
Is there an apple. The benefits of apples - unexpected secrets of rejuvenating fruit

According to the expert, these fruits can prolong a person's life by 20-30 years. The scientist substantiates his conclusions with the successful results of experiments. American researchers have found substances in apples that protect brain cells from destruction. It has also been proven that apples reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Studies show that women who regularly include apples in their diet reduce the risk of developing diseases by 20 percent. of cardio-vascular system. And the antioxidants found in apples increase the body's resistance to cancer.

But keep in mind: apples do not cure this or that disease, they improve the vital activity of the whole organism. Basically, useful substances are found in the peel of the fruit and directly under it - it contains not only many vitamins, but also ten chemical compounds that have the ability to suppress and destroy cancer cells. Therefore, peeling apples before eating is not worth it. Try not to cut off the peel from apples, as it contains a large amount of pectin and fiber.

However, that's not all. In an apple, it turns out, seeds are very useful. Just five or six apple seeds a day will replenish daily requirement an adult in iodine, will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and brain.

Apples, like most fruits, contain practically no fat, since they are 87% water, they have few calories, so if you replace a fatty, sweet and high-calorie dessert with an apple, you can lose weight. Apples (especially freshly picked ones) contain quite a lot of vitamins (A, C, B)

One of the authors of the study, Sean Landon, said that none chemical additive can not be compared with the beneficial properties of apples. “We often hear about the creation of new food products, which are literally littered with supermarket shelves, - the nutritionist emphasized. “However, none of them is able to surpass this amazing fruit of God in terms of nutritional value and amount of vitamins.” According to him, the beneficial effects of apples are due to powerful antioxidant flavonoids, which each fruit contains 1.5 times more than in 75 grams of blueberries, 2 times more than in a cup of tea, 3 times more than in oranges, and almost 8 times superior to bananas.


Apples are digested faster and better when grated. By the way, lovers of baked apples can not refuse the usual delicacy: vitamins in a baked fruit are almost never lost.

Those who have bowel problems are simply obliged to eat apples daily. The results will be noticeable pretty quickly. But keep in mind: when peptic ulcer stomach showing only sweet apples. And in the case of gastritis, on the contrary, sour apples are appropriate.

Sour and wild varieties are most beneficial. Keep in mind: apples do not cure this or that disease, they improve the vital activity of the whole organism.

However, there is one caveat: all apples must be washed thoroughly. And the fruits that come to our shelves from abroad are covered with a protective layer, which allows them to preserve their presentation, extend the shelf life and ... worsen health. Therefore, it is still better to part with the skin of "glossy" fruits.

Many are often interested in: which apples to use - green or red? The green ones are better. They have more vitamin C, and they cause allergies less often than red ones.

10 useful properties of apples -

1. Apples reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
2. Apples Help Normalize Digestion
3. Apples are useful for vitamin deficiencies (hypovitaminosis)
4. Apples have a general strengthening effect
5. Apples are good for diabetes
6. Apples normalize metabolism
7. Apples are good for the brain
8. Apples Protect Against Cancer
9. Apples have disinfectant properties
10. Apples cleanse the body of toxins and toxins

Hello dear readers! Do you remember the children's fairy tale about rejuvenating apples? The father-king fell ill, and then he ate those apples and stood on his feet in an instant 🙂 The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

In fact magic fruits exist and seriously affect health. On the positive side, of course. The benefits of apples are invaluable and now I will tell you why.

An ordinary apple and its secrets (how fruit is useful)

Once I walked past the stalls with these fruits without even looking at them. So what? They lie to themselves in a green-red-yellow slide, juicy, maybe even liquid, but quite familiar to themselves. Nothing interesting, right?

However, after getting to know them better, you will wonder why apples are not treated instead of pills. I'm serious!

  • Struggling with oncological diseases . Pectin removes radioactive nuclides from the human body (this is especially true for residents of places with unfavorable ecology). It has also been proven that the active use of fiber significantly reduces the risk of bowel cancer. So go ahead, now, in principle, it’s a sin not to complain about the environment, and the gastrointestinal tract will only say thank you for a delicious recharge.
  • Removes cholesterol from the body, which serves to prevent atherosclerosis. The unique apple fiber can dissolve in water, absorb through the walls of the intestines and travel through the bloodstream, collecting harmful substances. It has been scientifically proven that eating 2 apples a day for six months lowers cholesterol by 16-18%.
  • Stimulates reproduction of beneficial microflora intestines (and this is a strong immune system).
  • Accelerates the movement (passage) of food through the intestines, in other words, fights constipation.

In general, pectins are soluble fibers that should make up at least a third of the volume of fiber. But usually coarse fiber predominates in the diet - bread, cereals, etc. Apples will help to even out this balance.

Liked? No? Then here's more:

  • Our liver loves these foods because they help it perform one of its main functions - body detoxification. An apple is not a burden for the liver, and at the same time, pectin interferes with absorption harmful substances, significantly reducing the contact of carcinogens with the intestinal wall. Imagine yourself after a long working day, fatigue knocks you down, and a lot of work awaits at home ... And then - a surprise! You come home, and there everything is done for you, it remains only to relax. So, the liver feels the same gratitude for apples as you do for your assistants.
  • This fruit contains malic, citric, tartaric, chlorogenic and ursolic organic acids, which regulate metabolism. Also, these acids affect gastric secretion, which means that the digestion of food will be much easier. If you taste a fertile fruit 10 minutes before a meal, then you will not only help digestion, but also eat less, and this is useful for weight loss.
  • Once again about ursolic acid - this is an important factor to save muscle cells. With age total weight human muscles decreases, including myocardial muscles, i.e. heart over the years begins to work worse. And ursolic acid helps preserve muscle cells. It also helps reduce body fat. The daily need for ursolic acid is covered by just one apple, but always with the peel (the highest concentration of amazing acid is just in the peel).
  • Apples contain potassium. First, this trace element has help in the work of the heart, Secondly, removes excess fluid from the body, i.e. is a good help for the kidneys. and removing edema in the form of tablets is absolutely impossible to use without a prescription, but apples as a mild natural diuretic - please.
  • Vitamin C - has a positive effect on iron absorption and collagen synthesis(affects the condition of the skin, nails, bones, joints).
  • Catechins are a type of antioxidant. They improve blood circulation and raise the level immune protection while reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Chrome, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism and helps in the prevention of diabetes.
  • Querticin from apple peel has anti-inflammatory action.
  • Apple is good for teeth: fresh fruits moderately firm, and maintaining the strength of dental tissue such products are just right. And you can also brush your teeth with an apple if you don’t have a toothbrush - for example, on the road. The surface of the fruit should be driven over the upper teeth from top to bottom, along the lower ones - vice versa (make the same cleaning movements as we do with a brush). In general, even just by eating an apple, you brush your teeth in the most natural way.

It turns out that by regularly enjoying a juicy fruit, you can improve skin tone, lower cholesterol, get rid of excess water, to give health to the heart, liver, kidneys, to build and arrange a respite for the stomach! Yes, one can understand the biblical Eve, who was seduced by such useful fruit 🙂

No wonder apples have firmly entered the folklore and proverbs of many peoples. The Russians endowed the apple with rejuvenating power, while the British “kept the doctor at a distance.”

But every product has back side, and this…

Contraindications for use (about bones and not only)

I note right away that there are almost no prohibitions due to the neutral chemical composition. The effect of apples on health is mostly beneficial.

Caution should be shown to those who, due to diseases of the stomach or intestines, are forced to follow a chemically or mechanically sparing diet. That is, protect the gastrointestinal tract from rough dietary fiber and irritating impurities. These people can eat baked apples Or make a puree out of them.

For some reason, many are sure that you need to eat the fruit in general completely, along with seed grains. This is not so, the core of the apple contains rigid partitions that injure the intestinal walls. And the bones have poisonous properties - they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is especially dangerous for children.

When I was a child, my grandmother taught me to plant these seeds in the ground - and she did the right thing. Of course, I didn’t wait for the apple tree, but I didn’t get poisoned either 🙂

The value of apple peel

Of course, it is more useful to eat apples with the peel - it contains the most large quantity pectin. But when buying apples that are glossy, oily to the touch, many, I believe, are aware that it is better to cut the skin from such apples. And right!

The fact is that a special coating is used to protect against pests - mineral wax with the addition of definil, which is toxic. Sometimes such fruits seem to be greasy to the touch. Shiny sides, generously smeared with poison (let's remember Snow White and be selective) mostly imported fruits sin.

Therefore, it is better to buy ours, Russian ones, even if they look losing. And we will support the manufacturer, and we will get more benefits. I note that trying to wash off such wax is an almost meaningless and thankless task.

Apples can be coated with a special wax to long storage. Outwardly, such fruits are very attractive, but it is still better to get rid of their peel.

What are the benefits of apples for weight loss

  • Low calorie content (1 medium-sized fruit weighs 35-50 kcal, large diameter - 70-90 kcal). For women who want to lose weight deliciously - great option.
  • They remove excess, serve as an assistant for the intestines.
  • They have a slight diuretic effect (by the way, this is precisely what it is based on - it simply removes liquid from the tissues, but at the same time spoils the gastric mucosa; it turns out that it is better to eat the fruits themselves, and not the vinegar made from them, even if natural).
  • They reduce appetite (just one apple 10-15 minutes before a meal ... and you don’t want to eat an elephant anymore, it won’t fit).

The fight against appetite with the help of bulk apples should be consistent with the characteristics of your body. There are people in whom the organic acids of apples irritate the stomach too much (especially on an empty stomach), as a result of which a real zhor can open. If this is the case for you, just do not eat a lot at once or do not eat them fresh.

  • Perfect as a substitute for sweets with tea: drink "bite". Just try interesting combination. It has been observed that if you want something sweet, then this is due to the desire of the body to be loaded with carbohydrates. If you eat an apple instead of, for example, a sugared puff, then after 10 minutes you will find that the craving for a tasty treat has passed.

What are the benefits of eating apples?

I will please you, in almost anyone who likes it! But let's take a closer look:

  • fresh apples we discussed at the very beginning of the article. Pleasant, delicious, juicy fruit, which has almost no contraindications.
  • Oven baked is even healthier than fresh: concentration nutrients increases, because a significant part of the liquid leaves. Can be microwaved with cinnamon great dessert without a gram of sugar!
  • Dried, dried, dried fruits, apple marshmallows are in no way inferior to fresh ones. They lack only vitamin C. However, boiled ones (for example, from compote) are already deprived of part of the potassium - it goes into the liquid.
  • Soaked, pickled - the same benefit, a wonderful view of the workpiece. At all, soaked fruit lost their former popularity - and in vain. If possible, be sure to harvest apples using the urination method.
  • Puree (grated) is practically the same fresh apple, which is especially worth keeping in mind for mothers: for children, puree better than juice because it contains fiber. Preparing is simple: grate the fruit or beat with a blender - and voila.
  • Stewed or steamed - almost all the benefits with them, but again without vitamin C. It is delicious and unusual side dish to meat or poultry. Some people also roast apples as a side dish - if you're thinking about this, then fry in a lightly oiled pan.
  • Frozen, frozen - retain almost 100% of vitamins (though, depending on how much time has passed from harvesting and slicing fruit to freezing - when in contact with air and light, capricious vitamin C is destroyed, so if you freeze own apples, try to get them into the freezer as quickly as possible).
  • Real muesli is very rarely added. dried apples They don't store very well. Often these are candied fruits with added sugar, and the harm from sugar is greater than the benefits of the substances remaining in them. In a word, read labels or make muesli yourself (and just healthy eating easy to cook at home).
  • Filled with boiling water is a great option for a drink. Vitamin C has left the fruits again, but everything else is complete.

Surprisingly, baked apples are considered even healthier than fresh ones. They contain pectin, potassium and other elements, while they have no contraindications - they can even be used by children under one year old. And the taste is hmm...

Questions and answers - secrets from the apple in the ear

Is it possible to eat apples at night or late in the evening?

Undesirable. All the same, this is a carbohydrate that prevents the sleeping body from recovering normally: it blocks the production of growth hormone. That is, instead of resting and even getting younger in sweet oblivion, the poor thing is diligently digesting. Let's take pity on him and we won't do that before going to bed.

Benefits of one apple a day

It is clear that the only fruit will bring you less good than the recommended amount - at least 2 daily. And more is even better.

Eat apples. Build a house out of them. Settle in an apple garden ... Well, or at least two pieces 🙂

Apples will generously give you health, but with regular use and sufficient - 2 or more fruits daily.

Variety / color of apples and benefits

And there is almost no difference. Everything is useful that got into the mouth. Apples have about the same number useful substances regardless of whether they are red or green, it is Semerenko, Granny Smith, Antonovka or Golden ...

Although there are slightly fewer sugars in wild varieties, after all, when breeding new varieties, sweetness indicators are one of the priorities.

The apple is real unique product, from which there can be not only benefit, but, alas, harm to human body. Among fruits, it is a very common product, since practically all year round present in our diet.

Fragrant fruits are used in various forms, for example, compotes are prepared from them, which contain a large amount of vitamins, jam, jam, marmalade, or simply processed into juice.

Let's try to figure out who should and who should not use red-sided, green or sunny yellow fruit so that it brings only health.

What vitamins and minerals does it contain

Many have heard that an apple is very often called the fruit of health - this is true, it contains a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, P, E, as well as manganese and potassium. The pulp of the fruit is an easily digestible source of iron.

Apples are used not only for the prevention of colds, but also for the treatment of serious ailments up to malignant neoplasms. Sufficient quantity potassium helps stabilize blood pressure Well, calcium is necessary to strengthen tooth enamel and bone tissue.

Do not forget that apples are almost hypoallergenic, and they can be consumed by most of the world's population.

The fiber contained in green varieties is digested for a long time and does not for a long time feel the feeling of hunger. Such fruits also contain pectin, which will help improve the complexion and will help prolong youthfulness and freshness of the skin.

Harm of juicy fruits for women, men and children

Apple diets are now very common, thanks to which they allegedly effectively burn excess fat. And therefore, people should not forget that being on it, due to coarse fiber colitis may worsen and work may be disrupted gastrointestinal tract. The harm is especially great for those who have gastritis or an ulcer. duodenum.

Apple seeds contain a large amount of iodine, and in order not to harm the body, it is recommended to consume no more than 5 pieces per day. They contain acid, which is a strong poison for the human body. If we limit ourselves to the recommended amount, then the seeds, on the contrary, will be beneficial for the body.

Is it possible to eat them with gastritis

With increased acidity, you can eat apples, you just need to choose sweet varieties. Because of their content of carotene, iron, manganese, potassium and calcium, they are recommended for intestinal infections. With an exacerbation of gastritis in the first week, you should eat only fruits baked in the oven.

With the help of fruits, you can improve health and treat gastritis. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the green fruits, peel and grate. It is recommended to eat gruel early in the morning, since you can’t eat anything for 4 hours before and after taking it, but by 11 o’clock you can safely have breakfast.

But all this should be combined with the prescribed diet, that is, exclude spicy and salty foods, fatty foods, coffee, strong tea, fresh bread.

Useful properties for weight loss

The fruit is the basis of various diets, as well as fasting days. This product can not only effectively reduce weight, but improve health. To not hurt yourself strict diets and at the same time to achieve the desired result, you just need to include apples in your diet, arranging fasting days.

To reduce weight, fasting days should be arranged 1-2 times a week, and 1 time per month will be enough for prevention. And you also need to know such nuances:

  • First you need to determine which varieties are right for you, since with increased acidity you cannot eat sour apples, and with low acidity, they are quite appropriate.
  • Grated fruits are better absorbed, but do not remove the peel from them, as there is more nutrition under it.
  • Best for diet raw apples or after minimal heat treatment.

Apple peel: why you shouldn't peel it and throw it away

Many of us doubt its benefits, trying to carefully peel off the skin.

The peel of apples contains both insoluble fibers, which remove excess cholesterol from the blood, and soluble, which in turn remove cholesterol from the liver. Thanks to numerous tests, it was possible to find out that the antioxidants contained in the skin of the fruit help to slow down the growth of cancer cells.

How to store them in winter

Of course, apples can be stored all winter and this is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right variety, carefully remove them from the tree and create suitable conditions.

To keep apples well, it is recommended to wipe each of them with a cloth moistened with glycerin or wrap it in thin paper. best capacity for storage is a box or cardboard box.

The fruits must be carefully laid and sprinkled with sawdust or shavings.

When storing, you need to follow certain rules: do not store them with strong-smelling foods, such as onions and garlic; humidity in the room should be about 85-90%.

Source: http://medvoice.ru/yabloki-polza-i-vred/

About the value for the human body

You can often hear the question - "what are the benefits and harms of apples?". Of course, the benefits of apples are more tangible than the harm from them - the main thing is to eat them correctly, not forgetting that these tasty and healthy fruits there are contraindications for use.
Benefits of apples:

Apples help lower blood cholesterol levels, protecting our body from the development of atherosclerosis.

This is facilitated by a high level of pectin, which serves to strengthen the walls. blood vessels, and vegetable fibers in an apple.

Thanks to apples, the digestion process is normalized. The pectin and fibers that make up the apple absorb toxins and poisons, removing them from the body. In addition, these substances help to eliminate indigestion, normalizing its work; These fruits are an excellent healer for beriberi.

A huge amount of vitamins and nutrients contained in the composition of an apple contributes to the fact that this fruit is a real find for our body; Apples contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

This fruit, indeed, has a strengthening effect on the body, having a beneficial effect on the human immune system. In addition, it is able to protect against radiation; Normalization of metabolism and salt balance- another merit of the fruit; Apples can protect against cancer.

fruits render useful action on the human brain. They contain trace elements of phosphorus, which help to strengthen nervous system and stimulation of brain activity;

In addition, apples are used in cosmetology.

Many people wonder if apple seeds are useful. Those who give a negative answer to this question most likely simply do not like their taste. In fact, they contain great amount iodine, which is needed by the body, especially for the thyroid gland. That is why, the beneficial properties of an apple also include benefits for the butterfly queen of our body - the thyroid gland.

Many people peel off the skin of apples before eating. And it’s completely in vain - it contains no less amount of vitamins than the pulp of the fetus.

Is an apple good for the night? Opinions on this issue differ. Some believe that eating apples at night is not recommended, especially in large quantities.

Nevertheless, if we analyze all the useful properties of apples, then an absolutely opposite opinion arises - the content of pectin, fibers and the meager content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories contributes to the fact that from an apple eaten at night, extra calories and kg will not increase.

Moreover, scientists recommend eating an apple at night for people suffering from hypertension - it can normalize blood pressure. And yet, an apple eaten at night is good for teeth - you don’t have to brush your teeth with toothpaste and a toothbrush at night.

Are apples good for winter? Undoubtedly! They are beneficial at any time of the year, however, it is worth remembering that their choice should be approached responsibly. Do not buy imported varieties of apples in winter time(and in the summer, perhaps, too).

Firstly, they are often treated with various substances harmful to the human body so that they do not lose presentation(e.g. wax, paraffin).

Secondly, despite the fact that apples from our homeland look, perhaps not always presentable, nevertheless, they are a storehouse of vitamins for us in winter.

Despite the fact that apples are fruits, extremely healthy, you should use it correctly (like any other fruit).

It is also worth considering that right choice and storage of apples is important.

Apples are a very healthy fruit.

Why does such a question arise - how to eat apples correctly? The thing is that everything should be in moderation, and, in addition, the body of each person is individual and can react differently to certain substances.

Is it possible to say that the harm of apples is palpable? Rather, it is worth saying that they need to be used correctly, taking into account the composition of the fruits and possible reaction organism to fruit.

So what is the right way to eat apples?

First of all, you need to know that people suffering from stomach diseases (for example, gastritis) are not recommended to eat raw apples due to the content of acids in this fruit. It is best in such cases to use baked apples;
You should be careful with the use of apple grains. They are good for health due to the content of a large amount of iodine. However, they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is why it is not recommended to eat more than 4 grains of apples per day;
Speaking about the acidity of apples, it is worth mentioning the teeth. Tooth enamel "does not like" acid, so after eating the fruit, you need to rinse your mouth warm water;
For better assimilation fruit and extract maximum benefit from their use, it is worth eating apples an hour and a half after eating and it is not recommended to use them before meals;

The apple, along with grapes, bananas, mangoes and oranges, is one of the five most popular and widespread fruits in the world. For our latitudes, an apple is the number one fruit. We get acquainted with their taste in early childhood and we know that the benefits of apples are enormous. Man has been cultivating the apple tree for several thousand years. At the same time, such a familiar fruit continues to be a stranger, and instead of benefit, it can also cause harm.

Did you know? Scientists continue to argue about the place of origin of the apple tree today (they call Asia Minor, Greece, and Egypt). Most likely, her homeland is in Central Asia(southern regions of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan). In the Bronze Age, apple trees enter the territory of the Iranian Highlands (the first apple orchards appear in Persia), Asia Minor, and Egypt. The spread of apples was facilitated by the conquests of the Greeks and Romans. Theophrastus in the 7th–3rd centuries BC e. described several varieties of apples, and Pliny the Elder - more than twenty. Apple trees are actively spreading throughout Europe - in 1051 an apple orchard was planted in Kyiv by the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Apple trees come to America with the first European settlers who took seedlings with them.

Calorie content, composition and nutritional value of apples

Apples, depending on the variety, degree of maturity and storage time, may have different calorie content, unequal chemical composition. The calorie content of 100 g of apples varies from 35 kcal (for green and yellow varieties) up to 52 kcal for reds. The low calorie content is one of the reasons for the popularity of apples in various weight loss diets. Heat treatment increases the calorie content(for a baked apple, it is 66 kcal, for dried apples - 243).

Apple- one of the most optimal sources of easily digestible macroelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus) and microelements (iron, zinc, boron, manganese, iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, selenium, vanadium, nickel, rubidium, chromium) . Apple pulp contains from 85 to 87% water (perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst), monosaccharides, disaccharides, organic acids (including malic and citric acids). It is not rich in fats and carbohydrates (0.4 and 11%, respectively). An average-sized apple contains 3.5 g of fiber (about 10% of the daily fiber requirement), 1% pectin and 0.8% ash.

Vitamins in apples are the most striking - with their variety, quantity and duration of savings (even after several months of storage, they do not lose their beneficial properties). This is a group of vitamins B (1-thiamine, 2-riboflavin, 5-pantothenic acid, 6-pyridoxine, 9-folic acid), β-carotene, as well as vitamins A, C, E, H, PP, K, etc. People who constantly eat apples of various varieties throughout the year (there are more than 10 thousand of them in the world) will confirm the correctness of the words: "an apple for lunch - there are no diseases."

Did you know? Russian name"apple tree" (Ukrainian "apple tree") comes from staroslav. "Ablon" (gradually "a" was transformed into "I"). The Czechs call the apple tree - "jablko", the Poles - "jabłko". Probably, the Slavs borrowed the word from the Celts (“abla”) or the Germans (“aplya”). The popularity of apples in Europe was so great that as Europeans became familiar with other fruits, they were given names derived from apples (“ Chinese apple"- orange, "damn (earth) apple" - potato, " Golden Apple"- tomato, etc.).

Which one to choose: red, yellow or green apples

The color of apples is affected by the presence of pigments, chlorophyll, anthocyanins, carotenoids, etc. in the peel. Red, yellow and green apples also differ in taste. Considering the folk wisdom “There is no friend for taste and color”, everyone chooses what he likes. However, in one situation great benefit they will bring green apples, in the other - red or yellow, so it will be useful to know the properties of "multi-colored" apples.

Important! When choosing apples, you must first of all consider fruits grown in your area, and not brought from afar - they contain more vitamins, fewer preservatives and other chemicals. Secondly, it is necessary to evaluate the density of the fruit and the integrity of the peel (so that the apple is firm and elastic). Third, the smell good apples always have a scent. Fourth, size (the best are, as a rule, medium-sized fruits).

Green apples (Granny Smith, Simirenko, etc.) are often called the most useful. This is caused by the fact that green apples:

  • hypoallergenic (allergic reactions to them are extremely rare);
  • contain more than other apples, ascorbic and malic acid (improves digestion);
  • are low glycemic index(important for diabetics and heart patients);
  • contain a large number of fibers. Fiber in green apples is processed by the body longer (reduces the feeling of hunger);
  • rich in pectin (prolong youth);
  • the lowest calorie among apples (35 kcal).

Red apples (Gloucester, Red Delicious, etc.) are very attractive aesthetically. Juicy colors, gloss on the barrels (which traders diligently suggest in the markets), it would seem that they say: “Eat me soon!”. According to chemical indicators, red apples are inferior to green ones:

  • they are more difficult for digestion (the acid content is less);
  • they are sweeter (a plus for those with a sweet tooth, but a minus for diabetics and children's teeth).

Yellow apples (Golden Delicious, Banana, etc.) have a pleasant caramel smell. Taste yellow apples very different from green and red.

Yellow apples:

  • especially rich in pectin;
  • contain a lot of sugars;
  • poor in iron compounds;
  • promote bile secretion (beneficial effect on the liver).

The apple is called the “fruit of health” for a reason. The healing and rejuvenating properties of apples have long been known to man. Even the ancient Celts believed that an apple brings immortality, and the Slavs - in "rejuvenating apples."

Did you know? The apple is present in many myths and legends, various customs and traditions are associated with it. In ancient Greek myths, an apple is found many times (the golden apple of discord of the goddess Eris, a symbol of love (the myth of Atalanta), the apples of the Hesperides and Hercules). Among the Germanic peoples, when babies were born, they planted seedlings of apple trees, it was also believed that gods patronize apple trees - lightning does not fall into them (apple orchards were arranged in the villages).

About the benefits of apples for pregnant women and children

Apples are indispensable during pregnancy because:

The average daily dose is 3-4 medium apples. Given that apples increase the production of gastric juice, it is better to eat them half an hour before the main meal. Fresh fruits can cause gas and cause colic. In this case fresh fruits it is desirable to replace baked or juice.

For nursing breast milk It is better for women to limit the consumption of red and yellow apples, because they can provoke an allergic reaction, the occurrence of colic in the baby.

Important! During pregnancy and breastfeeding green apples will be more useful for mother and child - with great content vitamins, hypoallergenic, iron-rich, low-calorie.

Benefits of green apple for children:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • helps to train the gums in the process of teething (give a peeled apple slice);
  • cleans teeth well from plaque;
  • less than red damages tooth enamel;
  • provides the child's body with the necessary mineral complex and vitamins;
  • boosts immunity and protects against viruses and bacteria.

Benefits of apples for digestion

Listing the beneficial properties of an apple for a person, it should be recalled that apples have traditionally been used as a remedy for gastric disorders (due to the beneficial effects of pectin). Malic and tartaric acids improve digestion and intestinal microflora. To prevent constipation, it is advisable to add baked apples to your menu.

Did you know? There are about 10,000 in the world different varieties apples. They differ in size and weight (from 30 to 500 g), shape, color, aroma, taste. Nutrition scientists have calculated that for optimal health, everyone needs to eat at least 48 kg of apples per year (about half should be consumed in the form of juice).

The benefits of apples for the cardiovascular system

Potassium and catechins (antioxidants) in apples have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, improve blood circulation. Soluble fiber (pectin) lowers bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular consumption of green apples reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases by 20%.

People suffering from cardiac dystonia are contraindicated in sweet varieties of red apples.

Useful properties of apples for the gallbladder

Sweet and sour green apples act as a choleretic, help with dyskinesia. In the case of chronic cholecystitis, only freshly grated green apples should be consumed for breakfast in the morning for a month. The next meal or drink should be no earlier than 4-5 hours later. For diseases of the gallbladder, it is also advised to drink half a glass apple juice in 20 min. before meals.

Benefits of apples for weight loss

The fiber found in apples low calorie, pleasant taste and the easy availability of this fruit made apples (primarily green ones) one of the most common components of various diets for weight loss. Already 2-3 apples a day or a few glasses of apple juice will help you lose weight. excess weight, normalize the metabolism in the body.

It should be remembered that:

  • with peptic ulcers, green apples are contraindicated (you need to consume sweet varieties);
  • rub apples should be unpeeled, with a skin;
  • apples give a diuretic effect;
  • For best effect they must be fresh and heat treatment(if necessary) - the most minimal.

Benefits of apples for healthy teeth

The benefits for healthy teeth from apples are great - saturation with minerals and vitamins, massage of the gums. Once on the road, you can brush your teeth with an apple (use a piece of pulp as a toothbrush or just eat an apple and clean your teeth from plaque). But when consuming apples, one should remember that they contain a lot of acids. The effect of acid on tooth enamel during the consumption of apples (especially sour or sour-sweet ones) is known - “fill the mouth”. In lovers of apples, enamel damage is more common. Dentists advise, after the apple is eaten, rinse your mouth (you can use a toothbrush no earlier than 30 minutes due to acid softening of tooth enamel. Cheese will help protect it - you should chew a small piece).

Helpers of the liver

Regular consumption of apples and apple juice has a beneficial effect on the liver. Chlorogenic acid helps to remove oxalic acid contributes to the normal functioning of the liver. Soluble pectins remove bad cholesterol. Apples are real helpers of the liver in detoxifying the body - they remove carcinogens, heavy metals.

The benefits and harms of apple peel and seeds

The peel of apples contains the lion's share of vitamins, minerals and oxidants - the benefits of consuming it even exceed the benefits of consuming the pulp: querticin fights inflammation, ursolic acid reduces fat deposits, etc. Therefore, you can often find recommendations to eat the whole apple, with peel and seeds . If apples are grown in ecologically clean regions, special harm this will not happen (unless the apples are covered with biphenyl wax on the outside - in this case, it is necessary to peel the entire peel with a knife).

The benefits of apple seeds are due to the presence of:

  • iodine (daily requirement can be met by 10 apple seeds) - improves memory, increases tone;
  • vitamin B17 (glucoside amygdalin or letril) - has an anticarcinogenic effect, improves the immune system, increases efficiency;
  • potassium (up to 200 mcg) - easily absorbed, important for the functioning of the heart and bones.

Apple grains can also harm the body: the benefits of letril, which breaks down in the body to hydrocyanic acid, can, in case of excessive consumption of apple seeds, turn into harm - lead to poisoning hydrocyanic acid. The use of apple seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

The use of apples in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has long used the healing and healing properties of apple trees in its practice. Both the fruits themselves and the leaves, twigs and flowers of trees are used.

Benefits of apple tea

Apple tea is one of the most common remedies in traditional medicine at colds, urolithiasis, chronic rheumatism, sclerosis. This tea contains the whole range of useful substances, as in a ripe apple, with the exception of fiber and vitamin C (does not tolerate heat treatment). You can compensate for this with apple slices cut into tea and lemon juice. Regular consumption of this tea will help:

  • normalize digestion;
  • regulate pressure;
  • remove bad cholesterol from the body;
  • replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals;
  • reduce excess weight.

For cooking apple tea use fresh and dried apples, apple buds and flowers. For taste, add black or green tea, mint, honey, cinnamon. Such tea will be especially useful during diets and for those who adhere to fasts.

Apple leaf tincture for colds

The benefits of apple leaves for the body are obvious: they contain more vitamin C than apples. Infusions of apple leaves are used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and for colds.

Infusion recipe number 1:

Infusion recipe number 2:

  • dry apple leaves (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (2 cups);
  • 15 minutes. insist on a water bath;
  • refrigerate for 45 minutes and strain;
  • drink 3-4 times a day for half a cup before meals.

It is effective to gargle with such an infusion for laryngitis and sore throat, you can rinse your nose.

Did you know? apple leaves can be fermented and brewed like regular tea. fresh leaves Spread on a tray for five hours (so that they wilt a little), then pass them through a meat grinder, transfer to a glass container and cover with several layers of gauze. Leave for a while (up to 20 hours) in a warm and humid place. After that, the mass will acquire a brownish color and an apple-honey smell will appear. The last operation is to pour on a baking sheet and dry in the sun (oven). A sign of readiness - with light pressure, the “tea teas” crumble.

Ointment for healing cracks, wounds and abrasions

applesauce from sweet and sour apples has long been used to heal wounds, relieve skin inflammation, burns. At home, it is not difficult to make an ointment from an apple for healing wounds, cracks in the corners of the lips and on the nipples, and abrasions:

  • chop (on a grater or with a blender) an apple;
  • add fat (goose or pork) to the mass (1x1);
  • apply on the wound three to four times a day, when the cracks heal, wash the skin area with baby soap and apply the ointment at night.

How apples are used in home cosmetology

Apples are especially useful for women whose body is going through menopause (thanks to boron, florizin reduces the risk of osteoporosis). To the question "How else are apples useful for women?" the answer is - apples help to become even more beautiful, rejuvenate, nourish and refresh the skin.

Home cosmetology uses fruits, apple juice, infusions from leaves and flowers. How to use:

  • washing. Avicenna recommended washing with a decoction of apple leaves to get rid of acne. It will be useful for normal skin washing with a decoction prepared in a water bath, from the peel of green apples and orange peels. For any skin, washing with settled water with the addition of apple cider vinegar(1 tsp per half liter);
  • massages. The skin of the face and neck is massaged with a cut apple slice. For oily skin should be taken sour apples, for drier - sweeter. Frozen leaf decoction works effectively - massage with an ice cube.

A special topic is the use of apple masks. These masks are easy to prepare at home for any skin type.

Universal masks:

Hair masks:

  • mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of grated apple, apply to wet hair for half an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo;
  • pour five tablespoons of grated apples with half a liter warm milk hold for two hours. Drain excess milk, rub the apple into the hair roots and hair. Wash off after half an hour.

How to store apples in winter

How to store apples in winter, very actual question for fruit lovers. Fresh apples are best stored in a cool and dark place. Much depends on the keeping quality of the variety. Summer ones are stored for 2-4 weeks, winter ones - 2-3 months or more. For better storage you need to select whole, not damaged fruits. Before laying in cardboard or wooden container fruits are not washed for storage (you can wipe them with a cloth with glycerin), they are wrapped in paper and sprinkled with dry sawdust or peat chips.

Important! It is important to determine the degree of ripeness of apples in time and correct timing harvesting. Unripe apples will not ripen during storage (like pears or persimmons).

It is possible to store in special pits (up to 50 cm deep) in suburban areas. The bottom of the pit is laid out with spruce or pine branches, apples are placed in a cellophane bag, hermetically sealed and covered with earth.

Dried apples are best stored in glass containers with sealed lid(avoid increasing humidity).

Frozen apples are stored for up to a year in the freezer without losing their qualities.

Is it possible to eat apples with gastritis

People suffering hyperacidity, you can eat apples of sweet varieties. With an exacerbation of gastritis, it is better to switch to baked apples without sugar.

Green apples are used in special diets in the treatment of gastritis. They are rubbed and eaten daily for the first month (you need to eat early in the morning so that 4-5 hours remain before breakfast). The next month - grated apples are taken three times a week, the third - once a week. In this case, you should adhere to the prescribed diet.

Contraindications and harm of apples

Possible harm from apples is small. Overeating them can cause colitis. Passion for apple mono-diets can also lead to disorders, an abundance malic acids- provoke inflammatory processes in gallbladder. Excessive passion for apples will also affect the condition of the tooth enamel (it becomes thinner).

Did you know? During storage, apples are capable of releasing ethylene. Thanks to him, there is an accelerated ripening of other fruits nearby. This property can be used when ripening pears. Storing potatoes and apples in the same place will shorten the shelf life of potatoes and cause bad smell and starchy taste in apples.

You should also know for what diseases you can not eat apples. These are, first of all, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. In chronic colitis, serious inflammation of the gallbladder and urolithiasis, it is better to dispense with baked apple puree.

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This fruit, familiar to our latitudes, loved by many, is very much revered by followers. healthy lifestyle life. Many are absolutely convinced healing properties apples, without thinking about how true certain statements about this fruit are. Of course, we do not question the beneficial properties of apples, especially when they are included in daily diet, given the availability this fruit in our country. However, it's time to dispel some of the most common myths about apples so that these misconceptions do not turn into disappointments.

Myth 1. Apples are high in iron.

This myth is based on the fact that the cut of an apple begins to darken after a few minutes. Many people are sure that the brown tint in this case due to the oxidation of iron, which is contained in the apple, and the more intense this "rust", the more iron is contained in the fruit. And this, in turn, makes the apple extremely useful for hematopoiesis and increasing hemoglobin in the blood.

This misconception is only partly wrong. The fact is that the darkening of the cut of an apple is indeed associated with the oxidation process, however, it is not iron that is oxidized at all, but organic substances polyphenols, clearly demonstrating the fermentation process. As for iron, there is very little of it in apples. Among herbal products much more of this trace element is found in dry, sunflower seeds, peaches and apricots. However, it is important to understand that the iron contained in plant foods is absorbed much worse than iron from animal products. Given all the above facts, it can be argued that the benefits of apples as hemoglobin nutrition are just a common misconception.

Myth 2. Green apples are healthier than red ones.

The organic composition of apples, depending on the variety, does not change very much. From this point of view, the benefits of a green, yellow or red apple for the human body will be approximately the same. Although the difference still exists and both red and green apples have their advantages.

Usually, green apples are less sweet, and therefore nominally more healthy in terms of diet food. At the same time, fruits of yellow or red color contain carotene, which affects the color of fruits in yellow-orange color. This pigment is a precursor of vitamin A, is a powerful antioxidant and plays an immunostimulating role in the human body. However, this yellow-orange substance, as you might guess, is concentrated in apple peel and therefore is contained in an apple in a relatively a small amount. Much more of it orange vegetables and fruits: peaches, apricots, persimmons.

Myth 3. Apples help you lose weight.

A myriad of apple diets are based on this statement, as well as the misconception that apples can be used as a snack or a replacement for main meals at any time. As we have already found out, apples are quite sweet fruit, which means that with them the amount of carbohydrates sufficient to cast doubt on the effectiveness of any diet can enter the human body.

Currently, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of any fruit, including apples, and long-term mono-diets are usually discouraged. For the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, experts advise eating an apple as a second breakfast or using this fruit for a snack until five in the afternoon. At the same time, it is better to include medium-sized apples of unsweetened varieties in your diet.

Myth 4. Apples have a laxative effect.

This is partly true, and in particular, the myth about the effectiveness of apples for weight loss is based on this statement. Like any other plant food with a high fiber content, apples stimulate intestinal motility, speed up metabolic processes,. Thus, eating one or two apples a day is indeed possible, but the same is true for almost any other plant food. The advantages of apples include the fact that the substances contained in this fruit have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, which generally improves digestion.
