
Coffee 3 in 1. three in one coffee

The modern rhythm of life makes us do everything on the run. Manufacturers began to produce more and more goods in haste, and 3 in 1 coffee, which does not need to be brewed and different ingredients are added to it, has gained immense popularity. It is enough to brew with boiling water and the drink is ready to drink.

Origin story

For the first time, the possibility of producing such a drink was discussed at the end of the 19th century. However, the production of coffee in bags began only in 1909. Later, the accelerating rhythm of life demanded its release on a large scale, because a more practical drink could not be invented - convenient packaging allows you to always have it at hand.

At the same time, sugar was added to instant coffee, and the next step was the production of a modern drink, to which cream was added to soften the bitterness of caffeine.

What is the drink

It's no secret that three-in-one coffee has a complex composition, usually consisting of more than 10 components. The basis is made up of only 3 components:

  • instant coffee,
  • vegetable cream,
  • sugar.

Ideally, when all 3 basic components - coffee, cream, sugar - are contained in the composition

Most of the list of ingredients indicated on the package is vegetable cream. Their development made it possible to obtain a dry product instead of the usual liquid consistency, which is convenient to add to the package. In addition, the shelf life of this ingredient has significantly increased. In appearance, dry cream is very similar to natural, although in reality it is vegetable fat.

The recipe for the drink is carefully designed so that the ingredients responsible for astringency, sweetness, and taste are harmoniously combined with each other. A low-quality coffee drink may contain coffee in the last place, and some examples do not contain it at all. Therefore, it is often possible to observe deception when “natural coffee” is indicated on the package, but it is not observed at all in its composition.

Is three in one coffee harmful?

Of course, 3 in 1 coffee cannot replace a natural drink in terms of taste or effect on the body. A packaged analogue is more convenient both in transportation and in preparation, but it is not recommended to drink it daily. Do not forget that it contains a lot of sugar, as well as trans fats. At the same time, doctors argue that the use of a high-quality semi-finished product in a reasonable amount will not cause significant harm to health. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

Coffee is a tonic drink that energizes the body.

At the same time, the packaged analogue contains it in minimal quantities and practically does not affect vigor.

But it contains much more calories and may well contribute to weight gain. For example, one serving of McCoffee contains 1440 kcal.

There are practically no contraindications to this drink. Of course, you should use instant coffee with caution in the presence of diabetes. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. As to whether it is possible to drink it during pregnancy, there is no definite answer. As a rule, doctors recommend limiting the consumption of natural coffee, as it contributes to an increase in heart rate. At the same time, the soluble analogue contains caffeine in small doses, so it definitely will not harm pregnant women. However, the presence of artificial additives in the composition is alarming and it is better to minimize the use of this drink.

Varieties of coffee 3 in 1

There are a large number of types of coffee in bags on the market, which differ both in flavoring additives and in the components included in the composition. There are three groups of drinks:

  • containing natural grains,
  • based on chicory,
  • drinks made from caffeine substitutes (acorns, chestnuts, cereals, etc.).

The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Nescafe;
  • Jockey;
  • Golden Eagle;
  • Jacobs;
  • Petrovskaya Sloboda.

Each brand offers the consumer drinks with the addition of different flavor accents: cinnamon, nuts and even rum. So everyone can choose coffee to their taste and mood.

The Golden Eagle trademark is the first manufacturer to launch products on the Russian market. His drinks differ in the degree of strength and the presence of flavors. The low cost makes this brand popular, but when compared with other brands, Golden Eagle is very inferior in quality.

Three-in-one coffee from Jacobs has a richer taste and aroma, despite its softness. It is less sweet and more like natural coffee, and the latter is present in the composition. In addition to coffee drinks, Jacobs also produces instant tea bags. The G7 packaged Vietnamese drink can be considered the most natural and strong - coffee lovers will like it more than others. However, the high price makes it less popular among peers.

Which coffee to choose

Since the technology for creating a drink for different brands is almost identical, when choosing, pay attention to the packaging of the product and its composition. First of all, check the integrity of the bag. If it has damage that violates the seal, such coffee is not suitable for consumption.

Study the composition carefully. The best drink will have coffee at the top of the ingredients list. If it is not observed there, then you have a poor-quality semi-finished product. To understand which drink is better, it is worth trying several varieties, because each of us appreciates different properties in it.

What associations usually come to mind at the mention of 3 in 1 coffee? Office, bustle, a cup of coffee with a sandwich on the run...

Let's look into history

There are different opinions about who and when came up with the idea of ​​combining instant coffee and dry cream in one package. But everyone agrees that they developed this type of coffee solely for the convenience of consumers. Such a product is well stored, easy and quick to prepare, you can always take it with you.

The technology of making instant coffee was first discussed at the end of the 19th century. But this idea gained popularity only in the next century, when the speed of life itself increased. Many people could no longer waste time on a meal and a cup of coffee by the fireplace.

Instant coffee on an industrial scale began to be produced in 1909. Soon the market demanded portioned bags. To make the process of preparing the drink even easier for the customer, sugar was immediately added to coffee bags. The next step was obvious: coffee with cream. Cream reduces the bitterness of the drink, making it taste softer. But how to add a dairy product to a dry semi-finished product?

How it's made

In the list of ingredients of 3-in-1 coffee, you can find about a dozen components. However, most of this list can be combined under one name - "vegetable cream".

The invention of the cream substitute solved a number of problems. You can't put real milk or cream in a bag of coffee powder. Natural dry cream does not keep as long as we would like. But the "vegetable" are very convenient. The product got this name because it has the color, taste and aroma of cream, but the main component is vegetable fat. The shelf life of dried vegetable cream is several times longer than natural cream.

The composition of vegetable cream includes:

  • vegetable fats (coconut or palm oil);
  • glucose syrup;
  • milk protein;
  • acidity regulator;
  • stabilizers, emulsifiers (substances that provide the desired consistency of the product);
  • flavors and dyes (giving creamy color and taste).

Often manufacturers do not indicate all these components, and then the composition of 3-in-1 coffee looks like this:

  • natural instant coffee;
  • sugar;
  • vegetable cream.

This is at best. In a low-quality product, coffee is in last place. And sometimes the most important component may not be in it at all! Such coffee drinks are usually made from chicory, chestnuts, barley, or nuts. If the manufacturer honestly informs the buyer about this, then there is nothing criminal. These drinks are great for people who don't like caffeine. But if the buyer sees the inscription “Natural instant coffee” on the front side of the package, and “chicory” in tiny letters on the back, then it turns out to be a fraud.

Benefit or harm?

No one doubts the convenience of 3-in-1 bags. Fill it with hot water and you're done. At work, on a campaign, finally, in the army - everywhere portioned bags of coffee with sugar and cream have found their place and their fans.

According to experts, there will be no big trouble if you sometimes drink packaged coffee instead of natural. Of course, it contains a lot of sugar, contains trans-isomeric fatty acids (as part of vegetable cream) and other substances that are not very useful for humans.

But a high-quality semi-finished product, used in small quantities, will not harm health. And portioned coffee of good quality can be found in stores, there is no doubt about it. It is enough to get acquainted with the materials of specialized magazines or websites to make sure that there are manufacturers whose products receive high marks from experts.

How to choose coffee 3 in 1?

Compare prices. If a bag of coffee is much cheaper than others of the same kind, there is a reason to refuse the purchase. Coffee is the most expensive component of the mixture. A low price may mean that there is no coffee in the product.

Examine the packaging. The bag must be neat, intact, without damage. If the paint is rubbed off from the heat of the hands, then most likely you have a fake in front of you. If the packaging is even slightly broken, it means that moisture from the air has already got inside. The powder could become damp, and this leads to its rapid deterioration.

Read what is written on the package. All inscriptions (including composition) must be printed in such letters that they are easy to read. If the font is fuzzy, the letters merge, you should think: maybe the manufacturer has something to hide?

Study the composition. Coffee should be at the top of the list.

Rate usability. Conscientious manufacturers who care about customers make special notches on coffee bags. The bag itself is made of durable material to protect the product from moisture. It is very difficult to break such a package with your hands. Do you always have scissors handy? With the help of a notch, a package with a dry drink can be opened easily and quickly.

Try different brands. Even if all the previous conditions are met, the customer may not like the taste. After all, each manufacturer prepares this drink according to its own recipe. The drink may seem too sweet, too bitter, even too strong. Therefore, it is worth buying several bags and choosing the right one among them: with a strong, persistent aroma, pleasant taste, warming, invigorating.

True connoisseurs drink exclusively natural coffee, but there are times when there is no time or opportunity to brew a drink. In this case, the 3 in 1 option comes to the rescue. It is prepared very simply: the contents of the bag are poured with boiling water, and sweet coffee with cream is ready. What harm or benefit does 3 in 1 coffee bring, and who can use it, we will consider further.

Origin story

In the early twentieth century, they began to produce instant coffee, which immediately became widespread. The soluble version significantly saved time, because the powder did not need to be cooked using a special technology. This type began to be produced on an industrial scale and now a large assortment of instant products is presented on store shelves.

But it was not very convenient to carry a jar of powder with you to work, and the manufacturers decided to start producing portioned bags. However, many people prefer a drink with sugar, so they decided to add sugar along with the powder. The next improvement was the addition of milk powder and cream.

Thus, from one bag you get a sweet coffee drink with cream. Manufacturers offer 3 in 1 options with various flavors to satisfy the desire of every customer. The harm of three-in-one coffee and its benefits are of little interest to many consumers. It is enough for them that it is very convenient - you can take bags to work, on trips, out of town.

What is the drink

The ingredients of 3 in 1 coffee are cream or milk, coffee and sugar.

The composition of the drink includes vegetable cream or milk, which contains the following substances:

  • palm/coconut oil;
  • glucose syrup;
  • milk protein;
  • acidity regulators;
  • stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, other chemical components.

On a note! Natural milk or cream has a short shelf life, so manufacturers use a substitute in the form of vegetable cream.

Palm oil is one of the ingredients of 3 in 1 coffee

Coffee beans are the most expensive ingredient, so they try to save on it. As a rule, producers use cheap varieties of Robusta grains, or, even worse, chicory, acorns, barley grains, chestnuts. A 3 in 1 coffee drink made from these ingredients will not harm the body, but it cannot be called coffee either.

Often, manufacturers add too much sugar to bags to mask the taste of low-quality coffee. That is why the drink turns out to be too sweet, even cloying.

Additives in the form of cognac, chocolate, hazelnut, liquor, coconut, caramel also consist of chemical compounds and have nothing to do with the named product.

What is vegetable cream

Vegetable cream is made by combining several ingredients. Often used coconut or palm oil, which are diluted with water. Artificial flavors are added to the mixture to give a milky taste. Stabilizers, which are also part of the cream, are necessary to increase the shelf life of the product.

Cream comes in two consistencies: liquid and dry. Powdered cream is used to produce instant coffee. Liquid cream is used for confectionery purposes, for sauces, ice cream, cream soups.

On the label of 3 in 1 products, it must be indicated that vegetable cream is present in the composition.


100 grams of product contains:

  1. Proteins - 2.35 grams.
  2. Carbohydrates - 69.72 grams.
  3. Fats - 10.40 grams.

The calorie content of the product is 358.25 kcal.

Since there is a lot of sugar in the three-in-one product, it is considered high-calorie.

Due to the high sugar content, 3 in 1 coffee is very high in calories.

Harm or benefit - is it worth drinking a 3 in 1 drink

Harmful or not coffee "Three in one" in bags? If you do not abuse the drink, it will not bring harm to health. Of course, there is nothing useful in the chemical compounds that are present in the powder, but with infrequent use, nothing bad will happen. It is necessary to listen to your body, and if you feel worse after drinking a cup, it is better to stop using it. Of course, this is a very convenient option, but it is worth remembering that vegetable cream powder are transgenic fats that adversely affect the functioning of the liver and heart. An excess of sugar instantly raises glucose levels, but also quickly drops again. The product "three in one" is high-calorie, so it is undesirable for people with increased body weight to use it.

The benefits of the drink

There are positive aspects of soluble sublimate:

  • it can be stored for quite a long time;
  • it is very simple to prepare a fragrant tasty drink;
  • cooking time is minimal, which is important at work;
  • it has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Ordinary coffee fills with vivacity, thanks to caffeine. If natural coffee is present in the three-in-one product, an energy boost is provided for a long time.

Harm to the body

Daily use of soluble sublimate, you may encounter such problems:

  1. Excessive consumption of caffeine leads to disruption of the nervous system. A person cannot do without a cup of instant drink, thus addiction and dependence occurs.
  2. Caffeine dehydrates the body and leaches out calcium.
  3. "Three in One" should not be drunk on an empty stomach. It should take at least half an hour after eating, after which you can drink a drink. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are strongly advised to completely abandon this product.
  4. Abuse of "three in one" can lead to heart problems.

Why pregnant women shouldn't have 3 in 1 coffee

Expectant mothers are scrupulous about the choice of products so as not to harm the health of the baby. Experts strongly recommend that you stop drinking coffee during pregnancy, since excessive consumption of caffeine can provoke miscarriages in the early stages, and also provokes abnormalities in the development of the fetus. As for the three-in-one product, expectant mothers should completely avoid its consumption due to chemicals in the composition and high sugar content. If there is an irresistible desire, you can drink only good quality natural coffee.

Varieties of coffee "3 in 1"

There are several types of "three in one":

  1. Contains natural coffee beans. This drink has the real taste of coffee.
  2. Instead of coffee beans, the composition includes chicory.
  3. Coffee beans and chicory replace chestnuts, acorns, barley.

Drinks differ in their taste characteristics: hazelnut, caramel, amaretto, cinnamon, coconut, etc.

Popular brands

There are well-known coffee producers on the coffee products market:

  • Jacobs. The leader in 3-in-1 coffee products, who gained popularity due to the fact that he produces products of the best quality;
  • Nescafe. The drink benefits from the fact that Arabica coffee beans are used in its production. Thanks to this, the product is fragrant and tasty.
  • MacCoffee. A company from Asia in the 90s of the last century firmly took a leading position among manufacturers of "three in one" products. Unfortunately, the manufacturer's products cannot be called high-quality. The composition contains a cheap flavor, and the drink itself is obtained with a bitter taste.

Cooking rules

Knowing the negative effects of the drink on the body, you can reduce its effect in the following ways:

  • It is advisable to add a little milk to the cup. Thus, the body will replenish the deficiency of calcium, which is washed out with caffeine;
  • you can not drink three-in-one coffee on an empty stomach. First you need to have breakfast, and after half an hour you can drink a cup of drink;
  • after each cup of coffee, you should drink a glass of clean drinking water;
  • You can’t drink three-in-one coffee all the time;

The rules of preparation are very simple: the contents of the sachet are poured with hot water and thoroughly mixed.

Each person decides for himself whether to drink a three-in-one drink or not. If there is an opportunity to drink real brewed coffee, of course, it is better to use it. But with a rare desire for a cup of coffee, it is quite permissible to treat yourself to a three-in-one drink.
