
What are the benefits of rice. White, brown, red, black rice: benefits and harms, calorie content of a unique cereal

Rice is the oldest cereal on our planet. The most interesting thing is that it is very unpretentious and grows in almost any climate on different soil. Therefore, there are many places on the planet where rice farming flourishes.

This ancient culture occupies the second place in the world in terms of area of ​​crops, and in the first place in terms of such a parameter as the collection of gross product.

Therefore, attention to rice is very large and scientists from all over the world are trying to preserve this culture.

Rice has great popularity, availability. This is primarily due to the fact that it has excellent nutritional value and goes very well with other foods: sour, spicy, salty and sweet.

Calorie boiled rice

calories boiled rice New porridge averages 116 kilocalories per 100 grams. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates - 24.9 gr. Contains calcium, B vitamins, as well as potassium and phosphorus. There is practically no fat in rice, as well as proteins.

If you take some part of dry rice per 100 grams of product, then it will be 360 ​​kilocalories. However, during the cooking process, rice absorbs water and therefore the final calorie content is reduced by 3 times. Due to this property, rice can be included in a special group of low-calorie foods.

There are many diets based on rice. At the same time, they can be used as the most stringent rice diets, for example, you can boil several servings of rice and just drink them during the day apple juice, and more sparing, in which rice is simply added to other products.

In general, rice diets last a maximum of two weeks. In any case, nutritionists recommend eating boiled rice precisely in its unpurified form, since it will contain enough all B vitamins.

If you decide to sit on rice diet Be sure to stock up on vitamins that will contain potassium.

The low calorie content of boiled rice is used for all kinds of fasting days. For example, you can take 200 grams of rice, boil it in water and consume it throughout the day.

Rice is a very ancient product and was first used over four thousand years ago in Asia. Many peoples of the world consider rice a gift from God, as well as a symbol of fertility, and they try to protect this culture.

Rice has many health benefits. For example, it contains a very large amount of carbohydrates and lacks gluten, which can cause various allergic reactions. 8% rice is protein and vitamins B3, PP, as well as B 1 and B 2 and B 6. They allow you to convert all nutrients into useful energy.

In addition, due to this transformation, the nervous system is strengthened, the skin becomes healthier, the condition of nails and hair improves. Thanks to lecithin, brain activity is accelerated. The content of the oligosaccharide restores the intestines.

The composition of rice helps a person to cleanse himself of toxins and toxins. Rice is recognized as the most the best remedy for this cleaning. Exists interesting method: you need to take as many spoons of rice as years have been lived, then pour it with boiled cool water, and then put the resulting composition in the refrigerator. After that, you need to eat one spoonful with a mountain of this rice every morning.

At the same time, every day it is necessary to change the water in which the rice is located. It is recommended to consume such an additive before seven in the morning or two hours before meals. This must be done until all the rice has been eaten.

Today, more than 23 varieties of rice are known. Rice can be either white or brown, black or red, or lilac. Rice cereals can be not only different color, but also differ in taste, as well as in the method and time of preparation. In addition, their nutritional value.

Beneficial features already appreciated in cosmetics by many pharmaceutical companies. On the shelves you can find many products that are based on rice.

Rice - benefit and harm

Rice contains a lot useful elements and scientists have already proven that thanks to this useful product the functioning of the nervous system improves, and the condition of the skin and hair is maintained in excellent healthy condition. In addition, rice is used to restore lost appetite. If observed heat, then a decoction of rice will be a great helper in this case.

There are a number of products that should be in every home and at any time of the year. They nourish the body, give us energy, vigor, allow you to quickly get enough on long time. Moreover, such food brings a mass when consumed. useful substances, minerals, vitamins, acids, fats. Rice occupies an honorable place among the leaders in the list of such products.

This cereal is so popular that it is impossible to imagine a kitchen cabinet without its presence. Each housewife has in stock recipes for at least 4-5 dishes using this product. But after all, few people can be forced to cook food if it is not tasty. This is the positive of rice - if you take seriously the preparation of a dish from it, you will get an excellent masterpiece, tasting which you will lick your fingers. Let us clarify for ourselves in more detail - how rice is useful for the human body, from what age it is possible to give rice dishes to children. We also find out what is the use rice groats For men's health, is there any harm from it, what are the contraindications.

A bit of rice history

According to research data, the homeland of the popular cereal is the countries of Asia and the East. According to the sources, rice was first mentioned in the annals of Vietnam and Thailand. Since then, the culture has undergone tremendous changes, both in the way it is grown and prepared. If in the country rising sun While in Korea, the round type of cereal, which quickly boils and sticks together, is still more popular, in India they prefer such a variety as "basmati". But for now, about history. There is evidence that people began to include rice in their menu about 7 thousand years ago. This is officially confirmed by the research and findings of archaeologists during excavations. The product did not immediately begin to spread around the world, and only by the 500th year BC, cereals began to be cultivated in Indochina, Malaysia. Then it began to be cultivated in Japan, on the Indonesian islands.

How did rice get to Europe?

With its appearance in the countries of Europe, the cereal should be “thankful” to the conqueror, the ancient bully Alexander the Great. Once in Asian countries, he tried a rice dish and picked up seeds on the way home. Thus, as early as 300 BC rice was grown in large quantities in the coastal regions of the Mediterranean. IN Ancient Rome, Greece, the culture was cultivated in the third century BC, rice took root in the southern regions of France, in Italy, Spain. Then, with a firm step, the product began to be grown in Bulgaria, Albania, and the countries of the former Yugoslavia. In the eighteenth century, cereals became one of the main Europeans in cooking, there were various dishes, which were put on the tables not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. In those days, cereals in Slavic countries were called "grain from Sorochin", then they began to be called briefly - rice, from the Iranian "vris".

During the years of the Union, the culture became widespread, it began to be grown on a gigantic scale in the Krasnodar, Stavropol Territories, Astrakhan, Rostov, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, etc.

An interesting fact: in European countries, culture did not take root immediately. Only after a terrible plague epidemic that took the lives of millions of people and there was no one to sow fields with wheat and take care of it. Coarse-grain rice does not require special care, so most allotments were planted with it.

To date, this product has spread throughout the world and in every corner of the planet it is actively used in cooking. Rice is used for cooking cereals, soups, casseroles, they also manage to create confectionery masterpieces from it, tender and unique puddings. This product goes well with any type of meat - beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey, pork, etc. In addition, rice is in perfect harmony with salads, stewed vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, milk, etc.

Description of rice

If there are readers inexperienced housewives, we want to clarify that there are several types of rice cereal. They are distinguished by external data, that is, by shape:

  1. Coarse-grain - cereal oval shape, opaque, can be up to 6 centimeters long, but not less than 3.5 cm. This variety is more often grown in China and in the fields of Japan. The view is great for cooking casseroles, side dishes and stuffed cabbage, dolma, boiled cereals.
  2. Long grain - this species can reach a length of 7 centimeters. It is translucent in appearance, grown in India, Asian countries. A low level of stickiness, for this reason, is used for cooking crumbly dishes - pilaf, cereals and side dishes.
  3. Medium-grained - the length can be up to 5 centimeters, the shape is more rounded. IN this variety a lot of starch, therefore low transparency, cereals are grown in Australia, Asia and Italy. This type absorbs a lot of liquid, sticks together well, becomes soft when cooked, so it is used for making sushi, risotto, pilaf, etc.

There are also varieties that can be easily distinguished also by appearance, which has undergone a certain processing method:

  1. Brown rice is a completely preserved shell, in which there is a huge amount of micro and macro elements, vitamins of groups B, A, D, and a lot of fiber. Cooking longer than usual (white).
  2. White (polished) - different in length, the upper shell is cleaned, the surface is even and smooth. It is prepared quickly, within 15-20 minutes, and the shelf life is long.
  3. Steamed - thanks to special processing, all valuable substances, in appearance, the croup has a yellowish tint. When cooking, the cereal does not stick together, turns white.

When cooking, cereals can have different flavors, but this depends on the cooking method, pre-treatment and the ingredients that make up the "company" of the cereal.

The chemical composition of rice

The product we are studying should be used especially by those who need a large amount of carbohydrates. Cereals consist of complex types of carbohydrates, as well as the following, which are very valuable for human body elements.

  1. So, the composition of rice includes: water, pectin, starch, disaccharides, fiber, monosaccharides, ash. About 9% protein, half a gram per 100 grams of fat, and 78 grams of carbohydrates.
  2. Energy value: in 100 grams of a boiled product there are about 116 kilocalories, raw 350 kcal. When cooking, cereals get rid of extra calories due to the enormous absorption of liquid.
  3. Rice contains B vitamins: pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as vitamin PP, E, A, etc.
  4. A number of minerals replenish potassium, iodine, cobalt, iron, calcium, copper, molybdenum, magnesium, sodium, molybdenum, zinc, sodium, fluorine, selenium and phosphorus. Most of all in rice there is such an important element as magnesium - it is about 3620 mcg in 100 grams of cereal.

Important: the nutritional value and amount of nutrients may vary depending on the type of rice and how it is cooked.

Useful and medicinal properties of rice

We already know that this cereal contains a large amount of B vitamins. These substances take an active part in strengthening the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on people with depression and stressful situations. Also, these elements are sources for nourishing hair roots, builders of the bone and muscle structure of a person.

  1. Components such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium strengthen teeth, improve skin condition, and again have a beneficial effect on hair and nails. Regular consumption of rice cereal relieves acne, boils, blackheads, dermatitis and other skin diseases.
  2. Thanks to potassium and magnesium, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and amino acids increase their elasticity and firmness. Thanks to these components, the blood is thinned, the risk of plaque and blood clots is minimized.
  3. The combination of valuable vitamins, minerals and amino acids creates excellent conditions for cell renewal, their activity.

    Important: rice does not contain an allergenic element - gluten. Therefore, it is indicated for people with a tendency to allergic reactions.

  4. The amino acid lecithin stimulates blood arterial pressure, due to which blood circulation in the body improves, each cell, down to the smallest, receives the necessary oxygen.
  5. Aminobutyric substance regulates metabolism, improves metabolism, stimulates activity gastrointestinal tract, peristalsis, removes toxins, toxins, decay products of dead cells and viruses, bacteria from the body.

Therapeutic properties of rice grains

About the benefits of this product, how about remedy is known to many. Let's do it again brief digression about rice as medicine:

  1. A decoction of cereals helps to quickly remove mucus and purulent sputum from respiratory tract with bronchitis, asthmatic cough.
  2. Groats perfectly help to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and have a beneficial effect on the microflora in the genitourinary, gastrointestinal system. Cereal strengthens the walls of the channels, inhibits diarrhea and cleanses the body of excess gently and without consequences.
  3. Croup is a diuretic and diaphoretic, cleans the bile ducts and kidneys from sand, lubricates with healing mucus for peptic ulcers, gastritis.
  4. Chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and others are effectively eliminated when consumed rice water and boiled cereals.
  5. Among the substances of rice there are amino acids, antioxidants and other elements that have antipyretic, antitoxic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. For this reason, it must be included in the diet for infectious, inflammatory processes: influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, etc.
  6. Regular consumption of rice allows you to restore strength after physical activity, sports. Also, the product helps to cope with disorientation, loss of balance, improves concentration of the mind, memory, vision and hearing.
  7. On hot summer days, rice dishes (preferably boiled) help to cope with thirst.
  8. The product we describe contains virtually no salt. It is for this reason that cereals are considered the best option for fasting days, excellent weight loss and is included in a lot of popular diets.

Is it possible to eat rice during pregnancy

The components of rice groats are indispensable especially for female body. It is important for ladies who are in an "interesting" position to study all the products that she consumes. Thus, you can warn yourself and the baby from all sorts of side effects, allergic responses, etc. So, how is rice useful for a pregnant woman.

Recall that rice is one of the most popular foods. And no family can do without it. The glory of rice lies in its amazing taste and useful qualities.

  1. Considering the fact that there are only 116 kcal in 100 grams of finished cereal, the product prevents the pregnant woman from gaining excess weight.
  2. Potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium help keep teeth, hair, nails and skin in good condition.
  3. The amino acid lecithin improves brain activity and helps you focus.
  4. In case of upset stool, useful oligosaccharides inhibit diarrhea due to enveloping properties.
  5. Fiber is removed from the body harmful products decay and slag.
  6. Phosphorus, calcium take an active part in the formation of the skeleton of the fetus, its teeth, nails, etc.
  7. Potassium stimulates blood circulation and prevents arterial blood pressure from rising.
  8. Doctors strongly recommend eating brown rice more often, which is much more more fiber and beneficial substances.

Contraindications for eating rice during pregnancy

The main point to which you should pay attention is individual intolerance. Despite the fact that cereal does not contain gluten, it can also provoke an allergic reaction.

The second point is constipation. If the expectant mother has such an ailment, it is better to exclude rice from the diet.

Is it possible to feed rice to a child

studying useful composition and the properties of rice cereal, any normal parent will want to include rice in the menu of their favorite child. But what do experts say about this, is it possible to feed the baby rice porridge and soups? And if so, at what age can you cook a child's dishes with rice groats? What kind of dishes should these be - boiled, stewed?

  1. First of all, let's decide which type of rice is more useful for child's body. Pediatricians focus on brown, but only in a well-cooked form. The product contains fiber and coarse fibers, tends to hold the chair together. Therefore, do not abuse the portions.

    Important: gluten-free brown rice is good for children who are prone to allergic reactions.

  2. Rice porridges and soups help to cope with viral infections, colds.
  3. Croup is responsible for energy metabolism and the state of blood vessels, including coronary ones.
  4. Antioxidants of the product successfully fight cell mutations, viruses, regulate activity of cardio-vascular system, nerves.
  5. Rice contains folic acid- an element involved in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, minimizing congenital pathologies. Also, vitamin B9 is one of the hematopoietic elements that increases hemoglobin levels and reduces the risk of anemia.
  6. Croup is shown with a lack of magnesium, which prevents osteoporosis, aging of cells and the whole organism as a whole.
  7. Potassium removes excess fluid from the body, which eliminates puffiness and problems in genitourinary system.
  8. Unpeeled rice stimulates the activity of neurons, which strengthens nervous system resistance to negative situations, stress and depression.
  9. Just 100 grams of boiled rice is enough to get the daily norm of substances that support the growth of the muscles and bone structure of the child. The baby receives a colossal supply of energy and vivacity.
  10. Rice groats have enveloping properties and prevent gastritis, peptic ulcers from developing, and reduce acidity.

At what age can a child be fed rice dishes? This question is raised by all young mothers. Doctors say that rice should not be introduced into the child's menu before 8 months of life. Best to start with baby food produced by trusted companies. Such firms produce cereals based on cereals that have undergone excellent processing.

Rice is especially useful for children who have frequent disorders - diarrhea.

Benefits of rice for men's health

At the end of the last century, scientists discovered the possibilities of such an element as selenium for the human body, especially for men. This and other rice substances have the following effect:

  1. Protects membranes and cell membranes from oxidation, destructive processes, which contributes to the maintenance of healthy joints, blood vessels, muscles and bone structure, etc. This factor also helps to protect against the development of inflammatory and oncological diseases in the prostate gland, the genitourinary system in general.
  2. Selenium promotes the production of antibodies that protect against colds and infections.
  3. The element minimizes the impact of negative processes - environmental pollution, alcohol, alcohol, fatty, smoked food. The substance removes particles of heavy metals from the body, poisons - arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, etc.
  4. The element selenium also has a beneficial effect on the thyroid system, increases the chances of paternity, as it is involved in the synthesis of testosterone. The product activates the movement of spermatozoa, improves their quality. This moment directly affects the duration of sexual intercourse, increases sensitivity with proximity.

As for contraindications, everything is the same for women and children. Do not use with a tendency to constipation, individual intolerance, a tendency to obesity.

The most delicious porridge for children and pregnant women

To prepare this useful and very delicious dish, which can be eaten by everyone without exception, including babies, pregnant women, we need:

  • 300 grams ;
  • 150 grams of milk;
  • rice groats - 50 grams;
  • teaspoon granulated sugar, small pinch of salt.

Wash the vegetable, cut off a piece, peel and seeds, cut into small cubes and put into a container. Pour washed rice to the pumpkin, pour the composition with milk, pour in granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Boil it all for half an hour. When ready, you can grind with a blender. When serving, a small piece is added butter, garnish with dill or parsley.

The best weight loss recipes on rice

Based on this product, there is great amount recipes for weight loss. By the way, it is this cereal that is popular in terms of gaining harmony. We offer the best and most effective of them.

During the breaks between meals, you can eat fruits, with the exception of grapes and bananas.

It is clear that with diets it is absolutely impossible to use pastries, flour and sweet products, boiled vegetables, smoked products, fatty, salty, preservation. Also, do not abuse the spices that cause appetite. It is worth noting that the diet is categorically contraindicated for future mothers, the elderly, after serious illnesses, operations.

The benefits of rice have not yet been fully studied, but one thing is clear - everyone who cares about their health needs to use cereals. Do healthy diet And active image life with your passion. Thanks to such available products and the desire to become more beautiful, stronger and more cheerful, you can achieve excellent results.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Useful properties of rice are valued by many nationalities. Rice was originally the staple food Eastern countries. Today, the benefits of rice are known to everyone, it was included in the diet in almost all countries of the world.

Composition of rice

The benefits of rice are due to the composition, the main part of which is complex carbohydrates - up to 80%. Approximately 8% of rice is occupied by protein compounds - 8 essential amino acids for humans.

The exceptional benefit of rice is that it does not contain - it is a vegetable protein that can cause severe allergies. Fiber is also contained in rice grains, but its share is only 3%, so rice acts as a side dish for vegetable dishes.

The vitamin-mineral complex of substances in rice is not very wide, but it is good for health. Rice is a source of B vitamins. This vitamin group is indispensable for the nervous system, so rice can be considered food for the central nervous system. It strengthens the nervous system. Lecithin, which is part of rice, stimulates brain activity.

Among the minerals that rice is rich in, potassium stands out. In a small amount, rice grains contain calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, phosphorus.

The high content of potassium determines the benefits of rice for the cardiovascular system, it strengthens the heart and improves its functioning. Once in the body, rice comes into contact with and removes its excess. Salt in the body retains water, and rice helps to remove both salt and excess water, it not only improves metabolism, but also promotes weight loss. Rice is useful for diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.

One of the most useful properties of rice is its enveloping effect, getting into the organs. digestive system, rice gently envelops the walls of the esophagus, stomach, such food is useful for people with hyperacidity gastric juice, as well as those suffering from gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa.

Rice is a cereal plant, the grains of which are widely used in cooking and folk medicine. In some countries, rice is even traditional. folk product, which is used to prepare porridge, drinks, wine, various dishes.

Rice contains many vitamins that help improve general condition human health. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of calories, rice is also used for weight loss. You will learn more about the methods of application and useful properties of this product from this article.

Rice: useful properties

There are many types of rice that are used to make crumbly dishes, cereals, desserts, sushi and even decoctions and drinks. Regardless of what you cook with rice, the product has numerous beneficial properties that will have a beneficial effect on your health.

What is the benefit of rice?

Before describing the useful properties of the product, you need to look at its composition:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6).
  • Vitamins RR.
  • Carotene and vitamin E, contributing to the improvement of the nervous system.
  • Microelements important for the human body: phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron, iodine, etc.

Rice is nutritious product, but at the same time it is used for weight loss due to the fact that it cleanses the body of harmful salts, slags and toxins.

Useful properties of rice:

  • It is an excellent source of energy.
  • Stimulates the digestive system.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body harmful substances. You can arrange unloading rice days for weight loss.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Rice does not contain substances that cause an allergic reaction.
  • The product is even used to restore bowel function.

Is rice good for pregnancy? This question has yet to be answered, but we can immediately say that the product is really recommended for use in this period of time in no time. large quantities.

Rice: contraindications

Despite the many useful properties of the product, there are still contraindications for rice:

  1. Regular use rice porridge and others rice dishes can lead to frequent constipation, which adversely affects bowel function.
  2. Rice contains a small amount of substances that do not make it easy to digest foods that have calcium and iron in their composition.
  3. Individual intolerance to the product.
  4. People with diseases of the cardiovascular system are advised to reduce the amount of rice consumed.

As you can see, the harm from rice is quite insignificant, and it can occur mainly due to the abuse of the food product.

Now you know the beneficial properties and why rice is harmful, it remains to sort out the question of how you can get rid of excess weight with this product, after which you can cook diet meals and go on the right diet.

Rice and weight loss

Rice for weight loss is used quite often, and in many countries of the world. The product contains fiber, and its grains cleanse the body of harmful toxic substances. There are also many vitamins that contribute to the normal process of digestion.

There are several options to get rid of excess weight with this product. One of the most effective ways considered a mono-diet on rice. You should immediately make a reservation - you can’t stick to such a diet for a long time, but you can devote yourself to such a diet for several days a month.

How to lose weight with rice?

  • It is necessary to cook rice without adding sugar, a large number oils and spices.
  • After a mono-diet on rice, the result should be fixed more light diets and eating dietary products Otherwise, the excess weight will definitely come back.
  • Fasting days on rice are also welcomed by nutritionists. Thanks to such days, you can cleanse the body of unnecessary substances and get rid of excess fat.

You can lose weight with rice quite quickly - in 5-7 days a person usually loses 5-6 kg. For weight loss, brown, Indian, soaked and some other types of rice are used.

Ways to use rice

  1. Diet for 9 days. The first 3 days should be eaten boiled rice. Then eat vegetables in any form. For the last 3 days, eat fruit, excluding bananas. Subsequently, you can eat rice porridge and soups in a small amount 1 time per day.
  2. Prepare for the day rice porridge and fruit compote. Eat porridge in the morning and evening, drink compote 5-6 times a day.
  3. Diet for 3 days. Within 1 day, you can eat only 250 g of rice, you can drink the product with apple juice. Such a diet should be carried out 1 time in 2 months.
  4. Rice goes well with seafood. You can follow the diet for 5 days. Cook meals separately - rice dishes and seafood dishes, eat small portions.

rice during pregnancy

Can pregnant women eat rice? Yes, unless you have an individual intolerance to this product. The product contains essential amino acids, carbohydrates, contributing to the fact that the body of the expectant mother receives the necessary energy and strength.

Rice also has a calming effect, strengthens the woman's immunity, which is usually weakened during pregnancy. In addition, the product has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice during pregnancy can only be harmful if you abuse the food. In the third trimester of pregnancy, rice consumption in large quantities can lead to weight gain, which is undesirable for the health of a woman and her unborn child.

In all other cases, this product is useful and nutritious, and thanks to unique properties rice, it is widely used both in cooking and in folk medicine.

Rice is made up of carbohydrates a small amount protein and virtually no fat, and refers to.

Below you will see detailed information about all nutrients ah per 100 grams of round grain white rice. ()

  • Calories: 130
  • Water: 69%
  • Protein: 2.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 28.7 g
  • Sugar: 0.1 g
  • Fiber: 0.4 g
  • Fat (total): 0.2 g
  • Saturated fat: 0.05 g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 0.06 g
  • : 0.05 g
  • : 0.01 g
  • : 0.04 g
  • Trans fats: ~

The benefits of rice

How is rice useful for the human body? In fact, the benefits of rice are due to its chemical composition. Below you can learn about each component of rice and their beneficial properties and harm.


Rice consists mainly of carbohydrates, which are mainly in the form of starch, making up up to 90% of the total dry mass and 87% of the total calories ( , ). Starch is the most common form of carbohydrate in foods, made up of long chains of glucose known as amylose and amylopectin.

Amylose and amylopectin have various properties, which may be responsible for the texture and digestibility of rice. Rice with high content amylose, such as basmati rice, does not stick together after cooking. Amylose also slows down the digestion of starch and is often associated with so-called resistant starch, a type of health benefit ( , ).

On the other hand, rice that is low in amylose and high in amylopectin becomes sticky after cooking. Sticky rice is perfect for risotto and rice puddings. It is most preferred in Asian cooking because it is easy to eat with chopsticks ().

The high degree of digestibility is one of the disadvantages of carbohydrates in glutinous rice. For foods high in carbohydrates, good digestibility is not always a plus because it can cause an unhealthy spike in blood sugar, especially among diabetics.


Rice mainly consists of carbohydrates. Certain types of rice (such as white rice) can cause unhealthy blood sugar spikes, making them unsuitable for diabetics.


Apart from resistant starch, fiber is concentrated in the bran that is removed from white rice. Bran is primarily made up of insoluble dietary fiber such as hemicellulose and contains virtually no soluble fiber.


White rice contains virtually no fiber, while brown rice is a good source. Both types may also contain varying amounts of resistant starch, which may promote colon health.

Vitamins and minerals

The nutritional value of rice depends on the variety and cooking method.

Many vitamins and minerals are concentrated in bran and germ, which are components of brown rice, but not white. The beneficial properties of rice (brown) are due to the presence of the following compounds in it:

  • : trace element found in most food products, especially in . It is important for metabolism, growth, development, and the body's antioxidant system.
  • : a mineral that is a component of selenoproteins, which perform various important functions in the body ().
  • Thiamine: Also known as vitamin B1, thiamine is essential for the metabolism and function of the heart, muscles, and nervous system.
  • Niacin: Also known as vitamin B3, the niacin in rice is mainly present as nicotinic acid. Soaking rice in water before cooking can increase its absorption ().
  • Magnesium: Found in brown rice, it is an important dietary mineral. It has been suggested that they may contribute to the occurrence of a number of chronic diseases ().
  • Copper: Often found in whole grains, copper is present in small amounts in the diet of the average modern person. Insufficient intake of copper from food can have an adverse effect on heart health ().


White rice is usually a poor source of vitamins and minerals. However, significant amounts can be concentrated in brown rice bran.

Other plant compounds

A number of plant compounds have been found in rice, some of which have health benefits.

Pigmented rice, such as red-grain varieties, has been found to be particularly rich in antioxidants ().

  • Phytic acid: An antioxidant found in brown rice. Phytic acid (phytate) impairs the absorption of dietary minerals such as iron and. Its level can be reduced by soaking, sprouting and fermenting rice before cooking ().
  • Lignans: Found in rice bran, lignans are converted to enterolactone by intestinal bacteria. Enterolactone is an isoflavone (phytoestrogen) that may provide health benefits to humans (, , ).
  • Ferulic acid: Strong antioxidant found in rice bran. May protect against various chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease ( , ).
  • 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP): aromatic substance responsible for the taste and smell of aromatic rice, such as jasmine and basmati rice ().


White rice is a poor source of antioxidants and other plant compounds. However, brown rice bran can be good source ferulic acid, lignans and phytic acid.

White vs Brown Rice - What's the Difference?

White rice is refined, polished and devoid of bran (grain husk) and germ. This is done to improve palatability, shelf life and speeding up cooking, but, unfortunately, this is due to a decrease in its nutritional value ( , ).

brown rice A whole grain containing both the bran and the germ. For this reason, brown rice contains significantly more fiber than white rice. As the most nutritious parts of grains, bran and germ are rich in fiber and several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

However, bran is also a source of anti-nutrients such as phytic acid and can contain high levels of heavy metals when grown in polluted areas ( , ).

Eating white rice can negatively affect blood sugar balance and should be avoided by people with diabetes. On the other hand, brown rice is generally regarded as a low glycemic food that has beneficial effects on blood sugar ( , ).

Brown rice is definitely the winner when it comes to nutritional quality and health benefits.


Brown rice is generally considered to be much healthier than white rice.

Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Apart from providing energy and essential nutrients, refined white rice does not provide any health benefits, and falls into a category of foods called .

On the other hand, regular consumption of brown (whole grain) rice can be beneficial, providing a healing effect.

Heart health

Cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, are one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

Observational studies have linked whole grain consumption to a reduced risk of death from heart disease ( , , , , ).

In one study, researchers followed 86,190 men for 5.5 years. Those who consumed one serving or most whole grain breakfast cereals each day had a 20% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who never or rarely consumed whole grains ().

In another study, researchers followed 75,521 women for 10 years. A high intake of whole grains has been found to be associated with a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to a low intake ().

Whole grains may also have a beneficial effect on people with overweight body and diabetes mellitus - conditions that are closely associated with cardiovascular diseases (,).

Keep in mind that all of these studies are observational. They show the connection between whole grains and health, but cannot prove causation.

One thing is clear, whole-grain brown rice contains a number of heart-healthy components, such as minerals, antioxidants, lignans, and alimentary fiber ( , , ).

A randomized controlled trial of 21 Korean men and women, half of whom were obese, examined the effects of high-fiber rice on risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Eating high-fiber rice as a substitute for white rice resulted in weight loss accompanied by lower cholesterol levels in obese patients ().

Eating brown rice along with other cereal grains can have beneficial effects on heart health.


Brown rice contains several health-promoting nutrients, so it may help prevent cardiovascular disease.

The harm of rice

Regular consumption of rice can be a concern for some people, especially if rice is the mainstay of the diet.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. High consumption of white rice is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes both in Asia and in other countries ( , , , ).

In one study of 64,227 Chinese women, it was found that those who consumed 300 grams of rice per day had a 1.8 times increased risk of becoming diabetic compared to those who consumed 200 grams per day ().

This adverse effect is believed to be due to the high glycemic index some types of rice, such as glutinous rice, which is common in Asian cooking ( , ).

In contrast, many observational studies have found an association between whole grains such as brown rice and a reduced risk of developing diabetes ( , , , , ).

One study of more than 150,000 men and women suggests that eating brown rather than white rice may reduce the risk of developing diabetes ().

These effects are believed to be due to the fiber content of brown rice ().

Eating white rice regularly can have an adverse effect on blood sugar control, especially if you are diabetic.

On the other hand, eating fiber-rich whole grains instead of refined grains can provide significant health benefits.


Significant consumption of glutinous white rice may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Overconsumption This product is contraindicated for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Heavy metals

Contamination of foodstuffs with heavy metals has become a serious problem all over the world. Heavy metals tend to accumulate in the body over time, leading to adverse health effects (46 52 ).

Arsenic is readily tolerated by all types of grain cereals, but its accumulation appears to occur more in rice compared to other grains such as wheat and ().

The main sources of heavy metal pollution in soil and water are human activities - heavy industry, mining, vehicular traffic, waste incineration and the use of fertilizers and pesticides ( , , ).

With time excessive consumption heavy metals from contaminated food can have adverse health effects.

Rice grown near heavily polluted industrial or mountainous areas should be avoided. This also applies to other food crops such as vegetables.


The consumption of rice from contaminated areas should be avoided. It can accumulate high levels of heavy metals such as arsenic.

Antinutrients in Brown Rice

Brown rice is high in phytic acid (phytate), an antioxidant that impairs the absorption of iron and zinc from digestive tract ().

For this reason, phytic acid is often referred to as an antinutrient or antinutrient. Phytic acid is found in all edible seeds, such as legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Consumption of foods high in phytate with most meals may contribute to the development of mineral deficiencies over time.

However, this is rarely a concern in well-balanced diets and is not harmful to people who regularly eat meat. On the other hand, it can be a problem among vegetarians and people living in developing countries where the diet consists mainly of foods high in phytate ().

To reduce the content of phytic acid, you can use several effective methods such as soaking, sprouting and fermenting rice grains ().


Brown rice contains phytic acid, which is an antinutrient that impairs the absorption of iron and zinc from the same food.


  • Rice is a popular cereal throughout the world, especially in Asia.
  • White rice is the most commonly eaten, but brown rice is becoming more common because of its health benefits.
  • Thanks to several useful minerals and antioxidants, brown rice may help prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, high consumption of white rice (especially glutinous) is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
