
Importance of poultry, game and rabbit dishes in nutrition. Coursework technology of culinary products from poultry meat

According to nutritionists, the importance of poultry dishes in human nutrition is very high, since meat does not harm the figure, it keeps it in good shape.

Chicken meat is a very important food item. It has many useful properties, the main of which is a large amount of protein. And protein is rightfully considered to be the “building material” of all living organisms. In terms of protein composition, poultry meat is superior to pork and beef. It also contains large amounts of vitamin A and B amino acids.

Chicken meat is recognized as a high-calorie product, which contains a large amount of protein. It is generally accepted that the use of this particular type of meat restores lost strength, strengthens the human immune system. Medical studies have shown that the use of broth has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, affecting the size of the heart muscle and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

A big plus is the high digestibility of meat by the human body. This is due to fatty acids that protect our body from coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke, in addition, a normal metabolism is maintained. Vitamin B2, found in chicken fillet, has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, and also improves the skin and nails. The presence of a large amount of vitamins in the meat helps to improve the appearance: it strengthens the hair, ensures a slender figure, and strengthens muscle mass.

Many meat lovers prefer chicken because of the presence of white meat, which is very tasty, low-calorie and nutritious. Many believe that the usefulness of meat also depends on the quality of its preparation; various cooling technologies help maintain nutritional value. According to American scientists, chicken meat is useful for diabetics, it helps to lower blood cholesterol levels, and also reduces the amount of protein in the urine.

Duck meat is classified as a dark type of meat. Goose can also be included here. It is not as dietary as, for example, white meat chicken, but it is very nutritious. Duck fat consists of refractory fatty acids, so duck is absorbed by the body longer, but this property is not a disadvantage at all, but rather, on the contrary, it is a distinctive feature. Thanks to these properties, the importance of poultry dishes in human nutrition acquires a special meaning. The body of an athlete or even an elderly person will only benefit and contribute to a rapid metabolism.

Goose meat, according to Polish scientists, surpasses all types of meat in its beneficial properties. And in recent years, active breeding of elite breeds of geese for export has begun. Goose meat is the most juicy and nutritious. Geese are usually stewed or baked. Every person at least once in his life tried a baked goose with apples. Another gourmet dish is goose liver, otherwise called foie gras. Goose fat is very widely used in medicine for burns, and also moisturizes dry, damaged skin.

Turkey meat. It is rightfully considered to be the most complete source of vitamins; in terms of phosphorus content, turkey meat surpasses even fish. The iron contained in this meat is easily absorbed. One serving of turkey is able to compensate for the lack of vitamin PP, which prevents beriberi and improves brain activity, preventing nervous disorders. Turkey meat does not cause allergies, and this is a very important property. Turkey is very rich in protein.

Ostrich meat. Not so long ago, the breeding of statuses in Russia caused shock, a lot of emotions. However, it has now become popular. As it turned out, these, at first glance, southern birds, acclimatize well and are even able to bear offspring. Purely outwardly, ostrich meat resembles veal tenderloin, it is dark red in color, but its taste cannot be compared with any type of meat. Ostrich dishes are the most exotic, they are very widely used in Chinese, Mexican and Italian cuisine. This species goes well with many spices, which gives the meat an even more piquant taste and aroma. In Europe, such dishes as “grilled ostrich”, “exotic barbecue”, “ostrich honey barbecue” are very popular.

The range of poultry dishes is very diverse: numerous broths, fillets, cutlets, chops, barbecue, side dishes that go well with many types of products - this will help diversify your daily diet, give your dish an excellent look and great taste. Good gourmets know very well how to preserve the healthy and gustatory qualities of meat during the cooking process, which will become of particular importance in the diet of each person.


Poultry farming This is a branch of animal husbandry that provides the population with poultry meat, eggs, down and feathers.

poultry meat- this is a carcass or part of a carcass obtained after slaughter and primary processing of poultry and is a combination of various tissues - muscle, connective, fat, bone, etc.

The main types of productive poultry include:

Guinea fowl


All of them are distinguished by high precocity, reaching slaughter weight at 2-3 months of age, and also with a high yield of the edible part (55-65%). The slaughter yield of gutted poultry carcasses reaches 57-60%, half-gutted - 77-80%.

55% of the edible part is muscle tissue;

10% - edible offal.

Inedible parts account for up to 35-40%, including: feather and blood - 22%, 14-18% - bones.

The fats contained in meat determine the high energy value of meat products, participate in the formation of the aroma and taste of products, and contain polyunsaturated fatty acids in sufficient quantities for humans. The muscle tissue of meat contains extractive substances involved in the formation of the taste of meat products and related to energetic stimulants of the secretion of the gastric glands. Meat and especially individual internal organs of animals contain vitamins. The richest in B vitamins and vitamin A are the liver and kidneys. A person receives with meat and meat products all the minerals he needs. Especially a lot of meat food phosphorus, sulfur, iron, sodium, potassium. In addition, meat contains a number of trace elements - copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine, etc.

The nutritional value poultry meat is characterized by the amount and ratio of proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and the degree of their assimilation by the human body; it is also due to the energy content and taste properties of meat. It is better absorbed and has good taste properties of meat with an equal content of proteins and fats.

Muscle tissue has the highest nutritional value, since it contains predominantly complete proteins with essential amino acids that are most favorable for the human body.

the main objective term paper: the study of the range of poultry meat, physical, chemical and organoleptic quality studies, as well as its identification of the current state and prospects for the development of the food market, in particular, the poultry meat market.

From this goal, the following tasks, consisting of the following questions:

1. familiarization with the classification of poultry meat

2. chemical and morphological composition of poultry meat

3. vices of poultry meat

4. packaging, labeling and storage

5. methods for determining the quality of physical, chemical and organoleptic indicators

6. rules for sampling for laboratory tests

7. poultry market research

Structural relationship of this work: introduction, literature review, expertise, marketing research, conclusion.

1 Literary review.

1.1 Classification of poultry meat.

Main types poultry are: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and guinea fowls.

chickens- the most common type of poultry. Depending on the productivity of chickens, they are divided into meat, egg-laying and general use (meat-and-egg-laying).

Meat chickens (cornish, brahma, langshan) are characterized by a large live weight: roosters - 3.5-5.5 kg, chickens - 3-4.5 kg, as well as rapid growth, precocity, good muscle development with a small content of connective tissue. Their meat yield is high - up to 70%.

Much attention is paid to the cultivation of broilers - chickens of meat breed. They are characterized by high precocity and at the age of 60 days reach a live weight of 1.6 kg or more. Broiler chicken meat is tender, juicy, has high taste and dietary qualities. It contains about 20% protein and 5.2-12.3% fat. Broilers go on sale - chickens come chilled. Egg-laying chickens (Russian white, New Hampshire, leghorn, Poltava, Moscow white) are small in size and live weight: roosters - 2.7-3 kg, chickens - 1.8-2.2 kg. Egg production - 220-260 eggs per year.

Common chickens (Zagorsk, Plymouth Rocks, Liven, Moscow black) are larger than egg-laying ones, but their eggs are smaller. Live weight of roosters - 3.5-4 kg, chickens - 2.5-3 kg. They feed well and grow fast.

geese- have large sizes and large mass: ganders - 6-12 kg, geese - 5-10 kg. The following meat breeds of geese are most common: Arzamas, large raw, Kholmogory, Tula, Lithuanian.

ducks- grow rapidly and at 8 weeks of age reach a mass of 2 kg. In our country, several breeds of ducks are bred - Peking, Moscow white, mirror. According to their productivity, they are divided into meat, egg-laying and general-use meat breeds.

Turkeys- the largest type of poultry, they are grown for meat. The mass of turkeys reaches 12-16 kg, turkeys - 7-9 kg. The slaughter yield of fattened turkeys is 85-90%. Turkey meat is distinguished by high taste qualities, good digestibility. The most common breeds of turkeys are the North Caucasian bronze, bronze broad-breasted, Beltsville.

Guinea fowl less common than other types of poultry. They are small in size and have a live weight of 1.6-2.2 kg. The meat of guinea fowl resembles the meat of game birds, but is much more tender and fatter than it. The pearl and blue breeds of guinea fowl are bred.

By type and age distinguish between young poultry meat (carcasses of chickens, broilers - chickens, ducklings, goslings, turkey poults and caesar), and adult (carcasses of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowls).

The carcasses of a young bird have a non-ossified (cartilaginous) keel of the sternum, a non-roughened beak, the lower part of which is easily bent, and delicate elastic skin. The carcasses of chickens, broilers - chickens, turkey poults and caesarlings have smooth and tight-fitting scales on their legs, underdeveloped spurs in the form of tubercles; ducklings and caesars have delicate skin on their legs.

The carcasses of an adult bird have an ossified (hard) keel of the sternum, a keratinized beak. There are coarse scales on the legs of carcasses of chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls, rough skin on the legs of ducks and geese, and hard spurs on the legs of roosters and turkeys.

According to the method of technological processing carcasses of all types of birds sent for sale are semi-gutted, gutted, gutted with a set of giblets and a neck.

Semi-gutted carcasses include carcasses that have had their intestines removed with a cloaca and a filled goiter.

Gutted - carcasses in which all internal organs have been removed, the head along the 2nd cervical vertebra, the neck (without skin) at the level of the shoulder joints, the legs at the tarsal joint or below it, but not more than 2 cm. The internal fat of the lower abdomen is not removed. It is allowed to sell gutted carcasses with lungs and kidneys.

Gutted carcasses with a set of giblets and a neck include eviscerated carcasses of birds, in the abdominal cavity of which a set of processed giblets (heart, liver, muscular stomach) and neck are inserted.

By thermal state poultry carcasses can be cooled, chilled and frozen. The temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscle of the cooled carcasses should be no higher than 25 ° C; chilled - from 0 to 4ºС, frozen - not higher than -8°С.

Depending on fatness and quality of post-slaughter processing carcasses of all types of poultry (except for old roosters) are divided into 2 categories - 1 and 2. The fatness category is determined by the degree of development of muscle tissue and the allocation of the crest of the sternum (keel), the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits and the quality of surface treatment.

Muscle tissue is well developed in carcasses of all types of poultry, and in broiler chickens it is very well developed.

The shape of the breast of carcasses of broilers - chickens, hens, turkeys and caesar is rounded. The keel of the sternum does not stand out, except for the carcasses of chickens, turkey poults, caesar, in which it may slightly stand out.

Deposits of subcutaneous fat on the carcasses of chickens and chickens - in the lower abdomen and on the back in the form of an intermittent strip; broiler chickens - only in the lower abdomen; ducklings, goslings and turkeys - on the chest and stomach; chickens and turkeys - in the abdomen, on the chest and in the form of a continuous strip on the back; ducks and geese cover the Xiu carcass, except for the legs and wings, but in geese they are more significant; guinea fowl - on the stomach and in the form of an intermittent strip on the back.

In terms of post-slaughter quality, carcasses must meet the following requirements: well bled, properly framed, with clean skin free of feathers, down, stumps and hairy feathers, wax, scratches, tears, stains, bruises and intestinal remnants.

In eviscerated carcasses, the mouth and beak are cleaned of food and blood, the legs are free of dirt and calcareous growths. Single hemp and light abrasions are allowed, no more than two skin tears 1 cm long each, but not on the fillet; slight desquamation of the epidermis of the skin.

Muscle tissue is developed satisfactorily, except for broiler chickens, in which it is developed quite satisfactorily. The keel of the sternum can stand out, the pectoral muscles with the crest of the sternum form an angle without depressions on its sides.

Subcutaneous fat deposits are insignificant: in carcasses of chickens, hens, turkeys and turkey poults - in the lower back and abdomen; ducks, ducklings and geese - on the chest and stomach; goslings - on the stomach; guinea fowl and guinea fowl - only on the lower abdomen. With a completely satisfactorily developed muscle tissue, there may be no fat deposits.

Carcasses of old roosters with spurs over 1.5 cm, regardless of fatness, are classified in category 2.

On the surface of carcasses of category 2, a small amount of stumps and abrasions are allowed, no more than three skin tears up to 2 cm long each, peeling of the epidermis of the skin, but not drastically worsening the presentation of the carcass.

Poultry carcasses that meet the requirements of category 1 in terms of fatness, and 2 in terms of processing quality, are classified as category 2.


Discipline PM. 05 Cooking meat and poultry dishes

Topic of the lesson Importance of meat and poultry in human nutrition.

Lesson type learning new knowledge

Lesson method lecture with elements of conversation, frontal survey

Intersubject communications merchandising "Meat meat products"

sanitation and hygiene "Sanitary processing of meat and meat products"

Formed PC 5.1 and OK1-2:

Lesson Objectives

Educational. Create substantive and organizational conditions for the formation of practical skills and knowledge about the classification, nutritional value of meat, meat products, poultry, quality requirements for meat raw materials.

Educational. Cultivate interest in the profession

Developing. Develop mental and cognitive activity


    Visual aids: computer presentation


    Technical training aids: Computer, projector



Anfimova N.A., Cookery. Academy, Moscow, 2011.

Matyukhina Z.P. Merchandising of food products. - M., Academy, 2010

additional: Internet resources:

1. http://www.millionmenu.ru/rus/recipes/collection/tdish115/

2. http://cooking.niv.ru/povar/eda/17/ovoschej/blyuda.htm

3. http://kylinariya.dljavseh.ru/Bljuda_iz_ovowej/Bljuda_iz_ovowej1.html


stages, time, teaching methods

Lesson elements, study questions

Additions, changes, remarks


    Attendance check

Reporting the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson


Lecture with elements of conversation

Presentation of new material

1. Classification, types, nutritional value of meat, meat products, poultry.

2. Requirements for the quality of meat raw materials.

Frontal survey

Making sense of the learning material

    What nutrients are found in meat?

    Name the main tissues of meat.

    What happens to the collagen protein?

    What substance gives meat its red color?

    In what form is meat supplied to catering establishments?

    How is the quality of meat determined?

Generalization and systematization of knowledge


Summing up the lesson




Preparation of an essay on the topic: "Cooking dishes from meat, meat products and poultry."

Teacher ______________________ I.V. Ryabinina

Lecture lesson number 1-2.

1. The importance of meat in human nutrition.

Meat and meat products are the main source of complete proteins in the human diet.The chemical composition of muscle tissue can be expressed as a percentage: water - 73-77, proteins - 18-21, lipids - 1-3. Extractive nitrogenous and nitrogen-free substances make up 2.5-3.2% of muscle tissue. Minerals - 0.8-1%.Meat also contains a significant amount anddefectiveproteins - collagen and elastin.

The softer and more tender the meat, the more muscle tissue it contains, the more valuable it is in terms of protein composition. Tough meat has a lot of connective tissue, and therefore collagen and elastin.

The digestibility of fats, as you know, is the higher, the closer its melting point is to the temperature of the human body.

Lamb fat melts at 50 °C, beef fat - at 47, pork - at 37, horse - at 28. From the point of view of digestibility, pork fat is the most complete. However, refractory lamb fat has the least amount of cholesterol, while pork fat has the highest amount. Perhaps this explains such a curious fact that atherosclerosis is practically not found among peoples who consume mainly lamb.

Meat contains extractive substances that have almost no nutritional value, but serve as strong stimulants for the separation of digestive juices, thereby contributing to better absorption of food.

Meat, in addition, is considered one of the main (along with fish) sources of phosphorus, rich in iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, contains trace elements: copper, cobalt, zinc, iodine.

The meat contains the whole complex of B vitamins, including choline, which has anti-sclerotic properties.

Contained in meat and vitamin A, but in small quantities. The real pantry of vitamins is the liver. In beef liver, vitamin A contains 2 times more than the daily requirement. Only 50 grams of liver provides the daily requirement not only for vitamin A, but also for B vitamins.

2.Classification of meat

Meat is classified according to the type of slaughtered animals, sex, age, fatness and thermal condition.

By type of slaughtered animals distinguish between the meat of large and small cattle, pigs, deer, rabbits, horses, camels, buffaloes, wild animals (elk, bear, roe deer), etc.

Meat of cattle is subdivided into meat of cows, meat of oxen (castrated males), meat of bulls (adult uncastrated males).

Cattle meat is divided by age: beef from adult cattle (over three years old), young animals (from 3 months to 3 years), veal (from 14 days to 3 months).

The meat of adult cows is bright red, the color of fat is from white to yellowish, muscular with layers of fat (marbling).

Young beef has a pinkish-red color, the muscles are fine-grained, marbling is poorly expressed.

The veal has a pinkish milky to pink color; soft texture, almost no subcutaneous fat. Veal is easily digested by the human body, highly valued in children's and dietary nutrition.

The meat of small cattle includes lamb and goat meat. Lamb (sheep meat) - the meat is light red in color, the texture is tender, the subcutaneous fat is white, dense, crumbly, there is no marbling.

The meat of old animals is coarse, with a specific smell, white.

The best is the meat of young animals under the age of one year.

Goat meat differs from lamb in a more intense color of meat, inferior to lamb in taste.

Pork. Pig meat is subdivided into pork, gilt meat, milk pig meat.

Pork is obtained from animals with a slaughter weight of 38 kg or more. from light pink to red. Muscle tissue with marbling, subcutaneous fat - pink, internal - white.

The meat of pigs is the meat of animals with a slaughter weight of 12 to 38 kg. The meat is tender, the color is light.

The meat of milk pigs is the meat of animals from 3 to 6 kg. The muscle tissue is very delicate, the color is pale pink, almost white.

According to the thermal state, the meat is divided for steam, cooled, chilled, thawed, re-frozen.

Fresh meat is obtained immediately after slaughter, the temperature in the thickness of the muscles is not lower than 34°C. Fresh meat is highly valued in the production of boiled sausages.

The cooled meat has a temperature in the thickness of the muscles not higher than 12 ° C. Such meat is unstable in storage.

The temperature of such meat is from 0°C to 4°C, the nutritional value and culinary advantages of chilled meat are higher than that of all other types.

Frozen meat is subjected to freezing to a temperature not higher than -8°C. It is used for long; Compared to chilled meat, ice cream has lower nutritional and taste qualities.

Thawed meat. When meat is defrosted without temperature and humidity control (under natural conditions), it loses a lot of meat juice, while it decreases.

Re-frozen meat, as well as thawed meat, is not allowed for sale. It differs from frozen meat in a darker surface color. When warmed with a finger, the color of such meat does not change, while a dark spot remains on frozen meat.

3. Requirements for the quality of meat.

Only fresh meat is allowed for sale, which must meet the requirements of veterinary and sanitary control, proper primary processing and appropriate fatness.

The good quality of meat at a commercial enterprise is determined organoleptically. Its freshness is judged by its appearance, color, texture, smell, condition of fat, bone marrow, tendons and joints, as well as by the type of broth when cooked.

Signs of fresh meat are: a crust of drying of a pale pink or pale red color; in thawed carcass, it is red. The fat is soft, partially colored bright red. The muscles on the cut are slightly moist; they do not leave a wet spot on the filter paper. Color - characteristic of this type of meat. The consistency on the cut is dense, elastic; the resulting fossa from pressing with a finger is quickly leveled. The smell is specific, characteristic of each type of fresh meat. Fat should not smell of brining or rancidity, in color and consistency should correspond to the type of meat. The tendons of fresh meat are elastic, dense, the surface of the joints is smooth and shiny; the broth is clear and fragrant.

Meat dubious freshness the surface of the carcass is moistened in places, slightly sticky, darkened. The muscles on the cut are moist, leave a wet spot on the filter paper, slightly sticky, dark red. In thawed meat, slightly cloudy meat juice flows from the cut surface. The consistency of the meat on the cut is less dense and less elastic. The fossa formed by pressing with a finger is leveled slowly (within 1 min). The smell is slightly sour or musty. The fat is soft, slightly sticky, grayish-matte in color; thawed meat is slightly loosened. The tendons are less dense, dull white in color; articular surfaces slightly covered with mucus. The broth is clear or cloudy, with a smell unusual for fresh broth.

The meat is stale characterized by a strongly dried carcass surface, covered with grayish-brown mucus or mold. The muscles on the cut are moist, sticky, red-brown; in thawed meat, cloudy meat juice flows from the surface of the cut. On the cut, such meat is flabby, the fossa from pressure with a finger does not level out. The smell is sour, musty or slightly putrefactive. Fat of a grayish-matte shade, smears when pressed, pork fat can be covered with a small amount of mold, its smell is rancid. The tendons are softened, grayish in color; articular surfaces are covered with mucus. The broth is cloudy, with a lot of flakes with a sharp, unpleasant odor.

It is not allowed to sell meat defrosted, as well as frozen more than once.

Carcasses must arrive fresh, clean, free of blood clots, bruises, and tissue damage. Chilled meat should have a dry, pale pink or pale red surface. The muscles on the cut are slightly moist, each type of meat has a certain color. Meat juice is clear. The consistency of the meat is dense, elastic, the hole formed after pressing the finger on the meat is quickly leveled. Beef fat is hard, white to yellow; lamb fat is quite dense, white; pork fat is soft, elastic, from white to pale pink.

Frozen meat has the color of chilled meat, but a brighter shade. The consistency of the meat should be firm, the sound when tapped with a hard object should be clear. Meat defects include sunburn, mucus, rotting, mold, etc.


4. Classification and assortment of poultry meat

Poultry meat is classified by type, age, thermal state, method and quality of carcass processing, fatness.

According to the type of bird, the meat of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls is distinguished; by age - young meat (carcasses of chickens, ducklings, goslings, turkey poults and caesarlings) and adult (carcasses of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl) birds.

chickens- the most common type of poultry. Depending on the productivity of chickens, they are divided into meat, egg-laying and general use (meat-and-egg-laying).

Broiler chicken meat is tender, juicy, has high taste and dietary qualities. It contains about 20% protein and 5.2-12.3% fat.

geese- have large sizes and large mass: ganders - 6-12 kg, geese - 5-10 kg. The following meat breeds of geese are most common: Arzamas, large raw, Kholmogory, Tula, Lithuanian.



Guinea fowlThe meat of guinea fowl resembles the meat of game birds, but is much more tender and fatter than it.

By type and age, poultry meat is distinguished young (carcasses of chickens, broilers - chickens, ducklings, goslings, turkeys and caesar), and adult (carcasses of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowls).

The carcasses of a young bird have a non-ossified (cartilaginous) keel of the sternum, a non-roughened beak, the lower part of which is easily bent, and delicate elastic skin. The carcasses of chickens, broilers - chickens, turkey poults and caesarlings have smooth and tight-fitting scales on their legs, underdeveloped spurs in the form of tubercles; ducklings and caesars have delicate skin on their legs.

The carcasses of an adult bird have an ossified (hard) keel of the sternum, a keratinized beak. There are coarse scales on the legs of carcasses of chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls, rough skin on the legs of ducks and geese, and hard spurs on the legs of roosters and turkeys.

According to the method of technological processing of carcasses of all types of birds, sent for sale, there are half-gutted, gutted, gutted with a set of giblets and a neck.

Semi-gutted carcasses include carcasses that have had their intestines removed with a cloaca and a filled goiter.

Gutted - carcasses in which all internal organs have been removed, the head along the 2nd cervical vertebra, the neck (without skin) at the level of the shoulder joints, the legs at the tarsal joint or below it, but not more than 2 cm. The internal fat of the lower abdomen is not removed. It is allowed to sell gutted carcasses with lungs and kidneys.

Gutted carcasses with a set of giblets and a neck include eviscerated carcasses of birds, in the abdominal cavity of which a set of processed giblets (heart, liver, muscular stomach) and neck are inserted.

According to the thermal state, poultry carcasses can be chilled, chilled and frozen. The temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscle of the cooled carcasses should be no higher than 25 ° C; chilled - from 0 to 4ºС, frozen - not higher than -8°С.

Depending on the fatness and quality of post-slaughter processing, the carcasses of all types of poultry (except for old roosters) are divided into 2 categories - 1 and 2. The fatness category is determined by the degree of development of muscle tissue and the allocation of the crest of the sternum (keel), the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits and the quality of processing surfaces.

The muscle tissue of a bird is more tender and soft, since the muscle fibers and primary bundles are thinner, less interlayered with connective tissue. In a bird, the pectoral (loin) muscles, thighs and legs are most developed. In chickens and turkeys, the pectoral muscles are white.

There is less connective tissue in poultry meat, it is more tender and loose.

Bone tissue also occupies a smaller specific gravity (13-16% of the live weight of the bird), since the bones of the skeleton are thinner, tubular bones are filled with air.

Adipose tissue is soft, at the site of deposition, subcutaneous (more than 50%) and internal predominate. There is no "marbling" in poultry meat. The carcasses of the treated poultry are covered with thin skin from white-pink to yellow in different shades. The basis of the skin is intertwining collagen fibers.

According to the chemical composition, poultry meat differs from the meat of slaughtered animals by an increased content of high-grade proteins and low-melting fat. The high content of biologically valuable proteins, extractives, polyunsaturated fatty acids, high digestibility also determine the high nutritional value of poultry meat. Meat of a land bird is suitable for children's and diet food.

The quality of poultry meat is determined by the quality of carcass processing, fatness, degree of freshness. Poultry carcasses entering the sale must be obtained from healthy poultry, fresh. The degree of freshness is determined by organoleptic, chemical indicators and microscopic analysis.

Organoleptic indicators of poultry freshness - appearance and color: beak, oral mucosa, eyeball, carcass surface, adipose tissue, serous membrane of the abdominal cavity; muscles on the cut; the consistency of muscle tissue; the smell of meat; transparency and aroma of the broth. If infectious diseases are suspected, bacteriological studies are carried out.

Store chilled poultry meat on refrigerators at a temperature of 0 ... -2 ° C and a relative humidity of 85-95% no more than 5 days. Frozen poultry should be stored at a temperature not exceeding -12 °C and relative air humidity of 85-95% for periods that are set depending on the temperature, packaging method, type and age of the bird. So, the permissible shelf life of poultry (in months): at a temperature of -12 ° C for chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls not packed in film - 5; chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks - 4; goslings and ducklings - 3; and at a temperature of -25 ° C and below - 12, 11 and 10, respectively.

At trading enterprises, the maximum storage periods for chilled and frozen poultry (per day): at a temperature not higher than 0-2 ° С -5, at 0-6 ° -3, at 6-8 ° С for chilled - 1, frozen - up to 2. Packed poultry is stored for no more than a day.

Meat of feathered game. The procurement of game birds as an additional source of meat is carried out by consumer cooperatives.

According to the habitat, game is divided into upland (forest) - capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse, partridge, etc .; steppe - gray partridges, quails, etc.; mountainous - mountain partridges and mountain turkeys; marsh - sandpipers, snipes, etc.; waterfowl - geese, ducks. Feathered game is harvested with the onset of frost, and well-fed - in October-November. Waterfowl and swamp game are sold in the places of extraction, other types of game can be transported over long distances. ^ Game meat contains a lot of protein (22-25%) and little fat, therefore it belongs to dietary products. It usually has a dark color, dense texture, specific taste (with bitter, resinous and other flavors) and aroma; used for cooking second courses and cold appetizers.

The intestines are removed from the mined carcasses, after which they are set (the head is turned under the wing, the wings are pressed to the carcass, the legs are pulled out) and frozen. The game is sold unplucked.

Game is stored in the store (per day, no more): at a temperature below 0 ° C -5, at a temperature of 0-6 ° C - 3, at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C (in glaciers) -2.

4.Storage of meat raw materials at catering establishments

Food enterprises receive: beef, pork, lamb, poultry and some other types of meat. The meat of large and small cattle is supplied in carcasses, half carcasses, quarters, as well as in the form of large-sized semi-finished products without bones. Depending on the capacity of the enterprise, the necessary stock of raw materials is determined and the number of cooled chambers is calculated.

Meat can be served chilled or frozen. Chilled meat has a temperature inside the muscles of 0-4°C, is characterized by high nutritional value and excellent consumer properties. At catering establishments, chilled meat can be stored in the following modes:

    at a temperature of 0°C - 3 days;

    at a temperature of -3°C - 10 days.

Frozen meat is inferior in its nutritional properties to chilled meat, since in the process of defrosting some of the nutrients are lost, under the influence of ice crystals the structure of muscle tissue changes, and it becomes dehydrated. At catering establishments, frozen meat can be stored:

    at a temperature of -8°C - 12 days;

    at a temperature of 0°C - 5 days;

    at a temperature of +6°С - 3 days;

    at a temperature of +8°C - 2 days.

Meat raw materials received at catering establishments are stored in refrigerated chambers in a suspended state so that parts of the carcasses do not come into contact with each other and with the walls of the chamber. Large-sized semi-finished products are stored in functional containers. Humidity in the refrigerator compartment should be maintained within 85-90%.

Importance of poultry, game and rabbit dishes in nutrition

Poultry and rabbit dishes are nutritious and easily absorbed by the body. The content of complete proteins in poultry meat is slightly higher than in beef. Poultry fats have a low melting point due to their higher content of unsaturated fatty acids. The specific taste and smell inherent in poultry dishes are due to the relatively high content of extractives (1.5-2.5%). Poultry meat contains significant amounts of minerals (especially calcium and phosphorus), as well as vitamins (A, D, group B).

Game meat, unlike poultry meat, contains more proteins and extractives, but less fat. It is less tender, characterized by a darker color, has a specific taste and aroma. Light bitterness and resinous smell.

Low-fat poultry and rabbit dishes are widely used in children's and clinical nutrition.

Garnishes from cereals and potatoes supplement the composition of poultry, game and rabbit dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetables enrich their vitamin and mineral composition.

According to the type of heat treatment, dishes from chickens, poultry, game and rabbits are classified into boiled, poached, fried, stewed and baked.

Processes occurring during the heat treatment of poultry, game and rabbit.

The choice of heat treatment method depends on the type of bird, its age, fatness and other factors. So, chickens, turkeys, rabbits are boiled, fried, stewed; geese and ducks - more often fried or stewed. The meat of an old bird is boiled or stewed. Game is usually fried.

The features of the anatomical structure and dimensions of poultry carcasses make it possible to heat them as a whole, therefore they are usually portioned after boiling or frying, and only in the manufacture of some dishes they are chopped before heat treatment.

Chopped products from poultry, game and rabbit are prepared less often than from meat. Ducks and geese contain a lot of fat, so it is not advisable to cut them, and chickens and turkeys have tender flesh and can be used to prepare portioned products.

Under the influence of heating in poultry meat, complex physico-chemical processes occur due to changes in proteins, fats, extractives, vitamins. Their nature is generally the same as in the thermal cooking of meat, but there are some differences associated with the characteristics of the chemical composition and morphological structure of poultry meat.

The decrease in the mass of poultry carcasses during cooking is mainly due to the squeezing out of water, and during frying, and the rendering of fat. The weight loss associated with rendering fat is especially significant for fatty birds. So, ducks and geese during cooking lose 25% of their mass, while frying - 35 and 40%, respectively. In lean chickens, the difference in weight loss during cooking and frying is insignificant (28 and 31%, respectively).

The isolation of water-soluble substances (proteins, extractive and mineral substances, vitamins), the rendering of fat lead to a decrease in the nutritional value of the finished product. Proteins during cooking lose 7-12% of their total content, while frying - 4-8%. The amount of melted fat during cooking is 30-35%, and during frying - 40-50%. The loss of mineral substances during cooking is 13-30%.

With all methods of heat treatment, vitamin B1 and vitamin A are destroyed to the greatest extent. The loss of vitamins is due, on the one hand, to their destruction during heat treatment, and on the other hand, to the transition to the cooking medium with released water and melted fat. In the meat of a young bird, the loss of vitamins is less than in the meat of an adult bird, with all methods of heat treatment, due to a shorter heating time.

The softening of poultry, game and rabbit meat is associated with the destruction of collagen, its transition to glutin. The rate of softening depends on the type of bird and its age. So, young chickens are boiled for 50-60 minutes, old carcasses - 3-4 hours. An acidic environment accelerates the destruction of collagen, this is the basis for the use of tomato when stewing poultry.

After heat treatment, the organoleptic quality indicators of poultry, game and rabbit meat also change. It becomes more tender, juicy, acquires a specific taste and aroma. The juiciness of finished products depends on the method of heat treatment. Thus, the quality of poultry fried in IR-heated devices is higher than that fried in an electric cabinet. Breading products reduces the loss of water, soluble substances and thereby improves organoleptic characteristics (juiciness, tenderness) and increases the nutritional value of finished products.

Extractive substances, reaction products of melanoidin formation, fat breakdown products, etc. are involved in the formation of the taste and aroma of poultry meat during the heat treatment process.

Dishes from boiled and stewed poultry, game and rabbit

For second courses, chickens and chickens are most often boiled, less often - rabbits, geese, ducks, and for cold dishes, game is also boiled. Whole seasoned bird carcasses are cooked. They are placed in hot water (2.5 liters of water per 1 kg of product), quickly heated to a boil, the foam is removed, roots, onions, salt are added and boiled at 85--90 ° C until tender. Readiness is determined by puncturing the thick part of the leg pulp with a chef's needle; the bird is ready if the needle enters freely, and the juice flowing from the puncture is clear. Cooking time for chickens is 20-30 minutes, young chickens - 50-60 minutes, old ones - 3-4 hours, geese and turkeys - 1-2 hours, game - 20-40 minutes. The finished bird and rabbit are removed from the broth and cooled. As demanded, they are chopped into portions and heated in broth; chopped portions of poultry, if required, are stored on a food warmer.

The bird is released in 2 pieces (fillet and legs) per serving. When portioning a bird, especially a large one, you can cut down the dorsal bone. Rabbits are cut into 4-6 or more parts, depending on the size of the carcass and the yield of the portion.

On vacation, boiled poultry is poured over with white sauce with an egg or served natural, poured over with broth and melted butter or poultry fat. Garnish - crumbly rice, mashed potatoes, green peas, vegetables in milk sauce or butter. Goose or duck are poured with red sauce during the holidays, as the meat of these birds is dark. Garnish for them - stewed cabbage, baked apples, pickled vegetables, red cabbage salad.

Chicken and game fillets, meatballs, carcasses of chickens, chickens (youngsters) are allowed. The products placed in a saucepan are poured with broth to 1/3-1/2 of their height, butter, lemon juice, and salt are added. Thanks to lemon juice, the meat not only softens, but also becomes whiter.

Poultry with steam sauce. The poached bird is cut into portions. The broth is used to make a steam sauce. Separately, sauté champignons or boil porcini mushrooms. On vacation, the bird is garnished, chopped ready-made mushrooms are placed on top of it and poured with steam sauce. Garnish - boiled or stewed rice.

Natural cutlets from poultry or game fillet under steam sauce with mushrooms. Prepared cutlets are placed in a bowl with melted butter, stewed with the addition of broth, lemon juice or citric acid, champignons or porcini mushrooms for 12-15 minutes. Mushrooms can be boiled or stewed separately. On vacation, the fillet is placed on a steep (a slice of fried white bread), slices of mushrooms are placed on top, poured with steam or white sauce with an egg, which is cooked on the broth obtained from poaching cutlets. Side dishes - boiled rice, poached, boiled potatoes, boiled bean pods.

Rabbit boiled . The processed rabbit carcass is boiled in salted water with the addition of onions, carrots and parsley, cooled in the same broth, cut into portions and warmed up in the broth before leaving. Pieces of rabbit, laid on a plate or in an oval ram, are poured with steam sauce, sour cream with onions, tomato sauce with wine, etc. A side dish is placed around: boiled or poached rice, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

Fried poultry, game and rabbit dishes

Poultry, game and rabbits are fried whole carcasses and portions. They are fried in the main way (on the stove, electric frying pans, in ovens, electric grills), less often deep-fried. From the liquid remaining on the baking sheet, meat juice is prepared, which is poured over the bird during the holidays.

Prepared carcasses of chickens, chickens, broiler chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, rabbits are rubbed with salt from the surface and from the inside, placed back down on a baking sheet heated with fat (150-160 ° C) and fried on the stove until a uniform golden crust is formed over the entire carcass surface. Fried carcasses are placed in an oven (temperature not more than 200 ° C) for 15-20 minutes to bring to readiness.

The carcasses of large birds (turkeys, geese, ducks) are salted, placed on baking sheets with their backs down. Low-fat poultry is smeared with sour cream or poured with melted fat, oily poultry is poured with hot broth. Trays with poultry are placed in an oven with a temperature in the initial frying period (10 min) of 200-250°C, then 160°C. It is recommended to boil the carcasses of old chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys before frying until half cooked.

The duration of frying chickens, partridges, hazel grouses - 20-30 minutes, black grouse - 40-45, chickens and ducks - 40-60 minutes, geese and turkeys - 1-1.5 hours.

During frying in the oven, the carcasses are periodically turned over and poured over with the released fat and juice.

Fried bird carcasses are cut lengthwise into two parts, then each half is divided into fillet and leg and chopped into the same number of pieces. The fillet is cut in the transverse direction, and the legs are cut obliquely. Two pieces are used per serving (fillet and leg). In a large bird, you can cut down the spine.

Chopped pieces of poultry are placed in a saucepan, meat juice is added and heated for 5-7 minutes. On vacation, the bird is poured with meat juices and butter. Garnish - fried potatoes, a complex side dish; stewed cabbage, baked apples are served with fatty poultry (goose, duck). Separately, in a salad bowl, you can additionally serve green salad, from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, from white and red cabbage, fruits, herbs, pickled apples, lingonberry jam, blackcurrant, etc.

Grouse, black grouse, partridges, capercaillie and pheasants are fried like farm birds. Fritillaries and partridges are served whole carcasses or cut in half in the longitudinal direction. Big game is portioned like poultry.

Small game (woodcock, snipe, quail, great snipe) is pre-prepared: the loin parts of the bird carcass are covered with broken pieces of bacon and tied with twine. They are fried not in a pan, but in a saucepan so that the oil does not overheat. After the formation of a crispy crust, the stewpan is closed with a lid and, by reducing the heat, is brought to readiness. Serve whole carcasses on croutons smeared with liver pate. Garnish - fried potatoes (fries), baked apples. Separately - salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, lingonberry or cranberry jam, etc.

Rabbits are cut lengthwise, and then across into 4-6 or more parts, depending on the size of the carcasses and the weight of the portions. Garnished with fried potatoes, poured with meat juice and butter. Additionally, you can serve salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, greens.

Goose, duck stuffed. Processed goose or duck carcasses are stuffed with potatoes, apples or prunes. For minced meat, choose small potato tubers of the same size and lightly fry them. Apples (preferably sour varieties) are peeled, the seed nest is removed with a special device and at the same time cut into slices, sprinkled with sugar. Pre-soaked pitted prunes are sprinkled with sugar. Prepared carcasses are fried in an oven for 45-60 minutes, periodically pouring with melted fat. The finished bird is chopped into portions and released with minced meat, pouring juice and melted butter.

Tobacco chickens. The processed chickens are flattened, cutting the breast lengthwise. Rubbed with garlic, salt, smeared with sour cream and fried in a pan under pressure (heavy metal board). When the back is fried, the chicken is turned over and the inside is fried.

The fried chicken is placed on a portioned dish or plate, whole or cut in half. A side dish is placed around: tomatoes, green onions, cut into 3-4 parts, or pickled onions, cut into rings, lemon slices. The dish is decorated with lettuce leaves or sprigs of greens. Separately, in a gravy boat, tkemali sauce or crushed garlic diluted with broth or wine vinegar is served.

Game, fried in sour cream sauce. Roasted and chopped into portioned pieces of game (grouse, partridge, black grouse, pheasant, capercaillie) are poured with sour cream sauce and heated on the stove for 5-7 minutes. On holiday, the game is garnished with fried potatoes and poured with sour cream sauce.

Cutlets natural from fillet. Cutlets are fried from poultry or game fillets in the main way in oil. When serving, they put it on a steep, pour over with melted butter, put a side dish next to it: fried potatoes or a complex side dish consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables (carrots and green peas seasoned with oil; cauliflower poured with oil; potatoes fried with straws). Garnish can be put in baskets (tartlets).

Cutlets stuffed. Prepared semi-finished products - poultry fillet cutlets stuffed with mushrooms with milk sauce - are deep-fried and brought to readiness in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Served on croutons (it is possible without them), poured with butter, released with deep-fried potatoes (share), green peas or a complex side dish. You can serve fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs. Red sauce with wine is served separately.

The Kiev's cutlets. Prepared cutlets stuffed with oil are deep-fried immediately before serving and roasted in an oven. A steep wheat bread or puff pastry is placed on a dish or plate, a cutlet is placed on it and poured with oil. A tartlet with green peas or vegetables in milk sauce is placed on the side. Deep-fried potatoes are placed on both sides. You can serve fresh fruits and vegetables as a side dish. The dish is decorated with greenery. Red sauce with wine is served separately.

Bird or rabbit in the capital (schnitzel capital). Prepared semi-finished products are fried in the main way immediately before serving, brought to readiness in an oven. When serving, butter, canned fruits are put on the fillet. A side dish is placed next to the fillet: deep-fried potatoes (cut into strips or chips), green peas or a complex side dish. The dish is decorated with greenery.

Deep fried bird. Boiled chickens, chickens and turkeys are cut into portions, placed under a light press, breaded in flour, moistened in lezon, then breaded in grated white bread. Deep-fried and brought to readiness in the oven. When serving, drizzle with butter and garnish with deep-fried potatoes. Salads, pickled fruits and berries can serve as an additional side dish. Tomato sauce with wine is served separately.

Due to its high nutritional and taste qualities, meat is one of the most valuable food products. Meat is the most popular and demanded product in the human diet.

Meat has been present in human nutrition since ancient times, according to anthropologists, it was this product that allowed us to become rational beings. This is due to the fact that the importance of meat in human nutrition lies in the supply of essential amino acids, which affect the development of the brain.

What are the benefits of meat

Firstly, it contains amino acids, which are so necessary for the body. But which he cannot synthesize on his own.

Secondly, as you know, meat has a very high protein content. Muscle cells, hormones and enzymes are built from it.

The next useful property is the high content of iron, which forms red blood cells and strengthens the human immune system.

And of course, do not forget about vitamins, which are also enough in meat. These are folic acid, vitamins of group B and PP.

Useful properties of rabbit meat

Having such a rich chemical composition, rabbit meat exceeds in its useful properties all other types of meat most commonly eaten - beef, veal, lamb, pork and chicken.

With a very high protein content in rabbit pulp, it is also perfectly absorbed in the body, since it practically does not contain a substance such as collagen. This means that all proteins (about 90% of the total content) that are necessary for life and cell division of the body reach their destination.

If we compare this indicator, for example, with the proteins contained in beef, then up to 40% of their total volume is not absorbed by the human body. All useful amino acids that make up rabbit meat do not undergo any changes during the heat treatment of meat, but enter the human body in their original form, where they have a beneficial effect on the work of a wide variety of systems.

Among the nineteen amino acids found in the pulp of rabbit meat, lysine, methionine and tryptophan are of particular value. This dietary product is recommended in the diet even for people who suffer from gastritis with insufficient acidity, gastric or duodenal ulcers, as well as acute and chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

The same property of meat ensures its usefulness for the elderly, as well as children and pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers. Since cholesterol is present in scanty amounts in rabbit meat, it is useful to include it in the diet of patients with a diagnosis of: diseases of the cardiovascular system; atherosclerosis; violation of fat metabolism.

Experts refer rabbit meat to a hypoallergenic group of products, so it can be used for cooking even for those who are prone to diathesis, allergic dermatitis and other manifestations of allergies.

This meat can also be safely used for cooking for those people who want to lose weight, since rabbit meat is considered a low-calorie and easily digestible product. That is why the meat of these animals is a staple in the famous protein diet. At the same time, there are no contraindications to the use of this meat, except when you have a tendency to a disease such as uricemia, characterized by a high concentration of uric acid in the blood. This is due to the presence of purines in the composition of rabbit meat, which are involved in the formation of this acid.


Poultry meat is significantly superior to both beef and pork in terms of protein content. It also contains many different amino acids, as well as B vitamins and vitamin A.

duck meat

Duck meat is saturated with proteins, so doctors advise including it in the diet for physical and nervous exhaustion. Those who have experienced stress should definitely use it to strengthen loosened nerves. It is a powerful food biostimulant that revitalizes the immune system.

It is useful to eat the meat of this bird during a seasonal exacerbation of SARS. It is also recommended for those who devote a lot of time to mental work. This product is indispensable for athletes.

Especially useful is the liver of a domestic or wild duck. It contains pantothenic acid, which normalizes metabolic processes in the body. The high content of retinol, as well as a balanced composition of amino acids make this product useful for male potency. But duck liver, sold in supermarkets, is better not to eat.

The meat of this bird is rich in betaine and choline. These substances are responsible for the construction of cell membranes, which means that they must enter the body. Duckling, especially broiler poultry, is also a source of folic acid, riboflavin, carotene, and B vitamins.

Despite the specific taste of duck fat, it is very useful, because it contains enzymes that have atherogenic properties. They effectively remove carcinogens from the body.

With obesity and diabetes duck is contraindicated


Chicken meat is one of the most popular food products, while taking far from the last place in importance in the diet. It contains many useful substances, and the high amount of protein is especially valuable. It is rightly called the building material for all body systems.

Chicken meat is a high-calorie product, but its proteins are easily absorbed by the body. Many have long believed that it is it that can help restore vitality, add energy, as well as strengthen and stimulate the immune system.

Doctors have proven that the consumption of chicken broth has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and has a positive effect on the size of the heart muscle.

The rapid digestibility of chicken meat by the human body is due to the presence of fatty acids in it. These elements are the prevention of such serious ailments as heart attack and stroke, coronary heart disease, and in addition they are important for the normal functioning of the digestive processes.

Chicken meat contains vitamin B 2 - riboflavin. It strengthens the nervous system, and also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Regular consumption of chicken meat can quickly affect the appearance - strengthening muscle mass and allowing you to get rid of excess weight.

Chicken is the undisputed favorite of all types of meat. Not the last role in this is played by the presence in it of the so-called white poultry meat. It is non-caloric, very nutritious, and besides, it is also tasty.

Many consumers are of the view that all the benefits depend on the method of preparation of meat. In order to preserve its properties, various cooling technologies are used.

The benefits of beef

The calorie content of beef is low, but its main benefit lies in the content of amino acids and proteins, which are so necessary for the human body. Everyone probably knows that the benefits of beef lies in its nutritional value. In addition, after eating beef, saturation of the body occurs much faster than from eating any other products.

Beef neutralizes hydrochloric acid, irritants and digestive enzymes that are contained in gastric juice, thereby normalizing acidity in the intestines and stomach. Due to the low calorie content of beef, meat is absorbed by the human body much faster than vegetables or fruits. This is another point in favor of beef - meat does not clog the intestines with waste.

Beef is a valuable food product, as it has a high content of minerals, in particular zinc. People who are engaged in the science of proper nutrition say that beef is a dietary product, therefore it is suitable for eating even for people suffering from diabetes.

What is useful pork

Pork is the most easily digestible meat after lamb, and pork fat or lard is less harmful to blood vessels and the heart than beef. In terms of fat content, recent studies have shown that lean pork tenderloin contains less fat than beef and even chicken meat, with the exception of chicken breast.

Pork meat contains a large amount of complete protein (even more than in beef), a lot of B vitamins, as well as a number of macro- and microelements necessary for the human body. Pork is rich in zinc, which stimulates immune processes, potassium and magnesium, which strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.

Pork fat contains selenium and arachidonic acid. Selenium is known as an antioxidant and, together with vitamin E, helps protect the body against free radicals, which are credited with being responsible for aging and causing cancer. Selenium is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones that regulate the body's metabolism and protect against heart disease.

The benefits of lamb

A conclusion about the beneficial properties of lamb can be made by looking at what vitamins and trace elements are included in its composition. These are almost all the main useful substances - B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, iodine, fluorine, phosphorus and others.

Lamb also contains a large amount of easily digestible proteins, which makes this meat especially nutritious.

The amount of fat in this meat is even lower than that of proteins, and therefore it contains practically no cholesterol that is so harmful to the human body.

At the same time, lamb is quite low in calories. Especially the meat of a young lamb, which can contain only 135 calories. Therefore, this food product can rightly be called dietary. And it deserves the attention of those people who care about proper nutrition.

Lamb rich in iron will be useful for people with low hemoglobin levels and iron deficiency anemia, it has a good effect on blood composition.

It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth, and can even help in preventing the occurrence of caries. After all, it contains a sufficient amount of fluorine, useful for dental tissue.

It is good to eat lamb meat for people with diseases of the pancreas. It regulates the production of gastric juice and can prevent the serious disease of diabetes.

Since the meat itself is a rather heavy product, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can use broths cooked from it. So, lamb broth will be useful for gastritis and low acidity.

If other types of meat are not harmless for people with poor vascular conditions and atherosclerosis, then lamb is even useful. It is allowed to eat it in moderation. It is better if it is the meat of a young lamb, because it has very little cholesterol.

Potassium, sodium and magnesium contained in lamb have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, so this meat is useful for people with heart disease.

This meat has several other unusual beneficial properties. For example, burnt lamb is useful for scorpion or snake bites. It will help prevent the poison from spreading into the human body.

But lamb with wine will help with the bites of a rabid dog, preventing a harmful effect on humans.

As rich in protein, B vitamins and various macro- and microelements, this product, with regular but moderate use, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

By-products and their nutritional value

By-products and their nutritional value By-products are considered to be the internal organs of livestock sent for slaughter. Depending on the type of animal, they can be beef, pork, lamb. By-products of cattle are characterized by higher taste and nutritional qualities.

The benefits of these products are rich in chemical composition: they contain protein, fats, vitamins A, D, B, PP E and K, macro and microelements. Some offal-based dishes are suitable for dietary nutrition. But they should not be abused due to the high cholesterol content and the possible presence of heavy metals. It is better for overweight people to completely abandon the use of offal.

The main types of by-products and their characteristics

There are the following main types of by-products:

The liver is included in the list of the most valuable by-products. It contains complete proteins and essential acids. It is recommended to use for problems with blood. Fillings and pates are prepared from the liver.

The heart is a rather hard product, as it consists of a dense muscle fiber. It is most often boiled or baked.

Brains are on the list of gourmet offal. It stands out for its delicate texture and taste. In many restaurants, brains are served boiled, stewed and fried.

Lungs have low nutritional properties. They are easily absorbed by the body. In Europe, this offal is not used for food.

The kidneys must be processed before cooking to remove the specific taste and aroma. The composition of the by-product includes many useful substances.

The tongue is a popular by-product that is used to make real delicacies. The composition includes collagen, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Aspic is prepared from it, as well as boiled, stewed and fried.
