
The most delicious ketchup at home. The best homemade ketchup recipes - special secrets from chefs

The beginning of August is the most right time for preparations for the winter. In our strip, this becomes relevant precisely in the last months of summer, because the crop that you so want to keep for the whole year is just beginning to ripen.

For many who have their own garden, tomatoes have already begun to turn red in the beds. It is about them that we will talk today, because it is from these delicious fruits we'll make ketchup!

Who doesn't love spaghetti, pizza, potatoes, dumplings and manti with this favorite popular sauce? Everyone has their own preferences, someone likes sweet, someone - salty, others prefer spicy, or vice versa, classic, with a pronounced taste of tomatoes.

But you must admit, it’s tastier to fill food with self-made tomato sauce. Therefore, if you have not yet attempted to create it yourself, then the time has come.

A few interesting things about this product. This concept itself initially had nothing to do with our beloved red tomatoes. In the 17th century it was called fish sauce with nuts and legumes drenched in wine and seasoned with garlic and spices.

The first creators of the variant familiar to us were a person whose last name will undoubtedly seem familiar to you - this is Heinz. It was with him that the era of tomato sauce began in the 20th century in the United States. Since then, no kitchen is conceivable without this additive.

And many in the refrigerator probably have store packaging of this tasty preparation. Well, who loves his own, homemade, let this article be of help to you.

If you are not very confident in your abilities or want to try classic recipe homemade sauce- this option will be the most suitable.

The recipe is quite simple, but in its own way palatability recalls Krasnodar sauce. And even a beginner will cope with the task of preparing it.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes 2.5 kg
  • Granulated sugar 1/2 cup
  • Salt 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cloves 2 buds
  • Black pepper 20 peas
  • Coriander 10 peas
  • Vinegar 9% 2 tbsp. spoons


1. First things first, we take on the tomatoes. Try to get them juicy, ripe, fleshy and tasty. The redder the fruits turn out, the brighter and richer the sauce will turn out.

Wash them, cut the stalks, leaving only soft part and cut into quarters. If the fruits are large, you can cut each quarter into two more halves.

2. Put the finished pieces into a saucepan and put on fire for 20 minutes. No need to add water! After the specified time, the fruits should boil well and become soft.

It is not necessary to close the pan with a lid, let the excess liquid evaporate. In general, the density of the finished product depends on the variety of tomatoes. Therefore, try to initially choose them dense and not watery.

3. Rub the boiled pieces through a sieve. If this is difficult to do, then they have not yet fully boiled, and you need to send them to the fire for a while.

4. Strain the finished mass again through a sieve so that finished product not a single seed fell.

5. As a result, we got a slightly watery tomato juice. Now our task is to boil it down to desired consistency. To do this, simply pour it into a convenient saucepan and bring to a boil, then set a small fire. I would even say that it is better to set the fire to the minimum.

While stirring, boil the mass for an hour, or even one and a half. That is, to a state of density that will suit you. Simply put, the mass should thicken.

6. We still have unclaimed seasonings. In order not to collect them later throughout the pan. you can use this in a tricky way. Put all prepared spices into marlechka, and tie it in the form of a small knot. His tail must be long enough to throw it over the edge of the pan.

So cook. And when the seasonings give all their flavor to the sauce, just take out the bundle, wring it out and throw it away.

You can hold the seasonings in the sauce for 10 to 20 minutes.

7. Then salt our workpiece, add sugar and taste. If all is well, pour in the vinegar.

After tomato sauce after another 10 minutes, the fire can be turned off. Convinced before that that everything in it is in moderation, and everything is enough.

8. Ready ketchup can be poured into jars and put away for storage for the winter in a cool dark place.

From this amount of ingredients, the yield of the finished product will be 750 - 800 gr. Maybe a little more, it will depend on how much you boiled it down.

Delicious, budget-friendly and without any preservatives.

Ketchup from tomatoes and basil for the winter - recipe "Lick your fingers"

The sauce prepared according to this recipe has not only divine taste, but also just a magical aroma. With all its dignity, it is prepared very, very simply.

When you cook it, the quote always turns on the tongue that everything ingenious is simple. This fully applies to this work of culinary art.

I suggest you give this recipe a try. You can cook it a little first, which is called for testing. And if you like it, then subsequently prepare a batch for the winter.

We will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes 2 kg
  • Bulb onion 0.5 kg
  • Garlic 8 - 9 cloves
  • Big bunch of basil
  • Sugar 120 - 130 gr
  • Salt 50 gr
  • Balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons
  • Lemon 1 pc
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil for frying

There are many ingredients ... but it is this composition that makes the final product simply incredible in its taste.

And also we will need such a set of spices:

  • Nutmeg 0.5 tsp
  • Ground cloves 0.5 tsp
  • Paprika 1 teaspoon
  • Ground allspice 0.5 tsp
  • Black ground pepper 0.5 tsp
  • Red hot pepper 0.5 tsp
  • Ground dried basil 1 teaspoon
  • Ground coriander or seeds 1 teaspoon


1. Peel and cut the onion into fairly large pieces. In the end, we will pierce all the components with a blender, so the cutting method is not particularly important.

Peel the garlic and leave the cloves whole.

2. In large saucepan, in which you can fry food, pour in oil, and without waiting for it to warm up, add onion. Immediately add garlic to it and add sugar. Stir the mixture.

3. Stirring occasionally so that the sugar does not caramelize, fry for 3 - 5 minutes. As soon as the onion becomes softer and breaks into individual petals, pour in the chopped tomatoes.

They can also be cut arbitrarily, but the size of the pieces is still about the same.

4. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. This must be done to avoid burning the mixture to the bottom. Cook until the tomatoes are gone enough juice. As a rule, this stage can take only 10 - 15 minutes.

5. In the meantime, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add a couple of teaspoons of balsamic vinegar to it. Pour the resulting mixture into tomato paste and mix thoroughly until smooth.

6. After 10 - 15 minutes have passed, add the fragrant tomato mixture to the pan, add salt and mix the resulting mass well again. Cook with stirring for another 10 minutes.

7. Separate the basil leaves from the stems. Rewind the stems with a thread and send to the tomato mixture. They will cook there for 10 minutes, give all their juice. Then we'll take them out and throw them away.

8. Also, along with the stems, add all the prepared spices at once. Stir the mixture again. After 5 minutes, taste it, is it enough. You can add salt or sugar if needed. And it may seem to someone that there is little sharpness. Everything you need can be added at this stage.

9. After sending to the spice mixture, cook with stirring for another 10 minutes. After that, get the stems, and instead send basil leaves to the pan.

They are very tender and take a long time to cook. After boiling, the cooking time should be no more than 5 minutes.

Immediately after boiling, the leaves will give just an incredible smell, inherent only in basil, which will make our ketchup incredibly tasty and fragrant.

10. Then we should break through the contents with a blender. We do it right in the same pan where we cooked our sauce.

Then we prepare a sieve and wipe the whole mass through it completely, in parts of course. At this stage, all the skins, tomato seeds and any other unnecessary residue will remain on the grid.

The resulting sauce will be smooth and beautiful. Pour it back into the cooking pot, bring to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes after boiling.

11. Immediately pour into prepared sterilized jars or bottles and screw on the lids.

If you are preparing the sauce in jars, then simply turn them over and cover with something warm, leave in this position until cool.

If you poured the sauce into bottles, then they can be put on their side, and also covered. It is important that the lid is covered with sauce from the inside.

After complete cooling, jars or bottles with blanks can be stored in the pantry.

A simple recipe for homemade ketchup without vinegar in a slow cooker

Most likely everyone has long known that vinegar is an excellent preservative that guarantees you good storage products in banks. It also gives a special pleasant sourness, which is so well suited to vegetables.

But despite this, some people prefer not to use this acid in their dishes. We have a recipe for this as well. We will cook on it in a slow cooker.

But in general, according to this recipe, you can safely cook in a regular pan. But it is desirable that the walls and bottom of her were thick. Such dishes allow you to warm up all the ingredients well and reliably, while nothing burns in it and does not stick to the bottom.

We will need:

  • Fresh tomatoes 2 kg (juicy, fleshy)
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper 500 gr
  • Onion 400 gr
  • Spicy Bell pepper 2 pcs (if you like it spicier)
  • Dry mustard 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons (or to taste)
  • Refined vegetable oil 150 ml


1. For cooking delicious sauce choose ripe juicy tomatoes. They should be washed and allowed to drain and dry. Then cut the stalk, and cut the fruits themselves into small slices. We will punch them in a blender, so it is not necessary to remove the skin.

If you don’t have a blender at hand, then it’s okay. A meat grinder will also cope with this task. You can also grate the fruits on a grater. In this case, the skin itself will remain in the hands. Of course, we will not use it in cooking.

2. Chop the tomatoes in one of the proposed ways, and pour into the multicooker bowl.

3. We do the same with Bulgarian sweet pepper. First, wash it, then clean it and put it in a blender bowl.

I like it when ketchup is prepared with pepper, it gets not only tasty filling, but also an incomparable aroma.

I also like it when the sauce is moderately spicy. Therefore, I clean hot peppers from seeds and partitions and add them to chopped sweet counterparts.

If you use both one and the other bright red peppers, then the sauce itself will turn out to be a brighter and more saturated color.

4. Grind the mixture of peppers in puree and pour them over the tomato.

5. C onions we do the same. Clean, cut and grind into puree. Then spread to the previously prepared vegetables.

6. Add dry mustard to the mashed vegetables laid out. It will give additional sharpness and piquancy.

Add salt, sugar and pour vegetable oil. As you can see from the recipe, we use quite a lot of sugar. Thanks to this, the sauce will turn out not only spicy, but also sweet. A mixture of two polar tastes will play the right role for us here. But in general it can always be corrected.

Also, during the cooking process, check if there is enough salt. If necessary, it can also be added if necessary.

Always, when it comes to adding salt and sugar, you should rely on your own taste.

7. Mix all the ingredients, close the lid of the multicooker and set the "Baking" mode. Set the timer to 45 minutes.

Our mass turned out to be quite heavy and dense, with a small component of the liquid. Therefore, the lid should be periodically opened and the contents mixed, hooking it from the bottom so that nothing burns.

8. After the timer signal lets you know that the time is up, lay out boiled mixture into a sieve and rub through it as much as you can.

We don’t throw away the remaining cake, it should be pierced again with a blender to the smallest state, and sent back to the multicooker bowl, in fact, like the frayed part too.

9. Now is the time to try what we got, the taste. And if, in your opinion, something is missing there, then you can add salt, sugar, or add more bitterness in the form of black ground pepper.

10. Close the pan with a lid, and again setting the “Baking” program, set the minimum time to 60 minutes. In general, it will already depend on the variety of tomatoes. It happens that they have a lot of liquid, and it may take an extra half an hour to evaporate it.

Therefore, while continuing to open the lid and stir the mixture, also keep an eye on the consistency. Readiness can be checked in this way.

Put a few drops on a plate, and if they do not spread, but keep their shape, then the sauce is ready.

11. For harvesting for the winter, it should be poured hot into clean, sterilized jars and tightly sealed.

Store as usual in a dark, cool place.

like this delicious recipe without the use of vinegar. Eat healthy, it's delicious!

Ketchup from tomato paste at home

Yes, yes, it turns out you don't even need to have tomatoes to make a delicious homemade sauce. Tomato paste works great as a substitute. If you buy it in a store, choose clean, without additives and spices, because we will add all this ourselves.

Our cooking option is one time. If you want to cook more, then you should simply proportionally increase the amount of food.

We will need:

  • Tomato paste 200 gr (shop)
  • Bulb onion 0.5 pcs
  • Garlic 0.5 - 1 clove
  • Honey 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil 1 - 2 tbsp. spoon
  • Balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Allspice 2 - 3 peas
  • Red chili pepper to taste, about 0.5 - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste


1. Peel, rinse and finely chop the onion. We will fry it for a very short time, so it is better to chop it smaller.

2. Crush the garlic with a knife, you can directly with the skin. Then remove it, and finely chop the clove. Take it to taste, if the clove is too large, then you can take only half, if it is small, then take the whole.

Sometimes they ask why the garlic is crushed before cutting. It is believed that in this form it most fully reveals its aroma, and, of course, taste.

3. Put the pan on the fire and warm it up well. Pour in the olive oil and fry until light golden color chopped onion and garlic.

4. After frying, pour chili pepper into the pan, adjust its amount in accordance with taste preferences. And also immediately pour balsamic vinegar, add honey, allspice crushed in a mortar with peas (it will give just an incomparable aroma).

If you need salt, then pour it in, at first a little, then after tasting the finished product, you can always add it.

And immediately lay out the tomato paste. Mix the mass with a wooden spatula, wait until the mixture boils, then reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer on it for 25 minutes, stirring the mass occasionally.

5. To obtain better mass uniformity, transfer the finished product to the blender bowl and punch it for 10 - 15 seconds. Thanks to this action, it will not only become quite like a real one, but it will also give it airiness and tenderness. It will just melt in your mouth.

Such a product is mainly prepared in order to eat it right away. But if you want to make it a little larger than usual, then in this case it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

I have not tried to store in the pantry, so I can not say anything about this.

6. The taste of such a sauce, like a classic store. And the texture is also very similar. It turns out very tasty. Yes, and cook it quickly enough.

Therefore, take note of the recipe, it may be useful to you.

Plum ketchup recipe for the winter

"Why plums?" - you ask? Because they are very similar in texture to tomatoes - they are just as juicy and fleshy, sweetish and can be processed well.

Therefore, this particular fruit can become great replacement tomato. It's hard to believe, but it can be verified. If it turned out to be a fruitful year for plums, and there is nowhere to put the jam, feel free to try it. And I want to offer you a very simple recipe to prepare!

We will need:

  • Plums 1 kg (preferably dark)
  • Garlic 3 heads
  • Hot pepper 1 pc
  • Sugar 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt Art. spoon
  • Curry seasoning 20 gr


Choose ripe, fleshy fruits for cooking. The taste of the final product will also depend on their taste. The more acidic they are, the more sugar you may need.

Can also be cooked from yellow plums also turns out pretty tasty. But the color in this case will also be yellow. by the most beautiful sauce comes from dark plums, we'll take them.

1. The first step is to wash them, carefully cut along the groove and remove the bone. Then cut in half again. Thus, it turns out that we cut the fruit into 4 parts.

2. Skip the pieces through a meat grinder along with the skin. The peel gives the main color, so we will not peel it off.

3. Pass through the grate of the meat grinder also the garlic and the hot capsicum peeled from the seeds. It turns out a great mixture of sour, bitter, sweet and spicy ingredients.

Little trick. Small products like garlic are best sent to a meat grinder at the beginning or middle of the process so that the remnants of the plums “wash” all the garlic without residue.

4. Pour salt and sugar into the bowl to the ground ingredients, and we will also use curry today. We will get a sauce with "East Indian motifs".

If you do not like this seasoning, then you can simply exclude it from the recipe. And in exchange for it, crush a couple of peas of allspice in a mortar.

5. Cook the sauce as always, best using a heavy bottomed saucepan. Pour the mixed mixture into it and put on fire.

Cook for 20 - 30 minutes with stirring, if you eat immediately, or in the coming days. If you are preparing the sauce for the winter, then cook it for 10 minutes longer.

Readiness is determined by the fact that the sauce should become reddish, and also quite thick.

You can roll it up for the winter or eat it with meat, fish and poultry. That's all! As you can see, everything is quite simple! Although delicious.

Spicy homemade tomato and apple ketchup

Anyone who has been cooking for a long time knows for sure that apples are often included in dishes that seem to be completely unsuitable for this. Someone crumbles them in Olivier, someone stuffs geese with them, and sometimes they are even served fresh, along with vegetables, with meat.

This is because these fruits cook quickly, and like a sponge they absorb the liquid they are in, giving, at the same time, their sweetness. Or acid if the apples are sour. In a word, they are added to the composition of dishes not by chance, and it is these fruits that are great addition to various second courses, salads and, of course, sauces.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes 2.5 kg
  • Apples 4 pcs
  • Sweet bell pepper 4 pcs (preferably red)
  • Onion 4 pcs
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Sugar 0.5 cup
  • Salt 1 tbsp. spoon

And also we need a lot of different spices:

  • Ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon
  • Cloves 3 - 4 buds
  • Black pepper 10 peas
  • Allspice 5 - 7 peas
  • Black ground pepper to taste
  • Acetic essence 70% 0.5 tsp (for harvesting for the winter)


1. Wash and clean all vegetables and fruits, cutting off all the stalks, cores with seeds and partitions. If the apples have a thick skin, then it should be peeled.

I generally peel the skin anyway, so the sauce is more tender.

2. Without delay for a long time, immediately skip all this splendor through a meat grinder.

3. Prepare a fairly large cookware. If there is a thick-walled pan for these purposes, then it will be just fine.

The resulting ground mixture is placed in a bowl and put on fire. It shouldn't be very big. Our task is to bring the mixture to a boil, then boil it down by about a third. Also, the mass should thicken decently.

As a rule, this takes about 1.5 hours.

4. Then add salt and sugar, as well as ground black pepper and cinnamon to the mixture. Put the clove buds and allspice in a clean gauze and tie in a knot. Leave a long tail, or tie a thread. Dip the knot into the boiling mixture.

This must be done in order not to look for these seasonings in the pan later, but to easily remove them and throw them away.

5. Together with spices, cook the mass for about half an hour. At the end of this stage, you can pierce the mixture with a blender to get rid of small tomato seeds and vegetable peels.

Although many do not do this on purpose, so that the sauce looks more appetizing and homely.

5. At the end of cooking, add grated garlic. It should be entered at the very end, because when high temperatures it loses its taste and aroma.

6. Turn off the pot and add vinegar essence, mix well again so that the acid is evenly distributed. If you are just preparing a meal, then you can not add vinegar at all.

Homemade ketchup with apples is ready, it can be wrapped in jars, it is perfectly stored in them without any sterilization,

And we love it freshly prepared, so we often cook it in small quantities for dinner or lunch.

Store-bought tomato ketchup recipe

Often you have to cook dishes so that they look like "store" or "cafe".

Children especially love them. Either french fries, as in a well-known restaurant chain, or ketchup, as from a store. And we, adults, have to go on about. What can you do to make the child like it, and the food turned out to be as healthy as possible!

The next version of the recipe is just one of those. The recipe for your favorite sauce is very similar to the store.

We will need:

  • Tomato paste (store-bought) 250 gr
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Garlic 3 medium cloves
  • Dill 1 medium bunch
  • Dried basil 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar 2 teaspoons
  • Salt a pinch or to taste
  • Pinch of ground black pepper
  • Red hot pepper pinch
  • Water 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons (preferably olive oil)
  • Vinegar 9% 1 teaspoon


1. Peel the middle head and cut into fairly small cubes. In the meantime, heat a frying pan and pour oil onto the hot surface, preferably olive oil. As soon as it warms up a little, add the onion to it and fry until golden brown.

In general, it must be said that the bow is not required at all. Therefore, if you do not want to use it, you can refuse it.

But I like it when it's in sauce. It gives an interesting aftertaste, and fills the tomato sauce with a richer content.

2. Put the tomato paste to the slightly limp and ruddy onion and pour a little water, mix thoroughly.

Water must be added in accordance with the consistency of the tomato sauce. If it is thick, then more water will be needed. For an average consistency, as I have today, it took exactly 3 tablespoons.

3. Add basil to the mass, a pinch of black and red pepper and salt and sugar to taste. Do not forget to mix all the ingredients so that the spices used are evenly distributed.

4. Pour in the vinegar and evaluate the density. If the sauce is too thick, add a little more water.

5. At the end, you need to finely chop the greens, rub the garlic on a grater and add it all to the sauce. Stir, and immediately turn off the heat so that the heat is just enough to mix the garlic with ketchup.

6. If you want to roll up this sauce for the winter, you must definitely fry the onion and the whole mass as a whole. Steam it on fire for at least 20 minutes, monitor the amount of density.

Arrange in small sterilized jars and tighten with scalded lids.

If you cook this ketchup for 1-2 times, then it does not need long heat treatment. You can limit yourself to half the time than suggested.

Video on how to make tomato ketchup at home (for excellent storage for the winter)

For this recipe tomato seasoning perfectly kept in the apartment. It turns out very thick and tasty. And the secret of density is that we use starch as part of the ingredients.

Today we have not yet considered such a recipe, so we will correct this gap.

The recipe does not require additional sterilization. It is enough just to cover the blanks with a warm blanket and leave it under it until it cools completely.

Homemade tomato and herb sauce - no-boil recipe

This homemade sauce is something special. It takes very little time, but it turns out amazingly tasty!

This product cannot be called ketchup in the full sense of the word; rather, it is a delicious tomato sauce that can be served with meat, vegetables, or simply eat it with bread.

Well, it’s also understandable that you can’t prepare it for the winter, because the cooked product is not subjected to heat treatment.

We will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes 500 gr
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Onion 0.5 pcs (or less)
  • cilantro or parsley 2-3 sprigs
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Black ground pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste

If you want the sauce to be spicy, you can also add a pinch, or a couple of red ground pepper.


1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and soak them in water for 3 minutes. This will make it quite easy to remove the skin from them. Immediately you can cut them into more small pieces and remove the place where the stem was attached.

2. Grate or squeeze the garlic, this can be done directly into the oil.

3. Finely chop the onion. We chose red because it is not bitter and has a pleasant, subtle flavor. sweet taste. This is just what you need for the sauce.

Send it to the oil with garlic.

4. Separate cilantro, or if you don’t like its smell, parsley, from the branches and cut not very finely so that the greens are felt in the finished product.

If you do not find this acceptable, you can cut it very finely.

5. Grind the peeled tomatoes in a blender to a mushy state, add salt, pepper, and the oil mixture with garlic and onions prepared in advance.

Transfer to a bowl or deep salad bowl.

6. Add chopped greens and mix thoroughly. The sauce is ready!

Ketchup with cola flavor

More recently, a new product has appeared on the shelves of supermarkets. gastronomic miracle- ketchup with cola flavor. I remember in my youth they joked about chewing gum with the taste of pizza. Turns out it wasn't such a joke.

To connect, it would seem, something that does not fit at all - such a bold step was taken by one of famous factories Russian manufacturers. So what's behind it unusual name? I bought this package specifically. So how do you stay here?

After reading the composition, it immediately became clear that no one poured Coca-Cola into it, but only limited themselves to a special flavor. The rest of the product has a completely normal composition for this product.

In appearance, it is also common - dark red, homogeneous, having a viscous consistency. Well, the most interesting thing is, of course, the taste. When sampling, all taste buds at a loss, where does the taste of cola come from here at all?

And when you try it, without a doubt you understand that it is ketchup. The taste of the drink appears later, it is also called the aftertaste. It remains the feeling that he ate the sauce and washed down sweet cola. I think it is interesting product goes great with meat.

It will most likely be difficult to use it daily on an ongoing basis, it is too unusual a combination.

But, as a discovery, it's definitely worth a try!

By the way, if you find the right flavoring, you can cook for a sample and home version. To do this, take any of the recipes offered today, and add a few drops to the finished product.

In such interesting information at the end of our today's selection. I really hope you liked it. I tried to collect here options that are not difficult to prepare, but at the same time very tasty.

Most of them can be prepared simply as a seasoning for lunch or dinner, and harvested for the winter. When there are a lot of tomatoes, you want to save them as much as possible. Therefore, we not only preserve them, but also make various delicious condiments, and ketchup is one of the most loved and sought after in this category.

So cook and eat healthy.

Bon appetit!

Home natural ketchup for every taste - a selection of super recipes

Some 20 years ago, only a few people heard about ketchup, and store shelves were occupied by half-liter jars with Krasnodarsky tomato sauce. As children, we ate it almost in jars - with bread, to heartburn, how delicious it is! And then ketchup appeared - oh, this is bliss ... You could literally eat everything with it. But here's the bad luck - the more types of ketchup appear in stores, the less likely you are to buy real tomato sauce with spices and seasonings, more and more starch, dyes, and preservatives ... There is only one way out - to cook ketchup yourself. Only in this way will you know exactly what is in your ketchup, and you will cook it according to your own taste. Homemade ketchups have one serious drawback - they are very tasty, so if you decide to prepare ketchup for the winter, you won’t get by with a couple of jars.

advice from perchica

I advise everyone to buy a manual juicer, it is especially good for making sauce or ketchup. tomatoes - juice it flows separately to you, and all the skin and seeds are separate, there is no juice left at all. The sauce turns out to be gorgeous, cook for a couple of hours and it’s like a real one .. This is how it looks. I’m sure that many saw it and passed by, because they didn’t know what a wonderful thing this is.

3 kg tomatoes,
150 g sugar
25 g salt
80 g 6% vinegar,
20 pcs. cloves,
25 pcs. peppercorns,
1 garlic clove
a pinch of cinnamon,
on the edge of a knife of hot red pepper.

Finely chop the tomatoes, put in a saucepan, put on fire and boil down by a third, without closing the lid. Then add sugar, boil for 10 minutes, add salt and cook for another 3 minutes. Put spices and seasonings in a saucepan with tomatoes, boil for 10 minutes and rub through a steel sieve or colander. Put it back in the pan, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar and arrange in sterilized jars. Roll up.

6.5 kg of tomatoes,
10 g garlic
300 g onion
450 g sugar
100 g salt
¼ tsp cinnamon,
½ tsp mustard,
6 pcs. cloves,
6 pcs. peppercorns,
6 pcs. allspice peas,
40 ml 70% vinegar or 350 ml 9%.

Cut the tomatoes crosswise, blanch in boiling water, then dip in ice water and remove the skin. You can remove the seeds if someone does not like them in the sauce: scrape out the seed chambers with a spoon and put them in a sieve standing over the pan. Juice will flow into the bowl. Put chopped tomatoes there and chop everything with a blender (or pass through a meat grinder). Just chop and onion, garlic, spices grind in a mill. Combine all ingredients except vinegar, isachar salt in a saucepan, put on fire. Add a third of sugar and boil the mass by 2 times. Add the remaining sugar and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then add salt and vinegar, boil for 10 minutes and place hot in sterilized jars. Roll up.

3 kg tomatoes,
500 g onion
300-400 g of sugar,
2 tbsp mustard,
300-400 ml 9% vinegar,
2-3 bay leaves,
5-6 peas black pepper,
3-4 juniper berries,

Cut the tomatoes, chop the onion, steam a little over medium heat in a saucepan under the lid, wipe through a sieve. Heat vinegar, put spices in it, bring to a boil, cool and pour into tomato puree. Boil the resulting mass over low heat by a third, season with sugar, salt, mustard and boil for another 10 minutes, then decompose hot into sterilized jars and cork.

5 kg of tomatoes,
1 cup chopped onion
150-200 g of sugar,
30 g salt
1 cup 9% vinegar
1 tsp black peppercorns,
1 tsp carnations,
piece of cinnamon,
½ tsp ground celery seeds.

Cut the tomatoes, mix with chopped onions, simmer a little under the lid over low heat, wipe through a sieve. Pour into a saucepan, put on fire. Put the spices in a gauze bag and lower into the boiling tomato mass. Reduce by about a third. Add salt, sugar, boil for another 5-7 minutes, remove the bag with spices, pour into sterilized bottles or jars, cork.

3 kg tomatoes,
10-15 large garlic cloves,
1 cup of sugar,
1 tbsp with a top of salt,
10 fleshy peppers,
1-3 pods hot pepper(to taste) or 1 tsp. ground cayenne pepper or chili.

Grind tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers (pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender), put in a saucepan, add salt, sugar and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and boil for 40 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add garlic, passed through a press. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.

500 g tomatoes,
500 g onion
1 kg of multi-colored sweet pepper,
2 large hot peppers,
100 ml vegetable oil,
1 cup 9% vinegar
½ cups of sugar,
1 tsp salt,
7 cloves of garlic
7 black peppercorns
7 peas of allspice.

Grind tomatoes, onions, sweet and hot (together with seeds) peppers (meat grinder or blender). Put the resulting mass on fire, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, peppercorns, garlic, passed through a press. Boil until desired thickness, stirring constantly. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up.

Homemade ketchups are made not only from tomatoes, but apples, herbs, plums, sweet bell peppers are added to them... All this makes it possible to prepare a wonderful sauce for a variety of dishes.

Ketchup with apples

Ingredients for a 300 gram jar:
10 large fleshy tomatoes,
4 sweet apples,
1 tsp ground black pepper (no slide),
½ tsp ground cinnamon,
1 tsp ground nutmeg (without a slide),
½ tsp ground hot red pepper,
½ tsp salt,
1 tsp honey,
2 tbsp 9% vinegar,
3 large cloves of garlic.

Cut the tomatoes, put them in a saucepan, simmer under the lid until soft and rub through a sieve. Cut the apples, also stew until soft under the lid and rub through a sieve. Combine tomato and applesauce in a saucepan, put on slow fire and simmer until thick, about 10 minutes. Then add pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, honey and cook for another 10 minutes. Add vinegar, chopped garlic, boil for another 5 minutes and immediately arrange in sterilized jars. Roll up.

2 kg ripe tomatoes,
500 g sweet pepper,
500 g onion
1 cup of sugar,
200 g olive oil,
1 tbsp ground black pepper,
1 tbsp dry mustard,
salt to taste.

Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder or blender, mix, add spices and simmer for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.

Ketchup "Spicy"

5 kg of tomatoes,
10 sweet peppers
10 bulbs
2.5 cups of sugar
2.5 tbsp salt,
200 g 9% vinegar,
10 pieces. black peppercorns,
10 pieces. allspice peas,
10 pieces. cloves,
½ tsp cinnamon,
½ tsp chili pepper,
½ tsp ground paprika,
½ tsp ginger,
1 tbsp starch (if necessary).

cut vegetables large pieces, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add pepper and cloves. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum and simmer for 1.5-2 hours. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve, add salt, sugar, the remaining spices and boil to the desired density for small fire. If necessary, add starch diluted in ice water. Remove from heat, pour in vinegar. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up. Store in a cold place.

5 kg of tomatoes,
3-4 bulbs
3 sweet peppers,
2 tbsp salt,
300 g sugar
100-150 ml 9% vinegar,

½ tsp ground red pepper,
a little cinnamon

Cut the tomatoes, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire. Chop the onion, add to the tomatoes, Peel the sweet pepper, chop and also add to the tomatoes. Boil the boiled mass 2 times over low heat for 3 hours at open lid. Cool and pass through a sieve. Put on fire again, bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, pepper, cinnamon, vinegar. In addition to these spices, you can add others - turmeric, coriander, etc. Tie the greens into a bundle and lower into the tomato mass. Boil again for 3 hours to evaporate the liquid. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up.

2 kg tomatoes,
2 large onions
100 g sugar
1 tbsp salt,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
1 tsp ground ginger,
1 tsp ground cloves,
2 tbsp dry red wine,
1 tbsp fresh grated horseradish
2 tbsp wine vinegar.

Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut into slices, add the chopped onion and cook, stirring, for 20 minutes. Rub through a sieve. Add sugar, salt, spices, wine, cook over low heat for 1 hour, stirring constantly. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add horseradish, and 5 minutes before the end - vinegar. Arrange hot in sterilized jars, roll up.

2 kg tomatoes,
1 kg plums,
500 g onion
1 head of garlic,
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp red pepper,
salt, sugar to taste.

Cut the tomatoes, steam them in a saucepan under a lid over low heat, wipe through a sieve. Remove pits from plums, steam and rub through a sieve. Mix the tomato and plum mass, add spices, garlic, passed through a press, boil down by a third. Pour hot into sterilized jars, roll up.

As you can see, homemade ketchups can be prepared most different ways. Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Another recipe:

3 kg tomato
0.5 kg apples
0.25 kg onion

Chop everything and cook until the onion is soft. Grind with a blender and cook until the desired density, I cooked for 50 minutes.
Before the end of cooking, add salt 1.5 tbsp. l., 1.5 cups of sugar, do not forget to stir, otherwise it will burn, red pepper, ground black to taste, 50 g apple cider vinegar, remove from heat, pour into jars and roll up. You can add garlic.

Ketchup is the most popular tomato sauce that can complement many dishes. Pizza, spaghetti and different kinds meat. True connoisseurs of ketchup use it literally with everything.

Ketchup, which is offered by supermarkets, is more and more like tomato paste with water and starch. This should prompt action - make real homemade ketchup. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, because everything natural ingredients.

The article presents classic, original and quick recipes this sauce. This news will please those who were worried that home cooking ketchup is certainly complex.

Useful notes

Ingredient Tips:

  • The taste of ketchup should be adjusted at your discretion by changing the content of salt, sugar and vinegar;
  • If desired, you can use any kind of vinegar - table, wine, apple or balsamic;
  • For ketchup, choose fleshy varieties of tomato, in which there is little watery core. But empty and hard varieties are also not suitable.

Attention! Should not be used for cooking aluminum pans due to the characteristics of this metal. Tomato acid reacts with aluminum, making the dish potentially hazardous to health. In such a container, you should not cook sour and spicy dishes and also store food. Choose your pots stainless steel, enameled, coated cast iron or glass.

Tomato ketchup for the winter "Classic"

It's simple universal recipe, which can be supplemented with any spices if desired.

  • Ripe tomatoes - 3-4 kg;
  • Sugar sand - 2/3 cup;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Apple cider vinegar (6%) - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • Cinnamon and black pepper (hammered) - ¼ tsp

Idea! To avoid rubbing tomatoes through a sieve, you should first boil the tomatoes, dip in cold water and remove the skin. Remove seeds from tomatoes cut in half. The liquid with seeds should be freed from the seeds with a sieve, and the pulp should be crushed with a blender.

Recipe step by step

How to cook "classic" ketchup for the winter:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and simmer in a thick-walled saucepan until the contents are reduced by a third;
  2. Pour sugar and salt according to the recipe, mix well and let it boil for another five minutes;
  3. Rub the tomato mass through a medium sieve;
  4. Add spices to the tomato puree and simmer for another 10 minutes;
  5. Introduce vinegar, bring to a boil and roll up in sterile jars.

Based on this base case You can make any fantasy tomato sauce. You only need to enter author's additives.

Thick ketchup sauce for the winter from tomatoes and apples

One of most valuable qualities ketchup - its density, which is very difficult to achieve. Boiling may take two to three hours, and the mass will still be watery. Factory ketchup is easier to prepare - add starch and thick sauce ready.

But the owners have secret ingredient- pectin-rich apples. Pectin is an excellent thickener and is sold separately in sachets such as Jam, Jemka, etc. But even better add apples to ketchup, which will not only make the sauce thick, but also bring their own special taste and aroma.

Among other things, apples allow you to reduce the amount of vinegar, because they contain a natural acid.

Recipe step by step

How to make homemade tomato-apple ketchup:

Original tomato-plum ketchup for the winter

Plum can give the sauce unusual notes and pleasant sweetness. You can use any plums - each variety is good in its own way for such purposes.

In this recipe, you can leave the plums without grinding in a blender - sweet pieces tender fruit will be very useful in the sauce.

  • Tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Plums - 0.5 kg;
  • Onion - 0.3 kg;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - ½ cup;
  • Vinegar - ½ cup;
  • Paprika;
  • Carnation;
  • Hot red pepper.

The amount of sugar will largely depend on the sweetness of the plums - the sweeter they are, the less you need.

Recipe step by step

How to make ketchup from tomatoes and plums:

The recipe is quite quick, healthy and very tasty. It is suitable for those who want to prepare an unusual homemade sauce for chicken.

Very fast ketchup for the winter without starch

Besides starch, there are other ways to make quick ketchup. One such method is described in this recipe.

  • Tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Cinnamon, paprika, black pepper, ginger, nutmeg - ¼ tsp each.

Recipe step by step

How to quickly cook ketchup without starch:

Tomato and bell pepper ketchup for the winter

sweet pepper has great taste and will help improve the consistency of the sauce. The more pepper, the thicker the ketchup will be.

It is this amount bell pepper a guarantee of a thick and tasty sauce.

Recipe step by step

How to cook ketchup with bell pepper:

If desired, omit the garlic or replace it with onions.

Tomato ketchup with starch in a slow cooker

For real cooking thick ketchup starch must be used. This option is suitable for pizza sauce, pasta, etc.

  • Ripe tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • Onion - 0.4 kg;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - ¾ cup;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Potato starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Ground black pepper - ¼ tsp

The recipe can be supplemented with garlic or do without it.

How to cook ketchup in a slow cooker:

Tkemali sauce from plums for the winter

There are many variations on the theme of "tkemali", but its basis is plums. original recipe implies the tkemali plum variety of the same name, but it is replaced by blackthorn, cherry plum and any sweet and sour or sour elastic plum. If there is yellow cherry plum, then the sauce will turn out even more exotic.

If the plums used are very acidic, then the amount of sugar should be doubled.

Recipe step by step

How to cook tkemali:

Attention! Plum puree has the peculiarity of burning, so it is advisable to cook tkemali in a stainless steel pot. You should also constantly stir the mass with a wooden spatula, touching the very bottom.

Express recipe for ketchup from tomato paste

This ketchup is being prepared in just 20 minutes. For this purpose, it is worth buying the best tomato paste.

This option is great for fresh use.

How to cook express ketchup from tomato paste:

  1. Finely chop the onion and sauté until golden brown;
  2. Add tomato paste to the onion and mix;
  3. Gradually add water, bringing to the desired consistency;
  4. Add salt, sugar and dry spices;
  5. After boiling, add finely chopped garlic and herbs, and add vinegar.
  6. Turn off the boil after a couple of minutes.

This option is suitable if you want homemade sauce, but it was not in the preparations for the winter.

Use the above recipes as a basis for preparations, adjusting the amount of ingredients to taste. You can also enter their amendments, adding unusual seasonings, For example, juniper berries or rosemary. If you use tomato paste instead of tomatoes a small amount water, the ketchup will be ready in 15 minutes. This option is used if there were no ketchup blanks for the winter at hand.

Wash sweet paprika, cut, remove the stalk, seeds and white membrane. Cut into random pieces, not very small. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Peel the onion, not finely chop and send to the pan, to our paprika.

We also clean the garlic, chop it slightly and put it in a saucepan.

Tomatoes take ripe, fleshy varieties. The more watery the tomatoes, the longer it will take to boil the sauce, and, as a result, there will be an order of magnitude less ketchup.

For the third time I'm in the making homemade ketchup I use a juicer. I have it powerful, but, in any case, I skip the crumb again 3 or even 4 times, until I see that the cake - seeds and peel - is literally a glass and it is quite dry.

It is impossible to say how much juice will turn out, since its amount depends on the variety of tomatoes. This time I got about 4.5-5 liters. Exit original product- ketchup - about 2 liters.

If there is no good juicer, then wash the tomatoes and pour boiling water over them. Next, after about a minute (a little less), drain the boiling water and pour the tomatoes already cold water. Hold them for another 30 seconds. After these manipulations, the skin is removed quickly and without problems. We also cut out the stem. Then we cut them randomly and put them in a pan.

But, back to the option with a juicer. I directly throw in the whole tomatoes (the juicer allows), without even removing this very stalk, of course, if it is not visually excessively large.

Add tomato juice to the pan, where paprika, onion and garlic are already located and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about an hour and a half. Do not cover the pan with a lid, let the water evaporate and the mixture thickens.

Next, take an immersion blender and puree everything until smooth. The mixture thickens, but still far from thick enough. Return to the fire for at least another hour, and then you will add all the spices. By the way, when you already see that the ketchup is almost the same consistency as you would like, it's time to turn it off, because after cooling it will become even a little thicker.

Now spices. Other than smoked paprika, nothing out of the ordinary. I took the mustard in peas and ground it in a coffee grinder. By the way, I didn’t grind it finely enough, so in my ketchup you can see yellow blotches, which do not interfere at all, but slightly spoil the view. So it’s quite possible to buy already ground and take about 1 tablespoon. Grind cloves and allspice too.

At the end of cooking, when you already see that our homemade ketchup has thickened enough, pour all the spices into the pan, mix and try. It's time to adjust the taste. And vinegar! Add vinegar. Now try it. As for me, there is enough of everything, but you see for yourself, decide for yourself. And our ketchup is ready. Pour hot into sterilized jars and use to your health.

A little about sterilized jars. I always wash them with soda, rinse well hot water, and then put in the microwave at full power for about three minutes. That's it, the banks are ready. I just fill the lids with boiling water.

It (ketchup) is worth it in my basement, but it has never been stored for more than a month or two - they ate it. Once opened, keep only in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

Homemade ketchup

I believe that everyone should cook ketchup for the winter economical housewives . This wonderful seasoning to all dishes: vegetable, meat. You can't make pasta and bake without ketchup delicious pizza. Even ordinary boiled or fried potatoes seasoned fragrant ketchup, turns into delicacy dish(especially in post)

The consumption of ketchup is large, and good ketchup is quite expensive. In addition, in the shop ketchup usually there is starch, and genetically modified.

Although doctors say that when eating GMOs, our cells will not “mutate” and our tails will not grow, if there is an alternative, why not make ketchup for the winter at home no starch?

This recipe was told to me by a familiar chef of one Italian restaurant adding that it is his « secret recipe". I don’t know what exactly is the secret of this ketchup, and how it differs from others - I didn’t compare. But once, having prepared this ketchup, I realized that I did not need other recipes.

Quite a lot of time has passed and I think that due to the “prescription” of the event, the “secrecy” of the recipe has lost its relevance, so I boldly and with pleasure share it with my readers.

This recipe was prepared fresh every day in the restaurant, and I prepare it for the winter.

How to make ketchup at home

What do you need for ketchup?

  • Tomatoes with thin skin, fleshy 2 (4) kg (cut into 4 pieces)
  • Apples are green, sour (grade type "Semerenko" 250 (500) gr with skin, but without a core. cut into large slices)
  • Onion 250 (500) gr (peel and cut into 4 parts)
  • Spices:

0.5 (1) tbsp salt

75 (150 gr.) sugar

3 (7) pcs. carnation

0,5 (1) dessert spoon cinnamon

nutmeg on the tip of a knife

75 (150 gr.) 9% vinegar

Red pepper (to taste)

How to cook ketchup?

Chopped vegetables, put in a container for cooking and cook for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

Tomatoes immediately release juice, so do not add water.

After two hours, everything should be boiled soft for you, and the apples should “fall apart”. We cool.

  1. More laborious: twist in a meat grinder and grind through a sieve(only dry skins should remain in the sieve).
  2. Skip through auger juicer . Moreover, we scroll the squeezers twice until they give us all the pulp and become almost dry.

Pour the grated mixture into a cooking container and add spices (except for vinegar and red pepper):

Cook for another 40 minutes, stirring so that the ketchup does not burn.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, add 150 gr. vinegar and red pepper (in original recipe 1 st. spoon, but I add 1 teaspoon so that it is not too spicy)

If you want to make a large portion at once, when adding spices, keep the proportions.

Ketchup is ready. You can eat right away. It turns out approximately 1.2 liters.
