
What about lactic acid products. Harm of dairy products

Now on the shelves of stores you can see a wide variety of dairy products.. They are recommended to drink to children, and adults, and the elderly. Reassess the role of fermented milk products in modern diet food difficult. What are dairy products?

What are dairy products

Dairy products are products that are made from milk. cows, goats, sheep or other animals. Sometimes whey or skim milk is taken as the basis for such a product. Special lactic acid bacteria or yeast are introduced into them, which cause the fermentation process. This is how we get products such as kefir or sour cream. Usually, the raw materials from which fermented milk products are prepared are pre-pasteurized to exclude the possibility of the development of pathogenic bacteria in the product.

Dairy products are obtained in two different ways - with the help of lactic acid fermentation or mixed. Yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, curdled milk and acidophilus are made in the first way. In these products, milk casein breaks down and turns into flakes, which is why fermented milk products are much better absorbed than milk. In the second way, kefir, koumiss, shubat, kurunga and acidophilus-yeast milk are obtained. In the process of mixed fermentation, casein also precipitates in the form of flakes, and also formed carbon dioxide, alcohol and volatile acids. All these substances also contribute to better digestibility. fermented milk products. And they contain the same amount of fats and proteins as in whole milk.

Probiotic cultures are often added to fermented milk products., for example, bifidok. Kefir enriched with such cultures is much healthier than usual. It depends on which bacteria and in what proportions they add to milk, which one will turn out. fermented milk product .

Types of dairy products

Sour-milk product curdled milk

Yogurt is prepared using special bacteria - lactic acid streptococci. Sometimes in the manufacture of yogurt, a Bulgarian (acidophilus) stick is also used. Such curdled milk is called Mechnikovskaya and differs from regular topics that contains more vitamins and antibacterial substances. This product is very useful in infectious diseases. digestive system. In general, ordinary yogurt is divided into fatty, normal fat and fat-free.

We all know ryazhenka from childhood. It turns out that it is also classified as curdled milk and is called Ukrainian. It is made from baked milk with the addition of cream. First, cream is added to baked milk, heated at a temperature of 95 degrees for 3 hours, and then lactic streptococci are added. Ukrainian curdled milk is a very pleasant soft product that is well absorbed by the digestive system. At the same time, it is quite fatty and nutritious.

Varenets is also curdled milk, which is also prepared from baked milk, but without cream. Therefore, it is not as fatty as fermented baked milk and is more suitable for dietary nutrition.

Yogurt is prepared at home. However, such a product is less useful than the factory one.

Fermented milk product kefir

One of the most popular and healthy fermented milk products is, of course, kefir.. For its manufacture, a special kefir fungus is added to milk. This fungus contains not only lactic acid bacteria, but also yeast. It is thanks to them that kefir has a special taste and aroma. Also, kefir has much more alcohol than other fermented milk products. By fat content, kefir is divided into three types - fatty, medium fat and fat-free.

Also, kefir differs depending on the timing of ripening. If one day passes from sourdough to readiness of the product, then it is called weak. If the term of readiness is two days, then the average. And it takes three days to make strong kefir. Such a product contains the most alcohol, it is quite sharp. Strong kefir should not be drunk by children and people with diseases of the digestive system, especially with peptic ulcer.

Kefir, like yogurt, has positive effect to work gastrointestinal tract , killing putrefactive bacteria in the intestines and normalizing the motor function of the digestive system. However, it works much more effectively than yogurt. It is recommended to drink it in the first three months of pregnancy to combat toxicosis. Also, it is often used, as it contains very few calories and at the same time satisfies hunger quite well.

Dairy product yogurt

What we used to think of as yogurt, most often it is not. real yogurt, like all fermented milk products, has a sour taste. For the preparation of yogurt, lactic streptococci and Bulgarian acidophilus acidophilus are used. However, most yogurts are pasteurized to increase their shelf life. This kills most of the beneficial bacteria and yeasts. Real yogurt, useful for the body, is stored no more than three days and has a sour taste. The number of lactic acid bacteria in such a product must be at least 106 per 1 ml. And liquid sweet mixtures with pieces of fruit are not actually yogurt and do not bring benefits to the body. To avoid poor quality dairy products You can make yogurt at home.

Fermented milk product cottage cheese

Curd is very good for health. It combines the positive effect of fermented milk products and at the same time contains a large amount of protein. Also this great source calcium. For its manufacture, lactic acid streptococcus bacteria are also used. This product will keep in the refrigerator for up to 36 hours room temperature- up to 12.

To eat raw cottage cheese You can if you bought it from a store. It is usually made from pasteurized milk. Curd obtained from raw milk, it is best to process with the help of temperature.

Whey dairy product

When preparing cottage cheese, one very useful product remains - whey.. It contains mineral salts, sugar and some proteins. This product is used both in cosmetology and for oral administration. Serum is especially useful for pregnant women, it acts as a laxative and as a diuretic.

Fermented milk product cheese

As we know, cheeses are completely different in taste, color and price.. However, all this is also dairy products. They are divided into two main types - lactic acid and rennet. Rennet cheeses are prepared using enzymes of animal origin. And for the preparation of lactic acid, in addition to enzymes, lactic acid bacteria are used. Such cheeses are chemically similar to cottage cheese. Any cheese has a lot of protein, which is well absorbed by the body. It also has a lot of fat, so this product is very high in calories. For 100 g of cheese, there are from 250 to 400 kcal. Also in cheese a lot beneficial trace elements It is especially rich in calcium and phosphorus. Often in stores you can find processed cheeses. However, you need to know that this is a product obtained from cheese production waste. It is high in fat and salt and low in protein.

Sour milk product sour cream

Another fermented milk product loved by many people and used in cooking is sour cream.. For its preparation, cream is used, adding various lactic acid bacteria to them. Sour cream is a rather fatty product, but it is absorbed by the body quite easily. For those who want to lose weight and pregnant women, it is best to use low-fat sour cream. And with diseases of the biliary tract or liver, this product should be completely abandoned.

Lactic acid products (fermented milk products) are products of lactic acid or mixed (lactic acid and alcohol) fermentation. Lactic acid products are prepared from pasteurized cow's milk or cream by fermenting them with sourdough prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria with or without the addition of lactic yeast. The main types of lactic acid products are curdled milk, acidophilus, acidophilus milk and kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese. The fat content of dairy products made from whole milk, should not be lower than 3.2%. The fat content of amateur sour cream is 40%, dietary sour cream is 10%, premium and first grade sour cream is 30%. For curdled milk, pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used or in combination with other lactic acid bacteria. Acidophilus and acidophilus milk are produced on starters from pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus or in combination with other lactic acid bacteria and lactic yeast. Kefir is prepared on starter cultures from kefir fungi. According to the maturation period, kefir is divided into weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day). TO lactic acid products includes koumiss prepared from mare or cow's milk using lactic acid bacteria and lactic yeast cultures for fermentation. Like kefir, koumiss is divided into weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day). These varieties differ from each other mainly in alcohol content and acidity. In all types of koumiss, the fat content should be at least 0.8%, and the alcohol content should not exceed 2%. Lactic acid products can be produced low-fat, made from skimmed milk(reverse). GOST does not provide for the fat content in low-fat lactic acid products.

Nutritional value of lactic acid products - see table.

In terms of food and nutritional value, lactic acid products (except for koumiss) are equivalent to cow's milk. However, they are superior in digestibility to milk. If milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then lactic acid products are absorbed by 91% over the same period. Lactic acid products have a normalizing effect on the human intestinal microflora and inhibit the development of putrefactive microbes in the intestine.

Lactic acid products have healing and medicinal properties with many intestinal diseases, especially colitis; they improve gastric and intestinal secretion, normalize intestinal peristalsis, and reduce flatulence. Lactic acid products have a tonic, tonic effect, promote better metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Lactic acid products belong to (see).

Milk products also include cheeses, which are obtained from milk as a result of coagulation (see) and its subsequent processing. Depending on the method of processing and maturation, cheeses are divided into hard (36-43% moisture), soft (moisture up to 55%), pickled (brynza) and processed. In their composition, they contain 15-25% protein, 20-30% fat, 700-1000 mg% calcium, 400-600 mg% phosphorus, about 0.2 mg% vitamin A, 0.1 mg% and 0.5 mg% . Calorie content of 100 g of cheese is 300-400 kcal. The most favorable t° for storage of cheeses is 8-10°. Violation of the physical and chemical processes of cheese production and recommended storage regimes leads to the formation of various defects in them. Swelling and rancidity of cheeses is caused by bacteria from the group of Escherichia coli or by the development of butyric and putrefactive anaerobic microorganisms; sour and bitter taste is inherent in "young", unripe cheeses. Coloring (blue, red) unusual for cheeses is caused by pigment-forming microorganisms. A very common defect in cheese is molding of the surface and subcrust layer. Cheeses with such types of spoilage are not subject to sale and must be sent for industrial processing (production processed cheese after removal of affected parts) or technical disposal. Cheeses affected by cheese mites and larvae cheese fly, are not suitable for food. Cheese can be the cause of staphylococcal and salmonella nature. There are cheeses for the manufacture of which are used fungi(roquefort, brie, camembert).

To prevent the ingress of pathogenic microflora, cheeses should be made only from pasteurized milk in compliance with the ripening periods established for each type of cheese.

Cottage cheese is produced from milk by fermenting it with lactic acid bacteria and then removing it from the clot in order to obtain a concentrated protein product.

Depending on the source material, fatty, semi-bold and skim cheese, and according to the method of production - acid and acid-rennet. Cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk is intended for direct consumption and production from it. curd products; from unpasteurized milk, cottage cheese is used only for the production of semi-finished products that are subjected to heat treatment.

Cottage cheese is sold within 12 hours. from the date of manufacture, and under cooling conditions (t ° not higher than 8 °) - 36 hours. Diet cottage cheese sold within 24 hours. (after 12 noon cooling is performed). Frozen cottage cheese should be stored in refrigerators at t ° from -8 to -12 ° for no more than 7 months.

In lactic acid products, an intensive vital activity of lactic acid bacteria occurs, preventing the development of pathogenic microbes in them. However, with improper preparation of lactic acid products, non-compliance hygiene rules, violation of the terms and temperature of storage in lactic acid products, dysentery, etc., as well as causative agents of food poisoning can persist. Especially dangerous in this regard are lactic acid products obtained as a result of spontaneous souring of milk (“samokvass”). IN catering such lactic acid products are not allowed to be sold. At home cooking lactic acid products, it is necessary to observe the strictest cleanliness of the dishes, boil the milk first and, after cooling, add a special starter or starter from previously prepared lactic acid products. The fermentation process should take place at t ° 25-30 ° and not stretch for long term. The consumption of the obtained lactic acid products should be made on the same or the next day. Dairy products should not be stored outside the refrigerator.

Dairy products are essential for the body. Their distinctive feature is a high nutritional value, as well as the presence of a number of useful qualities. They are prepared thanks to lactic acid fermentation, include bacteria that secrete antibiotics that can suppress pathogens of such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis and typhoid.

For many years of use, fermented milk products have practically proven their health-improving effect on human body, so its demand in nutrition is quite understandable. Slightly spicy, pleasant, refreshing taste whets the appetite and has a positive effect on general condition organism. And alcohol and carbon dioxide in milk drinks optimize the functionality of the vascular-motor center.

Sour milk has been an integral part of the diet of every person since childhood, not only because of the pleasant sour taste but also due to the presence of lactic acid in them. The abundance of macro- and microelements helps to actively fight putrefactive microorganisms in the body, and bowel function improves.

Dairy products are divided into two categories:

  1. Fermented milk flavored with bacteria. These include: curdled milk, yogurt, rennet cheese.
  2. Products formed due to lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation: koumiss, kefir, shubat.

It's delicious and healthy meals for all family members. Their choice and storage should be taken responsibly, because fermented milk products can bring not only benefits, but also harm to health.

The benefits and harms of dairy products

In the production of most of these products, special additives are used (to improve taste, nutritional value and aroma), which not only affect their composition, but can also cause unwanted side effects, such as allergies.

Beneficial features

The benefits of fermented milk products are easy digestibility by the body. nutrients that they contain. And the main advantage is the presence of bifido- and lactobacilli. They cleanse the body of putrefactive pathogens that can cause intoxication.

Already after a couple of weeks regular use the body will stop suffering from self-poisoning, kidney function improves, and most importantly, the liver returns to normal.

Other benefits of dairy products:

  • contribute to the renewal of intestinal microflora;
  • help in the fight against constipation, colitis;
  • are recommended for use by people who suffer from heavy metal salt intoxication;
  • rich in vitamins of groups B, E, D;
  • prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into intestinal cells;
  • help reduce the formation of gases;
  • good for absorption, easy to digest;
  • suitable for people with individual lactose intolerance;
  • normalize bowel activity;
  • used as a prophylactic against tuberculosis;
  • help increase calcium absorption.

Fermented milk contains almost all amino acids: albumin, lysine, leucine, globulin and others. With a mixed diet, such products increase nutritional value protein, which is part of cereals.

Potential Harm

A person's age affects the ability to digest certain foods. This fully applies to milk. After 30-40 years, about 3% of the inhabitants of our country lose the ability to absorb milk sugar(lactose). Dairy dishes for them are fraught with side effects: nausea, vomiting, bloating and other allergic reactions.

Lactose, when it enters the stomach, is split into two components: galactose and glucose. Glucose is converted into energy, and galactose is absorbed only from breast milk. When it enters an adult organism, it accumulates in the cells of the body. Because of this, the percentage of people with dairy intolerance is on the rise.

Intolerance manifests itself after an hour with the following symptoms:

  • gas formation;
  • painful spasms;
  • nausea;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

The resulting allergy can manifest itself in the form of:

  • skin rashes;
  • vomiting;
  • swelling of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids;
  • mucous secretions from the nose.

Adverse reactions may occur due to the amount of dairy products consumed. Experts believe that the harm of fermented milk products (in large quantities) may also lie in such formidable symptoms:

  • removal of calcium from the body;
  • the occurrence of gastric ulcer;
  • height cancer cells in adults.

The best healthy lactic acid products

Sour milk is necessary for children and adults to maintain health, as well as good health. We list the most useful variations.

curdled milk . It is obtained by a natural fermentation process. Milk is first pasteurized, then homogenized and cooled to desired temperature. Bacterial starter is added to the resulting mixture and left to ferment in a thermostatic way.

When preparing curdled milk with different flavors, additives are introduced into milk even before the pasteurization process, and aromatic additives just before the starter.

Ryazhenka . It is a type of curdled milk. It is prepared from fat milk by prolonged heat treatment. It has a sour taste and creamy brownish color. This a traditional dish Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. Ryazhenka is well absorbed, contains a healing set of vitamins and minerals. One glass of such a drink is able to fill the body with a quarter of the daily intake of calcium. Contraindicated in stomach ulcers.

Yogurt . It is a special type of curdled milk. This diet drink often found in America and Europe. Homeland is the Balkan Peninsula. Whole milk is used for cooking. Sourdough acts bulgarian stick and thermophilic lactic streptococcus, which must be taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

In its natural form, yogurt has a pure sour-milk flavor. In combination with sugar, it is sweet, and fruit and berry yogurt has a characteristic taste with aroma. fruit syrup. The drink is slightly viscous, the consistency is homogeneous.

Varenets . Produced from baked milk. The role of the starter is performed by thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian stick. The method of preparation and properties are similar to ryazhenka.

Kefir . The technology of its production includes interaction with special fungi capable of producing alcohol in finished kefir. The drink may differ in the level of fat content and readiness:

  • one-day - contains the least alcohol of lactic acid;
  • two-day - contains more lactic acid than one-day;
  • three-day - stands out with the greatest strength due to the content of a high percentage of alcoholic substances and acids.

The antibacterial properties of kefir are much stronger than those of curdled milk. It is useful for anemia, pneumonia.

This is a favorite product of losing weight people, which improves the digestive process, serves as an antiseptic and antibiotic. Helps the absorption of vitamins throughout the day.

Kumys also rich in vitamins. He is excellent tool in the fight against tuberculosis, and most importantly, helps to prevent it. For cooking, milk, whey and sugar are used, mixed well and fermented with yeast.

Cottage cheese . It is formed during the fermentation of milk with the gradual withdrawal of whey. The modern market offers several types:

  • low fat - best for diabetics;
  • lean - great choice for allergy sufferers;
  • classic - a universal type of cottage cheese.

Curd is the most useful product due to the presence of protein, minerals, vitamins. It is easily digestible, calorie content is 226 calories per 100 grams of product. Cottage cheese is popular among adherents of diets for weight loss, as well as people suffering from liver diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese miraculously contributes to the dissolution of fats in the human body. It strengthens the skeletal system, increases the level of hemoglobin, and has a great effect on the nervous system. The product is useful for children and women.

Sour cream . Taste range, smell and appearance sour cream is given lactic acid bacteria, they also contribute to the colonization of the intestines with the necessary microflora, setting it up for proper operation.

Sour cream contains a lot of iron, manganese, copper and other useful minerals. It contains fatty, organic acids, animal proteins, natural sugar, carbohydrates, biotin. Due to the balanced composition, this product is absorbed much better than milk, cream, yogurt and even kefir. The beneficial properties of sour cream also include:

  • brain stimulation;
  • improving muscle functionality;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • strengthening of male potency;
  • main supplier of calcium for children.

The use of sour cream was also found by cosmetologists. Masks help to improve the condition of the skin, tone it, make it more elastic. The product is actively used in the fight against sunburn.

acidophilus milk . It is a mixture of acidophilic bulgarian sticks and cow's milk. It has a specific taste, viscous texture. Because of the unpleasant taste, it is used with the addition of cinnamon, honey, sugar and other additives.

Acidophilus milk is administered as complementary foods to infants, but with care so as not to cause unwanted allergic reactions. As for adults, admission this drink recommended if you have:

  • kidney and liver problems;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases.

Acidophilus milk is contraindicated only for people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Dairy products are important and beneficial to the body in any form, no matter in question about curdled milk, cottage cheese or yogurt, and it is difficult to single out the most useful fermented milk product, since each of them has its own advantages. These versatile treats will help you lose weight excess weight and increase muscle mass. They will also become an essential ingredient. nourishing masks for the skin.

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Regular consumption of fermented milk products for several weeks significantly improves bowel function, enhances the protective properties of the body (immunity), fills life energy. Dairy products do not contain healthy fats so buy from the minimum amount fat content. Dairy products contain healthy proteins of animal origin, which improve the condition of your muscles.

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Cottage cheese

Dairy products include in their list - cottage cheese. After all, cottage cheese is a healthy food product, and has vitamins (7 pieces) and microelements (6 pieces). Cottage cheese contains proteins of animal origin - 16.5 g per 100 g of the product. When you go to the store, buy cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.1-2%, no more. Fat of animal origin is not very useful, in large quantities it harms the body. Cottage cheese strengthens teeth and bones, improves eyesight, serves as a disease prevention digestive tract. In some diets, cottage cheese is used, because it contains a minimum of fats and carbohydrates and a lot of proteins. Athletes and people with actively life needs 2-2.2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. 200-300 grams of cottage cheese 0.1% fat per day - will bring an additional 33-50 grams of protein.

Sour cream

Dairy foods include sour cream in their list. Sour cream contains 9 microelements, 7 macroelements and 16 vitamins. Sour cream is more useful to eat - 10% fat (115.3 Kcal per 100 grams). Sour cream is good for the intestines and is quickly absorbed. Sour cream normalizes metabolic processes in the body, increases efficiency and strengthens muscles. Men are advised to eat sour cream, because it has a positive effect on potency. Various face masks are made from sour cream at home, and they improve the condition of the skin and its tone. Sour cream fights the processes of decay in the intestines, has a positive effect on hormonal background. You can use sour cream to combat sunburn.

curdled milk

Curdled milk belongs to fermented milk products. 100 grams contains only 30 calories and 3 grams of animal protein. Buttermilk is rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins 11 pieces, 7 macroelements and 10 microelements. Yogurt is well absorbed in our body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Curdled milk is used in cooking and in cosmetology. Yogurt helps with constipation and improves metabolic processes. Additionally, curdled milk helps with a hangover, you need to drink 1-2 glasses per day. empty stomach and after 20 minutes, there will be noticeable improvements.


Kefir belongs to fermented milk products of mixed fermentation. Kefir contains 10 microelements, 7 macroelements and 14 vitamins. It is recommended to use kefir 0.1-1% fat. Per 100 grams of product, there are 39.8 calories, 2.9 g of protein, 0.1-1 g of fat and 3.9 g of carbohydrates. It is useful to drink kefir at night, 1 hour before bedtime, to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Kefir is easily absorbed in the body. Kefir will be especially useful for those who lose weight or follow the figure, because kefir is a dietary and low-calorie food. Kefir is useful for adult men and women and for children. Kefir stabilizes sleep, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and harmful substances, strengthens the nervous system and is tasty, fermented milk drink. Kefir can be prepared non-alcoholic cocktails, cook pancakes, you can add kefir when cooking barbecue, make a pie.

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Fermented milk products include yogurt in their list. Yoghurts come in different fat content, we recommend that you buy with big amount fat per 100 g of product. Yogurt contains 10 micronutrients, 7 macronutrients and 12 vitamins. Yoghurts are popular fermented milk foods, loved by children and adults alike. Yoghurts have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Yoghurts practically do not cause allergies, and improve immunity and protective functions of the body. It is best to buy yogurts with a short shelf life (7-10 days) - in this case, they are more useful. Can cook a lot delicious meals using yogurt, for example: cake, yogurt ice cream, broccoli with yogurt, soft drinks, tartlets, yogurt pancakes, pie, banana casserole with yogurt and other dishes.


Dairy products include cheese in their list. Cheese is interesting product nutrition, because it contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Cheeses come with a large amount of fat per 100 g of product and with moderate amount fat. Buy cheese from least amount fat, because such fat is saturated and not very useful for the human body. Vitamins of group B, which are part of cheeses, increase efficiency. Eat cheese 2-3 times a week, because cheese improves the condition of hair, skin, nails.


List of dairy products:

  • Kefir
  • Yogurt
  • curdled milk
  • Sour cream
  • Cottage cheese
  • Varenets
  • Airan
  • Kumys
  • Chal (shubat)
  • Matsoni
  • Serum
  • Ryazhenka
  • Jugurt
  • Kurunga

Watch helpful video #2:

Dairy products are an integral part of the human diet, starting from childhood. The technology of their preparation is based on the fermentation of milk, which is obtained from different animals - goats, cows, sheep, mares, buffaloes and even camels. From the article you will learn what applies to sour-milk products. Their list is very long, but often it includes products that only “pretend” as such, actually having a different origin.

Properties of dairy products

Features of fermented milk products

Products such as kefir, butter, yogurt, cottage cheese and many others are well known to us and are often eaten. All of them are the result of fermentation from different types of milk and its derivatives (cream, low-fat products, whey).

The basis of the technology for the production of fermented milk products is one - fermentation with the help of yeast or bacteria. Sometimes fermentation is subjected to milk that has been boiled or pasteurized. This is done in order to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms and to protect the person.

The properties of fermented milk products have been known to people since ancient times. They were not only famous for their nutritional value and rich vitamin composition but also medicinal properties. However, some nations are still unfamiliar or do not recognize such products. These are the Eskimos, the Chinese, the Aborigines of Australia and some others.

The benefits of dairy products

A special place among all micro- and macroelements in fermented milk products is occupied by lactic acid, which is able to fight the activity of putrefactive microorganisms in the body. In addition, fermentation products:

  1. well absorbed and easily digested;
  2. rich in vitamins that are well absorbed;
  3. allow good absorption of lactose and milk sugar;
  4. suitable for people who suffer from lactose intolerance;
  5. stimulate the processes of digestion;
  6. protect the intestines from infections and normalize its activity;
  7. prevent tuberculosis;
  8. increase the absorption of calcium;
  9. vitamins A, B, E, D.

Technology for the production of fermented milk products

All dairy products can be divided into three large groups:

  1. those produced by fermenting milk with bacteria are fermentation products. These are yogurt, rennet cheese, curdled milk, acidophilus, etc.;
  2. those that are the result alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid. From milk sugar not only ordinary lactic acid is released, but also carbon dioxide, alcohol or volatile acids. These are kefir, koumiss, shubat;
  3. those that are obtained without fermentation - cream, condensed milk, butter.

Fermented milk products (varenets, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, cheese, butter, kefir, shubat, cream): necessary for adults and children to maintain the health of the body and well-being

Types of dairy products


Varenets is a fermented milk product that has been known for many centuries. They began to cook it in Siberia from baked milk. Its preparation technology is not difficult - milk must languish in a Russian oven. During languishing, the milk evaporates, and the creamy foam should sink to the bottom all the time. When the milk evaporates to 1/3 of its original volume, it turns into a thick mass with a slightly red tint. Then sourdough is introduced into it, in the role of which sour cream may well act.

curdled milk

Prostokvasha is also a product traditional for Russian cuisine. The basis of its preparation is boiled milk that has cooled down. Leaven is placed in it, which can be a crust of black bread. By the way, it is not even necessary to use a sourdough starter for curdled milk, because it ferments due to the action of lactic acid lactococcus. Milk with or without sourdough must be placed in a warm place where it will be from 10 to 12 hours.


Ryazhenka is a special kind of curdled milk, only its homeland is Ukraine and it is prepared from milk with cream and clay pots. It is prepared while languishing on the verge of boiling, but does not boil. When milk becomes creamy, starter is added to it - sour cream or streptococcal bacteria.


Cheese is also a fermented milk product that has many different varieties which cannot be listed. Among them - soft and hard, with mold, young and many others.


Butter is a product that has been prepared in Ancient Rus' and was one of the most expensive. It is prepared by "churning" milk, sour cream. Vologda butter has a special technology, and is made from cream that is heated almost to a boil, but does not boil.


Kefir is a product that undergoes double fermentation. The role of the leaven is played by "kefir fungi", which have a very complex structure. Kefir has the most beneficial effect on the body, helps fight diseases and strengthens the immune system.


Shubat is also a product of double fermentation, only it is prepared from camel milk.


Cream is a product that is collected from the surface of fresh milk if it has stood for several hours after a goat, sheep or cow has been milked.

The list of dairy products is very long. Among them are ayran, and cottage cheese, and kurt, and matsoni and many, many other products.

Fake dairy products

Among the products there are those that are considered to be sour-milk, although in fact they are not. Among them:

  1. tofu cheese from soy milk which has become very popular;
  2. margarine from fats in the composition. Even milk fat it may not be;
  3. Spread is a type of soft margarine.

When buying fermented milk products, one should strive not only to try something new and choose something useful, but also pay attention to expiration dates. A spoiled fermented milk product may not cause poisoning, but it will not cause the most pleasant sensations and gastrointestinal upset.

Fermented milk products are a group of products obtained during the fermentation of whole milk. The variety of fermented milk products is explained by the difference technological processes, feedstock and types of lactic acid bacteria used. Their popularity is due to their high medicinal and nutritional properties, easy digestibility.

Fermented milk products are characterized by a milky white or light cream color and a pleasantly sour, neutral or sweetish taste.

For the preparation of fermented milk products, milk of cows, goats, sheep, donkeys, mares, buffaloes, camels and deer, as well as lactic acid bacteria or yeast, is used. At industrial production, fermented milk products can be fortified with probiotic cultures. Such products are marked "bio" and have additional therapeutic and dietary properties.


There are 2 types of dairy products:

  1. Products formed in the process of lactic acid fermentation;
  2. Products formed by mixed: lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation.

Common dairy products include:

  • acidophilus - a product obtained with the help of acidophilus bacillus.
  • yoghurt produced with a sweet, neutral and fruity taste;

Curious! During the year, each Finn eats 35 kg of yogurt, which is an absolute world record for the use of this product.

  • kefir, has a sharp sour-milk taste;
  • curdled milk is different thick consistency, sour or neutral taste;
  • ryazhenka - a product obtained from milk and sour cream, by mixed fermentation;
  • sour cream is characterized high content fats;
  • cheese is a long-term storage product containing a significant amount of protein;
  • cottage cheese, several types of fat content are produced: 0.5%, 2%, 5%, 9%, 18%.

Many fermented milk products have a limited region of production:

  • Azerbaijan: katyk, airan.
  • Altai: Chegen.
  • Armenia: matsun, tan.
  • Bashkiria: orot, kaymak.
  • Buryatia: cockroach, airag.
  • Georgia: matsoni.
  • Egypt: leben.
  • India: lassi.
  • Iceland: skyr.
  • Kalmykia: targ.
  • Kazakhstan: shalap, koumiss, shubat, irimshik.
  • Kyrgyzstan: chalap, kymyz, kurut.
  • Tajikistan: churgot, chakka, ravgani mask.
  • Tatarstan: suzma, court.
  • Tuva: hoytpak, tee-ryk.
  • Turkmenistan: chekize, gamyk, suzme chal, ak-gurt.
  • Uzbekistan: kurt.
  • Ukraine: Varenets.


Dairy products contain important biologically active substances:

  • amino acids, including globulin, lysine, arginine, casein, valine;
  • fats, including saturated fatty acids;
  • carbohydrates, including lactose;
  • lactic acid bacteria or yeast;
  • cholesterol;
  • vitamins: A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12, PP, H, E, D;
  • micro and macro elements: calcium, chromium, fluorine, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium.

Beneficial features

  1. Dairy products are digested faster than regular milk therefore better satisfy the need for protein and calcium, which is very important for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  2. They have a tonic and mild diuretic effect, improve skin condition, resist puffiness, and eliminate fatigue.
  3. The use of fermented milk products regulates metabolism, optimizes digestion processes, promotes intestinal health and immune system generally.
  • liver diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Fat-free dairy products are part of various diets and are recommended for use on fasting days, contributing to weight loss.

They are necessarily present in the menu of children, as they are rich in calcium and phosphorus, and contribute to active growth, strengthening of bone tissues and teeth.

Harmful properties

  1. Dairy products cause allergic reactions in cases of intolerance to dairy products.
  2. Some fermented milk products are prohibited for use with increased acidity of the stomach. For example: kefir, acidophilus.
  3. Hypertension, diseases of the gallbladder, hepatitis are the reason for the limited consumption of fermented milk products.
  4. Sour-milk products containing a significant amount of fat contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and obesity.

How to use

Dairy products are used as independent dishes, combining with bread, sweet pastries, fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.
They are used to prepare other dishes:

  • cold soups and okroshka;
  • salads and snacks;
  • cheesecakes and pancakes;
  • casseroles and puddings;
  • marinades and gravies;
  • desserts and dough;
  • sauces and drinks.

Advice! To keep sour cream from curdling while making gravy or sauce, add a little milk or cream to it.

I use fermented milk products for skin and hair care at home, making masks and scrubs out of them.

  • Combine yogurt with pieces fresh fruit the Czechs were the first to think of it in 1933, and the Americans began to mass-produce such yogurts in 1947.
  • President Richard Nixon's favorite dish was cottage cheese with ketchup.
  • The ancient Greek historian Herodotus in his treatise "History" describes the preparation of koumiss, which was used by the Scythians.
  • The use of kefir has a relaxing effect on nervous system making it difficult to concentrate while solving problems.

If we consider daily diet nutrition of a modern person, it should be noted that fermented milk products occupy a leading position, they are almost an indispensable food product, along with bread, vegetables, and meat products. There are no people on Earth who would not know, did not meet, did not eat such products that modern society offers. food industry Worldwide.

This feature is not some new trend or fashion, it has always been so, the entire history of the existence of man and mankind, as evidenced by numerous historical documents, some of which date back thousands of years before the birth of Christ.

To understand why this happened, it is necessary to consider in detail what kind of products they are, what they are made of, what is their usefulness for people.

What are dairy products

The simplest answer to this question is given by the etymology of the word sour milk, one of the roots of which is the word lactic, from the word milk. This is a product associated somehow with milk, which is oxidized, as evidenced by the second word.

Indeed, all products of this group are made from milk. For this, any milk of cattle is taken - cow, goat milk, sheep, milk of horses and even buffaloes and camels. Specific, acidic, qualities of such products are obtained due to the introduction into milk to change its initial properties of lactic acid bacteria or yeast (made from fungi useful for digestion). This process is called fermentation, and the bacteria used (regardless of their type) is called sourdough.

Technologically, there are two types of fermentation in the preparation of all fermented milk products:

  1. fermented milk (one or more types of lactic acid bacteria are used to ferment milk)
  2. mixed (yeast, sugar are used, sometimes beneficial non-lactic acid bacteria, enzymes).

Milk is a natural habitat for such bacteria. First of all, because of the polysaccharide contained in it - lactose, which bacteria feed on. After the breakdown of milk sugars by bacteria, they secrete by-products- lactic acid, which gives a specific sour taste, carbon dioxide, water. Modern manufacturers add other additives that become a breeding ground for the vital activity of bacteria.

A variety of fermented milk products and their main types

Types of lactic acid and other bacteria additional ingredients, types of this or that milk used in production determine their huge variety. Technologists dairy production regularly improve production and offer new types to. - a pier. products.

The main types of c.-mol. products:

  • sour cream- prepared from cream with different fat content, sourdough - lactic bacteria;
  • cottage cheese - obtained by fermenting milk with streptococci and enzymes, at the fermentation stage, milk proteins are separated from whey and sold in dry form;
  • cheese– is made in the same way as cottage cheese (after fermentation, the fermented milk proteins are separated from the whey and dried), depending on the type of starter – bacteria or rennet- get cheeses of different hardness - soft or hard;
  • kefir - kefir fungus or lactic bacteria are added to ferment milk;
  • curdled milk - made using lactic streptococci;
  • ryazhenka - cream is added to milk (to increase the fat content), and after heating - heating this mixture for 3 hours at a temperature of 95 degrees, it is fermented with streptococci, like yogurt;
  • yogurt- a mixture of bacteria is used for sourdough (the basis includes thermophilic bacillus), bacteria of the bifidus and lactobacilli groups are often added (such yogurts receive the prefix "bio" in the name);
  • acidophilus - acidophilus bacillus is used in production.

The list of types of fermented milk products is not limited to this, there are only thousands of types of cheeses and it is prepared from different types milk. On the diversity and ubiquity of types of c.-mol. drinks are evidenced by many local, common in a certain geographical area, with local specifics of production. So, among the peoples of the Caucasus, koumiss became widespread, in Central Asia- ayran, in Tatarstan, a local c.-mol. drink suzma and court, in Bashkiria - orot and kaymak. The inhabitants of Armenia prefer tan and machun, the inhabitants of Georgia produce matsoni, the Ukrainians prepare varenets. National c.-mol. the drink of the Egyptians is leben, and the inhabitants of Iceland use skyr.

What are the benefits of dairy products?

Their benefits are directly dependent on the usefulness of the main raw material for their production - milk. Despite the processes of fermentation, fermentation, most useful substances milk does not undergo any changes, and, one might say, is inherited to. products.

Almost all proteins and amino acids, animal fat, vitamins A, B, D, PP, E, micro and macro elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorides, selenium, iron, copper) of milk are "inherited". Carbohydrates, mainly lactose (milk sugar), are broken down by bacteria into glucose and galactose. The vital substances of lactic bacteria are also useful for human nutrition.

The main usefulness is that they can be eaten by people who have problems with intolerance to proteins and carbohydrates in milk. pure form. So, people with hypolactasia (intolerance to milk sugar - lactose) can use almost all k.-mol. products, as they contain almost no lactose, even in fresh they contain it in a minimum amount.

Patients with allergic reactions to pure milk proteins (for example, caseinogen) can use their fermented species in cheeses, cottage cheese, in which the protein structure changes to casein.

The amount of so-called "bad cholesterol" contained in pure milk is significantly reduced by the action of bacteria. The structure of polyunsaturated animal fats is changing, which makes milk fat less harmful.

Fermented milk proteins are easier and faster to digest and absorb by the body. Carbohydrates do not require additional body forces to break them down, as they are already broken down by bacteria to monosaccharides, which are the main building blocks for body tissues and cells.

Bacteria and their metabolic products are very useful for the normal functioning of the intestines, normalize metabolic processes, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membranes, destroy most putrefactive bacteria. Particularly useful in this sense are probiotics and lactobacilli, which are found in yogurts. They are also almost the only remedy that restores the intestinal microflora in the initial forms of dysbacteriosis of a different nature. This property of yoghurts gives an unambiguously positive answer to the frequently discussed question: do yoghurts belong to k.-mol. or not?

High-fat products (sour cream, fermented baked milk, varenets) and containing a large amount of protein (cottage cheese, cheeses) are recommended by doctors during the rehabilitation period after severe surgical interventions, underweight, dystrophy, lack of muscle mass.

Fat-free cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, due to their low calorie content, are an indispensable part of some diets and weight loss programs.

Why are dairy products harmful?

The harm of fermented milk products is also due to the peculiarities of the harm from drinking milk.

Because of high content organic lactic acid is not recommended to use k.-mol. drinks suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis with hyperacidity.

Patients with a milk protein allergy are advised to refrain from taking any dairy products until the allergen is identified.

People with high cholesterol offer to use only low-fat to. - a pier. products.

Dairy products have long and firmly taken their positions in daily diet modern man. Their success is explained not only by the specific natural sour taste, but also by the beneficial effect that has a multilateral effect on the body. Nutritionists note that in terms of their properties and composition, fermented milk products have no analogues, which is why it is so important to include them in your diet. Moreover, the list of such products is quite diverse, and each person can find in it what he likes. IN different countries some fermented milk products may be called differently, but, in fact, they are one and the same. So, dairy products include:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • acidophilus;
  • tan and ayran;
  • koumiss and other drinks.

The benefits of dairy products

Our great-grandmothers also knew about the benefits of kefir - the first product obtained from the fermentation of milk. It was used not only inside, but also outside, making brightening and rejuvenating masks for the face and hands, or using it as a hair balm. Nowadays, for these purposes, you have to buy three different jars produced at the factory, but beneficial features kefir do not change from year to year.

Due to the content of beneficial microbes, fermented milk products normalize the intestinal microflora, improve gastric motility, metabolism and pancreas function. It is noted that in people who often consume sour-milk products, the skin is cleansed, the complexion improves. Trace elements and vitamins in fermented milk products are presented in large quantities. So, for example, a serving of cottage cheese contains daily rate calcium and phosphorus, a large amount of , B, C and PP, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Probiotic fermented milk products are considered especially useful, i.e. enriched with bifido- and lactobacilli. They contain active substances that help eliminate dysbacteriosis, constipation and diarrhea. Products such as "bifidok", "biokefir", "adidobiophilin" and others with the prefix "bio" reduce the effects of antibiotics, alcohol and other substances that disrupt the body's ecosystem. Such dairy products are indispensable for food poisoning, as they destroy pathogenic microbes and putrefactive formations in the stomach.

Diet on dairy products

In terms of nutrition, kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt are excellent low-calorie foods for weight loss. They quickly saturate the body, while leaving a feeling of lightness in the stomach. Diet fermented milk products are those in which the fat content does not exceed 9% per 100 g. Cottage cheese is an ideal source of protein, which is why athletes love it so much. It helps keep muscles in good shape and promotes their growth. And muscles, as you know, are the main consumer of calories. Experts say that in order to maintain a slim figure, it is enough to arrange a fasting day on fermented milk products once a week. During this day, the body will be cleansed of toxins, and the metabolism will accelerate. This will be the impetus for getting rid of excess weight.

Harm of dairy products

The use of fermented milk products is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and high acidity. In the presence of gastritis and pancreatitis, only fresh, cottage cheese, sour cream and other fermented milk products are suitable for food, from the moment of preparation of which no more than one day has passed. People with an allergy to lactose should exclude almost all dairy products from the diet, including fermented milk. True, science has made a deep breakthrough in this matter, and dairy industry manufacturers are already offering consumers lactose-free dairy products.
