
Herbal tinctures on moonshine. What is better to infuse moonshine: simple and tasty recipes

Each drink is initially rated according to appearance and smell, after the first sip, its taste is noted. Any unusual combination can be obtained by adding spices or spices. For those who are engaged in the production of home-made alcohol, there is no question on what moonshine can be insisted on so that it gets an interesting color, nice smell and unusual taste.

If it is planned (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a dry steamer of the brand), and making simple moonshine is not interesting, you should study the variety of herbs and spices, because they give a lot of imagination to change the taste of this homemade drink.

Adding spices such as pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla or Bay leaf softens the perceived strength of moonshine, although as such they do not have nutritional value. And you don’t need to miss the opportunity to give the drink an interesting flavor with their help.

What is the best way to insist on moonshine to get the most bright aroma? You need to add spices to it, which contain a lot essential oils and glucosides. Various parts of plants can be used for tincture: leaves, roots or seeds.

When it is ready directly depends on the raw materials used and the air temperature in the room where the infusion takes place. Usually it is 14-35 days.

At elevated temperatures an early ripening tincture is obtained, that is, the time of infusion is reduced.

For herbal tinctures and spices will do any moonshine, even obtained from exotic raw materials for mash. read on our portal.

For improvement palatability homemade alcohol after distillation can be insisted on the same raw materials from which the mash was made. For example, if the mash was made from berries, then the moonshine obtained after distillation can be insisted on the same berries.

When trying to improve the taste and smell of a drink with spices and herbal supplements, you need to be aware that alcohol can increase the effect of the additives used on the body. It is important to observe the measure and know what effect different spices produce.

By adding orange and lemon peel, bay leaf, star anise, cinnamon and vanilla moonshine is bitter; rosemary and scarf - spice; if you want to get a spicy-burning effect - you need to add cardamom or nutmeg; so that the drink is hot - we take ginger, black pepper, cloves; adding allspice, we get a moderately hot moonshine. All these options can be used both independently and mixed with each other.

Information on what to insist on moonshine will also be interesting, so that it would be pleasant not only to drink it, but also to watch it. Various additives can give the drink almost any shade.

You can surprise guests with creativity by serving multi-colored moonshine to the table. To obtain a wheat color, you need to insist the drink on orange peel, saffron or walnut membranes. Mint and lemon balm, celery leaves, a little saffron will give a yellow tint. Blueberries will turn moonshine ruby, sunflower seeds a calm blue, and cornflower flowers a heavenly color. A drink infused with parsley or blackcurrant leaves will turn out emerald. Oak bark, melted sugar, coffee and tea leave the moonshine brown.

Using these tricks in practice and applying them in, you will get truly unique drinks that will be the highlight of any feast!

Herbs are gifts of nature that are used by man for the purpose of treatment, and many people successfully replace pharmacological preparations with medicinal plants. Herbal tinctures on alcohol (vodka, moonshine) are suitable for both internal and external use. At home for special recipes you can make a variety of herbal infusions on alcohol. Considering such a drink as moonshine on herbs, the recipes of which exist in a wide variety, it should be clarified that any herbs must be insisted on moonshine High Quality.

Moonshine on herbs

Cooking features

Any herbs used to make moonshine-based infusions should be rich in essential oils. It is noted that individual parts of the plant contain a large amount of ether, for example, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, etc. Regardless of the choice plant component, for the preparation of infusion of moonshine on herbs, it is necessary to take dried components. Plants for drying must be collected at the height of their flowering, since at this time the plants are as rich as possible in essential oils.


Herbal can be consumed as alcoholic beverages, as well as medicines following the recommended dosage.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to name the exact number of herbal moonshine recipes, since they exist in in large numbers. The most popular among moonshiners and fans of alternative medicine are the following on herbs:

  1. Cold tincture: for its preparation, take 0.5 liters of purified double moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees, 100 grams of lingonberry leaves and its own berries. Also, according to the recipe, the infusion is prepared from dried St. John's wort (50 grams). You can add a little honey if you like. All components are mixed and infused for a week. After that, the drink is filtered, honey is added and settled for seven days. daily rate such tincture is 25-50 grams.
  2. Tincture for the treatment of the gallbladder: such health drink will have a bitter taste. A tincture is prepared from angelica root (3 grams), galangal root (2 grams), dried ginger (3 grams), a gram of cloves, a gram of black pepper and 0.35 liters of forty-degree moonshine. According to the recipe, all components are mixed and poured with moonshine. The waiting period is one week. Ready infusion can not be filtered.
  3. Golden root: to prepare the infusion, take 1 liter of fifty-degree moonshine, 100 grams of dried Rhodiola root, 5 grams of propolis and 25 grams of honey. Infusion insist on herbs from 10 to 14 days.
  4. Berezovka: tincture is used for hypertension and joint problems. To obtain an infusion on birch buds, they take a liter of alcohol with a strength of 45 degrees, 20 grams of birch buds, 2 grams ground ginger, 2 grams of galangal root, gram of cinnamon. If desired, honey can be added to the drink. All ingredients are poured into a jar and poured with a glass of moonshine. In this form, the workpiece is insisted for a month. After a month, the drink is filtered and the rest of the alcohol is added. Infusion take 20 grams twice a day.
  5. Infusion: to get such a drink, take 6 liters of moonshine, 30 grams dried berries rose hips, 30 grams of coriander, 100 grams of sage, 10 grams of ground dill and sugar syrup. The components are poured with moonshine, settled for a week, after which they are filtered and distilled through alcohol mashine.
  6. Infusion of moonshine on cloves: this drink is prepared quite simply. To obtain it, they take 6 liters of moonshine, 2 kilograms of sugar and only 2 grams of cloves. Clove should be finely crushed, pour moonshine over it and tightly close the container with the workpiece. The infusion is insisted for a week, and after that it is distilled through a moonshine still. Syrup is made from sugar and water, which is then added to moonshine. The drink is infused throughout the day, filtered, bottled and taken chilled.
  7. Moonshine on angelica: to get a drink, take a pound of angelica seeds and 10 liters of moonshine. Angelica seeds are crushed and poured with moonshine, after which they stand for a week. After this period, the drink is distilled through a moonshine still.
  8. Moonshine on jasmine: this drink has an exceptional aroma and taste. To obtain it, take 11 liters of moonshine, 400 grams of jasmine, 400 grams of anise, 400 grams of mint, 100 grams of ginger and 100 grams of galangal. All ingredients must be poured with alcohol and the drink is infused for three weeks. The container with the drink must be shaken daily. After 3 weeks, the tincture can be distilled once through the moonshine still.
  9. Moonshine on cardamom: cardamom will give the drink a spicy taste and smell. To obtain a fragrant infusion, you need to take 800 grams of cardamom and 8 liters of moonshine. First, cardamom should be crushed, and then pour four liters of moonshine. The preparation is insisted for a week. After that, the remaining moonshine is added to it, filtered and distilled through a distiller.
  10. Imitation Becherovka: for cooking a traditional Czech drink take half a cinnamon stick, 5 cardamom pods, 10 cloves stars, 2 peas allspice, 4 star anise, half a glass of sugar and orange zest. All spices are placed in glass containers, pour moonshine and insist a week. After that, sugar syrup can be added to the drink. Serve chilled.
  11. Mead: To prepare this fragrant drink, take 3 tablespoons of honey, oregano leaves, mint leaves, thyme and 5 cardamom pods. For the preparation of mead, it is optimal to use buckwheat honey. It should be diluted with a glass of moonshine and poured into a container to infuse the drink. After that, you need to add all the other ingredients according to the recipe. The drink is insisted for a week, and before serving it can not be filtered. Pairs well with all kinds of meals and snacks.
  12. Infusion of herbs and pistachios: to prepare this unusual alcoholic drink, take the zest of one grapefruit, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a tablespoon of nutmeg and a tablespoon each of cardamom, nutmeg and cloves. All spices should be insisted on moonshine for a week. After that, you need to take a slice rye bread, smear it with honey and put it in the preparation of tincture for several hours. The drink is filtered and distilled once. It is best to serve alcohol chilled.

Herbal tinctures and moonshine will only be beneficial if used in moderation. As for the storage of such drinks, any glass container is suitable for this. Under no circumstances should alcoholic beverages be kept in plastic container, since plastic, when in contact with alcohol, can release harmful substances into the drink.

Today, moonshining is for many not just a source of high-quality and inexpensive alcohol, but also a hobby, an outlet. Favorite business, doing which you can forget about problems and difficult life situations. Many of those who brew this drink do not drink “clean”, preferring the creation of tinctures and liqueurs. I also belong to these people, making tinctures has been my hobby for more than 6 years. Most various recipes, which can be prepared at home, we collect with the whole family: we record, try, experiment. Most best drinks of those that we met saw the light of day in this blog, it’s not a matter of hiding them on a shelf, let every lover of moonshine brewing at home enjoy fine drinks, the recipes of which you will find in this article.

As an introduction, it is worth saying the following: making such drinks at home is not a quick matter, often you have to wait up to six months, and sometimes even longer. In my cellar there are containers marked 2010 and earlier, sometimes it’s even a pity to open them, because every year the drink only gets better, tastier, richer. All this is said to the fact that you should not chase a quick result, high-quality products are the fruits of months of infusion. However, for fans quick tinctures- in this article we will consider such options, perhaps someone will like them even more than they have been infused for years, it's a matter of taste and personal preference.

Features of moonshine infusions


On the basis of moonshine, two types of tinctures are made: liqueurs and tinctures themselves. Unlike liqueurs, the latter are not as sweet and much stronger. The amount of alcohol in them is from 45% and higher, therefore, tinctures are obtained better with home-made strong alcohol than with vodka, which has a lower alcohol content.

The basic rule for the preparation of tinctures is the high quality of moonshine. It should be well filtered and preferably double distillation so that unpleasant impurities and odors do not spoil the taste of the finished product.

As a good option: We select the raw materials for the mash, which would be in harmony with the infusion. We received moonshine of the first distillation, distilled it through a distillation column.

Sugar level

By the amount of sugar, there are three types of tinctures.

  1. Bitter. They are prepared with herbs or spices, such as St. John's wort, galangal, oregano, ginger, and so on. The sugar level in these drinks does not exceed 2% and only if it is contained in the products used.
  2. Semi-sweet (conditionally sweet). These are infusions on berries, often with the addition of herbs. The amount of sugar in them is related to how sweet the berries are used. But usually its level does not exceed 5-6%.
  3. Sweet. This type includes a variety of tinctures, in which sugar is added. In them, its level is 18-20%

Too sweet, similar to liqueurs, these drinks are usually not made. Although much here depends on taste, but excessively sugary strong alcohol is heavy and insidious.

General principles for the preparation of tinctures from berries

Tincture on moonshine at home will turn out to be of high quality if the original product is not only well cleaned, but also strong.

  • For a herbal drink, its strength should be 50%. If the fortress exceeds 60%, then it is recommended to add water.
  • If berries are used, then the alcohol content should be higher, preferably 70%. Because the berries will definitely give juice that will dilute finished product and lower its strength.
  • It is better to prepare berry tincture from frozen berries, as they secrete more juice containing substances necessary for the best taste.
  • To get a drink with a pleasant, slightly caramel flavor, some berries are recommended, for example, baked in the oven.
  • You need to insist on moonshine in a warm and, preferably, dark place. In the light, its taste will change, and in heat it will be ready for use faster.
  • The cooking time should be long, at least 2 months, and preferably 3-4.
  • In the process of infusion, you should not open the lid, try, etc. As this can lead to the oxidation of moonshine, and the taste will deteriorate.

Therefore, in order to cook delicious and quality drink, requires not only accuracy, but also patience.

tincture recipes


At home - one of the most famous. And not only because this berry is very well suited for making alcohol-containing drinks, but also because it contains a lot of vitamins, and the infusion is not only tasty, but also healthy.

The process of preparing "Klyukovka" is simple.

  • Three liter jar(frozen or freshly harvested).
  • Add 100 grams of sugar. Those who like it sweeter can increase its amount.
  • Pour moonshine to the top and place in a dark place for three months.
  • , drain the mixture through a colander, and strain through cheesecloth.

Blackcurrant tincture

Fragrant is cooked faster than cranberry, but it must also be kept for at least a crescent. Moreover, it is worth remembering that the longer it is infused, the better and brighter the taste will be.

A liter of moonshine will require 1 kg of fresh black currants and 150 gr. Sahara.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse and put them in a jar.
  2. Put sugar and shake well to mix with blackcurrant.
  3. Pour moonshine into a container with berries and remove the infusion.
  4. After two weeks, drain and filter the tincture.

Lemon tincture (early)

Tinctures can be prepared not only cold, but also by heat treatment. Heating strong alcohol with berries significantly speeds up the process of its saturation with aroma and taste and reduces the time of infusion.

One of these "early" tinctures is lemon. It can be done if guests are expected to arrive, and finished wine No.


  • a liter of moonshine, with a strength of at least 60%;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 70 grams of sugar
  • 4 cloves;

This drink should be prepared in a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid so that the light and volatile alcohol does not evaporate and the strength of the final product does not decrease.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the lemon into half rings along with the zest.
  2. Put in a saucepan, add sugar, cloves and pour moonshine.
  3. Then the mixture must be heated, but not to a boil, so that the alcohol does not begin to evaporate. Turn off the fire when the first bubbles are just beginning to rise from the bottom of the dish.
  4. close tight lid and leave to insist.
  5. After 12 hours, filter and, after bottling, refrigerate for another couple of hours.

In a similar way, you can make cranberry tincture.

Making moonshine tinctures is a fascinating and creative process. During which, you can enjoy not only the use and creativity, but also the rave reviews of guests.

Source: samogonniyapparat.ru


This moonshine drink has a bright pronounced odor hay with hints of herbs, a real aroma of nature.

We will need:

  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Zubrovka - 1-2 blades of grass;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • Moonshine (40-45 degrees) - 0.5 liters.


  1. Zubrovka can be found in any herbal market - the grass should have an even green color and give off the smell of fresh meadows. - you can take 2 small blades of grass or one long one.
  2. Zubrovka cut into small pieces, put in a jar and pour moonshine.
  3. To make tinctures, add sugar (or fructose) and lemon juice.
  4. Place the jar in a dark place, shake occasionally.
  5. After two weeks, filter the drink through cotton wool.

Zubrovochka is very good for outings into nature (fishing, hunting, barbecue). It is used for any fermentation and pickles, fried meat or lard.


A very simple way to make tincture from moonshine, which is good both on its own and as a prevention of colds.

We will need:

  • Fresh ginger - 20 g;
  • Moonshine - 0.5 l.;
  • Horseradish root - 40-60 g;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Chopped horseradish and ginger in small pieces, place in a jar and pour moonshine.
  2. Send the tincture to a dark place for a week - during this time, the horseradish will give off the flavor of the drink, and the ginger will absorb the fusel oils (this will once again clean the moonshine).
  3. Filter the drink. Pour the tincture into a glass, add honey, lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Pour the contents of the glass back into the jar and leave for another couple of days.

Perfect for fatty foods and grilled dishes.

On moonshine, you can adjust to your taste by adding red to the tincture. hot pepper, or fresh dill.


Very useful tincture on moonshine (in reasonable quantities), which should be consumed as an aperitif before a hearty meal.

We will need:

  • Pine nuts (unpeeled) - 40 g;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Moonshine - 0.5 liters;
  • Dried zest - 20 g;
  • Blackcurrant sheets - 3 pcs.;
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife.


  1. Peel nuts from resin and "spruce smell". To do this, pour boiling water over them three times.
  2. Crush the nuts (along with the shell). Together with the rest of the ingredients, place in a jar and pour moonshine. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Insist Kedrovka for two weeks, periodically shaking the jar.
  4. Filter the drink (through several layers of gauze).
  5. After filtering, let it brew in a warm place for another 3-4 days.

You can add your own ingredients to the drink (various berries or herbs), the main thing is that they do not interrupt the main "cedar" flavor.


The simplest, but at the same time one of the most popular and very tasty moonshine tincture recipes.

We will need:

  • (better than winter varieties) - 3-4 pieces;
  • Red rowan berries - 200-300 g;
  • Moonshine (50 degrees) - 1 liter.


  1. Cut apples into slices.
  2. Put apples and red rowan alternately in layers in the prepared container - the jar needs to be filled by two-thirds.
  3. Pour the fruits with alcohol and remove for 3 weeks.
  4. Strain the resulting drink (using several layers of cotton wool).

The drink is very aromatic, with a mild and pronounced taste. It is recommended to use under fruits or citrus fruits.


This moonshine tincture is for lovers strong drinks"with a point".

We will need:

  • Chili pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • Vanilla sugar - on the tip of a knife;
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • Black pepper - 3-4 peas;
  • Propolis - a pinch;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon zest - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Paprika - 1 tablespoon;
  • Moonshine - 1 liter.


  1. Cut the chile a little on the surface with a knife. Crush black peppercorns.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a jar and pour moonshine.
  3. Place the tincture in a warm but dark place. Shake daily.
  4. After a week, filter the tincture through cotton wool. Let stand for another 2-3 days.

To reduce the strength of the drink, chili can be placed in a container as a whole, without cutting. Consume in small quantities for meat or fish snacks.


The tincture has powerful medicinal properties - treats gastrointestinal diseases, improves immunity.

We will need:

  • Kalgan root (dried) - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Coffee - 4-5 grains;
  • Moonshine - 0.5 liters;
  • Dry licorice root - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix all the ingredients, place in a container and pour moonshine.
  2. Shake the tincture thoroughly and send to a dark place for 21 days.
  3. To make the color and taste more saturated, you need to shake the jar daily.
  4. Strain the drink and place in bottles (preferably dark).
  5. Be sure to keep refrigerated.

Tincture can be used for any snack in small quantities.

Berry tincture

Berry tincture from moonshine is softer than all the others. Therefore, it is especially loved by women and is served with fruits or sweets.

We will need:

  • Berries - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar (sand) - 200 g;
  • Moonshine (40-45 degrees) - 1 liter.


  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, dry, place in a prepared container.
  2. Top the berries with sugar and lightly mash with your hands - you need the berries to burst, but not turn into "sour".
  3. Pour the berries with moonshine and shake well.
  4. Send the container for a month in a dark place. Shake periodically.
  5. Carefully (several times) filter the tincture, then bottle it.

Berry tincture can be made from various berries: cranberries, chokeberries, viburnum, as well as fruits: cherries, quince, currants.

Source: alcoholgid.ru

Lemon tincture

The taste of this alcohol is similar to Limoncello liqueur. However lemon tincture moonshine is much easier and faster. It is served chilled as dessert alcohol on the table.

We will need:

Wash the lemons and dry them thoroughly. Take one citrus and very carefully remove the zest from it. It is important not to hurt white pulp which is very bitter in taste. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon.

Prepare the syrup. To do this, take granulated sugar, lemon juice and water. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer the syrup for about 4 minutes over low heat. Stir and skim as needed.

Now peel the remaining citruses. You need to remove not only the yellow peel, but also the white flesh. Finely chop the juicy part of the lemon.

Mix alcohol, syrup, lemon pulp and zest in a glass container. Close tightly and put in a cold place for 5-6 days. Now the drink is ready, it remains only to strain it.

interesting taste and medicinal properties has hawthorn tincture on moonshine. However, you need to drink it very carefully. After all, at misuse you can get dysbacteriosis. Doctors also warn that hawthorn can disrupt the rhythm of the heartbeat.

Many people prefer to insist moonshine on herbs. It all depends only on your imagination. You can take the following ingredients:

  • rose hip;
  • coriander;
  • dill;
  • sage;
  • fennel;
  • cardamom.

This list can be continued for a very long time. Therefore, choose your favorite herbs and treat yourself to delicious tinctures.


  • 1 tsp anise seeds;
  • 1 tsp cumin and sugar;
  • 2 things star anise;
  • half a liter of moonshine.

How to do

Put all the spices in a jar and fill them with alcohol. For 2 weeks, send the jar to a dark place. After 5 days, approach the container and shake it. Now filter the liquid and add sugar to it.

The taste of the tincture is deep, with a spicy-herbal aroma and a ginger aftertaste. The drink is well suited as an aperitif, snacks on apples or citrus fruits.

We send the container to a dark cabinet for a day. Now anise tincture you can drink on moonshine.


Tincture on viburnum perfectly copes with insomnia, hypertension, perfectly cleanses blood vessels. But you can drink it just for fun. home cooking such alcohol will not complicate even beginners.


  • 0.5 l of moonshine;
  • a pound of berries

To make the drink really healing and tasty, the berries for it should be collected after the first good frost. Then the viburnum will lose all bitterness, it will become a little sweetish in taste.

Remove the berries from the bunches.

For the recipe, we will take the largest, ripe berries, because they will give a lot of juice and nutrients for our tincture.

Take a container of 2-3 liters, pour all the selected viburnum into it. Now it's time to pour some of the alcohol. It should be 2 cm above the edge of the berries. Close the container and send it to a dark place for a day. Now add the remaining moonshine, then close the bottle tightly. Exposure should take place within a month. Now you need to strain viburnum tincture, bottled.

Raisin tincture

We will prepare such a drink with regular raisins. Why choose this dried fruit? The fact is that it retains 80% of its useful properties. Therefore, moonshine tincture on raisins will not only be fragrant and tasty, but will not harm your body.

So let's take:

  • 0.5 l of moonshine;
  • 15 large raisins;
  • 7 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp black loose leaf tea.

cooking option

To make such a drink, it is advisable to take self-made moonshine. After all, then you will know exactly how well the alcohol is distilled and purified. The better the raw material, the better product You'll get.

So, mix all the ingredients in a glass container, and then fill with alcohol. For 4 days, the container is placed in a dark and cold place. The tincture is ready if it has acquired a beautiful cognac shade. Now make a cotton-gauze filter and run the contents of the container through it.

If you want to make the filtration process easier, then when preparing a drink, you need to sew all the ingredients into a cotton bag and pour moonshine.

The drink from this will turn out no worse, and it will be easier to prepare it.


Galangal root tincture is very easy to make. She fell in love with her wonderful taste and her medicinal properties. People say that galangal root helps to cure stomach diseases, as well as boost immunity.


  • half a liter of moonshine;
  • 1.5 tsp dried galangal root;
  • 1 tsp dry licorice root;
  • 5 grains of coffee.

Mix coffee, licorice and galangal. We fill the components with moonshine. Close the container carefully. Now she needs to be shaken a little and taken to a dark place for 21 days. True connoisseurs It is recommended to shake the drink every day so that the color becomes saturated. After 3 weeks, alcohol is considered ready. Strain it and pour into a dark glass container.

The tincture loves the cold, so store it in the basement or refrigerator.

Delicious tincture on chokeberry

This berry is unique in its useful properties. It is interesting that she does not lose her qualities when insisting. Therefore, this drink is recommended for people who suffer from hypertension, diseases blood vessels, thyroid gland. Tincture on chokeberry it turns out very fragrant, it has a pleasant taste.


  • 1 liter of moonshine;
  • 3 cloves;
  • half a kilo of granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of fresh chokeberry.

Preparation method:

Wash the berries thoroughly, place them in a container, mash with a wooden pestle. The use of metal objects for grinding rowan is not recommended. Pour the resulting mixture with granulated sugar, then add the cloves. Mix the contents of the container thoroughly and leave it alone for two days to get the juice. After that, pour moonshine into the container. Close the container, take it to a dark place. Your rowan tincture will be ready in 2 months.

During this time, moonshine will absorb all the most useful material from berries. After filtering delicious drink ready.

Cowberry tincture

This drink tastes much better. ordinary moonshine. Lingonberry tincture has a pleasant berry flavor. Of course, it also has useful properties.

We will need:

  • 0.5 kg of ripe lingonberries;
  • 1 liter of moonshine;
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar (you can do without it).

Sort, wash and dry the berries. After remember them, and then place in a glass container, sprinkle with sugar. Very good to use instead of granulated sugar flower honey. An interesting aroma of the drink will give lingonberry leaves. For such an amount of moonshine, 6-7 things are enough.

The mixture must be closed and mixed thoroughly. Many choose plastic lids, but this is not the most the best option. To insist, the mixture is placed in the dark for a month. Sometimes come and shake the jar. So the color of the drink will become brighter, richer. The next processes that lie ahead of you are filtration and bottling. By the same principle

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A comment

Moonshine is the most “natural product” that is suitable not only for consumption in its original form, but also for the preparation of the most different tinctures, and healing - including. For their manufacture, various gifts of nature are used: dried fruits, spices, dry herbs, berries, and so on. Note that as a result of simple manipulations, you can get a very decent, tasty and flavored drink, which is able to compete with its counterparts of "aristocratic" origin. In order to get such an impressive result, you need to use a carefully prepared "base", that is, moonshine that has gone through a repeated cleaning process.

Refinement of moonshine - an occupation on the verge of haute cuisine. You can correctly combine various ingredients, getting individual bouquets. Russians are famous moonshine tinctures with bitter "warming" tastes. Best of all, all kinds of seasonings enrich drinks with spicy and burning shades. You can sweeten moonshine with syrups. The easiest way to cook:

  • Boil 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water. Be sure to remove the foam.
  • Then let the syrup brew for 2 weeks, because the composition may contain sediment, which during this period will concentrate on the bottom of the container and, of course, must be removed. Honey is also used as a sweetener for moonshine.

When adding syrup or honey to a drink, alcohol must be heated so that gases begin to be released. When the gas separation ends, the drink can be considered ready for further action - filtration. It can be done with coal. Purified moonshine is bottled and infused for 3 days at a temperature of 3-4°C. Delicious sweet drink is ready!

According to the type of impact, additives for moonshine can be divided into the following groups:

  • taste;
  • aromatic;
  • cleaning chemicals;
  • natural adsorbents;
  • dyes.

The division is somewhat arbitrary, since many plants and chemicals act simultaneously on taste, color and smell.

Flavoring and coloring substances are added in different ways:

  • poured in dry form (chopped herbs, wood chips, ready-made additives in the form of powders);
  • in the form of infusions or decoctions;
  • in the form of essences and aromatic oils;
  • during distillation (dry additives must be placed in a steamer, liquid additives can be poured into the mash).

Changing the color of moonshine with natural dyes

The appearance of the drink subjectively affects the perception of its taste. Psychologists have proven that with the right choice color scheme alcohol may seem tastier than it really is. Ladies are especially sensitive to the color of alcohol. Problem transparent moonshine solved natural dyes, best recipes which we will consider next.

Black tea

The easiest way, practically does not affect the taste. For 3 liters of moonshine, it is enough to add 1 tablespoon of high-quality black tea (not from a bag), mix, close the jar tightly with a lid and leave for 3-5 days in a dark place.

Every day the shade will change, ranging from cognac light brown to rich black. Lovers of beautiful smells can infuse moonshine on dry tea with the aroma of barberry, bergamot, or add a clove bud along with tea leaves.

Orange (lemon) peels

They remove the specific smell of poorly cleaned moonshine, a pleasant sourness appears in the taste. The addition of lemons makes moonshine light green, oranges - slightly yellow with a golden hue. For refining, only pre-dried peel is suitable, preferably without white pulp, which gives bitterness. Recipe: put the peel of one medium orange or two lemons on 3 liters of moonshine, leave for 10-14 days in a sealed closed jar at room temperature.


great way paint over moonshine under cognac, adding interesting flavor notes to the drink that are found in Armenian cognacs. For a three-liter jar of moonshine, you will need 100 grams of prunes, after 7-10 days of infusion, moonshine will change color, appear pleasant aroma and soften the taste. The duration of exposure can be changed at your discretion.

Nuts and partitions

The simplest solution: for 7 days, throw in 1 liter of moonshine partitions from 15 walnuts then strain through cheesecloth. The taste and color of the drink will change beyond recognition. The recipe for moonshine on pine nuts is somewhat more complicated, it requires preliminary evaporation of the nuts, which removes excess resin, then 30 days of aging. But the end result is worth it enough fruits (150 grams of nuts per liter of moonshine).

Caramel (burnt sugar)

Known manufacturing method fake cognacs and whiskey. To paint moonshine in a pleasant yellow, you need to heat a tablespoon of sugar over a fire until brown, then add the finished caramel to 1 liter of moonshine and mix until completely dissolved.

Instant coffee

Quickly changes the color of moonshine and interrupts bad smell. New notes appear on the palate. It is enough to add half a teaspoon of coffee per liter of moonshine. After coffee, it is no longer possible to dilute the drink with water, otherwise it will become cloudy, and filtration will not help, only distillation.

St. John's wort

Colors moonshine in light brown color. Tincture recipe: add 1 tablespoon of dried St. John's wort per 1 liter of moonshine, mix, tightly close the jar and put in a dark place for 7 days. Shake once a day, then strain through cheesecloth.

Remember that St. John's wort is a medicinal plant with a strong sedative (calming) effect. Do not drink more than 300 grams of this tincture at a time.

Food colorings

A good option for those who urgently need to tint moonshine. With the right dye, you can get any color without affecting the taste and smell. The main thing is to create a natural shade and follow the instructions on the label exactly. Not all food colorings are compatible with alcohol, you need to check with sellers before buying.

Delicious Moonshine Recipes

How to make good, tasty homemade moonshine Houses? Here are some recipes to complete your collection.

Making moonshine "Green tea"

  1. Pour two hundred grams of tea (green) with water. Tea, by the way, must be fresh and premium. This tea is needed in order to dilute it with seven and a half liters of moonshine (double).
  2. Squeeze out the same tea leaves (through the canvas) and insist all this for eight days. When these days fly by, add another hundred grams of the same tea and two and a half liters of water.
  3. It remains to do three actions: overtake, sweeten, filter.

Homemade moonshine "Clean Rice"

  1. You need to take two hundred grams of rice (crushed), four hundred grams of raisins (large and boiled in water), one bottle of malaga and sugar syrup (as much as you want).
  2. Add two hundred grams of brewer's yeast (white) and four hundred grams of water.
  3. Leave this "mixture" to ferment for four days. After - add six liters of spring water (soft) and twelve liters of double moonshine.
  4. Distill so that you get only nine liters of moonshine.
  5. Take another vessel (any), “throw” vanilla into it (four teaspoons) and a little seventy-degree moonshine (triple).
  6. Infuse for four days and filter. To the moonshine that you have already distilled, add vanilla tincture and a few drops of oil (pink).
  7. Take oak bark (six hundred grams) and galangal root (five grams).
  8. Put them (root and oak bark) in a bag (canvas). After placing the bag in a container with moonshine, tightly cork the container.

Moonshine "Sage Fairy"

  1. Just fill fresh apples with some ready-made moonshine. All apples must be soaked through with alcohol.
  2. After - "commit" them to insistence for a period of six months. If you have the patience to wait for the result for half a year, you need, after this particular period of time, strain the liquid, pouring it into a saucepan.
  3. Add sugar to taste and put the pan, with the liquid, on the fire. Let it boil three times. Watch, as carefully as possible, so that the moonshine, suddenly, does not think to flare up.
  4. Leave the liquid to infuse in some place that has coolness.
  5. It should be cool until all the thick settles on the very bottom.
  6. Then - strain what happened by adding water (calculation: two and a half liters of water per ten liters of moonshine).
  7. After - distillation and filtration.

Making moonshine "Bread"

  1. Make your choice: millet, barley, corn, peas, rye or wheat.
  2. Fill in the selected "component" warm water and let it germinate, making sure that the grain does not turn sour.
  3. When the grain germinates, it must be dried and ground into flour, adding, little by little, to boiling water.
  4. Don't forget to stir.
  5. When the liquid is very reminiscent of jelly - cover it and let it brew for twelve hours.
  6. After - add one kilogram of peas (dry).
  7. Leave to ferment for ten days.
  8. Then - overtake.

Homemade moonshine "Rose"

  1. Take rose petals, mash them and put them in a container. Sprinkle them with salt.
  2. Next, you need to spread the canvas (wet), cover it with a circle with oppression and insist, for eight days, in a cool place.
  3. When the rose petals begin to rot, stop the infusion period.
  4. Put everything in a cube, fill with water (1: 1). Then - mix and distill.
  5. It remains only to add a little sugar and filter.

Making homemade moonshine "Svekolochka"

  1. Take a beetroot. Rub it. Pour beets with water and boil (several hours).
  2. Then drain the liquid into a container. And again - fill the beets with water, boil for the same time and drain.
  3. In general, this "stage" must be done three times.
  4. Add yeast to the liquid (calculation: one hundred grams per ten liters).
  5. Infuse for fifteen days until foam forms.
  6. The final "stage" is the stage.

Moonshine "Lavender"

  1. Take one hundred grams of lavender flowers. You will also need cinnamon (twenty-five grams) and cloves (twenty-five grams).
  2. Grind cinnamon, lavender and cloves and mix.
  3. Pour twelve liters of moonshine with this mixture and let it brew for a week.
  4. After - put a slice of bread with honey "on the surface" into the tincture.
  5. Do a slow fire.

Several delicious recipes for moonshine tinctures

It is worth mentioning that literally everything can be insisted on moonshine. The only question is what will you get as a result of your experiment. It is likely that the result of the applied imagination and effort will be the emergence of a new exotic drink. In the meantime, you are looking for a suitable idea, try following recipes moonshine tincture, detailed description which you will find below.


Horseradish is a condiment commonly used in winter time year, aided by its warming properties. Fans of homemade preparations know that this plant is suitable not only for food, but also for making horseradish - an alcoholic drink made from horseradish and moonshine. The main secret of the manufacture of such a product is the observance of the proportions and timing of infusion. So, you need to mix 2 liters of sivukha, 100 grams of coarsely chopped horseradish root, a little ginger, fresh lime and natural honey. Everything needs to be cut, because the pureed ingredients make the drink cloudy and unassuming. Sometimes a recipe for horseradish tincture in diluted alcohol or moonshine is supplemented with currant or cherry leaves, red pepper and other additives. Infuse the mixture for at least five days. Remember, the longer the bottle stays, the more vigorous the horseradish becomes. You need to drink it after straining, diluted with juice sauerkraut or fresh cranberries.

We insist on oak

Moonshine tincture on dried oak bark has a pronounced cognac tint and a clear spicy taste with woody notes. Say more, this pouring on oak bark in many ways surpasses industrial cognac, it has such a refined and “expensive” taste. There are a lot of recipes for making this version of moonshine tincture, because every lover adds those ingredients that are more to his taste and habits. We offer one of the most delicious and popular recipes, elementary in execution.


  • In a 3-liter jar of moonshine you need to put 50 grams oak chips, 15 grams of honey, St. John's wort and oregano;
  • we also put 20 peas of allspice there, but we put cloves, coriander and vanilla sticks at our discretion;
  • the minimum time for infusion of oak bark in moonshine is 3 days, but it is better if the mixture is left alone for several weeks.

Cranberry tincture on personally made moonshine attracts with its rich color and unique aroma wild berries. Both women and men like this drink equally, which is facilitated by its lightness and unusual aftertaste. The most basic recipe cranberry tincture is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to mix 800 grams of granulated sugar and a similar amount of crushed cranberries, and this must be done carefully and until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. The mass is poured with 1.5 liters of moonshine, with a strength of at least 40-50 revolutions.
  3. It is possible that you want to reduce the sugar content in the drink or get rid of the sweetness altogether.
  4. It's okay, the tincture will not suffer from this. Pouring on cranberries is infused for at least 2-4 weeks, after which it is filtered through several layers of gauze. If you notice a fall cloudy sediment, no need to worry, it has an exclusively natural origin.

Rowan flavored drink

Rowan tincture on personally prepared moonshine is made using berries that have already survived good frosts. Before starting to prepare a drink in oak barrel, mountain ash should be dried a little in the oven or oven. Moonshine is used ordinary sugar, plum, pear or apple, the main thing is that its strength is equal to 70 revolutions. Specialists in home tinctures recommend brewing rowanberry for at least a year, but if you manage to endure a few years, then rowanberry tincture will be worthy of participating in an elite alcohol exhibition.

To do this, several indispensable conditions must be observed:

  • Add honey or sugar;
  • cool the initial mixture and at first insist it in a cool place;
  • filter through dense matter;
  • pour into an oak barrel and send to the cellar.

Using prunes

Make original, tasty and delicious from ordinary moonshine healthy drink prunes will help you, which gives the drink soft taste and unusual color. Before you make a prunes tincture from home-made moonshine, stock up on the fruits themselves, which can be bought in a store or prepared on their own. If you have to take the store option, do not choose large and light brown fruits that have already lost the lion's share of their taste and aroma.


  1. To start with a rolling pin, crush 1 piece of allspice and cloves.
  2. Pour the resulting powder into a half-liter jar of moonshine, put 4 pitted prunes, 3 black peppercorns and a couple of grams of vanillin into it.
  3. Close all this with a lid and shake well, then leave for 10 days in a cool and dry place.
  4. As soon as the infusion period expires, the drink will need to be filtered and poured into beautiful containers that can be put on the table. You can store them in the refrigerator, but not longer than one year. The tincture goes well with cold cuts, savory dishes and different types of cheese

Quick additions to moonshine

When deciding what to add to moonshine, you need to decide what it is for. If you want to mask an unpleasant odor, you can add dry or dried berries and fruits to alcohol. For getting healing tinctures need to long time soak in alcohol spices, spices and herbs. Pourings - sweet alcoholic drinks medium strength, in which the main tone is set by fruits and berries. Choose and get to work.

So, what can be added to moonshine, as they say, without much bother:

  1. Honey or syrup. A great way to give moonshine a pleasant flavor. sugar syrup brewed in proportions of sugar and water 1:1. Add to taste, mix thoroughly. If there is a need to further refine the drink, in three-liter jar throw 3-4 tablets activated carbon. Settling takes 3-4 days, after straining the alcohol is ready to drink.
  2. Tea or coffee. Dry tea brew and instant coffee well interrupt the moonshine spirit and give the drink a new color. Tea will need 1 heaping tablespoon per three-liter jar, stand for at least 5 days. Coffee needs 1.5 teaspoons, alcohol will be ready immediately.
  3. Black or chili pepper. A chili pepper can give a spice to a drink - you only need one per liter of moonshine. Be sure to remove the seeds from the pod so that you do not have to pour out too spicy infusion. Black pepper cleanses the drink well, making it useful for digestive system. Enough 10 peas for a half-liter bottle. Both peppers require a week of aging. The color of moonshine will not change significantly.

In general, almost any spices can be poured into pure strong alcohol: whole cinnamon, saffron, cumin, bay leaf, dried and fresh ginger, star anise, nutmeg whole or ground and others.

How to get rid of fusel oils?

The worst thing about moonshine is fusel oils. That they are, everyone can see for himself: it is enough to light the moonshine - in a spoon (if it does not burn, this is bad product). After burning alcohol, an oily liquid remains at the bottom. These are harmful fusel oils. How to get rid of them?

  1. First: compliance with the production technology, do not increase the temperature, constantly change the water cooler.
  2. Already ready moonshine clear from fusel oil with the help of potassium permanganate. Throw 2–3 g of potassium permanganate powder onto a three-liter jar. Wait for the precipitate to fall. Drain the moonshine carefully. For this purpose, household water filters of the "Spring" type are used. If not, you can strain the moonshine simply through a vessel with charcoal. Its good substitute can be obtained at home. Kindle a birch fire. When the firewood burns out, but the heat is still very strong, fill with charcoal clay pot blow away the ashes. Close the pot tightly with a lid. Wait for the coals to go out. Take them out of the pot, cool, pound (not very finely). Can be used as a filter. You can throw (at the rate of 50 g per liter) into moonshine. Let it stand for three weeks. Shake the vessel every day.
  3. Filter. Do not be too lazy to do this and make sure that the taste improves, the amount of impurities decreases.

So, you already have a manufactured purified product. It's already ready to use.

Making moonshine at home allows you to get high-quality strong alcohol that can be consumed moderately without harm to health. But everyone understands that pure moonshine may not have a pleasant aroma and original taste, in order to give it certain characteristics, it should be added to the liquid additional ingredients. Let's talk aboutwhat to insist on moonshineto get a good result.

Experienced distillers know that moonshine can be infused on almost any component that has bright taste And great content essential oils. Nevertheless, you should not be zealous otherwise the result can turn out to be very unexpected.

Combining and combining some ingredients, you can make alcohol that is no less expressive than the original. Everyone knows that by infusing moonshine on certain components, you can get homemade cognac, whiskey, absinthe and other original drinks.

What can be used to make tinctures? Anything. Fans of the original taste insist alcohol on horseradish roots. Any fruits and berries are suitable, the quality of the feedstock itself is of great importance. It is important that the fruits and berries do not have spoiled and rotten fragments, otherwise the moonshine will not get a pleasant fruit and berry taste and aroma.

The main additives that go well with strong alcohol become honey, wheat, raisins, oak bark, Pine nuts, coffee beans, cloves, mint, black pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon. You can prepare a tincture from one or more ingredients, depending on the desired result.

What to insist on moonshineto give it special characteristics

Let's figure out what can be added to alcohol in order to end up with a drink of a certain taste or color. Usually drinks are insisted on herbs with an increased content of essential oils, spices, some even add tea to the liquid, which, in turn, very effectively changes the color and taste of alcohol.

How to give alcohol a special flavor

Few people know what is the best way to insist on moonshine so that it acquires a pleasant aroma, but in fact, softening the smell of alcohol is quite simple. It is enough to add aromatic substances to the liquid, the most common additives: ginger root, cinnamon, vanillin.

Components do not have to be added in mono mode; combined combinations are often used. For example, such a set is often found: a pinch of vanillin and 2-3 cloves.

It will hide the smell of alcohol very well and give a pleasant aroma of lemon or orange. At the same time, it is not necessary to use the fruit completely, it is enough to lower a couple of citrus peels into a container with moonshine. The number of crusts depends on the volume of alcohol, so for three liters you will need the skins of two fruits.

It is worth noting that in order to add flavor, you need to infuse additives after making moonshine. Otherwise, all odors will evaporate during the distillation process.

How to color alcohol

In addition to the issue with aroma, often in the process home production I have to solve the color problem.What to insist on moonshineto give it a certain color is not known to everyone, unlike aromatization, this moment does not tolerate amateurs.

First of all, it's important to get it right. To get higher quality alcohol, do not neglect double distillation and additional purification of the drink with milk and other methods. After that, you can begin to give alcohol a certain shade.

If there is a need to give the drink a specific color, then you can use the usual food coloring, it will not add flavor and will not affect the taste in any way. However, natural ingredients in addition to changing the color, flavoring properties are also added. Moreover, the noble shade of alcohol can only be obtained by insisting on natural additives.

The ratio of color and component:

  • golden and orange - berry juice and saffron flowers, pine nuts, Oak bark;
  • yellow - saffron, mint, lemon balm, parsley;
  • red - blueberries;
  • scarlet - tartar;
  • purple and light blue - yarrow, femur;
  • blue - cornflowers;
  • green - currant leaves.

It is worth remembering that a bright and saturated color in this case will not work, you can only count on a light shade.

How to get sweet moonshine

There are many optionswhat to insist on moonshineto add some sweetness to it. The most common and popular option is. Second is caramel. Raspberries or regular sugar will also help in resolving the issue.

In addition, raisins and prunes will do an excellent job. It is important not to overdo it with the additive, otherwise you can get liquor.

Recipes for popular tinctures

At the end of the conversation about what to insist on homemade moonshine, we bring to your attention recipes for popular tinctures that will turn homemade alcohol into a masterpiece.

Cedar tincture

One of the popular Siberian drinks. It is believed that it is not only tasty, but also useful for the body in moderation.


  • unpeeled cedar nuts - 40 gr;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried lemon peel - 20 gr;
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.

The composition of the components is designed for half a liter of moonshine. Pour boiling water over the nuts three times to get rid of the resin, crush them together with the shell and place in a container for infusion. Add the rest of the ingredients and pour moonshine.

Infuse for at least two weeks, shaking occasionally. After the drink is ready, filter through cheesecloth or paper filter. Then let stand for another 3-4 days in a dark, warm place. The tincture can be supplemented with herbs or berries that will not kill the cedar aroma.

homemade peppercorns

The option is suitable for lovers of spicy drinks. Pepper is much more powerful and pleasant than the store-bought factory version of alcohol.


  • hot pepper - 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • pepper, black - 4 peas;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • propolis - on the tip of a knife;
  • lemon zest - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika - 1 tbsp. l.

The set is designed for a liter of moonshine with a strength of at least 50 degrees.

Chili for cooking slightly cut on the surface. Crush black peas. The remaining components are simply mixed in a jar for infusion. Put the container in a dark warm place and leave for a week. Shake the mixture once a day for better mixing of the components.

As soon as the tincture stands the right time, filter it and let it rest for another couple of days. To reduce the sharpness and strength of the chili tincture, you can not cut it.

Berry tincture

The softest and delicious tincture of all the proposed options. This drink is more suitable for ladies.


  • berries (to your taste) - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • moonshine - 1 l.

Rinse and dry the berries, remove spoiled and rotten ones. Sprinkle with sugar and mash to extract juice. Pour the mixture with moonshine and mix thoroughly. Put in a dark and warm place. Shake the tincture once a day. After a month, filter and bottle. Alcohol is ready.

Options what to insist on moonshineweight. Every lover of homemade drinks can experiment and create their own unique one.
