
Useful properties of lentils and contraindications. Lentils: a delicacy full of health

For more than a decade in Russia in grocery stores selling lentils. But until now, many people simply do not pay attention to it, mistakenly believing that this is the food of the poor. Unflattering literary references to "lentil stew" are to blame for this.

However, do not forget that "onion stew" is also "the food of poor students", if you read French novels...

In fact, this legendary plant from the legume family has always been a revered product among all segments of the population in those countries where it is known. And often lentils replaced, and unknown even in ancient times in the Old World.

It was first cultivated in ancient Egypt. It was widespread in ancient greece Rome and Babylon. In Rus', before the advent of the potato, which the Russians learned to use only 150-160 years ago, it was the main product.

Before that, flat cakes, all kinds of cereals, stews were made from it, boiled, used in salads and okroshka, lentil flour was used as the main component of bread. From the middle of the 19th century, Tsarist Russia ranked first in the export of lentils, which clearly indicates the popularity of this universal product in Russia.

And it is very strange that today lentils have become not only some kind of exotic on our table - after all, you can always buy it in Russian stores, but it even causes some concern among citizens who are excessively “caring” about their own health.

Although there are sufficient grounds to consider it a product to which human digestive system for many millennia, it has adapted at the genetic level, therefore, it cannot in any way be dangerous to humans.

The composition and useful properties of lentils

The Latin name for lentils is Lens culinaris. It is from this word that the word “lens” came from, because the lens has a lenticular shape. The word culinaris is understandable without translation. This leguminous plant. And like any legume, it is quite high in calories. Despite this, it is classified as a dietary product.

With a poorer amino acid composition in it, protein and essential amino acids more than in:

  • It is incredibly rich in trace elements and vitamins of groups A, B, PP, folic and nicotinic acid, and in terms of iron content - 12 mg, it exceeds all known edible plants.
  • It is also important that carbohydrates, which in its grains are about 50% in the human body, are not able to turn into fats and are used immediately as an energy source for the body. In a significant amount in their composition there are fats of the Omega-6 and Omega-3 groups.
  • In addition, isoflavones found in lentils are quite active anticancer drugs. They are able to suppress the growth of malignant neoplasms, and also work as a prophylactic agent. One more thing interesting property has this plant.
  • Grown in almost any soil, lentils invariably turn out to be the most environmentally friendly of all plants, because they do not have the ability to accumulate harmful and toxic elements, such as nitrates and radionuclides.
  • One of its important properties is also the fact that during cooking or canning, it retains more than 50% of all vitamins and microelements. Thus, of all legumes, this plant is the most beneficial for the health of foods, ahead of soy and green peas in this.

Over several millennia of cultivation, mankind has created many varieties of this versatile plant.

All of them differ in composition within the following limits:

  • 24-35% protein;
  • 46-52% carbs;
  • 0.5–2% fatty acids;
  • 2–4.5% trace elements and minerals.

The energy value of lentils is considered to be 295 kcal per 100 g.

Types of lentils: photo of red, black, green and brown cereals

Different varieties have their own texture, taste and aroma from delicate nutty to mushroomy. All of them in one way or another are able to reduce blood sugar levels.

Depending on the type of grain, they can have a rather large palette of colors, which is sometimes important for decorating a table and creating festive look for meals.

The most famous are the following colored varieties of lentils:

  • brown - the most common and most large view, requires 30–40 min soaking before cooking, suitable for vegetable soups, cereals and salads, cooks for about 30 minutes;

For the recipe for Pardina lentil soup, this type of cereal is used:

  • green - unripe brown, cooked for about 10 minutes, bursts when digested, therefore it is necessary to monitor this process during cooking, used for soups and original salads;

  • red - cooked for about 15 minutes, has no shell, in boiled acquires a golden hue, good for mashed potatoes and soups, when boiled, a good side dish is obtained;

  • white - cooked for about 25 minutes, taste is neutral, good as a secondary addition to soups and salads, often used to make flour;
  • dark green or Puy - French lentils, not boiled soft, used for salads, has a pronounced taste and spicy smell;
  • dish-shaped - most suitable for diabetics;
  • black, or "Beluga" - small fruits similar to beluga caviar, you can cook without soaking for about 20 minutes.

Lentil Chowder

According to legend, it was a red dish, that is, from a small red variety. To make a "sales" stew, you first need to create vegetable broth, consisting and chopped onion, half and a few pieces or root.

It will take about 20 minutes to prepare the broth in a 2-3-liter saucepan. All this time, a couple of glasses of lentils are soaked in warm water and then after washing cold water poured with the resulting broth already without vegetables.

  • Cook until cooked, but constantly monitor the process, because the cooking time for the same variety is very different, and it can be digested in just a minute, in addition, foam may form during cooking, which must be removed.
  • At this time, you need to rub on fine grater the remaining half of the carrot and fresh celery, beat in a blender with half a teaspoon and load it all into boiling broth about halfway through cooking.
  • Carrots and celery are loaded first, then onions. Previously cooked vegetables are also loaded there.
  • After the broth boils again, after 10 minutes you can take care of and. Suitable for this

    Will definitely post in the future step by step recipe in our

Unfortunately, lentil dishes are less and less often prepared, with a useful property to reduce nervous excitability, blood glucose levels, increase, improve heart function and vascular tone, and help with meteorological dependence. The plant belongs to the legume family. In a pod, which is more correctly called a bean, a pair of seeds are formed.

History of a useful plant

Lentil soup was prepared at the court of Ramses II, lentil bread was placed in burial graves. Many lentils were consumed inside Egypt, they were exported to Rome and Greece, where they served as the staple food of the common people.

From the Mediterranean, lentils ended up in Lithuania. And then, as is known from the annals of the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in the fifteenth century it appeared in Russia. Later it was replaced by other grains and legumes, but for quite a long time it was used for cooking. various dishes soldier's kitchen.

The herbaceous plant is common in countries with a temperate and hot climate. Such as modern India, the countries of Europe, North Africa, Asia. In our country, the most favorable climate is in the Volga region, in the south of the European part.

Depending on the size of the seeds, a large-seeded variety is distinguished; after appropriate processing, it goes on sale.

The small-seeded variety, together with green mass and straw, is fed to animals.

Harvesting begins when the pods at the bottom and in the middle of the plant have reached maturity, the top level ripens during storage.

Unpeeled lentils are the most delicious, since a lot of useful properties are concentrated in the shell. Other varieties are distinguished by the ability to completely boil soft.

The composition and calorie content of lentils

Calorie content of 100g of lentil seeds is 295kcal, and the share is up to 60%, proteins 30%, the rest is fats. According to the content they are the leader of the legume family. Compared to peas, they have the useful property of being well boiled and have a pleasant taste.

Lentil seeds are useful for the content of B vitamins:

  • B3 (nicotinic acid, vitamin PP), an important element of oxidative reactions in cells. Nicotinic acid is necessary for a more complete absorption of vitamin C, it enhances its therapeutic effect.
  • B1 (thiamine), important for maintaining the health of the heart, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.
  • B2 (riboflavin), involved in the creation of red blood cells, is necessary for reproductive functions and the thyroid gland. Improves the appearance of skin, nails, hair.

Macroelements are represented by potassium, phosphorus,. Lentils contain a lot of copper, especially useful female body. In addition, silicon, iron, manganese.

Even after heat treatment, a lot of useful properties remain in lentils.

What diseases are treated with dishes from lentil seeds

ABOUT medicinal properties lentils knew the Roman Aesculapius. They were convinced that everyday use various lentil dishes, the patient becomes calmer and more balanced.

Lentil porridge stimulates metabolic processes, increases defensive forces organism.

Decoctions are used in traditional medicine in case of indigestion. Liquid decoction helps with constipation. Thick is recommended for diarrhea, loose stools. Decoctions have diuretic properties.

The benefits of germinated seeds

As you know, it is necessary, first of all, for a sprout, this is its nutrition, a reserve of strength in order to hatch. During germination, a complex biochemical reaction takes place. As a result, the beneficial properties of lentil seeds increase many times over.

How to sprout lentils:

  1. Rinse the seeds, put on a shallow wide dish. Pour a little warm water so that they are completely submerged.
  2. After a day, gently rinse, put in the same container, cover with a loose natural fabric(cotton, linen, several times folded gauze). Place in cool place, but for scattered light to fall. For example, on the windowsill.
  3. Over the next 24 hours, sprinkle sprouting lentil seeds with water every few hours, maintaining the required level of humidity. You can gently rinse 1-3 more times without damaging the delicate sprouts.
  4. If the length turned out to be insufficient, continue germination for another day, not forgetting about moisturizing and washing.
  5. When the length is sufficient, rinse again. Store sprouted lentil sprouts in the refrigerator.

Sprouted seeds are good to eat independent dish and also add to salads.

Lentils for weight loss

The lentil diet is useful for reducing weight up to three kilograms per week. An indispensable condition during the diet is to drink up to 1.5 liters of pure water during the day.

To achieve the result, you will have to limit the diet somewhat. Menu options for breakfast, lunch, dinner are presented below:

  • bread sandwich whole grain with butter and a slice of ham;
  • a couple of toasted slices of bread, low-fat cottage cheese, 100 g of honey;
  • 50 g muesli, 150 low-fat yogurt, pear.
  • a bowl of thick lentil soup;
  • lentil cakes 200g;
  • 2-3 lentil cutlets;
  • mixture of boiled lentils mashed potatoes 300g.
  • vegetable soup;
  • low-fat cottage cheese 250g;
  • persimmon 3-4 pieces;
  • a couple of pieces of low-fat boiled fish;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • mushroom broth.

Lentil soups

Simple soup. Sort 1 cup of seeds, cook in 1 liter of water over low heat until they become soft. Add 2-3 slices, sprinkle with herbs.

Soup puree. Sort 0.5 kg of lentils, rinse, pour 1.5 liters of water. Boil, adding not chopped, carrots, root. When the seeds and vegetables become soft, remove the vegetables, pour a little broth into a separate bowl. Wipe the lentil seeds with a decoction, if necessary, diluting the puree to the desired density. Let the soup boil, add 100 g of cream, 2 egg yolks, 50g butter.

Lentil cutlets

Boil 250 g of seeds, drain part of the broth into a separate bowl, mashing the contents to make a puree of the required density. When it cools down, add 50 g of flour, spices, mix. Blind cutlets, fry in vegetable oil.

Useful cakes

Pour 200g of lentils for 1-2 hours warm water to make her swell. Boil until softened, mash the puree. Add egg, 1-2 s.l. flour, chopped onion. Form cakes, bake in the oven.

Contraindications and harm of lentils

The plant belongs to the legume family, so cooked meals increase gas production.

Should not be abused useful product in case of joint diseases, gout, dyskinesia, biliary dysmotility.

Legumes of any variety are prohibited for cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).

Modified: 02/18/2019

Many have heard of the mysterious lentils, but not everyone has tried them. The point here is not negative qualities these legumes, but in the ignorance of the people. A guest from South Asia appeared in Russia even before the revolution, and the first mention of her was seen in biblical legends.

Now the popularity of lentils is gaining momentum with renewed vigor, which is not surprising with such and such a quantity. useful substances in composition.

There are many varieties of lentils, but only brown and red ones are widely used in cooking. The first, when cooked, gives a delicate smell, reminiscent of a nut.

Great with meat and all kinds of salads. Red lentils do not have a shell, so they cook much faster. Spicy flavor Perfect for mashed potatoes or creamy soups.

Beneficial features

Lentils are high in plant protein, making them an ideal food for those who are gaining muscle mass (or maintaining their current levels).

In addition, the protein in lentils is rich necessary for a person amino acids and is easily absorbed by the body. The seeds also contain soluble fiber, which has a positive effect on the digestive tract, and lentil porridge significantly improves metabolism throughout the body.

Most of all, lentils differ in content folic acid(vitamin B9) - 100 grams of product accounts for about 90% daily allowance. This vitamin affects brain activity and nervous system Therefore, lentil dishes are useful for nervous disorders and irritability. In addition to B vitamins, grains are rich in vitamins A and even C.

Experts believe that seeds have a beneficial effect on work genitourinary system, as well as, increasing the body's resistance to harmful bacteria. This merit huge amount beneficial trace elements in the composition of lentils: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, etc.

Lentils contribute to the process of hematopoiesis and the normalization of sugar levels in it - this makes it useful for people with diabetes.

The truly miraculous effect of the product on tumors is due to the isoflavones contained in lentils. These substances can suppress the development of a malignant tumor. The healing abilities are preserved even after the grains are preserved or dried, so buying canned lentils will not disappoint you.

Nutritional value and calories

Lentils can be attributed to one of the most useful dietary products. In 100 grams of grains, there are 25 grams of protein, 47-54 grams of carbohydrates and 1-1.6 grams of fat. Sufficient quantity protein allows you to safely replace meat with lentils without harm to the body, vegetable protein is even better absorbed by the body.

A tiny amount of fat will protect you from extra pounds, and carbohydrates in lentils will help to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, saving those who are losing weight from breakdowns.

As for the calorie content, it depends on the variety of lentils and ranges from 280 to 315 Kcal. Ready-made grains are lighter - about 110 kcal per 100 grams.


Like many legumes, lentils have a number of contraindications:

Before including lentils in your diet, it is best to consult your doctor.

Application for weight loss

For those who want to lose weight, there is a so-called "lentil diet". There are two options: classic and hard. In the first case, you are invited to replace lunch and dinner with some kind of lentil dish.

The rest of the meals are not affected in any way, but the rejection of starchy foods, sweets (except honey) and fatty foods is mandatory. The diet lasts from 1 to 3 months, stable weight loss without harm to your health is guaranteed.

The hard version of the diet resembles the famous "buckwheat", when all meals are replaced with lentils. This approach is less safe for health, but very effective. The duration of the diet is one week, during which on average it takes up to 3 kilograms.

You can also arrange lentil fasting days once a month or only after the holidays with lush feasts.

Recipes with lentils

Plain boiled

Suitable for a strict diet and fasting days.

Rinse the grits and leave to soak for several hours (red lentils can be left unsoaked). After boil in plain water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Remove cover.

warm salad

Suitable for classic diet and daily diet.

You will need 2 cups boiled lentils (green ones are especially great), 1 carrot, red pepper, garlic to taste, your favorite herbs (basil, dill, oregano and / or parsley), a little olive oil.

Fry the onion until golden color, add crushed or finely chopped garlic. Grated carrots, diced peppers and herbs add to the lentils and fry with onions.

Lentil cutlets

Suitable for vegetarians.

Boil the lentils until soft - it is best to take the red variety, it is more likely to be cooked. Fry onion with garlic clove and pepper. Add to lentil porridge, salt/pepper and mash into a puree. Blind cutlets, roll in flour and fry on both sides.

Lentil tortillas

The recipe is similar to the meatball recipe. Mash the boiled lentils into a puree and combine with the egg, flour and finely fried onions. Add salt and spices to taste. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the cakes and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes (depending on size). When serving, you can sprinkle with cheese or in company with vegetables.

Soup with meat and vegetables

Ingredients: 1 onion, carrot, 2 tomatoes, 100 grams of lentils, 2 potatoes, vegetable broth 0.5 l, cream 1 tbsp, chicken fillet 200 grams, vegetable oil, pepper and salt.

Boil the vegetables, add seasonings and use a blender to bring the vegetables to the state of mashed soup. Cut the chicken into pieces convenient for you, lightly fry and stew. Pour into soup and serve.

Summing up

Lentils are good both for losing weight and for a regular diet. It is worth remembering that lentils can be heavy for everyday use, but a couple of times a week is unlikely to hurt (and maybe heal).

Beneficial features turn it into vitamin bomb, and the variety of dishes acquired through centuries of history will undoubtedly delight hostesses of all ages and gastronomic beliefs.

It is a pity that pharmaceuticals are actively advertised in our country, but it would be necessary to promote the principles of a healthy and good nutrition. One of the most impressive products in terms of its beneficial properties is lentils, all types of which have a rich chemical composition And nutritional value. This herbal product in terms of its nutritional and healing characteristics, it has no analogues either in the world of flora or in the world of food.

Lentil bean dishes can be found in all national cuisines of Europe, Asia and America, which only confirms the fact that the Lentil plant is a grain legume centuries of cultivation. It was cultivated long before the writing of the Old Testament, its traces were found in prehistoric settlements in Europe, found in the Egyptian pyramids.

The main exclusivity of lentils is its absolute ecological purity, in whatever part of our planet this culture is cultivated.

Lentil beans do not accumulate in their fibers any substances dangerous to humans, such as radioactive nuclides, pesticides, nitrates, etc. Add to this unique feature an impressive chemical composition, the usefulness of this legume due to it, its universal gastronomic qualities, and you will get a phenomenal healthy food!

Lentil seeds are shaped like round convex lenses. How lentils look is reflected in its Latin name - lens (lenses), i.e. these are flat (flattened) beans up to 5-7 mm in diameter, similar to optical lenses.

Common lentils are classified into many varieties, although only a few are actively cultivated. food species- with special gastronomic qualities, which we will dwell on a little later. In the meantime, we will list all types of lentils, each of which has its own beneficial properties - due to some differences in the nutrients they contain.

Black lentil "beluga" is the most expensive type of this legume.

The pigment that turns grits black is endowed with high antioxidant attributes. Therefore, beluga should be preferred on the menu to slow down aging, prevent cardiovascular and malignant diseases.

Red lentils are a lentil variety with a high content of iron and potassium compounds. It is also called "Egyptian".

The benefits of red lentils for the treatment of anemia and anemia are obvious. Its healing powers, with the systematic use of grains for food, also improve memory and increase concentration, i.e. help normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Green or French lentils are considered the most healing type, since they are nothing more than unripe beans.

Its healing properties are in a quantity that is tangible for the health of the intestines. vegetable fiber therefore, this species is indicated for people with digestive disorders, especially in violation of the intestines. Also green view saturated with such an amino acid as tryptophan, which, getting into the human body, synthesizes serotonin. And serotonin, as you know, perfectly relieves depressive states and heals sadness.

Yellow lentils are polished grains of the green variety of the product. Those. These are green lentils without shell! Is this type useful? Of course, its benefits are as high as those of green grains.

Brown lentils are the most popular type in cooking. These are ripe beans, unlike the green ones yet. Universal bean product which has absorbed best qualities their brethren.

For more than one millennium, lentil seeds have served as a supplier of high-quality vegetable protein to humans. Compared with other representatives of the legume family, lentil species of the family contain up to 1/3 of protein compounds - amino acids. Therefore, from time immemorial, cakes and bread made from lentils have replaced meat and fish for the people.

In addition to proteins, lentils contain carbohydrates, fats, alimentary fiber(fiber), mineral salts and vitamins in a sufficiently balanced amount to take its rightful place in the diet of people who monitor their nutrition and health.

For clarity, we have compiled a table for you, in which we have included the main chemical elements that affect the beneficial properties of the product, and caloric content different types lentils.

Per 100 gproduct Type of lentil
Red Green, yellow and brown Black
Dry boiled Dry boiled Dry
Fiber, g 4,9 1,9 8,9 3,8 9,0
Proteins, g 23,8 7,6 24,3 8,8 up to 35
Carbohydrates, g 56,3 17,5 48,8 16,9 53,1
Fats, g 1,3 0,4 1,9 0,7 2,0
Tryptophan, mg 192 60 198 72 No data
Macronutrients and micronutrients
Iron, mg 7,6 2,4 11,8 3,5 No data
Potassium, mg 710 220 940 310 No data
Phosphorus, mg 320 100 350 130 No data
Calcium, mg 51 16 71 22 No data
Phosphorus, mg 390
Boron, mcg 610
Manganese, mg 1,2
Zinc, mg 2,4
Nickel, mcg 161
Fluorine, mcg 25
Beta-carotene, mcg 60 20 No data No data No data
Thiamine (B1), mg 0,50 0,11 0,41 0,14
Riboflavin (B2), mg 0,20 0,04 0,27 0,08
Niacin (B3 or PP), mg 2,0 0,4 2,2 0,6
Pyridoxine (B6), mg 0,60 0,11 0,93 0,28
Folic acid (B9), mcg 100 112
Energy value
Calorie content, kcal 318 100 297 105 324
Glycemic index 29 29 30

After analyzing the tablet, we can say with confidence that our bean product contains the most necessary nutrients for the body, and they are in a bioactive form, which allows them to be completely absorbed.



B vitamins contribute to the effective functioning of the central nervous system, improve memory and cerebral circulation, and increase efficiency.

In tandem with the amino acid tryptophan, which is abundant in lentils, you can cope with depression and a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety - because tryptophan stimulates the production of serotonin. No wonder the most popular dish in the East consists of lentils and rice, which is also a supplier of tryptophan for the body.


Lentils are also rich in isoflavones, plant compounds belonging to the group of phytoestrogens that are similar in structure to estrogen. And although they are less active than the hormone produced by the female hormonal system, eating dishes with lentils is effective in severe menopausal syndrome in women, accompanied by hot flashes, excessive sweating and osteoporosis.

Also, the inclusion of lentil foods prevents the appearance and development of malignant neoplasms in female breast. So, the benefits of lentils for women are obvious!

Isoflavones also improve metabolism and have pronounced anticarcinogenic properties, they visibly rejuvenate the skin and improve cardiovascular system organism. It is also surprising that phytoestrogens retain their ability when heat treatment, and boiled or canned lentils just as useful as dry. In general, boiled lentil beans retain most of substances included in its chemical composition.

Regular consumption of lentil soups, cereals and salads contributes to the normalization of blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes. Delicate puree from lentil seeds is useful in many digestive disorders and diseases such as ulcers (both stomach and duodenum) and colitis.

The harm of any legumes is the formation of gases in the intestines and discomfort in the stomach. But this phenomenon can be leveled by observing the principles of product compatibility.

By the way, the question often arises: is lentils a protein or a carbohydrate? It just depends on its compatibility with other products. Traditionally, nuts are added to lentil dishes, consuming this tandem as a protein food. And it doesn’t matter how much protein is in lentils, but with what to combine it!

If you do not eat lentil porridge or stews with bread or cereals, but only with green vegetables, then no gases will be formed or they will be minimal.

Contraindications are valid for systemic diseases of the joints (i.e. with their extensive lesions), urolithiasis or dyskinesia urinary tract, diseases of the genitourinary system. You will also harm yourself if you abuse lentil dishes in diseases of the kidneys, since the purine compounds included in lentil seeds contribute to the formation of stones in them.

The benefits and harms of lentils are relative concepts. The product brings benefits regular use, and harm - with abuse. It's hard to argue with that, isn't it?

How many calories are in lentils, you can see in the table above. The product contains almost no fat, and carbohydrates only give a pleasant feeling of satiety. The calories of cooked lentils are not deposited on the sides or stomach if we combine the ingredients of the dish correctly.

Lentil beans are so easy to digest that there is even a weight loss diet with this product! Nevertheless, it is a vegetable protein that is involved in strengthening our muscle mass and at correct use can only be beneficial!

At average calorie content at 300 kcal per 100 g of dry product, boiled lentils have only 100 calories. A positive point is the low glycemic index(29), which makes it a figure-safe product.

And although each lentil species has individual taste features, any of them is able to enrich the taste of even the most complex and exquisite dishes. Based on this, the same dish can have different taste, depending on the type of lentil component.

Lentil groats can be used to bake bread and cakes, cook mashed potatoes and soups (famous lentil stews), cereals and cutlets, puddings and casseroles. Any vegetable salad will become healthier if you add boiled lentil beans to it.

Sprouted lentils, especially black ones, are especially useful for the body. Sprouts, along with beans, are added to salads, bread, or travel as a vitamin supplement. Seeds are germinated using the same technology as cereals, up to a sprout height of 3-4 cm.

Let's look at the features of cooking different types of lentils and their best use as the main ingredient. It should be noted that lentil beans are more pliable when cooking- they don't need to be soaked like other legumes, and they only take 25 minutes to cook!


Black "beluga" is the fastest boiling variety, since the size of its grains does not exceed 3 mm in diameter. Used in salads vegetable dishes, salads and soups.

The maximum boiling time is 15 minutes.

Retains its shape. When boiled in water, it loses its juicy black color, but steaming beluga allows you to save its “caviar” color and decorate any salad or meat dish.


Yellow lentils - a polished look, boil for 10-15 minutes to a puree state. It is used in the formulation of sauces and pasta dishes, pates and casseroles, cereals and stews.


The red variety has no shell and is used for side dishes in the form of mashed potatoes, for making mashed soups and as a component of vegetable stews.


Brown lentils are the most capricious, though highly prized for their subtle, nutty flavor! Since it is as ripe as possible, it cooks very quickly and is easy to digest.

It is most often used in soups, casseroles and sauces, because in ready-made has a soft creamy texture.


Green, as unripe, is ideal for salads and meat dishes, as it reliably retains its shape, but it also cooks longer than other types (20-25 minutes). It has spicy aroma and quite a strong taste.

Be sure to rinse the beans before cooking. running water, spread only in boiling purified water, cook until tender on minimum heat, and salt only a few minutes before tenderness. Lentil groats are cooked in the following proportion: 1 part of groats - 2 parts of water.

Pairs well with onions, garlic, herbs and spices.

Choose a product based on the planned dish.

As far as quality is concerned, make sure that the beans are the same color and size, free of debris and damage (chips, holes, and similar flaws). Do not buy the product in opaque packaging.

You should also buy a legume produced in the country where it is grown. Those. the manufacturer and packer from the same region must be indicated on the packaging. The most powerful producer of these legumes is Canada. If you see their manufacturer on the packaging, feel free to buy!

After Canada, India is the largest supplier of lentils. Large areas are occupied by this crop in Turkey, Australia and the USA.

Lentil beans are stored in a dry, ventilated place, preferably in a paper or canvas bag. They quickly absorb moisture and the processes of decay begin. Shelf life - 1 year maximum. Look at the retail package!

The beneficial properties of lentils should encourage you to actively include it in your diet, thereby diversifying the menu and showing off your creativity. Moreover, the taste and aroma of this legume allows you to combine it with any products.

Lentils are one of the oldest legumes that have been recognized since the dawn of mankind. In different states and different times it was the main food for the poor (because of its prevalence and unpretentiousness in cultivation) and a favorite dish of wealthy townspeople.

Lentil stew is mentioned in the Old Testament, and lentil flour bread was often placed in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. IN Ancient Rome doctors were sure that this product helps to calm the nerves and makes a person calm and patient, and Chinese medicine endows lentil dishes (especially with the addition of spices) with excellent warming properties.

Today, lentil recipes are prepared in homes on all continents, and in Asia and the East, it is an integral part national cuisines. In our country, there have been several bursts of popularity of this legume, and now interest in it is waking up again. And this is no coincidence - nutritious, tasty and healthy, lentils will appeal to everyone, and in frosty Russian winters spicy lentil soupgreat way get warm.

Lentils: benefits and contraindications

So, lentils - the beneficial properties of this product combine all the advantages of legumes and their own unique features. The high content of protein and carbohydrates with an almost complete absence of fats (less than that!) makes it excellent diet dish, while vegetable protein is well absorbed. Some may be alerted by such a figure: lentils - its calorie content is from 285 to more than 300 kcal, depending on the "bean" variety. But figure fragrant soup or porridge with will not hurt - complex carbohydrates saturate with energy for a long time and stimulate metabolism.

Lentils are one of the most environmentally friendly foods! It does not accumulate in itself nitrates and all kinds of toxins, while successfully removing them from the body. So residents of megacities are especially recommended to regularly include lentils in the menu.

The composition of legumes is very diverse: B vitamins have a calming effect on our nervous system and vitamin A is responsible for our vision and beauty, and germinated grains - good source vitamin C.

Potassium and magnesium in lentils strengthen the heart and nerves, are good for blood and are indispensable for pregnant women. It contains a legume and the iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine and zinc we need. Lentils are rich in soluble: porridge from this product for breakfast will provide a long feeling of satiety and improve digestion.

Lentils are valued for high content tryptophan, which, once in our body, turns into serotonin. And serotonin saves us from depression, anxious thoughts and bad mood. One of the most available sources tryptophan today is whole grain rice and green lentils, it is no coincidence that a mixture of these two products has long been prepared in the East.

Lentils are especially useful for women - they are able to suppress breast cancer in its composition, and these substances remain after any treatment.

It is no coincidence that the glory of such a legume as lentils has been stretching for several centuries - the benefits and harms simply cannot be compared. There are few contraindications for lentils, but you definitely need to know them:

  • like all legumes, lentils should be limited to people with increased gas formation;
  • with frequent use, the product can provoke the appearance of kidney stones - be careful if you have urolithiasis;
  • with gout and chronic diseases of the joints, it is better to exclude lentils from the diet.

Lentils: varieties

For many centuries, more and more new varieties of this crop have been grown and created. Green, red, black lentils - the photos show us the smallest flat beans of the most different colors. So what are the most popular varieties and how do they differ?

  • brown. The cheapest and most common variety. Before cooking, lentils are recommended to be soaked in water for 12-20 hours. This type is ideal for stews and soups.
  • Red. The grains of this variety are without a shell, so it boils very quickly. Popular in Asian cuisine, great option for pureed soups and porridges. Rich in iron and well absorbed.
  • Green. Champion among all other varieties of lentils in terms of fiber content. Boiled for a long time and requires pre-soak. Such grains do not lose their shape after cooking and are popular in salads, meat dishes and in combination with various cereals.
  • Black. The grains of such lentils are very small, it is cooked quickly - about 20 minutes. This variety is convenient for sprouting - grains with sprouts are added to various vegetable salads.

Lentils: culinary recipes

If lentils have recently appeared on your table, it is better to try the classic and not the most complex recipes, in the future you can experiment. And also - remember some little tricks in preparing this dish:

  • The iron in lentils is best absorbed when combined with vegetable salads and greenery;
  • all varieties (except red and black) must be soaked before cooking;
  • Lentils go great with a variety of spices and spices: don't be afraid to try new variations.

So, lentils - cooking recipes:

  • One of the simplest and most recognized dishes - lentils with.

You will need: a glass of lentils (preferably brown), 50 gr, 2 onions, 25 gr and a little vegetable oil.

Drain the water from the pre-soaked lentils, pour 2-2.5 cups of water and cook until tender.

Soak dried apricots for 15 minutes warm water, then fry in oil along with finely chopped onions. Add salt, pepper, put in a saucepan with lentils, and finely chopped nuts there. Cook for 10-15 minutes, arrange on plates and decorate with fresh cilantro.

  • Many will like very gentle red lentil soup with sausage.

You will need: 200 g red lentils, 2 cans tomato puree about 400 gr, 1 red onion, cut into half rings, clove, 300 g smoked sausage, 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 800 ml, and.

We heat in large saucepan oil, there - onion and. Cook, stirring, until the onion is soft.

Add water, tomato puree, lentils,. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Then add finely chopped sausage and cook for 8-10 minutes. Pour in half.

Ready soup pour into plates, top - the remaining, finely chopped.

  • If you are a vegetarian but have a passion for Italian food, be sure to cook lentil bolognese with spaghetti.

You will need: 200 g of lentils (certainly red), one onion, 1 clove and - to taste.

Chop the chicken into small cubes, finely chop the onion, carrot and garlic.

washed green lentils pour cold water and cook in a large saucepan - after boiling for about half an hour. 10 minutes before the end, put salt.

In the meantime, fry the garlic in a pan for a couple of minutes, add the pieces of meat there and fry again (until a crust!). Then - carrots and onions, spices. Cook for another 10 minutes until the vegetables are soft. Add the lentils to the meat and heat for another minute over low heat.

Lentils are a unique legume, each variety is very useful and has its own characteristics. unique taste, whether it's porridge, thick soup or aromatic stew with vegetables. Try different recipes, change seasonings - and you will definitely appreciate and love lentils.
