
What is the best way to cook barbecue. Cutting meat for barbecue

Barbecue - fragrant, attractive and tasty dish accompanying us throughout the warm season. Not a single "foray" into nature is complete without cooking meat over coals. Therefore, I will tell you how to cook pork and lamb skewers on the grill.

Shashlik is a culinary masterpiece and a means of bringing people together. This is an occasion to gather a noisy company, make friends, perhaps, and find a girlfriend or boyfriend.

According to tradition, men cook barbecue, because only strong male hands can knead meat with marinade and chopped onions. As a result, onion juice, along with acids and enzymes, will saturate the meat and give off flavor.

Burning coals, preparing and frying meat is a brutal action that emphasizes the strength of a man and arouses admiration among ladies. Although women, having culinary experience, imagination and taste, easily prepared different variants presented dish.

It seems that there is nothing complicated in cooking barbecue - you cut the meat, keep it in the marinade and fry it. People who hold this opinion are mistaken. Such actions lead to disappointment caused by a dry, tough and tasteless dish.

The listed sequence of actions is correct, but the secret of a delicious kebab lies in the fact that in the cooking process all the details and movements are extremely important. Each stage of cooking barbecue requires the right approach. It is about choosing meat, marinating, lighting coals and frying. It is even important to know how to eat shish kebab correctly, what side dish it goes with and what drinks to drink.

Experienced chefs use their senses in the process of cooking barbecue. They observe, are guided by their sense of smell and listen to sounds. The information received helps to turn the skewers in a timely manner or moisten the barbecue. Some are just learning how to cook meat. They are interested in the subtleties of cooking, because no one wants the first cooked barbecue to be unsuccessful.

How to cook pork skewers

Pork is usually used for barbecue. Pork skewers are so popular for a reason. It has an unsurpassed aroma and taste, juicy and tender.

Contrary to seeming simplicity, cook pork skewers not easy. The cooking process has secrets and tricks, the knowledge of which helps even a beginner to "perfectly" cope with the task.

First of all, choose the right meat, the result depends on the quality and freshness. Experts recommend cooking shish kebab from chilled pork. If you don't have one, buy frozen.

Novice cooks defrost meat by dipping it in water. I don't recommend doing that. It is better to put the pork on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Slow defrosting will preserve flavor and health benefits.

How to choose the right pork for barbecue

  • First, carefully examine the piece of meat. fresh pork Pink colour, and when pressed with a finger, the pits are aligned.
  • Be sure to use your sense of smell. fresh product characterized by a pleasant and sweet smell. If the pork smells of rot, mold or ammonia, of course, you can’t buy it.
  • Ask the seller to cut small piece. Bring it to the fire from a match and smell it. The smell of roasted pork is a sign of freshness.
  • Which part of the carcass to give preference to, you decide. The neck, lumbar region and brisket are ideal for barbecue. Ham and shoulder are not the best options.

This issue has been dealt with. Now let's talk about the preparation of the marinade. I know many recipes, but I will share only two of the most common.

Pork marinade with mayonnaise

  1. Cut the pork into slices, and the onion into rings. Put the ingredients in large saucepan and fill with mayonnaise. For a kilogram of meat, 250 ml of sauce is enough.
  2. Add some salt and spices to the pot. After thorough mixing, leave the dishes in cool place for a day. Stir before cooking.

Marinade with vinegar

  1. Cut the pork into slices, and a few medium onions into rings. Put the meat and onion in a saucepan, sprinkle with pepper and salt.
  2. Pour 100 ml of ordinary or apple cider vinegar into a liter jar and add water. Determine the volume of liquid yourself. The main thing is that the solution is moderately acidic.
  3. Pour half of the vinegar water into the bowl with pork and mix. Sprinkle the skewers with the remaining solution. In this case, the marinade should cover the pork. The marinade is suitable for frying after 4 hours.

Step by step charcoal cooking

We chose and marinated the meat. Now it remains to cook. The stage is the most important and requires special attention.

  • I use store-bought coals. Although, you can make them yourself. The main thing is to heat them up before frying.
  • Turn the meat constantly while frying. Only in this case it will be evenly fried. If the kebab is slightly burnt or very dry, moisten with marinade or a mixture of wine and water.
  • I recommend constantly moistening the pork to protect the kebab from burning and it will turn out fragrant, soft and juicy.

Video recipe

I think you have been using a similar grilled pork kebab recipe for a long time, but I do not exclude that some have heard something new.

Chicken barbecue recipes

What is associated with outdoor recreation? With a burning fire, a noisy company and the aroma of meat cooked on coals. Barbecue has long been an attribute of a country holiday.

cook chicken kebab can only be a person who knows culinary tricks. Cooking is my hobby. I will share my experience with you.

You can roast chicken on charcoal without preparation. However, in this case, one cannot count on a tasty and fragrant result. That is why it is recommended to marinate.

5 chicken marinade recipes

  1. Simple marinade . Combine 50 milliliters of sunflower oil with the same amount wine vinegar. Add salt and pepper to the resulting mixture. Pour the finished marinade chicken fillet and roast after half an hour.
  2. Marinade on mayonnaise . In the evening, grate the chicken cut into pieces with salt, pepper and garlic, grease with mayonnaise and put in a saucepan. Marinate until morning.
  3. Marinade on beer . Season the treated chicken with salt, pepper and sprinkle with oregano, combine with chopped onions and place in a large bowl. It remains to add beer and leave the meat to marinate for 10 hours. This chicken kebab is combined with fried potatoes and greenery.
  4. Marinade for kefir e. Put the pieces of meat in a bowl, add grated garlic, salt, pepper, onion rings and pour kefir. After stirring, the chicken should marinate for two hours.
  5. Nut marinade . First, prepare a mixture of grated garlic, chopped onions, crushed nuts and vegetable oil. Marinade rub the pieces of meat and leave for half an hour. Salt the chicken again before frying.

These are not all pickling methods chicken meat I only shared popular recipes. It remains to cook the meat, guided by step by step instructions.

  • First, make a fire. fit birch firewood along with birch bark. Cooking chicken barbecue is better with the addition of firewood from fruit trees.
  • Alternatively, use store-bought charcoal to make the process easier. Light a fire, add coal and after a few minutes start frying.
  • I recommend kindling charcoal without special liquids. Kerosene, gasoline and other combustible materials will spoil the taste of the dish.
  • Put the prepared meat on skewers and put on the grill. Turn constantly during frying.
  • Check the readiness of the barbecue with a sharp object: a toothpick, match, fork or knife. Pierce a piece of meat, a white liquid comes out - a sign of readiness. If the juice is red, sweat the meat again.

Videos cooking

Any of these sauces are easy to prepare yourself at home. Do not forget about vegetables and herbs, which products will emphasize and complement the chicken skewers. If you don’t want to mess around with barbecue, cook rabbitwithout leaving the kitchen.

How to cook lamb skewers

Cooking barbecue is a fascinating process, the preparation for which consists of two stages. The first involves the choice of meat, which should be fresh and moderately fatty. The second involves preparing for frying.

There are many ways to marinate, but not all are suitable for lamb. Consider three preparation options. Check them out or cook lamb in the oven.

Uzbek barbecue


  • Lamb - 500 g.
  • Fat tail fat - 150 g.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Onions - 3 heads.
  • Parsley, anise, red pepper and vinegar.


  1. Cut the lamb into pieces the size of a matchbox, and cut the onion into rings.
  2. Prepare the marinade. Mix onion with anise, pepper and vinegar. Pour the meat with the resulting mass and leave for three hours.
  3. Thread the lamb onto the skewer, alternating fat tail fat with pulp. Sprinkle with flour, send the meat to the grill. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Shashlik in Armenian


  • Lamb loin - 1 kg.
  • Onions - 2 heads.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Pepper, lamb fat, salt.


  1. Cut the meat into pieces, salt, add pepper and onion rings.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Combine the zest with the juice with the meat. After stirring, marinate the meat for eight hours.
  3. It remains to string lamb on skewers and bring to readiness over coals. Lubricate with lard during cooking.

Lamb on the bone


  • Lamb with bone - 1 kg.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Coriander, basil, tarragon, mint, salt and pepper mixture.


  1. Cut lamb into pieces. Grind the greens and mix with oil, lemon juice, salt and a mixture of peppers.
  2. Brush each piece of lamb with sauce and place in a saucepan. After three hours, the meat will be suitable for frying. Just marinate in a cool place.

I don’t know if you have ever tried a kebab cooked according to one of the above recipes. If not, you must do it.

Video recipe

Buy some fresh meat, marinate it well and go on vacation with your family. Every member of the family will appreciate it chic dish.

How to marinate barbecue deliciously

What could be better than a trip friendly company to the river bank or to the forest, especially if the entertainment program includes barbecue? In order for the dish to live up to expectations, it is necessary to understand the intricacies of marinating shish kebab at home.

Shashlik is grilled meat. The current generation inherited this dish from primitive people. The taste depends on the right marinade. Previously, people did not deal with such trifles and immediately started cooking. Fortunately, over time, the technology of cooking meat on coals has improved, which has a positive effect on the taste.

Kefir marinade

Kefir is the most popular marinade. It is suitable for marinating beef, pork, lamb and rabbit. Popularity Secret fermented milk product among barbecue fans lies in the ability to soften meat and saturate creamy taste.

  • You will need meat, several onions, spices and kefir. For a kilogram of meat, a liter of kefir.
  • Portion pieces dip in a marinade prepared by mixing kefir with onions, salt and spices.
  • Top the meat with lemon juice. Soak in kefir marinade for three hours.
  • Send the barbecue to the coals, after planting it on skewers.

Kefir in terms of pickling barbecue deserves attention. But it doesn't compare to pomegranate juice. I had to marinate meat in various ways, but only one option, which I will tell you about, has become a favorite.

pomegranate marinade

Cost price pomegranate marinade higher than kefir, but the result is worth it. Pomegranate juice helps to prepare an inimitable and the finest dish.

  1. Gather spices according to taste. I recommend looking in the market for a point where the seller, depending on the weight and type of meat, will collect everything you need from different trays in a matter of seconds in one bag.
  2. Buy meat and pomegranate juice. For two parts of meat, take a liter natural juice. You can make it yourself if you grow pomegranates.
  3. Pour the meat with onion juice and leave for two to three hours. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the fibers will turn into porridge.

Even if during the summer you often go out into nature, this is enough. Shish kebab marinated in any of two ways will please taste sensations.

How to marinate kebab so that the meat is juicy

In Africa, there are tribes who put meat in an anthill before cooking. Under the influence of formic acid, the structure becomes soft and juicy. We live in a civilized world and there is no need to go to such extremes.

I will list tricks to help reduce the stiffness of meat to a minimum. As a result, the barbecue is soft and juicy.

  • fruit marinade . Gently peel two kiwis and pass through a grater. Add a little salt and spices to the resulting mass. In fruit marinade send the pieces of meat and wait up to one hour.
  • Kefir marinade . Mix half a liter of kefir with the same amount of mineral water, add salt, pepper and some dry herbs. Soak the prepared meat in the marinade for three hours, then send it to the coals.
  • wine marinade . Mix white wine and mineral water in equal proportions, add spices, pepper and salt and a few chopped onion heads. After three hours, the kebab is ready for frying. If alcohol is not completely used up, read
So, in order to start cooking a real and tasty barbecue, you must first choose the right meat. What kind of meat should you buy? Someone loves only lamb, others do not eat pork, and still others eat any meat. For good barbecue pork is excellent, not very fatty, only fresh and not frozen. What part of the pork to take for best result? I would not risk other parts of the pig meat, only to be disappointed later. Take the neck, and that's it. But, and right there, I will make one reservation. It has such a center, without veins, slightly pink in color, which goes along the spine on both sides. So, it is also not suitable for barbecue. And even if she gets on a barbecue, and this can always happen, then you will immediately start chewing like a chicken breast and without much taste pleasure, no matter what seasonings you use. Like all butchers, I will also assure you that frozen meat loses its main, taste properties. Although, what can I say, our brother cannot take something for nothing. It happens that somewhere fresh meat is found, but also over time it does not always work out. Therefore, listen to at least one piece of advice: do not marinate meat frozen or still. cold, let it first thaw to room temperature and all the blood water will drain. Pay attention to the color of the meat: if the meat is faded, dried up, then it is not fresh and the barbecue will not work out of it. Conclusion: fresh meat, frozen, is better than not fresh! And draw the right conclusion yourself!

First, wash the meat running water and dry it with a paper towel. Who knows how and who pawed him before you, and the moisture in the pickle is not needed, absolutely. If you buy meat at the market early in the morning, marinating according to this recipe right away, then in the evening you can safely turn it on the grill!

We figured out the meat, by the way, the lamb will be even tastier, and I have been convinced of this more than once and, always, I will affirm this. I had a chance to somehow cook a barbecue for a purely Turkish society, they bought the meat for me themselves. What was mo. surprise that they snatched pieces of meat almost out of their mouths even from others! The lamb was marinated exactly according to this recipe! Therefore, I still try to treat my dear and respected guests with fresh lamb!

Using this method, we cut the meat into transverse washers 3-4 cm wide, then into identical pieces, removing the bar and tendons. Strongly do not get carried away with the removal of fat, this will give some juiciness. After a good workout, you can get the same as mine, where each shelf with meat comes out with a difference of two to five grams !!! With lean lamb, it is recommended to wear between meat also fat tail fat. Let's leave this topic for lamb lovers.

Now the ingredients for pickling and the whole secret of my dish. We take from the calculation, let's say, 3-4 kilograms. The main system for marinating meat is not what ingredients to put there, it is even very important - in what order!

1. Salt (about 4-5 tsp). I’ll say right away that everyone has different tastes, I personally don’t add salt to anything on the table, I never even salt eggs or tomatoes. Two chemical compounds, sodium and chlorine, which make up salt, do not give anything good for the body, and the bones will spoil until arthrosis. Let's not talk about the fact that salt is simply necessary, it is impossible to do without it, etc. But under-salted kebab will be very inopportune, so it needs to be well and properly salted.

2. Black pepper and, I emphasize, LARGELY ground, as in the picture. No "dust" from the pepperbox! Better yet, crush the peas with the plane of the knife and then cut a little with the tip. When you chew the meat, these grains will give you a pleasant taste sensation. How many? 15 - 20 peas!!! Want more, for an amateur! By the way, black pepper is very useful for the body!!! Do you know vodka with pepper for colds? So, it is not vodka that gives a healing reaction, but black pepper itself!

3. Coriander. She is also cilantro. I think you are familiar with this name. Again, the question is how much? I think that also 15-20 peas will be enough. They need to be crushed in a mortar, first lightly fried. It may already be sold ground. But, in no case, maybe I, and I repeat, overdo it with seasonings - DO NOT! Otherwise, you will not get the real taste of meat. If the coriander is already ground: a little more than half a tsp. More precisely, it will be like in the photo. I have seen green cilantro skewers marinated, but in order to advise you, you need to check it yourself. I haven’t tried it - I don’t know, although I’ll definitely try to marinate it like that as soon as the opportunity arises.

4. Basil. I have it in a jar, dry. Sold in almost all stores. Take as much as ground coriander. In a teaspoon size, this is 1/2, a little more can be! This herb does not have such a sharp and pungent taste.

5. Thyme. He is the Thyme. One of the Asian spices, from which dry thyme greens are used. IN small quantities well complements vegetables and meat dishes and various salads. The use of thyme dates back to ancient Greece, where it symbolized courage. Roman soldiers bathed in thyme-infused water to gain strength, energy, and courage. In the Middle Ages, girls embroidered a sprig of thyme on the scarves of knights for courage. How many? Per kilogram - one, two pinches, rubbing lightly with your fingers.

6. Zira, she is Zra, she is Kumin. Do not confuse with cumin or dill. Such things do not go to the barbecue at all. Look in stores, with friends and it will pay off for you! I have not seen it in German stores, but in Russian stores there is for sure! Quantity? A very specific seasoning, a little less than half a tsp will suffice. Zira is very specific in taste, so be careful in its quantity. Zira is very similar to dill, do not confuse!

7. Bay leaf, a couple of pieces. Even if it breaks into small pieces while stirring. When you put meat on skewers, noticing it, just put it aside. They don't eat it!!!

8. Red pepper, paprika. Ground, sweet. You can have a teaspoon without a "slide". It will give a little desired flavor and beautiful colour when hot. Want to add spice? One clove crushed garlic, add spicy, Bell pepper, but I warn you that the taste of meat can be greatly interrupted, I think that you do not need it, because you wanted real barbecue, is not it?

9. Bulb onion. We cook in two ways: onions, which are smaller - in meat, larger onions - for a snack. First, cut large onions and only rings. Rings must be separated from each other. We sort it out neatly and separately add the rings to the dose, and mix everything else with the meat. Eat barbecue rings! And not some kind of waste or ponytails, chopped at random. Aesthetic culture and accuracy should be present in the first place! Approximately 5-6 bulbs will suffice. As some write, it seems to me that there will be a lot of onion 1: 1, just cut it correctly so that it gives the juice. For convenience, in the second way, you can pass the onion through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the resulting mass through gauze. This is what I use, it’s very convenient and I don’t have to mess with onion waste. It is even easier to pass through a juicer, it will be more practical, but there will be more trouble with washing the machine. The next day, onion rings can be sprinkled with vinegar diluted with water and sprinkled with red or black pepper, as you like!

10. Sunflower oil, do not confuse with olive oil, 5-6 tablespoons. Yes, yes, you absolutely heard right, sunflower oil! Imagine for yourself that you threw meat into a frying pan, without oil. And, no matter how non-stick pan you have, any meat will simply start to burn. This is what happens in the pictures of other kebabs, where charred edges stick out, and you need to chew them, because spitting them out is ugly, and simply inconvenient. Add the oil after all the added, mixed seasonings, in exactly the same sequence as it is written.

It looks like, someone, fried, in the picture, meat: a. pickled without oil;
b. too finely chopped onion and not all of it was removed;
V. this is the meat that goes along the neck pruning,
slightly pink in color, does not change its shape after pickling and does not have a real, juicy taste. How did it get burned? Can this be called barbecue?

11. And now, having put everything that is written above into the meat, passing between the fingers, we begin to mix everything well, adding no less important and, I will even say, effective product, this is LEMON. A good-sized lemon will suffice for half. Just be careful, squeeze out only when everything is already mixed with seasonings and oil. Getting a lemon on clean meat, it will immediately become a "stake", as after vinegar, so vinegar simply does not go into the barbecue.

Vinegar can be poured over already fried barbecue.

12. A quarter, maybe a half, of natural pomegranate juice will add even more compliments to you and even more reliably hide the clue to your recipe! pomegranate, in summer time, you are unlikely to find it somewhere, and it is better to neglect juices in the store. Many tests show that the pomegranate was not even nearby. So, let's leave your experiment until late autumn.

All this is thoroughly mixed and left tightly covered in a saucepan, pressing down on top with a plate suitable, approximately in diameter. Put something heavy on top and leave it until tomorrow. Although, as I mentioned above, if the meat is fresh, then it will also marinate for the whole day. In the morning, mix everything, now enjoying the smell that will already come from the meat. You can even lick it or bite it off, now there is nothing terrible in this meat.

And this is how fresh, soft, vigorous, pickled meat should look like. It can be immediately distinguished from bad meat. Conclusion: be friends with the butcher, at least find out on what days he slaughters. Exceptional case if you do it yourself. I will now also pay attention to the barbecue. It must also meet certain criteria. It is best to have iron, and even better with of stainless steel the thicker its walls, the better. It will retain heat better and fry the extreme pieces.

And do not torture yourself with hunger, making barbecue on bricks or somewhere on hanging chains.

My barbecue looks like this: length - 60 cm, height 15 (from the grill) and width 22 cm. The main mistake of those who make barbecues: the grill should not have a large number of holes. Let it be better to have a quarter of the bottom of the brazier at all only from the lattice, the rest is solid iron. You will see how the meat will simply blush, and fry to the full depth. And most importantly, it will not flare up under the flames of fire, where the meat will immediately take on a smoky color and lose the taste we all need. Do you want to eat soot??? Me not!!! Smoking is a completely different topic and in this case it simply will not be appropriate.

This brazier is for a small company or a field trip. At the moment, in the photo, my newest brazier is being tested. Now, when Sun. behind and the meat is eaten, I can say with confidence that he did not pass the test 100% and now there are some drawbacks: along the edge of the hole-free bottom, along, I made holes, after five centimeters and now everything is fine! Yes, there was still no damper for the blower, so I had to remove the meat from the place where the grate was, my welder said that he would fix this matter.

Also, I will not focus on the fact that the meat should be fried on good heat all the time, turning and, in no case, should not be doused with flames. Let the coals burn well, fan the ashes, and only then do the most beautiful thing in this art - fry the barbecue! Every self-respecting barbecuer should know this!

Next to the barbecue there is all my yummy marinated and put on skewers! Everything is very convenient, practical! As for lamb: be especially careful! If you overcook it, the meat will turn into dry and stale balls. Good, fresh meat is cooked quickly, just a couple of minutes is enough. Women especially need to learn one truth. they often confuse juice from fried meat with blood, so they ask for more toast. Although the meat is already quite ready.

And I will open my tradition to everyone. When the coals are hot, I always roast just one stick first. For the success of the event, I will pour a glass of good red wine and evaluate the quality of the future barbecue. I will give the guests a try, albeit not for everyone, teasing them to the limit. And then it went - let's go!

I, personally, had cases when close friends, one even a butcher by education, lost the power of speech while eating. And after 5-6 sticks, exhaling, he said that he had never eaten such a barbecue! Now, by the way, pickles just like that!

No need to make meter-sized skewers. By the time you get to the last piece while eating, it will already be cold. Secondly, waving a “sword” at the table, saying what a delicious barbecue, you can good friend gouge out an eye. And how wonderful it is to eat barbecue from a skewer when it is still hot. In this case, I use my own, short, total length 37 cm, skewers. If you have only 20 of them, then you have no friends, and you cannot invite someone to visit. Meat should be put on skewers to the last piece. Or do you do this: -Hey, Vovan, come on, finish your meal, come on, skewer, I need to fry Kolka!

I have 90-100 of them, they don’t rust, they don’t ask to eat, unless they put meat on them, and there’s enough for everyone. And on nature I take all the meat already put on and only on skewers. In a special container and from any insects hidden. I put marinated meat on skewers only myself and only at home. I do not bother my ladies with this work, if I have taken up the matter, then I will bring it to the end. I do not want to offend our dear and beautiful sex, but the meat should not scroll on skewers or hang down to the very coals.

As for the size of the sticks, while eating, it's better to take another, fresh, hot stick, so I plant 5-6 pieces each. For lovely ladies, one skewer is enough, she would like to try the second one, but with huge skewers she is afraid that she will suddenly fail. With my size, you can safely regulate the amount of shish kebab eaten. After all, we are not in the Stone Age with a spinning mammoth or in a competition: “Who will eat more!” Although, with a good barbecue, any thought of a diet simply disappears! And two or three skewers, your lady can always eat with pleasure!

Again, a case from life. The day dragged on with all sorts of things, there was a late evening, a sauna and, accordingly, a barbecue. One lady from a family circle was very indignant, like, at night, looking at such a dish!? From her youth, she knew the rules of nutrition, looked after her figure, and, by the way, she swallowed three sticks, and even a mug of beer upstairs !!! ...

The last condition and not least: always put guests at the table, let them skip one glass of salads. No walking around the barbecue, everyone must sit at the table! Let them inhale with their nostrils what you cook there. Your place is only by the fire!!! This is where you start serving them your barbecue!

Shashlik should only be eaten hot! And yet, if you treat you to a barbecue, let it be only a barbecue. Something from a snack, such as: pickles, tomatoes, squash. Sweet peppers, black olives, onions, dark bread and, of course - good vodka! There should not be any manti and pies, because you treat only SHASHLIK!

I don’t know where they will kiss you later for this, but you will definitely be the first barbecue in the village! This is how the first skewer looks like, sizzling, roasting and not burning on a hot fire. And the juice, what juice is running, just look! If he drops on the fire, then this drop will immediately burst into flames, and at the bottom of the brazier with the least ventilation, this will not happen.

Below you will see that all batches of kebab fried by me look about the same, so you will succeed, I'm sure of it!

And here it is the first batch, the people are waiting, everything is poured, just give it!

And this is what lamb looks like: surprisingly ruddy and just melting in your mouth. It is this meat that you saw in the second picture above. What, exactly, served as a pickle? This cannot be said, most likely each ingredient has contributed to this work. And the fact that the first pancake can always be lumpy, you know that, but you will get the most correct lesson from this! In this case, if everything was clear to you, there simply cannot be mistakes.

Try my recipe, maybe you will like this dish too! Drooling, after all, flowed ???

PS: as one wise man said that: "We live in this world not to eat, but we eat to live !!!"

W ashlyk is consideredcaucasian cuisine dish , and produce its name from the Turkic word "shish" - a skewer. Thus, "kebab" in the literal sense is a dish fried on a spit. However, if you delve into linguistic subtleties, then in the most numerous Turkic-speaking people of Transcaucasia - Azerbaijani - the notorious shish kebab is called "kebab", and in Turkey in general "shish-kebab". By the way, barbecue is also called in Bulgaria, whose language and gastronomy were strongly influenced by Turkey. At the same time, in the Caucasus, the skewers themselves, on which meat is planted, are called skewers, which undoubtedly goes back to the word "ramrod". But it was on ramrods from muskets and squeakers that hunters and soldiers fried meat in the old days. Although, in general, looking for the historical ancestral home of barbecue is a thankless task. After all, cooking open fire- ancient way cooking product. It is accepted by all peoples without exception, both highly civilized and those deprived of the benefits of civilization.

Moreover, this dish, despite its apparent simplicity, is everywhere considered invariably festive. Roasting whole boar and bison carcasses on a spit from hoary antiquity until the middle of the 18th century was equally common both in the East and in Western Europe. In the "Painting of the Royal Meals" and other monuments of the 16th-17th centuries, "twisted" chickens, ducks, meat and hares are mentioned. It can be assumed, that we are talking about dishes fried on a spit - otherwise, what was all this "spit" on?

In the West and in America, "twisted" dishes have become "turned" - there it is customary to cook meat on a grill in braziers called "barbecue".

In Russia, having got out into nature, it is customary to feast on kebabs - and a rare man does not consider himself an expert in cooking this simple, by all accounts, dish. kebab being typical caucasian dish familiar to all pastoral, pastoral peoples, especially mountain peoples.

In Georgia, barbecue is called "mtsvadi", in Armenia - "khorovats", and in Azerbaijan - "kebab". In Transcaucasia, for every people, shish kebab is national dish and therefore it has not only its own name, but is also prepared by the Azerbaijanis, Georgians and Armenians different ways- and everyone believes that only in his homeland barbecue is cooked correctly, in compliance with all the features and it turns out the most delicious. And it would be strange if it were otherwise.

Shish kebab is prepared from loin or hind leg of lamb carcass, liver, kidneys, kidney part. Or from pork, sometimes pieces are used beef tenderloin, veal. Good kebabs of poultry and fish. Grilled tomatoes, eggplant, onions...

The basic method of frying kebabs

This is the usual way to cook shish kebabs. The meat for barbecue is cut into small pieces, put in a non-oxidizing dish and marinated. To do this, it is salted (or not salted), sprinkled with black pepper (or not sprinkled), chopped onions, vinegar (or lemon juice, or wine, or tomato sauce, or kefir, or chifir) and mix.

The dishes are covered with a lid and placed in a cold place for pickling for 2-3 hours. Then the pieces of meat are strung on a metal skewer "skewer" interspersed with onions cut into rings. And only at the last stage, all experts agree that it is necessary to fry the shish kebab over hot, without flame, coals on a brazier called "brazier" for 15-20 minutes, turning the spit so that the meat is fried at regular intervals. If there is no barbecue, barbecue can be fried in an electric grill or in a pan, which is already a significant departure from the rules.

However, even here there are differences in the methods of determining the degree of readiness. How many people in the world - so many ways of frying. Shish kebab is served with chopped onion rings, cut into pieces, green onion, lemon, spit-roasted tomatoes, eggplant. They are sprinkled with dried barberry and generally finely chopped cilantro, dill and parsley.

In Russia, it is customary to serve barbecue with tomato sauce, ketchups. varying degrees sharpness, but in the Caucasus this is considered an excess, only in Georgia they approve the flavoring of barbecue meat with adjika or tkemali sauce.

As for firewood and barbecues, according to experts, the best firewood for barbecues is grapevine firewood. Next in descending order of quality fit white acacia, dogwood, blackthorn, beech, oak. Only deciduous trees are suitable. Firewood from coniferous species with resinous wood is categorically excluded, they will give the meat a flavor that is not destroyed by any sauces. The criterion of quality is the quantity and heat of coals. Firewood from trees with poisonous wood is categorically excluded (except for beech, its poisons decompose when burned), for example, Japanese Sophora. If there is ready-made charcoal - feel free to use it. It is usually made from birch chocks. The criteria are as follows - firewood should burn almost smokelessly, give a lot of coal with a good heat and not be tarry.

The best brazier for cooking shish kebab is a traditional brazier, but not the same as plucking shish kebabs - it is very high. The height of the barbecue grill for picnics should be such that the meat is located 4-5 cm above the coals, or even lower. In the absence of a brazier, you can fold the hearth from improvised non-combustible material - bricks, stones, etc.

General rules for cooking barbecue

Meat and fish that you want to roast on a skewer or grill must be fresh. The meat should be young and juicy. On the grate you can bake chicken, fish and cutlets - the main one, so that the dish you take on is within your power.

Avoid grilling frozen meats. Frozen meat does not have even a third of those nutrients that are kept fresh. No matter how you cook it, pickle it, beat it, it will remain tough, and if it softens, it will remain tasteless.

Avoid cooking kebabs from fresh meat, from a freshly slaughtered animal. Blood should drain from the carcass, the meat should lie down, “rest” for several hours, and finally marinate.

The same applies to game. In the old manuals, it was generally considered bad taste to cook shot game earlier than two or three days had passed after returning from hunting.

However, it is just as unacceptable to cook kebabs from stale fish. It is just necessary to take it of paramount freshness (especially sturgeon breeds) and in no case cook kebabs from it if there is the slightest suspicion of its suitability. This is especially true for the summer period. If you really want to eat stale fish, then boil it well in your ear, stew it in a saucepan with spices and in no case put it on a skewer.

If the meat is still frozen, then it must be completely thawed before baking, and let it lie down. known time. Stringy meat is not suitable for grilling.

The spit or grate should be pre-lubricated vegetable oil and heat for at least 5 min. Strong heat tightens the pores of the meat, and it retains the juice.

If you are roasting a whole chicken on a rotating spit, then it should be basted with fat from time to time. Dryer meat is also good to pre-grease or wrap. thin slices bacon. Bake meat or fish for as long as indicated in the instructions. Otherwise the meat will be dry.

Seasonings are added to the meat. To make the meat more juicy while it is still warm, you can put a piece of butter on top of it.

If the pieces of meat are quite large, then they are first fried at a higher temperature to close the pores, and, after they are fried, continue at a lower temperature.

During the frying of meat, you should constantly monitor the skewer or grill and not be distracted by any activities. if you have already begun to cook, then you have to endure both acrid smoke and hellish heat - it is very easy to spoil the barbecue - just turn away for a minute.

When preparing a barbecue, the meat should be turned over with two spoons, special tongs or a spatula, and not with a fork, so that the juice does not flow out of it.

Under the electric grill or spit, be sure to put a vessel where the juice would flow. After the meat is ready, the juice can be drained, seasoned and then pour over the meat. Grilled meat is never served with thick sauce. Most suitable sauces for barbecue - juice formed during frying meat, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup.

Meat cooked on the grill can be eaten immediately, as after additional heating it loses its specific taste.

After each use, the skewer and grate should be thoroughly cleaned, as small pieces of meat stuck to the grate or skewer burn and give the meat an unpleasant taste.

Barbecue duration

Bacon or bacon - cut off the skin and fry for 3-5 minutes on one side only.

Ham - fry for 3-4 minutes on each side, then reduce the temperature and hold for another 5-6 minutes on each side.

Sausages - remove the cellophane shell, prick with a fork in several places, grease sunflower oil or melted butter and fry at a strong temperature for 4-5 minutes, and turn over from time to time. then fry for 5-6 minutes at a lower temperature.

Beefsteak (1.5 cm thick) - spread with melted butter. fry at a strong temperature for 2-3 minutes on each side, after which the temperature should be reduced. If you want the meat to remain pink in the middle, it should be baked for another 2 minutes on each side. If you want the steak to be medium done, fry it for 2-3 minutes on each side on a strong setting and 4-5 minutes on a weaker setting. For a well-done steak, it is required to fry it for 2-3 minutes on a strong setting and from 6 to 10 minutes on a weaker one.

Lamb (lamb) cutlets or chops - spread with melted butter, fry for 3-4 minutes on each side at a high temperature and 8 minutes on each side at a lower temperature.

Pork chops- cut the fat (optional), grease them with melted butter, fry for 5 minutes on each side at a high temperature and for 10-15 minutes at a lower one.

Liver - clean from veins and films and cut off harder places, grease with melted butter, fry for 2-3 minutes on each side on a wire rack in high mode and 2-3 minutes in low mode.

Chicken - it is preferable to take a broiler for frying. If you use a skewer, the chicken is baked whole, and if you use a grill, then it can be cut in half or into four parts. Grease the chicken meat or the whole carcass with melted butter and rub with seasonings, fry for 4-5 minutes on each side, reduce the temperature and continue for another 15-20 minutes until the chicken acquires golden color and won't bake properly.

Fish. If the pieces of fish are thin, they should be fried for 2-5 minutes without turning over. If the pieces of fish are thicker, they are fried for 8-10 minutes, and they are turned over from one side to the other and smeared with melted butter. BBQ fish - brush the fish with vegetable oil and drizzle lemon juice then wrap in foil.

Traditionally, barbecue is called strung on a skewer small pieces mutton roasted on coals. In fact, there are many more options for barbecue: you can take pork, beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken, nutria, and so on. But that's not all: in addition to meat, fish, shrimp, vegetables, mushrooms and even fruits are suitable for barbecue. And they are fried not only over hot coals on the grill, but also in an oven with a grill or an electric barbecue. What is better to make barbecue and what to fry it on, everyone will decide for himself.


This option can be safely called traditionally Russian. Pork is the most popular meat among Russians who go out of town for barbecues.

For him, it is best to take the neck or neck, but, of course, both the loin and the brisket will do. But a ham and a shoulder blade is not a very good idea for such a dish. So that the kebab does not turn out dry, the meat must be taken with fat, but there should be a little of it. The pork must first be marinated. The younger the piglet, the less you have to keep the meat in the marinade. Types of marinades great amount, we offer one of the classic methods.

For 2 kilograms of pork you will need:

  • onions - 6 pieces (large size);
  • a mixture of herbs - 2 tablespoons (basil, cilantro, sage, marjoram, etc.);
  • ground pepper (red and black) - to taste;
  • coarse salt - 1 teaspoon.

Properly cooked pork skewers are incredibly soft, juicy and tasty.

Cooking order:

  1. Cut the meat into cubes of about 5 cm, combine with the marinade ingredients, mix and let stand for 6-12 hours.
  2. String on skewers, put them on the grill over smoldering charcoal: birch, aspen, linden and so on - the main thing is that the firewood is hardwood.
  3. During frying, skewers should be periodically turned over and sprinkled with marinade to make the meat juicy.
  4. Readiness is determined as follows: the largest piece of pork is cut, if clear juice flows out of it, the dish is ready.

From beef liver

Picnic lovers probably want to diversify their menu in nature, so why not consider this option, especially since it cooks incredibly quickly.

Only need beef liver, sour cream mayonnaise and ready seasoning for barbecue

Cooking order:

  1. Cut the liver: remove the veins, cut into pieces convenient for stringing on skewers.
  2. Place them in a marinating container, add seasoning for barbecue (salt is usually already included in it), put mayonnaise and mix. Leave to marinate for several hours.
  3. Thread pieces of liver onto skewers (5-6 pieces each).
  4. Place on the grill over the coals and fry for about 5-10 minutes, turning the skewers.

The liver cooks very quickly, so it is important to remove the kebabs in time so that they do not dry out. TO ready meal Any seasonal vegetables will do.

From a rabbit

For this kebab, a fragrant marinade based on vinegar and ketchup is used. From the products you need to prepare:

  • rabbit carcass;
  • five bulbs;
  • 500 g of ketchup;
  • 20 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • salt, spices - to taste.

For barbecue it is best to take ketchup home cooking, in its absence, replace fresh tomatoes or dilute in water (0.5 l) two tablespoons of tomato paste.

Cooking order:

  1. Rinse the rabbit carcass under running water and cut into pieces.
  2. Put the rabbit meat in a saucepan, add the onion, chopped into rings, salt, spices.
  3. Pour in the ketchup and vinegar, mix well and leave to marinate for at least 5 hours.
  4. Thread rabbit pieces onto skewers, place over coals and turn every 5 minutes. Fry until fully cooked, pouring the remaining sauce, in which the meat was marinated, diluted with water.

Shish kebab from a young rabbit is especially tasty.

from turkey

Another good option for barbecue - turkey meat. It has a high gastronomic value: incredibly tasty and low-calorie. For 1.5 kg of meat you will need:

  • one lemon;
  • two bulbs;
  • a quarter teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • two teaspoons of dried basil;
  • allspice peas;
  • salt.

For cooking kebabs, it is better to take the thigh part (fillet), and from the breast they turn out to be dryish


  1. Wash the turkey fillet, dry it, cut into pieces of 5 cm.
  2. Onion cut into medium rings.
  3. Put the meat in a saucepan, add the onion rings, basil, allspice peas, ground red pepper and salt. Mix gently so as not to break the onion.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice into a saucepan, mix again, let stand for two hours.
  5. Pour in 0.5 cups of water, cover with a saucer and press down. Cover the pan with a lid and marinate for 8-10 hours.
  6. Thread meat interspersed with onion rings onto skewers.
  7. Place them on the grill over heated coals with a good heat.
  8. Turn the skewers constantly during frying. It is important not to overdry the meat, so you need to carefully monitor its readiness.


Often they make shish kebabs from fish. The easiest option for everyone affordable mackerel many people will like it. To prepare it you will need:

  • two carcasses of mackerel;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • one apple;
  • a teaspoon of curry seasoning;
  • salt to taste.

It is believed that from liquid marinade mackerel becomes watery and breaks down, so it is either not pickled at all, or it is done in a dry way. IN this case marinade with lemon juice is used to spice up the fish.

Operating procedure:

  1. To prepare the marinade, cut an apple into slices, rub them with curry and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Thawed mackerel is gutted, cut off the head, washed, rubbed with curry, laid inside the fish apple slices and leave in the marinade for 20 minutes.
  3. The grate is lubricated with vegetable oil, whole carcasses are placed between the wings and clamped.
  4. Roast mackerel over hot coals for about 10 minutes, constantly turning the grate.
  5. It is important not to overdry the fish, so you should not increase the frying time, and for small carcasses it can even be reduced.

Mackerel shish kebab goes great with baked onions or apples, as well as fresh lemon wedges.

From chicken and zucchini

This is the so-called dietary kebab, while it is not only light, but also incredibly tasty. For one chicken breast you will need:

  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • one young zucchini;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • ready-made seasoning for chicken;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, zucchini - the same thickness in circles, then send to a bowl for marinating. Sprinkle all this with salt and seasoning and add grated garlic. Pour the soy sauce last, mix everything thoroughly and leave for an hour and a half so that the meat is saturated with spices.
  2. Thread the pieces of breast on skewers or skewers, alternating with zucchini rings, and place on the grill over hot coals. Turn the skewers while frying. With good coals, cooking will take 20 minutes.

Great combination - chicken breast and zucchini

From vegetables

What can be made from diet kebabs So it's from vegetables. Such mini-kebabs are very light and useful. summer snack Moreover, they can replace meat variant vegetarians.


  • 2 zucchini;
  • 3 Bulgarian peppers;
  • 6 tomatoes;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • half a bunch of mint;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • half a fresh hot pepper;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.


  1. Soak wooden skewers in water.
  2. Cut the vegetables into roughly equal pieces so that it is convenient to string them on skewers: small tomatoes - in halves, zucchini - in half rings, sweet pepper - in cubes.
  3. Cut in small pieces hot peppers and mint, grate lemon zest, put to vegetables and mix. Add olive oil, salt, pepper, mix again and leave to marinate for half an hour.
  4. Thread vegetables onto skewers, place over coals, fry for 10 minutes.

If desired, you can additionally cut the zucchini into thin slices lengthwise and wrap slices of marinated tofu cheese in them. String the resulting rolls on skewers and cook in the same way as the rest of the skewers.

This the perfect dish for picnics and gatherings in the country, it will bring not only variety to the diet, but also joyful notes, especially if you show imagination when decorating a dish when serving

from eggplant

Eggplant kebabs can easily replace meat or become an excellent addition to them. Some eggplants can be prepared vegetarian, while others can be stuffed with lard. To prepare them, you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of eggplant;
  • 100 g of lard;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Wash the eggplant and make 5-6 partial cuts (do not reach the stalk and the core).
  2. Grind garlic and dill, salt, add olive oil and mix.
  3. Grate the eggplant with this mixture, laying it in the cuts.
  4. Prepare a sheet of foil folded in half and completely wrap the eggplant in it so that the juice does not flow out and air does not enter.
  5. In another eggplant, make transverse cuts, put in them pre-cut thin slices of fat and pierce it with a skewer along.
  6. Place both eggplants over the coals and roast for 20 minutes, turning and being careful not to overcook.

Serve ready-made skewers to the table, sprinkled with herbs.

From shrimp and fish

For a change, you can make a shish kebab of fish and shrimp. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of peeled raw shrimp;
  • 400 grams fish fillet(fish with dense white meat);
  • juice of one lemon;
  • a few sprigs of rosemary;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • salt and ground pepper to taste;
  • 7 tablespoons of olive oil.


  1. Cut the fish fillet into pieces and place in a marinade bowl along with the shrimp.
  2. Tear off the lower leaves from the rosemary branches, chop them, mix with chopped lemon zest and garlic, add salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice.
  3. Combine fish and shrimp with marinade and leave for two hours.
  4. Thread the fish and shrimp pieces alternately on the rosemary branches.
  5. Grill on the grill for 4 minutes on each side.

original dish with amazing taste shrimp and fish ready

From mushrooms

Kebabs can be fried from any mushrooms, for example, from champignons, with the acquisition of which there are never problems. For this you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of large champignons;
  • 200 g mayonnaise (it is better to take liquid);
  • black pepper and salt to taste.


  1. Peel the mushrooms, rinse, dry and put in a container. Salt, pepper and pour mayonnaise. Shake the saucepan several times and leave the mushrooms to marinate for an hour.
  2. Thread the mushrooms onto skewers and fry over charcoal until tender, turning over.
  3. Serve with garlic sauce. To prepare it, add chopped garlic, finely chopped greens to mayonnaise and mix.

Shish kebab from champignons turns out juicy and fragrant

from bananas

From bananas, you can cook different kebabs - sweet and savory.

Banana with bacon

  • three bananas;
  • six slices of bacon.


  1. Bananas cut into circles 2 cm thick.
  2. Cut each slice of bacon in half.
  3. Wrap banana circles in these halves and string the resulting envelopes on skewers.
  4. Grill in a barbecue for 15 minutes.

bananas in coconut flakes
According to this recipe, you will get an original sweet dessert.


  • one banana;
  • lemon juice;
  • cinnamon;
  • brown sugar;
  • coconut shavings.

Peel banana, pour over lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar and send to the oven under the grill for seven minutes. Take it out of the oven, cool slightly, cut into eight pieces, roll each in coconut flakes and string 4 pieces on skewers. Can be served both warm and chilled.

As you can see, kebabs can be made from almost everything. In this case, you can use so many different marinades and additional ingredients, What options dishes simply do not count, and what scope for imagination.

Hi all. Spring has come and the weather has become noticeably warmer. I live in Central Asia and we can say that at the moment it is very warm and even hot. So, in light of this, my friends and I recently went out into nature - on vacation. It was a very hot day - the thermometer in the afternoon showed a little more than 30 degrees Celsius. It's too early to swim, as the water is still not warming up well, but for have a nice rest outdoors, now is the best time for us.

In general, we left the city, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The question of what to cook with us, of course, was decided immediately. What would a holiday be without barbecue? On that, they decided that the main dish would be pork skewers. The rest did not bother either. We took with us vegetables for salads and okroshka, a variety of drinks, light snacks we grabbed from home, already ready.

We marinated the barbecue meat the day before. In my opinion, this is convenient from several sides: everything is at hand at home and it is more convenient to marinate shish kebab in the kitchen - firstly. Secondly, the meat is marinated much better and, therefore, the kebab is tastier and juicier. The third plus is that upon arrival at the place of rest, you will have other chores: for example, you will need to decompose, collect and chop firewood, and prepare salads.

How to marinate pork so that the kebab is soft and juicy

Surely everyone at least once in his life tried to cook this dish. Some people get it right the first time, while others don't. It all depends on what recipe you are cooking and who is cooking.

Let me start by saying that cooking barbecue is a man's job. In no way do I want to offend women, but still I think that most will agree with me. To be honest, I have never seen a woman at the barbecue. After all, you must admit that preparing firewood and lighting a fire is by no means a female occupation. Yes, and the process of frying, too. Ladies, no offense!

So, the entire cooking procedure can be conditionally divided into several stages: marinating, preparing the barbecue and frying. However, these three stages are also divided into several steps:

  1. For pickling, you need to choose and cut the meat correctly, prepare everything necessary ingredients and in correct sequence marinate the meat.
  2. Preparing the brazier is the choice of fuel (firewood) and, accordingly, the brazier itself.
  3. Grilling a barbecue is one of the most important steps with a lot of subtleties and nuances that must be taken into account.

How to choose meat for barbecue

To cook a barbecue, the first thing you need to buy meat. And to make it tasty and juicy, you need to purchase the right meat, no matter what you cook it from: whether it be pork, beef, chicken, lamb or fish. The main thing is to initially take the choice of products very responsibly.

I do not think that you will get a tasty dish from an old piece of meat stale on the counter. And this is regardless of how you marinate it. The maximum that can work out is the “Friendship” barbecue - chew it and tell it to your neighbor. Of course, you can add kiwi or something else containing acid to the marinade, which will simply make the meat look like a chewed rag. Believe me, this is not entirely correct.

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to take only fresh (not frozen) meat - this is the first. For pork barbecue ideal option will buy a pork neck, but with right approach, and from other parts it will also turn out very well - this is the second.

As for the quantity, you can easily calculate it from a simple formula: 0.6 kg is enough for 1 adult man, 0.5 kg for a woman, 0.3 kg for a child. If you plan to go on a picnic, as we did, then take a little more. After all, everyone knows that in the fresh air the appetite is played out in earnest. Adhere to the principle - it is better to let it remain than not enough.

What pieces to cut the meat so that the kebab is not dry

Now let's figure out how to properly cut pork. Too small pieces will turn out dry, like crackers. If you cut it too large, it will turn out that by the time the meat is charred on the outside, it will still be raw inside. A lot also depends on the fire, but we will talk about this a little later.

So, the most suitable size will be about 5 by 5 cm. It is not necessary to measure with a ruler. Estimate by eye and try to cut into equal pieces along the fibers. Thus, the kebab will be fried evenly. We figured out the meat, we move on.

What ingredients to use and in what order to add them to the marinade

There is no clear set of ingredients for cooking barbecue. It all depends on personal preference. What meat is not marinated on for this dish: it is both kefir and tomatoes, marinated in soy sauces, vinegar, fruits and juices, pomegranates, mineral water, on wine and beer, they add a wide variety of spices, onions and even mustard.

You can try everything and choose the best for yourself. I tried different marinades. And you know what I can say? All of them are good in their own way. The main thing is not to overdo it with the selected spices and everything will be “good”.

and a recipe to boot. I recommend reading.
As for when to add the ingredients and in what order, everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Personally, I do this:

  1. First, I add coarsely chopped onions to the chopped meat, carefully squeezing the juice out of it with my hands.
  2. Salt comes next.
  3. Then peppers - paprika and black ground
  4. Spices to taste - what you like (I try not to add)
  5. Further Bay leaf and sunflower oil

This sequence is for simple recipe, but it also happens a little differently, depending on what you are going to marinate the future barbecue on. So let's now look at several options for preparing this favorite dish of all.

How to cook delicious pork skewers. Top 7 barbecue marinade recipes to keep the meat soft and juicy

What is the secret of delicious, soft and juicy barbecue? The answer is simple - in fresh meat, the right marinade and good heat. We dealt with meat above. Now let's look at 7 recipes good marinade to get a dish that you will want to cook again and again.

Shish kebab in vinegar marinade. How to cook vinegar marinade

Vinegar marinade is the most common, but everyone makes it differently. This is the simplest, one might say classic, recipe of all that I know and about which I have read and heard. There is nothing superfluous here. Everything is pretty simple and easy. It turns out very tasty. Try it and I think you will like it too.

What do you need:

  • Pork neck - 5 kg.
  • Diluted vinegar 9% (per 100 grams of vinegar 200 grams of water)
  • Bay leaf
  • Black pepper (peas)


That's it, it's simple and easy. No wonder they say: "Everything ingenious is simple!". Cook and enjoy.

How to cook barbecue in your own juice with lemon

A good marinade recipe with lemon. The shish kebab turns out very tasty, with pleasant aroma and a special note in taste, which gives the lemon.


  • Meat - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 1.2 kg.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Pepper

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings.
  3. Next up is the lemon. Dip it in boiling water and cut into small pieces.
  4. Let's start marinating. We put the meat in a deep bowl in layers, then pepper, salt, put the onion and lemon, squeezing the juice out of the last two a little.
  5. Repeat step 4 with all remaining meat.
  6. Squeeze well with your hands so that the lemon and onion give juice.
  7. Cover and leave for 6-7 hours.
  8. The marinade is ready, it's time to start frying.

Mineral water pork kebab

Marinated pork in mineral water - perfect solution for a soft and juicy barbecue for a short time. Everything is done quite simply. Let's take a look at the cooking process.

What you need:

  • Pork - 3 kg.
  • Onions - 6 medium onions
  • Bay leaf
  • Ground black pepper
  • Seasonings to taste

How to cook:

  1. Cut the pork into equal pieces. Salt.
  2. Finely chop the onion, put it in a bowl and salt it so that it gives juice.
  3. We crush the onion with our hands. Add 3-4 bay leaves to it.
  4. Put the meat in this bowl. Sprinkle with pepper and seasonings (I personally do not add seasonings).
  5. Mix well.
  6. Pour the meat with carbonated mineral water.
  7. Cover with cling film and leave room temperature for 1.5-2 hours.

    If you have time, it is better to send it to the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, it will be even better.

  8. We prepare the fire and after the required time we start frying.

Marinade for barbecue on kefir

When I first cooked this recipe, I left out one thing. important point- kefir should not be sour. As a result, no one began to eat the cooked barbecue. So don't take sour kefir. The meat will be very tender and tasty. Yes, and be sure to send the future barbecue to marinate in the refrigerator so that the kefir does not turn sour. Is it a little...


  • Meat - 2.5 kg.
  • Kefir - 1.5 liters.
  • Onion - 1 kg.
  • ground bay leaf
  • ground pepper


  1. Wash, dry and cut the meat.
  2. In a separate bowl, cut the onion into half rings and squeeze a little.
  3. Pepper meat and onions.
  4. Add ground lavrushka to both "containers" (you can also use leaves)
  5. Combine onion with pork, mix.
  6. Now fill the whole thing with kefir and mix well again.
  7. Cover and send to the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
  8. Salt the meat 1 hour before frying.
  9. Marinade on kefir is ready. You can barbecue.

marinade recipe with tomatoes

If you like grilled vegetables, you will love this recipe. Let's cook a barbecue with tomatoes. In addition to the fact that you will have vegetables fried on the fire, the meat will also turn out to be very juicy and tender, because during frying, juice is released from the tomatoes, which soaks the barbecue.

If during frying you prefer to lubricate the meat with marinade, then this is not necessary here, since everything happens by itself. Try it. I'm sure you'll like it.


  • Pork - 1.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 700 gr.
  • Onion - 500 gr.
  • Table vinegar - 0.5 cups
  • Ground pepper (black, red)

How to cook:

Shish kebab in tomato juice

Probably many have heard and even tried to cook a marinade with the addition of tomatoes. Have you tried seasoning meat with tomato juice? If not, then be sure to try it. Barbecue soaked in juice. turns bright red. The result is very appetizing and, most importantly, delicious.

If there is no juice, then it’s a good idea to add a tomato to the marinade instead, which is added to the frying. Surely many preserve it for the winter. For 2 kilograms of meat, a half-liter jar of tomato will be enough. Personally, I often add tomato than juice. A matter of taste.

What do you need:

  • Pork neck - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 0.9 kg.
  • Pepper mix
  • Tomato juice


Classic barbecue marinade recipe

I present to your attention the easiest way to marinate. Here we will not use anything extra, but the result will be just as good, and maybe even better. This is probably the very first recipe according to which they began to cook barbecue.

The recipe is good in that you will only need to buy pork, and everything else can be found in the kitchen. The time is also pretty fast. The perfect way if you don't have time to wait a long time for the meat to be ready to fry.


  • Meat - 1.5 kg.
  • Onion - 1.5 kg.
  • Pepper


Rules for frying barbecue on the grill

Decided to cook barbecue on the grill? Then I want to tell you what kind of firewood to use, which brazier is best suited for this and how to properly cook on it.

A good barbecue should have:

  1. Openings for oxygen access. They are on the side or on the bottom of the barbecue. Both options are not bad in fact.
  2. Thick walls, since it is thick walls that maintain the temperature at the right level.

Birch or oak is suitable as firewood. The best option there will be firewood from fruit trees. They will give the dish unique aroma. The most ideal option would be vine. But not everywhere grows a vineyard, so use what is.

In no case do not take into account acacia, mountain ash, poplar and all conifers. Not only will the taste of the dish go bad, but you can also spoil your health. In the process of burning, these trees emit resins that are very harmful to the body. Also, do not throw plastic and polyethylene products into the fire. They are also very harmful.

The fire must be completely burned out. After that, you can “spread” the coals all over the barbecue and wait until it is slightly covered with ashes. Now is the time to start grilling the barbecue.

The distance from the coals to the meat should be about 15 centimeters. This is the most optimal height for barbecue. They put the meat on the fire. And when to turn over? Listen to meat. As soon as the meat begins to “sizzle” from the side of the fire, the lard drips onto the coal and such a pleasant smoke rises, it is at this very moment that you need to turn the meat over. If you turn it over in time, the meat will never burn. Brown the meat evenly on all four sides.

The whole frying process takes approximately 10-12 minutes. If you can’t determine by eye whether it is ready or not, then use a knife. Make an incision and see what it looks like inside. The main thing is not to overdry the barbecue. Inside it should be light pink in color, with light gray edges and golden brown outside. The resulting juice should be transparent, and the aroma must be unique. Only then the barbecue is considered ready.

How to cook barbecue in a jar

Did you know that you can cook barbecue without coal, firewood, smoke and without barbecue right in the house. Of course, it will not be one hundred percent the same as we used to cook on outdoors, but still. What to do if there is no opportunity to go out into the fresh air, and the soul wants a barbecue? An oven and a regular jar come to the rescue.

You can use any marinade you like best - here special rules No.

So, you decide on the marinade yourself, and I will only give you recommendations on how to cook barbecue in a jar.

That's the whole cooking procedure. In my opinion, it works best with the addition of kefir to the marinade. And what do you think? And have you ever cooked in a bank? Share your experience and tell us which marinade recipe is best for barbecue in a jar.

Cooking barbecue on skewers in the oven

If the previous method with a jar does not suit you, then there is another way to cook in the oven on a baking sheet. Any marinade can be used. How to cook barbecue in the oven? Very simple:

Here is a kebab that you can cook right at home, without any hassle. I am sure that not everyone will be able to distinguish it from a barbecue cooked on coals. Try it and see for yourself. Bon appetit!

What is the best recipe of all to get a soft and juicy kebab

So we figured out with you the secrets of cooking barbecue. But which of all the recipes is the best? To answer this question, you need to try to cook everything. After all, tastes do not argue. Someone will like it with lemon, someone with kefir, someone with soy sauce, and someone generally does not like barbecue in any form. Yes, I don't like it. I know people who don't like this dish. Take at least vegetarians, because they are generally against the use of any meat.

Or maybe you have already tried to cook according to all these recipes and have already chosen the most delicious and juicy one for yourself? Then please share your opinion. It will be interesting to find out what exactly in this or that recipe you like the most.

Or maybe you have your own special recipe that not everyone knows about? It would be great if you share it. It's very interesting to learn something new.

On that note, I want to draw the line. I wish you a pleasant holiday delicious kebabs in a cheerful company in the open air. Bye!

P.S. We had a great rest then. We arrived home very tired but happy. It turns out interesting, like you are going to rest, but you get tired a lot more. Probably, this is the beauty of nature trips, otherwise no one would aspire to such trips ...
