
Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker. Mackerel in a slow cooker - an affordable source of nutrients on your table

This is exactly the product that can always be found on the fish counter. Most often it is sold in smoked form. It can be recognized by its shiny, golden skin. Remembered?

Mackerel is a very healthy, but rather oily fish that is incredibly easy to digest. It contains a huge amount of micro and macro elements that perfectly affect the body. Why not enjoy such a tasty and healthy dish one of the evenings?

Today we will teach you how to cook mackerel in various ways: with vegetables, in foil, with mayonnaise, steamed and even hot smoked fish. Want to try? Believe me, all dishes are much tastier than in a restaurant or canteen. After all, you put your good mood and love into it.

In addition to delicious dishes, you can find a lot of useful tips for each recipe. You will also see and learn how to choose a good and high-quality fish carcass. The list of our recommendations regarding the choice of products is not so long, therefore, you can easily remember them, so that you can then put them into practice.

The best sign of quality is live fish. It is in this form that we advise you to purchase it in order to be sure of its freshness.

If she is already dead, then pay attention to the color of the gills. They should be a bright color or burgundy. If their color is already rather gray, brown or even black, then there is nothing to talk about.

The product should not have any fragrance. Surprisingly, fresh fish does not smell like fish, but gives off the aroma of river or sea water. Any other strong smell of the product is a good reason to refuse the purchase.

The fish must have transparent and bulging eyes. If the eyes are dry, flat or cloudy, do not buy.

When you press the carcass, you should feel its consistency. It should be dense and elastic, there should not be a trace after the finger, otherwise the product has already been frozen.

When buying frozen fish, check how long it will keep. Here you need to remember that at 0 degrees it is stored for no more than two days, and at -5 for up to two weeks.

Knowing how to choose a good quality mackerel, you are provided with a delicious dinner or lunch. It remains only to carefully read the recipes that we have described in detail below and go shopping, and then go to the kitchen in a good mood.

Mackerel in a slow cooker with vegetables

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

Vegetables always complement fish and meat perfectly, which is why there are many recipes for fish with vegetables. Do you already have a proven recipe in a slow cooker? If not, then write it down!

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fish, cut each into two parts. If it is whole, then first cut off the head, tail, take out the insides and only then cut the carcass in half. The result was four pieces;
  2. Next, salt the product;
  3. Turn on the multicooker in the baking mode for 40 minutes;
  4. Pour oil and put the fish there, close the lid;
  5. While she is "busy", peel the onion and chop it;
  6. Peel carrots, wash and grate;
  7. Peel the zucchini, rinse and also chop with a grater of any size;
  8. After ten minutes of frying, turn the mackerel over and sprinkle onion, zucchini and carrots on top;
  9. Close the lid and cook until the end of the program, that is, another thirty minutes;
  10. After the time has elapsed, the dish is ready and you can immediately serve it with a side dish or use vegetables as a side dish.

Tip: as vegetables, you can add absolutely any vegetables that you prefer or replace those that we used.

With mayonnaise, the dish turns out to be more satisfying, richer, and, of course, more high-calorie. Therefore, if you are ready to please your stomach with delicious mackerel, join us.

How much time is 1 hour and 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 200 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fish, clean it from a slippery film, cut off the fins, remove the head and tail;
  2. Open the belly, gut the mackerel and wash it from the inside;
  3. Wash from all sides, cut into portions;
  4. Season the steaks with spices, knead with your hands so that the spices get everywhere;
  5. Peel the onion, wash and cut into half rings;
  6. Add onion and citrus juice, knead all components again;
  7. Add mayonnaise and again knead thoroughly with your hands;
  8. Leave the fish to marinate for half an hour;
  9. Then place in a slow cooker and cook it in a double boiler mode for 35 minutes;
  10. Serve cooked mackerel hot.

Tip: When serving, fish can be garnished with lemon slices or rings.

The recipe is similar to the classic version (the first recipe), where the fish is baked with vegetables. Only here it is steamed, but despite this, it is very similar in calories. Try it!

How long is 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 75 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fish, cut off the tails, heads and fins;
  2. Open the belly, take out the insides, rinse the mackerel and inside;
  3. Cut into portions and rinse thoroughly again;
  4. Sprinkle with fish spices. If there is no salt in their composition, add it;
  5. Knead it with your hands to evenly distribute the spices.
  6. Cover the multicooker bowl with a sheet of foil and place the fish in it;
  7. Wash the lemon and cut it into rings;
  8. Place a thin ring between pieces of mackerel;
  9. Wash the tomatoes and cut into rings;
  10. Place a ring of tomato on each piece of fish;
  11. Lay washed greens on top;
  12. Pour a few glasses of water into the slow cooker and turn on the steamer mode;
  13. Cook for twenty minutes;
  14. Serve hot with your favorite side dish.

Tip: as greens, you can use absolutely any to your taste. It can be onions, dill, parsley, basil, mint and so on.

Another easy option for fish in a slow cooker. A minimum of vegetables, but a maximum of taste. We advise you to see for yourself how tasty the dish is.

How long - 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 72 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fish, cut off the fins, remove the heads and tails;
  2. Open the belly, take out the insides and rinse the fish again;
  3. Cut half a lemon into rings;
  4. Peel the onion, wash it and cut into rings;
  5. Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into rings too;
  6. Grate the fish with pepper, salt, and if you have your favorite spices, then you can use them;
  7. Place the fish on foil, sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon;
  8. Arrange on the mackerel and around it rings of lemon, onion and carrots;
  9. Wrap the mackerel in foil and then take another sheet of foil to wrap the fish in a second layer;
  10. Bake fish in a slow cooker for 40 minutes;
  11. Remove the finished fish and carefully unfold so as not to lose the juice;
  12. Pour juice over fish and serve.

Tip: when serving, it is better to remove the lemons and cut them fresh to the dish, so it will have a more appetizing look.

It is the same smoked fish that is sold in the supermarket. But when buying it, you should think about the conditions under which this mackerel was cooked, and is it not better to cook it at home on your own?

How long is 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 120 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the raw carcass with running water, if necessary, cut off the fins, head and tail;
  2. Sprinkle the fish with salt, pepper and other spices to taste;
  3. Rub all the spices with your hands so that they are well absorbed and give their taste and aroma;
  4. Pour the mackerel with liquid smoke;
  5. Next, place the fish in the baking sleeve;
  6. Boil a liter of water and pour it into the multicooker bowl;
  7. Place the fish in a bowl in which steamed food is usually cooked;
  8. In steam mode, cook mackerel for twenty minutes;
  9. Then take out the bowl and place the mackerel on the bottom of the multicooker;
  10. In the baking mode, cook the fish for another twenty minutes;
  11. At the end of time, you can carry to the table.

Tip: It is better to cool the fish in a closed bag.

In order for the fish to have a nice golden brown on all sides, you can turn it over once in the middle of cooking. This, of course, does not apply to the recipe for steamed mackerel, in foil and the last option - hot smoked mackerel.

Depending on the power of your multicooker, you may need to adjust the cooking time or method. That is, for example, if you are cooking fish with vegetables, you can reduce the cooking time or add water so that the vegetables do not burn.

When cleaning the insides of the fish, it is imperative to cut out the black films, otherwise they will add bitterness to the dish when finished.

Another good addition to mackerel is rosemary and a few cloves of garlic. Such products can be put to the fish in foil, steamed. It will turn out incredibly tasty!

Be sure to cook the mackerel in a slow cooker as soon as you have an extra hour of time. You will not regret it! Tender fish meat, full of useful elements and vitamins, will appeal to every member of the family, including the smallest. Complement the fish with vegetables, your favorite side dish of root vegetables / cereals, fresh salad, vegetable cuts, or simply serve with bread or pita bread. It will be delicious!

In order for a person to feel good, he definitely needs to eat fish, which contains a large amount of fat. For example, mackerel. In addition to being healthy, it is also tasty - there are practically no bones in it, and the meat is very soft. Mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker is easy to prepare and turns out juicy.

The combination of fish and vegetables makes the dish not only very tasty, but also healthy. It can be prepared for children and people who adhere to proper nutrition. Vegetables you can take those that you like the most.


  • mackerel - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste;
  • lemon - 1 slice;
  • greenery for decoration.

Cooking stewed mackerel with vegetables in a slow cooker:

  1. Clean the mackerel from the insides and bones. You should have 6 fillets.
  2. Peel and chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into strips.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” mode, dip the onion into the bowl and fry it until golden brown.
  4. Turn off the "Frying" mode and add carrots to the onion.
  5. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 10 minutes.
  6. After the process is completed, put some of the vegetables on a plate, and put a layer of fish on the rest. Pour sour cream on top and squeeze lemon juice.
  7. Now cover the fish with another part of the vegetables. Put another layer of fish on it, cover it with sour cream and squeeze lemon juice.
  8. Lay out the remaining vegetables, and on top circles of tomatoes.
  9. Coarsely grate the cheese and sprinkle over the tomatoes.
  10. Salt, add spices, cover with a lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes.

After the cooking process is completed, remove the finished mackerel from the Redmond multicooker, put it on a dish and garnish with herbs.

Fried mackerel with lemon sauce in the Redmond slow cooker

This dish will appeal to lovers of fried fish, which will add spice to lemon juice. Mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker retains most of its nutrients when cooked.


  • mackerel - 4 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 10-12 pcs.;
  • rosemary - 1-2 sprigs;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • spices for fish - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • greenery for decoration.

Cooking fried mackerel in a slow cooker:

  1. Clean the fish carcasses from the insides and cut off their heads. Rinse well, pat dry and rub inside and out with salt. Let the mackerel lie down for about 20 minutes so that it absorbs the salt.
  2. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” mode. Place whole fish carcasses and tomatoes in the bowl. Fry the fish until golden brown, first on one side, then on the other side.
  3. Transfer the cooked fish and tomatoes to a dish.
  4. Put crushed garlic, rosemary, lemon zest and juice, parsley root, fish spices and black pepper into the multicooker bowl. Mix everything well and fry for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Pour the prepared sauce over the fish, garnish with tomatoes, lemon slices and herbs.

You can serve fried mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker with mashed potatoes, pasta, or with your favorite side dish.

Mackerel soup in the Redmond slow cooker

Mackerel is very well suited for cooking first courses. This fish has a minimum of small bones, it is very nutritious and tasty. Mackerel soups in the Redmond slow cooker are fragrant and satisfying.


  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste;
  • greens (dill, parsley).

Cooking mackerel soup in a slow cooker:

  1. Clean the fish and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes.
  3. Cut the onion as small as possible, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Rinse the rice well in water until it is no longer cloudy.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and fry the onions and carrots in it until golden in the “Frying” mode.
  6. When the vegetables are fried, turn off the "Frying" mode.
  7. Then fill the vegetables with water, add potatoes, rice and mackerel there. Salt, add spices and close the lid. Turn on the "Soup" mode for 1 hour.

Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs. Parsley and dill are best for mackerel soup.

Steamed mackerel with vegetables in the Redmond slow cooker

Steamed mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker always turns out to be very tender, juicy and low-fat. This dish belongs to the diet, it can be prepared even for small children.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking mackerel with steamed vegetables in a slow cooker:

  1. Thoroughly clean the mackerel from the insides, separate the head and tail, cut the carcasses into pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, peel the potatoes and cut them into 4 parts.
  3. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil in a slow cooker until golden brown, turning on the “Frying” program. Remove the fried vegetables and transfer them to a plate.
  4. Put the potatoes in a bowl, fill it with water, place a steaming bowl on top. Put pieces of fish in it, and fried vegetables on the fish. Salt, season with spices to taste. Cover with a lid and cook on the "Steam" mode for 30 minutes.

Thus, in the Redmond slow cooker, you can cook two dishes at once - a side dish of potatoes and mackerel with vegetables. Rice can be substituted for potatoes.

Hot smoked mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker

Today, to enjoy the taste of smoked mackerel, it is not necessary to buy it in the store. Mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker will turn out no worse, if not better than the store.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • spices - to taste;
  • hot water - 1 l;
  • liquid smoke - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking hot smoked mackerel in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the mackerel carcass and let it dry.
  2. Mix salt with spices and rub it all well into the carcass.
  3. After that, pour liquid smoke over the fish.
  4. Pour hot water into the multicooker bowl. Install the steam bowl. Turn on the "Steam" mode for 20 minutes.
  5. After 20 minutes, remove the steaming bowl and place the bagged fish on the bottom of the bowl.
  6. Turn on the "Baking" mode for 20 minutes.

You can serve hot smoked mackerel with vegetables or with your favorite side dish.

Mackerel in foil in the Redmond slow cooker

There is another very good way to cook mackerel in a Redmond slow cooker - in foil. Fish cooked in this way is not inferior to the one cooked on the grill. Fish cooked in foil retains a maximum of useful properties.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • greens at will;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking mackerel in foil in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash and clean the fish from the insides. Cut it into pieces or leave the carcasses whole.
  2. If you cut the fish into pieces, then put slices of lemon and tomato between them. If you decide to cook the whole mackerel, then put the slices of lemon and tomato on top of the carcasses. You can add greens.
  3. Salt, season the mackerel with spices and let it soak for about 20 minutes.
  4. After 20 minutes, wrap the fish in foil.
  5. Turn the multicooker on the “Baking” mode, put the fish in foil on the bottom of the bowl and bake for 30 minutes.
  6. After the end of the process, turn the fish over to the other side and bake in the same mode for another 5-10 minutes so that the mackerel is browned on both sides.
  7. After that, free the mackerel from the foil, put it on a dish and decorate with herbs.
  8. Mackerel is ready! You can treat your loved ones and guests.

Mackerel cutlets in the Redmond slow cooker

If you are tired of fried and stewed mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker, you can cook fish cakes. This dish goes well with any side dish or vegetable salad.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • bun - 200 g.
  1. Separate the fish meat from the bones. Twist it through a meat grinder.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry in a slow cooker in vegetable oil in the "Frying" mode until golden brown.
  3. When the onion is fried, cool it and add to the minced fish. Salt, pepper, add the egg and mix well.
  4. Soak the crumb of the bun in milk, and add it to the minced meat. Mix everything well again.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Frying” mode.
  6. Mackerel cutlets are ready. Prepare your favorite side dish or vegetable salad for cutlets. Also in the Redmond slow cooker, according to this recipe, you can cook steamed cutlets.

    Steamed mackerel in the Redmond slow cooker. Video

Mash the mint leaves so that the juice stands out, salt and grease the interdigital spaces with gruel. Wash off after 1 hour. Copying materials is allowed provided there is an active link to the site. Photo and video materials are not the property of the site.

When the nail softens and rises, immediately cut off the affected area. Repeat the procedure until the fungus disappears.

The information in the articles is for general information only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for medicinal purposes. Contact your doctor first. The fungus is afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to boil socks and tights for 5 minutes.

After 20 minutes, the cotton pad can be removed, and the nails can be treated with a remedy. I got infected in the pool, most likely. Mycosan is really an excellent remedy for the fungus. When a friend who suffered from a fungus for several years told me about it, I was rather skeptical. After the time has elapsed, the soda should be washed off with soap and water.

You can get infected through objects of common use in public places. The fungus spreads very quickly and appears in the areas between the toes. Recipe. Garlic and onion as a treatment for foot fungus. Also, the fungus can appear due to constant excessive sweating of the legs or long walking in wet shoes.

I tried to treat the fungus with hydrogen peroxide and iodine, but it does not help. I ozonized the water with an ozonator for vegetables and fruits and kept my feet in it. More or less saved from the itching. Of course, the use of the method requires contact with a strong specific smell of garlic, but the procedure can be carried out in the evening. Sometimes there is no other way but to throw away contaminated rugs, linen, clothes and shoes. It is necessary to pluck the plant, orange-colored juice will immediately appear on it, and lubricate the affected areas with it. Treatment must be completed. In general, this problem should not be neglected, since in the future it can have the most dire consequences.

In this case, you can unsuccessfully treat the fungus of the foot and skin for several decades. Salt has disinfectant, softening properties. If you are used to brewing natural black coffee, then use the remaining sediment as a scrub. One summer we were invited to visit our grandmother's relatives. They live far away, even in Siberia, in Irkutsk. The journey was very long. We traveled by train for 5 days. The causative agents of fungal infections do not tolerate an alkaline environment, so soda can be used to combat them.

Treatment with drugs (which are more effective, how to apply, comparison, etc. The proposed procedure is extremely effective, safe, and a positive result will certainly come. Such procedures allow you to get rid of the fungus of the skin of the feet in a week, provided that the conditions that provoke the appearance of fungal infections are eliminated infections again.Be sure to use a shower after the bath.

If there is no progress within a week, take another recipe, folk recipes usually consist of inexpensive, readily available ingredients.

Pour out the first brew, as the Chinese do (when preparing the first brew, pour the tea leaves with a little water for 1 minute). Then brew tea a second time. Insist 3-5 minutes. The product is stored on the bottom of the refrigerator. Hello. This tool helped me - Tinedol. Before him, I tried a lot of different and expensive and folk remedies - nothing helped. Laundry soap can be added to other recipes, such as soda or salt baths.

Cellophane and fingertip on top.

At the end, wipe your feet with a towel until completely dry. Fungal diseases periodically overtake both women and men equally.

You just need to lubricate regularly, without gaps. The fungus was smeared with Fukortsin. The doctor advised. The composition is such that if you get somewhere, you can’t wash the thing. It is necessary to smear twice a day at least. In addition to external treatment, it is necessary to rethink your behavior and understand the moral and psychological reason that contributed to the onset of the disease. If it is difficult to determine from the photo whether such a fungus torments, then here are a few additional 500 species of mycotic organisms that exist in nature. The fungus is accompanied by itching, pain, and irritation.

Next, take a clean cloth, soak it with the resulting solution and wipe your feet with it. After wiping them, put on clean socks. Celandine A white and yellowish spot may appear under the nail. Cut off a piece of the mushroom, apply to the diseased nail. Bandage or fix with a plaster. When using these recipes, it must be borne in mind that they all help only in the initial and middle stages of the disease: in advanced and severe cases, specialist intervention is necessary.

Before the procedure, you should steam your legs, and then rub your toes, feet, and heels with a hard, thoroughly soaped brush. All places with cracks must be cleaned especially carefully.

72739 rub.

Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker (Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Scarlet, Mulinex, Vitek and other models) is a very tasty and healthy fish. Fish will retain a large amount of nutrients. To prevent the taste of mackerel from being fresh, use spices for fish. Read how else mackerel can be cooked in foil. Next, a recipe for steamed mackerel in a slow cooker, which is very simple.

Ingredients for steamed mackerel in a slow cooker:

  • 1 small mackerel
  • spices for fish
  • 4 multi-glasses of water,
  • salt.

Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker: cooking method

How to cook mackerel in a slow cooker for a couple? Before steaming mackerel in a slow cooker, it should be cleaned and rinsed well with running water. Dry the fish carcass with a napkin. If it is small, you can not cut it into pieces. Cut large mackerel into pieces.

Salt and sprinkle the fish with fish seasoning. If there is liquid smoke, you can flavor mackerel with it, then it will taste like hot smoked mackerel.

To make it just a diet dish, do not use spices. Put the fish in a special baking bag. Leave it to soak in seasonings for 5-10 minutes.

Pour four measuring cups of cold water into the removable multicooker mold. Place the bagged mackerel in the steamer basket. Insert the basket with the fish into the slow cooker. Close the lid.

Select the "Steam" mode. Set the cooking time for steamed mackerel in a slow cooker for 20 minutes. We recommend cooking salmon with potatoes. After the beep, take the fish out and let it cool. Bon appetit!

Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker - a recipe for cooking delicious fish with a video. Ingredients for steamed mackerel in a slow cooker: 1 small mackerel, salt, spices for fish. Clean the fish and rinse with running water.

Mackerel is a juicy and tender fish that always turns out successful and amazingly tasty, even if it is steamed.

It is worth noting that preparing such a dish is quite simple, so any housewife will certainly cope with the preparation.

This recipe is prepared using a slow cooker, which will quickly and easily make the fish soft, tender, juicy and fragrant.

And if you coat it with spices before cooking, the fish meat will turn out so tender and tasty that you will certainly want to cook this recipe more than once.

Many modern housewives will agree that it is very easy to cook fish using a slow cooker - especially if it is steamed.

In this case, you will only need to prepare the fish by cleaning it from the insides, coat it with spices and put it in the multicooker bowl.

As you can see, this recipe is prepared quite quickly and simply, so you can keep this cooking option in mind, especially if you do not have time to cook delicious and healthy food.

You can serve this fish with any side dishes. For example, it can be boiled potatoes, stewed vegetables, pasta and cereals.

Especially tasty and healthy is fish with vegetables, which can also be steamed or stewed without oil.

Everyone knows that steamed dishes are especially healthy and juicy. Mackerel is no exception. Thanks to steaming, the meat is tender, soft and juicy, which is difficult to achieve when cooking in a pan.

That is why steamed mackerel recipes have long won the hearts of many women who are used to preparing quick but healthy meals.

By the way, not many types of fish in our time are successful. For example, many species (carp, perch) fall apart when steamed.

In this case, the mackerel keeps its shape perfectly, and it also turns out to be especially tender and nutritious.

It is also impossible not to notice that when cooked in this way, the meat retains all the beneficial properties that mackerel is endowed with. And this is another plus of steaming this product.

Such a dish is especially useful for children, since it does not contain oil, harmful substances and fat - such a fish contains only tender meat rich in phosphorus, vitamins and other substances.

The main thing is to serve it with the same healthy side dishes so that the dinner turns out to be truly tasty and nutritious.

For cooking, you will need a minimum of ingredients, so this recipe, in addition to being useful, is also considered a budget one.

Cooking method

As mentioned earlier, the fish is prepared quickly and easily. Therefore, you can save time and energy, but at the same time, cook a great snake for the whole family. Such a dish can hardly be presented on a festive table, but the household will be delighted.

A wonderful option for cooking mackerel in a slow cooker for a couple
It is worth noting that steamed mackerel in a slow cooker is cooked without a single drop of oil, which is important in our time for tasty and healthy food.

As you know, doctors recommend eating fish and seafood at least 2 times a week. Regular consumption of sea fish allows us to make up for the deficiency of iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is observed almost without exception among the inhabitants of central Russia. Let's listen to the advice of doctors and cook mackerel in a slow cooker for a couple, in foil, in order to keep the maximum of useful substances in it.

Mackerel is considered a rather fatty fish, but even those who are worried about extra pounds should not be afraid of this. Many nutritionists believe that fish oil practically does not settle in our fat depots, and its benefits are undeniable! Only allergy sufferers should be careful in using our today's food, because both fish and lemon, which is very important in this recipe, are highly allergenic products.

If you are not allergic to fish and citrus fruits, then feel free to cook and eat this dish! Mackerel in foil turns out in a slow cooker very tasty, juicy, soft and tender. Real jam!

Mackerel recipe in foil steamed.

What you need to take:

  • One medium mackerel
  • half a lemon
  • Half an onion
  • Salt, black pepper

How to cook mackerel in a slow cooker for a couple:

Peel the onion from the peel, wash the lemon. Cut the onion with lemon slices.

Defrost frozen mackerel quickly, under warm water. She does not like long defrosting and it is better not to defrost in the microwave. We cut off the head and tail from the fish and clean the insides.

Cut the mackerel into pieces and put slices of onion and lemon on top, salt and sprinkle with black pepper. Wrap in foil.

Pour water into the slow cooker to the bottom mark, put mackerel wrapped in foil in a container and turn on the “steam cooking” mode for 25 minutes. If the fish does not fit into the bowl, you can make two such rolls, or you can simply bend in a circle.

After the signal, the mackerel in the slow cooker is ready for a couple! All the juice from the fish remains in the foil. As a result, the fish is not dry, and the multicooker saucepan is protected from a specific fishy smell.

Put the mackerel on a plate.

Cut green cucumber and serve.

For a side dish, you can boil potatoes in a multicooker bowl. We get a complex duet dish.

Mackerel in a slow cooker in foil
Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker in foil

Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker

Leading a healthy lifestyle is now in vogue. Alcohol, cigarettes and fast food have long become uninteresting things to anyone, well, perhaps a couple of people per hundred. The rest began to regularly visit gyms, swimming pools, lead an active lifestyle, consume a lot of clean water and watch their diet.
What does it mean to eat right? This means that you need to give up everything fatty, salty, smoked and switch to steamed food. In vain, many people think that steam dishes are devoid of taste and have nothing to do with traditional dishes. Here, spices are ready to come to the rescue of every housewife. It is they who can give a completely different, but at the same time exquisite taste, to any dish.
In addition, in terms of time costs, dishes from a multicooker greatly outperform their so-called "colleagues". You no longer need to monitor food so that it does not burn, does not digest, constantly stir and turn over pieces of meat, fish and vegetables. A slow cooker is indispensable in every kitchen. Today we will steam mackerel.

To prepare the dish we need:

- about 1 kilogram of mackerel,
– spices for fish (we use only natural spices, without GMOs).

Mackerel should be thoroughly washed, gutted and the heads removed.

By the way, if you like this fish, we also offer you to try baked mackerel in foil with a delicious mustard and lime sauce.

Cut the carcasses into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick (tails do not count)

Sprinkle the fish with a mixture of spices and leave for 15-20 minutes to marinate a little.
As spices for steamed mackerel in a slow cooker, you can use ground black, white and allspice, turmeric, dried garlic, lemon extract.

Now let's move on to the multicooker settings.
Any maltivarka has a "steaming" function. Therefore, you need to pour water into the bowl, at least half a liter, but not more than half the volume of the bowl, otherwise the steamed products will simply boil in a slow cooker.

Then you should place the grid for steaming and spread the prepared mackerel on it.

Close the multicooker lid until it clicks. Use the "Menu" button to select the desired mode (in our case, "steaming"), use the "settings" button to select the cooking time. Time is set from 5 minutes in increments of 5 minutes. For mackerel, you can select a time of 25-30 minutes and press the "Start" button. After that, you can forget about cooking until the multicooker beeps that the steaming process is over.

Our steamed mackerel in a slow cooker is ready.

It is best served with vegetables: fresh or stewed.

We also invite you to try nikumana pumpkin pies, which are also steamed.

Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker
A tasty and healthy dish that can enrich your menu in fasting, during a diet or on a regular day. Be sure to try!

You will need:

  • fresh or frozen mackerel - 1-2 pcs. (300-600gr)
  • tomatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lemon - ¼ part
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • greenery
  • baking foil

Garnish Ingredients:

  • rice - 1 multi-glass
  • water - 2 multi-glasses
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • spices - to taste
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf

Note: the calorie content of the dish, taking into account the side dish, is 505 kcal, the fish without a side dish is 333 kcal per serving (150 g of mackerel).

Steamed fish will be useful for everyone, but if you have a child or you are pregnant, then you should definitely cook mackerel, as it contains a large amount of useful amino acids that a growing body needs. It is necessary to cook mackerel in a slow cooker in foil, so it will turn out juicy and very tasty, each piece will melt in your mouth, leaving an aftertaste of lemon and cheese. If you cook without foil, then all the fat from the mackerel will melt and drain into the bowl where we will cook the side dish, then the rice will have a fishy flavor, and the fish itself may lose its taste.

So, let's find out how easy and simple, but tasty and elegant, mackerel is cooked in a steamed slow cooker..

If you are preparing fish for dinner and at the same time keep an eye on your figure, then it will be enough, but for lunch I suggest adding a side dish. Rice with onions and carrots will be the perfect side dish for mackerel, besides, it is cooked at the same time as fish, this will save you a lot of time. Cooking mackerel in foil in a slow cooker for a large number of guests will be problematic, as you will have to lay the blanks several times, but just right for lunch or dinner. Lemon juice will perfectly emphasize the taste of the fish and give it a piquant taste. Well then, let's get started.

Cooking method

  1. To prepare this dish, I took freshly frozen mackerel, tomatoes, onions and cheese for it. For garnish: rice with vegetables, sunflower oil, salt and spices.

  2. We clean the fish from the insides, rinse well. Cut into pieces, about 3-4 centimeters, and proceed to pickling. Standard seasoning for fish, which is sold in any store, will do. Sprinkle pieces of fish well with a mixture of seasonings, salt and leave to marinate for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.

  3. While the fish is marinating, peel the onion and cut it into rings, cut the tomatoes into rings too.

  4. For rice, grate carrots, cut onions into cubes. Wash the rice well.

  5. After 10 minutes, we take out the fish and put it on the foil in this way: a piece of fish, a circle of tomato, a circle of onions, a piece of fish, and so on until the pieces of fish run out.

  6. Now we put chopped cheese on each piece of fish and pour over lemon juice.

  7. You can add a couple of sprigs of dill.

  8. Wrap the fish in foil and carefully place in a steaming dish.

  9. Put the cooked ingredients for rice into the slow cooker, salt and pepper, add sunflower oil and mix.

  10. Fill everything with water.

  11. Install from abovem container with fish.

  12. We launch the Rice program (I have a Yummy YMC-502 multicooker). The dish takes 45 minutes to prepare.

  13. After the end of the program, unfold the foil. This is how mackerel with vegetables and steamed cheese turned out in a slow cooker.

  14. Rice is well cooked too.

  15. Mackerel with rice should be served immediately, while the dish is hot, carefully transferring the fish with vegetables and cheese to a plate and pouring fragrant and crumbly rice.

Mackerel in a steamed multicooker and a side dish of rice does not require additional sauces, all the juice is in the fish, and this is quite enough to enjoy your meal with pleasure. Bon appetit!
