
How to pickle cucumbers you will lick your fingers. We roll up "Latgalian" cucumber salad with onions for the winter

There are almost always cucumbers: in the summer - on the beds and in refrigerators, in the winter - on the shelves of the cellar or pantry. There are many ways to harvest them: and cult barrel cucumbers, and popular marinated ones, they can also be preserved in their own juice. Of course, not the last place in this conditional popularity rating is occupied by juicy, tasty, multifaceted, aromatic and appetizing salad from cucumbers for the winter. You will lick your fingers from such an appetizer, but it is prepared in an elementary way! Any inexperienced clumsy can handle it in no time! The recipes I offer are simple, repeatedly tested on my own stomach and unanimously approved by the household. As many as three available versions of crispy preservation.

Aromatic cucumber salad "Lady's fingers"

This delicious salad got its name from the shape of the cut. Cucumbers are cut lengthwise into 4-6 parts, and as a result, crispy appetizing cucumber slices With delicate aroma spices.

Thank you so much for my mom's recipe!


Outcome: about 5 liter cans of preservation.

How to prepare a spicy salad of chopped cucumbers for the future (for the winter):

Small cucumbers are ideal for this blank. You can fill the banks with them as much as possible. Wash vegetables and herbs. Soak in different bowls cold water for 30-60 minutes. Discuss. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into 4-6 pieces (depending on their thickness). Place in a large bowl.

Finely chop the greens. Send to cucumber "fingers".

Grate the garlic on a coarse grater or chop with a knife. Transfer to the pelvis. Sprinkle with ground black pepper.

It is advisable to use your own chopped peppercorns. It's more aromatic. And, unlike the store, it does not contain small debris.

Pour sugar and salt into a deep bowl. Pour in the vinegar. Stir until smooth. Pour into the basin.

Add sunflower oil.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Cucumbers will secrete juice that will be used as a filling.

To speed up the process of liquid release, install oppression on top.

Take jars with a capacity of 0.75-1 l. Wash them thoroughly with baking soda. Discuss. Arrange the cucumbers tightly so that there is a minimum of empty space. Pour in the liquid remaining after settling the cucumbers. Cover with lids. Put the salad in a pot of water (so that it reaches about the “hangers”). Sterilize for 20 minutes (after boiling the liquid in the sterilization tank). Roll up conservation. Turn over to check for leaks. Wrap up, wait for cooling.

Store cucumber salad until winter in a dry cellar or closet. It turns out very tasty - not only will you lick your fingers one by one, but you will also bite off your tongue.

Canned Cucumber Salad with Carrots in Mustard Dressing

Cucumbers with mustard - appetizing combination. Who once made such a preparation, then he necessarily repeats it for an encore. A laconic set of spices gives it such a flavor that even when you open the jar, your stomach begins to growl immodestly. Households and guests will appreciate it!

Required products:

Exit: about 2.5 liters of workpiece.

Cooking method:

Wash cucumbers thoroughly. If you have a couple of hours left, soak the vegetables in clean water. They will become crispier and, of course, cleaner. Lay out on a towel to dry after washing. Cut into slices up to 3-4 mm thick. Transfer to a deep bowl.

Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Or cut into thin strips. Sprinkle over cucumbers.

Next Ingredient lettuce requiring cutting - onions. Grind it into rings or halves of rings. Add to cucumbers with carrots.

Wash the parsley and pat dry. Grind. Pour into a bowl.

On a note:

lovers thrill can put hot peppers in the salad (to taste). Free it from the seeds. cut in small pieces. It will give a noticeable sharpness and piquancy.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife, grate or crush. Put to vegetables. Add a couple of bay leaves, peas allspice, mustard, salt (not iodized and not extra finely ground), granulated sugar, table (apple, wine) vinegar and sunflower oil. Stir. By the way, mustard is suitable both in powder and in grains. You can use both types.

Stir. Put the salad under pressure. Cover it with a flat plate. Place a weight of 3-4 kg on top. Leave overnight in a dark place at room temperature.

Cucumbers will give a lot of juice, we will make a marinade from it, in which the salad will be stored until winter.

Arrange the salad in clean, dry jars. Sterilize the preservation in the oven or in low-boiling water for 15 minutes (half liter jars) or half an hour (liter). Seal with sterile dry lids. Cool upside down under a blanket. Move to storage area.

Take care of your fingers in winter, because when tasting a salad from spicy cucumbers they want not only to lick, but also to eat.

We roll up "Latgalian" cucumber salad with onions for the winter

Behind complicated name hides a completely simple salad, which, according to the principle of preparation, resembles. This preparation is also made without sterilization, with the addition of onions, but it uses more components - spices and vegetables. Therefore, preservation comes out more colorful, juicy and fragrant.

For cooking you will need:

It turns out: about 1.5 liters of snacks.

Action plan:

Cut clean and dried cucumbers into circles about 0.5 cm thick, after removing the tips. Wash the parsley, shake off the water. Chop big. Remove the seeds from the peppers. Grind the pulp into pieces of arbitrary shape. Cut the onion into circles, manually divide them into separate rings. Put everything in a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom.

Throw in the coriander seeds.


It is allowed to use ground grains or coriander greens (cilantro). For spiciness, you can add a few pieces of hot pepper.

Put salt and sugar. Pour in the oil. Stir. Put on the stove. Cover the salad with a lid. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes until the cucumbers change color to yellowish green. Stir the vegetables occasionally to ensure they cook evenly and do not burn.

Remove the saucepan from the stove. Add vinegar. Stir.

Arrange hot cucumbers with onions in sterilized jars. Don't be afraid to press the vegetables down to make more room for them. Pour the marinade released during heating of the cucumbers. Close with clean boiled lids. Before wrapping the container, check if the marinade is leaking. If the closure is tight, cover the jars with a thick blanket.

After a day, take it to the pantry or underground, where the workpiece will wait for winter. It is a pity that the recipe cannot describe how delicious this cucumber salad turns out - well, you just lick your fingers! Cucumbers and onions remain crunchy, coriander and parsley add an incredibly appetizing flavor. Yes, it keeps well.

When it’s winter, when amazing snowflakes are spinning outside the window, and frost stings the cheeks and noses of passers-by running on business, then there is no greater pleasure than to see on dining table summer gifts. The first place among summer gifts is rightfully given to cucumbers, which are well preserved after special processing almost all winter.

Many housewives have their own secrets for processing vegetables for winter preparations. Among the collections of cucumber canning recipes, salads and snacks are a special group. Easy to make these winter preparations have high taste properties. About such cucumber snacks, they say, the taste is just licking your finger. Everyone loves them! They are the first to appear in the middle of winter in front of guests on holiday table. Under vodka.

There are hundreds of recipes for making salads for winters with a saying: "You'll lick your fingers." Moreover, each cucumber salad has its own ingredients. Let's get acquainted with the secrets of some winter salads with cucumbers.

First, it is necessary to cut off the tips from the cucumbers, as well as spoiled places (if any). A small cucumber can be preserved whole. large cucumbers it is recommended to cut in half lengthwise. When cut, vegetables are better fed with marinade.

Winter salad "Lick your finger"

Delicious and crispy pickles this salad in winter on the table will be a reward for all the efforts to produce it. For 4 kg ripe green cucumbers need:

Harvesting in the middle of winter will be delicious, and each cucumber in it will be crispy if performed strictly according to the technology of the recipe. So washed vegetables soak in cold water for a while. We shift the prepared cucumbers into a large enameled basin. Add recipe ingredients. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, and then remove for 3 hours in a dark, cool place.

While the mixture for winters is being prepared according to the recipe, it is necessary to prepare glass containers (glass jars) without wasting time. They must be sterilized with tin lids for sunset. Ignite the jars, then cool. In each glass jar we put a few peas of hot black pepper, herbs and a couple of cloves of garlic.

We take out a basin with cucumbers from the darkness and put them into banks. Fill each glass jar with marinade from the basin and close tightly. We immediately take it to the cold, to the cellar, where the blanks will be stored until winter.

Salad with cucumbers "Lick your fingers"

The secret feature of the recipe for this salad is considered pouring hot marinade specially prepared cucumbers. So, for this salad we take:

  • three kilos of cucumbers;
  • half a kilo onion;
  • dill greens;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • a little bit of black peppercorns;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • half a glass table vinegar.

Cucumbers are washed and cut into thin slices according to the recipe. Dill greens are rinsed and finely crumbled. The onion is cut into half rings. The crushed ingredients are mixed, left for half an hour for the appearance of juice. After that, everything is placed on the stove and the mixture is brought to a boil. It is necessary to stir from time to time. If the cucumber has changed in color and turned dark green, then immediately remove the dish from the heat.

glass jars calcine, spread the salad in them, and then pour hot juice, i.e. marinade filling. Banks should immediately be closed and turned upside down. Cover with towels so that the pickle preserves cool slowly.

Winter appetizer of cucumbers "Lick your fingers"

cucumber salad - very tasty snack from vegetables. The recipe is very simple!

To do cucumber appetizer for the winter (for 8 half-liter glass jars), we take:

Rinse cucumbers and cut into circles. Remove the husk from the onion, chop into rings. Peeled carrots pass through coarse grater. Finely chop the garlic.

Salad jars must be washed in water with soda and immediately - on water bath. At the bottom of each glass jar, place 1 garlic clove, 1 teaspoon of dill seeds, a couple of peas of allspice, a couple of parsley, a pinch of black ground pepper.

After that, you need to lay out a layer of onion rings, and then on top - a layer of grated carrots. It is necessary to ensure that the layer is about 1 cm thick. A layer of cucumber circles follows the layer of carrots on top. In a jar, a layer of cucumbers should occupy a space of about 2 cm in height. In a similar way, the layers alternate with each other.

Ingredients for snacks for the winter should fill the entire space in the jars, reaching the coat hanger. In addition, vegetables it is recommended to tamp lightly.

In this salad recipe, it is permissible for the cucumbers to be cut not only into circles, but also into long sticks. Therefore, it makes no sense to fill jars with layers of ingredients. Here the vegetables can be mixed and put into jars.

Marinade for a snack for the winter can be cooked. Bulk ingredients must be dissolved by stirring them in water. Then it must be brought to a boil. In the marinade you need to add table vinegar, according to the recipe. When it boils, then it should be poured into jars. The container must be covered with lids and place for sterilization in boiling water, using a low heat stove, for 35 minutes. After that, in each jar you need to pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hot vegetable oil. All. Salad for the winter is ready. Can be rolled up. Wrap with towels. In this form, the snack should be left for a day so that it cools to room temperature.

Cucumber salad "You'll lick your fingers"

If there are old cucumbers that have already outgrown, then you can also cook from them tasty dish. For example, a summer salad of such cucumbers is not made because of the unimportant taste. Overgrown vegetables are great for snacks like cucumbers. "lick your fingers" or " winter king» . Below is the recipe tasty snack that every housewife will love! If you add spices to the dish, then the natural cucumber flavor can be changed. An unusual cut in a jar will look beautiful.

In order to prepare such an appetizer of cucumbers for the winter, you will need the following products:

Rinse cucumbers for salad under water and peel because of its hardness and roughness - the peel has no place in our food. Cut each cucumber according to the recipe into centimeter-thick slices. Seeds from overgrown vegetables must also be removed because they are tough.

For the marinade, bring the water to a boil. Pour salt and granulated sugar, as well as other spices. It is too early to add citric acid. When the liquid boils, it must be poured into enamelware in which slices of cucumbers are folded. This dish should be covered with a flat plate. Instead of a plate, a lid is suitable, which will be smaller in diameter than the dishes. On a plate (lid) oppression is placed on top for half an hour. During this time, you can wash the jars well for preparations for the winter and sterilize them, as well as tin lids for them.

When the workpiece is infused, then it must be transfer to banks. All ingredients, as well as each cucumber, should be laid very tightly. Marinade with cucumber juice brought to a boil. It is boiled for about 7-8 minutes. The marinade is poured into jars that already contain the salad. In each jar, before pouring the marinade into it, you need to pour a pinch citric acid. After - roll up the cans hermetically. The main secret recipe that table vinegar here replaces citric acid.

Bon appetit!

Cookbook experienced hostess contains great amount ways to preserve cucumbers. These are blockages with mustard, and with ketchup, and all kinds of other additives! And most of them are salads and snacks - the simplest and most convenient to perform and, moreover, the most delicious winter sunsets. Is in great demand cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers". It is closed in different interpretations and with various additives. But the main thing is that it fully justifies its name!

Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers": Recipe 1

Blockage of "gifts of nature" without a sterilization procedure is a great opportunity to save them for long term and thereby preserve the full spectrum of vitamins in them. Without much time consuming, not overcooked, crispy, absolutely everyone will like it! The ingredients for this method will be following products: 4 kilos of greens, several heads of garlic, dill umbrellas and parsley (selected depending on the number of cans), black pepper grains, 1 cup of sugar sand, 3-4 tbsp. salt, 100 ml of vegetable oil and 200 ml of 9% apple ocet.

To make the dish delicious, you must meet all the requirements for culinary technology this step by step recipe. So, for starters, cucumbers are thoroughly washed and soaked in water for a short period. After that, the tips are cut off from them and the nailed and spoiled places (if any) are cut out. Small fruits will be preserved whole, but larger ones should be cut in half lengthwise. In the second case, they are better fed with marinade, and it is much more pleasant to treat yourself to such portioned cuts.

Next, the prepared greens are folded into a voluminous enameled basin, and the remaining components are added to them according to the recipe. Gently and intensively mixing, the mixture is placed in a dark, cold place for 3-4 hours, during which the juice will pour out abundantly - the future marinade. In the meantime, pickling takes place, glass seaming jars with tin lids are sterilized. Having calcined and slightly cooled, 8-9 grains of black pepper fall into them, along an umbrella of dill and a couple of sprigs of parsley, and another 3-4 garlic cloves each.

Well-marinated vegetables are transferred to glass containers, evenly moving the marinade filling with them, and immediately close tightly. By the way, if the filling is not enough and the fruits are not completely covered with it - it's not scary. You can add more vegetable oil to the container or initially to the salad. sent to a cool room, where it will be stored until winter. IN raw snack basil or oregano greens will not be superfluous; but this inclusion is an amateur. And for a special flavor, dill seeds are poured.

Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers": Recipe 2

There is a way" How to cook cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers" with hot marinade. It is also not sterilized, and is accompanied onions, How .

You can make a similar combination from:

    2.5 kg greens,

    0.5 kg of turnip,

    large bunch of dill

    2 bay leaves,

    5 grains of black pepper,

    25 g of table salt and

    50 g sugar sand,

    100 ml table ott.

Cucumbers washed for harvesting are cut into thin circles. Dill greens are crushed after rinsing. The bulbs are cut into half rings. The chopped ingredients are mixed and left to infuse for half an hour and at the same time highlight own juice. Then spices are added to the vegetables, and the appetizer is put on the stove to boil, stirring the mixture regularly. As soon as the pieces of greens change color to dark green, the dish is removed from the heat, laid out in calcined jars and poured with marinade filling. The lettuce is immediately corked, turned upside down to check for leakage, and wrapped in a blanket to slowly cool the preservation.

delicious cucumber salad obtained in a layered presentation. It also contains other vegetables. In winter, all that remains is to drain the filling from it, season it with vegetable oil and have fun!

To prepare a blank in the amount of eight half-liter jars, you will need:

    2-2.5 kilos of cucumbers,

    8 carrots,

    15-18 bulbs

    1 large head of garlic,

    bay leaves,

    allspice and ground black pepper,

    8 tsp dry dill seeds.

And for 1.5 liters of water for pouring, 1 glass of octa, 75 g of table salt, 150 g of granulated sugar is taken. If it is done, then you will need a small pod of hot pepper.

Zelentsy after wet processing under a stream of cold water are cut into circles of 1 cm thick. Onions are peeled and cut into thinner rings; onion slices should be stratified. Carrots are peeled, rinsed and rubbed on a larger grater; Better yet, grind it down Korean grater. The garlic is cut into slices.

Having prepared the vegetable components, you can do the container for seaming. Glass jars are washed with soda and calcined for steam bath. In them, 1 chopped clove of garlic is placed at the bottom, 1 tsp each. dried dill seeds, 2 peas of allspice, 2 bay leaves and a pinch of ground black pepper. Then a layer of onion rings is made; on them - a layer of carrots. The thickness of the auxiliary layers is approximately 1 cm. The cucumber circles are next, filling them in the jar with approximately 2 cm of space in height. Thus, the completed layers alternate until the container is filled to the shoulders. In this case, the “laying” needs to be slightly tamped.

Sometimes on this recipe greens are cut into long sticks, not circles. Then filling with layers immediately loses its meaning. And you can just combine the vegetables and fill them with containers.

Marinade on " Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers" delicious» is brewed from water, salt and granulated sugar. After stirring, dissolving the crystals and bringing the solution to a boil, it is seasoned with table otts, and boiling is poured into jars. The container is covered with lids and placed for sterilization in gently boiling water for 35 minutes. Then 1 tablespoon is poured into each container. hot vegetable oil, and the snack rolls up. Preservation is wrapped in a blanket and left to cool to room temperature for a day.

Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers": Recipe 4

Overgrown, old cucumbers can also be used. You can’t close them completely for future use, and summer salads of them are not tasty. Such fruits can be worthy of use in the “Lick Your Fingers” dish, as well as in other winter snacks, such as others. In addition, the spices that complement the dish radically change the natural cucumber flavor, and the unusual cutting attracts attention.

So, for 2 kilos of cucumbers it will be necessary for:

    6 grains of black and allspice pepper,

    6 cloves,

    100 g of granulated sugar,

    15 g coarse table salt,

    5 g citric acid and

    1 liter of water.

Zelentsy washed under a cold stream of water is completely peeled; since the hard and rough outer shell of overgrown vegetables will be absolutely superfluous in the dish. After the fruits are cut in two along, and cut into slices of 1 cm thick. By the way, it is also desirable to remove the seeds; especially if they are already hard.

For the marinade, the water is boiled, and salt-sugar and other spices chosen for this are poured into it. Lemon has not been added yet. Slices of cucumbers are added to the boiled liquid, poured into an enamel bowl. The container is covered with a flat plate or a lid of a smaller diameter, and oppression is placed on it for 30-35 minutes. This time will be enough to thoroughly wash the glass containers and sterilize them together with the lids.

The present workpiece should be transferred to the banks, tamping the pieces more tightly. The marinade with the released juice of the greens is brought to a boil, boiled for 7-8 minutes and topped up in a container for the salad. Also, 2.5 g of citric acid is poured into each jar before pouring the marinade, and the containers are hermetically rolled up. Main Feature given is that instead of table otts, "lemon" is used. And if someone does not wish to include an estimate in winter recipes, then the occlusion method described would be a very appropriate replacement.

Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers": Recipe 5

Fans of sweet and sour flavors will love it. next way conservation. In addition, the resulting peculiar, but rather pleasant-tasting snack can be used as independent dish, and cook on its basis more complicated recipes. There are not so many vegetable components in composition; but with spices - full play actions. But the main thing is to add cumin. Or you can replace it with coriander in grains or ground. And included in the list of ingredients small piece hot pepper will make the workpiece more interesting. So, on " Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers." Recipe with photo"for three liter jars you will need: 2.5 kg of greens, 1 kilo of onions (it would be nice to select small turnips), 100 ml of vegetable oil and 6% octa, 1 tbsp. table salt and 100 g of sand-sugar, spices (cumin, coriander, chili pepper, black pepper grains - in any combination). And, of course, dill greens are added if desired.

Carefully washed cucumbers are “freed” from the tips, and chopped into circles of 0.5-1 cm in thickness. Onions are cut into rings of the same height as the previous product, and sorted into layers. Chili pepper (if it will be used) is cut into small cubes. Dill greens are cut into small branches. Next, the greens with onions are transferred to a suitable cooking utensil, poured with otst and stirred. Then the mixture is seasoned with vegetable oil and mixed again. Next, spices and spices are poured, and the salad is once again well “cheered up”. You need to stir the ingredients slowly, because the vegetables should secrete juice abundantly.

Jars and lids are wet processed and sterilized. Dishes with a salad are placed on moderate heat, where the workpiece is boiled for about 20 minutes. On full readiness it can be determined by the changed color of the pieces of greens: they will turn from bright green to olive and slightly soften. Intensive boiling is not necessary; otherwise, the dish will lose its crunchiness and boil. The jars are filled with the finished snack and sealed immediately. Like, the salad should be infused for about 1.5-2 months. Therefore, you should not immediately use it - it will not enter the peak of its maturity.

Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers": Recipe 6

The last method in the proposed list of recipes advises to roll up pieces of greens in a spicy mustard-garlic filling. Such " Cucumber salad for the winter "Lick your fingers" quickly» comes out crunchy, spicy and extraordinarily tasty. it's the same great option For homemade seaming gherkins. Although large fruits, cut lengthwise into 4-6 pieces, it turns out to be delicious! In addition to cucumbers - no auxiliary vegetables; only parsley leaves. Ingredients for preservation will be: 4 kilos of greens, a large bunch of parsley, 2 large garlic heads, 1 tbsp. with a slide of mustard powder, 200 ml each of 9% octa and vegetable oil, 1 glass of sugar sand, 3 tbsp. with a cooktop coarse salt, 2 tbsp. ground black pepper.

After washing the greens, they need to be allowed to dry a little, and you can cut off the tips from them and cut into 4 pieces along. The parsley is rinsed and finely chopped. Greens are folded with cucumbers into a bulk cooking utensil. Next, the sauce is prepared. For him, sugar is combined in a separate bowl, salt, ground black pepper and mustard powder. Also added to the sauce crushed garlic, the ocet is poured in and vegetable oil; and after each new addition follows intensive mixing to a uniform mass consistency.

The resulting sauce is poured with pieces of greens and left for 6 hours to soak with spices. The workpiece should be stirred every half hour. In time the fruits will come enough liquid, and it will be easier to mix the mixture each time. Glass container sterilized and dried. and garlic are laid out in jars, pouring them with the resulting sauce with their own cucumber juice.

Filled containers are covered with calcined lids and sterilized for 20-25 minutes. Warming up, the appetizer is immediately clogged, turned over and covered with a blanket; In this form, it is left for a day or two.

Do you want to surprise your guests with delicious crispy cucumbers? We offer you three wonderful recipes cooking spicy cucumbers! Turns out salted cucumbers you can cook in 2 hours - just unbelievable! Take note!

These pickled cucumbers are just amazing taste.

Lightly salted cucumbers in 2 hours. Dry way!

Such cucumbers are prepared without brine in a plastic bag (therefore, the dry method), and they can be eaten in a couple of hours. It seemed to me that it is very convenient, and I decided to try it.

So, we take a pound of cucumbers. Wash well. Cut off the tails. We fold into plastic bag For food products. Adding there...

2 large garlic cloves, coarsely chopped. There is also an umbrella of dill (I didn’t have an umbrella and I took a tablespoon of dry grains of dill and herbs) and a tablespoon of salt.

Now the bag must be carefully tied and placed in another plastic bag, which is also tightly tied.

We leave cucumbers for salting in a warm place (for example, on a sunny balcony). After 2 hours salted cucumbers ready to serve for dinner. If lightly salted cucumbers are needed not after 2 hours, but later, then they must be transferred to a jar and put in the refrigerator to slow down the pickling process (otherwise, since the dose of salt is large enough, the cucumbers may turn out not lightly salted, but salty and even very salty).


Cucumbers - 4 kg
Parsley greens - 1 bunch
Sunflower oil - 200 grams
Table vinegar 9% - 1 cup
Salt - 80 grams
Sugar - 1 cup
Black ground pepper - 1 dessert spoon
Garlic - 1 head


We weigh 4 kilograms of cucumbers, young, small in size. My. You can trim the ponytails and noses slightly.

Those cucumbers that are larger are cut lengthwise into four parts: first in half, the halves are still in two. Cut the smaller ones in half lengthwise. Place prepared cucumbers in a bowl.

Finely chop a good bunch of parsley and send to the cucumbers. Add a glass to the pot sunflower oil, a glass of 9% table vinegar and 80 g of salt (do not pour a 100-gram glass to the top on your finger).

Pour a glass of sugar into the resulting marinade for cucumbers, dessert spoon ground black pepper.

We disassemble the average head of garlic into cloves, cut them thin slices and there - in the pan to the cucumbers.

We leave for 4-6 hours. During this time, the cucumbers will release juice - in this mixture, pickling will take place.

You can shake the pan several times to mix the cucumbers in the marinade.

In the meantime, you can sterilize half-liter jars (from 4 kilograms of cucumbers you get 9 jars of canned food).

After the required time has passed, we take the prepared jars and fill them with slices of cucumbers: we take a piece with a fork and, slightly tilting the jar, put it vertically. And so on, until the bank is full. If the jar is not full, lay another layer of cucumbers horizontally.

Fill the jars to the top with the marinade remaining in the pan, cover with prepared lids and sterilize for 20-25 minutes.

We get it, roll it tightly.

Put the jars upside down, wrap them in towels until they cool completely.

Bon appetit!

Cucumbers familiar to us can be easily called perfect product nutrition. They promote digestion and regulate appetite, perfectly quench thirst and cleanse the body, promote work of cardio-vascular system and prevent the deposition of salts. Unfortunately, only fresh cucumbers. And if you save them beneficial features with the end of the summer does not work, then you can enjoy green crispy fruits from a jar even in the middle of a harsh winter.

That is why many housewives are happy to preserve cucumbers using a variety of all kinds of recipes. The article talks about the types of winter harvesting cucumbers and gives practical advice for their preservation.

Cucumber blanks for the winter: recipes

Cucumbers for the winter can be harvested either whole or as part of salads (Figure 1). Whole cucumbers can be lightly salted, pickled and pickled. The difference lies in the method of preparation. For example, salted cucumbers are not harvested for the winter, but are consumed shortly after salting. But salted and pickled cucumbers can stand in a jar all winter.

Note: Salting is considered more in a healthy way preservation, since cucumbers are stored due to natural fermentation, without the participation of acetic or citric acid. Cucumbers are in a brine saturated with lactic acid, so the jars can not be hermetically sealed, but covered with a nylon lid.

But the safety of pickled cucumbers is ensured by vinegar (another acid), which acts as a preservative. At the same time, the housewives use the methods of sterilization, pasteurization and double filling.

Sterilization involves keeping jars of product in the oven or microwave for a certain amount of time, depending on the volume of the jar itself. A more home-based pasteurization method involves boiling filled jars for a time period determined by the recipe and the size of the jars. With this method, vinegar is added to the marinade just before pouring. The double pour method is much more comfortable than the previous two, since it does not require the organization of a hot environment in the oven or large saucepan. With this method, cucumbers are poured with marinade twice: the first time without vinegar, the second time with the addition of a preservative (table or apple cider vinegar, citric acid or aspirin).

Figure 1. Options winter snacks from cucumbers

You should be aware that these preservatives are susceptible to oxidation under the influence of air, which does not guarantee the safety of the product without tight sealing and adversely affects the quality of the workpiece. That is why pickled blanks for the winter should be rolled up with metal lids. Additional natural preservatives include: garlic, Bay leaf, different types peppers, mustard seeds, oak bark.

Cucumber and tomato salad recipe for the winter

Everyone's Favorite vegetable salad from cucumbers and tomatoes can be prepared for the winter using this recipe (Figure 2). For 3 kg of cucumbers, you need to take the same amount of tomatoes, one and a half kilograms of onions and 300 g of dill. To prepare the dressing, you will also need half a liter of vegetable oil, 4 tablespoons of salt and 5 tablespoons of sugar and 9% vinegar.

Figure 2. Steps for preparing a winter salad

We cut well-washed vegetables: cucumbers - in circles, ripe tomatoes- slices, onions - half rings. Vegetable mix mix with salt and sugar, season with vinegar and oil, add finely chopped dill and mix. Leave for 10 minutes to extract the juice. We lay out the workpiece in sterile jars, fill it with the resulting juice, evenly distributing the liquid. We pasteurize the floor liter jars with the workpiece in boiling water for 15 minutes. Next, roll up and wrap the jars, leave them to cool at room temperature, then transfer to a cooler place.

Winter salads of cucumbers and peppers

Another option for harvesting cucumbers for the winter is canning them with bell peppers (Figure 3). We give a recipe, at the output of which you will receive 4.5 liters of winter salad.

So, for 4 kg of cucumbers, you will also need: 6 pieces of sweet pepper, 1 kg of onions, 5 cloves of garlic, 4 tablespoons of salt, 5 bay leaves. To prepare the marinade, prepare 3 liters of water, 1 glass of sugar, half a glass of vinegar and vegetable oil.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash all vegetables.
  2. Peel cucumbers and cut into slices.
  3. Sweet pepper free from seeds and cut into strips.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  5. Combine all vegetables in a separate container, salt, mix and leave for 1 hour to extract juice.
  6. Squeeze out the released liquid, transfer the vegetables to another bowl.
  7. Prepare a marinade from water, sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Add vinegar to the boiling marinade.
  8. Pour the vegetable mass with hot marinade, mix.
  9. Add chopped garlic, mix again.
  10. Put a bay leaf on the bottom of the prepared jars.
  11. Pour the mixture into jars, cover with lids.
  12. Pasteurize jars for 15 minutes.
  13. Roll up the preservation, cool upside down.
  14. Store blanks in cool place.

Tomatoes will add even brighter and richer colors to the winter salad. The salad proposed below is not only tasty and fragrant, but also beautiful.

Figure 3 Winter salad from cucumbers with bell pepper: cooking step by step

For 2 half liter jars you will need: 200 g of tomato, 140 g of cucumbers and sweet peppers (preferably yellow color), 100 g onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 dill umbrellas, 430 ml of water for marinade preparation, 4 tsp. table vinegar, 2 tsp. coarse salt, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil and 4 peas of allspice.

At the bottom of the sterilized jars, lay out a bay leaf, 2 peas of allspice and fill them with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. This is followed by a layer of onions, peeled and cut into feathers. Following the onion - Bulgarian pepper, de-seeded and cut into thin strips. The next layer is cucumbers, cut into circles or half rings. Tomatoes, chopped into small slices, complete the styling. For flavor, add a clove of garlic to each jar and cover the vegetables with a dill umbrella. Sprinkle the contents of the jars with salt and sugar, add vinegar and pour boiling water over.

We sterilize the salad at a low boil of water for 10 minutes. We roll up the banks, turn them over, wrap them up and let them cool in this position. We store the workpiece in a cool place until use.

Cucumbers with onions and carrots

The great advantage of cucumbers is that they can be easily combined with other vegetables. The salad offered below turns out not only tasty, but also quite budgetary, because the simplest and most simple are used for its preparation. available products(Figure 4). It is prepared without sterilization, which greatly facilitates the process.

For 4 kg of cucumbers, you need to take: 1 kg of carrots and onions, 100 g of garlic, half a spoonful of ground black pepper, 7 tablespoons of sunflower oil, half a glass of vinegar, 6 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. salt.

In order for the cucumbers to retain their juiciness and crispy taste as part of the preparation, it is recommended to soak them for several hours in cold water. Then dry and cut into slices of medium thickness. Wash carrots, peel and grate. Release the onion and garlic from the husk, cut the onion into half rings, pass the garlic through a press. Combine cucumbers, carrots and onions in a bowl, mix for even distribution.

Figure 4. Winter vegetable salad with onions and carrots

Season the vegetable mixture with garlic and ground black pepper, salt and mix. Wait until the juice is released and only after that put the container with vegetables on slow fire. Cook, stirring and avoiding a strong boil, for 15 minutes. Then add required amount sugar, vinegar and sunflower oil. Mix the mass, taste, add salt and sugar to taste. After that, cook the salad for another 5 minutes. Arrange in sterile jars, roll up and wrap. Leave at room temperature until cool. Store in a cool place. Consume one week after preparation.

Cucumber salad recipe for the winter "Lick your fingers"

For such a salad, you need to prepare: 3 kg of cucumbers, 1 bunch of parsley (dill), 1 head of garlic, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 30 ml of vegetable oil and 70 ml of 9% vinegar, 1 hot pepper (Figure 5).

Cooking method:

  1. Wash cucumbers, cut into oblong slices.
  2. Wash greens thoroughly, dry and finely chop.
  3. Peel the garlic, pass through a press or grate on a fine grater.
  4. Remove seeds from hot peppers (optional).
  5. Combine all vegetables, add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  6. Mix the ingredients and leave for 1 hour.
  7. Arrange the salad in sterile jars.
  8. The remaining juice evenly fill the contents of the jars.
  9. Cover jars with lids and soak in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the volume of the jar (half liter - 5 minutes, liter - 10 minutes).

Figure 5. Cooking salad "Lick Your Fingers" step by step

The workpiece must be hermetically rolled up and placed in heat for a day. Further finished product must be stored in a cool place.

Korean-style cucumber preparation

lovers of spicy and spicy dishes will be to your taste juicy salad from cucumbers in Korean, which can be cooked according to next recipe(Figure 6).

So, for 2 kg of cucumbers will be used: half a kilogram of carrots, 50 g of salt and half a glass of sugar, 0.5 tsp each. ground coriander and seasonings hops-suneli, a third of a teaspoon of cumin, a quarter of a teaspoon of ground chili pepper, half a glass of vegetable oil and table vinegar, and 1 head of garlic.

Figure 6. Cooking recipe vegetable snack in Korean

Start by preparing vegetables. Cut the washed cucumbers into slices, and peel the carrots and chop on a special grater for Korean salads. Transfer the prepared vegetables to a separate container, add spices, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar to them, mix thoroughly and leave for 3-4 hours to extract the juice. Transfer the infused salad into small sterile jars, cover with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 10 minutes. Roll up blanks metal lids and send to heat. Let stand until cool, transfer to storage in a cool place.

Salad with cucumbers and cabbage

Although cucumber and cabbage salads are very simple in themselves, but in combination they have exquisite taste, and therefore find special use in cooking. This is the basis for pickles and saltworts, an addition to side dishes, a wonderful appetizer (Figure 7). We bring to your attention lung recipe fragrant winter salad of cucumbers and cabbage.

Figure 7. Winter salad of cucumbers and white cabbage

For 1 kg of cucumbers you will need: 4 kg of cabbage, 1 kg of onions and carrots, 3 tablespoons of salt, 50 g of 9% vinegar, 300 g of sunflower oil.

The listed products are processed as follows:

  1. Cabbage heads are cleaned of yellowed and withered leaves; finely chopped and seasoned with salt, sugar, vinegar and sunflower oil.
  2. Cucumbers are washed and cut into thin strips.
  3. Clean carrots are peeled and also thinly sliced.
  4. The onion is freed from the husk and cut into half rings.
  5. All vegetables are mixed and boiled for 5 minutes.
  6. The vegetable mixture is laid out in sterile jars and rolled up.

lovers spicy dishes can complement the salad hot pepper and mustard seeds. More delicate taste such a salad can be achieved by adding ordinary honey. In that case, on equal amount white cabbage, cucumbers, carrots and bell pepper(approximately 0.5 kg) you need to take 2 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. honey, 1.5 liters of water and 50 g of 9% vinegar.

Cabbage is chopped into strips, carrots are peeled and grated on a grater designed for making Korean salads, cucumbers are cut into rings of medium thickness, peppers are cleaned of seeds and cut into strips. In addition, each type of vegetable should be in a separate container. Vegetables are laid out in processed jars in the following sequence: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, peppers, filling the bowl to the very top.

To prepare the marinade, water, salt, honey and vinegar are combined, the mixture is boiled. Boiled dressing pour the contents of the jars, sterilize them in boiling water for 15 minutes. The workpiece is rolled up and wrapped. Store the salad in a cool place.

Detailed cooking instructions delicious salad from cucumbers for the winter is shown in the video.
