
Pink salmon baked in the oven in portions. Pink salmon baked in the oven - recipes with photos

Pink salmon is one of the most valuable fish species. Trace elements and vitamins contained in it have a positive effect on the metabolic processes in the body. One of the most important advantages is the presence of easily digestible fats that are useful for human metabolism and at the same time are not deposited at all in the form of adipose tissue on the body.

Such fish can be consumed as diet food and to restore the body. one more important point, according to which many prefer this particular type of fish, is an affordable cost. It is significantly lower than that of individuals with a similar nutritional value.

How to cook pink salmon in the oven juicy and soft

First of all, you should choose a decent carcass for cooking. Preference is given to chilled fish. It is in it that all the beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the body are stored.

For baking, it is worth taking gutted carcasses. Assessing them appearance and looking inside you can understand how fresh pink salmon is. The fins should not be dry and the flesh should be pink. The gills are light brown. The scales are smooth and not damaged. The skin should not lag behind. If there is a yellowish tint, then the purchase should be abandoned. Such a carcass may turn out to be bitter and dry, and no sauces and seasonings can correct the situation.

It is important to remember that overcooking the fish in the oven can easily dry it out. When adding spices, you need to be moderate: the meat completely changes its taste and becomes simply not tasty.

Juicy pink salmon in the oven

Get first class juicy dish from pink salmon, if in advance, for a couple of hours, overlay the carcass with pieces of ice. And one more thing that should not be forgotten is time. More than forty minutes, in the oven, they do not keep it. By following these rules, excellent result predetermined.


  • Pink salmon.
  • Onion - 3 heads.
  • Olive oil - 40 milligrams.
  • Cilantro - a bunch.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 grams.
  • Seasoning fish.
  • Cream - half a glass.
  • Mushrooms - 8 pieces.
  • Spices to taste.

The dish is designed for 4 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the carcass into portioned pieces. Using tweezers, remove the bones and separate the skin.

2. Place the meat in a deep container and cover with ice for half an hour.

3. Rinse the mushrooms. Remove all unnecessary. Cut into pieces.

4. Cut the onion into half rings. Place in a heated skillet with olive oil and add the mushrooms. Extinguish.

5. Pour cream, seasoning, mayonnaise, chopped cilantro. Stir and simmer for about 7 minutes.

6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the fish in a deep baking dish, pour sauce on top. Reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and put the dish for at least 20 minutes.

Satisfying and yet tender delicacy will please everyone who loves interesting recipes.

Pink salmon with tomatoes

Fans of fish and vegetables will appreciate this dish. You can combine literally with all vegetables, but it is the tomatoes that win in this championship.


  • Pink salmon.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces.
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams.
  • Onion.
  • Lemon.
  • Mayonnaise - a small pack.
  • Spices.

The dish is designed for 6 people.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the carcass well. Cut into portions, dry. For cooking, six large steaks from the middle will be enough.

2. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into slices. Peel the onion and cut into large half rings. Portions place in a deep baking dish. Prick each piece several times with a fork. Pour lemon juice on top. Add a small amount of seasonings

3. Spread each piece well with sauce and spread onion half rings on top.

4. Put a couple of tomato rings on each piece of fish. Cover with foil on top. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

5. Pull out the dish. Remove foil. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top. Bake for about five more minutes.

Juicy steaks will delight all connoisseurs of mouth-watering dishes.

Pink salmon with sour cream and herbs

If you want to tirelessly monitor your health, you should give preference healthy foods. Sour cream is one of those. The fish cooked with it is no less tender and tasty, and the taste is even more intense.


  • Pink salmon fillet - kilogram.
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Sour cream 25% - 150 grams.
  • Lemon.
  • Greenery.
  • Coriander and black pepper.
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams.
  • Olive oil - 20 milligrams.

The dish is designed for 3 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the fillet into portions. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil. Marinate for at least half an hour in a cool place.

2. Lubricate the baking dish with half the sour cream. Put in the sticks of butter. Lay out the fillets tightly. Green chop and mix with the remaining sour cream and spices.

3. In the oven, heated to 200 degrees, place the container and bake for at least half an hour. Before the end of cooking, sprinkle grated cheese on top and let it simmer a little more.

Such pink salmon is just perfect with any side dish. Delicate taste And spicy flavor obtained through the use of spices, they give it a special richness.

Pink salmon with mushrooms

It is easy to make this particular fish the main decoration of the feast. It is enough to choose the most interesting recipe and bring it to life. The proposed option will help to cope with the task in a very simple way.


  • Pink salmon is large.
  • Forest mushrooms - 200 grams.
  • Onion.
  • Olive oil - 30 milligrams.
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams.
  • Iceberg lettuce".
  • Olives - packaging.
  • Spices.

The dish is designed for 7 people.

1. Rinse the carcass well, remove the insides, cut off the fins, clean the scales, and dry. Don't touch your head. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice, with a little spices, grate. Leave in a cool place to marinate for an hour.

2. Boil forest mushrooms for 15 minutes along with onions. Drain the water. Put in a pan, with a small amount olive oil. Fry.

3. Place pink salmon on a dense layer of foil. Put fried mushrooms and pieces of cheese in the belly. Sew up the belly with kitchen thread. Cover tightly with foil on top so that all the juice remains inside and nourishes the carcass. Place in an oven with a temperature of at least 200 degrees for 35 minutes.

4. Place iceberg lettuce leaves and olives on a fish plate. Lay out the whole fish and remove the threads. You can draw eyes using olives and mayonnaise.

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse such an unsurpassed delicacy. And once you try it, you'll be blown away.

Pink salmon with potatoes and cheese

Ideal for lunch or holiday dish. In a short period of time, you can cook a real delicacy, with which you can please literally everyone.


  • Pink salmon is large.
  • Young potatoes - 1.7 kilograms.
  • Hard cheese - 300 grams.
  • Cream - half a glass.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 milliliters.
  • Parsley.
  • Spices.

The dish is designed for 10 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the carcass into fillet pieces. Gently feel the fish for any remaining bones. Remove the skin while holding the fillet with your hand. Add spices and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

2. Peel potato tubers. Divide small potatoes into four parts, larger ones into 6-8. Add oil to the pan. Glow up. Fry potatoes on all sides for 5 minutes. During this time, it will not cook, but will acquire the necessary crust.

3. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

4.B big shape For baking, evenly spread the fried potatoes. Post marinated fillets. Mix cream with spices and chopped herbs. Pour over fish. Cover the dish with foil and pinch the edges tightly. Place in oven for 30 minutes.

5. Rub the cheese. Sprinkle the dish on top. Let soak and acquire rich taste. Serve at the table.

An excellent solution that allows not only to enjoy an unforgettable taste, but also to try something new.

Pink salmon in the oven in the sleeve

A simple solution to cooking especially juicy fish. It is thanks to the heat created in the sleeve that you can get unusually tender and juicy meat in own juice. By adding a few vegetables and legumes, you can give new notes and saturate with unusual flavors.


  • Pink salmon fillet - kilogram.
  • Spinach - 200 grams.
  • Gagoshary - 1 piece.
  • Green beans - 300 grams.
  • Carrot
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams.
  • Bulb onions.
  • Lemon.
  • Corn oil.

The dish is designed for 6 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the layers of fish 2 centimeters wide. Add spices and sprinkle with lemon juice.

2. Rinse vegetables and cut into small circles. Separate pepper from seeds. Cut into half rings.

3. Saute prepared products in hot oil for at least 8 minutes.

4. Prepare a sleeve of the required length. Tie one end. Lay out the vegetables so that it forms like a pillow for the fillet, which must be placed on top.

5. Rub the cheese and sprinkle over the fillets. Tie the second end. Place in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

6. Rinse and dry the spinach well. Wash the bean pods, dry them, place them in a heated frying pan with oil and fry.

7. Put the spinach in boiling water for one minute. Blanch. Pull out.

8.On beautiful dish lay out the beans and spinach. Gently spread the pink salmon on top of the vegetable pillow. Drizzle with corn oil.

Practically diet dish has not only amazing palatability but also high health benefits.

  • The special juiciness of pink salmon is given by the foil, which helps to retain the juice and prevents it from drying out.
  • For getting piquant taste fish steaks worth holding in orange juice. The aftertaste is simply extraordinary.
  • Juiciness, it is this type of fish, gives baking. For getting great taste when frying, use soy or mayonnaise sauces.
  • Serve the dish with greens. This is what helps enhance the taste.

Cooking this sea fish tasty and juicy is quite simple. It is worth making a little effort and an unsurpassed dish will already delight all household members with its attractive appearance and wonderful taste characteristics.

Pink salmon is one of my favorite fish, well, after salmon and trout, of course. It is tasty, relatively inexpensive, there are many recipes for it, so you will never get bored, you can cook it all the time in different ways.
Pink salmon is the smallest and most numerous Pacific salmon. Most often we buy it frozen, fresh pink salmon can only be found on Far East. Pink salmon is good in any version, it is salted, boiled, fried, it is great in a baked version. It is used in dietary nutrition, as it contains a small amount of fat, as a result of which it can turn out to be dryish when cooked.

100 g of pink salmon contains only 140-170 kcal.

There are many recipes for how to cook pink salmon in the oven juicy and soft. In addition to the recipes below, sous vide pink salmon is unusually tasty.

1. Pink salmon, like other salmon, contains calcitonin, which regulates collagen synthesis in bone cartilage. Useful in the treatment of osteoarthritis, increases bone density and strength.

3. Eating pink salmon 2-3 times a week reduces the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, high pressure, arrhythmias.

4. Eating pink salmon and other salmon during pregnancy and lactation can improve cerebral circulation and help children learn well in the future. Good for kids too school age.

5. Contains vitamin D to support optimal health. A lack of this vitamin has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular vascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes.

6. Pink salmon, like salmon, is excellent source selenium, a mineral that works as an antioxidant in the body. Reduces the risk of joint inflammation immune system and supports thyroid function, and may help keep tissues healthy by preventing cell damage.

How to choose the right salmon

Fish can be sold gutted and uneviscerated. When buying whole fish, keep in mind that a third of it will go to waste. Let's look at how to get pink salmon worthy of your table.

■ It is profitable to buy with the head: firstly, it is on the head, in particular, on the gills that the freshness of the fish is often determined, and secondly, you can cook an excellent one from the head, make delicious fish from the head with the addition of milk, for example, with mushrooms, or diet casserole, thirdly, fish with a head is cheaper.

■ Good pink salmon should be smooth and even, without bends. Spots on the fish that look like bruises and bruises are damage from unloading during fishing, this does not affect the taste, but it looks unappetizing.

■ The gills of good fresh pink salmon are usually a bright or light red color, in no case take fish with dark or green gills.

■ Unfrozen fish should have clear eyes, not cloudy ones. In frozen - it is impossible to determine the freshness of the fish by the eyes.

■ The tail of the fish should not be dried, such fish has been frozen repeatedly, in best case, it will be tasteless fish.

■ If the fish is not frozen - press it - it should be firm, not soft.

■ If the fish is gutted and you can see into the belly, make sure the color of the meat is pink, not white or yellow.

If you want to choose pink salmon with caviar, learn to identify the female and male by the muzzle. The male has a sharper muzzle, while the female is blunt. The color of the male is brighter, and most importantly, during spawning, the male has a hump on his back. If the female has a compacted abdomen, then with a high degree of probability there is caviar. By the way, females are drier.

Now that you have chosen pink salmon, it remains to cook it deliciously.

Pink salmon baked in mayonnaise

It always turns out juicy and soft when cooking pink salmon in mayonnaise. Probably, in every kitchen they cook such fish.

Classic recipe- gut the pink salmon, cut it along the spine - we get two fillets, at the same time removing the costal bones, just pull out the rest with tweezers. Cut into pieces 3-4 cm, sprinkle with lemon juice, I use purchased juice in a bottle, very convenient - always on hand. Salt, pepper, and leave to rest and marinate for 15-20 minutes.

Cut the onion into very thin half rings.

We grease the bottom and walls of the pan with any vegetable oil and lay the pieces of pink salmon skin side down.

Distribute onion half rings on top, grease with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream.

Options: you can spread 4-5 potatoes around the pink salmon, cut into slices, and put the fried ones on top, cover with cheese, grated on coarse grater- so I cooked fish in French, look .

Second option spread grated apples on the fish, preferably sour ones, and onion and mayonnaise on top, it will turn out very interesting and fragrant.

Third option- for each piece of pink salmon, place a circle of tomato and a little greenery, then onion and mayonnaise.

Fourth option- budgetary - grate carrots on a coarse grater, put on fish, then onions, mayonnaise.

Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Pink salmon turns out - overeating.


for 1 kg pink salmon

  • 2-3 bulbs
  • 100 g mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • salt pepper

Options: 4-5 potatoes, 200-300 g mushrooms, 100 g cheese or 3 apples, or 1-2 tomatoes

Pink salmon with apples in sauce

Another option with apples for dinner or lunch is juicy fish V cream sauce.
We make fish fillets, then we divide into portions.

Salt, pepper as usual, put in a greased pan.

We cut the cheese into slices according to the number of pieces of fish.

Cut the apples into slices, removing the middle and seeds.

Put the apples on the fish first, then the cheese.

We dilute the flour with cold milk, salt, boil for 5 minutes until thickened, stirring constantly.

Bread in flour on one side only - from below, where the skin is, and fry a little in vegetable oil, laying it with the breaded side down. We also fry on one side only so that the skin is slightly browned.

We peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes, sprinkle with salt and black pepper, and also fry.

According to the recipe, the mushrooms had to be boiled and this is more dietary, but I still fried it - I like it more.

We rub the cheese on a grater.

Put the fish in a deep frying pan, then pumpkin and mushrooms.

Pour in sour cream, spread cheese on top.

And bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Served with tender mashed potatoes and marvelous marinated .


  • 600-700 g pumpkin
  • 400 g mushrooms
  • flour for breading
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 2/3 cup sour cream
  • 100 g cheese
  • salt pepper

Pink salmon in cocotte bowls - pink salmon julienne with mushrooms and eggplant

This is very holiday recipe, it turns out great and looks like a restaurant when served.

Cut the boneless fish into small cubes.
Salt and pepper to taste.
We chop the onion.

Cut the eggplant into cubes, salt and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse - this is to remove bitterness.
We also cut the mushrooms.
In vegetable oil, fry the onion, mushrooms and eggplant, all together.
We distribute pink salmon among cocotte makers, fried on top.

Classically, sour cream is used for lubrication, but it is quite possible to replace it with mayonnaise.
Top with cheese, I prefer mozzarella.
And now in the oven for 20-25 minutes at T \u003d 180 degrees and wait for a ruddy cheese crust.


  • 1 kg pink salmon
  • 500 g pink salmon
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 eggplant
  • 200 g mushrooms
  • 100 g cheese ( better mozzarella)
  • 4 tbsp sour cream or mayonnaise
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil

Knowing how to cook pink salmon in a juicy and soft oven, you will love this fish and will be happy to use it in your family menu. By the way, try baking sour cream - you will like it.

Pink salmon is a noble fish of the salmon family. Like all representatives of this family, it is very tasty and healthy, moreover, it is more affordable due to its democratic cost. By consuming red fish dishes regularly, you can improve the functioning of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system, improve skin condition and prolong its youth.

In order to properly and tasty cook pink salmon, you need to remember about some of its features. The fact is that in the meat of this fish there is practically no fat, which accumulates only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fins and abdomen. Therefore, often with inexperienced cooks, the fish comes out dry. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn to choose suitable way cooking and additional ingredients to the dish. And then you can easily cook juicy, soft and tender fish pink salmon that melts in your mouth.


To prepare dishes from pink salmon, it is very important to prepare it correctly, namely, to cut the carcass:

  • thaw frozen fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • remove scales;
  • Rinse;
  • remove the insides without damaging the gallbladder;
  • cut off the head, tail and fins, which can be used for fish soup or aspic;
  • to cook steaks, cut the fish into pieces across the ridge;
  • to get the fillet, carefully using sharp knife separate the meat from the bones, while the skin can not be removed;
  • using tweezers, remove all the bones, there are not so many of them in pink salmon;
  • prepare marinade using spices and optionally lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, fruit juice, onion, mayonnaise, sour cream, white wine;
  • rub the fish with marinade and leave for several hours;
  • prepare other ingredients for cooking. Vegetables, spices, herbs, lemon, cheese, sour cream and other products, depending on the recipe.

You can buy ready-made steaks or fillets in the store, but in this case it will be difficult to understand how fresh and high-quality the fish is. Plus to everything whole carcass retains much more vitamins and useful properties fish.

Cooking methods

Pink salmon universal fish which is being prepared different ways- fried, boiled, stewed, baked, cooked in a slow cooker, double boiler and air grill. It takes a little time to cook, like all red fish, pink salmon cooks quickly. It is very important not to overexpose it on fire and not overdry it.

in a frying pan

In this simple kitchen utensils you can easily and quickly prepare a variety of delicious meals from pink salmon.

Fried pink salmon

This is the simplest, but no less tasty way cooking. So that pink salmon fried in a pan does not come out dry, it is pre-marinated in sour cream, butter or other marinade.

Cooking method:

  • clean, wash, dry the fish;
  • cut into pieces or separate the fillet;
  • marinate;
  • roll the pieces in flour;
  • fry in well-heated oil for several minutes until crusted on one side;
  • turn over, cover and fry for another 3-4 minutes;
  • you can separately fry vegetables, at the end add cooked pieces of pink salmon to them and simmer together for a couple of minutes;
  • Top the fish with sauce or serve it separately.


Pink salmon can also be fried in batter, it seals the pieces of fish, and it is guaranteed to turn out juicy and soft. The main thing is not to overdo it in a pan, just fry until golden brown from two sides.

Batter can be used very different - milk, beer, sour cream and others. Fry only in hot oil, the pieces can be made smaller, so the fish will cook faster, and it will be convenient to use it as a snack.


If there is any doubt that the fried fish will turn out juicy, you can stew it in a pan with vegetables that will share their juices and flavors with pink salmon. The fish is usually stewed with onions, carrots, peppers, sour cream, cream or tomatoes.

Be sure to add spices - pepper, nutmeg, marjoram, garlic, ginger and other spices to taste. Very convenient to use prepared spices that are sold in fish stores.

Boiled pink salmon

Boiled pink salmon is a very tender, delicate meat that is consumed along with fish broth, in other words, prepare the fish soup. The fish is cooked for 10-15 minutes, so cooking such a dish will not take much time and effort.

It is enough to clean the fish and vegetables, cut everything into pieces and throw it into boiling water. Add herbs, spices, and tasty, healthy and hearty lunch ready.

In the oven

Oven-baked pink salmon is the most festive and delicious option cooking. You can simply bake on a baking sheet, on a vegetable pillow, in a sleeve and foil. Combine with various products- vegetables, cream, sour cream, cheese, mushrooms, lemon.

In foil and sleeve

Fish baked in this way will be juicier than just cooked on a baking sheet. In order to bake pink salmon in foil, you need:

  • prepare fillets or portioned pieces;
  • keep them in the marinade for at least 30 minutes;
  • prepare a foil (sleeve), if vegetables are used in the recipe, put them in the first layer;
  • lay out pieces of pink salmon, on top of the rest of the vegetables, if they are in the recipe;
  • tightly seal the foil (pinch the sleeve with clips) so that the juice does not leak;
  • cook in the oven for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.

How to cook whole salmon

Fish baked whole always looks solemn and retains much more juices and useful substances. Most often it is stuffed before being sent to the oven. Cooking such fish is very simple:

  • rinse the whole carcass, remove the insides, wash and dry;
  • put in the marinade;
  • prepare fillings, such as fried vegetables, mushrooms, cheese and spices;
  • stuff the carcass with stuffing;
  • fasten the abdomen with skewers;
  • grease a baking sheet with oil and put the fish;
  • grease pink salmon on top with sauce - sour cream, mayonnaise or yogurt;
  • bake for half an hour at 200 degrees;
  • Pour lemon juice over cooked fish.

In a slow cooker

If you have this miracle stove in your arsenal, then cook a juicy and tender pink salmon won't be a big deal. A few minutes of preparation, and the slow cooker will cook everything for you.

Simple Recipe:

  • prepare pieces of fish;
  • pour a little oil into the oven bowl and turn on the “Baking” mode;
  • sprinkle each piece with flour and dip in well-heated oil;
  • fry on each side until browning for 10-15 minutes, do not close the multicooker with a lid;
  • can be poured on top with filling, such as sour cream, eggs, mayonnaise or other sauce;
  • cook 5 minutes covered.

And if you use the “Steaming” mode, the fish will turn out even healthier.

  1. Put the fillet on a greased grill.
  2. Place in the multicooker bowl, where water should be poured to the bottom mark.
  3. Turn on the steamer mode and cook for 25 minutes.
  4. You can put any vegetables along with the fish: potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes and others.

In a double boiler

This device is gaining more and more popularity, as the dishes cooked in it are considered the most useful. To cook pink salmon in a double boiler, you need:

  • cut the fish into small pieces;
  • marinate in lemon juice and spices;
  • put in a boil;
  • cook 25 minutes.

To make such a dish more useful, you can put greens in the double boiler along with the fillet - dill, parsley, basil, spinach, green onion And so on.

air grill

The fish cooked with it has a very appetizing appearance and unforgettable taste. And cooking it is quite simple:

  • cut the fish into portions;
  • rub with spices and pour marinade;
  • roll the marinated pieces of fish in flour and put on a greased tray;
  • cover it with foil and secure with special clips;
  • put the fish on the middle grill, set the maximum blowing speed and temperature to 230 degrees;
  • cook 25 minutes;
  • remove the foil and cook for another 10-15 minutes to get a golden crust.


Pink salmon can be cooked great amount delicious meals. Appetizers, first and main courses, salads, fillings for flour products, pates, sandwiches, pies, casseroles, dumplings, rolls, soufflés and others.

Consider the most popular dishes from pink salmon.


The soup is very tender, light and dietary. It will help to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time and replenish the body with useful substances.

Cutlets and meatballs

Pink salmon cutlets are ideal for dinner, they add onions, bread, cereals, vegetables, butter, eggs and other ingredients. Fry in a pan, in a slow cooker, oven or steam.

Jellied pink salmon

A very popular and common banquet dish. Cooking takes enough time, but the result is simply excellent.

Stuffed pink salmon

Another option for a holiday banquet dish. There are many options for fillings - mushrooms, cereals, vegetables and more.


The easiest way to cook pink salmon is to fry or bake fish with steaks. It's very simple, fast and delicious. Pink salmon steaks will help out in any situation and will allow you to feed your family with a tasty and healthy dish in less than an hour.

Pink salmon is good for everyone, it contains few bones, is not too expensive, goes well with any food and cooks quickly. The only drawback is that dietary meat contains little fat, which can make dishes dry.

There are some secrets that will help you get soft, juicy fish easily:

  • be sure to marinate the fish before cooking;
  • the juiciest pink salmon will turn out, baked in foil with vegetables or in sour cream sauce;
  • pink salmon goes well with rosemary;
  • you can not cook this fish for too long, from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the cooking method;
  • fry better pieces with skin, the fish will turn out juicier and retain integrity;
  • you need to serve pink salmon with a suitable sauce;
  • stuff with finely chopped vegetables for greater juiciness;
  • in order to get a crust on top when baking, you should coat the fish with sour cream.

Pink salmon is delicious and useful fish. It is often prepared by those who follow their figure and take good care of their health. It contains many proteins, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. The most common cooking method is baking in the oven. It involves the preservation of all the useful properties of the dish. Foil baking is very popular.

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How to bake pink salmon in the oven: the secrets of cooking a juicy dish

Below are a few secrets with which you can make the fish even tastier.

  • Many housewives have already seen own experience: If the fish is overcooked, it will turn out dry. This is the most common mistake. It will take no more than 40 minutes to bake it, otherwise you can dry it out a lot.
  • To make the fish juicy, it is recommended to hold it for 30 minutes in a marinade consisting of mayonnaise, lemon juice and onions.
  • For getting unusual taste just add orange juice.
  • Some housewives practice the use of sunflower or olive oil, in which the fish is kept for half an hour. After that, it will turn out juicy, even if it is fried in a pan.

How to cook pink salmon in foil in the oven?

For cooking, you can buy a steak, carcass, fillet or other parts of the fish. The main thing is to accurately determine the recipe and dish. For example, for baking in pieces in an electric oven, it is worth buying steaks, fillets. For stuffed dish you need to choose a whole fish with or without a head.

On a note! The foil will help add juiciness to the dish as it retains its own juices.

When choosing a fish, it is important to pay attention to its appearance, in particular, its color and general state. In addition, the smell must be necessarily fresh, otherwise you can not only spoil the dish, but also get poisoned.

On a note! A fish is considered fresh if its belly is light pink, the gills are not green, and there is no mucous membrane.

Recipe for pink salmon with carrots and onions in the oven

To use this recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • whole fish;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • butter, salt, spices.

The carcass of the fish must be cut, rid of the intestines, rinsed thoroughly under running water. The vegetables are then peeled. Onions need to be chopped in half rings, and it is enough to grate the carrots on a medium grater. The fish is placed on foil and rubbed with lemon juice inside and out, this will give it softness. Also sprinkle the fish with spices and salt.

Must be placed inside small piece butter, and stuff with lemon slices and onions. Carrots are sprinkled on top.

Then the fish is wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet. On average, the cooking time is 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

How to bake pink salmon in the oven in slices?

You will need the following products:

  • pink salmon - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • creamy and sunflower oil(can be olive).

The fish is cut into pieces, then poured with lemon juice. While it is marinating (about half an hour), you should do vegetables. Tomatoes are washed, cut into circles. The onion is peeled, chopped into half rings. Carrots are peeled, washed and rubbed on a coarse grater.

Vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan, onion is fried on it. The foil is cut into as many pieces as fish pieces. Each strip is smeared with vegetable oil, layers of carrots and onions are laid on it. On vegetable pillow a piece of fish is placed, on top - butter. After that, a tomato ring is placed. The resulting "pyramids" are salted and peppered.

The foil is carefully wrapped so that the juice does not flow out during the baking process. The envelopes are laid out on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for 30 minutes. The dish is cooked at a temperature of 180 degrees.

There are many recipes that will help cook pink salmon deliciously. You can experiment by adding potatoes and other vegetables, as well as various spices.

Read also:

Pink salmon is a representative salmon fish. It is not as expensive as many types of this family, but it is no worse in quality and taste when proper preparation. You can cook almost all the components of a fish carcass, for this there are a variety of fillets - this is the most delicious and healthy part of it, which is in the greatest demand.

Useful properties of the product

Pink salmon is a real storehouse of useful compounds for the human body. At the biochemical level, the valuable components of this fish are the following components:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • phosphorus and other trace elements.

Eating this product normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands (especially the thyroid gland) and helps strengthen the skeletal system of the body. Thanks to high content fatty acids pink salmon dishes help strengthen the heart muscle and reduce bad cholesterol.

There are practically no contraindications to the inclusion of this fish in the diet, except for allergies and hypersensitivity to iodine and phosphorus. It is not too oily, yet nutritious enough to be cooked as a main ingredient. Pleasant rich taste allows you to get from the dishes not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Rules for choosing fish

Ideally, this product should be fresh and not susceptible to freezing, however, it is very difficult to find chilled sea fish (especially some of its species), pink salmon fillet also belongs to it. Recipes of domestic cuisine are focused on a frozen product, so it is important to know how to choose it correctly.

There are 2 types of freezing fish:

  • on board (the process takes place immediately after catching, while still on the ship);
  • on the shore (cold processing of pink salmon is carried out after arrival at the port).

Of course, the first option is preferable, although you can find out exactly how the fish was frozen only in the accompanying documentation for the batch of products. It is visually important to look to ensure that there is not too much ice on the fillet pieces, although a little heavy water glaze is still needed. It saves the fish from the destructive influence external environment and keeps it fresh during transport. Fillet pieces should have even edges, a uniform texture and not a pronounced characteristic smell.

Pink salmon fillet: cooking recipes for every taste

Pink salmon is such a versatile fish that you can cook a huge number of both first and second courses from it. For fish soup, it is better to use a whole fish or its head, and soft part without bones, it is desirable to fry or bake. Among national cuisines different countries world you can find similar recipes for pink salmon. With skillful cooking and a properly selected marinade, fillet acquires a bright taste and exquisite aroma.

It is better to fry the fish on a hot fire, turning the pieces every 2 minutes. This will keep delicious crust outside and juiciness inside. Before heat treatment It is advisable to marinate the fish in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

The fillet of this dish is very tasty. different ingredients(vegetables, mushrooms). Therefore, each person can easily choose the appropriate option for themselves.

Pink salmon fillet baked in the oven: recipe, photo, cooking secrets

The standard recipe for this fish is to use foil to keep the texture moist and juicy. Fillets are salted, peppered and sliced thin pieces which are placed on a baking sheet. It must first be lubricated with vegetable oil to avoid burning.

On top of the fish, you can put finely chopped carrots and onions in half rings, this will add juiciness and bright flavor notes to the dish. If desired, add a little to vegetables and pink salmon low-fat mayonnaise. The foil is wrapped or covered with a second sheet on top. Bake the dish in the oven at 200 ° C for about half an hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, the foil can be opened and sprinkled with any grated cheese to form a delicious crispy crust. The perfect side dish to this version of pink salmon - boiled rice. It will allow you to enjoy the taste of the main dish and will not interrupt it, but only add satiety.

Pink salmon with spicy sweet sauce

Among all the options for cooking fish, baked pink salmon fillet is especially popular. Recipe with unusual sauce will appeal to connoisseurs of bold combinations in food. For him, you need to prepare:

  • fish fillet - 1 kg;
  • 0.5 tsp paprika;
  • 0.5 tsp cumin;
  • 15 ml of liquid honey;
  • 15 ml soy sauce;
  • olive oil - to taste;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • low-calorie mayonnaise - 120 ml;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • chopped ginger root - 30 g;
  • finely chopped mint - 45 g.

Soy sauce must be mixed with honey until a viscous mass is formed. Lemon juice, mayonnaise are poured into it, garlic is squeezed out and mint and ginger are added. This piece is removed from cool place, as it will be watered over the fish at the end of cooking. Pink salmon is rubbed with oil and paprika with cumin, it is not necessary to salt it. Bake the fillet in the oven at 200 ° C for about 25 minutes. After that, the fish is served with a pre-prepared sauce to the table. soft and tender fillet V this dish contrasts with bright sauce which causes an indescribable taste sensation.

Fried fish

Almost all sea ​​fish very nutritious in fried, including pink salmon fillet. Recipes in the pan will tell you how to cook this dish so that it retains the juice and has pleasant taste. For this you will need:

  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • flour - 60 g;
  • white wine - 100 ml;
  • sunflower oil, salt, pepper - to taste.

The fish should be thoroughly washed and inspected for residual random bones. Before frying, it is cut into pieces of the same thickness and dried a little. paper towel. Flour is mixed with spices and portioned prepared pink salmon is rolled in them.

Fry the fish for about 7 minutes on each side, after which white wine is poured into the pan and stewed until the liquid disappears completely. You should not cook too many pieces at a time - there should be free space between them so that the pink salmon does not stick together and has an appetizing look. Mashed potatoes or a seasonal vegetable salad are a great accompaniment to this dish.

Pink salmon fried in sour cream

To diversify the classic a little, you can put it out in sour cream. This will give the dish a special tenderness and melt-in-your-mouth texture. There are various similar recipes for pink salmon. The fillet in some of them is supposed to be used after a little pickling in herbs for more exquisite aroma and taste. The duration of this process can be from 30 minutes to 2 hours, while it is better to cover the fish cling film and put in the refrigerator.

Before frying the main product, a thin layer of onion is laid out in the pan, which is cut into half rings. If desired, carrots, previously chopped on a grater, can be added to it. It is sauteed for 5 minutes, after which a layer of pink salmon is laid out on it, and all this is poured with sour cream on top. It is necessary to simmer the dish under a closed lid for a quarter of an hour. The enticing aroma will inform about the readiness of the fish, after which it can be served at the table.

Recipe with apples

If you want to try interesting and new combinations of products, you can take as a basis unusual recipes pink salmon. Fillet with apple is one such option. This modern interpretation fried fish will not leave you indifferent discerning gourmets. To prepare such a dish, you need to take:

  • pink salmon fillet - 1 piece;
  • ripe apples - 2 fruits;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • parsley root and celery;
  • sunflower oil, dried herbs, salt - to taste.

It is necessary to roll in spices and pour lemon juice. It is advisable to keep it in this marinade for at least an hour. After that, peeled apples are grated and mixed with chopped parsley. The mass is sent to fry in a pan, adding chopped celery root to it. After the mixture is fried for 10 minutes, fish pieces are laid on it, the dish is poured with water on top and simmered over low heat for 45 minutes.

Baked pink salmon with mushrooms

For lovers hearty meal you can offer a dish that combines Forest mushrooms and fillet The recipe, the photo of which is located just below, does not require special skills; even novice cooks can cook it. Required set products:

  • pink salmon (fillet) - 2 pcs.;
  • forest mushrooms - 350 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • salt, spices, lemon juice - to taste.

Mushrooms should be washed and boiled together with onions in boiling water for 20 minutes. In parallel, you can marinate pink salmon - roll it in spices, grease with oil and lemon juice, and then put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. After boiling, the mushrooms are lightly fried in a pan to give them bright taste and aroma. Then they are laid out on fish fillet and put in the oven for 20 minutes. After that, the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese and left to bake for another quarter of an hour.

How not to spoil the dish?

During cooking, it is important not to spoil the main valuable ingredient, V this case This is a fillet of pink salmon. Recipes with photos will help you avoid mistakes and better navigate when choosing a cooking method. There are several simple rules at cooking this fish:

  • in order for pink salmon to be juicy, it is better to bake it in foil or a sleeve (if the dish requires a crispy crust, then the top should be left open);
  • when frying, you should not interrupt the rich taste of the main product with an abundance of spices; it is enough to use lemon juice, salt and pepper;
  • It is very important not to increase the cooking time given in the recipe, as this can dry out the pink salmon or make it rubbery.

Harmoniously selected garnish helps to enhance the taste pleasure from eating fish. Pink salmon, for example, does not go well with cereals and noodles. It is optimal for this purpose to use mashed potatoes with cream, light salad or steamed rice.
