
How to cook pickled bell peppers. Bulgarian pepper pickled instant

Hello my dear readers! You will not have time to enjoy the warm summer, as winter comes. So, in the fall it's time to stock up on delicious preparations. What are they not made of. Even a couple of jars. Let's see what happens 🙂 And today I will share how to pickle bell peppers. This one is very tasty, juicy and bright snack. And today I will share with you 6 original recipes.

The energy value of bell pepper is 29 kcal per 100 g of product. Here the leading position in carbohydrates is 6.7 grams. This product contains 0.8 g of proteins, and 0.4 g of fats.

In bell pepper high content. After eating 100 grams, you will replenish daily allowance ascorbic. In addition, there is a small amount of, And . Also there is manganese, magnesium, copper, potassium and other vital elements.

This product is recommended to be included in the menu for those who suffer from insomnia and depression. It is also useful for gastrointestinal problems. In addition, the consumption of bell pepper helps to lower cholesterol and serves as a prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis. So, eat it to your health 🙂

Instant recipe with garlic and parsley

This recipe has an advantage - when it comes to life, you can even use spoiled meaty pepper. To do this, you just need to cut off the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, and use the rest. From the set of products proposed in the recipe, 10,700-gram jars will come out. To prepare this appetizer, you will need:

We prepare the marinade - for this we mix water with salt, butter and sugar. Bring the composition to a boil and immerse a sieve with chopped large pieces pepper. Blanch for 1-2 minutes: do not cook longer, otherwise the vegetables will turn into sauerkraut.

Put 1-2 cloves of garlic on the bottom of sterilized jars (cut each of them into two parts). We also put a couple of sprigs of greenery there. Spread the blanched pepper on top and pour the hot marinade in which it was cooked. Next, add 0.5 teaspoons of vinegar essence to each jar. After we cork the banks, turn them over and wrap them. And in a day you can move the conservation to the closet.

How to pickle whole bell peppers for the winter

Preparing such a preparation is incredibly simple. Prepare the following foods in advance:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 3 liters of tomato juice;
  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 80 ml table 9% vinegar;
  • 6 kg of sweet pepper.

We enrich the tomato sauce with sugar, vinegar, salt and oil. And put the pan with this mixture on the fire. In the meantime, remove the stems and seeds from the peppers. Then we wash it and prick each fruit in several places with a fork. After we send half of the prepared peppers to the boiling tomato marinade.

You need to cook for about 10 minutes. Although I still advise you to focus on appearance product. The fruits should not be hard or too soft. Next, we move the pepper into sterile jars - try to pack it more tightly.

And pour the pepper on top tomato marinade. In the remaining marinade, immerse the second batch of pepper and cook it. While it is being cooked, we preserve the first batch of the workpiece. Next, we turn the jars over, wrap them up and leave them to cool completely. Then we do the same with the second batch of pepper.

To facilitate the process, I advise. Saves you a lot of time!

Marinate red peppers in oil with garlic and herbs

This is one of the most delicious snacks you have ever eaten. Yes, what I'm telling you - cook and taste yourself. And here is her recipe:

  • 5 kg of bell pepper;
  • 200 g of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of leaf celery;
  • 6 laurels;
  • 0.5 l of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 liters of grape or apple cider vinegar;
  • 9-10 Art. spoons (with a good slide) of granulated sugar;
  • 1000 ml of water;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons (with a small slide) of salt;
  • 20-25 black peas + allspice.

We clean the pepper from tails and seeds, cut each fruit into halves. Next, we wash the blanks - we prepare them for stuffing. After we disassemble the garlic heads into cloves, pour the cloves cold water and leave for half an hour. Thanks to this procedure, the garlic is easier and faster to peel. Leave small peeled slices as they are, but cut those that are larger into 2-3 parts. Coarsely chop the greens with a knife in increments of 4-5 cm.

Let's start preparing the marinade. Pour vinegar into a wide bowl and add oil here. We enrich the composition with lavrushka and pepper. Next add sugar, salt and water. We mix everything and send the container to the fire.

Bring the composition to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium and immerse the pepper. Spread it out in one layer and cover the bowl with a lid. Blanch for 2-3 minutes. Cook until soft, but do not overcook. After the first batch of pepper, we put it in jars and immerse the second batch to cook, etc.

In each jar at the bottom, first we put garlic cloves, parsley and celery (leaves and stem). Then add 3-4 blanched pepper, then again greens with garlic. And so on, until you reach the top. top layer there will be garlic with herbs. In the process of laying, gently tamp vegetables and herbs, but without fanaticism!

After we catch the pepper from the marinade and distribute it among the jars. Throw away the parsley, and pour the brine into jars. Sterilize the jars for 15 minutes and preserve.

And here is a video recipe for pickling sweet red and yellow peppers. It turns out a very colorful blank!

Cooking pickled sweet peppers without sterilization

Believe me, when you cook stuffed peppers from this preparation in winter, your family will be amazed. They will make sure you use fresh product but not canned. This the best option preparations of pepper for the winter for stuffing.

It is prepared very quickly and simply: wash the fruits and remove the seeds with the stalks. Remember that for a 3-liter bottle you will need to prepare about 20 peppercorns. For the same volume, you need to take 2 liters of water. Yes, you need to salt the water so that it tastes a little salty. Next, salted water must be put on fire. As soon as the liquid boils, immerse the pepper in it. The recommended cooking time is 5 minutes.

After laying the blanks in clean jar, scalded with boiling water. Top with boiling water, in which the pepper was boiled. Next, cover the container with a metal lid and twist with a seaming key. Then we turn the preservation upside down, wrap it up and leave it to cool.

And in order not to miss anything and do everything right, I advise you to watch the video recipe. He will definitely inspire you to prepare this preservation.

Peppers cooked in honey-vinegar marinade

Real gourmets will appreciate the sour-sweet taste of this dish. For it you need to take:

  • 3 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 1000 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar + salt;
  • 70 ml table 9% vinegar.

Washed and wiped with a paper kitchen towel, cut the pepper into 2 parts. We remove the core with the stalk, and then cut each half into 6 equal parts.

We switch to the preparation of the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, honey and sugar here. Mix everything thoroughly, add oil and bring the composition to a boil. Next, immerse the pieces of pepper in the brine. After the liquid boils, note the time - cook for no more than 5 minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally to make sure the peppers cook evenly.

At the last stage, add vinegar and mix everything well again. We shift the workpiece into sterile jars and fill it with honey-vinegar marinade. Next, cover the banks metal lids and tighten with a wrench. Well, after everything is according to the template - we turn it over, warm it and wait for the workpiece to cool completely.

Super fast bow option

Cooking such a snack does not require special skills. For her you will need:

  • 4 things. sweet peppers;
  • a small bunch of greens (cilantro + dill + parsley);
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • salt + crushed black pepper (to taste);
  • 0.5 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 st. a spoonful of grape vinegar.

I advise you to use oblong peppers for this appetizer (this is the Kapi variety). Wash it and pat dry with a kitchen paper towel. Then remove the tails with seeds, but do it very carefully - do not damage the pepper.

After we grease the vegetables with oil and bake them in a micro. If you can't bake, no problem. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry the pepper on all sides over high heat. Then cover the pan with a lid, reduce the fire and simmer the vegetables for another 5 minutes.

While the pepper is baking or fried, we make the filling for it. Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings and move it to the bowl. Salt, pepper and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes. During this time, the salt and sugar crystals will dissolve. Next, pour the onion with vinegar (1 tablespoon), leave for an hour. And then we wring it out to remove the remaining acid. By the way, in approximately this way you can.

Cut the washed greens with a knife into not too small pieces. Peeled garlic cloves (4 pcs.) Cut into thin slices. Mix onion with herbs and garlic. Next, we clean the baked pepper from the outer skin and stuff it.

Preparing the dressing - mix the remaining vinegar with oil (1 tablespoon). We pepper the mixture and add a clove of garlic chopped on a garlic press and a little greenery. Pour stuffed peppers with this filling and send it to the cold for a couple of hours. And then sharpen for both cheeks.

Additional Tricks

Try to use fleshy varieties of bell pepper for pickling. The color is unimportant - different shades look even more beautiful. Yes, and try to use vegetables of milk ripeness - they are more tender.

You can pickle both whole fruits, so cut into pieces. It is better to preserve such an appetizer in small jars. However, if you marinate delicious pepper for stuffing for the winter, you can also preserve in 3-liter bottles.

Sweet pepper goes well with zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini and other vegetables. Therefore, you can stuff it before marinating. As for spices, that is, he has his favorites - oregano, lavrushka, garlic and tarragon. In general, feel free to add these spices. Don't be afraid to be a chemist in the kitchen 🙂

Now you know how to pickle peppers in oil with garlic and herbs. And with others delicious options cooking snacks met. Share these recipes with your friends by dropping them a link to the article. And don't forget to update. And that’s all for today – see you soon, my dears!

Pepper is a vegetable that is relevant both in summer and in winter. You can enjoy the sweetness and freshness of bell pepper at any time of the year, if you preserve it correctly. Best Recipes read only in our article.

Everyone knows that Bulgarian Bell pepper- This is the most useful vegetable in which vitamin C is found in more than in a lemon. Therefore, it is very important to provide yourself with this wonderful product in the winter. We offer you several recipes for delicious homemade preparations. Especially now is the season of sweet pepper!

Pickled peppers for the winter with vegetable oil

Exist different ways pickling sweet peppers. Choose the option you like and get to work!

Method 1

  • wash and deseed 5-6 kg of sweet pepper
  • cut into strips
  • put in a container where you will cook
  • pour 1 liter of water and 400 ml of vinegar
  • add 4 tbsp. l. with a slide of salt, 3.5 cups of sugar
  • throw in 10 allspice and 7 cloves
  • boil
  • pour in 700 ml of oil
  • keep boiling for at least 7-10 minutes
  • pour into sterilized jars
  • spin

canned peppers great addition To dining table V winter time

Method 2

This option for pickling peppers is the easiest. To prepare a brine for 5 - 5.5 kg of pepper sweets you need to take:

  • water - 9 l
  • granulated sugar - 700 g
  • salt - 400 g
  • refined oil - 200 ml
  • vinegar - 1 l

Now the process itself:

  • make punctures near the tail of the peppers
  • mix the products indicated for the brine
  • boil
  • dip the peppers in the boiling mixture
  • cook for 7-10 minutes
  • put into jars
  • pour in brine while hot
  • spin the cans
  • keep them upside down, wrapped in something warm, for about a day

Bulgarian pepper marinated with garlic in jars

Diversify the taste of the workpiece with garlic. The recipe below will please you with a spicy and refreshing taste.

Our products:

  • sweet pepper - 3 kg
  • garlic - 2 small heads
  • water - 4 tbsp
  • salt - 2 tbsp
  • sugar - 4 tbsp
  • vinegar - 220 ml
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml

The cooking process is:

  • Combine 220 ml of vinegar with 800 ml of water and 150 ml of sunflower oil
  • pour into a thick bottomed saucepan
  • pour 2 tbsp. salt and 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • washed and peeled sweet peppers (3 kg), cut into slices
  • pour into a saucepan with marinade
  • boil for 10-12 minutes
  • garlic cut into small cubes
  • put the pepper in jars in layers, sprinkling each layer with garlic
  • tamp tightly
  • put complete sterilize
  • sterilize for at least 10 minutes

We also offer option without vinegar.


  • 5 kg pepper
  • 2 large heads of garlic
  • 1 large parsley root
  • 1 l vegetable oil
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 cup sugar sand
  • to taste bay leaf and pepper

You need to prepare like this:

  • peppers, washed and peeled, cut in half lengthwise
  • chopped garlic and parsley root
  • make a marinade from the rest of the products and boil
  • combine with pepper and parsley
  • pour into jars, shifting with garlic
  • cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes
  • twist and wrap

Peppers marinated with honey for the winter in jars

Do you want to surprise your guests? unusual snack? treat them pepper marinated with honey. To do this, prepare the following products:

  • sweet red pepper - 2 kg
  • honey - 0.5 tbsp
  • refined oil - 0.5 tbsp
  • vinegar - 0.5 tbsp
  • allspice and black pepper - 5 peas each
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs

Pepper with honey unusual dish but you will definitely like the taste

The process is:

  • wash our vegetables and extract the seeds
  • cut lengthwise
  • mix liquid ingredients
  • add spices
  • bring everything to a boil
  • send peppers there
  • boil 7 minutes
  • pour into jars, cover with lids
  • set to sterilize for 40 minutes
  • roll up

Such an appetizer has a delicate honey flavor and will definitely please your household and surprise guests.

Pickled peppers for the winter with onions

Try next option preservation of pepper - with the addition of onions. For 10 large sweet peppers, you need to take such products based on a 1 liter jar:

  • onion (small), clove bud, Bay leaf IR - 1 pc.
  • black pepper - 6 peas
  • sugar, vinegar, refined oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp riding

The preparation is simple:

  • remove seeds from washed peppers
  • cut pepper and onion into petals
  • wash the jars well, preferably with soda
  • place spices, salt, sugar, onion petals in each jar
  • add vinegar oil
  • put the peppers
  • pour boiling water into jars, not reaching the edges by 2 cm
  • cover with sterilized lids
  • sterilize for at least 20 minutes
  • you can roll up
  • turn over, wrap

Pickled hot peppers for the winter without sterilization

Love spicy? Then we offer you simple recipes canning hot peppers. There are many ways to prepare a dish, but we offer you the most popular.

Method 1

Take these products:

  • hot peppers(it is desirable to choose even pods of light green color)
  • vinegar and water - 1.5 tbsp each
  • salt and sugar - 2 tbsp. l with top

You need to prepare like this:

  • wash the jars thoroughly using baking soda
  • wash the peppers under running water
  • send it to the banks
  • combine water with vinegar
  • add sugar and salt
  • bring the mixture to a boil
  • pour peppers in jars with boiling marinade
  • you can spin banks

If you wish, you can lay the pepper pods with dill sprigs, but even without adding greens, you can get a fragrant and very delicious preparation for the winter.

Method 2


  • 2 kg hot red pepper
  • oil, sugar, vinegar - 1 tbsp each
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt

It's easy to prepare:

  • trim the stems off the washed peppers
  • cook the marinade from the indicated ingredients
  • connect with peppers
  • boil 7 min
  • pour into hot jars
  • roll up

You can try after 3 weeks - that is how much time the peppers need to be nourished by the fragrant marinade.

Pickled bell pepper for the winter without sterilization

If you do not want to spend a lot of time on preservation, pickle bell peppers according to the recipe below.

You will need these products:

  • sweet pepper (any color) - 5 kg
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • granulated sugar– 400 g
  • vinegar - 0.5 l
  • sunflower oil (you can take unrefined) - 0.5 l
  • black pepper - 5 pcs. on a jar
  • bay leaves - 2 pcs. on a jar

You can cook pepper without sterilization - this way you will save time

Cooking process:

  • free the pepper from seeds and stalks
  • cut into 4 parts along
  • in a vessel with a thick bottom (you can in a cauldron), pour vinegar and oil
  • sugar - there
  • bring the mixture to a boil, stirring all the time
  • make sure the sugar doesn't burn
  • put the pepper in the bubbling liquid in portions
  • Boil each serving for approx. 6 minutes
  • at the same time start sterilizing jars and lids
  • put bay leaves and bitter peas in prepared jars
  • send hot peppers to jars, cover with lids
  • through minutes 15, when the pepper has reduced in size, add more
  • pour the marinade into a full jar
  • spin
  • turn over and cover with an old blanket for the day

Peppers stuffed with cabbage and vegetables for the winter

A dish that does not require additional dressings that can be served immediately is bell peppers stuffed with cabbage, carrots and herbs. In winter this vitamin snack will also be very important.

Take these vegetables

  • 3 kg pepper of any color
  • head of cabbage
  • 600 g carrots
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • bunch of small parsley

For marinade:

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • vinegar and rast. oils - 1.5 tbsp each
  • 1.5 tbsp salt
  • 1.5 tbsp sugar

Prepare as follows:

  • coarsely grate the carrot
  • shred the head of cabbage finely
  • combine cabbage with carrots, crush well with your hands
  • set aside for an hour
  • washed pepper, carefully, trying not to damage the integrity, peel
  • from the products listed in the recipe, cook the brine - marinade
  • dip the pepper for 2 minutes in boiling brine
  • now let it cool down
  • stuff peppers with vegetables
  • throw a couple of cloves of garlic and parsley into jars
  • tightly place peppers in jars
  • put the brine in it
  • sterilize 25 min
  • roll up the lids

Pepper in a tomato for the winter

If you like tomato juice, be sure to try pepper in tomato.

For this salad you need to take

  • 2 liters of tomato juice
  • 6-7 kg bell green or red pepper
  • 1.5 st. vinegar
  • 100 g salt
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp. refined oils
  • 3 tsp allspice

The cooking process is:

  • wash the pepper and cut into several petals
  • combine tomato juice with the rest of the ingredients and boil
  • Pour in the pepper pieces and boil for 15 minutes
  • at the same time, sterilize jars with lids
  • pour into jars and twist

If you do not have tomato juice, it can be successfully replaced tomato paste to be diluted with water.

How to close the pepper for the winter for stuffing

It is believed that stuffed bell peppers are exclusively summer dish. But you can enjoy it wonderful dish and in winter, if you use our recipe.

First preparation:

  • medium-sized peppers (preferably different colors to add brightness to dishes in winter) carefully remove seeds and tails
  • try not to damage the vegetables
  • blanch for 2 minutes in lightly salted water
  • carefully put the peppers in jars (3 liters is better)
  • pour the remaining brine into the jars
  • pour vinegar (9 percent) in the same place at the rate of 1 tbsp. per 1 liter
  • roll up

Very interesting way a similar preparation with aspirin.

Preparation second:

  • prepare the peppers as in the previous recipe
  • also blanch them in salt water
  • put into jars
  • instead of vinegar, add aspirin 1 tablet per 1 liter
  • pour unsalted boiling water
  • spin the cans
  • keep wrapped until completely cool

Pickled hot peppers in Armenian for the winter

Have you ever tried tsitsak? This is the name of the Armenian hot pepper appetizer, which is always served with shish kebabs, kebabs. No? It's easy to fix!

Hot Tsitsak Peppers Can Be Easily Prepared at Home

Write down the recipe:

  • take hot green pepper pods for snacks
  • spread them unwashed in a single layer on a tray or table and leave for 3 days to let it wilt slightly
  • rinse and make a few cuts
  • put in a container, mixed with dill branches and peeled garlic cloves
  • pour into a bowl cold brine, which is made from water and coarse salt at the rate of 0.5 tbsp of salt per 3 l
  • peppers should be completely covered, so you can put a weight on top
  • leave to ferment for a week until the pods turn yellow
  • squeeze everything well and pack tightly into jars
  • drain excess liquid
  • set to sterilize for min 15
  • roll up the caps

Video: Tsitsak - hot, salty pepper

Pepper in Korean for the winter

Hot and spicy preserves are obtained according to Korean motives. For cooking, you need the following products:

  • multi-colored sweet pepper - 3 kg
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp
  • crushed garlic - 0.5 tbsp
  • water - 500 ml
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • cumin - 0.5 tsp
  • vinegar - 250 ml

It's easy to prepare:

  • mash the garlic with salt and sugar, cumin and pepper until smooth
  • remove the seeds from our vegetable
  • smear it well inside with a fragrant mixture and leave it in the cold overnight

  • pour the juice that our peppers let into a saucepan, adding water and vinegar
  • boil the resulting marinade, and pour into jars where the peppers are already tightly packed
  • if you cover with plastic lids, put in the refrigerator, and if you are going to store for a long time, then better canned food sterilize

And you can cook in a different way:

  • cut into thin strips 2 kg of pepper (required different colors)
  • mix refined oil (4 tbsp), water (100 ml), vinegar (6 tbsp), salt (2 tbsp), sugar (2 tbsp)
  • put chopped garlic (1 head), coriander (2 tsp) and ground pepper (2 tsp) there
  • odorous mixture must be boiled
  • combine the slightly cooled marinade with vegetable straws
  • shake well so that everything is coated with spices
  • you can cover with a load and put it in the cold
  • You can treat your loved ones in 2 days

Georgian pickled hot peppers

Diversify your winter preparations traditional Georgian appetizer - hot pickled peppers. Of course, you will have to tinker, but the gratitude of those who try it is worth it.

  • thin long pods rinse hot pepper with tails and make a small incision on the side of each
  • cook the marinade from 200 ml of white wine vinegar, 120 ml of vegetable oil, 0.5 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. sugar and 3 pcs. laurel
  • cook on very low heat
  • into a boiling liquid, drop the pods in portions and boil for 5 minutes
  • when all the peppers are cooked, pour the chopped bunch of parsley and celery, 6-7 chopped garlic cloves into the cooled marinade
  • boil again
  • put the pods in the marinade and keep in the refrigerator for a day
  • put in jars, cover with plastic lids
  • or sterilize and screw

Roasted and baked canned peppers for the winter

We would like to offer you original ways pepper blanks. For the option with roasted peppers per 1 liter. jar take:

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 50 ml vinegar
  • 30 ml water

And, of course, our main ingredient- Bulgarian pepper. He must be small size.

How to cook:

  • Wash the peppers, but don't peel them. In this appetizer it comes with seeds and ponytails
  • V refined oil fry the pepper. It will sizzle and splatter, so cover the pan with a lid
  • put the roasted peppers tightly in jars
  • add other products
  • screw on the lid
    You can add greens

Option with roasted peppers:

  • small sweet pepper - 3 kg
  • black and allspice peppers - 15 peas each
  • garlic - 9 cloves
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs

For the marinade:

  • refined oil, sugar - 1 tbsp each
  • water - 1.5 l
  • vinegar - 170 ml
  • salt - 2 tbsp

Prepare like this:

  • washed and unpeeled peppers bake in the oven
  • put it in jars
  • add garlic spices
  • cook the marinade from the indicated products
  • fill them with peppers in jars
  • sterilize 20 minutes
  • roll up

Sweet and hot pepper- This great product for conservation. Complete winter preparations delicious vegetables, and your family will thank you for the time spent in the kitchen.

Video: Delicious fried peppers for the winter

Bulgarian pickled peppers for the winter great option for those who are not indifferent to this vegetable. He not only retains most of his palatability, as well as useful properties, but also acquires new tones and shades of taste, depending on the type of marinade, as well as the method of preparation. bell pepper in preparations it acts not only as the main ingredient, but also as a component in salads.

The benefits of bell pepper for the body

Why is pickled bell pepper for the winter so popular? This can probably be partly explained useful properties this vegetable. It's hard to believe, but pepper overtakes citrus fruits and black currants in terms of the amount of vitamin C. Therefore, these fruits are useful to use during the period of colds.

The specific taste of pepper is explained by the content of substances in it that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. It is also worth noting the content of vitamin A. Therefore, pepper can be considered a vegetable for beauty, especially for women. Roasted peppers are also good for the heart. In it you can find potassium, without which it is impossible for the cores. It is also worth noting the fact that pepper has a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of hair and nails.

Pickled peppers. Why is he so loved?

Bulgarian pepper, pickled whole or in pieces, is good workpiece on winter period when it's expensive enough to buy. It can be consumed as a side dish or appetizer. Also, pieces of this vegetable can become the basis for sauces or complex side dishes.

In most cases, bell peppers pickled for the winter retain their aroma and crispy texture. However, the taste may take on spicy notes, such as sourness, sweetness, or other sensation of red hot pepper.

For blanks, you need to choose whole, smooth and fleshy fruits. It is best to take red, red or yellow peppers so that the preparation, and later the dishes from it, become brighter and more beautiful. However, you can also get a tasty and healthy dish from it.

Pickled pepper. Ingredients and preparation of vegetables

In order to cook pickled bell peppers for the winter, you must:

  • five kilograms of pepper, preferably red or yellow;
  • seven tablespoons of sugar;
  • one and a half tablespoons of salt;
  • about thirty peas of black pepper;
  • one and a half liters of water;
  • fifty grams of vinegar 9%;
  • for each jar, one bay leaf, a clove of garlic, a clove and a little chili pepper.

This recipe is for six or five liter cans. Before cooking, the pepper is washed, the leg is cut off, the seeds and partitions are cleaned. How to pickle bell peppers for the winter according to this recipe? You can leave the fruits whole, or you can cut into large strips.

Preparing for the winter season

Banks are pre-sterilized. At the bottom of each put peppercorns - five pieces, cloves, bay leaf, chili pepper, garlic clove.

Pour one and a half liters of water into the pan. Salt and sugar are also sent here. When the mixture boils, add vinegar. You can try the brine, only carefully. Keep in mind that it is hot. If desired, it can be salted or made sweeter.

Peppers are dipped into the boiling marinade in small batches. They keep him there for six minutes each. After that, the prepared fruit is sent to the banks. Whole peppers try not to crumple. Then brine is poured on top of the peppers in the jar. Close with sterile lids.

Pepper in oil. List of ingredients

In order to cook bell peppers marinated for the winter in oil, you need:

  • about a kilogram of pepper;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 350 ml of water;
  • 165 ml of vinegar;
  • 165 ml of odorless vegetable oil;
  • heaping teaspoon of salt.

Peppers are washed, the stalk is removed, cut into halves. Seeds are also removed inside. If the fruits are large, then the halves can be divided into two more parts.

Pepper preparation. step by step recipe

You need to prepare the marinade. To do this, water is poured into a saucepan, sent to boil. Salt, granulated sugar, oil are also added here. When the marinade boils, pour in the vinegar. After that, peppers are put in boiling water. At the same time, the fire under the pan is reduced.

It takes ten minutes to cook. During this time, the peppers will soften, and the marinade will cover them completely. Peppers with a skimmer are sent to sterile jars. After that, the marinade is boiled again, and then peppers are poured over it. Banks roll up. Marinated Bulgarian is ready. Should be kept in the dark cool place.

Baked bell peppers for the winter

For this recipe you need to prepare:

  • 1 kilogram of pepper;
  • one and a half teaspoons of sugar and the same amount of salt;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • a head of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley or dill;
  • peppercorns as desired;
  • 50 ml of vinegar.

From this amount of ingredients, two jars of half a liter are obtained. But it should be remembered that pickled bell peppers with garlic and herbs are eaten very quickly. This is due to the fact that such a dish is more like an independent salad. It's fueled vegetable oil, greenery. spicy garlic gives a spicy taste.

Preparing Garlic Peppers

Peppers are thoroughly washed under running water. Then, using a towel, remove moisture from it. Without cleaning or removing the tips, it is sent to a baking sheet covered with foil. Roasting time may vary depending on the size of the fruit. On average, it can take from half an hour to sixty minutes. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the skin of peppers. When it shrivels and starts to bake, it's time to take the product out of the oven.

Now the peppers are given a bath: they are sent in a bag and tightly closed. After five minutes in such a bath, the peppers will go limp. It won't be hard to clean them up. It is better to cut the pepper over the dishes, as it turns out to be very juicy. Remove skin, seeds, stem. The cut strips are sent to a sieve so that the pepper drains. For marinade take this juice. Oil is added to it and, thoroughly stirring the aromatic mixture, bring to a boil. Now you can add salt and sugar. When they are completely dissolved, you can pour in the vinegar and turn off the stove.

Garlic is peeled and cut into slices. The greens are washed and chopped finely enough. Put a part of pepper in sterile jars, stacking it up to half. Now fall asleep greens and garlic. Put pepper again, pour everything with marinade.

Ready jars are sterilized for about twenty-five minutes, after which they are closed. First, they are allowed to cool upside down, and then removed in the cold. Pickled bell peppers in oil with garlic are eaten as a side dish or used for sauces. Such a preparation is ready for use a week after preservation.

Pepper for stuffing

Stuffed Peppers are tasty dish which is liked by many. Someone scores freezer blanks, and some roll such peppers into jars.

Pickled bell peppers for the winter stuffed pepper do it entirely. For this you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 70 grams of sugar;
  • 8 grams of citric acid;
  • 35 grams of salt.

All ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. The mixture is not particularly aromatic, if desired, you can add any spices, such as bay leaf or cloves. However, it is worth remembering that these peppers will be stuffed in the future. So don't overload them.

Now take the peppers. Carefully separate the stalk, remove the seeds, as well as partitions. The fruits are sent to boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then immediately rinse with cold water. Now they can be placed in sterile jars. If you act carefully, then the fruits can be invested in each other. If this does not work, then it is not worth crushing them. Pour the peppers with a boiling solution and sterilize again.

Bulgarian pepper with honey: a sweet recipe

How to pickle bell peppers for the winter so that it is original? Add honey. This recipe is likely to appeal to many, as it is quite interesting.

For him you need:

  • three kilograms of pepper, best of all sweet, ripened;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • a glass of vegetable oil;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • a glass of liquid honey;
  • 125 ml of vinegar;
  • ten pieces;
  • eight carnations.

Peppers are washed, cleaned of seeds and partitions. Banks and lids are sterilized. In a saucepan, begin to prepare the marinade for peppers. To do this, pour water, add honey, vegetable oil, salt, and spices. They give food spicy aroma. The mixture must be brought to a boil. Then the peppers themselves are sent to it. They are kept for three minutes in this marinade. Lay out the prepared fruits in jars, pour the rest of the marinade.

Banks with prepared pepper also need to sterilize about ten to fifteen minutes. Then they can be closed. Such sweet recipes for pickled bell peppers for the winter involve replacing honey with sugar. This is true if a person is allergic to this ingredient.

Pickled bell peppers

This the recipe will do those who want to feast on pepper in a couple of hours. For cooking you will need:

  • two kilograms of pepper;
  • one hundred ml of vegetable oil;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • one hot pepper;
  • liter of water;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • one hundred ml of vinegar.

Peppers are washed and cleaned. It is better to cut it into fairly large pieces. Now prepare the marinade. Salt, butter and sugar are sent to boiling water. Then vinegar. Peppers are boiled in a boiling marinade for six minutes. It is better to do this in portions so that the pepper is completely covered with brine.

Boiled fruits are laid out in a bowl, pour boiling marinade on top. Hot peppers are also placed there. When the mixture has cooled, it is sent to the refrigerator. You can eat it immediately after cooling, but the next day it is much tastier. Quick recipes for pickled bell peppers for the winter are a great option to always treat yourself to such a delicacy.

quick snack

Bulgarian pepper marinated in 15 minutes will appeal to those who value their time. This recipe makes decent dish with his bright taste. It can also be used as a side dish, but it is best served as an appetizer.

It should be noted here that a snack is not only and not so much food that is consumed with alcohol. Traditionally, this is a dish that is served before the main meal. It is believed that it should whet the appetite and prepare the body for the reception of more serious food, such as meat or chicken. Pickled bell peppers in 15 minutes are just such recipes.

It requires the following ingredients:

  • Bulgarian red pepper - four pieces;
  • a couple of bulbs onion, can be replaced with white;
  • a bunch of greens, you can use assorted;
  • two tablespoons of oil, preferably olive;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • salt and sugar to the taste of the cook;
  • black and - a couple of pieces;
  • wine vinegar - a teaspoon.

Preparing snacks: steps

Pickled bell peppers with onions are prepared quite simply. Peppers are washed, cleaned of stems and seeds. Lubricate with vegetable oil and bake in microwave oven. Then the skin is removed from them. By the way, you can leave it on the fruits. However, the taste of this will be a little worse.

Now proceed to the onion, which should be pickled. To do this, it is cut into half rings. At the same time, you should try to make the slices as thin as possible, then it will take less time to process the dish. It is salted, peppered, a little bit of sugar is added. Now it can be filled wine vinegar and leave to soak. The onions for this recipe should be left overnight.

Greens and garlic cloves are cut as small as possible. It is noteworthy that in this recipe it is chopped garlic that is required, and not passed through a press. Prepared products are sent to the onion, mix thoroughly. The mixture is very aromatic and spicy! Pepper is also sent here.

The baked peppers are carefully filled with the mixture, laid in rows in a bowl. Now it's time to pour the peppers.

Whisk in a small bowl olive oil and vinegar. It should get thick. You can also add some finely chopped dill and garlic here. This mixture is poured over the stacked peppers.

You can start eating! However, experts recommend keeping this dish for at least an hour so that it soaks and becomes even more magnificent.

Pickled peppers are good snack. However, it can also be used as a main dish. Recipes for blanks with this vegetable for the winter great amount. Some use onions, others use garlic. And some recipes almost turn pepper into a dessert! Each housewife will find the recipe that will please her.

Among all the summer fruit and vegetable variety, sweet Bulgarian pepper occupies a worthy place. The place is, frankly, honorable. Many vegetable snacks and salads for the winter are not complete without this bright, beautiful, tasty and very healthy vegetable. Bulgarian pepper is good, both as part of numerous dishes, and in splendid isolation. So, many housewives like to pickle sweet peppers for the winter. There are many recipes for pickled bell peppers, it is pickled in tomato juice, with honey, with hot pepper, along with cucumbers, zucchini. We offer a very simple and quick recipe sweet and sour marinated sweet peppers in vinegar marinade.

Taste Info Other blanks

Seaming Ingredients

  • sweet bell pepper - 1.5 kg,
  • water - 300 ml,
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • garlic - 5 cloves,
  • vinegar - 200 ml,
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.,
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • peppercorns - 8-10 pcs.

How to cook pickled sweet peppers for the winter

You can pickle both bell peppers of the same variety, and different varieties in one bank. The same can be said about color: you can preserve a vegetable of one color (preferably red), or you can create a whole color palette. I prefer the second option, so for this recipe I collected different peppers.
Let's prepare the peppers.

Remove the core with seeds from the vegetable and cut the fruit into small strips.
As for the size of the strips, we are guided so that the pepper is convenient to eat.

For the marinade we need: sugar, salt, vegetable oil (sunflower), vinegar, black peppercorns. You can add garlic, but this is not a required ingredient.

Pour water into a bowl or pan, add vegetable oil, sugar and other ingredients.

Let's put the pepper in there too. Put on the fire and blanch the pepper for 5-6 minutes in boiling water.

The pepper will wilt and take a more compact position in the bowl.

We will process the jars with steam, boil the lids.

We put the bell pepper in jars, pour the marinade, which remained in the bowl.

We cover the jars with lids and put them to sterilize in a water bath. To do this, you can use a capacious pan, the bottom of which is covered with a linen napkin.

We sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water for 15 minutes, then roll up the lids with a key. Banks are turned over and left in this form for 2-3 hours.

Here we have such a pickled pepper, this dish is prepared easily and simply, the peppers taste sweet and sour with a pleasant taste.

teaser network

Recipe number 2. Pickled sweet pepper for the winter "Traffic light"

This funny name is explained simply: the recipe uses peppers of three “traffic light” colors, that is, red, yellow and green. Thanks to this, jars with ready salad look especially elegant. You, of course, can take just plain fruits ... But then this preparation for the winter will turn out to be the most ordinary in appearance. And from different peppers(Yes, if you also connect your imagination, and not just throw pieces of vegetables into jars, but shift them in colored layers), you will get conservation, which will not be ashamed to put on the most luxurious festive table. And besides, this salad for the winter is very tasty. Try it!

For 2 half liter jars:

  • 500-700 g of sweet pepper (about 20 pieces if the vegetables are small),
  • 60 g sugar (a quarter cup or 6 tablespoons without a hill),
  • 60 g vinegar (9%)
  • an incomplete teaspoon of salt,
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 150 ml cold water
  • 1 large bay leaf,
  • 4 peas of allspice.
pickled bell pepper recipe step by step

So, first you need to wash the pepper, divide each vegetable into 4 parts (if the vegetables are large, you can even into 6). Remove the seeds from each quarter.

In a small saucepan, bring the marinade (water, salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil) to a boil. For two approaches, put pepper in it, let it boil no more
4-5 minutes (so that it does not have time to soften too much and become porridge).

Carefully transfer the pieces of pepper into the prepared sterile jars (at the bottom of each, put half a bay leaf and two peas of allspice at the bottom of each). Pour hot marinade over everything. Roll up the lids, turn over and wrap overnight.

That's all! Personally, according to this recipe, I got exactly 2 jars.

Immediately after I took out the seam from under the “fur coat”, my relatives looked closely, looked at beautiful salad, and they could not stand it - they opened one jar. What can I say - I immediately regretted that I had not cooked even more, since the pickled peppers turned out to be very tasty.

Be sure to try this little vegetable work of art. You will not remain indifferent, and the family will be delighted!

There are a lot of recipes for pickled peppers for the winter. I've tried many, I like many, but there is one that is my favourite. I've been pickling peppers with this recipe for three years in a row. In the recipe itself, everything is simple, the pepper is cut into pieces, poured several times with boiling water, and then with marinade. For me, all proportions are perfect. And I also really like the fact that the pepper does not have to be boiled. In my opinion, the method of conservation by pouring is the simplest, fastest and cleanest. For beginners I made step by step recipe with pictures. Pickled pepper according to this recipe is different in that it turns out to be crispy. And of course it is very tasty and juicy. It can be used as an appetizer, added to soup, served with pasta, etc.


  • Based on 4 cans of 0.5 liters.
  • Sweet pepper - about 1.5 kg.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. with a slide
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. with a slide
  • Vinegar 9% - 60 ml.
  • Allspice peas - 12 pcs. (3 pieces per jar)

How to cook pickled peppers for the winter:

For cooking, I used Bulgarian sweet peppers of different colors. You can use peppers of the same color, it will not affect the taste in any way. But when the peppers are multi-colored, the jar looks prettier.

I prepare jars and lids in advance. They need to be washed with soda and sterilized. I steam sterilized jars and lids in a slow cooker. I like this method because it is less hot, and 4 jars can be sterilized at the same time.

Wash the peppers thoroughly running water, I remove the legs, seeds and partitions.

Then I cut the peppers into strips. First in half, and then each half for another 4 strips.

I lay it down until the pepper fits easily. Then I put the jar on the table and stuff strips of pepper into the cracks. Pepper should be packed tightly.

I alternate the strips of pepper in color to make it beautiful.

Then I pour the water into the sink.

I boil the kettle again and pour again. I leave it for another 5 minutes.

Pour salt, sugar into the pan, put peppercorns.

After 5 minutes, I pour the water from the cans into the pan. I mix. I put it on fire and bring it to a boil.

I turn off the fire. I add vinegar, mix quickly and pour the marinade over the peppers. I roll up the banks, turn them over and wrap them up. I leave it like this until it cools down completely.

All! Pickled peppers for the winter are ready! Everything will take you 1-1.5 hours. It seems to me that this is not much at all, and the result will delight you all winter.

It is better to let the peppers stand for a month so that they are well marinated with spices. Store in a dark cool place. Bon appetit!
