
Chicken fillet in batter in a frying pan. "Chicken fillet in batter"

Chicken fillet in batter, it loses its characteristic undesirable dryness, gaining juiciness and softness. Such a dish will perfectly complement any side dish, will allow you to get enough without heaviness in the stomach and feed the whole family, young and old, or guests without spending time and without making much effort.

Chicken fillet in batter in a pan

Chicken fillet in batter in a pan, the recipe of which may vary depending on the bread mix used and the components, is prepared extremely simply and quickly. The meat variety does not require long marinating and long heat treatment, and the whole process will take you no more than forty minutes, which will be incredibly happy for busy housewives.

Chicken fillet in egg batter

The most trivial variation of the dish is chicken fillet fried in egg batter. The breast flesh is cut across the fibers with plates no thicker than one centimeter. Many people prefer to additionally beat the meat, but you can do without it by simply seasoning the slices with salt and pepper mixture.


  • chicken breast - 600 g;
  • selected eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour- 90-100 g;
  • salt, pepper mixture, vegetable oil.


  1. Prepared, marinated chicken is dipped in a whipped salted lezon, spread in hot oil and fried on both sides until a delicious blush.
  2. The finished chicken fillet in batter is laid out on napkins, and after five minutes they are transferred to a plate and served.

Chicken fillet chops in batter - recipe

For some, chops are the most favorite dish. In the case of using chicken for their decoration, the calorie content of the dish is reduced, it turns out to be lighter and cooks faster. chicken fillet is made thick and fluffy so that it tightly wraps the meat slices and retains all the juices inside.


  • breast - 600 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 30 g;
  • wheat flour - 60 g;
  • baking powder - ¼ tsp;
  • spices, vegetable oil.


  1. The chicken is cut into medium-sized pieces, carefully beat them off, covering cling film, seasoned to taste with spices, salted and left for ten minutes at room conditions.
  2. In a bowl, beaten egg mass is mixed with mayonnaise and loose ingredients, achieving a density of the substance, like thick sour cream.
  3. Dip the blanks in the resulting mixture and fry in heated fat.

Chicken fillet in potato batter

The dish can be given completely different flavor notes both with spices and by preparing a delicious batter for chicken fillet. IN this case as a base for a shell fried foods will be used finely grated pre-peeled raw potatoes. The main thing is to get rid of excess moisture vegetable puree and then the products will be famous.


  • breast - 600 g;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • selected egg - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 20 g;
  • wheat flour - 60 g;
  • spices, refined vegetable oil.


  1. The flesh of the bird is cut into pieces, carefully beat them off under a cut of cling film, seasoned with herbs, spices, and salted.
  2. Potatoes are peeled, ground on the fine grater or grind in a blender and squeeze the juice.
  3. Remaining tough potato base combined with egg mass, mayonnaise and bulk components, salt and stir.
  4. The chicken fillet is rolled in batter and fried in heated refined sunflower oil.

Chicken fillet in beer batter

The dish acquires a special piquancy if you fry the chicken fillet in beer batter. The latter should be well chilled, and deep-fried, on the contrary, hot. Due to the temperature difference, the products will turn out with a ruddy, crispy crust. They should be served piping hot, complementing your favorite spicy sauce or garnish.


  • breast - 600 g;
  • light beer - 250 ml;
  • selected eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 20 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • curry and pepper - 2 pinches each;
  • frying fat.


  1. The breast is cut into small oblong slices, peppered, salted, flavored with curry.
  2. Next, prepare a batter for chicken fillet on beer. Beer is combined with yolks, two spoons sunflower oil and loose components and beat well.
  3. Enter whipped until dense and thick foam proteins and gently stir.
  4. The blanks are breaded in the flour mass, dipped in the resulting dough and immediately dipped in a hot deep-fryer.
  5. The finished pieces are removed on napkins and served after five minutes.

Chicken fillet in batter in the oven

Chicken fillet pieces in batter will turn out to be the most useful if you cook them in the oven. In this manner, the food is deprived of most of the carcinogens, absorbs less fat, but retains all nutritional properties and enhances dietary characteristics. Serve ruddy meat pieces with sauces, vegetables or any other side dish.

Chicken fillet in cheese batter

Especially delicious is chicken fillet in batter with cheese. Initially, the products are kept in hot deep fat for several seconds, sealing all the juices inside, and then they are placed in a thoroughly heated oven and kept until cooked and the desired ruddy is acquired.


  • breast - 600 g;
  • parmesan - 250 g;
  • selected eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • potato or corn starch - 100 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • marjoram, oregano, basil - a pinch each;
  • salt, deep fat.


  1. The chicken is cut into pieces, beaten carefully under the film, seasoned with dried basil, oregano, marjoram, salted, breaded in starch, dipped in whipped egg mixture and deep-fried for thirty seconds.
  2. Semi-finished products are laid on a baking sheet, sprinkled with cheese chips and baked for ten minutes in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.
  3. If desired, you can put fried mushrooms with onions, slices of tomatoes or pineapples under the cheese chips and extend the baking for another five to ten minutes.

Chicken fillet in batter in a slow cooker

Deep-fried chicken fillet in batter can be fried using the multidevice. The advantage of the method is the absence of greasy drops flying around the kitchen when decorating products in a frying pan on the stove, as well as right temperature deep fat supported by the Baking mode. From the following instructions, you will learn how to prepare a batter for chicken fillet and properly decorate a delicious dish.



  • breast - 600 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • parmesan - 150 g;
  • Provencal mayonnaise - 40 g;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • turmeric, ground coriander, curry, Italian herbs- by a pinch;
  • salt, deep fat.


  1. The poultry pulp is cut into portioned sticks, seasoned with dry fragrant herbs, grated garlic, spices, mayonnaise, add salt, stir and leave to marinate for thirty minutes at room conditions.
  2. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt, grate the parmesan on a fine grater and warm it up vegetable fat in a multi-pan by setting the appliance to the “Baking” function.
  3. meat pieces breaded in a flour mass, immediately dipped in an ice cream, dipped in parmesan shavings and dipped in hot fat.
  4. As soon as the chicken fillet slices in batter are browned on one side, turn them over to the other and stand for another five to seven minutes.

Chicken meat has become so tightly integrated into our lives that sometimes it seems that something else of this kind can be prepared from poultry meat. Chicken in the slow cooker, chicken in the oven and that's it! No! It's time to expand the use of chicken in cooking and reveal the secrets of new dishes that allow housewives to delight loved ones with juicy and healthy meat. To achieve these qualities allows cooking chicken in batter. Batter is a faithful and reliable assistant in the kitchen, using which you can give meat and other ingredients every time different tastes- sharpness, piquancy.

What is a batter? The batter is a batter in which the ingredients are dipped before frying. In the future, the batter forms a crispy crust, and the meat itself absorbs the aroma and taste of the components that make up the batter. By the way, batter came to us from France, it was here that several centuries ago they began to use new way frying products. Then the recipe migrated to Japan. The main advantage of chicken in batter is juicy and tender meat.

Battered Chicken - Food Preparation

There are many recipes for making batter, which are based on the use of completely unexpected components - beer, mineral water, wine, plain water and much more. You can also add herbs and spices to the batter, whose aroma will absorb the meat. By the way, in many countries, batter is used not only for frying meat, but also for cooking fish, and even fruits and vegetables!

In batter, you can cook chicken breast, wings, drumstick, thighs, that is, any part of the carcass.

Battered Chicken Recipes

Recipe 1: Fast Food Chicken

Everyone who has ever visited fast food establishments, for sure, remained delighted with the crispy crust of meat in batter. You can achieve this result at home. This will make it possible to please the little family members with healthy meat, which until that time they could only eat at McDonald's.

Required ingredients for making batter:

Flour - 2 tbsp.;

Starch - 1 tbsp.;

Marjoram - 3 tsp;

Dry dill - 1 tsp;

Tarragon - 1 pinch;

Thyme - 1 pinch;

Paprika - 2 tsp;

Garlic - 3 tooth.


Fillet - 500 - 700 g;

Vegetable oil - 1 l.

By the way, we will need ingredients for deboning meat. To do this, add a pinch of the above spices to a glass of flour.

So, for chicken in batter, prepared according to the "fast food" recipe, it is better to take poultry fillet. Prepare the batter - for this, mix the ingredients with flour and add water. The final consistency should be slightly runnier than pancake batter.

Put the fillet in the batter for an hour. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. We take out two pieces of fillet and roll in a flour mixture with spices, spread in oil. Fry on both sides.

By the way, it is better to fry the fillet in a pan in two pieces, this will allow you not to lower the degree of hot oil, which will help the meat absorb less oil.

Recipe 2: Chicken in beer batter (drumsticks)

It is impossible to describe the taste of poultry meat fried in beer batter in words. You just need to try this dish and enjoy the juiciness and tenderness of the meat. By the way, this recipe allows even chicken fillet, which becomes dry when fried, to retain juiciness and taste.

Required Ingredients:

Lower leg - 500 - 700 g;

Vegetable oil for frying - 500 ml;

Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;

Seasonings, salt.

For batter on beer:

Flour - 1 tbsp.;

Salt, black pepper and other spices;

Beer - 1 tbsp.

We marinate the shin. To do this, salt them, pepper, add a little greens, seasonings and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Mix well and give 40 minutes to soak the ingredients.

The meat is marinated, you can start cooking batter. To do this, mix flour with spices and add a glass of beer. The batter should be the thickness of sour cream. Let's start cooking.

We heat the oil, dip each drumstick in the batter, dip it well and put it in the pan. After education golden brown, you can turn the lower leg.

Recipe 3: Chicken in onion-green batter (fillet)

To prepare the batter, you need milk and herbs. If you are fans of mayonnaise, you can replace milk with it.

Required Ingredients:

Fillet - 700 g;

Vegetable oil.

For batter:

Egg - 2 pcs.;

Milk - 1 tbsp.;

Flour - 1 tbsp. (of which 5 spoons will go for deboning meat);

Bow - 1 pc.;

Greens - to taste.

Cooking method:

Chicken fillets are best cut into thin slices, each of which should be lightly beaten with a hammer, but do not overdo it. Salt the meat, squeeze the lemon, we need about 3 tablespoons of juice. The meat is marinated for 30 minutes.

We pass to the batter.

Finely chop the greens, you can also chop green onion. We clean the onion and grind it in a blender. Mix greens with onions, where we break 2 eggs. Beat the mass well with a fork. Add flour (remember to leave 4-5 tablespoons for rolling) with milk. Leave the batter for 15 minutes.

We spill the oil. Roll the pieces of meat first in flour and only then immerse in batter. Fry on both sides.

Recipe 4: Chicken in batter in the oven

Prepare a dietary and very tasty dish - chicken thighs in batter, baked in the oven, even a novice cook can.

Required Ingredients:

Hips - 5 pcs.;

Butter - 50 g;

Flour - 5 tablespoons;


Egg - 2 pcs.;


Cooking method:

We marinate the meat. We share chicken leg on the joint, salt, add seasoning and marinate for 30 minutes.

Take a baking dish and pour in the melted butter in the microwave.

Cooking batter - beat eggs, a pinch of salt and spices. Pour the flour and breadcrumbs into separate bowls.

So, first we dip each piece of meat in an egg, then in flour, and then gently roll in breadcrumbs. Put the meat in a bowl. We send it to the oven for 45 - 60 minutes.

Chicken in batter is ready.

Chicken in batter - secrets and helpful tips from the best chefs

When cooking this dish chicken meat must be completely defrosted.

If you want to achieve a thicker layer of crisp, then the meat should be dipped twice, first in the marinade, then in flour, again in the marinade and in flour.

You can fry in batter not only chicken fillet, but also cutlets, mushrooms, vegetables, fish, meat. Delicious dishes from chicken fillet in batter are suitable for daily cooking and for holiday table. Batter when frying, it makes the dish spicy in taste, allowing it to preserve its juiciness and tenderness.

Chicken fillet in batter with sesame seeds

Chicken fillet in batter with sesame seeds

Air batter with sesame seeds for frying chicken fillet will make poultry meat appetizing. The dish will not be overdried, and sesame seeds will add flavor and aroma to the appetizer. It is not necessary to make chicken chops, you can fry the meat, cut into pieces in the form of sticks. Recipe fast food chicken fillet in batter with sesame seeds:

  1. Rinse the chicken fillet (300 g) with water and cut into sticks 10 cm long and 1 cm thick.
  2. Beat chilled eggs (2 pcs) in a bowl using a whisk or mixer with a nozzle, salt.
  3. Pour flour (100 g) into a bowl with eggs, knead until the lumps disappear completely.
  4. Pour 50 ml of cold water into the batter, preferably mineral water, since air bubbles can give the batter a special splendor, making it tender and light when frying.
  5. Pour white sesame seeds (50 g) into the mixture and mix everything completely.
  6. dip chicken sticks into the batter, removing its excess, put the fillet on a heated frying pan with hot vegetable oil, fry on each side for about 3-4 minutes.

It will take about 30 minutes to prepare a crispy dish. Chicken fingers are best served hot. Add greens to the plate garlic cream sauce or spicy ketchup. As a dressing suitable sauce based on mustard, mayonnaise.

Mushroom batter for chicken fillet

Mushroom batter for chicken fillet

Recipes for making batter for frying chicken fillet are varied. As an option, champignons can be added to the composition for frying meat. For the preparation of fragrant chicken fillet, it is better to use fried mushrooms. Chops in batter with champignons do not cook for long:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet (400 g), pat dry with a paper towel, cut into 2 cm thick slices across the fibers, beat, pepper (0.25 tsp) and salt (0.5 tsp) each piece, stack the chops, set aside for 20 minutes.
  2. Heat up a frying pan, pour vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) into it, put washed and chopped champignons (300 g), fry the mushrooms for 10 minutes over high heat with constant stirring until the excess juice evaporates and they acquire a ruddy hue.
  3. Roast peeled and chopped onion(1-2 pieces) in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil (0.5 tablespoons) to golden color, stirring for about 7 minutes, then transfer to a container with champignons and salt (0.25 tsp), chop with a blender, add eggs (1-2 pcs), beat the mushroom batter again.
  4. Roll the chops in flour (2-3 tablespoons), dip in batter, put in a pan with heated vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), add batter on top if necessary and fry the fillet in it for about 3 minutes on each side.

Chicken juice will not flow out of the thick mushroom batter, and the fried crust will preserve the juiciness of the meat. The finished dish can be served with potatoes, various vegetables, cereals.

Chicken fillet in starch batter

Frying juicy chicken fillet chops does not take much time. According to taste, fillet cooked in batter from potato starch chicken breast looks like chips. Nutritious crispy meat acquires a delicious crust during heat treatment.

  1. Cut the washed and dried chicken breast fillet (400 g) along the fibers into very thin petals, beat off, pepper to taste.
  2. Knead 2 eggs with starch (4 tablespoons) and milk (1 tablespoon), add salt, spices, pepper, turmeric for a more intense shade to get a batter that has the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Put the remaining starch (2 tablespoons) on a flat plate and roll each piece in it.
  4. Heat a frying pan on the stove, add refined vegetable oil.
  5. Dip each plate of chicken fillet in starch batter, put in a pan.
  6. Fry the chops on each side over high heat for 3-4 minutes.

The total cooking time will be 20-30 minutes. Each unfolded chicken breast should be golden brown on top. Juicy homemade chops with a crispy crust thanks to potato batter get a special taste. Fried fillet can be served separately or with a side dish of various vegetables as a hot snack.

Chicken breast in kefir batter

chicken breast in kefir batter

fry juicy fillet chicken breast in kefir batter is easy. Fat-free meat is best used pre-chilled. Chicken fillet can be marinated, stewed, baked in kefir with the addition of various spices that make fried meat aromatic. The recipe for making breasts in kefir batter will not take more than 15 minutes:

  1. Prepare chicken breast fillet (400 g), holding the meat in advance in cold water 30-40 minutes before frying, then wash, dry with a paper towel and cut into thin slices, removing all cartilage and veins.
  2. Pour kefir (100 ml) into a bowl, beat in an egg, add 3 tbsp. flour, mix ingredients, add salt.
  3. Salt and pepper strips of chicken fillet, alternately dip in batter on each side.
  4. Pour vegetable oil (3 tablespoons) into the pan, heat for 2 minutes, put the fillet pieces in batter, fry over low heat for 4 minutes, making sure that the meat does not burn.
  5. Flip the meat slices to the other side, fry for another 4 minutes.

Fried chicken breast in kefir-based batter is best served with herbs. hotter or warm dish, watered with tomato, garlic or cheese sauce, you can decorate with lettuce or parsley. As a side dish, fresh vegetables and pickles are suitable.

Chicken meat in cheese batter

Chicken meat in cheese batter

Cheese-based batter allows you to cook one of hearty meals from chicken fillet. The emphasis on cheese batter is easy to make if you use suitable spices. You can fry the chops, getting juicy and tender meat, using the following recipe:

  1. Wash, dry and cut the chicken breast fillet (4 pcs), lightly beat with a hammer.
  2. Grate hard cheese(100 g) on ​​a fine grater, mix with flour (2-3 tablespoons), eggs (4 pcs), sour cream (2 tablespoons), salt to taste.
  3. Heat the pan with vegetable oil, put the fillet pieces on it with the side with the cheese batter, fry for about 10 minutes, apply the batter again on each of the servings and turn over, fry for 10 minutes to form a beautiful golden crust.

Fillet in cheese batter is suitable for a festive table. If you cook defatted chicken breast meat according to the proposed recipe, then the dish can be included in the diet diet menu, serving with a side dish of vegetables. Serve fried fillet hot with herbs and tomatoes.

Chicken in beer batter

Chicken in beer batter

The recipe for chicken fillet in beer batter allows you to cook hearty and tender meat. It will not be dry or hard. Thanks to the air bubbles in the beer, the batter loosened by them provides lung cooking and crispy food. The chicken will be even more aromatic if you add spices and lemon zest to the pan while frying. Step by step recipe chicken dishes:

  1. Sliced ​​chicken breast meat (2 fillets) thin plates 1 cm wide, salt and pepper on both sides, leave the strips for 15 minutes.
  2. Prepare the batter in a bowl by adding chicken spices (0.5 tsp), egg, flour (6 tbsp) to beer (0.5 tbsp), mix and beat the ingredients until a thick mass is obtained.
  3. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, pouring it with a layer of 1 cm.
  4. Dip each piece of fillet in batter and place in a frying pan with hot oil.
  5. Prepare sizzling records chicken meat until a ruddy shade appears, frying the strips on each side for 2-3 minutes.

In order for the batter to lie on the fillet in an even layer, there should be no lumps in it. To remove excess oil after frying, it is better to put the chicken on a paper towel.

A dish of chicken fillet in beer batter can be supplemented fresh vegetables, garnish with herbs, pour garlic or mustard sauce into a gravy boat.

Serve the dish immediately after frying, adding ketchup, a side dish of mashed potatoes or rice.

Chicken fillet in onion batter

chicken breast in onion batter- a recipe worth making. Bow in ready dish almost not felt, and the meat comes out very juicy and fragrant. Detailed description its preparation:

  1. Cut chicken fillet (300 g) across the grain into strips, add lemon juice(2 tablespoons), salt and pepper to taste, and then put the container with meat in the refrigerator.
  2. Grind a large onion in a meat grinder or blender, add mayonnaise (2 tbsp) and eggs (2 pcs), beat the food into a homogeneous mass, add flour (4 tbsp), put chopped dill (2 tbsp. ).
  3. Pour a little flour into a separate bowl, roll the strips of chicken fillet in it and dip each of them in the egg-onion batter.
  4. Put the fillet in batter in a pan heated with vegetable oil.
  5. Fry strips of meat over low heat on both sides until golden brown.

You can serve fillet fried in onion batter with vegetable salads.

savory dish with a pleasant aftertaste, it goes well with greens, cucumber or white cabbage salads.

Since onions are able to intensively break down meat fibers, it becomes juicy and delicate taste while staying pink.

Chicken meat in sour cream

When deciding on the fat content of sour cream for batter, it is better to use a low-fat 20% product that will increase the volume of liquid in batter and improve the taste of chicken fillet. Thick composition for frying from fat sour cream heavy, but the dish itself has a large number of calories. Step by step cooking delicious chicken in sour cream:

  1. Slice in small pieces 1 kg of chicken fillet, pepper, salt, mix, add garlic and spices to taste, leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Beat 2 eggs with 1.5 tbsp. sour cream, pour into the composition of 1 tbsp. flour, 0.5 tsp baking powder, salt, bring the batter to a thick consistency.
  3. Mix batter with chicken fillet pieces and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, put the fillet in batter on it.
  5. Fry the chicken on all sides, spread the meat on paper napkins.

Better to use cold sour cream batter which allows you to cook very tasty meat. Each piece of fillet should resemble a small pie. The recipe will do and for cooking delicious fish Breaded.

Chicken fillet in tomato batter in Krasnodar style

chicken fillet in tomato batter

Preparation of simple fast food from chicken fillet does not take much time, only 10 minutes. tasty fillet in batter can be prepared from minimum set products. It is enough to follow the recipe step by step:

  1. Wash and dry the chicken fillet (0.5 kg), cut into slices of small thickness, salt, pepper, mix with a clove of garlic crushed through a press, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and leave for a few minutes.
  2. Prepare a thick batter by mixing 1 tbsp ketchup with mayonnaise, beat in 2 eggs, add 2 tbsp. flour with baking powder (1 tsp), salt.
  3. Spread the pieces of prepared fillet, dipping in batter, in a pan heated with vegetable oil.
  4. Fry chicken meat slices over medium heat so that the fillet pieces in batter do not burn, but only lightly browned, covered with a fried crust.

For quick frying, before using the batter, it is better to roll the fillet pieces in flour or breadcrumbs. After that, immediately dip the meat into a semi-liquid composition. For frying, it is convenient to use a thick-walled pan or deep fryer. Excellent meat dish has proven itself due to the ease of preparation. Any novice housewife can handle the recipes for fried chicken in batter.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

There was a time when I did not know how to cook chicken fillet. It came out hard and dry. Of course, I understood that the chicken fillet itself was a little dry and could not do anything about it. But once at my friend's birthday party, I tried the most tender and juicy fillet. The next day after the holiday, I called my friend and asked how she cooked the fillet and why she made it so juicy and soft. It turned out that the whole secret is in the right batter. The main thing is that the batter seals all the chicken juices. This can be done using a special batter, which is made from chicken eggs, mayonnaise and flour. Such a batter perfectly seals the fillet pieces, and they remain juicy after frying. So, thanks to a friend, I learned how to properly cook chicken fillet - in batter. And you know, now I always get such meat, juicy, tender and very tasty.

- 350 grams of chicken, chilled fillet;
- 1 egg;
- 1 full tablespoon of mayonnaise;
- 1.5 tables. l. flour;
- salt and pepper to your taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Wash the fillets and remove excess water napkins. I cut the meat across the fibers so that chops can be easily made from them.

I beat off the chicken fillet with a special hammer, the chops are no more than 1 centimeter thick.

For batter, I break an egg into a bowl. I salt it, I pepper it a little.

Now I beat the egg with a whisk or a regular fork, which is also suitable. The key is to mix well. egg yolk with protein.

I add mayonnaise, which will make the batter tastier and thicker.

I pour in the flour, it will thicken the batter and you will get a mixture in consistency like thick sour cream.

I mix the batter with a whisk until the flour is completely homogeneous and there are no dry lumps.

I dip the chicken fillet pieces in batter on both sides.

I heat the oil in a frying pan, carefully put the chops, fry them over low heat, but so that the crust immediately seizes.

I turn the fillet, each side should be fried for 5-7 minutes.

I remove the fillet from the pan, ruddy chops are ready.

While the chops are still hot, I serve them to the table.

You won't find a better meal for lunch or dinner. When I cut the chop, I feel that it is soft, and I also see that it is juicy. Just great! Bon Appetite!
If you like chicken meat, then you will probably be wondering how else delicious

Chicken - simple and available product, from which you can cook so much different dishes that their taste qualities will delight all tasters.

Wings and drumsticks in various marinades, pieces of meat with interesting sauces can become the stars of the table, diversifying the festive and everyday menu.

Chicken fillet in batter - great option dinner, picnic snack, and original submission it can also be served as the main dish at a children's or adult holiday.

A simple but proven by the experience of housewives recipe for chicken fillet in batter

Any product is easy to spoil, even chicken.

Meat can be tough and inedible if cooked incorrectly.

Fantasy and a desire to experiment will prompt the culinary specialist the right set of products in the recipes for making tasty chicken fillet in batter.

A proven way to cook fillets, which does not take much time, probably everyone knows. For 2 persons, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 fresh chicken breasts;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr. flour;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt, black ground pepper;
  • 30 gr. vegetable oil.

If you are starting your journey in culinary business hostess, then when preparing this recipe, we recommend that you also look at step by step photos so as not to stray and spoil the products.

Rinse the chicken and pat dry with a towel.

Cut into small portioned pieces, salt and pepper a little on both sides.

Whisk the egg in a separate bowl, season with salt and pepper. In another - add flour, also season with salt and pepper.

Heat up a frying pan, pour oil into it. When the oil is hot, you need to take the fillet pieces separately and dip first in a beaten egg, then in flour and repeat twice.

Fry the meat in a pan on both sides until a beautiful golden color.

Lay out on a napkin excess fat stack.

The batter according to this recipe turns out to be dense and adheres well to the meat, it does not allow the juice to flow out, due to which the fillet is juicy and very tender.

Video recipe for this dish:

Chicken with cheese is already a win-win food. Rarely do foods go so well together. different variations cooking. Savory appetizer chicken fillet will become if you fry it in cheese batter.

Fillet in batter with cheese for 4 servings includes:

  • 4 chicken fillets;
  • 100 gr. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 100 gr. flour;
  • 200 gr. hard cheese;
  • Salt and spices to taste;
  • 3 art. l. sunflower oil.

Cut the washed chicken into pieces, season with salt and spices to taste.

Cheese is traditionally grated.

Now you need to prepare a batter for the chicken: beat the egg into a deep bowl, pour in milk, sour cream and sprinkle everything with flour. Mix well with a whisk or fork so that there are no lumps.

Add cheese to the batter and let the mixture brew a little. It can not be salted, as the cheese will add flavor and aroma to the meat.

Pour oil into a hot frying pan and let it heat up. Dip the fillet in batter and fry on each side for 3-4 minutes over low heat, so cheese crust will not have time to burn, and the meat inside will cook and will not be raw.

If you season the batter itself with red ground pepper, then you will get an excellent snack for beer.

With the help of the oven you can cook wonderful diet dish from chicken fillet. The batter in the oven will turn out incredibly crispy and definitely will not burn.

Of course, the mixture where there is no mayonnaise can be called useful for the figure, because it is extremely harmful to the waist and hips. But what to do if with the help of this the most harmful sauce makes a tasty dish.

For 2 servings of chicken fillet mayonnaise batter cooked in the oven you need:

Rinse the chicken meat well and pat dry. Season with a little salt, pepper and sprinkle with basil.

Make a batter from a beaten egg, flour, mayonnaise, mix well. It should get thick.

It is better not to add salt to the mixture, since mayonnaise is quite salty, you can give the batter a taste by adding basil to it. Everything, batter with mayonnaise for baking chicken fillet is ready.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Grease parchment with oil. Dip fillets in batter and place on paper.

Since the fillet is not cut into pieces, it must spend at least 30 minutes in the oven. During this time, the meat will reach readiness, and the crust will become a pleasant golden color.

This recipe is for "lazy" cooks who are busy with a lot of processes or those who do not have time to watch the pan. You can safely “forget” about this dish for half an hour and start cooking other goodies that require close attention.

The editors of the site work hard to please you wonderful recipes. One of these is a recipe for cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat. This dish seems simple only at first glance, in fact it is fraught with some peculiarities in cooking.

love Birch juice? Then this article is for you. It describes in detail all technological process canning this the healthiest drink at home.

Meat chops are wonderful, they are satisfying and will become good treat, if you serve them with a different side dish or just with vegetables.

But chicken fillet chops may well replace sausage, because the meat in them is real, and in sausages it still needs to be looked for.

And for the price, such chops will come out cheaper than buying a high-quality servelat.

For 2 servings of chops you will need:

Wash the chicken fillet, pat dry and cut lengthwise into two halves. From two fillets you should get 4 approximately identical pieces.

Beat each future chop a little with a hammer to make the meat softer. It is better to do this by covering the meat with cling film, then small drops will not fly into different sides. Season the broken pieces with spices, salt and rub with garlic.

The batter for chicken chops is prepared as follows: beat an egg with milk in a bowl, add salt; pour flour into another bowl; mix thoroughly. Spray the heated pan with oil and let it heat up well.

Dip the meat twice alternately in the egg-milk mixture and flour, fry for 2-3 minutes on both sides. Chops are tender and flavorful.

See more options for cooking chicken chops in potato batter in the video below:

  1. When there is a desire to diversify a boring chicken fillet dish, then you can add raisins to it if you use original batter. processed cheese gives meat a pleasant taste creamy taste fillet cooked in breadcrumbs or fresh bread crumbs becomes more satisfying, and chopped greens in combination with an egg will not only make the dish colorful, but also healthy;
  2. By adding to the batter potato starch, you can fry chicken pieces the way they do in the famous McDonald's. The fillet will turn out juicy and lean, you can safely eat it with your hands;
  3. Having prepared a savory fried fillet in a batter of beer, eggs and flour, the hostess will definitely please the male part of the guests;
  4. Mustard in batter will not only shade the taste of the chicken, but it will also turn out to be richer in color;
  5. If you have to fry a lot of chops in a pan, you need to wash it and change the oil as it darkens and becomes dirty. Batter crumbs from previous cuts of meat can burn and give new portions a bitter taste;
  6. After frying, chicken pieces should be laid out on a paper towel, so it absorbs fat;
  7. If the chef fears that cheese batter it can burn, and will take the fillet out of the pan earlier than necessary, but the meat will not cook, you can cook it in the oven. There, the fillet will definitely not turn into a coal.

If you set out to surprise guests an unusual delicacy from a simple product and connect your imagination, you can get completely original dishes. Good luck and inspiration to you!

Your attention is a video on how to do correct batter for chicken fillet, and a lot of other useful information:
