
Blackberry jam - let's prepare a jar of vitamins! Recipes for various blackberry jams for gourmets and their health.

Blackberry - 1 kilogram
Oranges - 2 pieces
Sugar - 1 kilogram
Lemon - 1 piece

How to make blackberry jam with oranges
1. Wash and peel oranges, cut the zest with noodles.
2. Squeeze the orange juice into a saucepan for making jam; do not use the pulp for jam.
3. Add zest, sugar to orange juice, mix well and put on a quiet fire.
4. Bring the jam to a boil and cool at room temperature.
5. Sort the blackberries, wash them, put them in cold syrup, leave for 2 hours.
6. Put the jam on the fire, cook for half an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally.
7. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the squeezed lemon juice, then cool the jam and pour into jars.


- Blackberries are rich in a whole range of vitamins: vitamin A improves vision, C and E strengthen the immune system, PP is responsible for the functioning of the heart and blood circulation, and regulates cholesterol levels in the blood. Blackberries contain all the B vitamins, which play an important role in the metabolism of the body. In addition to vitamins, blackberries contain a number of useful minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, magnesium. For such a rich composition, the berry is considered medicinal. Blackberries will help to quickly cope with acute respiratory disease, reduce fever. It is recommended to use it regularly for the prevention of cancer and vascular diseases. Fresh blackberry juice will help with insomnia.

Blackberries are recommended to eat to normalize bowel function. Berries contain organic acids - citric, malic, salicylic, which stimulate the secretion of juice in the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion. But it is worth knowing that ripe berries can weaken the stool a little, and unripe berries can fix it.

Blackberries can be included in the diet, as it has a low calorie content - 36 kcal / 100 grams. Due to the large amount of pectin substances - good sorbents, blackberries remove salts, heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.

Blackberry jam can be cooked without pits. To do this, you must first hold the berries in hot water at a temperature of 80-90 degrees, without boiling, for 3 minutes. Rub the softened berries through a metal sieve - the bones will remain in the sieve, and boil the blackberry puree with sugar.

So that when cooking blackberry jam, the berries remain intact, you should not wash them before cooking, but while cooking the jam, gently stir it with a large wooden spoon. Even better - boil the jam in a wide bowl and instead of stirring with a spoon, shake the bowl in a circle.

To make the jam thicker and more aromatic, at the beginning of cooking, you can add juice and ground lemon or orange zest to it.

It is so nice to feast on preparations of delicious fruits and berries in winter! Preserve their beneficial properties, make an appetizing treat for the everyday table, a recipe for making jam will help. Adults and children like this delicacy, it is suitable as a dessert for a festive table. Especially tasty will be jam made using sweet and sour berries - blackberries. Completely blackberry jam or a product made with the addition of other ingredients will definitely please the household. Below you will learn how to make this delicacy in several ways.

How to make blackberry jam: recipes with photos

Blackberries are not only used as the main ingredient for jam, but also frozen. A tasty berry is extremely useful due to its composition, which includes many vitamins (C, B, PP, K, E), organic acids, mineral and pectin substances, tannins, fiber and other components. Therefore, blackberries become indispensable in winter, when the body lacks trace elements to fight diseases. The berry copes well with colds, lowers the temperature, eases the course of pneumonia, improves immunity, strengthens blood vessels.

The first step in making delicious jam will be the right choice of berries and its preparation. It depends on how the jam will turn out in the end. The season for blackberries to appear in large quantities is at the end of August, at which time you can buy a lot of berries at a not too high price. A few rules for the selection and preparation of the product for winter harvesting:

  • When choosing berries, give preference to ripe, firm fruits. Softened, bruised blackberries are also good if you want to make a thin jam that involves crushing them.
  • Take only ripe fruits. Unlike some other berries, blackberries are not able to ripen at home. Jam from prematurely harvested fruits will turn out sour.
  • Before cooking, treat the berries well from adhering debris, leaves, dust. Then wash the product under a kitchen shower, such a spray of water cannot damage the structure of the blackberry.

You need to remove the ponytails after cleansing with water. Do this in gentle, circular motions so as not to damage the surface of the blackberries. A separate important step should be the sterilization of jars, thanks to which the jam will retain all the nutrients and not deteriorate. To do this, take glass containers of a suitable size, fill a saucepan with water, boil, put a grate on it. Place jars on top. Keep fifteen minutes while they are steam sterilized. The lids also need to be sterilized before twisting the jam. Below you will find some interesting recipes for preparing delicious treats for the home table.

Frozen blackberry jam

Frozen blackberries are a storehouse of nutrients and trace elements. If you did not have time to cook delicious jam from fresh berries in the summer, you can use a frozen product. Jam will turn out no less tasty and nutritious. You need to freeze whole blackberries, packaged in bags - this will allow you to quickly cook small portions of jam. To make the finished delicacy even more delicious, add strawberries there. What ingredients are needed to make jam:

  • Half a kilo of frozen strawberries and blackberries.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice.

How to cook:

  1. Place frozen berries in a bowl. Sprinkle them with sugar and let stand for a few hours. The berries should melt, and the sugar should dissolve. Blackberries and strawberries will release a lot of juice, so scoop out about a third of the glass.
  2. Add some lemon juice to the resulting mass. Thanks to him, the jam will acquire a pleasant sourness.
  3. Put the pan on a small fire, wait until the berry mass boils. After boiling, make the fire stronger, cook for about five minutes.
  4. Please note that the pan must be with high sides. This is due to the peculiarity of such jam during manufacture: during a five-minute boil over high heat, the mass rises high, reaching almost the very edges of the dishes. To prevent the jam from leaking out, it is better to use a deep saucepan.
  5. Let the mass cool down. Transfer the prepared jam to a suitable container. If you eat it in the near future, you can not roll it up. Delicious product is ready!

How to make seedless blackberry jam

Seedless Blackberry Jam is everyone's favorite dish that will be a great addition to breakfast. Delicate, astringent jam you can smear on bread, serve with casseroles, pies, use as a filling for pies. The total cooking time for this product is three hours, and the result is worth it. Sweet pitted sour jam will please the household with its pleasant taste and texture. What ingredients are needed for a delicious treat:

  • A kilogram of blackberries.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • 400 milliliters of water.

Jam Recipe:

  1. Peel ripe, fresh berries. Remove dirt, remove ponytails and leaves, if any. Divide all fruits in half.
  2. Heat water in a saucepan with high sides. When the liquid becomes hot, but not yet boiling, pour one part of the blackberry into it. Maintaining a hot temperature, keep the berries on fire for about three minutes.
  3. Let the mass cool down. Take a sieve, push still warm berries through it. This is necessary in order to get rid of the bones that will make the jam crispy.
  4. Take a large basin, pour the resulting pitted slurry there. Heat the container over low heat, let the blackberries simmer for about five minutes. After the time has elapsed, add the rest of the product along with sugar.
  5. The time spent on further cooking is determined individually. Remove the jam from the heat and roll into jars when you are satisfied with the consistency of the resulting jam.

fresh blackberry jam recipe

Delicious jam can be prepared using both fresh and frozen blackberries. However, a berry recently taken from a bush is much more useful than a product from a freezer. Fruits are especially tasty in combination with other ingredients - apples, pears, currants, plums, oranges. Below you will find out the recipe for currant jam, which has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and astringent texture. What ingredients will be needed:

  • A kilogram of blackberries.
  • A kilogram of sugar.
  • Three hundred milliliters of thick juice of fresh currants (about half a kilogram of berries will be needed for cooking).
  • A bud of cloves (optional).

Crafting Recipe:

  1. Carefully sort out the currant, rinse it. Put in a blender, grind well. Pass through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. The result is a thick sour juice.
  2. Pre-treat blackberries from dirt, transfer to a container, cover with sugar. Top with currant juice. Add cloves, let stand for about a day.
  3. Heat the mass, keep on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved. Let cool and refrigerate overnight.
  4. Bring the berries to a boil, hold for five minutes, then roll them into sterilized jars.

Blackberry Five Minute with Lemon

To make the jam acquire a pleasant sour taste, use citrus fruits - oranges, lemons - as additional ingredients. They go great with sweet berries. The finished delicacy is suitable for spreading sandwiches, making delicious teas, and filling for yeast baked goods. What ingredients are needed for a delicious blackberry-lemon jam:

  • A kilogram of blackberries.
  • One and a half kilograms of sugar.
  • Lemon.

Recipe for five minutes:

  1. Sprinkle blackberries with sugar in a one-to-one ratio. Let it brew for about ten hours (leave overnight).
  2. Drain the juice that comes out after insisting into a saucepan. Bring it to a boil, add the rest of the sugar. Boil for no more than ten minutes, periodically removing the foam. Remove from the stove, cool to sixty degrees.
  3. Pour in blackberries, squeeze the juice of one lemon. Bring to a boil, cook for about eight minutes.
  4. Roll the finished product into sterilized jars.

With apples in a slow cooker

Apple-blackberry jam is a tasty and healthy product that will be a welcome addition to your daily menu. In winter, delicious fruits and berries will become an indispensable source of vitamins and microelements. This jam can be served for dessert or instead of an afternoon snack. What components are needed to prepare a delicious sweet jam for a twist for the winter:

  • 800 grams of apples.
  • 300 grams of blackberries.
  • 1.2 kilograms of sugar.
  • Two multi-glasses of water.


  1. Wash the apples thoroughly, remove the skin. Fold the peel into the multicooker bowl, fill with clean liquid. In the “Steaming” mode, cook it for twenty minutes, then strain and pour the broth into a separate container.
  2. Cut the fruit into slices, remembering to remove the core with seeds. Transfer the apples to the empty bowl of the device.
  3. Add sugar. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to one hour.
  4. Pour the decoction into the prepared mass. Add blackberries. For sixty-five minutes, set the "Baking" mode, you need to cook with the lid open.
  5. Pour the finished product into sterilized jars and roll up.

With plums and cloves

Appetizing blackberry jam will become tastier if you supplement it with other fruits and berries. Households will especially like the product using several components - plums, raspberries, blackberries, elderberries, lemons. To add a spicy flavor to the jam, you can use spices, such as cloves. Ingredients for delicious jam:

  • 450 grams of small plums and blackberries.
  • 230 grams of elderberry and raspberry.
  • Juice with pits of two lemons.
  • 1.3 kilos of sugar.
  • Cloves (optional).


  1. Wash the berries (except raspberries), put them in a saucepan. Add chopped and pitted plums there, pour in lemon juice and fold the pits. Add a couple of sprigs of cloves. Pour the water over the ingredients so that it slightly covers them.
  2. Turn on medium heat, bring to a boil. Cook for about an hour over low heat. At the end of the cooking time, soften the ingredients in a saucepan.
  3. Take a large metal bowl, put a sieve with cheesecloth over it. Put the resulting mass there and leave to drain overnight.
  4. Measure the juice, pour into a saucepan. For 600 grams you will need about 450 grams of sugar. Put the container and cook until the sugar product dissolves.
  5. Then increase the heat, cook for another quarter of an hour.
  6. Collect the foam, remove from the stove.
  7. Pour berry jam into pre-sterilized jars, store for up to six months.

How long to cook blackberry jam

Those who first encounter cooking blackberry jam wonder how long it will take to cook. It all depends on the method you choose to make the jam, as well as the presence of other ingredients. To make the jam thick, the cooking time can be an hour or two, and the product with whole berries is cooked for five to ten minutes. Choose the recipe you like best and follow the photo instructions to make the perfect jam.

Useful properties of blackberry jam

It is known that during heat treatment, fruits, berries and vegetables lose their beneficial qualities, which are so necessary for the body. Therefore, some prefer not to make jam, but to make jam using fresh ingredients. From the first video you will learn how to keep the maximum amount of vitamins in blackberries and other fruits used during cooking. Ready jam will turn out tasty, nutritious and healthy.

In the second video, the presenter shows how to make blackberry jam in a simple and quick way. This option is suitable for those who make jam for the first time and do not know how to handle this berry. Blackberry jam rolled into jars will be an excellent dish for dessert, and also a good helper for possible colds in winter, intestinal diseases.

Blackberry-raspberry without cooking

The easiest recipe

The recipe for blackberry jam will help you create an appetizing dessert with impeccable taste and amazing aroma!

A berry called blackberry is a very interesting product that gives a huge field for imagination to confectioners and cooks. A close relative of raspberries, it has an unusual pronounced taste with predominant sweet notes, which are balanced by a slight pleasant sourness. Not surprisingly, blackberry jam always turns out incredibly tasty and sells like hot cakes. Kids really like this homemade preparation for the winter, cooked without stones. You can simply spread this thick jam on bread and enjoy the food loved by many of our compatriots since childhood.

It is also quite often used in gourmet restaurant desserts: souffles, cheesecakes, muffins. Housewives prefer to cook this delicacy at home, not only because of its wonderful taste, but also because of the large number of useful properties that blackberry jam is endowed with. So, this dessert will help:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • overcome colds;
  • increase immunity;
  • relieve the condition with pneumonia, inflammatory processes;
  • reduce body temperature in acute respiratory infections;
  • cope with cystitis, kidney ailments.

9 blackberry jam recipes

Recipe 1. Classic blackberry jam

Ingredients: 1100 g blackberries, 1100 g granulated sugar.

We sort blackberries, removing spoiled berries. We wash, tearing off the stalk in the process. Let drain excess liquid remaining on the berries. We place the blackberries in a saucepan with a large bottom diameter or in a basin used for making jam. Sprinkle sugar. Carefully, without damaging the integrity of the berries, stir. We set aside the candied berry for half an hour or an hour until it releases juice. Heat slowly while stirring. Boil for about half an hour. We pack in sterile pre-prepared jars. Seal hermetically.

Recipe 2. Blackberry jam

Ingredients: 970 g blackberries, 820 g sugar, 3 g citric acid.

We carefully wash the sorted blackberries, removing twigs and stalks. Scatter on a paper-lined surface to drain water from the berries. In a container - a wide saucepan or an enameled basin, place the blackberries in layers, sprinkling them with sugar. We wait 5-5.5 hours, during which the berries will release a sufficient amount of juice. Slowly boil, stirring gently and removing the foam. Boil for approximately 5 minutes. A minute before the end of the cooking process, pour in citric acid. We stir. We spread the jam in a clean glass container. Store under plastic covers in the cold.

Recipe 3. Blackberry jam with raspberries

Ingredients: 950 g blackberries, 1900 g sugar, 950 g raspberries.

Separate blackberries and raspberries. Mine, tearing off the remaining stalks. Put the blackberries in one bowl and the raspberries in the other. We fall asleep both types of berries with an equal amount of sugar - 950 g in each container. Gently stir, trying not to deform the berries themselves. In a cool place we stand for about 11 hours. The juice released during this time with undissolved sugar is decanted into a wide saucepan. We warm, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add blackberries, raspberries. Boil slowly for 6 minutes. We remove the foam, stand without heating until the contents of the pan cool completely. Boil again for about 5 minutes. Packed in sterilized jars.

Recipe 4. Blackberry jam with apples

Ingredients: 1020 g blackberries, 980 g sour apples, 1550 g sugar, 135 g lemon, 18 g butter, 3 g cardamom, 280 ml water, 90 g blackberry or other berry liqueur - optional.

My apples, peel, remove the core. Cut into small pieces. Blackberries are sorted, suitable for canning - washed. In a large saucepan, combine chopped apples with water. Blanch fruit for 10 minutes until softened. Squeeze the juice from the previously washed lemon into a container. Throw in blackberries. Cook for 11 minutes after boiling again. We fall asleep sugar. Stirring, heat until it dissolves. We quickly heat the whole mass, boil for 10 minutes, stirring and removing the resulting foam. Add cardamom liqueur. Boil for 3 minutes. We take the pot. We put the oil, stir, remove the foam from the surface. Slightly cooling the jam, transfer it to the prepared jars. On the neck of each jar we place a circle of parchment with the appropriate diameter. We close with polyethylene lids. We keep cold.

Recipe 5. Blackberry jam with lemon

Ingredients: 980 g blackberries, 980 g sugar, 140 g lemon.

We wash the blackberries, rejecting spoiled berries in the process. We cut off the stems. Wash the lemon thoroughly. Grate the yellow zest. Pour blackberries into a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add citrus zest. Sprinkle with sugar, lightly crushing the berries for speedy juice separation. Squeeze juice from the lemon pulp to the resulting mass. Heat slowly, stirring regularly. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add fire. Boil, stirring to prevent burning, about 10 minutes. After thickening, transfer to a sterile container. We put the filled jars, covering them with lids, in a deep pan. Add water up to the shoulders of the jars. Sterilize for 10 minutes. Seal hermetically.

Recipe 6. Blackberry jam with oranges

Ingredients: 1050 g blackberries, 380 g oranges, 1070 g sugar, 120 g lemon.

Wash citrus. Remove the peel from oranges, clean it from the white part. Cut the yellow zest into thin strips. Squeeze orange juice into a wide enameled container. We fall asleep sugar, chopped zest. Heat until sugar dissolves. We cool. We sort and wash the blackberries. Place in chilled juice. Let it steep for about 2 hours. We heat until boiling, cook, stirring, for half an hour. 7 minutes before the end of cooking, squeeze the lemon juice into the jam. Stir, let cool. We pack in jars prepared in advance.

Recipe 7. Blackberry jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 750 g blackberries, 750 g sugar.

We sort blackberries, selecting whole berries suitable for canning. We wash them carefully, trying not to damage them. Lightly dry on paper or simply leave in a colander to glass the liquid. Put blackberries in the bowl from the multicooker, sprinkle with sugar on top. We stand without heating for about an hour. When blackberry juice appears, set the "Extinguishing" mode with a time of 20 minutes. The steam valve is turned to release steam to the outside. At the end of the mode, open the lid, leave the mass to cool slightly for 20 minutes. For the second stage of cooking, we select the same mode with a time of 40 minutes. In the process of cooking, you need to mix the jam several times. With an increase in the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, it is recommended to cook jam with an open lid. Pour the hot dessert into sterile jars, cork.

Recipe 8. Seedless Blackberry Jam

Ingredients: 1050 g mature blackberries, 490 ml water, 1050 g sugar.

We wash the berries separated from the stalks, in the process of rejecting unripe and spoiled blackberries. Pour water into the pan, which must be heated to a temperature of 80-90 degrees. We put blackberries in it. We heat for 3 minutes without boiling. We express the liquid. We transfer the berries to a metal sieve and grind them. We warm the blackberry puree in a container covered with enamel or non-stick coating. Sprinkle sugar, constantly stirring, slowly boil. Boil until thick. Put in sterilized jars. Roll up.

Recipe 9. Blackberry Jam with Bananas

Ingredients: 1100 g blackberries, 1100 g bananas, 1100 g sugar.

We select whole, undamaged berries, clean them from the stalks, wash them. We let the liquid drain from the surface of the blackberry, putting it on paper towels. We shift the berry into a basin or pan. We fall asleep with granulated sugar. We stand for a couple of hours or leave it in the cold for the night so that the blackberries release juice. Quickly heat the blackberry mass, stirring. Then boil slowly for about half an hour. We clean the bananas, cut the pulp into cubes measuring 10x10 mm. Pour the sliced ​​bananas into the blackberry jam 6 minutes before the end of the cooking process. Packed in pre-sterilized glass jars. We keep cold.

Cooking such a fragrant and healthy dessert is not a particularly difficult task. Even a beginner can handle it without much difficulty. However, in order to prepare delicious blackberry jam for the winter, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. Blackberries are a delicate, delicate product, so if the recipe suggests making jam from whole berries, you need to carry out all manipulations with it very carefully. So, it is necessary to carefully rinse and stir the blackberries so as not to damage them during the cooking process.
  2. Blackberry seeds are slightly harder than raspberries. If the jam is intended for small sweet teeth, it is worth getting rid of the seeds by rubbing the berries through a sieve.
  3. Blackberries are combined with many fruits, harmonizes well with citrus fruits. In blackberry jam, not only citrus juice is often added, but also zest, which gives a spicy bitterness.
  4. For gourmets, there are many blackberry jam recipes that use aromatic spices such as cardamom, rosemary, cloves.

blackberry jam It has many unconditional advantages, among which one can note the great benefits for the body, excellent taste, attractive aroma and wonderful bright appearance. The ability to use a short cooking process allows you to maximize the preservation of nutrients in the finished dish. Such a delicacy is less common in homemade preparations than jam from more common berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries. However, in terms of the number of components valuable for the human body and the taste characteristics, blackberry jam is in no way inferior to the latter, and sometimes even surpasses them.

Blackberry, or as it was called before, the "royal berry" looks like a raspberry. The healing properties of black, very sweet, fragrant berries were known even before our era. More often you can find forest blackberries than garden blackberries. Gardeners are scared away by the many thorns of the plant: to pick a berry, you have to work hard.

Many confectioners and chefs like to use blackberries in their dishes. This is a favorite delicacy not only among adults, but also among children. It is put in pastries, desserts, salads, cocktails, smoothies, fruit drinks and other drinks, used as a filling for dumplings.

How to cook blackberry jam for the winter?

We offer you a collection of recipes, among which you will definitely choose the way that is convenient for you.

  • The classic recipe for making blackberry jam is prepared in two ways. In one of them, the berries are poured with prepared sugar syrup and left for 3-5 hours to infuse. Only then is the jam cooked in two steps. In the second, the berries are covered with sugar and insisted overnight so that the juice stands out. Then boiled and canned. The ratio of berries and sugar is always the same, 1:1.
  • A favorite recipe for “speedy” blackberry jam is a five-minute recipe. It does not require long-term heat treatment of berries, so all taste qualities are preserved as much as possible.
  • If the hostess has very little time that she can devote to preparing this dessert, then there is a way to cook it in an assistant multicooker.
  • One of the favorite children's treats is bread with jam. To do this, it must be thick enough. For such cases, choose a simple recipe for thick blackberry jam for the winter with gelatin.
  • To preserve all the vitamins, you can make jam without cooking. Jars with it will be perfectly preserved in the refrigerator.
  • Add other berries or fruits to blackberries - and its taste will completely change! For a duet with blackberries, apples, currants, pears, plums, bananas and all other fruits are suitable.
  • Just one orange or lemon will give the dessert a sour and citrus note. In this recipe for garden blackberry jam for the winter, you can add only citrus zest.
  • A multi-component jam will be very tasty. It is brewed from a whole bunch of fruits and berries - raspberries, blackberries, plums and lemons.
  • The black berry goes well with rose petals, watermelon peels. For density put nuts and pine cones. There are even recipes for blackberry jam with vegetables.
  • Blackberry leaves will help to enhance the beneficial properties of jam and its healing effect. In the classic recipe, add a decoction of the leaves and 5 g of citric acid. The decoction is prepared as follows: 100 g of leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 15-20 minutes.

What is the benefit of blackberry jam?

Not everyone knows that blackberries are a real pantry of vitamins and nutrients. When cooking jam, many vitamins, organic acids, pectin, tannins and other useful elements are preserved. It is only important not to digest it, to follow the cooking technology.

  • In terms of vitamin C content, it surpasses raspberries, has a diaphoretic effect. It has been noticed that if you regularly eat blackberry jam in the autumn-winter period, then viruses will bypass you. Carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus will help strengthen the immune system for adults and children. Useful substances remove toxins from the body during ARVI, alleviate the condition at high temperatures. Volatile antibiotics found in blackberries act as antiseptics for the respiratory tract.
  • Blackberry dishes help prevent the development of cancer, it does not allow cancer cells to multiply in tumors.
  • Regular use of "black raspberries" prevents the development of atherosclerosis, allows you to clean and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, helps to improve cerebral circulation.
  • Pectin, which is in this black berry, removes various harmful substances, poisons, pesticides from the body.
  • Tea with blackberry jam at night will help fight insomnia, has a positive effect on the entire nervous system.
  • Vitamin PP is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart.
  • Blackberry improves metabolism and is very useful for bowel function: it contains a lot of organic acids. Jam from it will be useful for people suffering from intestinal disorders, as well as obesity.
  • Many people report that blackberry desserts help improve eyesight. This is natural: the berry has a large amount of vitamin A.
  • Blackberry sweetness helps to cope with diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver.
  • Blackberry desserts will help to make hair, skin, nails beautiful thanks to the bioflavonoids in it.

Who needs to eat blackberry jam with care?

Blackberries are a pretty strong allergen. It should be used with caution by people prone to food allergies. For children, it is introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1 spoon.

If not everyone can feast on fresh berries, then jam has practically no restrictions if you use it constantly, but in moderation.

With caution, you need to eat blackberry products for people suffering from peptic ulcer and high acidity.

Is it possible to have blackberry jam for pregnant and lactating mothers?

Since blackberries are enriched with many vitamins, minerals, organic substances and useful trace elements, it has a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother and baby. It will also be indispensable in the period after childbirth: it will help raise hemoglobin, give strength, strengthen weakened immunity, and help normalize metabolism. However, care must be taken, as the allergen can be transmitted with milk to the baby. You should stop eating blackberry desserts if you experience diarrhea, discomfort in the kidneys and bladder.

Blackberry jam for kids

Children with great pleasure eat blackberry jam. It can be introduced as complementary foods in parallel with raspberries, gooseberries and other berries. Fresh fruits can cause allergies, so it is better to start acquaintance with blackberries with jam. However, its seeds have an allergenic effect. For kids, it is better to choose a seedless jam recipe. Berries are rubbed through a sieve.

Is it possible to blackberry jam with diabetes?

It is possible and even necessary. Blackberries contain glucose, fructose and sucrose. Diabetics are recommended to use this product regularly, as it helps to normalize blood sugar levels and has a good effect on metabolism.

The subtleties of making blackberry jam

How to cook blackberry jam?

Blackberries are a tricky berry. It happens that the jam is not quite the way we would like. Therefore, the "right jam" begins with the choice of berries.

Too ripe berries should not be used. All berries must be of the same degree of maturity, otherwise the jam may then ferment. You also need to make sure that their size is approximately the same, then there will be no undercooked or overcooked berries.

Forest blackberries are usually smaller, garden blackberries are larger, juicy, but less useful. For less juicy varieties, it is better to choose recipes that add water.

Unripe blackberries can spoil the jam, making it sour.

It is advisable to use very fresh berries, recently picked.

  1. It is better to work with blackberries with gloves, it is an excellent dye.
  2. Blackberries are placed in a wide basin and filled with water. They let it stand for a while and sort it out, take out the leaves, remove the stalks. The berries are washed very carefully, it is enough to raise and lower them so that the juice does not leak out.
  3. After that, the blackberries are laid out on a napkin to dry. Jam is prepared from small portions - per kilogram, so as not to crush the berries.
  4. During cooking, gently stir with a wooden spoon or simply shake the pan in a circle. Then the berries will be whole. You can add honey instead of sugar.
  5. It is better to cook for a short time, it is possible in several approaches to preserve vitamins and aroma. Several hours should pass between boils for the jam to infuse and thicken.
  6. The finished jam is placed in sterilized, dry and cooled jars. Then it must be cooled so that the berries do not boil.

How much should you cook blackberry jam for the winter?

The time you spend on making blackberry jam depends on the recipe you choose and the number of additional ingredients. A simple blackberry jam is cooked for 5-10 minutes if you choose the five-minute recipe. The classic recipe involves boiling 1-2 times, which takes more time. Blackberries are tender, so they should not be cooked for a long time. The jam recipe involves boiling the blackberries to a thick state with a lot of sugar, so the cooking time increases to an hour.

How to cook jam

Do not choose enameled dishes, jam can burn in it.

It is most convenient to choose not a pan, but a wide basin with low sides or a cauldron. So the jam can be gently stirred, and the liquid will evaporate faster, the jam will not be digested.

How to store blackberry jam

If the jam became moldy, mistakes were made during preservation.

  • Perhaps it was undercooked. Bacteria multiply rapidly in this jam. Readiness must be checked by the spreading drop method, as indicated in the photo recipe.
  • Not enough sugar. Sugar acts as a preservative in jam. The exact amount of sugar is indicated in each recipe. There is a mandatory proportion: for 1 kg of berries there should be at least 1 kg of sugar.
  • Rolling jars must be cold. You can’t close them hot, unlike the preservation of compote.
  • Jam is placed only in dry jars, while they must be sterilized in any convenient way (in the microwave, in a water bath, steam, etc.)

Can you make frozen blackberry jam?

If you can’t make jam for the whole winter, you can use frozen berries. How to cook frozen blackberry jam for the winter?

The ratio of frozen berries and sugar is the same as for fresh: 1:1. Frozen blackberries are washed lightly, sugar and a little water are added to avoid burning before the berry releases the juice. You need to cook sweetness for 10-12 minutes. Then transfer the finished jam into jars.

If you use not purchased, but self-frozen blackberries, put them in small portions in bags when freezing. You can add strawberries to each package.

Why did blackberry jam turn out liquid?

The density of jam is affected by the amount of precipitation. If the berries were picked in the rain, and the summer as a whole turned out to be rainy, then the blackberries will be watery and heavy, and a lot of syrup will turn out. Part of it can be drained and boiled compote. Liquid jam does not foam.

To make the jam thicker, it needs to be cooked longer. However, long-term cooking is not suitable for preserving vitamins and nutrients. What to do in this case?

  1. You can increase the amount of sugar: for 1 kg of berries, take 1.2-1.5 kg of sugar.
  2. Dilute separately and add gelatin, pectin to the syrup.
  3. You can add fruits and berries containing pectin to the jam - grate apples, add zest, red currant or gooseberry puree.
  4. You can also change the technology: cook 3 times for 15 minutes. Between them make a big break, 6-8 hours or a night.
  5. After the berries are washed, you need to lay them out on a dish or just on the table and let them dry completely. Only then cover them with sugar.
  6. Add a few drops of lemon juice while cooking.
  7. To make the liquid evaporate faster, it is better to cook the jam in a wide basin or a wide saucepan.

Do I need to wash blackberries before making jam?

Before cooking, the berries must be sorted out and cleaned of adhering leaves, stalks. Then they are quickly rinsed under running water to wash off the dust. The water must be allowed to drain.

You can put the blackberries in a wide basin and carefully raise and lower the berries, preventing the juice from flowing out.

You can also use a colander, where the berries are folded, and then lowered into the water and taken out several times.

How to thicken blackberry jam if you plan to use it as a pastry filling?

If the blackberry jam turns out to be watery, it can be thickened for use in baking. To do this, add semolina (1 tsp per glass of jam), mix. After 15 minutes, put the pot of jam on the fire and cook for a few minutes.

What spices can be added to blackberry jam?

Now you all know about blackberry jam, so I propose to cook delicious blackberry jam, recipes with photos step by step are presented above

Blackberry jam is a very useful and valuable product. It is mainly harvested for the winter, as it is widely used to strengthen the immune system and fight colds. The product is tasty and nutritious, and a variety of additional ingredients will make the delicacy even more intense and unique.

Garden blackberries have an excellent taste and excellent beneficial properties.

To make the jam useful, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. To keep the berries in the jam whole, you can’t wash them before cooking, and gently stir during the cooking process so as not to damage them.
  2. You can add flavor with orange zest. For a refreshing scent, you can also add a sprig of mint.
  3. To preserve the excellent taste and smell, it is advisable to cook the jam a little at a time, cooling and heating again.

To make the taste more harmonious and rich, it is mainly necessary to add lemons, oranges, raspberries, apples to the jam.

Making frozen blackberry jam

To properly make jam, you need to cook according to the following recipe:

  • frozen blackberries - 0.6 kg;
  • strawberries - 450 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.

Frozen fruits are laid out in a saucepan, covered with sugar and mixed.

Leave for 3 hours to thaw the berries. Then you need to add strawberries, leave for another 2 hours.

Blackberries will release a lot of juice, 30 percent must be drained. Squeeze the lemon juice, add to the ingredients and put everything on the stove. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for another 10 minutes. Cool the product, then repeat the heat treatment procedure. Pour into prepared container.

Cooking jam in a slow cooker

The delicacy can also be prepared in a slow cooker. You can cook according to the following recipe:

  • blackberry fruits - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 950 g.

Blackberries are washed and placed in a cooking bowl. Pour in sugar and stir. The container is covered with gauze and infused for 6-7 hours.

Put the slow cooker on the "Extinguishing" function and cook the contents for 1 hour. The lid must be open. At the end, pack the jam in jars.

Blackberry jam with whole berries

You can cook blackberry jam with whole berries from the following products:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

The fruits are sorted, laid out in a saucepan and covered with sugar. The components are mixed and left in this form for 30 minutes. After you need to put on low heat, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for another 30 minutes. Roll the finished product into prepared containers.

Seedless blackberry jam

To prepare such a healthy pitted delicacy, you need to prepare:

  • fruits - 0.9 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 0.9 kg.

Berries are cleaned, washed and dried. They are immersed in water heated to approximately 90 ° C for 2-3 minutes. After the water is drained, the berries are rubbed through a sieve. The grated fruits are placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar and boiled until thickened. To prevent the mass from burning, it is important to constantly stir the jam. Pour into pre-prepared jars.

Other recipes

Blackberry jam can be made from any berry. It is important to clean the fruits, rinse thoroughly and dry. The delicacy can be diversified with various additives to give a unique taste and aroma.

Jam "Five minutes"

The recipe is simple and suitable for those who do not want to stand at the stove for a long time.

For the "5-minute" you will need the following components:

  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 2-3 g.

Pour the peeled and washed berries into a colander and leave for a while to drain excess liquid. Put 0.5 kg of blackberries in a saucepan and add 250 g of sugar.

From above, make 2 more layers of the same. The ingredients are left for 5 hours so that the fruits release juice.

The pan is put on fire and brought to a boil, after which the jam is cooked for another 5 minutes. Before removing from heat, add citric acid. Arrange in clean jars, sterilization is not necessary.

banana recipe

The step-by-step recipe includes the following components:

  • fruits - 1 kg;
  • bananas - 0.9 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.

The prepared berry is poured into a cooking container with high sides. Pour in sugar, mix gently. The components are left for 5-6 hours to extract the juice. Then the contents are placed on the stove, cooked for 30 minutes. The composition must be constantly stirred, collect the foam.

Bananas are peeled and cut into small circles. Added to the main composition. Everything is mixed and cooked on low heat for 10 minutes. The finished treat is poured into jars.

Recipe with plum and elderberry

You can prepare an unusual and healthy jam from the following components:

  • fruits - 0.4 kg;
  • plums - 0.4 kg;
  • elderberry - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 stack;
  • carnation - 5 pcs.

Blackberries and elderberries are peeled and washed, stacked in a container for cooking. Sliced ​​pitted plums, lemon juice and cloves are added. The ingredients are poured with water, which covered all the ingredients, and brought to a boil over low heat. Boil after on low heat for about an hour.

Then the components are crushed to a mushy state. The resulting puree is tied in gauze and placed in a sieve, under which there is a container for flowing juice. It is left in this position for 8-10 hours. The juice is poured into a cooking pot, sugar is added, everything is stirred and sent to the stove. After boiling, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, removing the foam. Pour into sterilized jars.

Recipe with lemon

To make a delicious treat with the addition of lemon, you need to prepare:

  • berries - 1.2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.

Prepared blackberries are mixed with half the sugar. Infuse in a saucepan for 7-8 hours. The juice obtained after is sent to the fire, after boiling, the rest of the sugar is poured. The mass is cooked for another 10 minutes.

The juice is cooled to 55 ° C, blackberries and lemon juice are added. The contents are boiled for 8-10 minutes, poured into prepared containers.

gooseberry recipe

Jam is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • berries - 0.9 kg;
  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2.3 kg;
  • water - 140 ml.

Gooseberries are sorted and washed. It is poured into the cooking container, after which you need to add granulated sugar and leave for 8 hours. Pour in water, put on fire, bring to a boil. Then remove from the stove, cool for 4 hours.

Add washed blackberries to gooseberries, cook for 10 minutes. Cool again and repeat the process 2 more times. At the final stage, you can add a pinch of cinnamon. Pour into banks.

The combination is very tasty and healthy. You need to prepare from the following components:

  • berries - 0.5 kg;
  • raspberries - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.9 kg.

The berries are sorted and washed. Then they are laid out in different containers and covered with sugar. Gently mix, put in a cool place for 10 hours.

The juice released over the entire period is poured into a common pan.

A container with juice is put on fire and warms up a little, blackberries and raspberries are added. Boil 6-7 min. over low heat, be sure to remove the foam. Remove the jam from the heat and leave to cool completely. Then put on fire and boil for another 5 minutes. Pack in jars.

apple recipe

Jam with the addition of apples is very tender, with a rich taste. The recipe is for 3 servings (900 ml). You need to do from the following components:

  • blackberry fruits - 0.4 kg;
  • apple - 0.4 kg;
  • sugar - 240 g;
  • lavender - 1 tbsp. l.

Berries are carefully washed and dried. Apples are washed, peeled, cut into 4 parts with the core removed. Then cut into small pieces. Blackberries are mixed with apples, everything is sprinkled with sugar. The saucepan with the ingredients is placed on a large fire. After boiling, cook for another 3 minutes without lowering the heat. Add dry lavender, boil for another 5 minutes. Pour into jars.

Recipe with gelatin

Berries with the addition of gelatin are often used to decorate cakes, puddings, cheesecakes and other desserts. The jam is thick, with whole berries.

Required Ingredients:

  • fruits - 0.3 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.3 kg;
  • gelatin - 25 g.

For the recipe, you mainly need to choose ripe blackberries, a rich black hue. The fruits are washed and placed in a pan in 1-2 layers. Sugar is added, everything is gently mixed. The container is sent to the stove, boiled for 20-25 minutes.

1 l. gelatin dissolves in 2 tbsp. l. boiling water, stir until completely dissolved. Remove the pan from the stove, leave for 2-3 minutes, until the temperature drops to 80-90 ° C. Gelatin is poured into the jam in a thin stream, mixed. After that, everything is laid out in jars.

You can not pour gelatin into a boiling mass, as it will become lumpy, and the gelling process will not occur.

Recipe with orange

A delicious and healthy treat is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • fruits - 1 kg;
  • oranges - 0.4 kg;
  • lemon - 150 g;
  • sugar - 1.1 kg.

Orange and lemon are washed. The zest is removed from the orange, the white layer is removed. The peel is cut into thin slices.

Orange juice is squeezed into the cooking container, sprinkled with sugar. Put on fire and stir until sugar dissolves, let cool. Then add the prepared berries to the orange juice, leave for 3 hours.

After the time has elapsed, put on the stove, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. For 3 min. add orange peel and lemon juice before finishing. Remove from stove and leave for 4 hours. Then repeat the heat treatment process. Pack the jam in jars.

How much is stored

Shelf life depends on the recipe for making jam. A delicacy without cooking or with minimal heat treatment is stored in a cellar or refrigerator. Pre-sterilized berries with sugar can be stored at room temperature.

The product cooked for the winter is rolled up with iron lids and stored in a cellar or other cold place. Fruit jam is covered on top with gauze and parchment paper.
