considered completely superfluous.

    I think it makes sense. After all, the main thing for the soul is prayer, the repentance of its sins. But still, there is something V general feast. Unless, of course, food and, most importantly, drinking do not become the main reason for the meeting for the audience. After a good, proper commemoration, there is a feeling that the soul is “let go”. And grief is alleviated. And came humility, understanding of the inevitable. Juston fast days you canmake the feast time shorter, avoid too long speeches, try not to make parting words look like toasts - how it happened on memorial evening at my cousins. Try to combine the strict spirituality of faith and the canon and the sincere sincerity of people who loved the departed and therefore came here. This will probably be the closest thing to the ideal.
