
How long to drink sassi water. Sassi water for weight loss

When it comes to Sassi water, the first thing people ask is: “Is this water really that effective for weight loss?” Meanwhile, Sassi water is, first of all, a wonderful drink, and only secondly does it have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. First of all, it refreshes, quenches thirst, and only in the second - removes excess fluid. In the first place - a light vitamin cocktail, in which there are no artificial sweeteners (sugar, honey, etc.), and in the second - it speeds up metabolism. As for weight loss, Sassi water is not a “magic sip”, but simply a pretty element of any diet.

I will start with a recipe for making Sassi water at home, and then I will talk about what kind of weight loss story it is and whether it is possible to use the drink for dietary purposes.

Preparation time: 5 minutes plus steeping time.
Yield: 4 servings


To prepare Sassi water you will need:

  • 1 liter filtered chilled water
  • 1 small cucumber or half a large one
  • 1 small root of fresh ginger
  • 0.5 lemon
  • a few mint leaves optional (I don't have one)

To keep the drink cold, you can make additional ice.

How to make Sassi water

The process of preparing the drink is simple and fast. First, cut a well-washed lemon into thin slices.
Then cut the cucumber into very thin circles. If you use a large cucumber, it is better to remove the peel from it.
Next, grate the peeled ginger root until you have about a teaspoon of pulp.
Place all these ingredients in a decanter and fill them with water. Stir the drink and send it to the refrigerator to infuse. That's the whole recipe for Sassi.

Before serving, pour the refreshing Sassi water into glasses and add ice, and to make the drink more pleasing to the eye, add a few circles of lemon and cucumber to each glass.


Sassi water is best prepared the day before - for example, in the evening, so that it is well infused, and all the ingredients that make up its composition give it their full flavors. So, fresh cucumber will make the drink light, fresh, lemon will share aroma and sourness, and ginger will give spice, and with it cheerfulness and energy.

The drink can be varied by replacing the lemon with lime or orange, and adding a sprig of mint, lemon balm, basil or rosemary.

If there is no time to infuse Sassi water, you will still get an excellent vitamin cocktail, just its aromas will be lighter and the taste will be more tender.

Prepare fresh Sassi water every day, no more than 4 liters. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Water Sassi for weight loss

Strictly speaking, Sassi water is the commercial focus of an enterprising American named Sassi (hence the name). The composition of the drink is really a lot of useful and healthy. Indeed: cucumber, ginger, lime, mint are wonderful ingredients, valuable both on their own and together. They speed up metabolism and help regulate the amount of fluid in the body, promote the removal of toxins and have a sedative effect. Everything is so, and there is nothing unexpected here.

The drink was declared miraculous because of the "correct" ratio of components and the "correct" application. And declared without any scientific evidence. Like a sorcerer's remedy.

It is well known that EASY TO ACHIEVE YOUR DESIRED - and here it is wasp waist and flat stomach- an excellent hook on which the gullible are caught. If you organize a PR company “correctly” and correctly set up a person’s motivation, you can work wonders with him! Yes, such a consumer of Sassi water can even lose weight! Placebo effect, have you heard?

Meanwhile, it is also true that there is nothing but good in Sassi's water. The drink does not work miracles, but together with a diet (and not INSTEAD of a diet) it can be useful.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and no more than 4 liters, do not drink much at night.
- Do not abuse simple carbohydrates (sugar)
- Eat small meals every 2-3 hours

Switch to a separate diet (meaning a separate intake and the right combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins).
- Eat no more than 1400 kcal for the first 2 weeks, and no more than 1600 for the next 4 months.

If there is controversy about separate nutrition (many nutritionists refute the value of separate nutrition for health and weight loss), then the recommendation around specific calories is amazing. A competent expert on healthy eating will explain to you that calories are a purely individual matter, and you need to count based on your own goals and indicators, and not taking numbers from the ceiling.

In general, drink Sassi water, it is a pleasant water in all respects. As for the myth about another magic remedy for a flat stomach and a slim waist, just smile, or better yet, find the right place for it in your tasty and healthy diet.

Nutritionists say: in order to lose weight, you need to drink plenty of fluids, with which the metabolism is accelerated and fat cells are broken down. These processes will occur more effectively if instead of water you drink Sassi - a drink for weight loss, a recipe, reviews of which you can learn from this article.

On the Internet, as well as in periodicals, you can find thousands of ways to lose weight, ranging from dubious drugs to exhausting strict diets. But will they benefit, and most importantly, will they harm health? The question is moot.

It is believed that the author of the recipe for Sassi water is the famous American nutritionist Santia Sass, who invented this drink for weight loss as an aid to her own developed diet called "Flat Stomach". According to the women participating in the program, this water not only promotes weight loss, but also has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, and also makes nails and hair strong and beautiful.

Over time, this easy-to-make Sassi drink, which, in addition to its beneficial properties, also has a pleasant taste, has become more popular than the diet itself.

Useful properties of Sassi

Each of the products that make up the drink has certain valuable properties for the human body. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of each.

  1. Cucumber - this vegetable rich in potassium ions is a natural source of living water, which has a positive effect on cell nutrition, improves metabolic processes in the body and removes accumulated toxins from it. In addition, cucumber has a diuretic effect, as a result of which excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling disappears and thus the process of losing weight is much more efficient.
  2. Lemon - everyone knows about its benefits. Vitamin C contained in it is able to resist viruses and colds. This powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent has a positive effect on the state of the whole body, helps lower cholesterol levels, helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body, and also positively affects liver function and the process of bile formation, resulting in improved metabolism.
  3. Ginger, containing many health-promoting substances (vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, essential oils), has strong anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidant properties. This product contributes to the rapid burning of fats, as well as the acceleration of metabolic processes, the removal of harmful substances, the reduction of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the improvement of blood circulation and the normalization of the digestive system.
  4. Mint - has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. In its composition there are many elements necessary for the body: tannins, carotene, essential oils, thanks to which the plant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines.
  5. Water is a vital substance that ensures the functioning of all organs of the human body. No wonder experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. This helps to normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of all organs, as well as slow down the aging process.

The combination of these products in Sassi water makes it invaluable for health, namely:

  • contributes to the effective and rapid disposal of extra pounds due to the effective destruction of accumulated fats, as well as the acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • eliminates problems with the organs of the digestive system and normalizes their work;
  • due to the diuretic action, it relieves edema and removes excess fluid from the body;
  • due to the provision of the body with fluid, the condition of the skin, as well as hair and nails, improves.

In addition to many health benefits, Sassi water perfectly quenches thirst. And what could be better in the heat of the summer than a healthy, natural product, slimming and at the same time refreshing drink with a pleasant taste?

Recommendations for the use and preparation of the drink

In order for the Sassi drink to really benefit in the process of losing weight, you should know a few rules for its use, as well as cooking according to recipes:

  1. Use only fresh, high-quality, natural products to prepare Sassi water.
  2. All components of the cocktail should be thoroughly washed, and the ginger root and cucumber should be peeled (if you leave the peel on the cucumber, it can add bitterness to the drink).
  3. Prepare water for weight loss Sassi should be in a jug of opaque material.
  4. Such a cocktail should be stored away from direct sunlight, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.
  5. It is best to start drinking Sassi water a few days before the upcoming diet (her author advises doing this 4 days before the diet) - the drink will prepare the body for the upcoming “test” and start the process of splitting fats, as well as metabolism. And, of course, during the diet, water intake will not be superfluous.
  6. The total amount of liquid drunk per day (except for Sassi, this may include ordinary water, as well as green tea) should not be more than 4 liters. Do not overload your body with fluid, because this can damage the kidneys and the heart system.
  7. A serving of Sassi drink should be no more than one glass.
  8. To avoid swelling, the last portion of water should be drunk no later than two hours before a night's rest.
  9. Before use, the liquid should be filtered.

To make the process of losing weight more effective, give up coffee and black tea for this time. Well, do not forget that the Sassi weight loss drink is not a panacea at all, its use should be combined with proper nutrition and sports, and only then the cocktail will be beneficial and weight loss will occur more quickly.

Are there any contraindications to the use of the drink? Yes, they are. You should not take Sassi water in the presence of diseases of the kidneys, liver, as well as gastritis and peptic ulcer. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as for breastfeeding.

Water Recipes

There are several options for making a Sassi slimming drink. The following recipe is considered a traditional option that has received many positive reviews:

The traditional way


      • water in the amount of 2 liters;
      • fresh, peeled cucumber - 1 piece;
      • lemon - 1 piece;
      • finely grated ginger root - 1 tbsp. spoon;
      • peppermint - 10 leaves.

To prepare Sassi water, grind all the ingredients (including the lemon with the peel), place them in a bowl and add water. Cover the dishes with a towel, place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and leave to infuse for 10 hours. It will be better if you make such a cocktail in the evening, and in the morning you can already use it.

If you are a sweet lover, you can sweeten the drink just before drinking it, just use not sugar for this, but quite a bit of honey.

Recipe #2

Ingredients for making Sassi water:

      • water - 2 liters;
      • finely chopped ginger root - 1 tbsp. spoon;
      • orange - 1 piece;
      • lime - 1 piece;
      • sage, mint, verbena - a few leaves each.

As in the previous recipe, the ingredients need to be finely chopped (tear the leaves), pour water and insist in a cold place for 8-10 hours.

The resulting infusion should be drunk during the day, do not leave the Sassi water prepared yesterday for tomorrow. If you plan to drink a drink for several days, you will have to prepare it daily.

What interesting things await you in the article?

Losing weight and getting in perfect shape is an extremely popular goal among many ladies. However, numerous diets tend to give only brief results. That is why many nutritionists recognize that it is important to change your lifestyle to maintain results, as well as drink water correctly for weight loss.

This goal can be achieved not only by expanding and adjusting the diet, but also by the additional use of a specially drinking detox water called Sassi, which is currently quite well known and widely used.

Its inventor is an American columnist - Cynthia Sas, who is an experienced nutritionist. After Cynthia faced the problem of obesity, she developed her new approach to weight loss, seeking to help all ladies who want to lose weight.

She ranked water as the clear winner among the most effective dietary items, which within a month, without much physical exertion, and above all without health risks, can contribute to the loss of up to 4-9 kilograms of excess weight.

Cynthia Sas patented the recipe for her detox water, which can help you lose weight.

In order to make Sassy water, you will need the following components:

  • 2 liters of filtered or boiled cold water,
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 1 medium cucumber cut into slices
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger root
  • 5-7 fresh mint leaves or 1 teaspoon dried, which can be found in any pharmacy.

Cucumbers are known to be low in calories and act as a diuretic and are high in dietary fiber. They are an excellent food for losing belly fat on the abdomen, thighs and flanks.

Lemons and limes are high in pectin fibers, which help suppress food cravings. They also help the body get rid of toxins by cleansing and detoxifying it. When the juice extracted from citrus fruits is fully absorbed by the body and its minerals are dissociated in the bloodstream, an alkalizing effect will appear. This helps your body expel any toxins from your liver that prevent you from burning fat.

After the body gets rid of toxins, the process of burning belly fat will be faster and more efficient.

Peppermint is used as an appetite suppressant, it controls food cravings quite effectively. Moreover, it gives the water a refreshing taste and aroma.

Ginger helps to speed up metabolic processes, and also increases efficiency and invigorates, which also has a positive effect on the process of burning fat and subsequent weight loss.

Water sustains life, it hydrates the body, lubricates joints and muscles during exercise, and when drunk regularly, it also reduces food cravings.

Slimming Water Recipe by Cynthia Sassy

All ingredients are placed in a jug or other container and filled with cold purified water and stored in the refrigerator until consumed - this water should settle there for 8-10 hours.

Prepare water for weight loss in the evening, let it brew at night and use it the next day throughout the day.

Water Sassi: how to drink?

It is necessary to use this drink for weight loss in courses for 3 days, then you need to take a 1-week break and repeat the course for another 3 days, there are no restrictions on the number of courses.

Start drinking Sassy water every morning, drink it throughout the day with small breaks, from morning to night. In the evening, prepare the next portion of water for weight loss again. This incredible Sassy water delivers amazing results. At the same time, there are no food restrictions.

Water Sassi: contraindications

There are no significant contraindications to the use of this water, but Cynthia Szas does not recommend its use during pregnancy and lactation, and for those who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers due to hyperacidity, and is also contraindicated for individuals who tend to allergic reactions to any components of Sassy water.

Water Sassi results and reviews

1. Wash the cucumber, cut into slices 0.5 cm thick and put in a decanter or jar. If you are afraid that the peel of a cucumber can give bitterness to the drink, then cut it off beforehand.

2. Be sure to scald the lemon with boiling water, such heat treatment will contribute to the release of aromatic oil on the surface of the peel. Cut the citrus into thin circles and send to the cucumber slices.

3. Rinse the mint in water and separate the leaves from the stem. Put the leaves in a decanter with the rest of the ingredients, and you can use the stems further at your discretion. The fact is that mint stems contain a large amount of menthol, which will give the finished drink a metallic flavor, so adding them to Sassi is not recommended.

4. Peel and cut the ginger root into very thin circles or slices. Even if you have great respect for ginger root, do not think that the more you put it in, the tastier the Sassi weight loss water will turn out. It should be remembered that an excessive amount of ginger will not only minimize all the positive effects of water, but also give the drink such a taste and aroma that it will be impossible to drink. Ginger circles also add to the carafe with all other products.

5. Now pour the prepared ingredients with water, and let the drink brew for about 6-8 hours (it would be ideal to use melted water). It is better to do it in the evening, and in the morning you can drink it.

During the entire time that the water is infused, it is desirable to maintain the temperature regime. It should be 4 degrees Celsius, it is at this temperature that all the useful substances from vegetables and spices will penetrate into the water.

Now you know how to prepare Sassi water and drink it not only for weight loss. For example, it does not suit me, but my husband enjoys drinking a glass in the morning and in the evening and says that he has begun to feel better.

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And also, if you feel constantly tired, try an invigorating

There are many different means that help achieve good results in the process of losing weight. A drink invented in America, Sassi water, is very popular. It is prepared easily and from available products, each of which has important beneficial properties.

Water for weight loss Sassi

The properties of this drink are due to the use of healthy products. With proper use, you can improve metabolism, the functioning of the digestive tract, and also speed up the process of burning fat. Seeing such a list of benefits, there is no doubt whether Sassi water contributes to weight loss or not. It also saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and other substances important for health. Oddly enough, this water helps to satisfy hunger, creating a feeling of satiety, which gives a chance to reduce the calorie content of the diet. Each of the ingredients used has a number of important properties for weight loss.

  1. Ginger. Burning spice helps to accelerate the flow of lymph, cleansing the body of toxins. Ginger improves the digestion process and the digestive tract. It is the main fat-burning component that Sassi water contains for weight loss.
  2. Cucumber. A low-calorie product that can activate the process of removing heavy metal salts from the body. It accelerates the process of removing harmful substances, since it has a slight diuretic effect.
  3. Lemon. Citrus is rich in various useful biologically active substances. It does not give carbohydrates a chance to turn into fat, which is important for weight loss.
  4. Mint. The fragrant plant has a calming effect, helping to reduce appetite. Mint, which is included in the Sassi water for weight loss, helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

Water Sassi - a recipe for weight loss

To get a healthy drink, you must use fresh products that should not be soft and stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days before cooking. As a result, maximum benefit will be concentrated in them. It is not necessary to prepare water in large quantities, and it is better to make a new portion every day. which is simple and affordable, is prepared from the purest water and it is best to take non-carbonated mineral or melted water.


  • water - 2 l;
  • ginger - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cucumber and lemon - 1 pc.;
  • mint - 12 leaves.


  1. Grind the root to make a mushy mass.
  2. Remove the peel from the cucumber and cut it into slices with lemon.
  3. Tear the mint with your hands. Mix all the ingredients and put in a cold place for 15 hours.

Water Sassi with lemon

In addition to the classic recipe with healthy citrus, there is another alternative recipe. It contains sage, which has the ability to dull hunger. Lemon verbena, which is in the presented recipe, has similar properties. Water Sassi for weight loss will be an excellent refreshment in the summer, helping to quickly quench your thirst and at the same time improve the process of metabolic processes.


  • water - 2 l;
  • ginger root - 1 teaspoon;
  • cucumber, lemon, tangerine - 1 pc.;
  • lemon verbena and sage - 5 leaves each;
  • mint - 12 leaves.


  1. Grind the root on a grater, and cut the cucumber and lemon into circles.
  2. Remove the peel from the tangerine, and then remove the membranes to get clean pulp.
  3. Tear the herbs with your hands to release the juice.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and fill them with water. Leave for a few hours.

Water Sassi with orange

Many do not like the natural bitterness of ginger, but this does not mean that there is no other way to enjoy the taste and benefit from the drink. There is an alternative recipe with the addition of orange, which is useful for weight loss. Citrus improves metabolic processes, and it is also a non-caloric fruit. Scientists call orange a natural antidepressant. Drink Sassi for weight loss is prepared in minutes.


  • water - 2 l;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lemon verbena, sage, mint - 4 leaves each.


  1. Cut the washed orange into thin circles, and tear the herbs with your hands.
  2. Mix all ingredients and fill with water.
  3. Insist for 12 hours.

Water Sassi with cinnamon

For weight loss, you can use a drink with cinnamon and honey. The spice loved by many contributes to the consumption of glucose, which is not deposited in fat, and the bee product is important for the normal functioning of the digestive system, liver and strengthening the immune system. It is impossible not to note one more property - providing a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system. Sassi water recipe for weight loss is simple and affordable.


  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon and ginger - 1 piece each.


  1. Stir cinnamon in water and insist for half an hour.
  2. When the liquid is warm, add the rest of the ingredients and drink.

Water Sassi - how to drink?

To feel the claimed effect, you need to drink the drink according to certain rules. The daily norm is at least 7-8 tablespoons, but you should not drink more than three liters. After the weight is dropped, to maintain the result, you can use such water 1-2 times a week. It is important to know how to drink Sassi water for weight loss in order to get the most benefit.

  1. The first time you drink a drink on an empty stomach, so that.
  2. It is recommended to drink a glass half an hour before a meal, which will help you get full faster.
  3. After eating, Sassi water for weight loss should be consumed no earlier than an hour later. It is forbidden to drink food with it.
  4. You should not drink water 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, because in the morning puffiness will certainly appear on the face;
  5. A single dose should not exceed 200 g.

Sassi water - how many days can you drink?

If the goal of drinking a drink is to lose weight, then it must be drunk within 28 days, following any of the schemes presented above. To get rid of extra pounds, it is important to change your diet, giving up junk food. After this period of time, Sassi's lymphatic drainage water can be used as a refreshing drink.

Diet Sassi "Flat stomach"

To see the desired minus on the scales, drinking only a healthy drink is not enough and you will have to change your eating habits. The weight loss diet is not starving or strict, which is good news. You need to switch to PP and the result will not keep you waiting. Every day you need to drink a Sassi drink in a volume of two liters. The diet consists of several stages:

  1. The first stage lasts four days. During this period, you need to eat in the usual amount, but you can not eat fatty, salty and spicy foods. By the end of the fourth day, you should begin to reduce the portion size.
  2. The second stage also lasts four days. The calorie content of the diet is reduced to 1400 kcal per day. To achieve this value, it is necessary to give up sweets, pastries, fatty and smoked. The amount of cereals consumed is reduced and the main emphasis should be on vegetables and fruits.
  3. Over the next two weeks, you must continue to eat right, without increasing the calorie content by more than 1600 kcal.

Sassi water - contraindications

Having a wide list of useful properties, in some cases, the drink can be harmful. You can not drink such water to people with individual intolerance to the components that are included in the recipe. In most cases, allergies occur on citrus fruits. You can not drink such water to people who have kidney failure, gastritis and ulcers. Contraindications apply to women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. Sassi water has no side effects, unless you drink the drink in large quantities.
