
What food to take on a long journey. What products to take on the road by car

Girls, what time of day do you do this (and how many times a day?). In the first half of the day, you want to sleep wildly after a sleepless night - if Lyalya is sleeping, there is a great desire to collapse too and not drag anywhere with a stroller. At lunchtime, after dinner somehow, too, so far it did not work out very well. And in the evening, when the husband comes home from work, it's not very pleasant - half-naked young people with beer - the main one walking around the area))). It's not fatal, of course, but personally I'm not very pleased ;))))). From the second not...


sausages "pivchiki" in vacuum packaging - such as meat, bread, cucumbers, melted cheese in foil

when we go, I make wrappings out of pita bread. convenient, satisfying and delicious. most often I do some kind of thread with a bull, for example, with tuna + egg, greens, a little mayonnaise. can be made with boiled chicken breast finely chopped and cucumber.
I also make sandwiches with meat, cheese, tomato/cucumber lettuce. I do all this in portions, wrap it with foil or bags, take it out and eat it. I definitely buy fruits, liquid yoghurts. on the way, when we stop at gas stations, we take freshly brewed coffee in glasses with us in the car, and chocolate. Still, of course, a lot of water, juice.

08/02/2010 13:36:45, zirkachka

People, share the experience of traveling with a child by car over long distances. will be 3 years old in August. I'm interested in the organization of the whole thing. What to take from food on the road, how to sleep on the road. We will stay at a motel for the night, but I don’t know how to go with him during the day. We will go to the Abru-Dyurso region in August. There is no turning back, but I'm starting to tremble. Please share your experience and advice. Tell me that there is nothing wrong .... Or vice versa?


If the child, in principle, likes to drive a car, then the EU is okay!!! Last year we drove near Tuapse - 1000 km a day, two stops. My daughter was 2.7. I slept in the back seat without any problems - I laid a cotton diaper so that I would not sweat. Is there an air conditioner in the car? Do not turn on strongly so that there is no sharp difference with the street. I sat down on the pot in a small way right in the car, then I closed it with a lid and put it under the seat. There must be wet wipes and a trash bag in the car. In the trunk - a five-liter bottle of water to wash hands / ass. The child needs to take a bunch of small toys and give out one at a time. Our daughter happily fiddled with the dishes: she fed all the bears, then put them to bed, then showed them something in the window. From food - a lot of water, juice, fruits. Cookie buns in the car are not welcome because of the crumbs. At stops, they not only ate, but also RUN, played with the ball. Definitely stopped at some clearing. In the cabin I kept 2-3 sets of cotton T-shirts / shorts, because it was hot and my daughter was sweating.
Good luck on your journey!

We traveled in both 3 and 2 year old sons. We really liked it, we didn’t stop anywhere for the night, we drove the car with my husband in turn, I liked driving even more at night - there were few trucks, it wasn’t hot. At the age of 2, they took him Semper's jars, bagels, cookies, fruits, yogurt (we put perishable foods in a bag - like a refrigerator), for breakfast I took Max porridge in a jar. But it is better to buy a boiler or a car kettle, and make this porridge right in the car. They themselves ate in a cafe - barbecue, potatoes, vegetable salads. Max was riding in his seat, strapped in, stopping for a piss-stop and eating, basically, they didn’t make long stops. So go ahead and don't be afraid! If you have any questions, you can email.

What to eat while driving? Blog user kotashka on 7ya.ru

Although I do not spend whole days in the car, I found these tips very useful. I have a cooler bag, there is always water in the car too. I hope these tips will help someone. Most of us have been behind the wheel for a long time, sometimes we have to spend several hours a day in the driver's seat, and in the evening we already feel a strong stomach, headache, irritation, and after a while stomach problems and constipation begin. We rarely think about what...

I wrote here to my friend a list of what to take with me on the road (for 2500 km they go by car to rest). I decided to save it here, maybe it will be useful to someone. A long journey by car 1. The first aid kit is quite detailed, think about it yourself. automobile is not necessarily enough antihistamine against fever poisoning diarrhea. and the car also has a detailed first-aid kit, it’s better to buy a fresh one in general. God saves the safe ------ why do we need from allergies? then you have no idea what will come in handy on the road. bite in the ass...

In this article:

Stay away from roadside cafes

You know, I can’t say to myself that I am a very picky person when it comes to food. I eat almost everything, any dishes that do not go beyond the bounds of reason. But I am very picky about food in terms of quality. That is, even if the chicken is very appetizingly fried, I still smell the smell of bleach, in which it was soaked before.

And I am no less concerned about the conditions under which the food was prepared, with what hands, and with what oil.

During our trip we stopped at different cafes and the best thing they could offer us was tea or coffee. Everything else was disgusting, from pastries to side dishes.

I'm not saying that all roadside cafes feed their customers bad food, since we didn't stop at all in a row and didn't check them. But in about 90% of the ones we visited, I would not order anything. At all.

You may not agree with me, this is your legal right. I can only say that if you, God forbid, get poisoned on the road, you will not be able to travel, believe me.

The best food

The best food for road trips is the one you cook for yourself. Even from the simple assurance that all the fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed, the salad is cut with clean hands, and the sausage with dyes was voluntarily chosen by me, it makes me feel better.

The main problem is that food spoils quickly. Let me tell you about a few tricks that we used to organize our meals.

1. Take with you plenty of food that can be stored for a long time in the heat. These include:

  • snacks
  • cookies, waffles
  • nuts (very nutritious)
  • dried fruits
  • candies
  • canned food

2. If possible, buy a car refrigerator that can be powered by a cigarette lighter. It costs relatively inexpensively (around 3.5 - 4 thousand rubles). Before the trip, I was too lazy to deal with this issue, as I was hoping for food in roadside cafes. Now I'm sure I'll get one for my next trip.

3. Before leaving, prepare food for the next couple of days (if there is a refrigerator) or the first day of the trip (if there is no refrigerator) and arrange in containers. Normal nutrition for this period is provided to you.

True, if you have a refrigerator, another problem arises: how to heat this food. Even if it’s hot outside, it’s unlikely that anyone will want to chew on cold meatballs and a side dish.

There can be two exits. Or have a gas burner, a frying pan and heat food on it. This is a very useful device, by the way, and everyone who often drives a car for a long distance (my parents) or goes to nature has it.

Or prepare dishes that are eaten cold for the trip, such as salads (just do not need to season them in advance), pies or pizza. In the heat, this will be even a plus.

4. Don't forget vegetables. We took cucumbers and tomatoes with us, only to keep them longer, you need to initially choose slightly unripe tomatoes (they are quite hard and not saturated in color). Well, do not bypass fruits, such as bananas. Apples are not recommended, as they excite the appetite. And do not take grapes: a dangerous thing for the stomach.

5. I confess that eating on the road is a little hard for me, since I really love soups, and it’s difficult for me to live on dry food or side dishes. Therefore, I took with me the “Hot Mug”, which, albeit remotely, but resembles chicken soup. I know that slippers will fly at me for this, but I’d rather eat a bad one once than suffer for several days or get poisoned by soup from a roadside cafe.

6. Oh, and don't forget to stock up on food. If you are not driving into the wilderness, you will come across shops quite often. We constantly bought yogurts, juices, vegetables, fruits, pastries.

7. Do not forget to stock up on clean water on the road, take at least 5 liters. Plus a thermos of hot water. By the way, in roadside cafes or campsites, boiling water supplies can be replenished for a small fee.

Utensils for the trip

For the trip, be sure to stock up on a set of plastic utensils. You don’t need to take a lot of it, it’s enough to have 1 cutlery more than the number of passengers.

Here is a list of items that we actively used:

  • plastic mugs
  • plastic plates (preferably deep ones)
  • plastic tray to put dishes with food in the car
  • ordinary forks, spoons and teaspoons
  • 1 medium knife for any products
  • several packs of paper tissues and 2 large packs of wet wipes
  • disposable utensils just in case
  • several kitchen towels
  • small cutting board

It seems like she didn't forget anything. You can use disposable tableware, it's even easier. But I'm not very comfortable using it.

We had a large airtight container with us, in which all the dishes were placed. This is very convenient: you can quickly get any item, and I used the lid from this container for cutting vegetables and other products. Now small travel sets of plastic utensils are being sold, this, in my opinion, is also a great option. In general, any unbreakable cookware will do.

Here are some simple tips, dear friends. I hope that my article helped you at least a little to orient yourself in this matter, although the final decision, of course, remains with you. And that's all for today, thank you for your attention and bye!

Let's start talking about snacks on the road from afar. Because specific recommendations very much depend on where, with whom and for how long you are going. After all, you must admit that traveling to Karelia in winter in your own car implies the opportunity to take any meat or fish dish, shawarma, pies stuffed with chicken or vegetables, cottage cheese casserole. Nothing will spoil, because it will be cool. And a completely different thing is a trip to the sea in mid-July by bus. You will think ten times what it will be possible to have a safe snack in such a situation, especially if you are traveling with children (you yourself would suffer, and the children will definitely want to eat).

Some choose the option of "white-out at the station", but I really hope that you will not expose yourself to undue risk. And since I have taken up this topic, I will try to find the optimal menu for all trips. Well, almost everything :)

The situation is the most common: a trip by car in the summer for 300 ... 500 km and beyond

Someone goes to the sea, and someone - to relatives in another city (village). Most often these are family trips, so you need to take a lot of food. In this case, thermal bags or cooler bags will help a lot. You can download them here:

  • homemade chicken sausages cooked in a double boiler - mix minced chicken with any grated vegetables, salt, give this mass the shape of a sausage and wrap in foil, then steam for 45 minutes;
  • boiled eggs stuffed with any pate or canned fish, mashed and mixed with boiled yolk and fried grated carrots - the second option will be very satisfying, especially if you take canned tuna;
  • chicken or turkey fillet baked in foil, rolled into a roll with any tasty filling, such as sun-dried tomatoes and cheese, with green onions and boiled eggs, with prunes;
  • fried lavash envelopes stuffed with minced meat (or chicken), salted cottage cheese with herbs, cheese with ham;
  • you can also cook a liver or meat pate, spread it on sandwiches and take it on the road, provided that they are stored in the cold and spend no more than 5 hours on the road.

If you have a reliable cooler bag at your disposal, you can take almost everything with you. Grapes, baked apples (it is undesirable to eat fresh ones in an amount of more than one per day), pancakes with any filling, cottage cheese products, preferably from heat-treated ones, even sausage or smoked meats, but with caution. Do not forget about the need to include vegetables in the menu: at least a few pieces of raw tomatoes or a fresh cucumber will whet the appetite and set off the taste of the dishes.

Situation two: the same trip (by the sea, relatives), but by public transport

It is good if you have the opportunity to take a cooler bag with you on such a trip. But the options for snacking will be much more spartan, because eating on a train or bus is not very convenient. So get ready ahead of time. Boil the eggs, peel them, put them in a small food-grade plastic container with a lid. Separately fold a salad of fresh vegetables wrapped in pita bread with thinly sliced ​​cheese and ham. In this case, chebureks with any non-meat filling are good, for example, with cottage cheese and herbs, with mushrooms and cheese - and even with cabbage. Placindas can also become a very interesting type of snack: cakes with various fillings that are fried in a pan without oil. The most popular filling for pies is grated sweet pumpkin. Children love this kind of food, especially since you can regulate the amount of sugar added to the pumpkin yourself. And for big and small lovers of sweets, you can take an apple pie cut into pieces or mannik with fruit on the road. It is better if the cake is not very wet, as an option - puff.

Situation three: we are going not far - to the country, to nature, but you need to take food with you

If you want to take a snack that can be warmed up on the spot, try preparing chicken breast skewers in advance. Don't forget the sauce, preferably tomato sauce. The combination of sour cream sauce with potatoes baked with minced meat and cheese inside will be very tasty. Warm up the potatoes, pour over the sour cream, pre-mixed with herbs. The food is excellent for any age from 10 to 80 years old, but in general it is eaten with pleasure by both preschoolers and very elderly people. After all, baked potatoes in the oven are very soft. And if you are going to the country with small children, take pre-cooked steam cutlets. Warm them up in any convenient way and feed your child a cutlet with bread and cucumber. It's better than any canned food. For children from 3 years old, I advise you to combine minced chicken with grated carrots and a small amount of celery root, add semolina for density. And for very small ones, it is better to cook steamed meatballs from chicken with zucchini. If you go very close, for a children's snack, you can take steam meatballs in tomato sauce. Place them carefully in a clean plastic container, pour over warm sauce and seal tightly.

Situation four: any long trip without children, with an emphasis on dietary nutrition

Diet food on the road is not necessarily dry biscuit cookies with a seagull from a thermos. Moreover, tea with cookies can be called the enemy of the figure and the worst snack option. Try the following fast food options:

  • start an apple with cottage cheese with a little sour cream, bake in the oven and wrap each apple in foil, and then take it with you in a small thermal bag;
  • cut young zucchini into plates, bake in the oven, cool and wrap a piece of cheese in each plate, and then roll up and add fresh tomato to the container with this snack;
  • boil buckwheat until cooked, add a teaspoon of melted butter per 400 grams of porridge, as well as 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, beat with a blender and put in a jar with a tightly screwed lid;
  • for owners of a thermal bag, there is a great opportunity to prepare a super-diet option for a snack - oatmeal in a jar.

Just pour some homemade yogurt over oatmeal and keep it in the fridge until you go. And then put the swollen oatmeal in a jar, add more yogurt and, if desired, cottage cheese with pieces of fruit. You won't leave hungry!

Situation five: you have a flight, you need a snack while waiting for the plane

Cookies really help here. It will satisfy mild hunger and help you wait for the traditional meal on the plane. Just let it not be a store-bought product with a huge amount of unhealthy fats and flavorings, but homemade pastries cooked with love. You can bake cottage cheese cookies: take a glass of flour for 150 grams of homemade cottage cheese and 100 grams of butter, mix softened butter with cottage cheese, an egg and half a glass of sugar, add flour, baking powder in the amount of 1 teaspoon and 100 grams of oatmeal. Mix all this properly, knead a tender dough, divide it into balls of the same size, then flatten each one, turning it into a cake. Bake for half an hour at 170 degrees. Soft and tender, cookies made from cottage cheese dough will appeal to absolutely everyone as a snack.

You can also make simple shortbread cookies with chocolate chips on the road.

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Going on the road, some easily stock up on food, others do not know at all what to take with them. I belong to the last category of people: I carefully and selectively plan the purchase of products for the road table. But experts have certain requirements for products that are desirable to eat on the train: the possibility of storage in hot conditions, safety for adults and children. We will help you with the choice of healthy and safe food for you and your child, which is worth taking with you on the road.

When traveling by train, you can visit the dining car and choose your favorite food. But not everyone is used to such a service. Therefore, I offer you an approximate list of travel products that are safe to take with you on the train.

1. Vegetables and fruits- optimal products for the travel table, they are tasty and healthy, rich in fiber, provide a light snack, and at the same time do not burden the stomach. You can always wash vegetables and fruits in the car, but it is better to do it in advance and wipe it dry, which will help to avoid quick spoilage of food. It is more convenient to transport vegetables and fruits not in a bag, but in a container - this will preserve the appearance, shape and taste of the products.

2. Homemade food will always be in demand by both adults and children. These are pies with various fillings, homemade pizza, baked chicken or meat with vegetables. Cutlets, chops, fish - these are other candidates for the place of honor on the road table, just do not forget that these products should be consumed no later than 6-8 hours from the start of the journey. If you decide to take boiled eggs on the road, it is better to place them in an egg container for convenience. Your child is happy to eat sandwiches with cheese or meat and vegetables for breakfast or dinner.

One of the best options for baby food on the train is canned puree. It will provide complete nutrition for your baby on the road. Such food does not deteriorate for a long time, since it is hermetically sealed, while the jars can be heated at the conductor or in a container with boiling water.

3. As a satisfying option for a snack, - nuts, dried fruits, dryers, bagels, cookies. Ask your child to eat at the table, otherwise cookie crumbs eaten in bed can make it very difficult for you to sleep.

4. Yoghurts— good, light and tasty food on the train. My family and I love to take them on the road: they are satisfying and healthy. But if your trip lasts more than a day, then yogurt should be transported in a special cooler bag that keeps the cold for about 6-8 hours. This will help extend the shelf life of such dairy products.

5. You can pamper your family porridge. And it doesn't have to be instant. Ordinary buckwheat is "steamed" in a thermos for about 20-30 minutes. And if you also put dried fruits in a thermos, then a tasty and healthy breakfast will be provided.

6. Water in small bottles, fruit drinks and compote in packages or juice - the most convenient drink on the road. The conductor always has tea and coffee, you can order it at any time of the day in unlimited quantities. Cold drink: children's juice and mineral water - it is better to take with you, because. you know better what your baby loves and what he categorically refuses. Remember that concentrated juice and sweet sparkling water contain a lot of sugar and do not quench thirst well.

So, an approximate menu of the day on the train might look like this: for breakfast, you can eat oatmeal steamed with boiling water, a cheese sandwich and drink a glass of tea or coffee. For lunch - homemade chicken with vegetables. For dinner, you can yogurt, fruit and tea with cookies.

HOORAY! Summer is just around the corner - it's time to hit the road! We are waiting for warm beaches, new cities, forests, lakes, mountains and rivers. Throughout the winter, we carefully and lovingly made plans for the summer, and very soon we will begin to implement them!

To make the trip as comfortable and easy as possible, when going on a journey, think through everything to the smallest detail. Make a list of things - clothes, shoes, medicines. And if you have a long train ride ahead of you, be sure to decide in advance what kind of food you will take with you on the road.

We're going on the road!

General principles

Add to this the traditional female fears of the "husband and child will remain hungry" series, and you get a complete hodgepodge. And yet it is better to travel light, and excess food in this case is equal to extra pounds in the literal, and not figurative sense.

Therefore, the first rule is - it is better to take less than more. As a last resort, food can always be bought on the train or at stops. You won't go hungry and you won't have to carry extra bags.

So, let's first define the general principles, and then make a specific list of products.

What food do we take on the road?

- which is stored for a long time without a refrigerator;
- does not melt in the sun;
- does not get dirty, does not crumble;
- not heavy in weight;
- does not have a strong odor;
– does not leave a lot of cleaning and other debris;
- easy to prepare (ideally - does not require additional preparation);
- does not require cutting.

Grocery list:

  • Instant porridge. It is better to take the one that is already sold in disposable glasses. In this case, you do not even have to wash the cup.
  • Melted cheese. In portioned triangles or plates in individual packaging. Ordinary cheese in the heat quickly loses, if not taste, then appearance.
  • Pate in small portions tin cans. Opened, eaten, thrown away. Almost like “I came, I saw, I conquered”!
  • Cucumbers, peeled carrot slices(we do not recommend taking tomatoes and other juicy vegetables - tomato juice looks very impressive in a glass and much less appetizing on clothes).
  • It is better not to take fruits at all - they are heavy, and you will have to carry them on yourself. Instead, you can take a few packets of baby fruit puree.
  • Muffins or cupcakes, pies with jam and other sweet stuffing.
  • Sliced ​​bread or small buns, thin pita bread. (To be lazy - so in full! We will not even cut bread on the road).
  • Instant noodles and mashed potatoes(also in glasses, not bags). It may not be the healthiest food in the world, but you can afford it 1-2 times a year.
  • You should not take jacket potatoes and boiled eggs on the road - your hands will inevitably get dirty, and a potential source of garbage will appear - cleaning. In addition, the smell of boiled eggs is quite specific.
  • We also do not recommend chocolate - it can melt in heat. If the road is not a joy without chocolate, take the one that (as they say in the advertisement learned by heart) melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  • You can take snacks nuts and dried fruits, marshmallows, marshmallow. Do not take cookies and crackers. No matter how hard you try to eat carefully, crumbs are inevitable.
  • Yoghurts. When buying, carefully study the storage conditions - we need those that are stored at temperatures up to +25 degrees.
  • still water(soda will run out quickly) or juice in plastic bottles with screw caps.
  • Jam in small portion packs.
  • Darling tea bags, sugar in portion packs, instant coffee.
  • And be sure to take it with you on the train. disposable tableware, wet and regular wipes, paper towels, bags.

sample menu

Travel time is two nights and a day.

At home, have a hearty dinner before the road, and on the train, before going to bed, have a snack with something tasty. For this first dinner, you can take almost any food - it will not have time to spoil.

Tea / juice
Muffins, cupcakes, pies

Tea coffee
Instant porridge
Sandwiches with melted cheese and jam


Nuts, marshmallows, marshmallows, fruit puree

Pate sandwiches with melted cheese
Cucumbers and carrot slices
Muffins, cupcakes, pies


Nuts, marshmallows, marshmallows, fruit puree.
And buy ice cream during the stop - you should not deny yourself small pleasures.

Soup, noodles, instant puree
or instant porridge
sandwiches with pate, with melted cheese

We eat whatever is left. :-)

Things to do on the train

With bread sorted out, let's think about the spectacles.

What to do on the train during the whole day of travel?

Board games

How long have you been playing "thrown fool"? What about chess? It's time to dust them off. In addition, now on sale you can find a huge number of interesting board games, many of which are quite compact.


Books and audiobooks, music, movies, games - almost any modern gadget will offer a lot of opportunities for entertainment.


Take a small notepad and pen with you and start writing travel notes on the train. Describe your thoughts, plans, dreams and memories. Write a short essay on the topic "What do I know about the place I'm going to?" or "10 joys that await me." Traveling by train is a respite of a day or more. It's time to listen to your thoughts and write some of them down. If you can draw, try creating a comic strip based on your trip.

Games with children

"To the cities"

Improve the well-known city game. To do this, name words from a specific narrow category. For example, remember the names of cartoons, the names of fairy tale characters, etc.


The host thinks of a famous character, and the players must guess his name by asking leading questions. The facilitator can only answer "yes" or "no". After you go through several rounds of the game and everyone is already a little bored, guess the person who is currently playing. Let him try to guess himself!

We count the raven

Better, of course, not crows, but cows. Or horses. Or at home. Depending on what you are currently passing by.


And the last tip :-)
Don't forget to stretch. Especially if you are traveling with children. Get off at all stations where possible. Move a little away from the smokers and do a couple of squats, bends, leg swings. Of course, you don't have to run. But jumping on the spot is a must!

Have a nice trip!

P.S. Let's share our secrets of successful travel. What's your favorite travel food? How are you having fun? Where are you going?
