
Original snack recipes for the New Year. “Elegant” shrimp skewers with vegetables

The editors have selected the most original snacks for the New Year 2017, the recipes of which will help create an interesting New Year's menu, full of bright colors and unforgettable taste.

Snacks for New Year 2017: recipes with photos

The “feathered” owner of next year loves everything bright, colorful, but at the same time simple and economical, so it’s easy to please the Rooster. Snacks for the New Year 2017 can include as the main ingredient and decoration any products whose colors match the natural colors of the bird, which will satisfy all the preferences of the sacred creature.

Delicious and simple snacks for the New Year 2017 can be prepared from juicy paprika, tomatoes and cucumbers, which will effectively and organically complement seafood, meat and herbs. Experts also recommend not to neglect simple gastronomic delights, for example, assorted pickled vegetables and cold cuts.

New Year profiteroles “Fire Rooster”

Tender profiteroles with curd filling and caviar will become a real decoration of the New Year's table. The recipe for this dish can rightfully be classified as “unbored” snacks for the New Year, with which you can pleasantly surprise your household and holiday guests.


  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200 g butter
  • 150 g soft curd cheese
  • 50 g red caviar
  • 4 eggs
  • greenery

Preparation: bring water to a boil and melt in it butter. Sift the flour with salt and brew the dry ingredients with the hot butter mixture - the dough will become creamy and very thick. Gradually add one egg at a time to the dough, kneading thoroughly. Roll the resulting dough into balls the size of Walnut and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Meanwhile, combine curd cheese with chopped herbs, which will become the filling of an original snack for the New Year 2017. Cut off the “cap” from the cooled profiteroles, fill with cheese and decorate with caviar on top.

“Elegant” shrimp skewers with vegetables


Snacks for the New Year 2017 from seafood will be the most advantageous option on New Year's table. These dishes have an invaluable property - low calorie content with great content squirrel, which will be highly appreciated by adherents healthy eating, which includes the Fire Rooster.


  • large shrimp
  • paprika (yellow and red)
  • Champignon
  • greens, garlic, soy sauce
  • olive oil, salt, pepper

Preparation: Peel the shrimp from the shell, cut the mushrooms into 2-4 parts, cut the paprika into equal-sized squares. Combine all the ingredients for the kebab in one salad bowl and pour over the olive oil marinade, soy sauce, chopped herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. After 15 minutes, string shrimp and vegetables alternately onto wooden skewers and bake in the oven or grill (5-10 minutes).

Italian appetizer “Melanzana con fungi”

This Italian dish akin to “student” snacks in an original presentation can harmoniously dilute the New Year’s menu. At the same time, this snack recipe for the New Year 2017 will become a lifesaver for housewives - its preparation takes only 15 minutes, and the result exceeds the expectations of even the most demanding gourmets.


  • 3 eggplants
  • 400 g champignons
  • 3 raw eggs
  • 1 onion
  • bright sweet peppers
  • olive oil, salt, pepper, herbs

Preparation: Peel and cut the eggplants into cubes, pour in the eggs, beaten with a pinch of salt. When the vegetables have absorbed the eggs as much as possible, place them in a heated frying pan and fry until golden crust. Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms and onions, add them to the already fried eggplants and fry over low heat, covered, for 10-15 minutes. Cut the paprika in half and remove the seeds. Place the eggplant-mushroom mixture into each boat. Decorate with greens. To add some spice, you can sprinkle the vegetables with a few drops of mustard oil.

Jellied "Bright Kaleidoscope"

Many housewives consider preparing aspic a troublesome task and often try not to include recipes for this dish on the New Year's menu. But the aspic “Bright Kaleidoscope” belongs to the category of “tasty and simple snacks for the New Year 2017” - its detailed recipe helps you cook quickly and easily gourmet dish even in the absence of professional culinary skills.


  • 0.5 liters of broth (vegetable or meat to choose from)
  • 150 g fresh frozen vegetables ( green pea, carrots, corn, bell pepper)
  • 2 tbsp. instant gelatin
  • beef tongue
  • greenery
  • whole eggshell

Preparation: Boil the broth and dissolve gelatin in it. Whole eggshells (can be saved after preparing other salads and snacks for the New Year) rinse with water, fill 2/3 with frozen vegetables and chopped boiled tongue. Pour broth with gelatin over the shell and refrigerate for several hours. Before serving, peel the shells and place the aspic on a serving plate (if difficulties arise, lower the eggs with the aspic for a second in hot water and roll on the table). This recipe You can simplify it even more - this aspic is even easier to make in a cake pan.

Original canapés “Golden Cockerel”

Don’t want to dilute the New Year 2017 snacks with banal sandwiches with sausage and sprats, but don’t know what to cook for them instead? The Golden Cockerel canapé recipe will help you with this - serve traditional products for sandwiches in original design and your guests will be delighted with your culinary imagination.


  • french baguette
  • ham or raw smoked sausage
  • soft cheese (like Mozzarella)
  • cucumber and tomato
  • olives and pitted olives
  • skewers for canapés

Preparation: Dry the baguette slices in the oven, meanwhile cut the sausage and tomato into thin slices, and the cucumber into longitudinal slices. Place a layer of cheese on the baguette and a slice of tomato on top. The next layer in the canape is sausage or ham, folded like a fan, a slice of cucumber is laid out on top of it like an accordion and secured on top of the canape with a skewer with a threaded olive or olive.


Delicious and simple snack recipes for the New Year 2017 great amount. But their main highlight will be festive decoration– The Fire Rooster will be glad to see his bright “feathered” brothers on your table. Also, don't forget to infuse your dishes with love, good mood and a smile - then the owner of the coming year will definitely bring good luck, material well-being and immeasurable happiness to your home!

Have a delicious New Year!

There is very little left, and many housewives are racking their brains over creating a holiday menu. Here you will find rules and recipes for decorating the New Year's table.

New Year 2017 according to the eastern calendar is considered the year considered the most sociable, and fire symbolizes vital energy who strives for growth and success. That is why, when preparing to celebrate the New Year, you need to approach it with enthusiasm and bright ideas.

When setting the table, use red and gold colors, and to dilute the bright color range The colors that work best are white and silver. And of course, we can’t forget about candles!

How to create a New Year's menu

Believing in omens is a purely personal matter, but you must know how to attract good luck to the Fire Rooster and be able to appease him, because New Year’s Eve is a night of magic. To do this, you need to take into account the preferences and tastes of this wonderful and colorful bird.

The rooster is an economical, but not greedy animal. The festive table should show your wealth, but at the same time not be bursting with an abundance of food and dishes. Dishes can be very simple, and not too complex and exotic.

You can often see on the holiday table fried chicken, duck or other bird. But not in the upcoming one New Year's Eve. You need to give up such dishes. The presence of poultry meat can only be in salads and in small quantities. Therefore, you should give preference to dishes made from pork, veal, beef and fish. Also, do not put deviled eggs on the table.

The table in the year of the Fire Rooster should have vegetables and fruits, both in salads and sliced. Don't forget about dessert. It is best to make a pie or cake.

Recipes for main courses for the New Year 2017

For this dish you will need following products: 1 kg salmon fillet, 300 ml cream no more than 10% fat, 150 g cheese, 1 onion, salt and seasonings to your taste.

The first step is to make the sauce. The cream should be poured into a small bowl. Add salt and seasonings to them. Seasonings can be anything. If you add a little lemon juice to the cream, the sauce will thicken and will resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.

Salmon fillet cut in small pieces and place on a baking sheet previously greased with vegetable oil. Pour the sauce over the fillet and let stand for about 20 minutes. After this, sprinkle the salmon pieces with grated cheese. Now you need to put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the fish for 30-35 minutes.

For the garnish you will need: 10 large or 15 medium potatoes, 2 egg whites, seasonings and olive oil.

First you need to do light batter, in which the potatoes will be cooked. To do this, beat well egg whites. The potatoes must be cut into slices and mixed in the beaten egg whites. Then add all the seasonings to your taste. Added to the baking sheet a small amount of olive oil and add potato wedges. If desired, you can sprinkle herbs on top. Potatoes should be baked at 220 degrees for about 40 minutes. In this case, the potatoes should be stirred every 10-15 minutes.

Pork rolls with prunes and feta cheese

Ingredients: 1 kg pork neck, 200 grams of feta cheese, 200 grams of prunes, 250 grams of sour cream no more than 25% fat, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 4 tablespoons of mustard with grains, 2 teaspoons of dried basil, salt and pepper to taste.

The first step is to prepare the prunes. To do this, you need to soak it in warm water for swelling. Rinse the pork well and cut into longitudinal strips 2 centimeters thick (the meat should be cut across the grain) and beat well.

Mix sour cream with butter, mustard, basil and seasonings. This sauce should be coated on both sides of each piece of meat. Let the meat sit for 10-15 minutes. Now you need to dry the prunes well and cut them into small pieces, also cut the cheese.

Now you need to place the cheese and prunes on ¼ of the pork and carefully roll it into a roll. The rolls are placed on a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for about an hour.

Here are a few more recipes for main courses for the New Year's table

Salad recipes for the New Year 2017

For the salad you need: 1 jar canned salmon, 250 grams of cheese, 1 small tomato, 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice, herbs - dill and parsley, 1 pack of crackers.

This salad is very easy to prepare. Place the fish in a bowl and chop well with a fork, then add grated cheese and lemon juice. Form a cone from the resulting mixture. Now let's start decorating the Christmas tree. To create the effect of fluffy paws you need to use greenery. Cut out a star and toys from a tomato. Toys can also be made from pomegranate and olives.

Crackers are needed to make it convenient to eat the salad.

Note that you don’t have to make a cone, but put the mixture on a plate and shape it, as in the photo below.

Required products: 200 gr chicken fillet, 3 medium potatoes, ½ can of corn, 150 g Korean carrots, 1 bunch of parsley, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 bunch of lettuce, salt to taste.

Boil the chicken fillet and chop finely. Add corn, carrots, finely chopped parsley, salt and mayonnaise to the chicken. To stir thoroughly.

Cut the potatoes into thin strips and fry on vegetable oil before golden color and add to bowl with chicken. Mix again. Now you need to find a dish, put lettuce leaves on it and put salad on top. If desired, you can decorate the top with herbs, tomatoes or radishes.

Snacks for the New Year's table

Snack "Herringbone"

For a snack you need: 1 thin pita bread, 250 grams of curd cheese, 100 grams of Parmesan cheese, 2 pieces of red bell pepper, 20 pieces of olives, 1 bunch of lettuce leaves. If desired, you can also use fresh basil.

First you need to prepare the filling.

Place the curd cheese in a deep bowl and add grated Parmesan fine grater, finely chopped olives and peppers.

Lay cling film on the table and lay out lettuce leaves, and put pita bread on top. Carefully cut into 4 even pieces. Place the filling on each piece and carefully roll into rolls. Use your fingers to form a triangular shape. Now the rolls need to be put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then take it out, remove the cling film and cut into small pieces. Place each piece on a skewer. Place half an olive at the base of the Christmas tree.

Ingredients: 300 grams of cod (you can use fresh or canned), 7 potatoes, 3 eggs, 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch of green onions, 400 grams of cheese, 1 red and 1 yellow pepper, 1 pack of mayonnaise and seasonings to taste.

Boil the cod, separate from the bones and chop finely. If you took cod in a jar or other fish, just mash it. You need to mash the potatoes. Finely chop the eggs or grate them on a fine grater. Now you need to mix all the ingredients, seasonings and add mayonnaise so that you can roll into small balls.

Now you need to color the balls. To do this, you need to very finely chop the pepper, cucumber, green onions. Each ball should be rolled well in one of the plates and placed on a dish.

You can use any products to color the balls, it all depends on your taste preferences.

Ideas for slicing for the New Year's table

The festive table must include vegetables, meat and fruit slices. You can simply place the chopped products on a dish, but you can also show creativity and imagination.

Video: “Menu for New Year 2017”

Happy New Year!

On the eve of winter celebrations, many housewives are faced with the question of what to prepare interesting and new for the holiday table and how to surprise friends and relatives who come to visit. But if the original recipe for the second dish is quite difficult to find, interesting options cold and hot snack for the New Year 2017 appear with enviable regularity. Among them there are simple and tasty, light dishes and truly unusual exotic dishes for children and adults. The most best recipes We have compiled them into a single selection. All you have to do is study it and decide which dishes will decorate your table on the night of the Year of the Rooster.

New cold appetizers - recipes for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Eastern horoscopes claim that the patron saint of the coming year, the Fire Rooster, gives preference to bright, catchy and extraordinary dishes that have never been on your holiday table before. Therefore at least one cold snack for the New Year 2017 you need to prepare it according to a new recipe. In this way you will surprise your guests, and you will be able to enlist the support of the magical bird.

Necessary ingredients for New Year's recipe

  • round buns with sesame seeds – 8 pcs
  • red caviar – 100 g
  • boiled shrimp – 200 g
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs
  • quail eggs – 8 pcs
  • mayonnaise 67% – 250 ml
  • salt – 1/3 tsp
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions for preparing cold appetizers for the New Year of the Rooster

An interesting hot appetizer for the New Year with cheese and asparagus - recipe with instructions and photos

For a holiday, you always want to cook something unusual, and if you haven’t decided what exactly, then pay attention to this recipe for an interesting New Year’s appetizer with asparagus, prosciutto and hard cheese. None of your guests have probably tried this delicious dish yet, so there will literally be no end to those who want to try a spectacular new menu item on New Year’s Eve.

Necessary ingredients for an interesting and unusual New Year's hot snack recipe

  • puff pastry yeast-free dough— 500 g
  • hard cheese– 75 g
  • prosciutto – 300 g
  • asparagus – 1 bunch
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp
  • ground black pepper – 1/3 tsp
  • salt – 1/3 tsp

Step-by-step instructions for preparing an unusual, interesting hot dish for the New Year 2017

  1. Boil water in a small saucepan, put asparagus in it, boil for 5 minutes and drain in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  2. Roll out the puff pastry very thinly and cut into strips of equal length, approximately 3 centimeters wide.
  3. Grate the cheese onto coarse grater.
  4. Sprinkle small slices of prosciutto with grated cheese, place cooled boiled asparagus on the edge and carefully roll into a tight roll.
  5. Wrap the asparagus rolls in strips of puff pastry, place on a baking sheet lined with greased parchment paper and place in the oven, preheated to 180°C.
  6. After 25-30 minutes, remove, place in a heap on a serving plate and serve to the New Year's table.

The best recipe with photo of the “Cheese balls” snack for the New Year 2017

Even this familiar dish, How crab salad, can be included in the New Year 2017 menu and served in the form of an original, bright and stylish snack. A detailed recipe with a final photo will tell you how to do this. Of course, you will have to tinker a little with making the balls, but the amazingly tasty and very attractive result will more than compensate for any labor costs.

Required Ingredients for Cheese Balls Recipe

  • crab sticks– 250 g
  • hard cheese – 150 g
  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • soft cheese – 150 g
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • canned olives – 15 pcs.
  • mayonnaise 50% - 3 tbsp
  • dill – 1/3 bunch
  • salt - ¼ tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to make delicious “Cheese Balls” for the New Year 2017

  1. Boil the eggs until tender, remove from the pan and cool until room temperature. Peel the shells, separate the whites from the yolks and grate them on a fine grater into separate containers.
  2. Grate chilled cheese (both types) and frozen crab sticks on a medium grater.
  3. Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  4. Rinse the dill in running water, pat dry with a kitchen towel and chop very finely.
  5. Combine cheese, egg whites, crab sticks, chopped herbs and garlic in a deep container, season with mayonnaise, add a little salt and mix very well so that the appetizer becomes homogeneous.
  6. Using a portioned spoon, scoop up a certain amount of cheese mass, form a flat cake in your palm, place a whole olive in the center, roll into a neat ball and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  7. Before serving on the New Year's table, roll all the balls in grated egg yolk, place in an elegant serving dish and decorate with sprigs of greenery.

Snacks for the New Year 2017 with photos - what to cook new, interesting and unusual for the holiday

New Year's celebrations – perfect occasion in order to pamper your family, friends and loved ones with new, interesting, unusual dishes and prepare a salmon appetizer in the form of a filled roll. This dish will attract attention at first sight, make you happy, delicate taste and will become a bright “highlight” of even the most exquisite and exotic holiday menu.

Necessary ingredients for a new and unusual snack for the New Year's table

  • salmon fillet – 2 pieces, approximately 450 g each
  • canned green peas – 300 g
  • flounder fillet – 400 g
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • fresh White bread– 300 g
  • protein – 1 piece
  • milk – 100 ml
  • parsley – 2-3 sprigs
  • olive oil – 50 ml
  • ground nutmeg– ¼ tsp
  • salt – ½ tsp
  • black ground pepper– ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for making New Year's salmon appetizer roll

  1. Rinse the carrots, peel them, boil in salted water until tender, cool and chop into small cubes.
  2. Wash the parsley, dry it, separate it into leaves and finely chop it.
  3. Drain the liquid from the peas and place the grains in a colander to drain as much moisture as possible.
  4. Cut the bread into portions and soak in milk at room temperature. Grind the flounder fillet in a blender until pureed. Lightly squeeze the bread and combine it with the fish, add salt and pepper, add nutmeg, add the protein and mix thoroughly until completely homogeneous.
  5. Add to minced fish vegetables and herbs, mix again and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 40-50 minutes.
  6. From one salmon fillet, in the thickening area, cut off a layer of flesh so that the back and belly are aligned.
  7. On the second fillet, make two deep cuts to the right and left, so that the workpiece eventually opens in both directions.
  8. Place half of the total filling in the center of the open piece. Leave a blank edge approximately 4-5 centimeters wide on each side. Place a slice of fish cut from the first fillet on top of the filling.
  9. Then spread the remaining filling and cover with a smaller piece of salmon. Secure the free edges at the bottom with wooden toothpicks.
  10. Dip a food brush in olive oil and generously brush the roll on all sides.
  11. Wrap tightly in food foil, place on a heat-resistant baking sheet and place in the oven, already preheated to 200°C.
  12. After 35-40 minutes, remove, cool to room temperature and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  13. Before serving on the New Year's table, remove the foil, remove the toothpicks and cut into portions.

Delicious and quick snacks for the New Year 2017 - simple recipes with photos

Before the holidays, everyone has a lot of things to do and there is not always enough time to create complex, exotic dishes. If you have just such a situation, simple recipes for making quick and tasty meals will help you get out of it. New Year's snacks. By following these tips you will make a small cooking masterpiece and greet guests “with all weapons.”

Ingredients needed for an easy New Year's snack recipe

  • baguette – 1 piece
  • medium sized tomatoes – 8 pcs.
  • egg - 8 pcs
  • raw smoked or dried meat – 300 g
  • fresh cucumber – 4 pcs.
  • black and green olives without pits – 10 pcs each
  • mayonnaise 67% – 50 ml

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly make a delicious snack for the New Year 2017

  1. Boil the eggs until tender, cool very well, peel and cut into thin, neat circles.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, dry on a kitchen towel and cut into oval slices about 0.5 cm high.
  3. Rinse fresh cucumbers in running water, blot with a napkin and cut lengthwise into very thin, almost transparent slices. Also prepare meat.
  4. cut the baguette sharp knife into slices, grease with mayonnaise and put a tomato on top, grease with mayonnaise again and cover with a circle of eggs.
  5. Thread an olive, a slice of cucumber folded in a wave, and a strip of meat onto a decorative skewer.
  6. Insert the skewer almost all the way through the bread. Place on a festive platter and place on the table.

Children's snacks for the New Year 2017 - recipes with photos

At the holiday table, children, as a rule, are more interested in sweet dishes and it can be extremely difficult to get them to eat a hot main course or salad. However, you can find a way out even from such a difficult situation. To do this, you need to try to attract the attention of the kids. original presentation food For example, prepare a delicious children's cold appetizer for the New Year 2017 in the shape of Christmas trees, as suggested in the recipe below with photo. For this you will need the most simple products, about 30 minutes of time and a little imagination. But the end result will be very beautiful, bright, interesting and unusual dish which will give holiday menu special solemnity and will definitely appeal, not only to children, but also to adults who have gathered to celebrate the coming Year of the Rooster.

Necessary ingredients for a children's New Year's snack recipe

  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • processed mild cheese – 2 pcs.
  • prunes – 50 g
  • sour cream 20% - 150 ml
  • dill – 2 bunches
  • dried apricots – 15 pcs.
  • soft cracker – 15 pcs

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for preparing snacks for the New Year 2017 for children

  1. Boil the eggs hard, cool, peel and grate on a medium grater.
  2. Grate the processed cheese on a coarse grater and combine with the egg.
  3. Steam pitted prunes with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then drain the water and place the berries in a colander to drain excess liquid. Then cut into small cubes.
  4. In a deep container, combine eggs, cheese, prunes, season with sour cream and mix very well until the mass becomes homogeneous and plastic.
  5. Use your hands to form small neat cones of the same size and height.
  6. Rinse the dill under running water, dry thoroughly and finely chop.
  7. Roll the cheese cones on all sides in chopped dill and place each one in the center of the cracker.
  8. Garnish with pieces of dried apricots and place on festive table.

On holidays, and especially on such a “long” holiday (in terms of the number of hours spent at the table) like the New Year, in my opinion, you should put about 10 snacks on the table. Let me explain: we begin to see off old year, as a rule, this means 3 glasses of alcohol and an hour and a half of time at the table, chewing something all the time. If there are mountains and “” people will already have eaten their fill, since people usually go on a visit hungry, hoping to try something delicious while visiting.

If you have a little bit of everything, people will try to try everything. But here again it is important not to overdo it for the same reason. You have prepared a hot dish. You are proud of him. You want all your guests to try it, but they are already sitting drunk, full and looking sadly at the dish you brought.

Therefore, approach the choice of snacks carefully, and I will try to help you with this. I've already made up enough extensive menu, in which you can freely go to the detailed recipe for each salad with one click of the mouse. Today I made the same list for snacks.

15. Appetizers for the holiday table - recipes with photos

Snacks from fish and seafood.

A simple appetizer with beets and cheese “Napoleon”

Snacks... Hearing this word, you immediately get the impression that this is probably a holiday. Although not on holidays, we also use snacks. Of course, herring or lard before, salad before soup, all this refers to appetizers, but holiday snacks This is completely different. Every housewife tries to prepare something special and beautiful for the holiday to surprise the guests. But sometimes the fear that - oh, I don’t know how, I don’t know how..., I don’t know what I can cook with so that it’s delicious, interferes with the flight of our imagination.

Liver pate with lingonberry jelly

Very beautiful, holiday dish and very tasty. Imagine what your table will look like if you put these bowls on.

Tomatoes stuffed with breast and ricotta cheese

We have already looked at a couple of recipes for simple and tasty snacks for the New Year, and in this article we invite you to look at and cook with us a couple more recipes. We all understand that the most important thing on the holiday table is the snacks with which the table is usually set, hot, cold, meat, fish, vegetables, aspic and many, many, others.

Apples stuffed with breast, baked in the oven

Usually they stuff them with apples, but we did the opposite, we stuffed the apples. Look how delicious it turned out.

Appetizer for the holiday table: jellied meat with vegetables in shell

Today we will prepare a simple and tasty, and also beautiful, as we are preparing for the festive table, a meat appetizer. Oh, meat, meat, perhaps not a single holiday would be complete without appetizers and meat dishes. Whatever you do, the famous jellied meat, or the equally famous pie -,

Delicious pork brisket for the holiday table

One of the most familiar and many favorite dishes is brisket, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s baked, or boiled with spices, or cooked in foil, it’s good in any form.

Korean fern with mushrooms and meat

I think the most underrated appetizers we have are fern and garlic arrow appetizers. But it’s hard to find anything more original than such appetizers for the holiday table. Of course, apparently you can’t find these products everywhere, but in big cities, and not very big ones, they are probably in stores, you just don’t pay attention to them. Other products are available everywhere. These snacks, although festive, are very cheap. Anyone can prepare such salads and feel the New Year holiday.

Appetizer for the holiday table - Garlic arrows

Of course, not everyone ate this dish. Many probably didn’t know about this, but among Asian peoples this is a common, almost daily dish. For us this one original snack is unusual, festive and of course delicious.

Fish and seafood appetizers

Quick appetizer: Recipe for fresh herring with onions and vinegar

For example, every New Year we make sure to make my favorite snack at home, which is the first to go, almost as soon as we sit down at the table. It is prepared very quickly and this is very convenient on holidays, when there are not enough hands for everything, but here the first part of the preparation is purely male.

Another red fish appetizer

Well, this..! Just look at the picture. I immediately want the New Year to come faster. We look - we enjoy, we try - we lick our fingers.

Scallops with rice and cream sauce

Today we will prepare dishes that are not often served here - this is a hot appetizer of red fish and also a hot appetizer of scallops with rice cream sauce. Well, of course, a fish, it is a fish. We usually take any red fish. But scallops are a different matter. Of course, in the western part of Russia it is not so easy to choose scallops, because if they are available, they are only of one type. Well, we have to use what we have.

Red fish, in the form of fish fingers with yogurt sauce

Not complicated preparation original recipe from fish. The most important thing here is the sauce. You can consume it before everyone sits down at the table.

Fish aspic for the New Year

One more thing absolutely New Year's dish, this is aspic. What is it made from, and from various meats poultry, and beef, especially offal, pork, and rabbit. In our country, aspic is made mainly from fish. For jellied fish, you can use red fish, preferably pink salmon, char, white fish, pike perch, sterlet, although you can also use salmon and sturgeon.

Stuffed fish - a delicious recipe for the New Year

For as long as I can remember, over the last 20-30-40, and maybe more years, not a single New Year celebration has been complete without this dish. I know that many families, as a rule, have a lot of the same dishes, loved by the whole family, every year for the holiday. And on New Year’s Eve, even more so, rarely does anyone go without Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat, including our dish, which is called very simply - Stuffed Rudd.

Salad mix (mixed seafood)

Today we will practice preparing New Year's salads. Fire rooster is already peeking out of the chicken coop and waiting for its time to come. We will try to please him and will prepare seafood salads, he loves them.

Ceviche recipe with shrimp

Of course, you can eat shrimp just boiled, but when you try this dish, you will say that yes, this is an appetizer, and not just shrimp.

Among the numerous dishes on the festive table, salads occupy not the least place. Their numbers and different variations allow each housewife to choose what she likes. A well-developed imagination will allow you to add new elements to salads, making them traditionally family-friendly.

Simple New Year's salads 2017: a selection of recipes

They can no longer imagine the New Year without everyone’s favorite Olivier salad or herring under a fur coat. You can choose any salads on New Year's Eve 2017, but it is worth remembering that the coming year will be the Red Rooster.

To please him, there must be bright red ones on the table, yellow colors, as well as their shades. Also, salads should not contain chicken meat. Recipes should be simple and easy; anyone, even a novice housewife, can make them.

Herring under a fur coat

The traditional, beloved salad always appears on the New Year's table and 2017 is no exception.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil all the vegetables without peeling them. You can check if it is ready by poking it with a fork; if it goes in easily, then you can pull it out. Then put under cold water. If time allows, you can simply leave it for several hours to cool;
  2. Cut the herring, remove skin and bones. Cut the fillet into small cubes;
  3. Peel the onions, then rinse them in cool water so they won’t cause tears. Chop finely and mix with chopped herring;
  4. After the vegetables have cooled, they need to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater;
  5. Further, if desired, the layers can be placed traditionally in a dish or made into a roll. Place the layers on the cling film in reverse order: squeezed beets from the juice, place carrots, eggs and potatoes on top. Salt the layers and coat with a layer of mayonnaise;
  6. Place herring and onions on top of all layers;
  7. Carefully wrap everything into a roll without pressing on it.

The salad is ready, all you have to do is cool it by putting it in the refrigerator. Place on a flat dish, remove the film from the salad, sprinkle with chopped herbs.


Also one of the homemade New Year's salads, which is easy to prepare, spending no more than half an hour on it. To surprise guests, you can serve it wrapped in pita bread.


  • Lavash – 3 pcs.;
  • Several eggs;
  • Any hard cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • 1 can of any canned fish;
  • Green onions, dill;
  • Mayonnaise or unsweetened yogurt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs and let them sit cold water, then grind with a grater;
  2. Grate the cheese and soften the fish with a fork;
  3. Place three sheets of pita bread on the table, spread each with mayonnaise or yogurt;
  4. Place grated eggs on the first sheet, grated cheese on the next sheet, and fish on the last sheet. Cover all sheets with chopped green onions with dill;
  5. Roll the sheet with the egg into a tight roll and place it at the beginning of the sheet with the cheese, also repeat with the fish sheet;
  6. Now ready roll needs to be wrapped cling film and put it in the refrigerator. This way the pita bread will be soaked and the roll will not fall apart.

After the time has passed, cut the roll and place it on lettuce leaves in a plate.

Salad with crab sticks

This salad will be appropriate on the table for New Year 2017. The host of the year will like the multi-layered bright ingredients and ease of preparation.


  • Large package of crab sticks;
  • 5 eggs;
  • Greens, pepper, salt;
  • Carrots – 0.3 kg;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs and vegetables, once ready, place under cold water;
  2. After everything is cleaned, grate it coarsely; grind the whites separately from the yolks;
  3. Chop the crab sticks into shavings; if they were frozen, you must first defrost them;
  4. Place vegetables in layers in a deep dish, greasing with mayonnaise product. Layers: potatoes, crab sticks, egg white, carrots. Repeat layers twice.

Sprinkle salad egg yolk with greens.


Loved by everyone New Year's salad The owner of the coming year, the Red Rooster, will also like it.


  • Potatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Small onion head;
  • Bunches of greenery;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Pickled or pickled cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 0.1 kg;
  • Boiled sausage – 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

    1. Boil eggs and vegetables until tender. Fill with cool water and clean after a while;

    1. Chop vegetables, eggs and sausage into medium cubes, cucumbers into half as small;

    1. Finely chop the greens and onions, mix everything;

  1. Mix all ingredients before serving and combine with mayonnaise.

For those who like to combine sweets in salads, add 1 grated apple to the composition, if desired.

Salad "Santa Claus"

The salad is not only tasty, but also beautiful. Its design will appeal not only to the adult half of the guests, but also to children, as it will look like a real Santa Claus.


  • 1 cup rice;
  • 0.3 kg crab sticks;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Greenery;
  • Paprika, salt, peppercorns, ground pepper;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • 1 yellow bell pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil carrots with eggs, cool. The peeled products will be crushed on a coarse grater. Do not touch the whites, leave them for decoration;
  2. Cook rice, cool;
  3. Thaw the crab sticks and separate the red-orange part from the whole part for decoration. Plane the remaining part into small strips;
  4. Mix chopped greens with rice, leaving a little for decoration;
  5. Mix the ingredients with mayonnaise and place on a flat plate in the shape of a man - Santa Claus;
  6. Make a semicircle out of cheese for the face. Make eyes from a pot of pepper, line the cheeks with red pepper. Make a beard and mustache from the protein. The red fur coat and hat are made from the bright part of crab sticks.

Salad ready. When serving, garnish with parsley.

New Year's salad 2017

Despite the simplicity of the salad, it is very festive and tasty. Depending on the number of guests, as well as your preferences, the ingredients can be changed, increased or decreased in quantity.


  • 2 eggs;
  • Hard cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • Carrots – 150 g;
  • 0.3 kg of potatoes;
  • Pickled or pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • Onion – 70 g;
  • Green apple – 200 g;
  • 300 grams of canned green peas;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs and vegetables. Leave in cold water for 20 minutes, then peel;
  2. Vegetables, cucumbers and apples must be cut into medium cubes. Grind the eggs and cheese using a fine grater;
  3. Add canned peas, mix everything.

Before serving, add mayonnaise.

In addition to salads, you can serve the New Year elegantly on the holiday table.

Warm salad “New Year's mood 2017”

The salad is very easy to prepare, it will take no more than 40 minutes. It looks bright and festive.


  • 300 g of any lean meat;
  • bell pepper different colors: red, green, yellow;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Soy sauce – 50 ml;
  • Green beans.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat in advance. Cut it into long strips or tear it by hand. Fry a little in vegetable oil, adding soy sauce;
  2. At this time, place in boiling water green beans for 7 minutes;
  3. Thinly slice the pepper into strips;
  4. Place peppers, green beans and meat in a salad bowl.

Before setting the table, pour the meat sauce over the salad. Can be consumed both warm and cold.

Salad with grapes

Interesting and unusual salad would be appropriate on the New Year's table. The salad can be made lighter by replacing mayonnaise with sour cream.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 400 grams of boiled rabbit meat;
  • 2-3 green apples;
  • 1 large bunch of grapes Lady fingers»;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Greenery;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the boiled eggs and peel them. Chop finely into cubes;
  2. Peel and seed the apples, grate them coarsely or cut them into cubes. To leave the apple slices looking aesthetically pleasing and not darken, you need to treat them with lemon juice;
  3. Wash the grapes, dry them, separate them into berries. There is no need to cut them, because the ladyfingers grape variety already has small berries;
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix all.

Before serving, mix with sour cream or mayonnaise and garnish with chopped herbs.


Easy holiday salad, which will appeal to the female half of the guests. Combination juicy shrimp, cheese and sauce will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • Iceberg cabbage – 1 head;
  • Large shrimp – 0.4 kg;
  • White bread - 4 slices;
  • Olive and coconut oil;
  • Dill seeds;
  • Wine vinegar – 50 ml;
  • Salt, dry mustard;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Stir 50 grams of salt with chopped garlic. Add a little vinegar, lemon juice of half a lemon, 20 grams of dry mustard and 100 ml of olive oil;
  2. You need to make croutons from the bread, for this you need to cut the pieces into cubes, fry them in a frying pan, greasing it olive oil. Once the croutons are browned, add a little to them in the frying pan. coconut oil with garlic;
  3. Wash and dry the cabbage. Divide into leaves and tear them. You can also simply cut into thin strips;
  4. The shrimp need to be boiled. It is better if they are unpeeled. Pour 2 tbsp into boiling water. l. dill seeds and a lot of salt so that the water tastes very salty. Throw in the shrimp and let sit for exactly 5 minutes. If you cook the shrimp longer, they will become rubbery. After this, cool and peel;
  5. Add shrimp, grated cheese and croutons to the lettuce leaves.

Place in a salad bowl. Before serving, pour over the prepared butter sauce.

"Garnet bracelet"

This salad will look great on the 2017 New Year's table because of its unusual presentation, in appearance it resembles a red bracelet made of garnet stone.


  • Potatoes – 0.4 kg;
  • Carrots – 0.4 kg;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Peeled walnuts – 100 g;
  • Rabbit fillet – 500 g;
  • 100 g onions;
  • Canned corn – ½ can;
  • Greenery:
  • Mayonnaise;
  • 1 large pomegranate.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the rabbit fillet, cut into cubes or simply tear into slices with your hands;
  2. Boil vegetables and eggs, cool, peel and chop on a coarse grater;
  3. Peel the pomegranate and separate it into grains;
  4. Now you need to arrange the products in the shape of a bracelet. To do this, you need to place a special mold or an ordinary glass in the center of a flat plate, which needs to be turned from top to bottom;
  5. Lay out in layers: meat, chopped onions, carrots, nuts, potatoes and eggs. Each layer must be coated with mayonnaise;
  6. Place pomegranate seeds tightly on top of everything. Cool in the refrigerator, only then remove the form or glass from the salad.

Regardless of what salads you have for the New Year 2017, they all need to be decorated with greens. It will look beautiful if salads are served in portions on lettuce leaves. It is also important to know when to dress salads so that they look fresh and neat on the table.

Vegetable salads must be dressed an hour before guests arrive, so they have time to soak in. Lettuce salads should be dressed just before serving.

Bon appetit!
