
Garlic dressing. Unusual preparations and seasonings from garlic

Garlic is a very popular and healthy product with unique taste and healing properties. Garlic is added as a spicy seasoning to various dishes, various dressings are made on its basis, they are suitable not only for simple vegetable salads, but also for more complex ones - with meat, fish and seafood.

So we buy garlic and proceed. Do not forget that this product cannot be subjected to heat treatment, since from this all its usefulness practically disappears.

Garlic salad dressing


  • garlic - 2-5 cloves (depending on size);
  • vegetable oil of the first cold pressing (olive, mustard sunflower) - 3 measures (for example, 6 tablespoons);
  • natural wine vinegar (or any other fruit vinegar) - no more than 1 measure (that is, 1-2 tablespoons);
  • some salt.


Garlic is crushed with salt in a mortar or squeezed through a hand press. Mix it with oil and vinegar. We are waiting for 5-8 minutes, you can strain the dressing through a strainer or season the salad without filtering.

Approximately the same, with the same proportions, lemon-garlic salad dressing is prepared, only freshly squeezed lemon juice is used instead of vinegar.

In Mediterranean European countries, the composition of such a sauce also includes the yolk or egg white (but not together). It is better to use quail eggs to avoid salmonellosis. Also add a little finished.

Far Eastern style garlic dressing for salads


  • garlic - 2-5 cloves;
  • hot red pepper;
  • lime;
  • Sesame oil;
  • ground coriander;
  • soy sauce.


Press garlic through a press, add ground coriander, sesame oil, fresh lime juice and soy sauce. Season with hot red pepper.

Garlic dressing for donuts


  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower) of the first cold pressing - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken broth or water - 150 ml;
  • green shoots of young garlic;
  • dill;
  • salt.


Crush the garlic with a little salt. We finely chop the greens. Mix crushed garlic with chopped herbs, add vegetable oil and broth.

Lubricate the finished freshly baked donuts with this mixture using a silicone brush.

Moldavian garlic sauce-dressing "Muzhdei" is prepared according to approximately the same recipe. The ingredients also include fresh herbs: basil, parsley and cilantro. Muzhdey is abundantly seasoned with hot red and black pepper. Served with any meal. If served with fish dishes, you can cook with fish broth.

Step 1: prepare the garlic.

We shift the garlic cloves to a cutting board and press lightly on them with the handle of a knife. After that, easily remove the husk from the vegetable ingredient. Then, using the garlic chop, grind our vegetable ingredient and transfer it to a free bowl.

Step 2: prepare vegetable oil.

We take a Turk and pour vegetable oil into it. Heat it up over medium heat. When the oil warms up well and boils, remove the container from the heat using kitchen gloves. Let the ingredient cool to a temperature 50° - 60°C.

Step 3: Prepare Lean Garlic Salad Dressing.

We put the crushed garlic in a mortar and add salt to taste to the same bowl. Using a pestle, grind the two ingredients well until smooth and transfer it to a clean bowl. Then, in the same container, add cold boiled water and slightly cooled vegetable oil with a tablespoon. Using the same tableware, carefully mix all the ingredients together. Then pour the garlic dressing into a clean glass jar and cover it with a nylon lid on top.

Step 4: Serve Lean Garlic Salad Dressing.

Season the finished salad with a small amount of garlic dressing and mix all the ingredients well with a tablespoon. This dressing can be used not only for vegetable salads or snacks from boiled beans, but also add it to soups. Add garlic dressing to your salad and you will feel how your dish will acquire a completely new unique taste! Enjoy your meal!

- - If you want the garlic dressing to become very spicy, add red ground pepper to it. The technology for preparing spicy dressing is somewhat different: we shift the chopped garlic ingredient into vegetable oil that has been very hot and then slightly cooled. Then the oil-garlic mixture is lightly stewed over low heat in a frying pan, and only after that we add red ground pepper to the same container. We mix everything well until a homogeneous mass and we can serve.

- - If you are preparing a spicy garlic dressing, remember that it is not suitable for all people.

- - Unrefined sunflower oil or olive oil can be used to prepare the dressing.

Fragrant and burning, garlic is a welcome guest on any table, both fresh and as all kinds of dressings, seasonings and preparations. If you are an avid summer resident, trying by all known means to prepare everything that you have grown over the summer, this story is for you. Especially if nature has given you an unprecedented harvest of garlic.

The easiest option on how to store garlic for the winter is as follows: thoroughly dry the harvested garlic crop, fold it into nylon tights and hang it in a dry place. Or you can use the old, tried and tested recipe of our grandmothers: dry the garlic without cutting the stems, and then weave it together with twine into a braid or wreath. It is not a shame to hang such beauty in the kitchen.

You can store dried unpeeled heads of garlic in glass jars, covered with nylon lids or in canvas bags, or in boxes. And you can prepare garlic for the winter in other ways: dry, freeze, pickle, pickle, preserve in oil, add to various pickles, or prepare all kinds of preparations for the winter that have garlic in their composition. There are many ways, the main thing is not to be lazy and prepare tasty and healthy garlic for the winter, using our recipes and recommendations.

Pickled Garlic "Quick and Easy"

10 heads of garlic,
5 dry red chili peppers
dill umbrellas,
blackcurrant and cherry leaves,
black peppercorns.
For marinade:
4 tsp Sahara,
4 tsp salt,
2 liters of water
5 st. l. 9% vinegar.

Divide the heads of garlic into cloves, peel, put in a separate bowl, pour boiling water for a few minutes, then drain in a colander and cool. Put dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves in sterilized jars at the bottom, throw black peppercorns, then put prepared garlic cloves on all this, and throw 1 chili pepper on top. For the marinade, boil water in a saucepan, add sugar and salt and let it boil so that the salt and sugar dissolve. Pour the filled jars with boiling solution, cover them with sterilized lids and leave for 10 minutes. When the time is up, drain the marinade back into the saucepan, place over medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes. At the end, carefully add the vinegar. Secondly, pour the garlic with spices with the marinade and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely, and then store in a cool place.

Salted garlic (dressing)

2 kg of garlic
600 g coarse salt.

Peel the heads of garlic, divide into cloves, then finely chop or pass through a press or meat grinder, mix well with salt and place very tightly in prepared clean dry jars. Close them tightly with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator or any other cold place. Salt and garlic phytoncides will prevent mold from appearing.

Garlic, dried slices

For cooking, choose spicy varieties of garlic. Divide the heads of garlic into cloves, peel them, cut them into a thickness of about 3-4 mm, place them on a fine mesh sieve and dry in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C for 6 hours, remembering to turn the cloves from time to time so that the garlic dried evenly. Cool the finished garlic, put it in a jar or any other container, close the lid and store at a temperature of +2 to +10 ° C.

You can grind dried garlic into flour with a coffee grinder and get garlic powder, which can be added to the finished dish, like salt, the main thing is to adapt and not overdo it with this aromatic seasoning. Garlic prepared in this way should also be stored in a closed container.

Garlic in vegetable oil

First, dry the harvested garlic crop thoroughly, select the amount you need and disassemble the garlic heads into cloves. Peel the teeth, put in glass jars with a capacity of not more than 0.5 liters and fill with vegetable oil. Store garlic in vegetable oil at a temperature slightly above zero degrees. Only in such conditions the workpiece will be stored for a long time. Having used up all the garlic for its intended purpose, in no case pour out the vegetable oil. It will absorb the garlic aroma and its piquant taste, so add it to salads, vinaigrettes, use it when cooking fish, meat, vegetable stews.

You can do the same procedure, but, after filling the garlic with oil, sterilize the jars for 15-20 minutes and roll them up with boiled metal lids.

Lightly salted garlic

garlic - as much as you want.
For brine (per 1 liter of water):
80 g salt
blackcurrant leaves, cherries, horseradish, fresh dill.

Disassemble the collected and dried heads of garlic into cloves, peel them and put them in prepared, pre-sterilized and dried jars. Add the washed and dried currant, horseradish, cherry and dill leaves to the garlic. Prepare a brine from water and salt by simply stirring the salt in the water without boiling, and pour the garlic and herbs over it. Cover the neck of the jars with gauze, tie them with threads and leave the jars with the contents at room temperature for 5 days in this form. When the time is up, move the jars of lightly salted garlic to a cool place, such as a cellar or basement. If there is not enough cooked salted garlic, then you can place 1-2 cans in the refrigerator.

If there is nowhere to store the pan, the conditions simply do not allow, but you really want to try garlic in beetroot juice, the next option is just for you.

Garlic in beetroot juice

garlic - quantity as desired,
For brine (per 1 liter of water):
50 g salt
50 g sugar
100 ml of table vinegar,
100 ml beetroot juice
250 ml of boiled water.

Peel the dried garlic, disassemble into cloves, remove the top layer covering them and blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then immediately dip the colander with garlic in cold water (you can add ice cubes to the water). Arrange prepared garlic in dry sterilized jars with a capacity of 1 liter and pour hot brine with boiled water added to it. Sterilize filled jars in boiling water for 5 minutes, then roll up with boiled iron lids and store in a cool place until the first opportunity.

Garlic marinated in apple cider vinegar


For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
2 tbsp. l. salt,
5 st. l. apple cider vinegar.

Disassemble the young heads of garlic into cloves without removing the cover layer. Rinse and blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, then cool in cold water. Boil water with sugar and salt and add apple cider vinegar. Transfer the prepared garlic cloves to clean, dry, pre-sterilized half-liter jars. Fill their contents with marinade and sterilize for 5-7 minutes, then immediately roll up the lids.

pickled garlic

1 kg of garlic
350 ml of water
150 ml beetroot juice
35 g salt
25 g sugar.

Rinse the young heads of garlic in cold water, remove the stems and the top layer of the husk. Then fill with cold water and leave for a day at room temperature. After a while, rinse the garlic heads, put them in an enamel pan and pour the marinade, to prepare which boil water with sugar and salt, cool the resulting solution and add beetroot juice to it. Cover the pot of marinated garlic with a clean cloth or large piece of cheesecloth. Put a wooden circle on top, on which you will set oppression, for example, a jar of water or a heavy cobblestone intended for these cases, once washed clean and already tested. Leave the pot of garlic in the beetroot brine again at room temperature for a week. When it passes, do not forget to transfer the pickled garlic to a cool place.

Pickled garlic with citric acid

young garlic - quantity as desired.
For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
2 tbsp. l. salt,
½ tsp citric acid.

The ingredients are almost the same as in the previous recipe, and the cooking method is almost the same, with the exception of some minor nuances.
Peel the heads of garlic from the husk, divide them into cloves and soak in warm water for 2 hours, then peel them. Place the garlic cloves in a colander and rinse with cold water. Then lower into a pot of boiling water, removed from heat, for 2 minutes and immediately cool in cold. Prepare the filling. When heating water, completely dissolve citric acid in it, add sugar and salt, remove the resulting foam and boil for 2 minutes. Place the garlic tightly in sterilized jars with a capacity of 0.5 l and pour over the hot marinade. Sterilize the filled jars at a low boil for no more than 7 minutes from the moment of boiling and roll up the lids, previously scalded with boiling water.

Garlic pickled with honey

2 kg of garlic
30 ml white currant juice,
100 g honey
1 liter of water
70 g salt.

Rinse the heads of young garlic in cold water, peel it, as they say, to the last shirt, removing the roots. Then soak literally in ice water overnight. In the morning, rinse well again and place in a clean, specially boiled container. Mix currant juice, honey and salt with cold water. Pour the garlic with this solution and leave at room temperature for ripening. After 2 months, wonderful garlic pickled with honey will be ready for use.

Garlic seasoning with herbs and red currants

600 g of garlic,
600 g green dill,
600 g parsley,
1 kg redcurrant,
40 g dill seeds,
200 g sugar
20 g salt.

Peel the garlic cloves, rinse them with cold water and pass through a press. Rinse the greens under running water, let it dry and finely chop. Mix greens with garlic, add currants rubbed through a sieve, sugar, salt, dill seeds ground in a mortar and mix everything thoroughly. Put the resulting mixture into dry, pre-sterilized jars, close with nylon lids and store in a cool place.

Seasoning of garlic "Eastern"

800 g garlic
200 ml vegetable oil,
40 g red ground pepper.

Peel the garlic from the husk, rinse it and pass it through a meat grinder or press. Ignite the vegetable oil and let it cool. Gently put the garlic in it, mix and leave for 1 hour. Then add red ground pepper, mix thoroughly again and place in dry sterilized jars. Close the jars with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Garlic with basil

2 kg heads of garlic,
200 g green basil,
2 liters of water
140 g salt
200 g sugar.

Wash the heads of garlic thoroughly. Free from the bottoms, stems and top layer of the husk. Garlic in this recipe does not need to be divided into cloves. Soak the peeled heads of garlic in cold water for 9 hours, then rinse, put them in dry sterilized jars, layering a layer of garlic with a layer of basil greens, and pour cold boiled water with sugar and salt dissolved in it. The solution must necessarily cover the heads of garlic. Close jars with plastic lids and store in a cool place.

Gas station "South"

3 kg of garlic
1 kg carrots
1 kg sweet pepper
400 g green dill,
400 g green celery,
4 tbsp. salt.

Pass the chopped and peeled garlic through a press. By the way, one little secret: to make the garlic peel easily and quickly, fill it with warm water for 30 minutes. Then just rub the cloves between your palms, and the husk will come off on its own, without any problems or effort. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the peppers peeled from seeds into thin strips. Combine these ingredients together, add chopped herbs and salt. Mix everything thoroughly, rubbing lightly with your hands, and then place in dry, sterilized jars. Close them with plastic lids and store in a cool place.

Korean garlic
If you have never experimented with harvesting garlic for the winter in this way, then first prepare a little, so to speak, for testing, and if you like the harvesting, just double the amount of ingredients.

500 g garlic
100 ml 9% vinegar,
400 ml soy sauce.

Wash the garlic cloves, peeled from the husk, put in a clean jar and pour with vinegar. If it doesn't cover the garlic, add some water. Close the jar with a lid, put it in the refrigerator and forget about it for a week. This is exactly how long it will take you for the garlic to brew in the marinade. After a week, drain the marinade, and transfer the garlic cloves to sterilized jars, filling them with garlic only halfway. Boil the soy sauce for 10 minutes, cool it and pour the jars of garlic to the top. Then simply roll up the jars with boiled lids and store in the cellar or refrigerator. A month later, a great snack will be ready. When guests come to you and you want to treat them to your signature dish, say, from meat or poultry, be sure to serve both the garlic itself and the soy sauce in which it was infused.

Garlic-ginger paste

600 g of garlic,
400 g of ginger root.

To prepare this paste, you can use garlic that is not suitable for long-term storage, for example, a little spoiled. Clean it, remove spoiled places, wash and chop with a blender or meat grinder. Peel the ginger root, cut it into small pieces and also pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Combine these ingredients, mix thoroughly, arrange in small clean jars and store in a cool place. By the way, the pasta will turn out even piquant if you add chopped chili peppers to it.

Pickled garlic cloves with fresh herbs, horseradish and cinnamon

young garlic - quantity per 1 liter jar.
For marinade:
3 art. water,
1 st. 9% vinegar,
1 st. l. salt,
1.5 st. l. Sahara,
fresh parsley, dill,
1 chopped horseradish root
Bay leaf,
a few peas of allspice,
a few cloves,
a little cinnamon.

Put the garlic cloves peeled and washed under cold running water in a clean, dry, sterilized jar with a capacity of 1 liter and pour the marinade, to prepare which mix water, sugar, salt, vinegar, finely chopped greens, parsley root, bay leaf, pepper, cloves and cinnamon, and boil this mixture. Fill the jar with marinade, roll it up with a boiled lid and store in a cool place.

By the way, so that the garlic cloves in jars do not darken and look white and appetizing, soak whole heads of garlic in cold water for 2 hours, and only then proceed to canning.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Even the most ordinary salad will become a work of culinary art if it is poured over with a spicy dressing. Step-by-step recipe with photo of garlic dressing for mustard and soy sauce salad. Video recipe.

There are hundreds of different salad dressings, from the classic vegetable oil to the most exotic. Many of them are universal, but some will better emphasize and ennoble the taste of specific products. Therefore, it is not enough just to cook them, you still need to know what they are suitable for. Today I picked up a dressing that is popular in many countries, which is very versatile, because. goes well with most salads, especially vegetable ones. Also, the sauce, which includes mustard, garlic and soy sauce, will be a great addition to fish and meat dishes. Even the simplest combination of vegetables with lettuce leaves, such a dressing will give a unique and piquant taste. It is easy to prepare such a sauce from the most ordinary products, and the cooking process will take no more than a few minutes.

You can experiment with this dressing. For example, add egg yolk to the composition, which is beaten with vegetable oil and mustard with a mixer. The consistency of the sauce will become thick, similar to mayonnaise. Then add the rest of the recipe to it.

It is worth noting that the sauce is also useful, because. It contains garlic, which is a natural antioxidant. It helps to treat colds, prevents the occurrence of influenza and SARS. Therefore, such dressing will be especially useful in the autumn season, when the risk of catching a cold increases.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 12 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation of garlic dressing for mustard and soy sauce salad, recipe with photo:

1. In a small bowl, combine olive oil, soy sauce and mustard. Stir until a homogeneous liquid mass.

2. Peel the garlic and finely chop or pass through a press. If you squeeze it through the garlic, then the aroma and taste will be more pronounced.
