
Which coffee maker is better drip or. Which manufacturer is the best? The ratio of the capacity of the filter and the vessel

Those who ask the question, which coffee maker is better to choose: drip or carob, do not understand this issue at all. It all depends on your needs, and each option has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to compare.

To properly appreciate a technique, it must be understood. Drip coffee maker, designed mainly for brewing regular black coffee. The process of its preparation is as follows:

  1. Water is poured into a special container. It is better if you use filtered water, so the taste of coffee will be more pleasant.
  2. Coffee is poured into a special tank. On average, one cup of drink requires 3 teaspoons of powder.
  3. The cover is lowered and the start button is pressed.
  4. At this time, the flooded water begins to heat up and form steam.
  5. The steam rises, where it begins to cool and condense on special tubes.
  6. It is these drops that fall on the coffee substance, where they begin to slowly flow through it into your cup.

The principle of operation of carob devices

When choosing the type of future coffee machine, it is important to understand how its work differs from the rest. The carob coffee maker has a fundamentally different method of brewing coffee.

If in the drip machine water gets into the coffee, which is saturated with the aroma of the beans, then in the carob machine, the steam itself passes through the substance, and later it condenses in the reservoir.

This method has a number of important advantages:

  1. An important advantage is the absence of sediment in the brewed drink.
  2. This method allows you to fully convey the taste of coffee beans.
  3. The time it takes to prepare a drink is much less than in other devices.
  4. Thanks to this technology, the consumption of coffee powder is noticeably reduced.
  5. Well, for dessert, it is worth noting that coffee prepared in such a machine has a delicate foam, which is so appreciated by gourmets.

Choosing a drip coffee maker

For those who decide to purchase a conventional coffee maker, there are several recommendations on how to choose a good machine:

  1. From what size will be your car, its power depends. And from power - the speed of preparation and the strength of the drink. For those who prefer strong coffee, it is better to choose models with a capacity of more than 800 watts.
  2. vessel shape, rather depends on the design characteristic of the chosen brand. But the material of the vessel into which the prepared drink enters is extremely important. IN good models only glass is used. Some modern vessels have the functions of a thermos, which allows you to keep fresh and hot coffee as long as possible.
  3. If you do not buy spring water, or you do not have a filter in your home, then your coffee maker model should include water filter.
  4. Stop drop function allows you to stop and start the machine at any time.
  5. And most importantly, this filters. They can be paper, which indicates their disposability, nylon, designed for a large number of cups, and metal. The latter are indefinite, but not at all of high quality, as they let a lot of sediment through.

Choosing a carob coffee maker

What is the difference between a horn device and a drip type is understandable. But how to choose a device for a person who does not understand anything about coffee machines? The following points must be taken into account:

  1. There are two principles of operation of carob devices. The first is based on the fact that boiling water under high pressure passes through the coffee bush. In the second case, steam works instead of water.

    In terms of price, pump models are a little more expensive, but the taste of coffee, which is obtained as a result of treatment with water, is noticeably better.

  2. It is important to consider that one horn is designed to prepare only two cups of coffee. So if there are many coffee lovers in your family, you should choose a model with several horns. As for the material from which the horn is made, it is better to choose metal. Most often, it will be accompanied by a filter of the same material. Coffee in such machines has a special, rich taste.
  3. The volume of the water tank is not the most important detail, because due to the process of work, your machine will still not be able to cook more than two cups at the same time.
  4. The presence of a device for frothing milk. This is a must for those who prefer cappuccino or latte to ordinary black coffee.
  5. The function of preparing a drink using a pod.

Features of drip machines

Most of the drip type coffee machines are similar to each other. But there is a difference that allows you to make a choice between two similar models. This type of machine has the following features:

  1. The so-called "stop tap", which protects the coffee tank from overflowing.
  2. The ability to move the coffee container.
  3. Heating function ready drink. It allows you to keep the warmth of the coffee, even after several hours have passed. You can disable it along with the machine itself.
  4. Automatic dispenser that helps you navigate the ratio of coffee and water.
  5. Drink strength adjustment.
  6. The scale of the volume of the received drink.
  7. The presence of a timer that can be set for a specific time.
  8. Possibility to set the number of cups of coffee to be prepared.
  9. Ready drink temperature indicator.
  10. Built-in coffee grinder.

Features of carob machines

Manufacturers household appliances always want to do something different. Same with coffee machines. They can differ both in appearance and built-in functions. If the appearance does not play any role other than aesthetic, then the presence of a certain functionality can be decisive when choosing a particular model:

  1. Indicators showing the stage of coffee preparation and the level of water in the tank.
  2. The presence of an auto-off function that protects the mechanism from overheating.
  3. The presence of several horns.
  4. Ability to interrupt the process at any time.
  5. Possibility to prepare two cups of coffee at the same time.
  6. A function that allows you to keep the drink warm.

The most important thing when choosing a coffee maker is the level of pressure under which steam or water passes through the coffee. The higher this level, the better your device, and the tastier the finished drink.

Advantages and disadvantages of a drip coffee maker

Modern devices are so arranged that it is impossible to find the ideal model that will suit everyone. But you can choose what you like specifically. TO virtues drip coffee machines include:

  1. Such devices are quite inexpensive.
  2. They are easy to care for, as well as manage the process of making coffee.
  3. They can make not one, but many cups of coffee.
  4. A feature that allows you to keep the drink hot for a long time.
  5. Can also be used as a teapot.
  6. There is no sediment left in this coffee.

Flaws such devices may have the following:

  1. Regular filter replacement required.
  2. The machine has to be washed after every coffee brewing.
  3. At times, the resulting drink may not have sufficient strength, and be not very hot.
  4. In such a device there is no foam, which is preferred by espresso lovers.

Advantages and disadvantages of a carob coffee maker

Of course, in order to decide which coffee maker you need, drip or carob, you need to study all the pros and cons. TO virtues carob devices include:

  1. The absence of not only plaque, but also other impurities that are found in other devices in the finished drink.
  2. The cooking time, which takes the operation of the machine, is less than a minute.
  3. Saving coffee powder during preparation.
  4. Delicate creamy foam.

As for the shortcomings, according to general features, there are none. Of course, there may be individual nuances that you personally will not like, but in general, these are good, high-quality machines that cook delicious drink.


When choosing between a carob and drip machine, it should be understood that drip machines are much cheaper, and if you prefer classic black coffee, then it makes no sense to overpay. If you like experiments, then carob models are just for you.

or Narnia coffee lovers

Coffee brewing is a magical ritual, which the further, the more it becomes available to an ordinary person. There are a great many ways, conditions and nuances of how to prepare the “right” drink, revealing its taste. We will not retell the rules and rituals of the coffee business, many other resources do this. In this review, we will describe the types and principles of operation of automatic coffee makers, their main characteristics, and tell you what you should pay attention to when choosing a model.

Several tests of coffee makers have already appeared in the “Comfortable Home” section. We tried to cover the main volume of the device market in order to get an idea of ​​the possibilities and conditions of choice.

  • Overview of three drip coffee makers from different price segments
  • Drip coffee maker with integrated grinder and remote control
  • Capsule coffee makers and a device that works with Tassimo discs


The history of coffee-making devices began in Europe, as is commonly believed, with the Turks (cezve) and the preparation of the drink in Arabic. Turku was put on open fire. Now there are professional and home electrical appliances of this type that make coffee on the sand.

In 1800 French Bishop Jean-Baptiste de Bellois accidentally invented the first drip coffee maker. In a brass container, he placed a cloth filter with ground coffee, through which boiling water was poured. Up to this point in Europe they did not know a way to prepare a drink without grounds.

After 19 years, the design was improved again by a Frenchman: the tinsmith Moriz came up with a system of two overturning vessels with a filter in the middle. In 1827, Morise's appliance became a geyser coffee maker. And the first electrical appliances with a drip and geyser principle of water supply appeared already in the 50s of the XX century.

In 1840, a new, dead-end branch of coffee-making evolution arose. A Scottish engineer named Napier invented a vacuum device: hot water passed through a coffee filter and returned back thanks to the resulting vacuum. The device was very bulky, difficult to handle, and sometimes exploded. In addition, the drink prepared in this way had a rather meager, unexpressed taste. This invention, due to its objective shortcomings, was not developed, but gave impetus to the creation of coffee machines.

The first such machine was designed in 1855 by a man named de Santais. The device impressed with its performance: it prepared 2000 cups of coffee per hour. The grandmother of all espresso makers was the compression coffee maker, but it was very bulky and difficult to handle. The invention was not widely used, but contributed to the further development of coffee machines.

And only in 1901, the Milanese engineer Luigi Bezzera invented the first espresso machine. It was a huge boiler, half filled with boiling water. At the top of the vessel was steam under pressure, which was supplied to the coffee tablet. The engineer patented his device and in 1903 sold the patent to the Italian entrepreneur Diserio Pavoni. He improved the invention of the engineer Bezzer and since 1905, commercial coffee machines of the Pavoni brand begin to appear in Italian cafes. A new fashion for drinking coffee is spreading in Europe.

Further, the path of the coffee machine was due to technical progress. In 1927, Milanese barista Achille Gaggia invented the semi-automatic espresso machine. With the help of a lever (lever), the barista supplied a powerful pressure of hot water to the system, thus creating steam under pressure. Such devices are still called lever. In 1961, Faema created a fully automatic machine that was constantly pressurized by an electric pump. Since then, espresso machines have been working on this principle, constantly receiving new technological improvements. The new generation coffee machine can control the entire preparation process, from grinding beans to creating milk foam.

Drip coffee makers

The device, first created back in the 19th century, has not changed much in terms of basic principles and layout to this day. These are two vessels: one for heating water, the second for a brewed drink. Water, heated up, flows through the tube to the filter with ground coffee and slowly, drop by drop, is filtered through the filter into the second vessel. This process is called percolation: water, heated to 87-90 °C and gradually seeping through coffee, slowly collects aromatic substances from ground beans.

A modern electric drip coffee maker is equipped with a vertical heating tube through which water rises along the body and drips into the coffee filter through a hole in the lid. The water container is usually located on the back or side panel, in some cases the control box is located on it. The coffee filter is located in the compartment above the flask for the finished drink. Modern devices are most often equipped with an anti-drip system that works on the principle of a garden washbasin - if you remove the jug from the stand, the coffee stops flowing from the filter. Thus, the user can pour himself a cup of drink during the operation of the device.

Taste and strength depend on the speed of water passing through the filter and on the variety and grinding of grains. For drip systems, medium-ground coffee powder is suitable. Coarse grinding will make the drink unsaturated, fine grinding can give the coffee a bitter taste. cooking options in best case there will be two: strong or soft coffee. This is possible if the model is equipped with a drink strength adjustment. Cooked in drip devices coffee is often referred to as "americano" and is served under that name in establishments. In fact, of course, these are two different drinks made from ground coffee beans. Drip coffee makers are usually chosen by people who like to drink a lot of weak coffee throughout the day.

Coffee makers of this type differ in technical characteristics and additional functions. In our comparative test of three drip coffee makers, we described the operation of both the simplest device and expensive functional devices. In the case of low-price minimalism, the coffee maker may not even have a jug to collect the drink, cups are used instead.

The ratio of the capacity of the filter and the vessel

It affects the taste of the resulting product. Too much filter volume with a small vessel will give excessive strength and vice versa. Unfortunately, this point is difficult to check in advance, here you need to refer to the experience of the owners of the same model. On the other hand, you can always choose the right ratio yourself, using an adapter for half the filter and your own taste.

Device care

There is nothing to choose from here, all geyser coffee makers require the same cleaning steps after work. The top jug is rinsed under running water with detergent. But with a boiler (lower vessel) it is more difficult - because of the heating element in it, it cannot be placed under water. If coffee gets inside, you have to clean the container from the inside with wet and dry wipes. The geyser coffee maker has one significant drawback: during operation, the case becomes very hot. You have to wait for the coffee maker to cool down to spin it for cleaning. It turns out that the user cannot prepare two coffee pots of the drink one after the other.


A completely separate way to brew coffee. The name of the method and device comes from the English verb pour over - to pour. Water at a temperature of 92-96°C is slowly poured through a funnel-shaped filter with ground coffee. Initially, this is a manual and long procedure - you need to pour water in a spiral, from the perimeter to the center, using a special kettle with a curved spout. It is believed that the drink brewed in this way retains all the taste of the coffee bean and reveals it in the best possible way. The method also has another name - Hario, which comes from a Japanese brand that produces special teapots for brewing coffee. The idea itself also came to us from the Land of the Rising Sun - pourover as a way of brewing coffee originated from the tea ceremony.

Now this method of preparing a drink is becoming a mass fashion in Europe and America. The Russian-language gloss dubbed the pour-over drink “the most hipster coffee.” The first electric coffee makers appeared that brew coffee in this way, for example. The choice of models and manufacturers of electrical devices of this type is still small: the previously released Bodum Bistro b.Over pour-over coffee maker has already been discontinued. The appliance heats water up to desired temperature and with the help of a watering can slowly irrigates ground coffee located in the mesh filter. From there, the finished drink flows into the jug. The KitchenAid brand pour-over has a heating disk under the flask to keep the drink warm. The device has so far received little distribution in Russia - thanks, among other things, to its not very humane price - so it has not yet made it to our test laboratory.

coffee machines

We have already told the story of the emergence of coffee machines that prepare strong coffee under pressure. Once upon a time, these were huge metal tower-like devices. Now, along with large restaurant appliances, there are espresso makers for home use that can fit in any kitchen.

The concept of "coffee machine" implies automation maximum number processes and actions. There are mechanical espresso machines that are controlled completely by hand and devices that complete the entire cooking cycle, from grinding grains to creating milk foam. The second type is, in fact, coffee machines. All such machines are originally designed for making espresso - that is, the machine can make a small (30 ml) portion of strong coffee by supplying steam under pressure to a filter with ground beans.

Most modern models can cook many other options. coffee drinks. Most of the appliances are equipped with a cappuccinator tube - a device for whipping milk foam manually using hot steam. Some coffee machines are able to prepare coffee drinks with the addition of milk on their own, the user only needs to pour the product into the system. In this part of the review, we will talk about devices that partially or completely automate the process.

Horn espresso machines

These are devices in which you can prepare your own portion of espresso, americano, and in most models - cappuccino. Home espresso machines usually have a thermoblock as a heating element. The device uses a pump pump to send hot water or pressurized steam to the ground coffee. The user pours ground grains into a strainer located inside the horn holder. This is where the name of this type of coffee maker comes from. Hot water or steam passes through the cone and the finished drink is poured into a substituted container.

Cups for coffee prepared in such machines are usually preheated so that the drink that enters them does not have time to cool down during pouring. The name "espresso" in Italian means "squeezed" - that is, coffee prepared under pressure. In this review, we described the operation of two carob espresso machines and one small coffee machine.

DeLonghi EC 680- classic carob espresso machine

Important nuances when choosing a carob espresso machine


On average, from 1000 to 1700 watts. It is believed that if the indicator is less, then the coffee maker is unlikely to cope with the task of creating the necessary pressure of 9 bar. Power over 1700W for home use doesn't have much need.


It occurs in the range from 3.5 to 20 bar. The optimal pressure for making espresso is 9 bar, so you should not chase the maximum values ​​​​of this parameter.

Cooking time

For one serving of espresso - on average, from 10 to 30 seconds. The cooking time depends on the current state of use of the appliance. The espresso machine needs extra time to warm up when exiting standby mode. Thus, the second cup of drink after turning on the appliance will always be prepared faster than the first.


Some coffee makers have this feature. A small portion of hot water flows to the horn, irrigating the ground grains before cooking. This procedure, according to experts in coffee brewing, helps to better reveal the aroma and taste of the drink.

Programming capability

The user can manage system settings. The most important controlled setting is the regulation of the amount of water per serving: the function works both in the direction of increasing and decreasing the strength of the drink. Another important selection option is the temperature of the supplied water. Also, in many models, the user can optimize the water hardness settings and the auto-off time of the device for themselves. Usually, all of the listed parameters, except for the amount of water, allow you to choose from a limited number of options.

Indicators and signals

Inform about the operation of the device and the need to take any action. The operation indicators show what state the device is in (operation mode, standby mode) and which program is currently running. Warning indicators can indicate the need for descaling, the amount of water in the tank. The float indicator indicates that the drip tray is full and needs to be emptied.


It can be made of plastic, metal or a combination. The metal case looks more solid than the plastic one, but it heats up more from the outside and increases the price of the device. An important part of the body is the heated cup holder. If the stand is missing or does not perform well, the cup can be heated using the steam wand.


It can also be plastic or metal. The second option is preferable due to greater reliability, however, as in the case of the case, it heats up more, because it conducts heat better.


An optional but nice design element. Consists of a steam wand and (optionally) a panarello nozzle. At the end of the tube there are three holes from which three differently directed jets of pressurized steam come out. The user rotates the milk container while slowly immersing the cappuccinatore spout, thus creating milk froth. In advanced models, you can simultaneously start espresso preparation and froth milk so that the coffee does not have time to cool. Also, the steam supply tube can be used for pouring hot water and for warming cups.

You need to get used to working with a manual cappuccinatore, at first there is a high probability of “exploding” the milk in the vessel and providing yourself with cleaning the room for the next half hour. When choosing a model with a cappuccinatore, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • tube length;
  • tube angle;
  • the presence of a nozzle.

The more positions the cappuccinatore can take, the more convenient it will be to work with it. The nozzle is needed primarily in order not to get burned when operating a hot tube. In addition, the nozzle is easy to clean from milk residues.

Drink spout

Most often it has a double nozzle. This allows you to pour coffee into two cups at the same time. It is important that the spout is retractable - by lowering it, you have the possibility of a more careful "sight" into the cup to avoid splashes.

drip tray

Ideally, it should be designed so that the user can carry the filled container to the sink without spilling the liquid. Unfortunately, this nuance is known only by experience. It is worth studying the reviews of the owners of the model you are interested in.

Distance between spout and drip tray

The maximum height of the cup and the already mentioned convenience of the “sight” depend on this parameter. There are designs with a rising pallet platform. In all coffee machines, both the drip tray and the grate above it are easily removed, so you can place an oversized drink container under the spout.

Additional accessories

Some of them are included with the device, others can be purchased separately. For example, the DeLonghi EC 680 espresso machine is sold with two filters - for one and two cups of coffee. Most devices come with plastic measuring spoons with tampers on the end of the handle. A serving of coffee powder for one cup of espresso is 7-9 grams, which is about as much as a filter and a spoon. The coffee in the cone must be well compacted and evenly distributed throughout the volume so that the water passing through the filter brews the drink with high quality. To do this, use a special device - tamper. Professional baristas and connoisseurs are very attentive to the selection of this accessory.

Instrument care

Basically, it consists in filling and emptying containers. From time to time it is worth washing the tanks for water and for collecting drops. The most labor-intensive part of care is washing the filter and coffee grounds horn. This action should be performed immediately after cooking, otherwise the cake in the strainer will dry out and it will be more difficult to remove it. The machine cleans the internal system on its own by passing water under pressure through it. The more frequently the appliance flushes, the more often you will need to empty the drip tray and refill the water tank.

The body of the instrument can be cleaned with a soft cloth or wet wipes as needed. With a metal device, this procedure will have to be done more often - clearly visible fingerprints will remain on the case.

Rarely, but regularly, it is also necessary to descale. In the best case, the corresponding indicator will inform you about the need to perform this action. Descaling is usually done using a special chemical agent(which is most often an aqueous solution of citric acid).

Espresso pods

A pod is a factory-pressed coffee “tablet” packed in a paper filter. A standard pod contains 7 grams of coffee. Usually it is a mixture of several varieties of dark roasted Arabica beans. Pods are commonly used in catering establishments to simplify the process of making coffee. Now pod coffee makers are not uncommon in household. If you do not want to think about the choice of beans, grinding, roast level, correct tempering coffee, you can just buy a pack of pods. This way of preparing espresso significantly reduces the opportunity for experimentation with the taste of coffee, but it reduces the number of user actions. Pods are sold in specialized stores.

For espresso pods, the same characteristics are valid as for - minus those points that relate to the horn and tempera. The maintenance steps for this type of coffee machine are somewhat simpler than for classic espresso machines, because the coffee is packed in a filter and does not come into direct contact with the parts of the coffee maker, which makes them easier to clean.

Thus, the user of a pod coffee maker definitely wins in the speed and simplicity of preparing a drink, but loses the opportunity to experiment with the composition of the coffee mixture - the pod manufacturer decided everything for him.

Capsule coffee machines

This is an even more automated way of making coffee, in fact, a further development of the idea of ​​pods. Ingredients for the drink (except water) are packed in a sealed capsule. The quantity of ingredients, the degree of grinding of the beans, the preservation of the taste and freshness of the coffee powder - all this becomes the concern of the manufacturer. The user can choose the taste and amount of water per serving. There are capsules different tastes, with different coffee blends, with hot chocolate, tea, cappuccino capsules with milk powder. If the appliance has a cappuccinatore, the possibilities for varying drink recipes are expanded.

Capsule coffee machines appeared in the 70s. last century, and in countries former USSR gained popularity only in the 2000s. Now such devices can most often be found in small offices and households. This review describes in detail the principle of operation of the capsule coffee machine and the structure of the capsule itself. In order to use the device, this information is completely optional, the device was designed to make coffee quickly and easily. The user only needs to buy capsules, press a button and perform simple care actions.

The most important thing to pay attention to when choosing a capsule coffee machine is the type of capsules. Devices of this type are produced under one of the brands of capsules and can only work with it. Some devices, however, allow the use of non-original capsules. This is also an important part of the choice - information about what consumables, in addition to "relatives", the machine can work with.

Capsules from different manufacturers differ not only in taste, but also in the types of drinks: in addition to espresso, manufacturers can offer you cappuccino, tea, cocoa, and so on. There are also differences in price. The ideal situation is if you have the opportunity to taste drinks from different coffee machines with different types of capsules and make your choice based on this.

In addition, it is worth finding out in advance how easy it is to buy the selected consumables - capsules are not sold everywhere, and some types, such as Nespresso, can only be purchased in special boutiques.

DeLonghi EN 80- inexpensive and elegant capsule coffee maker

Types of capsules


The very first brand of capsules, which appeared back in 1986. Capsules and machines for their use have been developed and patented by Nestle. Compatible with Delongi and Krups coffee machines. Nespresso is 17 flavors of espresso, capsules are sold in packs of 10 and 16 pieces. No other drinks under this brand are produced. Nespresso capsules are considered by many to have the highest quality coffee. The price for them is also great.

We have already independently tested the DeLonghi branded model and the Krups branded machine with Nespresso capsules.

The good news is that the patent on Nespresso capsules has now expired, so we can expect some in the near future. a large number alternative manufacturers, some of which will certainly lower the price bar. On the other hand, as a result of this process, Nespresso may lose its reputation as "quality by default" capsules.

Nescafe Dolce Gusto

A cheaper version of the capsules of the same Nestle. Compatible with Krups machines. This line has more variety of types of drinks than Nespresso. There is also a cappuccino hot chocolate, and tea. A serving of coffee in a Nescafe Dolce Gusto capsule is 1 gram less than that of Nespresso, which probably explains the less strong and rich taste of the drink.


Capsules compatible with machines of the same brand. The price per capsule is lower than Nespresso, comparable to Dolce Gusto. There are many types of tea in the line.

This coffee brand released his line of capsules and coffee machines for them. Among the drinks - so far only espresso, there are different blends and flavor additives. Capsules cost about the same as Cremesso.

Separate position in this list. The brand does not produce capsules, but the so-called T-discs. The device of the disk and the machine working with it differs from the device of the capsule and the equipment compatible with it. Tassimo works with Bosch machines. In fairness, we must mention that the pressure in these machines is lower than in the devices of all other competitors - only 3.3 bar. However, Bosch, in response to this reproach, claims that the low pressure is compensated by the specific design of coffee machines and T-discs.

There are discs with different drinks - espresso, cappuccino, latte, cocoa, different types tea. At the same time, the type of drink is also encoded on the T-disk and read by the coffee maker, which theoretically allows it to fine-tune the preparation process to obtain best result. Unlike capsules, T-disc milk drinks do not contain powder, but liquid milk concentrate. The price for a cup of drink depends on its type: tea from a Bosch Tassima coffee machine will cost you three times cheaper than, for example, hot chocolate.

Important nuances when choosing capsule coffee machines

Devices, depending on the manufacturer and functions, vary greatly in price. There are many inexpensive devices in this market. But there are options for those who like everything to be right and beautiful. In our review of three capsule machines, we tested models from different market segments.


Assembly, appearance, dimensions. Modern devices capsule type usually aim to take up as little space as possible in your kitchen or office. Most of these coffee machines are plastic. The design can be very different, in terms of elegance, DeLonghi cars are traditionally in the lead. Eat interesting options at Krups and Paulig.


Optional design element. Can be manual or automatic (milk supply system). The presence of a cappuccinatore allows you to make lush foam or latte from real, not powdered milk. But this option is not for the lazy - an additional element in the "don't think about anything, press one button" system violates the concept of capsule coffee brewing. The automatic cappuccinatore is good in operation, but noticeably adds to the worries of care.

Instrument care

This is the only part of the relationship with the device in which the user gets to work. However, tidying up is not a big deal here - it basically consists of filling the tank with water and emptying the container to collect used capsules. You also need to regularly empty and wash the drip tray and grate under the tap. Another story, if you have a machine with an automatic cappuccinatore - here the user will have to take on the job of storing the milk container, tracking the freshness of the product, cleaning all parts of the cappuccinatore.

Compatible with capsules from other brands

Officially, all capsule machines only work with "native" capsules - at least that's what the manuals say. In fact, there are options for cheap capsules, such as the Live Coffee brand, that are compatible with some devices. Before buying a car, you should find out if there are cheap consumables for your model.

Capsule machines are designed to make life easier for the user, so choosing a device should not be difficult and long. The decision should be made based on the choice of capsules - this is the taste and choice of drinks, as well as the costs that will be with you all the time you use the device. A capsule coffee machine should be, according to many, small, quiet and pleasing to the eye.

Automatic coffee machines

Completes our review, in a logical way, a description of coffee makers that take over the entire cycle of preparing a drink. Automatic machines are usually referred to as espresso machines with a built-in coffee grinder. Thus, the device independently controls the process from grinding to dispensing the drink into the cup.

Models are small, for home use, and huge, for the work of professional baristas in a coffee shop. Prices for models vary greatly depending on the purpose, power, additional functions. For choosing a coffee machine, the same characteristics will be valid as for choosing. To them is added another assessment of the work of the coffee grinder. you can read a detailed review of one very expensive model.

Philips Saeco HD8745- budget automatic mini coffee machine

Important nuances when choosing an automatic coffee machine

Grinding options

How precisely can you adjust the desired degree of grinding. In simple machines there will be 2 options: coarse and fine grinding, in expensive and complex models, there may be a choice not only of the degree of grinding, but also of the coffee variety. Some machines allow the use of ground coffee.

Consumption of coffee beans

Depends on the size of the corresponding block and on the operation of the sensor that reads the number of grains. A common problem for coffee machine users: the device starts grinding, then decides that there are not enough beans, and the already ground powder is poured into waste or dumped on top of the coffee supply unit. You can solve this problem proactively by choosing a machine with high sensor accuracy or after the fact. For example, some users seal the bottom of the bean container with black tape so that the sensor does not see gaps and always assumes that the tank is full.

Design features

Are the compartments for water, grains, waste, milk, collecting drops conveniently put forward and removed. The most convenient machines with a vertical bookmark and sideways retractable compartments for water and grains.


How convenient and logical is the operating panel. The more difficult and more expensive car, the more functions it has and, accordingly, the buttons and signals. The "fancy" machines have a display that displays information about what is happening. Some models involve control via an application for a smartphone / tablet.

Additional elements

The machine may have: a cappuccinatore, a cup warmer stand, an elevator on a cup holder, auxiliary accessories for the care of the appliance.


The complexity of the process depends on how well thought out the design of the machine and its operation. Normal daily cleaning consists of filling the water and bean containers, shaking out and rinsing the drip trays and coffee grounds. If the machine has a built-in cappuccinatore jug, the number of care steps immediately increases. Some appliances have a bad habit of dumping pulp into other departments when the waste container is full. It also complicates the cleaning process.

The ease of care actions is also associated with the number of indicators in the device. If the model reports the status of containers and ingredients and the need for descaling, this greatly facilitates the user's everyday interaction with the machine.

Final conclusions

This review is for those who want to get an idea about coffee makers, their design, functions and main characteristics. All the described types of coffee makers, although they are designed for the same process, but the principles of work, and its result, are completely different.

Drip and geyser coffee makers are simple and relatively inexpensive devices for those who like to drink a lot of weak coffee. You can use the drip model as many cycles in a row as you want. With a geyser coffee maker, you will have to wait until the device cools down after a cycle before starting the next one. Among both types of devices, there are models in which you can set a delay start in the morning, laying the ingredients in the evening.

An electric pourover is a separate space for connoisseurs of this particular way of making coffee. There is almost no information about the operation of such devices in the Runet space.

Coffee machines - are semi-automatic and automatic. Are intended for preparation of espresso and other coffee drinks on its basis. The appliance can be equipped with a manual or automatic cappuccinatore to create milk foam and latte. Semi-automatic machines can be carob, pod, capsule. In carob espressos, the user controls the process to a greater extent: the choice of coffee variety and grinding, the selection of the amount of coffee for a serving, and the correct tamping of the tablet depend on it.

Pod coffee makers do this work themselves - the user only needs to buy and install a pressed coffee tablet in the machine. Pod coffee makers are often used in catering, working with them is faster and more convenient than with carob ones. The user gains in convenience and speed, but loses in the ability to choose a variety or blend of beans and receives the additional cost of a cup of coffee.

Interaction with capsule models is even easier. The finished drink is sealed in a capsule, the spent capsule is sent to the dump, all that remains is to shake it out of the container. How much work the device takes on determines its direct or indirect cost. For example, capsule machines can be cheap or even free, they are paid for by the manufacturer at the expense of the price of consumables.

Automatic coffee machines are devices that, conditionally, offer the user to press one button, and take over the whole process. These are automatic espresso machines with a built-in coffee grinder and a large number of settings. Devices of this type are very different, from simple inexpensive machines for home use to complex multifunctional devices with an incomprehensible price for an individual.

All types of espresso machines can make good strong coffee if you choose a model that works well and is user-friendly. Then we choose other things - design, brand, ease of use and control, additional options. It’s not at all a fact that an expensive coffee machine will make you a drink that tastes better than an average-priced carob espresso machine. But the first one will grind the grains by itself and, without your special participation, will prepare a large assortment of coffee-based drinks.

The more complex the coffee maker works, the more difficult the user's choice. Therefore, drip models are so popular in our country, and geyser models in Europe. They are suitable for almost everyone, the other options are for lovers, gourmets and coffee shop owners. Well, it is worth remembering that many people still prefer to cook Turkish coffee on an external heat source. By the way, there are also electric pots, but their device is not much different from a conventional electric kettle.

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For lovers of delicious fresh coffee sooner or later you get tired of grinding grains on your own and cooking them in a Turk. Today, this ritual can be performed faster and easier with the help of a coffee maker. Manufacturers of such equipment offer their customers many options for this device, which differ from each other in price, appearance and working principle. Therefore, coffee lovers face a difficult choice - which model is better?

The most common question is about the type of device. There are drip and carob coffee makers, and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before making a purchase, it is worth understanding all the characteristics in order to ultimately make the right choice.

Drip coffee makers

First of all, it is worth noting that drip coffee makers are usually used to make the simplest black coffee. To understand the approximate design of the device, it is necessary to consider the algorithm for preparing a drink:

  1. First of all, you need to pour clean, drinking water into the tank;
  2. Next, you need to pour coffee into a special container. The amount of powder depends on how many cups you want to make;
  3. After all the preparations, you only need to press the button that starts the process;
  4. The heating element provokes the boiling of water and the formation of steam;
  5. Steam is condensed on special tubes;
  6. The resulting condensate enters the coffee container and flows through it into a pre-prepared cup.

Advantages and disadvantages

Drip coffee makers are very popular among customers. This is due to the following advantages of this device:

Also, these devices have a number of disadvantages that you also need to pay attention to:

  1. Not the highest quality coffee
  2. The inability to make other types of coffee, except americano;
  3. The need to constantly wash all the parts involved in the work so that the drink does not taste bitter;
  4. Sufficiently large consumption of coffee powder;
  5. The need to change filters regularly;
  6. It is not possible to make frothy coffee or make milk foam.

Carob coffee makers

In order to be able to prepare several options for your favorite drink, it is worth buying a carob coffee maker. If drip models brew coffee using drops of condensate, then the name of the carob devices is due to the use of plastic or metal horns instead of strainers.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Filtered water must be poured into the tank;
  2. Pour coffee powder into the horn and tamp it with a special tool;
  3. When the user presses the process start button, the water starts to heat up;
  4. The steam obtained from the liquid, as in the case of a drip device, passes through a cone with coffee powder and pours into a mug.
It is important to know! The taste and aroma of the finished drink directly depends on the correctness of the process of compacting the powder.

Advantages and disadvantages

Customers value horn-type apparatuses due to the following benefits:

As for the shortcomings, there are few of them:

  1. higher price;
  2. Most models do not allow you to brew coffee in a large cup;
  3. The need to spend a certain amount of time carefully compacting the coffee powder in the cone.

Comparison of characteristics and features of operation of drip and carob coffee makers

So that the buyer can finally make a choice, it is worth making a detailed comparison of the main characteristics of a drip and carob coffee maker.

Principle of operation and design

First of all, it is necessary to understand how the principles of operation and the device of both options differ.

drip machines

The water tank is located at the back of the coffee machine. It is connected to the heating module using a special tube through which water is supplied to it. The heating element itself is located at the bottom of the machine along with a tank for collecting coffee.

Drip coffee maker device

Interesting! Usually, 1-1.5 liters of liquid can be poured into the coffee maker. This volume should be enough for 15 small or 10 large cups.

When water boils, steam is produced. It rises through the tube system to the top of the apparatus, while being cooled by a container with cold water. Due to this, the steam condenses at the outlet, and drops are formed with a temperature of 95-98 degrees.

This condensate passes through the filter with ground coffee, acquiring its flavor and aroma along the way. The resulting solution flows into a special flask, which is heated during the operation of the machine.

Horn devices

Carob coffee makers are of two types:

The first option has a simpler design, consisting of a water tank, a heating element, a valve for releasing steam when the pressure rises.

The steam obtained by heating the liquid is fed upward at a pressure of about 3 bar. At the same time, it is cooled and then falls on the coffee in the carob filter. Passing through it, the water flows into the flask, which can be heated using an additional heating element.

Often such devices also have a device for creating milk foam. It is built into a tank with heated water. A tube with a tap and a special nozzle at the end, lowered into milk, is placed on the body of the apparatus.

Models with a pressure pump can supply water to a container with a heating element at a pressure of 9-17 bar. Such devices are considered more modern, since in them the liquid heats up faster due to the passage through the spiral heating element. This allows you to significantly speed up the heating and, accordingly, reduce the time for preparing coffee.

Carob coffee maker device

Important! Such devices have one mode of operation: espresso or steam for cappuccino, so more expensive models are equipped with an additional pump that allows you to implement these two modes at the same time.

The taste of the finished coffee

The next thing that buyers pay attention to is the taste and aroma of the finished drink.

drip coffee maker

In this machine, you can brew the simplest black americano. You can only adjust the strength of the drink:

Also, the strength depends on the time it takes the condensate drops to pass through the filter. The faster this process occurs, the less rich and strong the coffee will be.

Because the temperature of the droplets is high enough, some coffee beans may not fully reveal their taste qualities. Also, often at the bottom of a cup of a drink brewed with a drip coffee machine, an unpleasant residue remains, which worsens the taste of the drink.

Carob coffee maker

With the help of a quality carob coffee maker, you can prepare a real espresso that will have a high foam on the surface. However, it is worth remembering that such a high-quality and tasty drink can not be brewed in every device. Often, coffee from drip and carob coffee makers do not differ much from each other.

You can make real espresso in the horn device

The advantage of this model is the ability to heat and froth milk for making cappuccino or latte. Also, carob machines leave almost no coffee residue.

Ground coffee consumption

For any type of coffee machine, ground coffee powder must be used. The quality of grinding can have a significant impact on the taste properties of the drink. If the beans are ground too coarse, the coffee will not be strong enough. And when the grind is too fine, the filters get clogged.

Depending on the coffee brewing technology, the consumption of carob machines is much lower. For cooking strong drink a drip coffee maker will require more powder.

Interesting! Both versions can be equipped with a coffee bean grinder. However, the price of such models will be much higher.

Difficulty and preparation time

Another important point is the simplicity and speed of the brewing process.

drip coffee maker

This option is considered the most unpretentious and easy to operate. To prepare coffee, you just need to load all the ingredients into the desired compartments and press the power button. After a while, the coffee pot will be filled with the finished drink.

Simply load the ingredients into the coffee maker

The speed of the process depends on the following factors:

  1. The volume of the device;
  2. Power.

Usually in 1 minute a coffee maker with a power of 1000 W can brew up to 100 ml of coffee. The lower the power, the longer the process will last.

The advantage of drip devices is the ability to prepare a lot of drink at a time. The volume is limited only by the capacity for ready coffee.

Carob coffee maker

In these devices, the process of preparing coffee is more complicated. It is necessary to carefully place the powder in the carob filter and compact it to a certain extent. Then everything is simple - you just need to install the horn in the coffee machine and start it.

Coffee needs to be well tamped

The taste and aroma of the drink directly depends on the density of the rammer. If the powder is not compacted enough, then the water will pass through it very quickly and will not have time to enrich itself. taste properties ground grains. When the coffee is packed too tightly, it can be too strong and bitter.

The advantage is that the cooking process takes much less time. A standard espresso shot takes 20-25 seconds to brew. However, in a carob coffee maker it is impossible to prepare a large amount of drink at once.


To attract customers, manufacturers are trying to make their products as functional as possible. This progress has not bypassed coffee makers.

drip coffee machine

Despite the fact that only one type of coffee can be prepared in a drip machine, manufacturers have added several features that increase the capabilities of these devices:

Carob coffee machine

The functionality of the carob models is more expanded due to the presence of a cappuccinatore for whipping milk or cream. This accessory allows you to prepare several types of coffee, in addition to the standard espresso or americano.

Cappuccinatore allows you to prepare different drinks

Also, these devices are equipped with other functions:

  1. Changes in the strength of the drink;
  2. Fluid temperature control;
  3. Cup heating.


Drip devices usually take up less space due to their design. Horn models are larger.

Horn model takes up more space

It is also worth noting that compression coffee makers require more free space than models with a pressure pump. The dimensions of the device mainly depend on the complexity of the device and the availability of additional functions. The more complex the design, the larger the coffee maker will be.

Ease of use

It is important to clarify this point when choosing a suitable device. In order for the coffee maker to work well and for a long time, it must be looked after.

drip coffee maker

In order for the coffee to always be tasty and aromatic, it is necessary to regularly clean the container for the finished drink and change the filters. You will also need to wash the appliance from time to time with special descaling agents.

Drip coffee maker filters can be disposable or reusable. The first option requires additional costs, but can greatly simplify the care of the device. After use, the disposable filter does not need to be washed, but can simply be thrown into the trash.

Disposable Paper Filter
Reusable filter

Carob coffee maker

In these appliances, the milk frother and frothers must also be cleaned regularly. There will be a need for descaling from time to time.

The carob apparatus requires careful maintenance

Worth knowing! Care is also needed for accessories from the coffee maker. The coffee tamper and pitcher will also need to be cleaned after each preparation.


An important selection criterion is the price. Generally speaking, then Carob coffee makers are more expensive than drip coffee makers.

The cheapest drip costs from 1.2 thousand rubles. The most expensive ones are about 20 thousand. Carob coffee makers cost around 2.6-2.8 thousand rubles. Expensive models - up to 35 thousand rubles.

There are several tips, following which the buyer can quickly decide on the choice of a suitable device:

  1. A drip coffee maker is worth buying to make a lot of black coffee at once;
  2. Horn models are suitable for lovers of diversity. They can brew espresso, cappuccino, and other types of drink;
  3. Pay attention to the power of the device. The optimal power value for fast food coffee - 800-1000 watts.

Watch a video on how to choose a coffee maker for your home

If you consider yourself one of the people who appreciate the fragrance natural coffee, then you can appreciate the importance of having a coffee maker in the house. In a minimum time, she is able to prepare a delicious tonic drink for you, your loved ones or friends. If you have not yet decided which coffee maker to choose for your home, reviews and recommendations from experts will come in handy for making the right choice. We will compare the principle of operation of various devices, consider their features, talk about suitable options for specific conditions.

When choosing a coffee maker, you must answer a few important questions for yourself:

  • how much time are you willing to spend preparing a drink;
  • how many cups do you expect to drink per day;
  • how wide is the variety of drinks that you will prepare;
  • how much are you willing to spend on buying a coffee maker;
  • How important is the usability of your device to you?

Based on these criteria, choose the right model. Coffee makers for home, the rating of which can be studied on numerous websites of sellers of this equipment, are divided into several types, depending on the design and features of preparing a coffee drink.

french press

Such mechanisms work without electricity, which makes them indispensable on hikes, far from civilization, although some prefer to use them at home because of the simplicity of the device. The press consists of a transparent container, inside of which there is a movable piston with a filter. Ground coffee powder is poured to the bottom of the container, poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid with the piston raised. After 4-7 minutes, the piston descends, and the filter prevents sediment from passing through itself. The drink is poured into cups.


  • to make coffee, just boil water;
  • so you can also brew tea;
  • ideal for hiking conditions.


  • the taste of the resulting drink is far from ideal;
  • in such a device it is impossible to prepare any coffee drink other than coffee;
  • the finished drink cools down quickly.

drip devices

How to choose a coffee maker for your home so that it has a simple design and is affordable? Pay attention to drip models. This type of coffee maker is considered the most popular. To prepare a drink, it is enough to pour a certain amount of water into the container, and place a measured amount of ground coffee in a special mesh. The water boils and is passed drop by drop through the coffee. Through the filter, the drink flows into a glass teapot mounted on a heated stand. Cups can be filled from the kettle.


  • low cost;
  • after preparation, the device keeps the coffee hot;
  • simple operation.


  • the drink turns out to be of medium strength;
  • long time cooking;
  • the need for frequent filter replacement.

Emphasize on:

  1. Power. The smaller it is, the longer water will come into contact with coffee, and the stronger the drink will be at the exit.
  2. Adjusting the coffee strength will allow you to manually change the strength of the drink.
  3. The container for the finished drink must certainly be glass.
  4. The drip-stop function will stop the flow of coffee into the kettle if it is taken out of the coffee maker, and the overflow protection will stop the coffee making process as soon as its volume in the kettle reaches the maximum value.
  5. An indicator of the ratio of coffee and water will be useful.
  6. Filters are both disposable paper and reusable (nylon and gold).

Geyser coffee makers

Water is poured into the lower compartment of the apparatus, which is heated by electric current. Then it rises along a vertical tube, and passes through the coffee powder. Depending on the model, water can pass through the coffee layer from one to several times. With several passes, the drink turns out to be rich and more aromatic.

Tip: Keep in mind the amount of drink that you plan to prepare in 1 serving. If the container is designed exclusively for 6 cups, then you will not be able to prepare a smaller amount of coffee. The coffee maker simply will not be able to work if less water is poured.


  • there is the possibility of preparing not only coffee. The device can brew tea, as well as herbs;
  • quite rich taste of the drink;
  • ease of maintenance.


  • the need to prepare a full portion of the drink, even when it is not necessary;
  • long coffee preparation time (about 5 minutes).

Features when choosing:

  1. The larger the coffee maker has, the more power the device must have.
  2. The function of heating the finished drink will be very convenient.
  3. The function of changing the strength of the drink will allow you to change the saturation of the coffee as you wish.
  4. There are manual models of geyser home coffee makers that do not require an outlet. They need to be put on the stove.

Horn devices

When we decide which is better to choose a coffee maker for the home, the reviews of real coffee lovers are unanimous: it is the carob type. Only with such a machine you can appreciate the whole variety of coffee drinks, prepare them quickly and easily.

With this model, you can prepare regular coffee as well as cappuccino, espresso, latte and other varieties fragrant drink. The operation of the apparatus is based on passing steam under high pressure through the coffee powder. It is possible to prepare cappuccino by adding thick milk foam to the drink.

When deciding which coffee maker to choose for a carob-type home, you need to know that such devices are divided into steam (pressure of about 4 bar), usually used in everyday life, and pump-action (pressure of 15 bar), which are more often used at a professional level, although for at home, such a coffee maker will be much better than a steam one.


  • the minimum time for preparing a drink (from 30 seconds);
  • many options for drinks;
  • the best quality of drinks;
  • less coffee is needed than in other types of coffee makers;
  • in some models, the possibility of preparing coffee in pods is provided. This will eliminate the need to free the machine from the coffee grounds.


  • coffee should be used finely ground;
  • in steam devices, water is heated to a boiling point (100 degrees), although a temperature of about 90 degrees is considered ideal. Pump-action models are free from this drawback.

Pay attention when choosing:

  1. The function of the automatic mill will allow the machine to grind the grains laid by you, and even in the fraction necessary for brewing espresso. However, this feature makes the cost of the coffee machine higher.
  2. The greater the power of the apparatus, the greater the pressure will be created, and the faster the drink will be prepared. For example, at a power of 1000 W, a pressure of 5 bar is created. A cup of coffee will be prepared in about 2 minutes. With a power of 1800 W, the pressure will already be 15 bar. Coffee will be prepared in just 30 seconds.
  3. Cappuccino lovers will appreciate the presence of a cappuccino maker.

Capsule coffee makers

According to the principle of operation, the capsule coffee maker works in exactly the same way as the carob model, but with one difference: the steam does not pass through the coffee layer, but through the capsule. Thus, there is no need to calculate the right amount of coffee and water.


  • applying different kinds capsules with coffee, you can get drinks of various strengths and tastes;
  • the device does not need regular cleaning, requires minimal maintenance;
  • Ease of Management.


  • the cost of finished capsules is high;
  • the composition of the capsules is not diverse;
  • the price of such coffee makers is still quite high.

Important: Some models of capsule devices only work with capsules from the same manufacturer that produced the coffee maker. This can be very inconvenient, so ask the seller about this nuance in advance.


  1. Models that allow you to adjust the amount of water per 1 cup will allow you to change the strength of the coffee.
  2. The function of automatic ejection of the capsule will facilitate the care of the coffee maker.

Features of choosing a coffee maker

What coffee makers and how to choose for the home, so as not to regret your purchase? For the right choice, you should keep in mind some features of the operation of these devices:

  1. Consider the number of members in your family. Carob models are considered universal, capable of a short time prepare the right amount of drink. It is also recommended to purchase a carob machine for those people who have a clear lack of time.
  2. If you care about the absence of care for the device, choose a capsule device.
  3. For lovers of espresso or cappuccino, you can advise the carob apparatus.
  4. Americano coffee is more successful in drip-type machines.
  5. If you like rich drinks, then a geyser-type device may be the most successful for you.
  6. The most affordable are drip and geyser coffee makers.
  7. The cost of a coffee maker depends on whether it has many functions. Some of them may turn out to be useless at all, so it's not worth paying money for them.
There are also combined coffee makers that combine the functions of carob and drip models.

Having listened to the above tips, you can easily choose the option of a coffee maker that suits you. When choosing, proceed from your desires and available opportunities.

One can only sympathize with coffee connoisseurs, who, compared to tea lovers, face enormous difficulties in preparing their favorite drink. Not only that, in many cases, you have to buy coffee beans and grind it yourself so as not to spoil palatability, devices for extracting caffeine from powder are quite expensive and are also available in several types.

To understand this variety and decide which coffee maker is better, it is useful to know the principle of operation. various types coffee machines and their distinctive features.

Drip coffee makers

This type coffee machines require the constant presence of filters

Principle of operation drip coffee makers consists in passing water heated to a temperature close to the boiling point through coffee powder with a filter. It passes through the coffee mass in small portions drop by drop (hence the name drip) and is collected in a flask inserted into the housing niche, located under the filter.

Design and principle of operation

A flat tank is placed in the back wall of the drip coffee maker, designed for 1 - 1.4 liters. water.

RThe size of this container is calculated by the manufacturer based on the amount of small 80 ml. (usually this value is a multiple of 15) or large 120 ml. cups (a multiple of 8 - 10 large) which can be prepared without residue.

At the bottom of the container there is a drain pipe, through which water is supplied to the heating module (heater), located in the flat bottom of the apparatus, on which a flask for collecting coffee is also installed. In different models, the power of the heating element can range from 600 to 1300 watts.

When the boiling point is reached, the steam rises up through the outlet tube to the lid of the coffee pot. The tube passes through the container with filled with water low temperature, so the steam is cooled along its entire length and condenses at the outlet.

Drops with a temperature of 95 and 98 C fall on a funnel-shaped filter filled with ground coffee powder, the solution flows down the neck into the flask. The stand on which the flask is located remains heated to a temperature of about 80 ° C during and after cooking.

A small stream of water will pass through the coffee blend filter and fill the glass fragrant coffee

Depending on the manufacturer, the filling of the flask occurs in two ways: through the central hole in the lid or a perforated lining on its bow. In the second case, the coffee flask is better sealed surface tension films on the openings of the lining.

In drip coffee pots, it is possible to adjust the strength of the resulting coffee drink. One way to achieve this effect is to change the direction in which the drops fall on the coffee powder in the filter.

To obtain a less strong drink, some of the drops fall not into the middle of the filter, but onto its walls. Another method of adjusting the strength is to control the heating power: at a higher temperature, the droplet speed increases, thereby reducing the contact time with the coffee mass - as a result, the resulting drink will be less intense.


  • Quality. In drip types of coffee machines, the quality of coffee is the lowest - the passage of hot drops through the coffee powder is not enough to extract the maximum amount of all components from it.
  • Price. Drip coffee maker a budget option and all coffee machines.
  • The simplicity of the device. The devices are very easy to use.
  • Brewing time. The time for obtaining the finished drink varies between 5 - 10 minutes.
  • Functionality. In the drip filter, you can fill not only coffee powder, but also tea, herbs and other substances for brewing.
  • The coffee maker does not allow you to prepare a quality drink with espresso foam; for cappuccino, you will also have to brew milk separately.
  • If the flask from the drip coffee machine is broken, it will be very difficult to find a replacement for it - this will not allow you to use the machine.
  • Filters for drip coffee makers are consumables, to save money, you can use a nylon filter for 60 brews or coated with titanium nitrate (gold), which is purchased separately.
  • Modern drip devices not only brew coffee, but are able to grind it.

Carob coffee makers

Carob coffee makers make it easy to make cappuccino

The method of obtaining freshly brewed coffee by treating the powder with steam or boiling water under pressure is called espresso, the technology allows you to get the highest saturation of the coffee drink.

A distinctive feature of espresso is the golden foam caused by the presence of light gelatin-like substances on the surface of the drink.

Another type of coffee drink - cappuccino, is obtained by mixing frothed milk with coffee.

The preparation of such types of coffee is fully implemented in carob types of coffee makers.

Principle of operation and design

There are two types of carob coffee makers, the simpler ones are called compression and work according to the following principle.

Inside the housing there is a reservoir with water and a heating element, closed on top with a sealing lid with a valve to release steam when the pressure rises.

When heated, the steam rises up through a wide channel under a pressure of about 3 bar and, cooling down, enters a portion of the coffee powder in the filter. Passing through it, water is saturated with coffee substances and drips into a flask mounted on a tray (it may have a heating element located inside to maintain the hot state of the drink).

Such a system will quickly boil a small portion of milk.

To implement the function of foaming milk, a tube with a tap and a special nozzle at the end, which is lowered into milk, is built into the working container with heated water.

The disadvantage of the system is the long preparation time of the drink (it is required to heat all the water in the boiler), therefore this scheme is mainly used in small-sized models with small volume tanks.

More advanced designs have a pressure pump that uses the required volume of water at a pressure of 9 - 17 bar for operation. In such devices, water from the container is supplied by a pressurized pump to a boiler with a heating element.

Steam is generated inside the boiler tank when the water is heated. Boiled water through the filter with powder, installed in the lower part of the thermoblock, is fed into the flask, and steam through the upper pipe and the control valve is diverted to the nozzle for heating and foaming milk.

Water passing through a heated coil heats up several times faster

In advanced models of coffee makers with a pressure pump, the flow method is used - water passes through the spiral of the water heating element. This allows you to significantly speed up the heating and, accordingly, reduce the time for preparing coffee. Such devices have one mode of operation: espresso or steam for cappuccino, so more expensive models are equipped with an additional pump that allows you to implement these two modes at the same time.


  • Price. Horn devices have the most complex design, so their cost is several times higher than that of other types.
  • Taste qualities. Perfectly retain the taste of coffee, the drink is absent coffee grounds and weigh. The technology of preparing a drink with the maximum extraction of components from coffee powder also saves coffee.
  • Cooking time. It takes 1-2 minutes depending on the type.
  • Carob machines allow you to get types of coffee that are not available to others.

Capsule coffee makers

Capsule coffee makers are not expensive, but they make rich and tasty coffee.

They are among the simplest devices. Water from the tank of the apparatus at a pressure of 15 - 20 bar enters the thermoblock, where it is heated, and then fed to a needle with a built-in channel that pierces the protective foil on top of the capsule. Passing through a layer of pressed coffee, the water is saturated with its components and through a filter with reverse side capsules fall into the container for collecting the drink. The used capsules are dumped in the built-in removable container.


  • Price. The coffee machines themselves have a low price, but the price of capsules is quite high, some of their types are quite difficult to get.
  • Taste qualities. Capsule coffee turns out to be very tasty due to the high sealing of capsules, in which coffee powder can be stored for about 2 years without losing its taste.
  • The disadvantages of capsule machines include some restrictions on the types of drinks used - only capsules from this manufacturer of coffee machines with its product line are suitable.
  • Cooking speed. Capsule coffee machines allow you to prepare a portion of coffee in 45 seconds, they are faster coffee machines in this respect. No need to grind your own coffee, measure portions, then change or clean the filters.
  • Ease of use. The process of obtaining a coffee drink is very simple: you need to install a coffee tank in the niche of the machine, insert the capsule into the machine, press the “start” button and in a few tens of seconds the portion will be ready. The machine requires minimal maintenance, the used capsules are placed in the machine itself and then disposed of.
  • Compactness. They take up a little more space than a standard electric kettle.
  • Expensive models of capsule machines have additional function cappuccinatore for obtaining coffee drinks with the addition of milk.

REDMOND SkyCoffee M1505S

REDMOND SkyCoffee M1505S

The drip model in an aesthetic stylish black plastic case, at a low price, has a very high functionality - it is remotely controlled from a smartphone. ($150)


  • type of coffee: grain;
  • coffee grinder;
  • grinding: adjustable;
  • filtering: constant;
  • power consumption: 600 W.;
  • coffee pot volume: 0.5 l.;
  • auto power off;
  • indication: water level, work;
  • heating plate.

Krups KP 2208 Dolce Gusto

Krups KP 2208 Dolce Gusto

For those who have not decided whether a capsule or grain coffee maker is better, it is worth considering this capsule machine for the cheapest and most affordable capsules. Krups is equipped with an aesthetic black plastic housing with a transparent water tank. (150 c.u.)


  • type of capsules: Dolce Gusto;
  • power consumption: 1500 W;
  • capacity: volume 1.3 l.;
  • steam: pressure 15 bar;
  • auto power off;
  • portion adjustment;
  • flask heating;
  • thermoblock;
  • indicators: connection and water level.

Delonghi EC 680 M/R/BK

Delonghi EC 680 M/R/BK

One of the cheapest coffee makers in its class from an Italian manufacturer, made in a stylish metal case, designed for two cups, there is a manual cappuccino function. ($160)


  • type: horn;
  • raw materials: ground coffee, capsules;
  • energy consumption: 1450 W;
  • steam: pressure 15 bar;
  • heating dishes;
  • tray under the flask: removable;
  • indicators of work, water level;
  • weight: 4 kg.
