
How to pour 300 ml of water. How many grams and ml are in a glass? Directions for use and doses

How to measure 300 ml of water - how many drops, SEE TABLE 1, dosages in milliliters, number of drops of water in 300 ml (milliliters).

There is an approximate way to measure 300 ml (milliliter) of water in drops. To do this, we need to know the ratio of milliliters to drops. "Abutting" the volume of 1 drop. How many drops in 300 ml (milliliters) of water are indicated in the table. Do not forget that the method of measuring in drops is not only approximate, as it depends on the shape of the hole in the vessel, but also works best only for distilled water. The more impurities, salts, and additives in a liquid, the less accurate the measurement method turns out to be. The method of measuring has its own methodological features. Used in laboratory and pharmaceutical conditions. What are the features of the laboratory technique? For example, pharmacists measure milligrams (mg) in drops using a special instrument called a dispenser. In the pharmaceutical reference book, where the ratio of ml to drops is discussed in the most detail, accurately and correctly, this does not refer to any drops, but specifically to those obtained when using a dispenser. Your own drops will likely vary slightly in size, volume and weight (mass). The number of drops is not considered accurate also because the method is based on a statistical generalization of the results of experimental studies (measurements). In each specific measurement, the number of drops is different, but always close to the average value indicated in Table 1.

THREE HUNDRED, 300 ml (milliliters) of water is how many grams (g, g). In grams we measure the weight (mass) of a liquid.

How to measure a portion of water in grams? For water, just for it and only, there is a very convenient ratio of the weight (mass) of the liquid in grams (g, g) and volume in milliliters. The number of ml and the number of grams are the same. It is worth clarifying that for other liquids this ratio of weight in grams and volume in milliliters will be different. Moreover, if we are not dealing with a distillate, then the number of grams (g, g) in 300 ml of water will differ from the grams indicated in Table 1. For domestic conditions, when we need approximate calculations of the amount of g of water, the dosage in grams or approximate portion in grams, a completely correct option is to use reference data on the number of grams (grams, g) from Table 1.

THREE HUNDRED, 300 ml (milliliters) of water is how many cubic centimeters (cm3, cubic cm).

Milliliters (ml), like cubic centimeters (cm3), are units of volume measurement, with the difference that the former are used to measure volumes of liquids only, while cubic centimeters are more universal units and are used to determine the volumes of both liquids and solids , bulk materials, gases, vapors and so on. In general, converting milliliters of liquid to cubic centimeters is a relatively simple mathematical problem. However, without constant practice, converting or converting into cubic centimeters (cm3) can cause some difficulties for any normal person. Therefore, we indicated in the table the number of cubic centimeters of water in 300 milliliters in a separate column. By the way, for water, the number of cubic centimeters and the number of milliliters turns out to be the same, which is useful to simply remember and use at home.

THREE HUNDRED, 300 ml of water is how many tablespoons and teaspoons.

Spoons, both tablespoons and teaspoons, although their capacity is considered standard, cannot be considered precise measuring instruments for measuring volume in milliliters. Still, spoons are primarily cutlery. However, at home, tablespoons and tea spoons are actively used to measure not only volumes, but also weight (mass). At least, the question: how many tablespoons and teaspoons arises quite often. Naturally, we could not “bypass” it by indicating in the table a separate category (column) for tablespoons and teaspoons. The number of teaspoons is given by the first digit, and the number of tablespoons by the second digit, separated by a slash. It should be noted that measuring portions of water with spoons is relatively convenient and the inevitable errors of this method turn out to be relatively small. This means small compared to powders and bulk materials. Water in a spoon, due to its physical properties, does not create a large slide. Although there is a small mound in a spoonful of water, its size is safely neglected when measuring milliliters (ml) with a tablespoon or teaspoon. There is another type of spoon - dessert spoon, they are larger in size than teaspoons, but smaller than tablespoons.

THREE HUNDRED, 300 ml of water is how many liters (l).

Liquid volume units such as ml are used for small quantities of water. Large volumes are measured in liters and cubes (cubic meters, cubic meters, m3). There is a standard correspondence between milliliters, liters and cubic meters used in calculating the volume of liquid substances. We do not list the number of cubes (cubic meters, cubic meters, m3) in the table in a separate column. The calculation, if it is necessary to convert liters (l) to cubes (m3), can be easily done independently using the ratio: one cubic meter of any substance always holds 1000 liters (l). For 300 ml of water, we indicated in the table how many liters (l) it is. That is, it is not necessary to convert or recalculate milliliters into liters; you can find out the number of liters (l) from the reference data.

THREE HUNDRED, 300 ml of water is how many standard glasses with a capacity of 250 milliliters and standard faceted glasses with a capacity of 200 ml.

We measure water not only with tablespoons and teaspoons at home. When the volume of water we need becomes large enough, it becomes more convenient to measure it with other kitchen tools. For example: cups and glasses. You can use cups to measure liquids if you know their capacity. Manufacturers of tableware, as a rule, do not try to make cups standard in volume. But for glass glasses it is customary to maintain a standard container. Glass glasses are often called that - standard, standard tableware. There are two types of standard glass glasses: thin-walled and faceted glasses. They vary slightly in shape and appearance. However, for measuring portions, it is not the shape that is more important, but the fact that the glasses have different capacities. Not everyone knows that a standard thin-walled glass is 50 ml (milliliters) larger in volume than a faceted glass. To be precise, a standard thin-walled glass has a volume of 250 ml, and the capacity of a standard faceted glass is 200 ml.

Table 1. THREE HUNDRED, 300 ml of water is how many drops, tablespoons, teaspoons, cubic centimeters (cm3), liters, grams (g, g) and glasses (with a capacity of 200, 250 ml).

To perform any actions with these units of measurement, you need to understand their mathematical and physical essence, be able to apply simple formulas and use tables.

We invite you to go through the entire process of calculating mass with us and finally find out how many grams are in a milliliter and vice versa.

Concepts of mass units

What is a gram? This is a unit of mass equal to a thousandth of a kilogram. In the chain of units for measuring body weight, it looks like this: 1 milligram → 1 gram → 1 kilogram → 1 centner → 1 ton.

Each subsequent unit of measurement in the metric system is 1000 times larger than the previous one.

What is a milliliter? This is a unit of volume, named after the manufacturer of glass containers named Liter.

1 milliliter (1 cube) → 1 liter → 1 cu.

Each subsequent unit of measurement is 1000 times larger. A cube with an edge of 1 cm is a model of 1 cm 3 = 1 ml, 1 dm 3 = 1 l, 1 m 3 = 1 cube.

Volumes of liquids are measured in milliliters and liters. But in cooking, bulk and liquid products are often used, the volume of which is conveniently measured using containers for liquids. The term cube is used in medicine when dosing injections.

How many grams in one milliliter: formulas to help

To make the problem clear - how many grams are in a milliliter - we need to turn to the concept of density of a substance. All substances in nature have different densities.

This value is denoted by the letter p. It is equal to the ratio of a unit of mass to a unit of volume:

Note: in everyday life we ​​find mass using scales. But in physics, weight and mass are not the same thing.

Weight is the force with which an object presses on a support; it depends on the force of gravity. Mass is the amount of matter.

If the force of gravity changes (for example, on the Moon, in space - weightlessness), then the mass will remain the same, but the weight will change. Therefore, the mass per unit volume is not the same for different substances.

Why approximately? Because any measurements have inaccuracies (errors).

Conclusion: 1g of water fits into 1ml of volume. Accordingly, 100 grams of water is 100 milliliters. For all other substances this equality will not be fair.

For example, if you fill a glass with sugar, the volume will be 250 ml, but the mass (use scales) is no longer 250 g, but only 200 g. 1 glass of water, 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of sunflower oil - they will all be have different masses.

Conclusion: 1 g of any substance other than water occupies a volume not equal to 1 ml (the exception is substances with the same density as water).

How many milliliters are in one gram?

For milk:

For flour:

The following information will be no less useful. Learn how to measure the ingredients you need without a scale.

Do you like to cook eggs? It’s not surprising, because they are tasty, easy to prepare and often help out many people on the planet, especially for breakfast. Various methods of boiling soft-boiled eggs are described. Surprise your loved ones!

Is it possible to lose weight with soda? Is it dangerous for the body? These questions have answers in However, such an unconventional method of weight loss should be approached with the utmost caution.

Calculating the mass of products

m=ϸV; mass = density × volume.

Values ​​for liquids:

  • 1 ml of water weighs 1 g; 100 ml of water weighs 100 g;
  • 1 ml of milk weighs 1.03 g/ml × 1 ml ≈ 1.03 g;
  • 100 ml of milk weighs≈103g;
  • 200 ml of milk weighs≈206g;
  • 300 ml of milk weighs≈309g;
  • 500 ml of milk weighs≈515g;
  • 1l = 1000 ml of milk weighs≈1030g.

Values ​​for flour:

  • 1 ml of flour weighs 0.57 g/ml × 1 ml≈0.57 g;
  • 100 ml of flour weighs≈57g;
  • 200 ml of flour weighs≈114g;
  • 300 ml of flour weighs≈171g;
  • 500 ml of flour weighs≈285g;
  • 1l = 1000 ml of flour weighs≈570g.

You won’t have to calculate the values ​​each time if you use the weight measurement table.

Products (cereals and others) Density (g/l) Volume of 1kg products (ml) Weight (g) in glass (250ml) Weight in tablespoon (g) Weight in teaspoon (g)
Buckwheat 800 1250 200 24 7
Rice 915 1100 228 24 8
Pearl barley 918 1100 230 25 8
Barley 915 1100 228 20 6
Corn 720 1400 180 20 6
Oatmeal 675 1470 170 18 5
Manna 800 1250 200 25 8
Millet 875 1140 220 24 8
Beans 880 1140 220 - -
Peas 915 1110 228 - -
Starch 800 1250 200 25 10
Wheat flour 570 1750 143 23 7
Sugar 800 1250 200 25 10
Salt 1300 770 325 30 12
Tomato juice 1000 1000 250 - -
Tomato paste 1060 950 265 30 10
Tomato puree 895 1140 220 25 8
Whole milk 1030 970 258 18 5
Cream (20%) 998 1000 250 18 5
Sour cream (30%) 998 1000 250 25 10
Raisin - - 190 25 -
Almond - - 160 30 10
Peanut - - 175 25 8
Hazelnut - - 170 30 10
Powdered sugar - - 180 25 8
Powdered milk - - 120 20 8
Egg powder - - 100 25 9

All data in the table is approximate. In addition, the weight of products and other substances depends on the moisture content of the product and possible compaction during measurements.

The volume depends on the temperature. All data were taken at room temperature.

Products (d) in a tablespoon (d) in a teaspoon
Ghee 19 5
Cottage cheese 17 5
Margarine 16 4
Mayonnaise 16 4
Smalets 19 5
Condensed milk 28 11
Vegetable oil 20 5
Honey 30 9
Lemon acid 20 10
Gelatin powder 15 5
Cocoa 20 8
Coffee 24 10
Soda 28 12
Poppy 9 3

The volume of one tablespoon is approximately 14.8 ml. Bulk products are taken into a spoon with a mountain. The accuracy of these measurements is sufficient for culinary recipes.

If you have to measure with a faceted glass, then it contains 250 ml, and 200 ml along the rim. The mass of the empty glass is 173 g.

To calculate products not included in the tables, you can use a calculator on the Internet, selecting the cubic centimeter (milliliter) option and the product whose weight you want to search for.

It's good to have a kitchen scale. Then you can weigh the container separately, and then together with the product, subtracting the mass of the container, we get the mass of the product.

1 faceted glass (250 ml) is equal in volume to 18 tablespoons and 65 teaspoons (for liquids).

It’s interesting that there are ancient units of measuring volume that almost no one remembers anymore. Cubic top = 87.824 ml, cubic foot = 28.3168 l, cubic inch = 16.3870 ml, bucket = 12.2994 l, shtof = 1/10 bucket = 1.22994 l, glass = 1/100 bucket = 122.994 ml , for bulk products a quarter = 0.209909 m 3 was used, a quarter = 0.262387 m 3, a garnz = 3.27984 l.

These are some interesting calculations. We hope we have answered your question. We wish you good luck and thank you for your attention!

Finally, we suggest watching a video that shows the values ​​of grams and milliliters for a teaspoon, a tablespoon and a faceted glass:

If you don’t have a measuring cup at hand, then the volume or weight of liquid or bulk products can be measured using a regular glass. However, glasses are different: large and small, faceted and smooth, thick and thin, with and without a rim - it is not a fact that their volume corresponds to the standard.

Weight and volume in a faceted glass (ml, g)

How many ml in a glass? Volume of a faceted glass

- If you fill a glass to the edge, then the volume of the product will be 200 ml. - If you fill to the top, then the volume will be equal 250 ml.

How many grams are in a glass?

Different foods have different weights: water, flour, sugar, salt, etc. — you can measure the weight of these and other products using the table.

How many grams of water are in a glass?

If you pour it to the rim, it will turn out 200 grams water. If you pour it to the top, it will be 250 g water.

How much does an empty glass weigh?

An ordinary faceted glass (empty) weighs 220-230 g.
The weight of other glasses can be from 170 to 250 grams.

Volume of other glasses

After testing non-standard glasses, we discovered two golden rules:

1. If the glass has a rim
- then you need to fill it to the edge
- then it will work out 200 ml

2. Glass without rim
- need to be filled to the top
- then it will work out 200 ml

But there can be exceptions to any rule, so if you use glasses in everyday life that are different from standard faceted glasses, we advise you to measure their volume once. This information will definitely come in handy when preparing dishes. Even if

How to measure the volume of a glass

The easiest way to measure the volume of a glass is to pour water into it from a measuring cup.

But you can more accurately determine the volume only with the help of scales.

First set the scale to measure in grams.

If your scales have a zero correction function or “tare compensation” (all electronic scales have them), then you can immediately get the weight of the water poured to the edge And to the top.

If there is no zero correction, then:
– weigh first empty glass (1 ),
– then fill it with water to the edge, weigh ( 2 );
– then fill it out to the top, weigh again ( 3 ).

From the obtained values ​​in grams ( 2 And 3 ) you need to subtract the weight of the glass itself ( 1 ).

The result will be the net weight of the water poured, which will exactly correspond to the volume of the glass, expressed in milliliters (ml).

Study of the volume and weight of various glasses

In cooking, and simply in life, there is often a need to measure the volume of flour, water, milk, etc. using a glass. But glasses are different, so we decided to measure different glasses to bring everything to a common denominator. First of all, we are interested in answers to the questions:

1. What is the volume of the glass (how many ml).
2. How many grams of water fit in a glass.
3. Fill the glass properly to get 200 ml.
4. How much does an empty glass weigh?

So, we had four types of glasses at our disposal. All measurements are made on medical scales with an accuracy of 0.1 g.

Faceted glass with rim (200 ml) (glass No. 33, price 14 k)

Empty faceted glass weighs 220-230 grams.

If you pour water into such a glass exactly to the edge, then its volume will be equal to 200 ml, and its mass will be 200 g (tested experimentally). If you fill it to the top, the volume will be 250 ml, and the weight of water will be 250 grams.

So, to correctly measure the volume of water, flour and other products and substances, the faceted glass should be filled exactly to the edge, or exactly to the top.

The measurement accuracy using such a glass can be quite high, for example, when checking the first time and without special preparation, 200.3 grams of water were poured into the glass.

A faceted glass should be filled exactly to the rim - this corresponds to a volume of 200 ml, or a water weight of 200 grams.

A faceted glass filled to the top holds 250 ml, which corresponds to the weight of water 250 g.

Thick glass with rim (200 ml) (glass No. 24)

An empty glass weighs 226 grams.

If you pour water into this glass exactly to the edge, then its volume will be 200 ml and its weight will be 200 g.

This glass should be filled exactly to the rim - this corresponds to a volume of 200 ml, or a water weight of 200 grams.

Small glass with curly edges (glass No. 42)

An empty glass weighs 206 grams.

This glass does not have a rim. If this glass is filled to the top(until it starts to pour out), then the volume of the product will be 200 ml, and the mass of water will be 200 g.

So, to correctly measure the volume of water, flour and other products and substances, such a glass should be filled to the top.

Antique glass with diamond-shaped edges

An empty glass weighs 173 grams.

This glass has no rim. If this glass to the top fill with water (until it starts to pour out), then the volume of the contained water will be equal to 200 ml, and its mass will be 200 g (tested experimentally).

This glass should be filled to the top - this corresponds to a volume of 200 ml, or a mass of water of 200 grams.


Based on the measurement results, we found that all tested glasses can measure a volume of 200 ml. Therefore, in each glass you can take exactly 200 ml of product, subject to the following conditions:

Glasses with a rim should be filled exactly to the rim.

Rimless glasses should be filled to the top.

In this article I would like to touch upon, although not for everyone, an important topic. Experienced housewives will most likely have no need for this article, because their recipes have been verified over the years, but young housewives will find it very useful, especially considering that precision is very important for cooking using technology (multi-cooker, bread maker).

Therefore, we decided to collect and combine various tables of measures and weights in this article.

But before we begin, I would like to make an important clarification about the utensils that we usually use as measurers.

Nowadays, teaspoons, tablespoons, and glasses have become very different in shape and size, so it is important to determine that the measures indicated in the tables below will be approximate.

How can you measure the weight of food?

  • scales
  • steelyard
  • measuring cup
  • measuring spoon (jug) with electronic scales
  • teaspoon
  • tablespoon
  • faceted glass
  • thin-walled glass
  • a special set of measuring spoons (you can even buy them at Fix Price)

Also, in connection with the above problem of “different dishes”, at the beginning I would like to give general rules for measuring products.

Rules for using home weights

  • Fill the glasses with liquid to the very brim
  • Typically, in cooking, two types of glasses are used for measuring: faceted (200 ml) and thin-walled (250 ml)
  • Apply viscous and thick mixtures, for example, honey, jam, with a spoon, so that there are no free cavities left. For the same reason, we spoon the flour rather than pour it from a bag, otherwise cavities will form in the glass
  • One more nuance about flour - do not weigh it after sifting, it will be much lighter
  • Pour bulk products heaped
  • Watch the quality of the products, raw salt and sugar will be much heavier, but expired sour cream is lighter

If you don’t have scales or glasses, what should you do?

If you don’t have a kitchen scale and it just so happens that you don’t have a faceted or thin glass either, you need to take any container and measure it using spoons, you’ll definitely find them in the kitchen. Compare the volume of product in a spoon with grams in the tables below and fill your container, which will subsequently serve as a guide for you.

1 tablespoon Product type Spoon without slide Heaped spoon
1 tablespoon flour 20 grams 30 grams
1 tablespoon sugar 13 grams 26 grams
1 tablespoon powdered sugar 14 grams 28 grams
1 tablespoon fine salt 20 grams 25 grams
1 tablespoon soda 22 grams 28 grams
1 tablespoon rice 20 grams 25 grams
1 tablespoon coffee 15 grams 20 grams
1 tablespoon honey 25 grams 30 grams
1 tablespoon dry yeast) 8 grams 11 grams
1 tablespoon cocoa 20 grams 25 grams
1 tablespoon cinnamon 15 grams 20 grams
1 tablespoon gelatin (granules) 10 grams 15 grams
1 tablespoon citric acid 12 grams 16 grams
1 tablespoon water 18 grams
1 tablespoon vinegar 18 grams
1 tablespoon milk 18 grams
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 16 grams

How many grams in a teaspoon

1 teaspoon Product type Spoon without slide Heaped spoon
1 teaspoon flour 9 grams 12 grams
1 teaspoon sugar 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon powdered sugar 10 grams 13 grams
1 teaspoon fine salt 7 grams 10 grams
1 teaspoon soda 7 grams 10 grams
1 teaspoon rice 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon coffee 4 grams 7 grams
1 teaspoon honey 10 grams 12 grams
1 teaspoon dry yeast) 2.5 grams 3 grams
1 teaspoon cocoa 6 grams 9 grams
1 teaspoon cinnamon 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon gelatin (granules) 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon citric acid 5 grams 8 grams
1 teaspoon water 5 grams
1 teaspoon vinegar 5 grams
1 teaspoon milk 5 grams
1 teaspoon vegetable oil 5 grams

How many grams in a glass

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of glasses, but in cooking, as a rule, a faceted glass is taken as the basis, so the grams of the faceted glass will be indicated in the table below

1 faceted glass Product type Grams
1 glass water 200 grams
1 glass vegetable oil 180 grams
1 glass ghee 190 grams
1 glass cream 210 grams
1 glass flour 130 grams
1 glass Sahara 190 grams
1 glass salt 200 grams
1 glass rice 190 grams
1 glass honey 280 grams

Measuring tables for various products

Measuring table of bulk products

Product name Faceted glass - 200 ml (g) Thin glass - 250 ml (g)
Wheat flour 130 160 20 10
Semolina 150 200 16 4
Buckwheat 170 200 20 5
Pearl barley 200 230 23 6
Millet groats 190 225 20 5
Jan cereal 190 225 20 5
Oatmeal 130 170 18 5
Corn grits 145 180 20 6
Oatmeal (Hercules) 70 90 12 3
Peas 190 230 20 5
Gelatin ———— ———— 15 5
Starch 130 160 30 10
Coffee ———— ———— 20 10
Cocoa ———— ———— 15 5
Lemon acid 250 300 30 10
Poppy 125 155 15 5
Baking powder ———— ———— 15 5
Rice 180 240 30 10
Powdered sugar 140 190 24 8
Fine salt 320 400 30 10
Granulated sugar (sugar) 160 200 25 7
Soda 160 200 28 12
Beans 190 230 20 ————
Lentils 190 210 ———— ————

Measuring table for liquid and paste products

Product name Faceted glass - 200 ml Thin glass - 250 ml
Jam 270 325 35 15
Water 200 250 15 5
Yogurt 250 ———— 20 10
Kefir, fermented baked milk 250 ———— 18 6
Mayonnaise 260 ———— 25 8
Honey ———— ———— 21 17
Milk 200 250 15 5
Liquor ———— ———- 20 7
Vegetable oil ———— ———— 17 5
Cream 200 250 15 5
Sour cream 210 260 25 10
Condensed milk ———— ———— 30 12
Creamy melted butter ———— ———— 25 8
Soy sauce 230 ———— 21 7
Tomato paste ———— ———— 30 10
Table vinegar 200 250 15 5

How many milliliters of liquid are in a spoon or glass?

  • How many ml in a tablespoon? 15 ml in a tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
  • How many ml in a teaspoon? 5 ml in a teaspoon
  • How many ml are in a dessert spoon? In a dessert spoon 10 ml = 2 teaspoons
  • How many ml are in a faceted glass? In a faceted glass 200 ml
  • How many ml are in a tea (thin) glass? 250 ml in a tea glass

Measuring table of berries, fruits, dried fruits

Product name Faceted glass - 200 ml Thin glass - 250 ml
Peanut 140 175 25 8
Cowberry 110 140 20 ————
Cherry 130 165 ———— ————
Walnut 130 165 30 10
Blueberry 160 200 25 ———-
Blackberry 150 190 30 ———-
Raisin 155 190 25 7
Pine nut 110 140 10 4
Strawberry 120 150 25 ———-
Cranberry 115 145 25 ———-
Gooseberry 165 210 35 ————
Raspberries 145 180 30 ———-
Almond 130 160 30 10
Sunflower seeds 135 170 25 8
Black currant 125 155 25 8
Red currants 140 175 30 10
Pumpkin seeds 95 125 20 7
Hazelnut 130 160 30 10
Fresh blueberries 160 200 35 ———
Dried blueberries 110 130 15 ———-
Dried rose hips ———- ——— 20 7
8 White cabbage from 1500 Potatoes (medium size) 100 Lemon 50-70 Onion (medium size) 75 Carrots (medium) 75 Cucumber (medium) 100 Peach 85 Tomato 75 Radish 20 Radish 170 Turnip 85 Plum 30 Apple 90 Egg C0 55-60 Egg C1 50-55 Egg C2 40-45 Egg yolk 20 Egg white 30

Foreign weights

My husband and I often like to look at foreign sites about food and take some recipes into service, but there is a small catch - they have different weight measures. For example, in addition to quarts, pints and ounces, they do not measure in glasses; instead they use cups, which, you see, is not usual for us and cannot be compared in any way with the volume of our glass. Therefore, we present foreign weight measures.

1 cup 280 ml 1 tsp (1 tsp) 6 ml 1 tbsp. (1 tbsp) 17 ml 1 pint 570 ml 1 quart (1 qt, qwart) 1100 ml


1 ounce (1 ounce) 28.3 g
1 pound 450 g

Below all the tables are presented in a Word file, which you can download and print only the plates you need

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Every person at least once in his life has encountered a situation where it is necessary to measure a certain amount of some substance, for example 200 ml of ordinary water. As it turns out, using the most ordinary objects (spoons, cups, plates and even a syringe), you can easily do this.

So, 200 ml of water is how many grams? In everyday life, scales are often used to measure mass. However, if you remember the school physics course, it turns out that weight and mass are different quantities. Weight is force and mass is quantity.

Weight is directly related to gravity. Units of volume of different substances have different masses. The exception is water. Its density (the ratio of mass and volume) is practically equal to 1. It follows that 1 ml of water contains 1 g and 200 ml of it is equal to 200 g.

Measuring with spoons

The simplest item for measuring the required amount of a substance that any housewife always has on hand is, of course, a spoon. Usually they use a tablespoon or a teaspoon, less often a dessert one. Let's find out how many teaspoons and tablespoons are 200 ml of water.

One teaspoon can hold only 5 ml of water. To determine the number of teaspoons contained in 200 ml, you need to make simple calculations: divide 200 by 5, you get the number 40. This means that 200 ml holds 40 teaspoons.

When you don't have a teaspoon at hand, you can use a tablespoon. The use of such a spoon is most effective when measuring large volumes, since it is more than three times larger than a teaspoon.

One tablespoon holds 18 ml of water. After performing calculations similar to the first case, it turns out that 200 ml contains 11 full tablespoons and a little more.

If you need to use a dessert spoon, please note that it holds 12 ml. This means that to measure 200 ml you will need 16 and a half dessert spoons.

Using a glass

Very often, an ordinary faceted glass is used to measure the amount of food. It is believed that the volume of water poured into a faceted glass until the rim is smooth is 200 ml. It turns out that in order to measure 200 ml, you need to take one single glass.

Dinner plate

The question arises, what to do when there is not a single spoon or even a glass nearby. In this case, you can use a regular soup bowl. In order to determine the number of soup bowls that can hold 200 ml of water, you need to know the volume of one such bowl.

Most often, a soup dish contains 500 ml of water. This means that to get 200 ml you need to take a little less than half a bowl of soup.

Application of a tea mug

Sometimes a tea mug is used to measure liquid. Often such a mug holds 300 ml of water. Remembering mathematics and applying the properties of proportion, you can easily calculate that 200 ml is two-thirds of a tea mug. So this item is not very convenient for measuring volume of 200 ml, as well as 400 ml, 800 ml and so on.

Using a medical syringe

Quite popular and easy to use when measuring liquid products, especially water, is an ordinary medical syringe. The ease of use lies in the fact that each syringe is marked with the number of milliliters it can hold.

In this regard, it is not possible to give an exact answer to the question about the number of syringes required for a 200 ml transfusion without knowing the capacity of the syringe itself.

In each specific case, you can independently make simple mathematical calculations. To do this, 200 ml must be divided by the volume of one syringe indicated on it.

Handy tools for measuring

If you do not have any of the above, then you can use a regular glass beer or lemonade bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters or a half-liter jar. To obtain 200 ml you need to take less than half of the listed vessels.


To summarize the above, we can say that measuring 200 milliliters of water at home without using special measuring instruments is quite simple.

Every housewife always has some improvised remedy at hand. However, it is worth remembering that the listed standards are applicable mainly only to water; for other liquids that have a density different from the unit, it is necessary to make more detailed calculations.
