
Buckwheat milk recipe. Buckwheat porridge with milk: the best recipes and cooking tips

The most delicious thing is always possible to cook buckwheat porridge with milk. Especially if you take a fatty homemade product. The consistency will depend on how much liquid is used and whether the core or prodella is chosen as the base.

The classic recipe does not include any extra ingredients. And milk is diluted in half with water. If you want to cook porridge more satisfying, then you can not do this. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. purified non-carbonated water and milk, half a glass of buckwheat, a pinch of table salt, a large spoonful of white sugar.

  1. The groats are sorted and thoroughly washed in several waters. All floating rubbish must be removed.
  2. Buckwheat is poured with water and brought to a boil. Then, under the lid on a minimum heat, it is left until the water boils completely.
  3. The dish should sweat.
  4. Further, already slightly boiled cereals are poured with milk. It shouldn't be cold.
  5. The mass is sweetened, salted and left on fire only until it boils. Next, the pan is removed from the heat, wrapped and left for 20 minutes to infuse.

Served with plenty of melted butter.

Approximate proportions

To make the dish really tasty, you need to observe the proportions of dry products and milk. For watery porridge, this is 1:10, for a more viscous base - 1:8. If you want to cook a fairly thick dish, the proportions will be 1:6. Experienced housewives determine the ratio by eye.

You can use only milk or its combination with water. A very appetizing dish is obtained on low-fat cream.

How much time to cook?

Cooking time depends on what liquid buckwheat is poured with. If with water, then the total cooking time is 20 minutes. If milk - 30-35 minutes.

Recipe in a slow cooker

To be sure that the treat will not burn, it will turn out tender and crumbly, you can cook it in a “smart pan”. Ingredients: 1 tbsp. quality buckwheat, 3 tbsp. fat milk (preferably homemade), 3 large spoons of granulated sugar, a large piece of butter, salt on the tip of a spoon. Buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker requires a sequence of actions.

  1. The groats are moved, disposed of debris, and then washed with cold water until the liquid is transparent.
  2. Prepared buckwheat is poured into the bowl of the device. The groats are salted and sweetened. Immediately, diced butter is sent to the products.
  3. The ingredients are poured with milk, and in the “Cereals” mode, the dish is cooked until the end of the program.

If the hostess is afraid to make the porridge too sweet, you can pour sugar directly into the plates without adding it during the cooking process.

How to cook for children?

Buckwheat in a variety of forms is very useful for children. Kids will especially like its sweet version in milk. Ingredients: 160 g of cereals, salt on the tip of a spoon, 120 ml of full-fat cow's milk, 35 g of butter, honey or sugar, 380 ml of water.

  1. The groats are thoroughly washed in several waters. Then it is immediately poured into the bowl of the device, filled with water and cooked in the extinguishing mode until all the liquid has evaporated.
  2. Next, oil is laid out in buckwheat. The mass is salted, sweetened to taste or seasoned with honey.
  3. In the milk porridge mode, the dish languishes for another 7-8 minutes, after which it is immediately served at the table.

The treat turns out to be liquid, so it is convenient for even the smallest family members to eat it.

Milk buckwheat porridge with bananas

Buckwheat porridge does not go well with almost all fruits and berries. But there is a delicious sweet exception - bananas. They complement cereals well and allow it to turn into a healthy dietary dessert. Ingredients: half a liter of full-fat milk, 90 g of cereal, 1-1.5 large spoons of white sugar, salt at the tip of a spoon, a large soft banana.

  1. The groats are carefully sorted and washed. If dark hard grains remain in it, then they can completely ruin the dish.
  2. Prepared buckwheat is poured with warmed cow's milk and sent to boil. The product will languish under the lid over very low heat.
  3. When the cereal is about half done, it can be sweetened and salted.
  4. At the same stage, a banana cut into small cubes is added to the dish. The fruit should be ripe and soft, but not blackened.
  5. The dish is brought to full readiness and removed from the fire.

The meal is served hot. If desired, you can add butter to it, and instead of granulated sugar - natural bee honey.

with pumpkin

Of all the vegetables, a sunny appetizing pumpkin is best suited for buckwheat porridge with milk. This juicy fruit adds brightness to the taste of the dish, and also makes its appearance more cheerful and attractive. Among the grains of buckwheat there are bright orange cubes. Ingredients: 330 g pumpkin, white onion, rosemary sprig, 1 tbsp. buckwheat, 3 large spoons of high-quality olive oil, half a liter of full-fat milk, a clove of garlic, salt, a mixture of colored ground peppers.

  1. First of all, buckwheat is boiled in salted milk until fully cooked. You can first fill the product with water and bring to softness, and only then darken until the process is completed in hot milk.
  2. The onion is finely chopped and fried in oil until golden brown. It is important at this stage to use olive oil.
  3. Slices of garlic and rosemary are fried in the same bowl. Next, the components of the pan are thrown away, and pumpkin cubes are cooked in the remaining fragrant oil until soft and appetizing ruddy.
  4. To the finished orange vegetable, onion frying and ready-made buckwheat are laid out. To taste, the dish is salted and peppered.

The resulting porridge will be an excellent side dish for meat cooked in any way.

Buckwheat porridge is perhaps one of the rather controversial products. Some people simply adore her, others remember her with a shudder. And this is despite the fact that buckwheat is a very healthy and tasty food. Naturally, provided that it is properly prepared. There are many recipes for buckwheat porridge, but, according to many inhabitants, the dairy versions of this dish are considered the best.

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Buckwheat porridge is the most nutritious product, as it contains a huge amount of vegetable protein. And this noticeably brings it closer to meat, bread and potatoes. Also, buckwheat contains magnesium, which is good for the heart. In addition, buckwheat lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels and helps prevent diseases such as heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. But with all this, the desire to eat buckwheat porridge does not arise for everyone. Although there are recipes, thanks to which this particular dish will become a favorite in your diet.

Milk buckwheat porridge recipe

Buckwheat porridge is much tastier if it is dairy. Moreover, it is not so difficult to prepare such a dish. In order to make milk buckwheat porridge, you will need: - buckwheat - 1 cup; - milk - 5 glasses; - vanilla sugar - 1 pack; - granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons; - butter - 1 tsp; - salt.

The fatter the milk, the richer and tastier the porridge will be. True, for those who follow the figure, it is better to choose skim milk. But the taste of porridge will still remain very interesting.

First boil the milk. Then add salt, vanilla and regular sugar to it. Rinse the buckwheat and put it in a saucepan, mix. Wait until the porridge boils, and put butter on it. Then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and leave the porridge to reach 40 minutes. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn. The readiness guideline for you should be the fact that the buckwheat is well boiled. After cooking, let the porridge stand for another 10 minutes.

For those who are not particularly friendly with boiling cereals directly in milk, there is another option. For it you will need; - buckwheat - 1 glass; - 1/2 liter of water; - 1/2 liter of milk; - 2-3 tablespoons Sahara; - salt to taste; - butter - 30 g.

Alternatively, you can replace sugar with honey. The taste will be no less sweet, but the benefits of the dish will be incomparably greater.

To properly prepare milk buckwheat porridge, first sort through the cereal. After all, it is not particularly pleasant to pick out black grains from the finished dish. After the cereal, be sure to rinse. Take a pot with a thick bottom, it can also be a traditional cauldron. Pour water into a container and put on fire. When the water boils, throw the cereal into it, wait for the water to boil again. Then reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. After 5 minutes, add milk (it must first be warmed up). Add salt and sugar. If you are using honey, it should be added at the very end of the boil or directly on the plate. Leave the porridge to cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Now it remains only to add butter. Cover the finished porridge with a towel and let it stand for another 10 minutes.

Among the housewives of our country, the most popular and nutritious product is buckwheat. This cereal rightfully has a place of honor in the kitchen, as buckwheat contains amino acids, a large amount of iron and has other useful properties. Buckwheat can be cooked in many ways: in combination with meat, use fat in cooking, water or milk. We will talk in detail about our favorite, simple and healthy way to cook cereals - buckwheat with milk.

The benefits of buckwheat

Buckwheat, like cereals, must be included in the diet of children, the elderly, who have a weakened body after an illness, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, so as not to cause food allergies.

For nutritionists, buckwheat is a product that works wonders, since this cereal contains a huge amount of everything useful. However, you often hear that a person does not like buckwheat, it seems dry to him. But with skillful preparation this dish can become incredibly tasty, and there will be no talk of dryness of the product. For connoisseurs, it turns out to be an invariably tasty dish.

Why buckwheat should be cooked in milk

Buckwheat combined with milk - a real treasure of health. To all the useful properties of cereal, all the best qualities of milk are added. Milk contains protein and calcium, necessary for proper nutrition and human health. The lack of these substances leads to the destruction of tooth enamel or, for example, to a deterioration in the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Therefore, milk porridge with buckwheat is not only a delicious dish, such a breakfast will provide the entire body with the necessary norm of trace elements and vitamins per day. By the way, that is why it is desirable to use such buckwheat in the morning.

There is another opinion on the benefits of these products in combination. The fact is that different conditions are required for the digestion of milk and buckwheat. But this does not mean that it is harmful to health. Remember that with its correct preparation, cereals only benefit the body, including children. As mentioned above, this is not only a dietary product, but also incredibly nutritious.

Primary elements keep well when cooked properly., and these are: folic acid, fiber, a variety of trace elements, vitamins of groups B and E.

The systematic use of milk porridge helps:

A child's body that regularly consumes such porridge will be provided with proper development and good growth. And the recipes presented in the article will help to properly prepare such a healthy dish.

Features of the preparation of milk porridge

Many dishes are prepared from buckwheat: pancakes, pancakes, combined with meat. It can also be served as a side dish for a meat dish. Of course, the best option is a simple porridge, which turns out crumbly and tasty. Cooking it will not be difficult even for an inexperienced hostess.

Methods for preparing milk porridge:

  1. on the stove;
  2. in the oven;
  3. in a multicooker.

Before you start cooking buckwheat, you need to carefully sort out the trash, stones and black grains. Agree, it is not very pleasant when something is felt on the teeth that does not apply to buckwheat grains. Then rinse well so that the water is clear. You can buy more expensive packaged buckwheat, which no longer needs to be cleaned of unnecessary items. Or even buckwheat, which does not require washing - buckwheat in bags, you simply dip the finished bag into the water according to the instructions and take out the ready-made buckwheat.

After the buckwheat is ready, cooked, it is poured with milk, butter, salt and sugar are added to taste and simmered over low heat, tightly closed with a lid.

The nuances of cooking buckwheat milk porridge

Standard milk porridge can be prepared from both the core and flakes. The choice of cereal will affect the consistency of the finished product. From the core, it will turn out to be liquid, and from the prodela it will be more sticky and homogeneous.

How to cook buckwheat porridge in milk for babies

For a small child, there always comes a time when mother's breast milk is already not enough for him and it is necessary for the baby to give additional food. This will be food. Porridge with milk is a great option for feeding a baby, she gluten free. Such a dish is nutritious and your baby will be full for a long time. But do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body, and possible allergic reactions.

The age of feeding depends on the way the crumbs are fed. Breastfed babies usually don't need extra food for longer. These children are recommended to introduce complementary foods no earlier than 6 months. Artificial babies can be introduced to complementary foods earlier. So, after the performance of 5-6 months, the baby can be fed. This will be primarily decided by the mother and the local pediatrician. But sooner or later, the child will need include milk in your diet. Buckwheat milk porridge will perfectly cope with this, because it is very healthy and nutritious. And he can drink it from his usual bottle or eat it from a spoon.

If the mother decided to cook buckwheat porridge for the baby, then she needs:

  • choose good quality cereals;
  • sort the buckwheat well and rinse;
  • dry the grains;
  • grind in the usual way (coffee grinder or blender).

Ready buckwheat for crumbs will look like semolina.

You can not give such porridge to a child in large quantities. According to all the rules of complementary foods, you need to start with a small amount.

Ingredients for making porridge as a baby's first food:

  • a teaspoon of ground buckwheat;
  • water 100 ml.

You can add milk formula or breast milk, so it will be easier for the baby to get used to a new dish.

It takes 15-20 minutes to cook remember to stir constantly.

The child will grow up and you can already make the porridge thicker by adding more cereals. Replace water with cow's milk, and add butter and sugar to the finished dish.

When adding additional ingredients, watch out for allergies. Salt cannot be added.

An even simpler cooking option is to cook a core, ready grind with a blender and dilute with water or milk.

For older children, this porridge can be diversified with jam or honey. Fruits and berries are perfect.

If you want the calorie content of the dish to be low, then take low-fat milk, or completely skim. If this is not the case, you can take regular milk and dilute it with water, in the proportion you want. Add this mixture to buckwheat and cook in the usual way.

Some options for cooking milk buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat milk porridge with cinnamon and apple

To prepare the dish we need:

At the beginning of the boil cinnamon must be dissolved in milk. Next, cook buckwheat as usual. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add a finely chopped apple. When serving, be sure to add honey to taste and butter.

You will get an unusual taste, a combination of honey, cinnamon and apple will give a non-standard shade to the porridge.

Buckwheat porridge in milk with chicken

We need ingredients such as:

Cook buckwheat in the usual way, but with the amendment. When the cereal only begins to swell, this is approximately the middle of cooking, add chopped chicken breast and onion. Cook everything until done. At the end, add salt and spices. Remove from heat and leave for a while with the lid closed.

This dish is very nutritious and easy to digest.

As you can see, you can cook different dishes from buckwheat. In terms of their great taste, they will be completely different. Don't be afraid to experiment and add different ingredients. Cook buckwheat in different ways, and then it will be a great option not only for breakfast, but also for dinner or lunch.

In any case, milk buckwheat porridge will remain nutritious, healthy and tasty.

It would seem that it is difficult: to cook buckwheat porridge with milk? But there are a few little tricks that improve the taste or speed of preparation of this Russian favorite dish.

The five most commonly used ingredients in buckwheat porridge with milk recipes are:

The first trick is modern, connected with speed and improvement of taste at the same time. If you want to get awesome porridge - cook it in a slow cooker. If you don't have one, take a pressure cooker out of the kitchen bins and try it. If you only have a stove and a saucepan at your disposal, try to cook buckwheat in the usual ratio of water and cereals, but closer to the beginning of boiling, pour 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the water.

An oil film forms on the surface of the water, which performs two functions at once. Firstly, it will prevent the liquid from boiling away quickly, which means that the porridge will cook a little faster. And, secondly, it will make buckwheat more juicy and soft.

The second trick is more focused on enhancing the taste. It involves cooking porridge in a clay pot in the oven. Not what our grandmothers did when they had a luxurious Russian stove at their disposal, but closer to that. With this method, the cereal languishes for a long time at a high temperature, it becomes very fragrant, crumbly, tender.

All of the above is suitable if you boil the porridge, and only then mix it with milk. But there are recipes for buckwheat porridge with milk directly. That is, we cook cereals in it and serve as is or adding more milk. It is better to dilute everything with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

The five fastest recipes for buckwheat porridge with milk:

There is an opinion that buckwheat becomes tastier if it is fried in a hot frying pan without oil. But don't overdo it.

Also, porridge of different taste, appearance and consistency can be obtained by taking as a basis different types of buckwheat: chopped or prodel, unground, flakes.

Classically served Russian buckwheat porridge in milk with a piece of butter.

All of us have been familiar with buckwheat since childhood - our mothers fed us buckwheat porridge with milk. This cereal is enriched with vitamins and microelements, fiber and polyunsaturated fats.

The list of useful substances has many properties that reduce cholesterol, increase immunity, stabilize metabolism and strengthen strength. To save all the useful properties, buckwheat should be cooked properly.

How much to cook different buckwheat?

Before answering the question: how to cook buckwheat, you will have to understand its types. There are two types of buckwheat called prodel and unground buckwheat. The first is a halved kernel, and the other is a whole grain.

  • "Live" green buckwheat is cooked for 10-15 minutes.
  • For cooking went through enough to boil it for 20 minutes.
  • The core is being prepared 30-40 minutes.

During cooking, the cereal increases in volume and boils soft. Today, healthy flakes and flour are made from buckwheat, which do not need to be cooked. It is enough to fill them with boiling water.

Much can be said about the benefits of buckwheat. It helps with cardiovascular diseases, promotes weight loss and blood sugar. If you know how to cook cereals correctly and tasty, it will be impossible to break away from it.

  1. Before cooking cereals, they are first sorted out, although many manufacturers assure the quality of the product.
  2. During cooking, the porridge does not need to be stirred.
  3. The optimal proportion of grain and water is 1:2.
  4. It is better to cook cereals in dishes with thick walls or a cauldron with a round bottom. This will allow the buckwheat to swell evenly.
  5. Pour buckwheat into cold water to speed up the cooking process.
  6. Knowing how to cook buckwheat, first they put it on a strong fire, and then it is reduced to medium.

How to cook tasty and crumbly buckwheat in a pot?

If necessary, buckwheat is sorted out from garbage, washed several times with water. Then it should be dried and fried in a pan with the addition of a small amount of butter.

Boil two cups of water separately, salt and shift the cereal to them. After boiling the porridge, the foam is removed from it. Buckwheat languishes over low heat for about 15 minutes without opening and stirring.

The dish will be ready when all the water has evaporated from the bowl. The butter is thinly cut and laid out on top of the porridge. The pan should be covered with a napkin, covered with a lid and wrapped in something warm. An hour later, a delicious crumbly porridge comes out!

How to cook buckwheat in water?

Many are interested in how to cook buckwheat in water correctly?

  1. The easiest option is to use a multicooker, but this option is not available to everyone. Most people like to eat buckwheat cooked on the stove. Before cooking, the cereal is washed, and to enhance the taste, it is fried in oil.
  2. It is important to use high quality water. If there is a lot of chlorine in it, a crumbly and tasty side dish will not work. A spoonful of any oil or four tablespoons of milk helps to soften hard water.
  3. You can start the cooking process: cereals and water are sent to the dishes, and then salted to taste. The resulting foam is removed after boiling, and then the fire is reduced. The dishes are covered with a lid and porridge is cooked. After 15 minutes, you can open the lid - the dish is ready!

How to cook buckwheat in milk?

  1. You can cook cereals by the previous method, but add milk to it. A more delicious dish is obtained if milk is poured in during the cooking process. This makes the porridge very tender.
  2. For a serving, it is enough to take 0.5 cups of buckwheat and a glass of milk and water. For taste, you need a spoonful of sugar and salt.
  3. The grits are brought to a boil, salt and sugar are poured in, the heat is reduced and boiled for 15 minutes so that the water boils away. Then cool milk is poured in, and when it boils, turn off the stove. Cover the pot with a lid and let it brew for a couple of minutes. You can add oil if you wish.

How is boiled buckwheat served?

This unique cereal serves as a suitable side dish for almost every dish. An excellent combination are: mushrooms, meat dishes, onions, boiled eggs. A chic flavoring addition to buckwheat is tomato sauce with bell pepper and carrots.

Cooking buckwheat is allowed with mushrooms fried with onions. The dish turns out amazing!

Variety of buckwheat dishes

If the traditional recipe for buckwheat porridge is already tired, you can try something new. If the option with milk seems too banal to you, it is possible to make pancakes from cereals by adding buckwheat flour.

Delicious meatballs come out of buckwheat if you add spices and an egg to the cereal. If desired, meat or mushrooms are combined with them. There are also many recipes for cabbage rolls, pilaf and cutlets, which are based on buckwheat.
