
Chinese snack of cucumber peel. Pickled cucumbers without peel

Few people know that our favorite crispy and refreshing cucumbers are representatives of the pumpkin family. An annual plant with an oval shape, some varieties with pimples, others are even - frequent and welcome guests on our table. Fragile with delicious cucumbers, it's time to think about the benefits and harms of a vegetable, what beneficial properties can improve our health, and whether it is possible to lose weight on a cucumber diet. Let's talk about everything in order.

A bit of cucumber history

Elastic to the touch and juicy inside, with a characteristic green color on the outside and light green, almost white inside, the cucumber contains many seeds. If it is overripe, it resembles a pumpkin and melon in appearance, but we use it as if in an unripe state. But in a fresh cucumber, seeds are not felt, but they allow you to enjoy barely perceptible seals.

As it turned out, the vegetable familiar to us, which we include in food in fresh, canned and other forms, has been present in human life for more than 6 thousand years. For the first time, a wild plant was cultivated back in India, then the vegetable migrated to Asia, Egypt and Europe. Thus, the cucumber was a victorious step in all points of the planet. Someone will object that it does not grow in Antarctica and in the Arctic. If you put up a greenhouse, bring in the soil and grow it using modern technologies, the cucumber will grow there too. After all, the technology of growing in greenhouse conditions arose in ancient times, so in the cold seasons the inhabitants of Byzantium received the harvest, from where the tasty fruit came to the tables of our Russian ancestors.

The fact that cucumber is very good for health was already known in those days. Therefore, everything was used - the pulp, the peel, the juice of the plant.

Useful composition of cucumber

The product we describe is a low calorie champion. In 100 grams of cucumber, there are only 14 kcal, which is the reason for inclusion in the diet during fasting days, for weight loss. But we'll talk about that later. Now about the useful composition of the cucumber, which includes substances such as vitamins of group B, A, C, PP.

  1. 95 percent of it consists of structured and very useful water for the human body. This liquid, like a brush, washes our kidneys and removes toxins, toxins, salts of heavy metals and decay products from the body. It is for this reason that cucumbers are recommended to people working in radioactive and chemical enterprises. The list of useful substances includes chlorophylls, sugars, organic acids, essential oils and starch.
  2. The vegetable also contains magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, beta-carotene, folic acid, etc.
  3. Cucumbers are champions in the content of coarse fiber, fiber, which gently and gently cleanses the intestines of fecal stones and toxins, stimulates peristalsis, and regulates metabolism.
  4. Inclusion in a regular diet allows you to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, which by itself affects the regulation of the hormonal background of the body.
  5. Cucumbers, cucumber juice easily neutralize harmful acids and normalize the acid-base balance.
  6. Antioxidants in the vegetable can reduce acidity, the level of body fat, and prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol due to sterols.
  7. Cucumber juice and its pulp is a choleretic and laxative agent with a mild, sparing effect. Vegetable enzymes quickly break down carbohydrates, help protein to be absorbed - for this reason, cucumber salad is recommended as a side dish for fatty dishes.
  8. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the function of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.
  9. Magnesium calms the nervous system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, regulates blood flow, pressure, helps prevent ischemia and atherosclerosis.
  10. Iodine is responsible for the functions of the thyroid gland and has anti-sclerotic properties, stimulates the entire endocrine system of our body.
  11. A colossal amount of ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, in this case it is better to choose small cucumbers.
  12. Cucumber juice helps with gout, as it effectively removes uric acid from the body.
  13. Phosphorus, like magnesium, calms the nerves, relieves depression, stress, irritability, anxiety, normalizes sleep and eliminates insomnia.
  14. Potassium helps the structural fluid of the vegetable to enter and cleanse the cells and relieves swelling.
  15. Cucumbers are indicated for urolithiasis, remove sand and improve the process of urination.

Cucumbers for the beauty of the female body

Is it worth spending big money to improve the condition of the skin, its elasticity and velvety? After all, an excellent medicine, and in all respects, are vegetables growing under your feet. Cucumbers occupy a respectable place among the leaders.

Since ancient times, women have used vegetables not only as a food product, but also as a cosmetic product. The substances contained in it and structured water tones the skin, tightens it, cleanses it of black spots, relieves inflammation and rejuvenates, removing fine wrinkles.

  1. Vitamin B - natural collagen - removes excess subcutaneous fat, inflammation, heals rashes and removes acne.
  2. Acids with a gentle effect even out skin color and level pigmentation, freckles and are great for any type of skin - dry, oily and mixed.
  3. Cucumber infusions and lotions stimulate hair growth, restore their structure, silkiness and density.

Important: Cucumber juice is excellent for thermal and sunburn. To do this, apply lotions with juice or cut peel to the body.

What diseases do cucumbers treat?

To summarize the benefits of cucumbers as a vegetable with a huge amount of nutrients, we suggest remembering the list of diseases in which it is recommended to include a vegetable in the diet. It will help with:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis;
  • thyroid diseases - hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiter;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • liver diseases - hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.;
  • colitis;
  • skin diseases, rashes, burns, inflammatory processes;
  • constipation;
  • high blood pressure - hypertension;
  • ischemia, atherosclerosis;
  • obesity
  • bronchitis;
  • diabetes, etc.

Is it possible for pregnant women to eat cucumbers

This vegetable, due to its low calorie content, is not only possible, but must be included in the diet of the expectant mother. But you should never forget that a medicine differs from a poison in a dose.

  1. A high percentage of structural water content allows pregnant women to get rid of edema that torments them.
  2. Due to the presence of fibers, the skin of a cucumber relieves constipation and hemorrhoids, which is a frequent companion of a future mother.
  3. Potassium electrolyte normalizes water balance and regulates blood pressure.
  4. Substances zeaxanthin, lutein and ascorbic acid strengthen the immune system and protect against colds, infectious diseases and inflammation.
  5. Vitamin K strengthens the bone structure and helps build a strong baby skeleton.
  6. Folic acid - vitamin B9 is the best prevention of malformations of the embryo, strengthens the neural tube and protects against pathologies.
  7. Each useful substance in cucumbers is involved in hematopoiesis, protects against anemia, ensures the full development and growth of the baby.

Is it possible for children to eat cucumbers

As soon as summer days come and beautiful cucumber fruits are formed on the beds, the children themselves are ready to pick them and eat them right there. But before feeding a child, you should find out what are the benefits and harms of cucumbers for children.

So, let's start with the main - is it possible and from what age to include cucumbers in the baby's diet. Young mothers should not rush to feed their baby with a green vegetable for a baby up to a year old. As soon as a year comes, you can serve cucumbers as a supplement to the main food at the minimum portion.

Important: premature feeding of cucumbers can cause colic in the baby.

How to give. It is strictly forbidden for babies to use pickled, pickled cucumbers, even if they are made with their own hands, in compliance with technology and sterility. They contain a lot of salt, vinegar, and a minimum of useful substances.
You should choose a fresh vegetable grown in the open field. The fruit should be elastic, with a bright color and a non-shiny, matte skin. It is not recommended to purchase dented cucumbers grown in a greenhouse and sold along roads and highways.

How to feed. Rinse the fresh cucumber thoroughly and cut off a small piece for the baby. Closely monitor the reaction of the child's body and if there are complaints of abdominal pain, capriciousness and symptoms of colic, postpone the introduction of vegetables into the diet at a later date.

Pros of eating cucumbers by children:

  1. Silicon, iodine, potassium, sulfur, fructose, essential oils, carotene, vitamin C and essential oils help regulate metabolism, stimulate peristalsis and improve blood flow.
  2. Useful substances and antioxidants destroy putrefactive and pathogenic microbes, including staphylococcus aureus, which is common among children.
  3. The vegetable is one of the hypoallergenic and practically does not cause adverse reactions: redness, rashes, swelling, etc.

There are also situations in which cucumbers should not be included in the child's diet:

  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion;
  • Store-bought vegetables may contain nitrates and pesticides - a real poison not only for children, but also for adults.

Important: you need to carefully monitor how the child gnaws and swallows the cucumber. A vegetable, especially pickled, salty, has a smoothness, and the baby can choke. For this reason, it must be cut into small pieces and given under supervision.

What are useful cucumbers for men

Cleansing, restorative and tonic effect stimulates metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system of men. Scientists point to the antirheumatic properties of the vegetable and strongly recommend eating fresh at any time of the year.

  1. A serious problem for men's health is visceral fat, which accumulates in the abdomen. Due to the inhibition of metabolic processes, purification processes, the state of stagnation and impaired blood flow, negative processes occur in the genitourinary system, oncological diseases develop, etc. Consumption of cucumbers allows you to lose weight, burn visceral fats and protect yourself from male diseases.
  2. Mixed with, cucumbers do an excellent job with gout, and are also used to prevent the disease due to the accumulation of uric acid.
  3. The consumption of a vegetable allows you to maintain the density and splendor of the hair for longer, nourish the hair follicles with useful substances.

Important: cucumber juice should not be abused, taking 100 grams of juice at a time or exceeding the daily dose (1 liter) disrupts the body's water balance, and dangerous consequences occur.

Harm and contraindications when consuming cucumbers

No matter what we talk about some of the harmful properties of a green vegetable, there are still many more benefits from it. But let's talk about the cases in which it brings discomfort.

  1. Individual intolerance. As strange as it may sound, there are still a small number of people who have an allergic reaction to cucumbers. If after use there is a rash, redness of the skin, itchy eyes, a tickle in the throat, swelling appears - discard the wonderful product and consult a doctor for adequate treatment of allergies.
  2. Gallstone and urolithiasis in the acute phase is also a contraindication to eating cucumbers.
  3. Do not include salted, pickled cucumbers in the diet for liver diseases.
  4. Hyperacidity, gastritis, duodenal ulcer and stomach-cucumber juice can cause pain, nausea.
  5. Nursing mothers should be careful with the consumption of cucumbers - getting into the baby's body through milk, they can cause diarrhea, colic.
  6. With high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, tendencies to Alzheimer's disease, with impaired memory and thinking, it is not recommended to eat pickled, pickled cucumbers.

How to grow, choose and store cucumbers

Gardeners who dream of a good harvest of cucumbers should prepare the soil in advance. It is desirable to enrich with fertilizers, ash. You need to plant in warm weather, about 2 weeks after the onset of warm nights and a month after the last frost. Before planting, water the holes with warm, almost hot water. Now there are many varieties that are not subject to bitterness, empty flowers: Nezhinsky, Murom, Nosovsky, Aist, Era, Arina, Voyage, etc.

Important: if you want to use the seeds of your own harvest next year, choose bags marked F1.

You need to plant the seeds with the nose up - so that the sprouts do not cling to the ground and the peel does not interfere with them. The soil of cucumbers should always be almost moist. With a lack of water, the fruits curl, turn yellow and are unusable. Collect at will - it all depends on the preferred size. But the most useful and tastier fruits are small and medium in size.

Cucumber storage

This product, unfortunately, cannot be stored for a long time. Maximum 7 days in the top section of the refrigerator. For this reason, on the shelves of markets in spring, late autumn and winter, cucumbers grown in Asian countries or in greenhouses are sold. When choosing, you should pay attention to external indicators and aroma. Strong, elastic fruits with a characteristic smell can be eaten, but it is not advisable to give them to children. It is important to make sure that the product contains a minimum of pesticides and nitrates.

Slimming with cucumbers

If someone forgot, then we hasten to remind you that in 100 grams of fresh cucumber there are only 14 kcal. To lose weight on a cucumber diet, as they say, nature itself ordered.

Sassi - fat burning drink

Before you “sit down” on a cucumber diet, you should understand that in addition to the main ingredient, the list includes ginger, lemon, mint and other products. You need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the additional composition.

So, for the Sassi drink, thanks to which the body is perfectly cleansed of toxins, toxins and heavy salts, blood circulation improves and excess fats are burned, it is necessary:

  • fresh cucumber; half a tablespoon of chopped ginger;
  • fresh mint leaves - 5 pieces;
  • one lemon.

We clean the cucumber and cut it into slices together with lemon and pour all this with 10 glasses of cold water, add ginger and mint chopped by hand. Put the composition in the refrigerator overnight and start drinking in the morning. Sweet lovers can add 2 tablespoons of honey. The components of the cocktail "shatter" the stagnant state of the body and turn on the energy consumption to the fullest. And this requires the connection of reserves - fats and carbohydrates. An accelerated metabolism makes all cells work and removes excess fluid from us, relieves swelling and makes us lose weight “before our eyes”.

Important: Sassi prepared water should be drunk during the day and the next portion should be prepared in the evening.

In a month, thanks to the liquid, you can burn 10 kilograms of excess weight. But you can’t abuse the diet, you need to drink for about 4-5 days, then take a break and consume low-calorie cereals and soups.

The best recipes with cucumbers

One has only to wash and cut an elastic green vegetable, as a stunning, refreshing and appetizing aroma immediately spreads around the house. We are happy to chop it into a salad, marinated and salted, we complement the exquisite taste of cold meat appetizers. Even better - just cut a fresh cucumber into two parts, salt a little and rub against each other until light foam and crunch, crunch. I wonder if there was at least one reader who did not salivate? Hardly! Let's look at the best dishes with cucumbers, which are prepared quickly and help improve health and lose extra pounds.

Salad with fresh vegetables

If someone is waiting for the “discovery of America”, then it’s not worth it. We will just make our favorite summer salad again, for which it is necessary to cut washed fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and straws into half rings. Add chopped green onions, dill, parsley. For dressing, mix together a tablespoon of soy sauce, a teaspoon of honey and wine vinegar. Mix and eat with spoons!

Okroshka useful

This dish should be cooked on fresh medium-fat kefir. We will need:

  • 400 grams of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 6 boiled eggs;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 6-7 fresh cucumbers;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt, pepper, sour cream and kefir to taste.

If you decide to replace it with boiled sausage, then you should use a doctor's one, which must first be boiled for about 10 minutes. Cut all the ingredients into small cubes, chop the greens and pour kefir, add salt and pepper to taste, chop the greens. The described composition is very useful for the body and is an excellent detox dish. If you remove or minimize potatoes from the list, you can lose up to 3 kilograms per week on such a delicious diet. Of course, you should eat without bread and not a single gram of salt.

Salted cucumbers in 5 minutes

Prepare a food plastic bag, a kilogram of fresh small cucumbers, a bunch of parsley, dill, 4-5 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper.

Rinse cucumbers and cut into circles (bars), add chopped herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. Put everything in a bag and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

It is impossible to list all the useful properties and culinary masterpieces from your favorite vegetable. You should not be sophisticated - it is important that the product is fresh and coexists in a dish with healthy ingredients - tomatoes, herbs, peppers and vegetable oil. And the best part is that you can eat without restrictions in quantity and no prints on the figure!

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

The article presents some tricks and secrets that will help housewives successfully use cucumbers in cooking various dishes.

It is best to salt cucumbers with "pimples"- with an uneven surface.

Cucumbers can be used as a decoration for various dishes. Salads and any appetizer will greatly decorate the "fan" of cucumbers. Cut strong small cucumbers along, not to the very end, with thin slices and straighten - here's the "fan" for you

How to properly serve cucumbers to the table. Do not serve large pickled or pickled cucumbers on the table as a whole, be sure to cut into narrow strips.

How to add cucumbers to the pickle. Boil pickle cucumbers separately in a small amount of water and add to the almost ready soup along with this water.

Cucumbers pickled in an open container will not grow moldy, if you put a planed horseradish on top.

To prevent pickles from molding during salting put a canvas bag with black pepper in a bowl at the rate of 50 grams of pepper per bucket of brine.

How to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers. Lightly salted cucumbers can be cooked within a few hours by cutting off the ends of the cucumbers and pouring hot brine over the cucumbers.

Cook lightly salted cucumbers in 30 minutes you can cut them into four parts lengthwise or cut into large circles. Place cucumbers in a food plastic bag along with salt, garlic and dill. Tie the bag, mix the contents thoroughly, leave for thirty minutes in the bag. That's all! You don't have to wait and eat right away.

In what container can not pickle cucumbers. Do not salt cucumbers in a pot where there was melted fat.

How to remove the bitter taste of cucumber. Using cucumbers in an unpeeled form, you must first try a piece of the peel and make sure that it does not taste bitter. If it is bitter, the cucumber should be peeled (in some cases, bitterness spreads to the entire cucumber and remains after peeling).

If fresh cucumber tastes bitter, it must be cleaned and dipped in lightly sugared milk. The bitterness will decrease.

Why are cucumbers bitter You can find out .

How cucumbers affect when cooking soup. If you put pickles (containing acid) first in the soup, and then potatoes, then it will remain tough.

What cucumbers are not suitable for pickling. Overripe, yellowed, diseased and damaged cucumbers are not suitable for pickling, as they deteriorate very quickly.

Do I need to peel cucumbers intended for salad. If the cucumbers are young and have a thin skin, then you can not peel them, but you need to wash them thoroughly (preferably with a brush). This should be done immediately before serving, so that the cucumbers retain their freshness.

What cucumbers are suitable for stewing. For vegetable stews and stews, it is best to take short, thick cucumbers.

What foods can not store cucumbers. Cucumbers do not tolerate joint storage, with apples.

As you know, the Chinese can cook food from anything that moves and grows. Moreover, they also use waste. Today I will introduce you to one such no-waste dish, a cucumber peel appetizer. It is made quite simply, but it turns out very tasty.

Many people prefer to make salads from fresh cucumbers without skins. Indeed, the taste of the same salads made from peeled and unpeeled cucumbers is quite different. So in Chinese cuisine, in some dishes you need to get rid of the cucumber peel. It seemed that it was easier, I peeled the cucumber, and threw out the skin, like potato peelings. What's the use of her? But economical Chinese chefs came up with pickled cucumber skins. Here's how it's done.

For pickling we need:

Peel of 1 cucumber
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon rice vinegar

These are just proportions. If the peel is from 2 cucumbers (or more), then sugar and vinegar will need 2 tablespoons (or more).
Vinegar can be replaced with some other - apple, wine, table, but then it needs to be put less - 1 teaspoon.


We clean the cucumber. It is better to do this with a vegetable peeler. You need to get long stripes. We put the skin in a suitable bowl.

Pour sugar into a cup with cucumber peel and pour vinegar

Mix and put in the refrigerator. You can eat the next day. The peel will not be completely covered with brine, nothing to worry about, just stir it again after a few hours.

This snack will keep in the fridge for a long time. It gets even tastier over time. As you prepare cucumber salads, you can add a new peel to the already pickled one, filling it with sugar and pouring vinegar in the same proportions.

When serving, each cleaning is rolled into a roll. Pickled cucumber peel is used as an independent snack, as an addition to salads and to decorate dishes.
Here, for example, cucumber peel rolls, served with another popular Chinese snack,.

When serving separately, you can string three rolls on a toothpick for convenience. This appetizer goes well with barbecues. And, of course, vodka. Vodka can be eaten without rolling a strip of peel into a tube.
The taste of this snack is pleasant, sour-sweet, cucumber, with a pronounced crunch. Like well-made pickled cucumbers.

Of course, such an appetizer is not typical for our cuisine, it is only the Chinese, with their billion people and poor soils, who could build a completely edible dish from cleanings. But as an exotic accompaniment to other dishes, pickled cucumber peels aren't bad at all. I have been making such an appetizer almost all summer (after all, it’s a matter of seconds), treating relatives and friends, everyone was pleasantly surprised and praised the taste.

We are looking forward to the first cucumbers. But does everyone know how to collect them, keep them fresh, cook them? Let's remember some secrets.

You can also wrap them in a wet cloth, put them in an enamel pot and store them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, uncovered.

Or another way: put wet gauze on the bottom of a plastic bag, and cucumbers on it. Then cover them with damp gauze from above.

To be fresh, they must be collected in the early morning.

Cucumbers do not tolerate storage next to apples.

in a salad orbrine

It is necessary to wash cucumbers only in cold water, since warm water impairs their taste and aroma.

Water with mayonnaise, sour cream and vinegar just before eating, because after 2-3 hours they lose their nutritional value.

For vegetable stews and for stewing, you need to take thick cucumbers with hard pulp.

To decorate salads, you can use "hearts" of cucumbers. To do this, cut one third of the fruit from the cucumber along its entire length. Trim the tip off the rest and continue slicing. For each slice, close the bottom part - you get "hearts".

Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours. Then they will not wrinkle during salting and will not be empty.

It is better to salt and pickle medium-sized cucumbers with an uneven surface (with pimples).

Add a little mustard to a bowl with brine, where pickles lie, - cucumbers will be stored for a long time and become tastier.

Cucumbers pickled in an open dish will not grow moldy if you put chopped horseradish on top or add 20 g of grape vinegar and 15 g of vodka to 1 liter of brine.

Overripe yellow cucumbers are not suitable for pickling, they quickly deteriorate.

Before lowering the cucumbers into the jar, dip them first for 2-3 seconds in boiling water, and then in cold water. Then they will retain their color and pickle faster.

To keep pickles crunchy, don't put too much garlic and dill, as they soften the tissue of the fruit. It is quite enough to put 2-3 cloves of garlic, 3-4 dill umbrellas, as well as horseradish leaves on a three-liter jar.

Salted cucumbers served on the table only with brine, otherwise they very quickly lose their shape and taste.

If cucumbers are salted, they become tough and poorly digested.

Valentina Adamovna LOYKO,
Mr. "Fazenda" No. 8, 2015

Surprisingly, cucumbers have roots of Indian origin. Even in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, this vegetable was given a special place of honor at the festive table. To date, juicy cucumber is widespread, and not only in nutrition. It is successfully used in cosmetology, for the preparation of drinks and as a remedy.

Cucumber, the benefit of which lies in its chemical composition, is 95% water. With its help, it is easy to quench your thirst, it retains a certain proportion of useful substances. The remaining pulp is rich in B, PP, A vitamins, and also contains iodine, iron, ascorbic acid, magnesium, aluminum, chlorine, silver and other useful substances. It is worth noting that the cucumber has the greatest value, the benefits of which were formed when grown in open ground. Their greenhouse counterparts have less active medicinal properties.

In folk medicine, the juicy vegetable is used as a diuretic. It perfectly supports the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure. Atherosclerotic, hypotensive, tonic, antispasmodic, laxative - whatever you call a cucumber, its benefits to the body are invaluable. That is why it is recommended for consumption by many people for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Regular consumption of cucumbers helps to cleanse the joints and remove toxins from the body. With its help, they treat the type, flatulence, destroy the putrefactive microflora in the intestines, gastric secretions.

Tartronic acid, which cucumber contains, is beneficial and lack of excess weight. It prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat cells. This wonderful vegetable fits perfectly into any diet. It can be used as the main product for

Cucumbers have a supportive effect in the treatment of thyroid diseases. The antipyretic property of a green vegetable is due to its diaphoretic effect on the body.

Don't know what to cook with cucumbers? Most often they are used fresh and in salads. They are also salted, marinated or used as part of summer cold soups: okroshka, beetroot, etc. It is worth noting that they are still of great benefit to the body fresh.

“Cucumbers: benefits and harms,” this statement will seem strange to someone, because if everything is clear with benefits, then is there really any harm from eating cucumbers ?! This is more of a warning, reminiscent of the simple truth that everything is useful within the normal range. Excessive consumption of cucumber fruits can also provoke diarrhea. Persons with diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by high acidity, it is desirable to exclude cucumbers from the diet. The earliest fruits contain a lot of nitrates, which accumulate in the process of feeding the fruits. In this regard, it is recommended to peel the fruit part of cucumbers. Their tips also need to be removed, because. It is here that the bulk of harmful substances are concentrated.
