
Harvesting mushrooms for the winter cowsheds. Valui: ways to cook tricky mushrooms

Pigs germinate in large numbers, both in deciduous and coniferous forests. Officially, they are considered inedible, but experienced mushroom pickers know species that are absolutely safe to eat. Especially if you know the basic recipes for how to prepare and pickle cowsheds mushrooms for the winter, be able to choose exactly suitable specimens. After a simple but careful processing, they become an excellent delicacy.

The popularity of the mushroom is due not only to its excellent taste, but also to its beneficial properties, including:

  • micro and macro elements necessary for the immune system;
  • metals and almost a whole set of multivitamins;
  • vegetable protein, not inferior in composition to animal analogues;
  • low calorie content (29 kilocalories), which refers it to dietary products.

The mushroom is rich in amino acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, the digestive system, and contribute to the breakdown of cholesterol. The main negative quality of mushrooms is the ability to absorb, like a sponge, dangerous substances, especially heavy metals.

Therefore, it is recommended to purchase blanks from trusted people or collect them yourself, moving deep into the forest, away from roads, garbage dumps, and industrial enterprises. Also, pickled cowsheds, due to the abundance of vinegar, marinades, are not allowed to be consumed by people suffering from various gastrointestinal problems, gastritis, and ulcers.

How to prepare a mushroom

When processing the crop at home, accessible to everyone, it is important to carefully soak the mushrooms, relieving the pulp of bitterness and absorbed toxic substances.

First of all, sorting is carried out, during which, among the edible ones, there are young valui with intact, without traces of rot or damage, unopened caps.

At all stages of soaking, the mushrooms must be completely immersed in water, for which they can be held with a small load. First, the garbage is washed off, the sticky base is removed, crawled out worms are removed, for which the crop is aged for about 8-12 hours. This is followed by manual cleaning, re-sorting and, if the recipe calls for it, slicing. After washing, the cowsheds are soaked again for about 2 days, the water must be changed at least 4 times during this time.

In emergency cases, the washing cycle can be shortened by putting the pigs to boil, periodically changing the boiling water. However, such a risk does not justify itself, therefore, despite the desire to quickly start creating winter mushroom stocks, a dangerous crop must be soaked in accordance with all the rules. It is important to remember that mushroom blanks cannot be stored for more than 9 months, and an open jar of pickled cowsheds is safe to use, even if stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

Harvesting a pig for the winter: recipes

The wonderful taste of preserved mushrooms cannot be guaranteed without a well-prepared marinade. There are many similar recipes, you need to experimentally choose the ones you like and actively use them.

Quick marinade recipe

To simplify the workpiece, making it tireless, a quick recipe will help.

For him you need to stock up:

  • a kilogram of a pig;
  • coarse salt and sugar - about 20 grams;
  • 500 grams of water, allspice;
  • citric acid - 5-6 grams.

Start preparing the mushroom marinade as soon as the water boils. All the ingredients are added to the liquid, kept on fire for several minutes and then poured into jars. The recipe can be further diversified with spices to your own taste.

Universal marinade

A universal marinade, suitable not only for pigs, but also for other mushrooms, will also help to marinate the harvested crop without any problems. Sugar (up to 100 grams), salt (about 40 grams), a standard set of spices and 9% vinegar (100 grams) are added to 1 liter of water. After the mixture boils, processed mushrooms are added to it, which are thus boiled for at least half an hour. Then you can start filling and seaming cans.

Pigs with garlic and pepper

A plentiful mushroom harvest allows you to cook spicy-tasting barns with garlic aroma. To quickly get rid of the bitter taste, after each welding, lasting 10-15 minutes, the mushrooms are cooled by placing them in a colander under a stream of cold water. After a few iterations:

  1. Mushrooms are thrown back on a paper towel and left to dry.
  2. During this time, a universal marinade is created in proportions of 1 kilogram to 2 liters.
  3. Pigs are mixed with carefully chopped 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  4. Disinfected jars are completed with black peppercorns and dill umbrellas.

At the final stage, the containers are filled with prepared mushrooms, marinade and immediately rolled up. Preservations are left in the kitchen until cool, and then transferred to a permanent storage location.

The classic way of salting for the winter

To perform the classic salting of mushrooms, glass or enameled dishes, wooden barrels are used. To sterilize containers, it is advisable not to take chemistry, it is better to treat with mustard powder, rinse thoroughly and scald several times. The cleaned workpiece is mixed with coarse salt, 1 kilogram per 40 grams.

As soon as the containers are dry, horseradish leaves, dill, allspice are laid on the bottom. This is followed by layer-by-layer filling with soaked mushrooms and salt up to the very top. At the end, the mushrooms are covered with several leaves of currant and pressed down with a load to hide them under the juice that has come out. In this case, the container is not hermetically sealed with lids, but is only covered with a napkin.

The barrel or jars with the workpiece must be hidden in a cool place, periodically changing the napkin or disinfecting it with boiling water, adding salted water if necessary and removing the resulting foam. The maximum storage temperature for pickled mushrooms is 15-18 degrees.

Valui marinated with vinegar essence

Vinegar essence with slight prescription amendments is universal. It is suitable for all types of mushrooms, which acquire a pleasant taste during storage, becoming crispy. Step by step work:

  1. Cowsheds are poured with salt water and boiled for 30 minutes, periodically removing the rising foam.
  2. The mixture is drained through a colander, the mushrooms are again transferred to clean salt water, supplemented with vinegar essence (2 tablespoons), bay leaves (5-7 pieces), (10-15 pieces) allspice.
  3. The mushroom blank is again placed on the fire, where after boiling it languishes for at least half an hour.
  4. Cooking should be accompanied by constant stirring, control over the level and taste of the marinade.

Pigs can be stored hermetically sealed or simply closed with nylon lids. In this case, after cooling, the mushrooms must be transferred to a cool room.

Marinade in olive oil

In the preparation of pigs, you can use healthy olive oil, which has recently been recommended by all nutritionists. After soaking the mushrooms, boil for 30-35 minutes in salted water. Then the water is drained again, in the washed container you need to put a pinch of salt, washed valui, vinegar, pour everything with water and boil again for 10-15 minutes. Then the mushrooms are filtered and placed in sterilized jars, alternating in layers with spices.

At the end, the preservation is poured with olive oil and tightly sealed. Mushrooms are stored only in the refrigerator and no more than 5-6 months.

Canned barns in jars

Mushrooms are also canned with vegetables in jars, soaking them at the beginning of work for 40 minutes in salt water. Then they are washed with a colander, after the moisture has completely drained, you can start cutting into identical, medium-sized pieces. The next step is to evaporate the moisture, for which the mushrooms are fried in a pan.

A salad is created, consisting of the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • sweet pepper - 1 kilogram;
  • onions - 500 grams;
  • carrots - 700 grams.

Vegetables are carefully cut, placed in a pan and stewed for up to 10 minutes. After that, the salad is supplemented with sugar, salt to taste and grated carrots. Cover the container and simmer for 45-50 minutes, stirring occasionally. Vinegar is added to mushroom salad just before seaming.

Storage rules

In order for such a conditionally edible product as cowsheds not to cause harm to health, it is important not only to prepare it with special care, but also to store it according to the rules. Hermetically sealed stocks of mushrooms are enough to take to the pantry, basement, another place with a low temperature and a slight twilight.

It happens that the covers, due to factory defects or loose seaming, swell. If the problem is detected immediately, mushroom pickles and salads can still be saved by re-digesting, adding a little more vinegar, salt.

Such blanks must be marked and used first. But in cases where fermentation has reached such proportions that the lids fly off, the mushroom product is no longer suitable, it must be thrown away. Even if it is a pity for the money, effort and time spent, the health of the household is still more expensive. But the storage of mushrooms in barrels, large pots, other non-hermetically sealed containers requires constant attention. It is necessary to remove the emerging foam, the areas that begin to rot or mold. You will also have to add marinade, periodically boil cloth napkins.

How to properly and tasty salt black milk mushrooms and pigs - every year the answer to this question is sought by mushroom pickers who decide to clog such gifts of the forest for the winter. These mushrooms do not belong to the same species, but are equally tasty, although they are considered conditionally edible. Do not worry, this means that they are not recommended to be eaten without prior preparation, which will be discussed in our article.

These 2 conditionally edible mushrooms belong to different categories and subspecies of mycelium. They differ both in appearance and in structure, but for harvesting for the winter, uniform recipes for harvesting are used. We give a description of these mushrooms, although they cannot be confused.


This is a type of agaric fungus. The maximum cap size is 200 millimeters. In young pigs, the shape of the cap is convex with wrapped edges, the old one is funnel-shaped, with edges turned up. Color - yellow-brown, possibly with a hint of olive color. The color of the pulp is brown, the plates are descending type with small jumpers. The length of the leg is up to 90 millimeters, it is located in the center or slightly shifted to the edge. The color is similar to the color of the hat.

Taking such mushrooms without proper processing can be fatal - the pulp contains substances that reduce the number of red blood cells in the blood.

In case of poisoning, symptoms may appear immediately or a year after ingestion of mushrooms. Citizens rarely collect such gifts from the forest, it is believed that they accumulate heavy metals, but this is a property of all mushrooms. It is not recommended to collect any mushrooms near busy highways, industrial enterprises and in urban areas. But every year, mushroom pickers again and again play Russian roulette with fate, leading a quiet hunt in the wrong places.

Black breast

Black-capped mushrooms cannot be confused with other mushrooms of this species. Slightly concave, with inward-turned edges and concentric circles of dark color on a black-green surface - this is how only a nigella cap can look like. It grows in large families, it is enough for a mushroom picker to find 2-3 clearings, and the extraction plan will be fulfilled.

Collecting mushrooms is similar to looking for mushrooms. If you find it, you will sit in one place for a long time and cut off beautiful fungi.

The hat grows up to 200 millimeters, and the stem is short, painted similarly to the hat. The plates and the inner surface are painted in a dirty white-green color, they turn black with age. The advantage of nigella and most types of edible milk mushrooms is crispy, tasty pulp with the aroma of the forest and fruits.

Preparing the main ingredient

Like all milk mushrooms, nigella and pigs need to be pre-cleaned from sticky hats from twigs and other forest debris. For these purposes, it is enough to rinse them under running water and simply brush off all the dirt with a brush. The knife is used only for trimming the legs and cutting out places with rot or damaged parts.

The next stage is the soaking of bitterness, which is contained in the juice of mushrooms. To do this, they are placed in a large container, poured with water, a layer of mushrooms is pressed down slightly with oppression on top so that the nigella and pigs are completely hidden under a layer of water. Water will need to be changed at least 3-4 times a day and bathing for 72 hours.

Blanching the mushrooms in boiling water, followed by cooling under running water, will help speed up the process, but this speed leads to the loss of the main - crunchy quality of such pickles.

Delicious recipes for winter preparations with these mushrooms

Even teenagers can make pickles from mushrooms at home or camping, you can not use seasonings and spices, but add them already at home.

The rate of use of salt depending on the method of canning;

  • dry method of salting mushrooms - up to 40 grams per 1 kilogram of mushrooms;
  • hot or cold salting - 60 grams per kilogram of nigella;
  • pickling - from 40 to 60 grams, depending on taste.

Milk mushrooms and pigs, salted in a hot way

Brief description of works:

  • With this method, you can not soak the mushrooms for a long time. It is enough to put the cleaned milk mushrooms or pigs in boiling salted water and cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat. Then the first broth is poured out, and the fungi are thrown into a colander and washed under running water.
  • In a separate container, prepare a brine for mushrooms. Add 60 grams of salt for each kilogram of mushrooms, a pinch of laurel leaves, a few sweet peppercorns. Boil the brine for 10-15 minutes to completely dissolve the salt.

  • Blackies are added to the brine, boiled over low heat for another 10 minutes. Set aside from the oven and after the water has cooled down a little, dill, garlic are laid out on top and covered with horseradish, cherry or blackcurrant leaves.
  • For a week, the pickle is removed in a dark, cool place, covered with a gauze napkin from above and put oppression. It is not recommended to be overly zealous with the load - it is enough that the pigs are completely covered with a layer of brine. Remove excess juice daily and rinse the napkin under running water.
  • A week later, the mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars, completely filled with brine, 100 grams of vegetable oil are added and rolled up with a sealed metal lid.

You can leave a few fungi for testing, they are laid and poured with brine in a suitable container and, covered with a napkin, cleaned in a refrigerator or a deep cool cellar. The sample can be taken only 15-20 days after salting.

cold way

With this method, only salt and spices are used:

  • several times pour boiling water over a saucepan for salting. Large blackies are cut into several pieces so that all mushrooms are approximately the same size;
  • currant leaves, 5-7 dill umbrellas, peppercorns and a little salt are placed at the bottom of the pan;
  • then lay the mushrooms in layers and cover each with salt, spices, garlic and chopped herbs to taste;

  • it is necessary to leave a distance to the top of the pan to set the oppression and collect the protruding juice;
  • top with horseradish leaves, cherries and then lay a natural napkin; oppression is placed on top.

The pan is cleaned in a cool place, at least once every 2 days, the load is removed, the excess juice is scooped out, the foam is removed and the napkin is rinsed under running and then boiling water. It will be possible to try and decompose the pickle into separate jars for 45-50 days.

Pigs and black milk mushrooms in jars

A simple method that allows you to quickly pickle milk mushrooms and prepare them for the whole winter:

  • Only small young chernushki or pigs are used. For 1 serving, 1 kilogram of mushrooms is prepared according to the indicated scheme.
  • Pour 500 milligrams of purified water into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons without a hill of coarse salt, 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, coarsely chopped horseradish leaves - to taste, 2-3 peas of allspice and a few dill umbrellas.
  • Soaked pigs are laid out on top of the layer of spices, put the pan on low heat and cook for 15-20 minutes.

  • Boiled blackies are laid out in sterilized jars, layers of fungi are sprinkled with chopped cloves of garlic.
  • The remaining dill stalks are divided into segments and the top of the cans is shifted, slightly pressing down on the fungi; now, after filling the jars with brine, strong stems will not allow fungi to emerge, thus replacing oppression.
  • Completely fill the jar with brine, leaving room for vegetable oil, which is poured last. It remains to hermetically close the jars and put them in the pantry or basement.

Mushroom caviar from pigs

This is one of the simple recipes for making delicious caviar from pigs or nigella:

  • 1.5 kilograms of soaked pigs are boiled for 40 minutes in salted water. When the mushrooms have cooled down a bit, they must be scrolled in a meat grinder or chopped with a blender together with 400 grams of tomatoes;
  • onions are cut into thin half rings, and carrots are cut into strips. Vegetables are lightly fried in sunflower oil, and then crushed to a puree state;

  • all the ingredients are laid out in a saucepan, brought to a homogeneous mass with a blender and 150 grams of vegetable oil, 50 grams of coarsely ground salt and 30-40 grams of sugar are added;
  • caviar is stewed over low heat for 60 minutes under a lid. The gruel is constantly stirred, otherwise it will burn;
  • a few minutes before removing the caviar from the fire, they try it again for salt, if necessary, add salt and add 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence.

Ready hot caviar is placed in 500-gram sterilized jars and hermetically rolled up, wrapped in a blanket until completely cooled.

Salted cowsheds: a classic recipe

This type of mushroom is recommended to be preserved using the cold hardening method. The choice of spices and spices depends on individual preferences. But the main set: horseradish leaves, cherries and currants, dill umbrellas and herbs, garlic and allspice - remain unchanged.

Layers of mushrooms are also sprinkled with salt, spices, and the top is covered with leaves of cherries and currants. They put gauze and oppression on top and wait for readiness for 40-45 days, constantly rinsing the napkin and scooping out foam and excess brine.

With onion

To prepare such a pickle, you only need mushrooms, onions and salt.

Let's analyze the recipe for cooking 1 bucket of fresh soaked pigs:

  • For salting such a volume of milk mushrooms, you will need 1.5 cups of table salt and 5-6 large onions.
  • Prepared, soaked mushrooms are laid out in layers with a layer of onion and salt cut into rings.
  • Before reaching the top, it is recommended to cover the mushrooms with several sheets of horseradish, this will add crispy notes to the milk mushrooms, and then, according to the old scheme, a napkin and oppression.

  • The pickle is removed to a cold place, providing it with proper care. After 40 days, salted pigs are laid out in jars, 100-150 grams of sunflower oil are added on top and hermetically rolled up with lids. If there is room in the refrigerator, you can close several jars with plastic lids and store the mushrooms at sub-zero temperatures.



  • 2 kilograms of prepared mushrooms are laid out in a saucepan with salted water, brought to a boil and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Milk mushrooms are constantly stirred and skimmed off the surface of boiling water. Drain in a colander and let the moisture drain.
  • Prepare the marinade. Pour 2 liters of water into a separate saucepan, bring it to a boil and add 5 bay leaves, 10 pieces of allspice peas, a cinnamon stick, 40 grams of 9% vinegar.
  • Spread the pigs in the marinade and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

  • Now you need to catch the cinnamon and lay it on the bottom of the sterilized jar. Then they shift the mushrooms, slightly pressing down the layers to remove the voids. 5 grams of citric acid are poured on top and the container is filled with marinade.
  • The pickle is ready, it remains only to close it with a lid, sterilize for 10 minutes in a water bath, close it tightly and wrap it in a blanket.

Salting wet milk mushrooms without vinegar

Inexperienced mushroom pickers are looking for such recipes everywhere. But pickles are all performed without the use of vinegar, regardless of whether the cold or hot pickling method is used. Therefore, it makes no sense to single out one. Each housewife has her own recipe, and for the young, those listed above are enough.

A quick way to pickle dry mushrooms for the winter

To speed up the process of salting mushrooms, the process of soaking and removing bitterness is excluded and a hot recipe for salting mushrooms is used. This technique will allow you to quickly and easily process a large number of milk mushrooms or pigs, it makes the pulp tasty and juicy, but eliminates the unique crunch:

  • The mushrooms are divided into several portions, the size depends on the volume of the pan, washed and cleaned with brushes from debris and dirt and boiled in salted water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mushrooms are laid out in a colander, washed under running water, and the first brine with bitter water is simply poured out. In this way, all available milk mushrooms are blanched - this treatment will reduce the salting period by 3-4 days, which are necessary for soaking.

  • At the bottom of the pan lay out the whole set of spices, salt, based on the proportion of 60 grams per 1 kilogram of milk mushrooms, lay out a portion of the pigs and fill it with water. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for another 20-25 minutes, until fully cooked.
  • Ready blackies are laid out in sterilized jars, 50-100 grams of sunflower oil are poured on top and rolled up with lids.

Important! Nigella or pigs, hot-salted according to a shortened program, can be stored without a sealed lid. It is enough to leave them warm for 3-5 days, and then store them under oppression in a cool cellar until the new mushroom season.

Storage rules for salted mushrooms

Salting nigella is not the most difficult job. It is more difficult to keep milk mushrooms for a long time. Mushrooms are a very delicate product that quickly becomes moldy and begins to deteriorate. To avoid such a nuisance, it is important to responsibly approach the sterilization of cans or barrels and provide pickles with normal storage conditions.

If it is easier for rural residents to pickle a large amount of mushrooms in a cold way and store them in wooden barrels, then an urban lover of salted pigs will have to roll pickles in glass jars. Hermetically sealed dishes can be stored in the apartment by placing them in a closet or under the bed, the main thing is not to store any product near heating appliances and household appliances.

If salted pigs are stored in barrels, in addition to maintaining the optimum temperature in the room, you will need to constantly remove the foam and rinse the natural napkin under running water, and then scald it with boiling water. If the first mold spots appear on the upper layer of mushrooms, such mushrooms are removed and 100-150 grams of vodka or alcohol are poured into the barrel.

Regardless of the storage method, the maximum allowable period for using homemade pickles with mushrooms is 8-9 months. The use of expired nigella or pigs will lead, at best, to food poisoning.


Important! The taste and shelf life of fungi directly depends on the amount of salt. If you do not report this ingredient when cooking, you can completely destroy the result of your work. Unsalted milk mushrooms quickly and inevitably rot and become covered with a layer of mold.

It is easier with salted milk mushrooms. They are well preserved, and you can reduce the amount of salt by a simple method. Soak milk mushrooms in milk for several hours, they will lose excess salt, but the taste and crispy crust will remain unchanged.

Valui are mushrooms that require careful preparation. However, the time and labor costs spent on preparing the winter harvest will be justified by the excellent taste of canned mushrooms. Basically, for the preparation of valuev, preservation methods such as pickling and salting are used.

Valui - mushrooms that require careful preparation

Before conservation, they should be carefully prepared. First of all, the gifts of the forest should be soaked. To do this, mushrooms should be filled with water so that each valui is immersed in the liquid. A light oppression should be placed on top of the product. In this state, the mushrooms should be left for at least 3-4 hours. However, with such a short soaking, not all the bitterness may come out of the mushrooms. Therefore, the best option would be soaking the valuev during the night.

Before conservation, the values ​​should be carefully prepared.

After soaking the product, the water from the container should be drained, and fresh liquid should be poured instead. From this moment, it is necessary to start cleaning the mushrooms: for this you will need 1 more pan, half filled with water.

How to clean and soak valui?

To clean mushrooms, you must follow a certain technology:

  1. The first step is to inspect the mushroom - it should not be old. The old age of the mushroom can be determined by its falling apart structure or orange hat.
  2. Next, the hat is separated from the stem and folded into a container with fresh water.
  3. In this way, each mushroom should be sorted out.
  4. After cleaning, mushroom caps should be washed under running water.

After cleaning the mushrooms, they should be re-soaked. To do this, mushroom caps should be immersed in running water, pressing with a light oppression, for 2 days. During this time, it is necessary to change the water to fresh 3-4 times a day. Salting or marinating the product should be done immediately after this step.

Valui: picking and salting (video)

How to salt barns for the winter?

In order to pickle mushrooms with high quality, you need to choose the right dishes for this. Cowsheds are allowed to be salted in glass jars, wooden kegs, enamelware. When suitable dishes are found, the hostess can begin to select the necessary ingredients:

  • 1 kilo valuev;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 0.5 dessert spoon of dill seeds;
  • 4 currant leaves;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish.

Cowsheds are allowed to be salted in glass jars, wooden kegs, enamelware

How to cook:

  1. The soaked and boiled gifts of the forest are poured into a saucepan, sprinkled with salt and mixed.
  2. A sheet of horseradish is placed at the bottom of a glass jar, and cowsheds, 2 peppercorns, a currant leaf, a pinch of dill seeds are located on top of it.
  3. Similarly, alternating layers, you should fill the entire jar. Moreover, its contents must be constantly pressed.
  4. The last mushroom layer is applied with a slide, covered with a sheet of horseradish. The product is pressed, and the jar is closed with a lid.
  5. The resulting workpiece is removed in a cool place.

You can eat a cooked snack after 50 days.

Hot cooking

It will take 3 hours of free time to prepare the blanks according to this recipe, as well as pre-prepared valui: soaked and boiled mushrooms.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kilo valuev;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 0.5 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 3 dill umbrellas;
  • 2 garlic cloves.

This recipe will take 3 hours to prepare.

How to cook hot:

  1. Garlic is divided into cloves, cut into plates.
  2. Valui are washed, cleaned, boiled for 7 minutes.
  3. Mushrooms are transferred to the pan in layers. Each of them needs to be sprinkled with salt, granulated sugar, spices.
  4. Oppression is placed on the mushrooms so that the valui are covered with brine. If there is not enough liquid, mushroom broth should be added instead.
  5. Under pressure, the product is left for 12 days. During this time, the fermentation process will begin, due to which foam will appear, which must be removed.
  6. Then the mushrooms are distributed in jars with a slide, covered with fresh garlic plates.
  7. Before closing the lid, it should be smeared with mustard. With mustard processing, salted mushrooms will retain their freshness longer.

Snacks should be stored in the refrigerator. You can use it only after 3 weeks of salting. To improve the taste and aroma, you can add a few cherry and blackcurrant leaves, as well as a small piece of horseradish, to the jar.

Valui marinated in jars: a step by step recipe

Valui are not only perfectly salted, but also marinated. One of the most successful recipes for marinating these mushrooms is their preparation with garlic.

This requires:

  • kilo Valuev;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 garlic heads;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 7 peas of a mixture of allspice and black pepper;
  • 200 milliliters of 9% vinegar.

Valui are not only perfectly salted, but also marinated

How to cook pickled valui:

  1. After the mushrooms are soaked, they must be thoroughly washed. You can use a toothbrush for this.
  2. Clean valui are placed in a saucepan, filled with water, brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes.
  3. Then the pan is removed from the heat, its contents are drained through a colander. The container is rinsed, and then mushrooms are again transferred into it, which should be filled with fresh water.
  4. Mushrooms are again brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes, lean back in a colander and dry for 7 minutes.
  5. Water is poured into a separate pan, salt is poured in, everything is mixed, brought to a boil, seasoned with vinegar and removed from heat.
  6. Garlic is disassembled into slices, peeled and mixed with warm mushroom mass.
  7. After the mushrooms and garlic have cooled, they need to be decomposed into jars.
  8. Dill umbrellas, bay leaves, pepper are laid out on top of the main ingredients.
  9. The product is poured with the prepared marinade and closed with a nylon lid. You can use it no earlier than after 1.5 months.

Marinating in this way does not require mandatory sterilization, since the workpiece contains a large amount of garlic. If the hostess wants to reduce the spiciness of the snack, less garlic heads should be added to it, and then the workpiece should be sterilized.

The best recipe for rolling value for the winter

The most delicious winter appetizer from valuev is canned mushroom salad with vegetables in oil. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1.5 kilos of value;
  • 1 kilo of bell pepper;
  • 1 kilo of tomatoes;
  • 700 grams of carrots;
  • 500 grams of onion;
  • 300 milliliters of olive oil;
  • 100 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 50 grams of salt.

How does the rollover take place:

  1. Soaked mushrooms are boiled for 40 minutes, washed, leaned back in a colander, cut into medium pieces.
  2. The gifts of the forest are transferred to a frying pan and fried without adding oil until all the water has evaporated. Then the product is removed from the burner and cools down.
  3. Vegetables are washed, peeled, cut into arbitrary pieces.
  4. In a separate frying pan, oil is heated, in which tomatoes should be stewed for 5 minutes.
  5. Then pepper, onion, mushrooms are added to the tomatoes, everything is mixed and stewed for another 5 minutes.
  6. Salt, sugar are added to the salad, everything is mixed and stewed for another 45 minutes.
  7. 7 minutes before readiness, vinegar is poured into the pan.
  8. Hot mushroom salad is distributed in sterilized jars, rolled up, turned over, wrapped in a warm towel and cooled for 1-2 days.

This preparation allows you to save time on the preparation of vegetable salad on a winter evening. Interestingly, some vegetables prepared in this way retain their crunchy texture.

Mushroom value (video)

Often, housewives prepare marinated cowsheds for the winter, since this variety basically does not require long-term heat treatments. Therefore, the process of how to pickle valui for the winter in jars takes a minimum of time, and the taste in terms of the quality of the finished preservation is in no way inferior to popular pickles.

This recipe is suitable for marinating valui mushrooms - this is the second name for cowsheds that have just been harvested in the forest. The process takes about half an hour, but at the same time a rich, fairly concentrated marinade is obtained. This recipe is designed for 1 kg of valui.

Preparatory steps:

  1. It is worth collecting only intact, and most importantly small mushrooms.
  2. Mushrooms are pre-cleaned of dirt and sand.
  3. Valui should be soaked for a day in cold water to clean the pores.
  4. Mushrooms must be processed for half an hour in a special solution, characterized by the following proportions: seasoning is dissolved in the amount indicated above for a volume of 1 liter of water.


  • 1 kg. mushrooms;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 dessert spoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 3-5 blooms from dill;
  • 8-10 raspberry sheets;
  • 8-10 sheets of cherries;
  • 9-10 black peppercorns;
  • 3 parts bay leaf;
  • 10 grams or 3 tbsp. spoons of 70% vinegar essence.

We marinate cowsheds for the winter:

  1. The brine is prepared in advance. It should be infused for several hours, about 2-3.
  2. The marinade is made as follows: salt is diluted in the liquid, then all other ingredients are added. The resulting mixture should be slightly boiled. To use the marinade, it should be slightly cooled.
  3. It is necessary to properly put the mushrooms in a jar - they should occupy almost 80% of the total volume of the container. In this case, one should adhere to the following scheme: marinade is poured onto the bottom of the dish two fingers from the bottom. Then the mushrooms are stacked, but not too tightly. Then the rest of the marinade is poured. The jar is closed with a lid, after which the container must be removed in a dark, warm place. For insulation, conservation can be covered with an old jacket or fur coat.
  4. Banks should stay here for about two weeks. When aged for one month, the marinade will become more saturated, which will improve the taste of the mushrooms themselves.
  5. This method of pickling is quite mild, so you can use such mushrooms even for those who have stomach problems, but in small quantities. Cowsheds can be filled with butter or sunflower oil - this will enhance the taste perception. Sometimes chopped onion and black peppercorns are added.

How to marinate cowsheds for the winter with garlic

This recipe is suitable for gourmets who love spicy. The marinade in this case has a richer and more spicy taste, which has a positive effect on the taste of the mushrooms themselves. This recipe is for 1 kilogram of mushrooms.


  • 1 kilogram of valui;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • Garlic.
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • Vinegar;
  • dill umbrella;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Peppercorns or allspice.

How to pickle cowsheds recipe:

  1. The plant must be well washed from sand, it is advisable to carry out the treatment with a toothbrush. In order for the sand to be completely washed off, it is necessary that the mushrooms settle.
  2. After that, the cowsheds are boiled twice for 15 minutes, each time the waste water must be drained. The pan must be rinsed. You can do the same with cowsheds, but then the taste threshold may decrease.
  3. After heat treatment, the product is placed in a colander, where it must completely drain from the water. The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes.
  4. At this time, the marinade is being prepared: the specified tablespoons of seasoning will dissolve in 2 liters of water. In order for the substance to completely dissolve without sediment, you need to take a warm liquid.
  5. When the valui are completely drained, but they are still hot, they are mixed with garlic. In this case, the more piquant root crops, the better - it all depends on the taste of the hostess.
  6. When the mixture has completely cooled, you can lay them in jars. It is better to take liter or half-liter containers. Mushrooms should fill the jar up to the shoulders as much as possible.
  7. The remaining space of the container is filled with dill, bay leaf, pepper is also placed here. The amount of spices varies.
  8. If the cowsheds should turn out sharp, then you should put in each jar: 3 bay leaves; 1-2 umbrellas of dill; 5-6 peppercorns, can be combined.
  9. The contents are poured with brine and hermetically sealed from above with a capron lid. If air gets into the jar, the contents begin to ferment. It cannot be used.
  10. You can store such pickled valui at any temperature and in any room. Even if the liquid in the jar freezes, the product can still be consumed - the thermal effect will in no way affect the original taste of the dish.

How to marinate cowshed mushrooms in a boiling marinade

Cowsheds marinated in boiling broth are very soft, but at the same time the hats and legs remain elastic and intact. This pickling option is very interesting and original for cooking.


  • 1 kg. mushrooms;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 dill inflorescence;
  • 3-5 peppercorns;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1000 grams of water;
  • 1-2 aspirin tablets.

How to pickle cowsheds for the winter:

  1. Cowsheds should be well washed from sand and dirt.
  2. The washed product is dipped into the hottest, but not boiling water.
  3. When, however, the liquid boils, the heat treatment process should continue for 40 minutes.
  4. While the valui are boiling, the brine is being prepared. One liter of water dissolves the specified amount of salt. It is better to take coarse-grained. Often, ordinary table salt is partially replaced with sea salt. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil.
  5. While the brine is gradually heated, the mushrooms are decanted and poured into a colander, where they are washed with running cold water.
  6. Subsequently, the mushrooms are placed in a boiling solution.
  7. The contents of the pot should boil. Heat treatment time - 30 minutes.
  8. 10 minutes before the end, you need to put a bay leaf in the container.
  9. While the product is boiling, the cans for seaming should already be sterilized. If seaming is carried out, then the same should be done with the covers. You can also use the kapron version.
  10. Before putting mushrooms in a jar, peeled garlic, dill, black peppercorns and aspirin tablets are placed there.
  11. The last step is filling the cans with brine. Close or roll up containers.
  12. Such a recipe for pickled value for the winter is not used so often, but it is interesting in its taste characteristics. Aspirin gives mushrooms and brine a slightly carbonated flavor.

How to pickle cowsheds mushrooms for the winter

Cowsheds in this case acquire a sweetish-sour taste, where there is a slight bitterness.

Products for making:

  • mushrooms;
  • 60 grams of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 20 grams of a spoon of salt;
  • 2-4 bay leaves;
  • 120 grams of 9% vinegar;
  • 2-3 dill inflorescences;
  • 3 parts head of garlic.

Pickled cowshed mushrooms recipe:

  1. The product is cleaned and washed from dirt. Be sure to settling the mushrooms for 3 hours.
  2. Mushrooms are boiled for 45 minutes. It is necessary to remove the foam and stir the valui.
  3. Mushrooms are decanted and cooled in a natural way.
  4. Prepare the brine: bring water to a boil, in which all the components fit. The boiling process takes 5-8 minutes.
  5. Mushrooms in jars are poured with hot marinade, and garlic is placed on top. The contents of the brine can not be used, but for a more aesthetic appearance, it is transferred to a container.
  6. Banks are covered with a capron lid. It is necessary to do this so that air enters through it, so botulism and the formation of viruses under the lid are avoided.
  7. Store marinated cowsheds in the refrigerator. If you leave them in a warm place, then the product will not be consumed.

How to pickle valui mushrooms

This method of how to pickle cowshed mushrooms is different from the others, but at the same time, this processing method significantly reduces the risk of poisoning. It involves both hermetic pickling and the use of a plastic lid.

Required products:

  • 1 kilogram of barns;
  • 120 grams of water;
  • 120 grams of 5% vinegar;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 2 dried cloves;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 6 balls of black pepper.

How to pickle valui for the winter:

  1. Put peeled, washed mushrooms into a saucepan with brine and bring the product to a boil, which lasts at least 30 minutes. It is better not to cut the product, but to use small examples.
  2. Foam that forms on the surface should be removed as much as possible. This means that during the cooking process, you need to monitor the preparation all the time.
  3. As a result, the cooked mushrooms will sink down, and the liquid will become transparent and rise up.
  4. Distribute the piles among the containers, filling at the same time 75% of the container space, and sterilize at a temperature of at least 85 degrees Celsius.
  5. If the jars are closed with a plastic lid, then the surface is first filled with sunflower oil.
  6. The method of storage depends on the way the containers are closed. If this is sterilization, then preservation can be stored anywhere at any temperature. The plastic lid requires special storage conditions - a refrigerator.

Valui are mushrooms that can be pickled in several ways. At the same time, each of them has its own distinctive feature, which affects the taste. The difference is also manifested in the method of preparing the brine and placing the mushrooms in a container. This significantly affects the conditions of storage and use of salting in food.

Mushroom caviar from cowsheds with garlic for the winter is a creative and modern preparation that will be a great addition to a winter dinner. Many people use caviar in winter as a filling for pies, pizza and other baked goods. The most important thing is that the mushroom caviar from the cowsheds for the winter is properly cooked. In this case, it will be tasty and healthy.

Garlic-mushroom caviar "Piquant"

A delicious preparation for the winter is prepared with any mushrooms. Of course, it is best to use mushrooms, but if you have cowsheds, then they will not spoil the taste either.

To prepare the presented recipe you will need:

Mushrooms - 2 kilograms;
onions - 4 pieces of medium size;
sunflower oil;

salt, pepper and spices

Important: You can not use mushrooms, the edibility of which you are not sure. Therefore, it is best to focus on pigs, they are great for the recipes presented.

If you like it spicy, then add chili peppers, spices and other ingredients that you like. In this case, there are no restrictions, especially if you want to experiment. We start cooking in stages so as not to miss anything:

1. Pre-washed cowsheds, you need to cut into cubes. Next, put them in a saucepan, fill with water and cook for about 12 minutes.
2. After that, you need to change the water and put the mushrooms to boil for 10 minutes.
3. Cool the mushrooms and grind through a meat grinder.
4. Finely chop the onion and send it to fry.
5. After the onion acquires a golden hue, add minced fish, finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
6. The presented mixture should be stewed for no more than five minutes.
7. We lay out the game in sterilized jars and pour hot vegetable oil on top. We roll up our blanks.

Cooking caviar from pigs does not require you to have any serious skills. A very simple implementation of the prescribed instructions will allow you to make a blank. Use only fresh ingredients that can improve the taste of caviar.

Vegetable caviar with mushrooms "Combination"

The combination of vegetables and mushrooms is simply incredibly interesting. To implement the presented recipe, you will need to take care of buying vegetables in advance. In the forest, you can pick mushrooms of any type, as they are all suitable for caviar. The blank will be a great addition to the festive table, and you can really surprise your guests.

To prepare the presented caviar, we need:

Mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
onion - 300 grams, it is better to take a red shallot;
carrots - 500 grams;
garlic - one small head;
vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Almost all recipes have the same ingredients, but the taste is really different, as they are subjected to different heat treatments. So you can add your own ingredients.

We start preparing as follows:

1. Cut the cowsheds into small pieces.
2. We chop the onion into rings, then divide it in half again.
3. Carrots are recommended to grind.
4. We put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil and put our vegetables and mushrooms.
5. Next, fry until golden brown.
6. To spice up the dish, you need to add hot pepper and crushed garlic.

The presented mushroom caviar does not apply to winter preparations, but is most suitable for instant consumption.

Preparation for the winter "Fungus"

An interesting and delicious winter preparation will be an excellent decoration for a festive table in winter. If you really want to please your guests and give them the opportunity to enjoy a unique and savory snack, then feel free to proceed.

For this we need:

Cowsheds - 2 kilograms;
onions - 3 pieces of medium size;
carrots - 2 pieces;
garlic - one small head;
vegetable oil;
nine percent vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
salt pepper.

Advice! Mushrooms do not have to be fresh, they can also be dried. The only aspect is that they need to be soaked first.

Instructions for preparing our blank:

1. Mushrooms are pre-washed and boiled.
2. Grind the carrots and finely chop the onion.
3. Fry the vegetables in a pan until golden brown.
4. Mushrooms must be dried after cooking.
5. Next, pass vegetables, mushrooms and garlic through a blender. We should get a fine porridge.
6. After we add salt, spices and put our caviar on the fire to fry. 15 minutes is enough to bring the workpiece to readiness.
7. After we sterilize in the standard way, that is, in boiling water, having previously laid out the caviar in jars.

You can sterilize jars in any way convenient for you. There are no restrictions in this aspect. The most important thing is to use undamaged cans so that the seaming is reliable.

Mushroom caviar with tomato juice

Sour and incredibly tasty mushroom caviar with barns can pleasantly surprise you. It is very easy to cook, but milk mushrooms are most often used instead of cowsheds, as they have a crispy texture.

For the recipe, we need to prepare:

Pigs or barns - 2 kilograms;
garlic - one small head;
carrots - 2 pieces of medium size;
tomato juice - 400 grams;
sunflower oil;
salt, pepper, spices.

Mushrooms need to be used those that you have collected within the last 48 hours. Cooking mushroom caviar as follows:

1. Mushrooms must be pre-prepared, washed and cleaned. After you need to boil them and rinse in cold water.
2. The resulting cowsheds must be passed through a blender to get a finely chopped mixture.
3. Moderate vegetables finely and send them to fry in a cauldron.
4. After the vegetables are fried, add the rest of the ingredients, pour the mushrooms with tomato juice.
5. The presented mixture should be stewed for about half an hour.
6. Finely chopped garlic is added towards the end of cooking.
7. The resulting mixture is laid out in liter jars and put in boiling water for 30 minutes.
8. Roll up the lids and put the containers in a warm place.

You can use the workpiece immediately, without waiting for winter. The recipe is very simple and interesting. Tomato juice soaks milk mushrooms, pigs and they become incredibly tasty. To date, the storage of the presented blank will not be a difficult task for you, since with proper sterilization, the jars stand for several years.

Basic principles of cooking technology

The variety of ingredients cannot be limited. You can add something of your own depending on individual preferences. Very often garlic sauce is added instead of garlic, the combination with carrots and onions will be incredibly spicy. That is, no restrictions, the most important thing is to use fresh products.

It is recommended that before cooking, take care of the mushrooms in advance. They are boiled in salt water and poured into a colander. After they settle, and all excess water drains, the barns will be ready for further action.

Important! If you are not going to roll up jars, but want to immediately start eating caviar, then it has a shelf life of no more than five days when stored in the refrigerator.

Sterilization is also a very important stage, without which the blanks will not be stored for a long time. Banks must be thoroughly washed before use. It is best to use liter containers, they are optimal for such blanks.

Mushroom caviar is also prepared using modern household appliances. You will need a meat grinder or blender through which you can twist everything. Harvesting milk mushrooms for the winter in the same way is carried out very often. You should not combine mushrooms, as they will violate the integrity of the dish, it is best to use only one variety.
