
Fruit smoothies. Vitamin cocktails for health

Cocktails for immunity - delicious food and health benefits. To make cocktails, you need the most ordinary products. Moreover, the very process of creating cocktails is fascinating - there is room for imagination, which will be appreciated by relatives and friends.
Fruity Multivitamin Shake
You will need: apples, pear, kiwi - halves of each fruit, orange - two or three slices, grapefruit - two slices, rosehip broth - 100 ml, liquid honey - half a teaspoon, pine nuts and sunflower seeds - one tablespoon each.
Use a blender to grind and mix nuts, seeds and fruits. To the resulting homogeneous mixture, add honey and rosehip broth, move again.
One glass natural cocktail- This is a vitamin and mineral charge for the day. Seeds and nuts play an important role in it. They will improve metabolism, help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.
Cocktail "Protection against colds"
You will need: one lemon, one head of garlic, honey - two tablespoons, boiled water - no more than one liter.
Cut the lemon into small slices (1/3 slices, 5 mm thick). The garlic needs to be crushed and minced. Place lemon and garlic in liter jar, add liquid honey and pour warm water. Close the jar tightly and shake. Place in refrigerator. After two days, the cocktail will be ready.
Healthy breakfast cocktail
You will need: carrots - one or two pieces, orange, banana, apple - one piece of each fruit, orange fresh (without additives and sweeteners) - 700 g, oatmeal - about 30 g.
Grind the peeled fruits, with the exception of the banana, in a blender. Then add the peeled banana, flakes, pour fresh juice and mix again.
“There are enough vitamins and calories in a cocktail to make it full breakfast for those on a diet. Cocktail "Youth and harmony"
You will need: an apple, a cucumber - one each, a couple of sprigs of dill, a stalk of celery - 200 g, a lime - one piece.
After grinding and mixing the ingredients, pass them through a juicer.
Products in the cocktail are sources of antioxidants. Trace elements in their composition take care of the beauty of a woman. This is the most favorite low calorie cocktail all who follow the figure.
Cocktail "C-vitamin"
You will need: parsley - one bunch, one lemon, sugar - no more than 50 g, water - 500 ml, a couple of ice cubes (optional).
Chop the parsley and lemon with a blender. Add sugar and water (warm enough to dissolve the sugar). Many people like this cocktail more chilled, so it is recommended to add a couple of ice cubes.
Parsley is the leading "supplier" of vitamin C in our body, and it also has a fantastic effect on metabolic processes.
Immune Boosting Beetroot Cocktail
You will need: beets and carrots - one each, a stalk of celery, flower honey- one tablespoon, freshly squeezed lemon juice- a couple of teaspoons olive oil- one teaspoon.
Make a carrot, beetroot and celery juice using a juicer. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and stir.
Cocktail "E-vitamin"
You will need: milk (pasteurized, 3.2% fat) - one glass, half a banana, five strawberries, one scoop of ice cream, and a couple of tablespoons of syrup or jam. It is better to purchase a syrup at a pharmacy, for example, from cranberries or rose hips. You can take homemade jam.
All ingredients are ground and mixed in a blender. It is not recommended to add milkshake vegetables or sour fruits, as they cause rapid curdling of milk.
The cocktail is suitable for lunch or afternoon tea. He prepares quickly sweet taste and bright color, which is especially liked by children.

Vitamin cocktails are truly the food of the gods! They delight not only pleasant bright colors, an abundance of flavors and breathtaking aromas, but also give a charge of vivacity and saturate the body with the most necessary microelements. Beneficial features vitamin cocktails eliminated as well as possible, and also widely used for weight loss. Don't miss your chance to cook this season's trendiest treat!

How and from what to make a delicious vitamin cocktail?

In fact, dishes of this kind are prepared very easily and quickly - in a blender, with which you can mix any ingredients into a homogeneous mass. A variety of products are used: fruits, berries, vegetables, greens, milk, cream, yogurt and even cottage cheese. It all depends on what result you would like to get: delicious dessert for children, a nutritious protein-vitamin cocktail for replenishing energy after training, a tonic that protects against diseases.
The consistency also varies - one delicacy can be easily drunk through a straw, the second will have to be eaten with spoons. In any case, once you have prepared this delicacy, you will certainly want to make it a permanent part of your usual diet! And, combined with, once and for all forget about the annoying problem of beriberi!

"Spring Vigor", vitamin cocktail in a blender

Required Ingredients:

  • kiwi - 2 pcs
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • milk - 250-300 ml
  • honey - 2 tsp
  • cinnamon to taste

Cooking method

  1. Peel the kiwi and banana, then cut into slices and place in a prepared container.
  2. Pour in the milk, add honey and beat everything until smooth with a blender.
  3. The finished mass can be sprinkled with cinnamon to taste and decorate with a circle of fruit.

"Oriental splendor", vitamin cocktail - recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • dried apricots - 200 g
  • raisins - 200 g
  • walnuts (you can use any others) - 200 g
  • honey - 300 g
  • lemons - 3 pcs

Cooking method

  1. Wash dried fruits thoroughly, steam in boiling water for half an hour, then rinse again and dry with napkins.
  2. Cut clean lemons into slices, without peeling, remove all the seeds. Chop nuts into small pieces.
  3. Place all products in one container, then beat well with a blender. Combine with honey, whisk again. Dried fruit cocktail is ready, store it in glass jars in the refrigerator.

We hope that the delicious vitamin cocktails, the recipes of which we have told you, will appeal to both children and adults. Good health to you this spring!

In winter, the task of maintaining immunity becomes one of the most urgent, because diseases and ailments simply overcome us. Is it possible to maintain immunity so that it is pleasant and tasty? Of course, you can, but the best recipes will help us in this. winter cocktails, which saturate our body with vitamins and valuable minerals, making it resistant to infections. They are easy, simple and fun to prepare, and the results are amazing. And this means that you should definitely try such recipes.

Cocktail "Magnificent Four"

This cocktail is a real storehouse of vitamin C and K, B vitamins, beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, as well as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium and zinc necessary for our body. It also contains Apple acid, pectin, lyonene and tryptophan. Such a symbiosis makes it possible not only to obtain valuable substances but also cleanse the body and recharge with vigor and energy.

Ingredients: 2 apples, 3 lemons, 20-25 seedless dark grapes, 3 apricots.

Peel the lemons and cut them into quarters, chop the apples into slices, cut the apricots in half, mix it all up and pass through a juicer. Your delicious and healthy cocktail ready.

Nutritious cocktail

This cocktail, in addition to containing very important elements in abundance, is also able to energize us for the whole day. He can be great and healthy snack or even breakfast. Delicious and invaluable for the body.

Ingredients: 1-2 carrots, 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 orange, 30 g oatmeal, 700 g of orange juice.

Grind the apple, carrot and orange, previously peeled and peeled, using a blender. Add oatmeal and chopped banana to the mixture. Pour in there Orange juice and again mix thoroughly in a blender.

vitamin boom

Just one glass of such a cocktail will saturate your body with useful vitamins and minerals at full capacity. Well, the seeds and nuts that are part of it provide benefits for our nails, hair and skin, and also speed up metabolic processes.

Ingredients: half a pear, an apple and a kiwi, 2-3 orange slices, 2 grapefruit slices, a tablespoon pine nuts and the same number of raw sunflower seeds, 100 ml of rosehip broth, half a teaspoon of honey.

Grind fruits, seeds and nuts in a blender, add rosehip broth and honey with it, and grind everything thoroughly again.

Cocktail "Youth"

This drink is real elixir youth, since all its components are rich in antioxidants and trace elements useful for our beauty. In addition, this excellent remedy for weight loss, as its components are products with the so-called "negative calorie".

Ingredients: 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 2 sprigs of dill, 200 g celery stalk, 1 lime.

Grind all the ingredients, mix them and pass through the juicer.

fruit fairy tale

Such a cocktail can be a pleasant and healthy start to the day, which will give you a boost of energy for a long time, saturating your body with powerful force to fight infections.

Ingredients: 60 g of any frozen berries, 150 ml of any juice, a tablespoon natural yogurt, a teaspoon of liquid honey.

Take the berries, put them in a blender, pour in the juice, add yogurt and honey. Shake it all well and you can drink.

parsley cocktail

Parsley is the record holder for the content of vitamin C, and it is he who is responsible for maintaining immunity. Also, parsley perfectly stimulates the metabolism, which means that for all the girls who take care of themselves, this drink can become the best friend.

Ingredients: a bunch of parsley, 500 ml of water, 1 lemon, 50 g of sugar, a few ice cubes.

Grind lemon and herbs in a blender, then add water and sugar. Pour into glasses and add ice if desired.

beetroot cocktail

Beets are a pantry of vitamins, so it often becomes the main element in recipes for immunostimulating cocktails, for example, this one.

Ingredients: 1 beetroot, one carrot, a stalk of celery, a tablespoon of honey, 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon of olive oil.

Using a juicer, make fresh beets, carrots and celery. Then just add lemon juice, honey and olive oil to it.

Cut one apple into thin slices and fill it with 500 ml hot water, add 1 tsp to the drink. cinnamon, refrigerate and drink the drink throughout the day. This cocktail will help cleanse digestive tract and normalize the metabolic function.

Honey with lemon juice

Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice with 1 tsp. natural honey, add 200 ml warm water and a small pinch of ginger. Drink this smoothie in the morning on an empty stomach, about half an hour before your first meal. The drink will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse digestive system and charge you life energy all day.

cucumber and celery

Using a blender, chop the cucumber and celery root. Add 300 ml of warm water to the resulting mixture. Drink a cocktail several times a day. This drink is perfect for those who decide to arrange a fasting day.

ginger cocktail

Peel and finely chop 3-4 cm of ginger root. Pour ginger with a liter of hot water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the drink over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Cool and strain the broth, add a pinch of cinnamon and 2-3 tbsp. l. . Take half a glass of ginger smoothie throughout the day. It is best to drink it half an hour before meals. Such a cocktail will help normalize metabolism, improve digestion, and have a general strengthening effect.

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There are many recipes for cocktails that can provide the body daily dose vitamins. Based on your own preferences and available products, you can prepare delicious and healthy drink.

Fruit and berry cocktail

Dairy products, together with fruits and berries, are a wonderful dessert at any time of the day and provide the body with calcium, potassium and a large amount of essential amino acids.
- dietary cottage cheese - 75 g;
- natural yogurt - 75 g;
- ice cream - 50 g;
- fruits and berries - 100 g.

Peel fruits (apple, banana, kiwi) and blend together with dairy products in a blender until smooth. Add raspberries, chopped strawberries to the cocktail and stir.

morning juice

The easiest way to quickly get the necessary boost of energy in the morning is to prepare a cocktail of two healthy juices and a spoonful of honey. Freshly squeezed juices should be drunk within 15 minutes of making them. It is during this period that the maximum concentration of all vitamins is preserved in the cocktail.

- pomegranate juice - 50 g;
- orange - 3 pcs.;
- honey - 1 tsp

Peel oranges and prepare freshly squeezed juice. Mix honey thoroughly pomegranate juice and connect the drinks.


If an active and busy work schedule is expected, and the time for cooking hearty breakfast no, then you should use the recipe for vitamin eggnog.

- quail eggs- 6 pcs.;
- orange juice - 100 g;
- grapefruit juice - 100 g;
- honey - 2 tablespoons

Mix honey with orange and grapefruit juice. Beat the quail eggs in a blender and pour in a thin stream into the prepared drink.

Fruit and vegetable nectar

A mix of fruits and vegetables will be useful in any combination, and honey can be added not only because of its useful properties but also as a natural sweetener.
- apple - 3 pcs.;
- kiwi - 3 pcs.;
- carrots - 3 pcs.;
- orange - 1 pc.;
- honey - 1 tbsp.

Peel the fruit from the peel and cut into pieces. From carrots, apple and orange, prepare a fruit and vegetable mix on a juicer and pour into a pre-chilled glass. In a blender, beat the kiwi with honey until smooth and add to the cocktail.


A milkshake with fruit can be not only useful, but also hearty drink by adding sour cream to its composition.
- drinking yogurt - 150 g;
- bananas - 2 pcs.;
- strawberries - 100 g;
- kiwi - 2 pcs.;
- sour cream - 50 g;
- sugar - to taste.

Peel bananas and kiwis and cut into pieces. Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat thoroughly.

Everyone knows about the benefits of vitamins, especially about the benefits of those that enter the body not in a synthetic form, in the form of tablets and lozenges, but in a natural way, along with food. Vegetables and fruits are recognized as the best suppliers of vitamins to the body, and juices as a concentrate of vitamins can really fill the needs of the body.

However, juices have a number of disadvantages, among which is the complete absence of ballast substances (fiber), which impoverishes the body and makes juices a far from ideal source of vitamins. Vitamin cocktailsbest alternative traditional juices.

Benefits of vitamin shakes

The main advantage and difference between vitamin cocktails and juices is the preservation of all the ballast substances found in fruits and vegetables. The presence of fiber makes vitamin shakes more satisfying compared to juices. Surely you have experienced an increase in appetite after eating a natural vegetable or fruit juice: fruit acids cause the production of digestive juices in the stomach. Vitamin cocktails give the stomach food - fiber, giving satiety for a long time.

Vitamin cocktails are light and quickly absorbed without overloading the digestive tract. The use of vitamin cocktails gives lightness, saturating with energy. Vitamin cocktails are especially useful for people weakened by diseases or the elderly.

Replacing one meal with a vitamin cocktail, you can easily and effortlessly lose weight. The feeling of hunger will not torment, and the body will receive all the necessary substances.

Vitamin cocktails allow you to saturate the body with vitamins in a way that is not possible with a normal diet. It is difficult to eat 100 grams of parsley or celery at a time, and you can put so much greenery in a vitamin cocktail and drink it easily without experiencing discomfort.

The benefits of vitamin shakes

Vitamin shakes provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to be healthy. Another important advantage of vitamin cocktails is their multicomponent nature. By varying the composition of the ingredients, you can create a cocktail with certain properties that can invigorate or, conversely, soothe, boost immunity, help you lose weight or get rid of a cough.

In addition to vegetables, fruits and herbs, vitamin cocktails may include sour-milk products, vegetable oil, which enriches cocktails with minerals and gives them a rich taste.

Disadvantages of vitamin shakes

High saturation with vitamins can provoke allergies in those who are prone to it. A high content organic acids - cause exacerbation gastrointestinal diseases, flatulence or indigestion. Therefore, vitamin cocktails should be used gradually if there are diseases. gastrointestinal tract, ulcer or gastritis with hyperacidity gastric juice.

It should be remembered that vitamin cocktails will bring maximum benefit only in fresh so they don't need to be prepared ahead of time.

Vitamin cocktail recipes

Cocktail to improve the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels

It should be noted that beetroot juice- biologically active, and its use in large quantities can cause dizziness and even palpitations. You need to get used to it gradually, first dilute the juice with water, gradually increasing the juice content.

Tonic fruit cocktail

This cocktail not only perfectly tones, but also stimulates immune system helps to cope with colds during epidemics. take juicy fruit rich in vitamins, in any composition: oranges,
