
Saffron plant. Turmeric has strong anti-carcinogenic properties

In the East spice saffron they call it royal, because from time immemorial legends have been composed and sung about in verses about its spicy taste. This seasoning counts the most expensive, because it has a lot of positive qualities and is in demand in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

Are you interested in what does it look like this magical condiment? Saffron is a fragrant rich yellow powder. On the site site you can find out the useful properties of spices and its use in culinary arts.

Indian saffron seasoning: application

What is Indian made of? powder? A spice is being prepared from the flowers of the crocus seed in the photo, you can see how beautiful this plant is. It takes only 3 stigmas to create a precious spice. Receiving features:

  • The plant is collected only in dry weather.
  • Collection time from 10 am to 11 am.
  • The plant is not found in the wild. Therefore, it is grown only on special plantations.

The most popular varieties are Indian and Turkish. Most often used in Russian cuisine Imeretian spice.

Seasoning saffron: where to add?

You can add this spice to many dishes, as it is very useful for the human body:

  • Stimulates digestion.
  • Has an analgesic effect.
  • It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women.
  • Fights against cancer cells.
  • Oxygenates the brain.
  • Stimulates tissue regeneration, accelerates the growth of nails and hair.
  • Restores liver cells.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Eliminates manifestations of an allergy.
  • Effectively fights flatulence.
  • It is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases. Allowed in the form of masks and for oral administration.
  • Disappear diseases of the genitourinary system in men - impotence and infertility.
  • It cures hysteria, neuralgia and depression.
  • With the help of infusion from the plant, the body is cleansed.

Diseases recede only with regular use of spices. But keep in mind that excessive use of spices can lead to poisoning!

The most expensive seasoning saffron: what is the price?

If you wish buy spice, then you should be prepared for the fact that it price pretty high. This is due to such factors:

  • The plant is produced only on plantations with special conditions for growing.
  • Crocus grows only 2 weeks.
  • Collection by hand!
  • Three stigmas are also torn off only by hand.
  • Special harvest time.

In retail trade, you will pay $ 10 per gram of powder, and the wholesale batch will come out at least 3,000 euros.

Application in cooking

A Where same added is this the royal spice? IN cooking is used with such dishes:

  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Clear soups.
  • Pilaf.
  • Vegetables and legumes.
  • Amazingly delicious coffee.
  • Creams for pastries and cakes.
  • Delicious pastries.

Some nuances of using spices:

  • It is considered a taste stimulant, therefore it is added in minimal quantities, otherwise it can spoil the dish.
  • Rules introduction to the dish - dilute the powder in water, and then pour it into food.
  • Reveals the taste characteristics of the dish.
  • Baking the next day becomes more fragrant.

When using this powder, other spices must be discarded.

Despite the fact that the seasoning is used in cooking in very small quantities, the benefits and harms of saffron have become the subject of study not only for traditional healers, but also for official medicine. There are so many useful properties in the most expensive spice that it is used in medicinal and cosmetic products. Most often, saffron is used in cooking. It has a spicy taste with bitter notes, gives the dish a rich aroma. Read more about the "king" of seasonings in this article.

What does saffron look like and where does it grow?

Crocus sowing (or sowing saffron) is a perennial plant belonging to the Iris family. It reaches a height of 10 to 30 cm. The color varies from lilac-violet to yellow-orange.

The plant grows on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in Spain, France, in Asian countries: in China, India, Japan, as well as in the Crimea, Dagestan. Saffron is not found in the wild. Cultivation is spread all over the world, as saffron is a plant that benefits human health, as well as a spice with a bright unique taste.

The plant blooms for only 3 days, in spring or autumn, depending on the species. To prepare the spice, the flowers are harvested immediately after they open. The stigmas are then separated to dry and end up with the spice. Drying takes no more than 20 minutes, after which the stigmas are immediately placed in sealed glass jars. So they do not have time to lose properties. That is, it is the stigmas of saffron flowers that have medicinal properties that are beneficial to humans.

The production of saffron is an expensive process, since usually 3 stigmas are obtained from one flower. For 1 kg of spice, 150 thousand flowers must be processed. On average, 20 kg of spices are obtained from 1 ha of land. Unfortunately, other parts - roots, leaves, saffron seeds - do not bring benefits to humans.

The spice is sometimes referred to as red gold due to its high cost. In Russia, the average price for 1 g of saffron is from 70 rubles.

The chemical composition and calorie content of saffron

Saffron is a fairly high-calorie spice: 310 calories are contained in 100 g of the product. But since less than 1 g of spice is used in cooking, its calories can be completely ignored - there will be no harm for those who lose weight from it.

The ratio b / w / y is as follows:

  • proteins - 11.43 g;
  • fats - 5.85 g;
  • carbohydrates - 65.37 g;
  • fiber - 3.9 g.

Minerals found in the composition of the spice:

  • potassium - 1724 mg (per 100 g);
  • magnesium - 264 mg;
  • phosphorus - 252 mg;
  • sodium - 148 mg;
  • calcium - 111 mg;
  • manganese - 28 mg;
  • iron - 11 mg;
  • selenium - 5 mg;
  • zinc - 1 mg;
  • iron - 0.33 mg.


  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Saffron contains an essential oil containing antioxidants.

Since the spice is used in scanty quantities, it is not rational to rely on it as a source of useful minerals and vitamins.

What is useful saffron

The benefits of saffron for the human body are expressed primarily in a general strengthening effect. Useful properties are often used in traditional medicine, as will be discussed below.

The spice has the following effects on the body:

  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • weak pain reliever.

Those who regularly add spice to food in moderation note such positive changes as:

  • activation of human mental activity;
  • decrease in sweating;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of the digestive process.

The spice is especially useful for women. In particular, with problems with an irregular menstrual cycle. It increases libido, enhances attempts during childbirth.

Indian medicine Ayurveda considers the spice to be useful to everyone without exception.

What diseases does saffron treat?

It is difficult to argue with the medicinal properties of saffron, especially when you consider that it is added to some eye drops. Indeed, due to its properties, it helps the elderly to normalize visual impairment as a result of muscle degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa.

The benefits for the work of the cardiovascular, nervous systems were noted when using a general strengthening tincture containing useful spices.

Thanks to the expectorant effect, the spice even treats cough in children, respiratory diseases.

The benefits of saffron for cancer of the lungs, breast, pancreas, as well as some other tumors are being studied. For example, the oil contains antioxidants that fight existing cancer cells or their appearance.

Is it possible to give saffron to children

To avoid harm to children under 2 years old, and according to some sources up to 3 years old, adding saffron to food is not recommended.

Even after the onset of 3 years of age, spice additions to children's food should be scanty, since even an adult is dangerous overdose.

The spice has an effective expectorant property, so children are allowed to use it for coughs as an addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Attention! Before using spices for treatment, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician so as not to inadvertently cause harm to health.

Is saffron allowed for pregnant and lactating women

It is better for pregnant women to refuse spice supplements to food, as it can cause harm to changes in the tone of the uterus. The result in the worst case is a violation of pregnancy and miscarriage. In the later stages, premature birth may begin.

There is no ban on the use of spices for lactating women: specific benefits or harms for this condition have not been found. In this case, the product must be carefully introduced into the diet, observing the reaction of the child. If negative consequences are noticed, one should temporarily abandon the spice and check with the doctor whether the spice really caused them.

Traditional medicine recipes using saffron

The healing properties of saffron have been known to folk medicine for a long time. The scope of its application is extremely wide: from the treatment of diseases of internal organs to the healing of wounds and boils.

It is used both externally in combination with other useful ingredients, and internally as an infusion or with tea. It is necessary to take saffron for medicinal purposes carefully, since an overdose can cause harm.

From kidney stones

The medicinal benefit is to cleanse the kidneys from the harm of stones: saffron promotes their crushing and excretion from the body.

Most often used together with honey, melted in a water bath. Reception is carried out in 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals.

Saffron infusion is also useful. For cooking, take 1 tsp. spices, that is, about 5 threads and pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the drink is filtered. To avoid harm, drink no more than 1 glass of infusion per day. The healing properties of saffron tincture do not end there: this recipe is also useful for the treatment of other diseases.

With a cold

First of all, the spice is used to prevent colds.

If a person is already sick, then tea with spice or in the form of a separate infusion improves overall well-being. The drink is able to reduce fever, eliminate cough due to expectorant properties.

Tea is especially effective in combination with cinnamon, ginger, which also have medicinal properties, helping with colds.

For diseases of the liver and circulatory system

In Asian countries, treatment of the liver with spices is common. The benefits of taking saffron tea for the prevention of disease have been noticed.

The drink also cleanses the circulatory system. It can be replaced with a tincture prepared according to a standard recipe.

For eye diseases

In official medicine, saffron is found in eye drops. It is also useful when taken orally, helping with eye diseases: both genetic in nature and caused by aging. The disease does not completely disappear, but its development slows down.

The spice is used not only in the form of tincture: the benefits of milk with saffron in the form of tea are known.

For headaches and insomnia

With a severe headache, lotions with infusion of saffron are useful.

With mild pain, as well as in case of insomnia, taking spices inside helps:

  • in the form of infusion;
  • along with honey;
  • with warm milk.

It is best taken an hour before bedtime due to the hypnotic effects of saffron.

For leg cramps

Note the benefits of spices in cramps of the lower extremities.

For a general effect on the body, you can take a tincture. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. stigmas 1 cup boiling water. Let it brew. When cool, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. tincture 2 times a day.

You can also prepare an "ointment". For this purpose, 3 egg whites are mixed with a small amount of spice. Use immediately after preparation: storage of the mixture leads to the loss of its benefits.

Tea with saffron to enhance potency in men

The beneficial properties of saffron for men are invaluable: it can increase libido not only in women, but also have a similar effect on the male body. Saffron is sometimes referred to as an aphrodisiac spice.

To prepare a drink, mix 4 strands of spice and 1 tsp. black tea. The benefits of saffron tea are increased by adding 20-25 g of ginger and a pinch of black pepper. Pour the resulting mixture with a glass of water, boil in a water bath. Then strain.

In violation of the menstrual cycle

In Ayurveda, the beneficial properties of saffron for women are highly valued, in particular, for the regulation of disturbed menstruation.

Saffron infusion helps to cause them in case of delays or, on the contrary, alleviates the condition with long and heavy menstruation, bringing them back to normal. Turmeric is also added to the infusion.

With thrush and painful periods

The spice is used as an antispasmodic, reducing pain during menstruation.

For thrush, along with the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can try the following recipe. Mix 1 tsp. saffron and boron uterus herb. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain. The resulting healthy drink should be consumed in half a glass every morning.

To stimulate contractions

Pregnant women are forbidden to use spice, as it causes premature contractions. However, if childbirth has already begun, then this spice facilitates the process.

It is enough to add a few strands of saffron to hot milk and drink. It is useful to do this at the very beginning of the process or with weak contractions.

Attention! This is a potent remedy, therefore, in other cases, during pregnancy, it is not necessary to use it so as not to harm the health of your own and the unborn child.

From cystitis

The spice has a pronounced diuretic property, therefore it is used to treat cystitis, urolithiasis and other diseases of the urinary tract.

For treatment take 1 tbsp. l. infusion of saffron before each meal, but not more than 3 times a day.

Treatment of boils and purulent wounds

For difficult-to-heal skin lesions with the same infusion, it is useful to make lotions or wet bandages.

The use of saffron in home cosmetology

The benefits of saffron for women are not limited to the boundaries of the kitchen. For example, the benefits of a mask with saffron for the face are known: it promotes external rejuvenation, helps to cope with acne and age spots. The spice is also used in recipes for hair masks to give the curls shine and a healthy look.

Important! Before applying any mask to the skin, you must first make sure that there is no allergic reaction or component. To do this, a small amount of the mixture is applied to the inner surface of the elbow. After 15 - 30 minutes there should be no redness, itching. It's so easy to avoid possible harm from a new mask.

Purifying face mask

Saffron for the face is also useful in the form of a cleansing mask.

For its preparation you will need:

  • ¼ tsp saffron powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. any cosmetic clay suitable for a specific skin type;
  • water in such an amount that the mixture is similar in consistency to sour cream;
  • Optionally add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil.

The resulting mask is applied to the face and kept for 10-15 minutes: until the clay begins to dry out a little. Then gently rinse with water. You don't have to rub your face.

Important! Do not wait until the clay is completely dry on the face. In this form, it tightens and dries the skin, that is, instead of a beneficial effect, on the contrary, it causes harm.

Acne face mask

For this mask you need:

  • 1 st. l. natural yogurt without any additives;
  • ½ tsp lemon juice;
  • 3 - 4 strands of saffron.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes, then washed off with cool water. The benefits are noticeable after the first application.

Hair Mask

Often saffron is used in hair products. In home recipes less often, as it can often give a coloring effect.

One of the most popular is the henna mask, as the latter is good for hair in itself. Depending on the length of the curls, the proportions vary within the following limits:

  • 1 - 2 packs of henna;
  • 3 - 4 tsp saffron.

The mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair for 30 minutes. Then wash off using shampoo and hair balm.

Important! Due to the strong coloring property, a side effect of the mask can be a slight lightening of the hair or staining in a golden-copper shade.

What dishes add saffron

The spice adds spice to the products. Therefore, it is used for cooking:

  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • seafood;
  • pilaf;
  • creams, sauces;
  • desserts;
  • bakery products (buns, muffins, cookies, etc.);
  • even drinks.

At the same time, seasoning is added to baking even at the stage of kneading the dough, and to hot dishes - 2 - 5 minutes before readiness.

The taste and smell of saffron are not revealed immediately, so baking is more aromatic the next day. For hot dishes, it is useful to prepare the spice in advance. First, the stigmas are fried in a dry frying pan, then they are ground and mixed with a tablespoon of milk or water. Only then is it added to the dish. So the aroma becomes more saturated, although it is well felt even without prior preparation.

Important! It is better not to mix saffron with other spices. This is a strong seasoning that overpowers almost all spices except rosemary, turmeric, and cinnamon. At the same time, the aroma itself is peculiar, so the first time you may not like the combination of spices.

The amount of spice depends on the specific recipe, but in any case, it is measured in pinches or a few stigmas. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the dish will have a bitter taste: a large amount of saffron can be harmful to health.

Properties and uses of saffron oil

Saffron essential oil has an intense aroma. The following useful properties have been found:

  • antispasmodic;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthening;
  • soothing.

Saffron oil is used.

  1. For medicinal purposes. For example, 2 drops of essential oil and 2 - 3 tbsp. l. base rubbed for the treatment of rheumatism.
  2. In cosmetology. The benefits of saffron essential oil for the face are especially noted. Skin color evens out: it begins to shine from the inside.
  3. To flavor food: pre-mix the spice with any base oil.

Harm of saffron and contraindications

The benefits and harms of saffron for the body depend on the amount of spice eaten with food. If this is a small amount, then it only benefits a person. A large portion is likely to cause harm. Sometimes saffron can even cause death.

A negative consequence is most likely to be poisoning, which is accompanied by symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • nosebleeds;
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes.

If at least one of them is found, an ambulance should be called immediately.

For a healthy adult, 10 g is considered a lethal amount. For children, the elderly and people with poor health, this threshold is reduced.

Spice is contraindicated:

  • people with bipolar disorder;
  • if you have an allergy or intolerance to the product (therefore, use in small quantities for the first time);
  • with hypertension;
  • if you have had a stroke or heart attack before, use with caution.

To avoid harm to the body, you need to monitor the expiration date of saffron, the dosage in the recipe, as well as your own health.

What is the difference between saffron and turmeric

Many are mistaken in considering these spices to be identical. The error is caused by the fact that both spices have the same properties: they color food, they are somewhat similar in shade and taste. In addition, in their homeland, in India, turmeric is called Indian saffron. This is where the product similarity ends. The benefits and harms of saffron for human health cannot be compared with the properties of turmeric.

Saffron is an elite spice. He is painstakingly assembled and selected, as described above.

For the production of turmeric, the entire root system of the plant is used, and not just the stigma of the flowers. Therefore, the spice is easier to obtain, and its price is much lower. Turmeric is sold in large portions, and saffron is sold in 2-4 grams.

Since the cost of saffron is high, when selling spices in powder form, they are often deceived and offer cheaper spices. In particular, turmeric. They are similar in color, but turmeric is closer to a yellow or orange hue, and saffron is closer to rich red and even brown.

How to choose and store saffron

In shops and markets, stigmas or ground powder are sold.

Since the powder is often counterfeited, therefore, in order to be sure of the benefits of saffron, it is better to buy stigmas and grind them yourself just before cooking.

Looking like long threads, saffron stigmas fit this description:

  • soft;
  • saturated dark red, sometimes closer to brown or interspersed with yellow threads;
  • are sold at a high cost (if low, then there is a high probability that the composition was mixed with cheap spices).

Important! To check the purchased spice, you need to dip a small amount of it into milk or water. A fake will color the liquid instantly, and real saffron - within 10 - 15 minutes.

In order not to lose its beneficial properties, saffron should be stored for no more than 2 years in a sealed package in a dry form. The container or packaging is placed in a dark place.


The benefits and harms of saffron are regulated by the correct dosage of this product: the smaller the amount of spice in food, the less likely it is to harm your body. But even a few threads of spice help to treat diseases, increase the effectiveness of home cosmetic procedures. The most important thing is to buy a natural product without confusing it with other spices.

In the article we tell what dishes saffron is added to, how this spice is made, what aroma and taste it has. You will learn how to replace saffron, how to choose a seasoning and distinguish it from fakes.

What does saffron look like, taste and smell of seasoning

Saffron is the dried stigma of the purple crocus seed.. Crocus is a bulbous plant without a stem. Flowers and leaves grow from the bulb. Crocus flowers are quite large, have a soft lilac, sometimes deep purple color. From one bulb grows from 1 to 3 flowers in the form of a funnel.

Saffron is the stigma of the crocus

For the manufacture of saffron seasoning, wild-growing crocus is no longer used. It has been replaced by specially bred varieties that have larger flowers and longer stigmas. For the first time mass-growing saffron began in Spain. In addition to Spain, the main suppliers of saffron are India, Italy and Iran.

Crocus plantations are updated after 3-4 years. For the production of saffron, not the whole flower is used, but only the stigmas. The crocus has only 3 stigmas, which are harvested in a special way in a short time. Growing, harvesting and drying saffron is a special and very laborious process.

Saffron is threads of red-brown or dark red color interspersed with yellow. The spice has a strong original aroma. Saffron taste is bitter, spicy, with a hint of honey.

How is saffron seasoning obtained?

We said above that saffron is made from crocus stigmas. We will tell you how they make a fragrant seasoning.

Crocus blooms once a year and only 2-3 days. As soon as the flower opens, it is plucked and the stigmas are torn off. After that, the stigmas are dried under the sun, in dryers or on fire. The slightest violation of technology or drying time greatly reduces the quality of seasoning. It is also important that the weather during the collection is warm, dry and calm. Otherwise, the raw material may deteriorate. As soon as the saffron dries completely, it is cleaned in airtight containers. There are several varieties of saffron, which are determined by its quality.

Saffron, which is grown in Spain, has 2 types:

  1. coupe. For him, the most fragrant part of the stigmas is collected - the upper one.
  2. superior. Whole boxes of saffron are used for it, so the aroma and taste of the seasoning is not so bright.

Kashmiri saffron grows in northern India. If in Spain saffron is dried in ovens, in India it is only in the sun. When the saffron is harvested, it is sorted, the stigmas are lowered into the water. Those that have sunk to the bottom are considered the highest grade - Shahi.

The world's largest supplier of saffron is Iran. Iranian saffron differs from other species in its strong coloring effect and inexpensive price.

What dishes add saffron

Saffron is used in cooking

Below we will consider where to add saffron. Note that saffron does not combine well with other seasonings. Therefore, when cooking and adding saffron, do not add other spices.

Saffron is widely used in cooking. Add a little spice to the dough and it will acquire a yellowish color and a pleasant aroma. You can add saffron to desserts, creams and alcoholic cocktails. For the same purpose, saffron is used in the manufacture of sausages and cheeses.

The original aroma and taste of saffron gives rice dishes. Add it to pilaf, risotto, stew, broth. In European countries, saffron is often added to fish dishes. Well sets off the saffron taste of vegetables and meat.

How to distinguish real saffron from a fake

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices, because of this, it is highly likely to buy a spice that only looks like it. Let's take a look at how to find out real saffron or not.

Marigolds or Imeretian saffron are often passed off as saffron. This spice has a yellow-red color. The stigmas of quality saffron are dark red or red-brown in color and are soft to the touch. Pay attention to the price of spices. If you are offered real saffron to buy cheap, most likely it is a fake.

Also, under the guise of saffron, they sell safflower petals - “Mexican saffron”. It is often used to color caramel or tea blends. In some countries it is used instead of saffron.

Another spice that may be sold under the guise of saffron is ground turmeric root. It is difficult to distinguish ground saffron from marigold, safflower or turmeric.

To avoid fake:

  1. Buy saffron only in stigmas.
  2. Pay attention to the shape of the stigma, it should look like a tube opening upwards with a serrated upper edge.
  3. Pay attention to color and smell. Saffron has a bitter-spicy aroma.
  4. Do not forget - saffron cannot be cheap.

Where to buy saffron

Buy saffron in specialized stores that can provide you with documents for the spice. They must indicate the country of origin. The main countries - suppliers of saffron: Iran, Spain and India. We do not recommend buying saffron in the markets, as there is a high risk of acquiring a fake.

What can replace saffron in dishes

Since it is difficult to buy real saffron and not everyone can afford it, we will consider how this spice can be replaced.

Saffron can be replaced with turmeric, which also gives dishes a pleasant yellowish color and spicy taste. Imeretian saffron or dried marigolds can also be used as a spice substitute.

For more information about saffron in cooking, see the video:


Saffron has a number of contraindications. Choose your dosage carefully. Usually 2-4 strands of saffron are enough. In large quantities, saffron is poisonous. In high doses, it causes nervous excitement. In a year, you can not eat more than 1 gram of saffron.


  • pregnancy;
  • high pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

What to remember

  1. Saffron is obtained from the dried stigmas of the crocus seed.
  2. The spice has a strong original aroma and a bitter spicy taste.
  3. The main saffron producing countries are Iran, Spain, Italy and India.
  4. Saffron is added to meat and vegetable dishes. In cooking, it is used to give a beautiful color to pastries, added to creams and desserts.
  5. Be careful when buying saffron, as it is often counterfeited. Buy it only in threads. Pay attention to the shape of the stigma, the color and aroma of the spice.
  6. You can replace saffron in dishes with turmeric, safflower petals or Imeretian saffron - marigold petals.
  7. Follow the dosage. Saffron is dangerous in large quantities.
  8. Be aware of contraindications.

Saffron is known not only as a seasoning, but also as a medicinal plant. It was used as an incense in ancient Egypt, the Middle East and Western Europe. Bits of information on how to take saffron, whose beneficial properties were appreciated by bygone generations, have survived to this day. Exquisite spice not only adds value to dishes, but also helps maintain health.

Saffron - what is it?

Saffron is a spice that has an exquisite bitter-spicy taste and a honey-herbal aroma. One of the most expensive herbs. A kilogram of selected saffron on the market is valued at 2,000 dollars.

The main production of more than 90% of the world volume falls on Iran. Small quantities of saffron are obtained in Italy, France and Spain. In Azerbaijan, cultural plantations have been preserved only in one place called Bilgya.

The spice is the dried stigmas of the crocus seed. Cultural saffron blooms twice a year for 10-18 days. The life span of one flower is from 2 to 3 days.

Only three red threads grow on each bud. The stigmas are harvested by hand at dawn. You need to have time until the saffron flower closes. Collecting seasoning is hard work. This explains the exorbitant price of the spice.

The cost is justified by the low production volumes. From 1 hectare of plantation, on average, up to 15 kg of products are produced.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of saffron

Essential oil is present in the stigmas of saffron (up to 1% of the total mass). Aromatic substances are represented by a mixture of glycosides - pyrocrocin and its derivatives. They determine the specific taste of the spice.

The stigmas contain dyes crocin and crocetin, which not only give the seasoning its characteristic color, but are also responsible for its medicinal properties. Literally in 2015, scientists managed to isolate crocetic acid from the stigmas of saffron, which, as studies show, has very strong anti-cancer properties.

The stigma contains up to 6% vegetable fat.


  • vitamins: B1, B2;
  • flavonoids;
  • Sahara;
  • phosphorus and calcium salts.

100 g of the product contains no more than 11 g of protein, 6 g of fat and up to 62 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the spice is 310 kcal. The nutritional value of saffron does not really matter, as it is added to dishes in ultra-small amounts.

Useful properties of saffron

Preparations from stigmas of saffron are used to relieve spasms and alleviate pain. Infusion on the seasoning has a stimulating effect. Strengthens the nervous system, tones the heart muscle, cleanses the blood vessels.

The funds obtained from the seasoning restore the functioning of the kidneys. Stimulate diuresis. Rarely, but still used to treat the liver.

Saffron is able to restore vision, cure depression, improve sexual function, prevent the development of cancer, and even destroy an already formed tumor.

In some countries it is used as a remedy for whooping cough, premature aging, hysteria and mental fatigue. Dishes with saffron increase appetite, speed up the process of digestion.

Application of saffron:

Seasoning in cooking

As a seasoning, saffron is used in scanty quantities. He colors rice dishes. Gives paella a golden color. It is present in such national dishes as bozbash, piti and pilaf.

Improves the taste of clear soups and broths. It is added to meat dishes from lamb and lamb. Reveals the aroma of fish dishes. It is placed in vegetable preparations from cauliflower.

In some countries it is used to color dough in the preparation of pastries and confectionery. Gives a unique flavor to cheeses, liqueurs, butter and deli meats.

In addition, the spice has a preservative effect. Dishes with the addition of saffron remain fresh for several days.


Since 2015, publications on the antitumor effect of saffron began to appear in the American press. Studies conducted at the Kansas Medical Institute have shown that crocetic acid, isolated from the spice, is able to purposefully destroy pancreatic tumor cells.

At the moment, research is ongoing. Scientists are trying to uncover the mechanism of action of the active substance and invent a new drug based on it.


Unlike mainstream science, traditional medicine has long used saffron as a potent substance. For more than one millennium, he has been helping people restore health.

Simple restorative drink prepared from 2 strands of saffron thrown into a glass of boiling water. The spice is infused for 20-30 minutes. Then it is filtered. The drink is consumed separately from food half an hour before or an hour after meals three times a day. You can drink this dish for a week.

At all times, saffron has been used as potency enhancer. To prepare a stimulating drink, you need to make an herbal mixture. Take 4 strings of saffron, a teaspoon of black tea, 4 black peppercorns and 25 g of grated ginger root. Pour the mixture with 300 ml of hot water and put on fire. Remove from stove when drink boils. Strain it and drink as needed.

Saffron relieves pain during menstruation. It acts in conjunction with the boron uterus. To prepare the decoction, you will need 5 stigmas of seasoning, a teaspoon of herbs and half a liter of boiling water. The mixture is put on fire. Bring to a boil. It is filtered and taken on an empty stomach for half a glass a day throughout the cycle.

To stimulate contractions the milk remedy helps. A glass of cold liquid is mixed with 20 strings of seasoning. The drink is heated to a boil. It is removed from the fire, filtered and drunk, if necessary, still hot.

For liver cleansing a medicinal mixture of honey and saffron is used. Fifty pieces of thread are mixed with half a glass of melted honey. The product is carefully ground to a homogeneous mass and eaten every morning before breakfast, half a teaspoon for a month.

Clears the blood of cholesterol a mixture of spices and raisins. A teaspoon of dry grapes is mixed with 3 hairs of odorous seasoning. The mass is poured with boiling water (100 ml). Infused for eight hours. The drink is consumed half a glass in the morning and evening separately from meals for 10 days.

Clear skin from formations of various nature: boils, ulcers, acne, you can use an easy-to-prepare decoction. A tablespoon of bright red seasoning must be poured into a glass of hot water. The infusion is prepared in a water bath for half an hour. Infused for 5-10 minutes. It is filtered and warm with gauze applied to the affected skin 2-3 times a day.

Saffron in cosmetology

Saffron is used to make homemade skin care products. A face mask with spice rejuvenates the skin, tightens the oval, improves color, illuminates with freshness. A teaspoon of spice, coupled with the same amount of honey and sour cream, is the best natural antioxidant. The mask is applied in the morning to cleansed skin, aged for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

With the help of saffron rinses, you can restore shine and gloss to dull hair. A teaspoon of spice per liter of warm water replaces expensive balms. The product is infused for half an hour, filtered and applied to the hair after washing the head.

Daily washing with saffron infusion (15 threads in half a glass of water) will cleanse the skin of acne and restore its healthy color.

How to choose, how to store?

Saffron is an expensive spice. Therefore, a buyer who wants to save money runs the risk of being deceived. At retail, a gram of this spice should cost at least 400 rubles.

Saffron is sold in opaque packaging. The buyer will not be able to immediately determine the authenticity of the seasoning by eye. In order not to become deceived, choose not ground spice, but whole strings. After opening the package, examine it.

Unscrupulous sellers can slip ground turmeric instead of saffron. It is much cheaper than an expensive drug and radically differs from it in its properties: it does not have such a pronounced aroma and intense red color.

Turmeric is yellow, and saffron is brownish scarlet. Expensive seasoning is a strong dye. Just one stigma densely colors a liter of water in an intense orange color.

Thin threads of saffron are unlike anything else. Having examined the whole seasoning, you will never confuse it with anything else. Expensive spice is packaged in small quantities: 1, 2, 5, 10 g.

Saffron is stored in tightly closed, light-tight jars for 2 years. Seasoning must be protected from moisture and high temperatures.

How to use saffron correctly?

Saffron is a potent substance, so it should be added to dishes very carefully. 1 g of spice contains about 400 threads. And to cook pilaf for the whole family, no more than 5 veins will be required.

The use of saffron seasoning requires compliance with a certain rule. The spice must be calcined before laying in a dish in a pan. After that, she will reveal her properties more strongly. Dried seasoning can be ground into a powder and mixed with a small amount of milk or water, and only then added to food. This will allow the saffron to be more evenly distributed in the food.


Seasoning saffron contains potent glycosides. For this reason, it should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

The use of two grams of saffron per day can cause severe poisoning.

Aromatic substances in large doses have a depressing effect on the liver.

Saffron is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. In pregnant women, it can cause premature contractions.

Do not get involved in the drug of patients with hypertension. Saffron raises blood pressure. The use of seasoning can provoke a crisis.

There is evidence that the spice is dangerous for diabetes. As a potent substance, it can cause allergies, in which saffron is contraindicated even for external use.

Saffron is a valuable component of the national cuisines of the peoples of the world. Seasoning has been revered since time immemorial. People have attributed healing properties to it for centuries. In skillful hands, saffron spice becomes a real healer, increases vitality, improves overall health.

This is a unique spice that combines a lot of useful properties. Regular use of this spice cleanses the liver, blood, improves complexion, improves mood and heals the entire body. It is the most unique herbal remedy and the most expensive spice in the world.

Saffron quality

High-quality saffron is long threads-stigmas of dark red or red-brown color, intertwined with each other, soft to the touch and with a strong characteristic smell.

Often in the markets, under the name of saffron, its substitutes are offered that have nothing to do with it. This is the root of turmeric, also referred to as Indian saffron, safflower flowers, or American or Mexican saffron, as well as marigold flowers, or Imeretian saffron.

Saffron quality produced in different countries is very different.

The best saffron is Kashmiri, which is grown in the north of India in the states of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh with ideal growing conditions for it. Kashmiri saffron is dark red in color, with long stigmas and a rich aroma. The stigmas of Indian saffron are traditionally harvested whole, dried under the hot rays of the sun, then sorted by immersion in water. Those stigmas that sank to the bottom are considered the highest grade of spice, those that remain afloat are considered the lowest. Kashmiri saffron is divided into three grades: Shahi - the first grade, Mogra - the second and Lachha - the third. However, Kashmiri saffron is difficult to grow and produced in small quantities, so it is less common in the markets and tends to be more expensive.

Second in quality - Spanish saffron two varieties: Coupe and Superior. The best and most expensive variety of spice is Coupe, which is harvested using only the upper, most fragrant and rich in color, red parts of the stigmas, and the lower yellow ones are plucked by hand. Superior is the most widely used, harvesting the whole stigma with the yellow tip of the base, so it's not as strong a spice as Coupe or Kashmiri saffron, but still very good. Saffron in Spain is dried on fire in special ovens.

The third on this list is Iranian saffron., which makes up 81% of the world's harvest of this spice and is the most inexpensive. More than thirty saffron processing factories operate in Iran, and the export of this spice is one of the most profitable items of the state.

The high price of saffron

The high price of saffron due mainly to two reasons. First, its production is very labor intensive. Secondly, the aroma, taste and medicinal properties of saffron have no equal among spices.

Saffron is dried stigmas of pistils of purple crocus (Crocus sativus), which blooms massively only 10-15 days a year, and the duration of flowering of each flower is 2-3 days. Only manual labor is used to collect flowers and process crocus pistils. Remove only blossoming flowers of crocuses in dry sunny weather. Then, stigmas are plucked from the collected flowers, of which there are only 3 pieces in one flower. The quality of saffron depends on the speed of collection and drying. To get a kilogram of saffron, you need to collect about 150,000 flowers at dawn, before the sun has dried the pistils. From a field of one hectare, even the most professional pickers manage to get from 8 to 12 kg of finished saffron, depending on the weather and harvest. There are 450-500 stigmas per 1 g of saffron - this is 2 full teaspoons of whole stigmas or 0.5 teaspoon of ground ones. 1 hectare of saffron plantation yields 6 kg of spice in the first year, and 20 kg in the second.

Due to the high cost of this spice, saffron has been forged in all ages: other plants similar in color were mixed in, diluted with crocus stamens that did not have their own smell, the stigmas were covered with glycerin to increase their weight and volume, they were replaced with stigmas of wild crocuses or even cut, dyed and flavored paper. For these reasons, you should not buy ground saffron. In the Middle Ages, fake saffron traders had their property confiscated and the goods burned, and sometimes they themselves were burned.

The chemical composition of saffron

Saffron contains a certain number of calories - 310 kcal per 100 g, but it is consumed in very small quantities, so it does not have any effect on the calorie content of the diet.

Saffron is rich in proteins and fats, but most of all it contains healthy carbohydrates - almost 62%; have dietary fiber and saturated fatty acids; vitamins - A, C, group B; minerals: potassium (there is a huge amount of it in saffron), magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium. Saffron stigmas contain 0.34% essential oil, fatty oil, gum, colorants and flavonoids. The coloring properties of saffron are due to the presence of carotenoids, especially crocin glycoside, as well as alpha and beta-carotene, lycopene.

Useful properties of saffron, use and contraindications

Over 4,000 years of use, saffron has been found to be effective in treating 90 diseases!

Saffron is perhaps the only spice whose price has not significantly decreased since the Middle Ages. A pound of high-quality saffron today is comparable to the cost of a good Arabian horse. What is the secret of the "unfading" value and popularity of this unique spice, which even in our age of "genetic engineering" and "high technologies" produces no more than 200-300 tons annually all over the world? This is despite the fact that there are plenty of producers of real saffron in the world today. The production of saffron on an industrial scale, except for Iran, is established in Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, New Zealand, the USA, China, Japan and even in the Transcaucasian states.

It is the stigmas that have healing properties, they are also used in cooking, although both the flowers and the leaves of saffron also contain useful substances. Saffron has the properties of a powerful antioxidant: some modern studies show that its use can speed up the recovery process by 5-8 times in many serious diseases, even in advanced form.

Let's try to list the cases in which saffron helps and what therapeutic effects it has in various diseases.

Saffron is successfully used in the treatment of oncology, and it slows down the development of tumors even in III-IV stages of cancer; cleanses and renews blood cells, strengthens blood vessels and the heart; improves brain activity, stimulating the growth and renewal of nervous tissue - for this it is taken with hot milk; helps to treat neuroses, insomnia and headaches - lotions are made with it; has a tonic and antioxidant effect; contributes to the restoration of vision.

With urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, saffron with honey is taken - this helps to crush and remove stones; saffron removes excess bile; reduces the effects of radiation and rejuvenates the entire body; has an antispasmodic and carminative effect; relieves pain during menstruation; strengthens the male genital area; Helps treat allergies and alcohol addiction. Externally, saffron is used in the treatment of skin diseases, tumors and burns.

Saffron essential oil also helps to treat and prevent many diseases: it has a diuretic effect, makes it easier to fall asleep and calms the nervous system. Lotions of saffron relieve severe headaches and help with inflammation of the ear. A side effect of using saffron may be of interest to those who want to lose weight - saffron can reduce appetite.

In modern medicine, saffron is used to prepare eye drops and various medicinal and restorative tinctures. Saffron has been proven to have anticarcinogenic And antimutagenic properties. Saffron with hot milk promotes the growth and renewal of brain tissue and improves memory. Saffron with natural honey helps crush kidney stones.

The unique healing properties of saffron have been repeatedly confirmed by modern scientific research: many scientists believe that 4/5 of all diseases known today can be treated with saffron, using it as a main or auxiliary remedy. The easiest way is to use the infusion of stigmas - this should be done regularly, and then the state of health will improve, and the disease will recede for a long time.

Attention! Saffron taken with wine increases intoxication. An excessive dose of saffron can lead to strong excitement and tension of the senses. Excess saffron can not only spoil the dish, but also lead to poisoning. Just a few grams of fresh, quality saffron lethal dose! Such a strong tonic as saffron is contraindicated in pregnant women.

Infusion of crocus stigmas and other recipes

Infusion of crocus stigmas (saffron tincture) contains carotene, thiamine, riboflamin, flavonoids, calcium, phosphorus and other biologically active components.

The infusion is prepared almost like ordinary tea: no more than 15 dry threads of saffron are taken per ½ liter of boiling water and brewed in a teapot - glass, enameled or porcelain. First, the teapot is rinsed with boiling water, then threads are placed, poured with a glass of boiling water, stirred and heated over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Then add 2 more glasses of water, and after a while remove from heat - the liquid should not boil. When the saffron threads sink to the bottom, saffron tea can be considered ready: they drink it 3 times a day, a glass half an hour before meals. You can brew threads 2 times.

For many eye diseases, the following recipe is used: 5 dried strands of saffron are ground into powder and mixed 1: 1 with rose water. They wipe their eyes with gruel, then wash them with clean water - this remedy is considered very effective. With kidney stones, take a powder of saffron threads with honey. Honey (100 g) is melted in a water bath, a powder of 50 dried strands is added, mixed thoroughly and taken 2 times a day, 1 tsp. before breakfast and dinner.

For bronchitis, take an infusion of saffron stigmas: 2 tsp. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day.

The same infusion is taken for urolithiasis, but 1 tbsp.

Saffron in cosmetology

In cosmetology, saffron is also used: it improves the structure of the skin, softens the skin and moisturizes; retains moisture - many cosmetics manufacturers add saffron to face and body creams, balms, masks, gels, shampoos, etc.

Of course, cosmetics with saffron is also not cheap - if the product is inexpensive, then most likely it is a fake.

At home, you can also use saffron in skin care.

A mask with saffron, sour cream and honey (1 teaspoon each) refreshes and revitalizes dull and tired skin. The ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to the cleansed face for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Saffron in cooking

Saffron is a very strong spice, and 1 g of spice will last you a long time. Its smell is strong, intoxicating, and the taste is spicy-bitter. Two stigmas of saffron are enough to color three liters of water. The aroma of saffron does not open immediately and does not disappear with prolonged cooking. It is better to pre-soak it in warm water or milk, or make an alcohol tincture, and then add the solution to the dish. The aroma of the spice develops within 12-24 hours. Baking with saffron will be more fragrant the next day. You can prepare saffron in another way. First, lightly fry the stigmas in a dry frying pan, grind them into powder and pour warm milk for half an hour. Then add this milk to rice dishes or pastries. You can add saffron powder to the dish without soaking. In any case, saffron powder will go less than whole stigmas.

Saffron is an ideal seasoning for dairy dishes, pastries, creams and sweet sauces, ice cream and cream, mousses and jellies. For example, 7-10 stigmas of saffron are enough for a serving of custard for a cake, so that the cream acquires an exceptional aroma and golden color.

In the East, saffron is widely used for cooking pilaf, meat and chicken dishes. This spice adds a special touch to sweet pilafs with almonds, cashews and raisins.

They season fish and seafood dishes with saffron, tint clear broths and fish soup, sauces and soups in Mediterranean cuisine, dishes from cauliflower, tomatoes, asparagus, butter and cheeses, flavor liqueurs and soft drinks.

Saffron is an excellent seasoning for coffee and tea, especially with milk. Two stigmas of saffron are enough for a cup of tea.

The aroma of saffron is so peculiar that, as a rule, it is used in dishes on its own, without admixture of other spices, and is not included in spicy mixtures of spices. But if you really want to combine it with something, then it can be cinnamon, basil, thyme, rosemary, cilantro.

Saffron is a very strong spice and is used in minimal amounts. Bookmark rates vary depending on the types of dishes and taste preferences. But in any case, the bill goes to small pinches or a piece of stigmas, but not to teaspoons. Too much saffron can make the dish bitter.
