
Juice from fresh apples for the winter. How to make freshly squeezed apple juice at home? Natural apple juice - the benefits and harms

If you've ever drunk homemade apple juice, you won't doubt if you really should write down these recipes. We will prepare the real juice from apples at home. It's hard to imagine how delicious it is! Here only to try, it is impossible to describe it in words.

You can not add sugar to juices if the fruits themselves are sweet enough. Many housewives prepare juices in this way. Moreover, it is much more useful. Someone likes sour drinks, because they make juices from apples with sourness and also do without sugar.

Such a drink can be served not only to children at the table, but also to neighbors / friends / acquaintances who have come to visit. Moreover, it can be safely served during the holidays, because it is much tastier than the product sold in stores.

From this juice, you can make sauce, and cake cream, and use it as an impregnation for a cake. It can perform a lot of functions and in all cases it will be on top!

General principles of preparation

To make homemade apple juice, you don't need as many things as you might have imagined. In addition to apples, you definitely need jars and lids in which you close this very juice. Choose the right volume. It all depends on how many people live with you, and how often they will drink juice. For example, if you are alone, then you can close the drink in liter jars. If there are many households, take three-liter ones, no less.

In order for everything to be well preserved, it is important to remember about sterility. To do this, the jars along with the lids must be thoroughly washed. First with soap and water, then replace the soap with baking soda. After that comes the turn of sterilization.

You can sterilize wet (just washed) jars in a microwave or oven. Fifteen minutes will be enough, as will a temperature of 150 degrees in the oven and maximum power in the microwave.

And there are two more methods for sterilizing jars: boiling water and steam. In the first case, you just need to place all the jars in the widest pot you have. Pour them with water and put on the stove, bring to a boil, “cook” for fifteen minutes. As for steaming, the jars just need to be placed in turn under steam from an electric kettle. One jar will take ten minutes.

Natural juice from apples for the winter through a juicer

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

A traditional way of harvesting apple juice that does not require sweetening. When choosing sweet varieties, natural sugar will be enough.

How to cook:

Tip: if sugar is added, it is better to give preference to cane. It will have a better effect on the taste, and the juice will not be cloying.

Harvesting juice through a juicer without pulp

Juices without pulp are much easier to drink, and in terms of vitamins they are almost as good as those in which there is pulp. Children like it more.

What is the calorie content - 47 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Be sure to pre-sort the fruits, removing the bad ones to the side;
  2. Wash them, peel them as desired;
  3. Cut the cores and seeds without fail;
  4. Cut fruit into slices, send to a juicer;
  5. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve or put it on cheesecloth, then squeeze it to get pure juice without pulp;
  6. Pour it into a saucepan and place on fire;
  7. Let it boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, remove the foam from the surface;
  8. Pour pure juice into jars, close the lids and put the jars under the blankets for a long and proper cooling.

Tip: if you want to protect your bookmarks from mold, literally 1 gram of citric acid can be added to each jar on top. It can also be mixed into the total mass, and then poured into containers.

Apple-carrot juice

The double benefit of this drink affects the work of the whole organism. Especially such a compote for those who are worried about the health of their eyes.

How long - 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 59 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples, peel them and cut into slices;
  2. Pass through a juicer;
  3. Peel, wash and squeeze the juice out of the carrots in the same way;
  4. Mix both juices in a saucepan, add sugar;
  5. Put on the stove, turn on medium heat;
  6. Bring to a boil and pour into prepared containers.

Tip: the amount of carrots can be adjusted, this is limited only by taste preferences.

Drink option with pumpkin

Exclusively autumn gift: bright and unusual apple-pumpkin juice. Nutritious and rich.

How long - 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 69 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash pumpkin, peel, cut into cubes;
  2. Pass them through a juicer to get juice;
  3. Wash the apples, peel and remove the entrails in the form of cores and, of course, seeds;
  4. Pass the slices through the juicer in the same way as you would the pumpkin;
  5. Pour both types of juice into a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid;
  6. Put on fire, let it boil and cook for ten minutes;
  7. Pour the finished juice into jars, close the lids and put them under a warm blanket.

Tip: It is better to take sweet varieties of pumpkin, its flesh is usually brighter and softer.

Juice bookmarks "Assorted"

The concentration of vitamins in this version of apple juice just rolls over!

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 81 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a syrup, and for this, pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it;
  2. Put on fire, stirring, bring to complete dissolution of the crystals;
  3. Once the goal is reached, boil the syrup for five minutes;
  4. Wash apples, peel and remove the insides;
  5. Cut the fruit into slices and pass through a juicer;
  6. Strain the resulting mass to obtain pure juice;
  7. Mix it with syrup, rowan and currant juice;
  8. Pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil;
  9. Pour hot drink into jars, roll up with a key and put away “under a fur coat”.

Tip: berry juice must be sweetened, otherwise it will be too sour and tart.

To make the juice really healthy, healthy and tasty, we advise you to remove sugar from the composition of the juice. But to make it tasty, be sure to choose sweet varieties. In fact, if you also sweeten such fruits, it will turn out too cloying!

We recommend choosing large apples and always heavy ones. The weight of the fruit must necessarily correspond to the appearance. That is, a large apple should be heavy. The heavier the fruits, the more juice they contain. This means that you can get the maximum amount of vitamins from them. Dare!

When choosing apples, be sure to feel free to touch them from all sides, they must be firm. If the fruits are soft, then they have been on the counter for more than a week.

Buy apples of a reasonable size. It is clear that you will like large specimens more, but it is important to remember that it was for such people that this variety was artificially bred. That is, apples are grown on nitrates.

There should be absolutely no defects on the surface of the fruit: spots, holes, impact marks, cracks, scratches, etc. The peel is perfectly smooth, not wrinkled, while it can be glossy or matte.

Apples must smell and smell like apples. It often happens that vegetables, berries or fruits have no flavor at all. This is a sign that they are artificially grown, which means that inside they are just as “tasteless”. It is not worth buying such a product.

At your leisure, be sure to prepare at home such a delicious and real drink as apple juice. Moreover, we have it with various additives like carrots and pumpkins, so it will turn out incredibly useful and bright. You can offer this even to the smallest.

Apples are rightfully considered the most popular and affordable fruits in our latitudes. Indeed, in autumn, tree branches bend under the weight of juicy and ruddy apples - just have time to collect! The “hot” time for culinary specialists begins, when generous apple crops need to be periodically “processed” into vitamin preparations for the winter. As a rule, canning of apples occurs by rolling jams, jams, marmalade, compotes and juice. Today we will learn how to properly make apple juice for the winter at home - by passing the fruit pulp through a juicer and without it, as well as using a juicer. Our culinary selection contains the simplest step-by-step recipes with photos and videos of apple-pumpkin juice, with the addition of carrots and even without sugar. Indeed, natural apple juice is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins B, C, E, PP, H. Due to its exceptionally useful nutritional qualities, the use of apple juice is recommended for many diseases and as a preventive measure. And it's just so nice to drink a glass of a wonderful fruit drink in winter - for both children and adults. So, stock up on ripe "rejuvenating" apples, jars and patience, and we wish all the chefs creative inspiration.

How to prepare apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer - a step by step recipe with a photo

Homemade apple juice perfectly retains its beneficial properties, and tastes much better than a store-bought drink. How to prepare apple juice for the winter? For convenience and to facilitate the process of separating the juice from the pulp, it is better to use a juicer, through which you can quickly pass several kilograms of fresh fruit. We offer you to master a step-by-step recipe with a photo of natural apple juice - with the help of modern kitchen equipment, even a novice in culinary business can handle the preparation. As a result, you will get a tasty and healthy apple juice that will perfectly fill the deficiency of vitamins in the winter.

Ingredients for winter harvesting apple juice:

  • apples - 2 kg
  • sugar - to taste

Step-by-step instructions for an apple juice recipe for winter using a juicer, with a photo:

Delicious apple juice through a juicer at home for the winter - a recipe with photos, videos

A home juicer greatly facilitates the juice production process, allowing you to process several kilograms of apples at a time. The main advantage of this device is that due to the effect of soft steam, the drink retains a significant part of the nutrients and vitamins. We picked up a simple recipe with photos and videos of delicious apple juice made with a juicer. By following the instructions, you can easily preserve at least a few liters of fragrant apple juice for the winter - the more the better!

Ingredients for homemade apple juice recipe for the winter:

  • sugar - to taste
  • apples - any variety
  • water - filtered or spring

The procedure for harvesting juice from apples passed through a juicer - recipe description:

  1. Pour the apples into a large basin and rinse in running water.
  2. Cut into medium pieces of arbitrary shape, removing damaged and wormy parts of the fruit.
  3. We put the prepared raw materials into the upper container of the juicer - without exceeding the indicated mark. Add sugar if necessary.
  4. We fill the lower part of the device with cold water (approximately 2 - 2.5 liters). From above we install a container in which the juice will be collected - we put a bowl under the faucet with a hose to drain the finished drink. We place the compartment with chopped apples on the very top of the juice cooker, not forgetting to cover it with a lid.
  5. Preservation jars are thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed and sterilized in any convenient way - steamed, in the oven or microwave. While the jars are “cleaned”, we send the metal lids to boil.
  6. The duration of cooking is about 45 - 50 minutes, depending on the variety of apples. When only applesauce remains in the upper container, the fire can be turned off. Puree will be an excellent basis for delicious jam - using a blender, you need to chop the mass, add sugar and boil. So thanks to the juice cooker you can make another delicacy from apples - an excellent “zero waste”!
  7. After the juice has stopped flowing from the faucet, we wait another 10 minutes and disassemble our “design”. Pour the juice from the container into the pan and set to boil, adding a spoonful of sugar if necessary.
  8. Fill sterilized jars with hot apple juice and roll up. Turned upside down, leave to cool under a warm blanket. To store a vitamin fruit drink, a pantry or cellar is suitable, where we send the cooled jars - until winter. Happy tasting!

Apple juice with pulp for the winter - harvesting at home, recipe with photo

With the advent of autumn, housewives prepare jars for canning in advance - the “apple” boom is coming! In every house, work is in full swing on the preparation of various fruit delicacies for the winter, because abundant fresh harvests are so short-lived. Therefore, our recipe with a photo of apple juice with pulp will definitely come in handy for both novice cooks and experienced housewives. How to make apple juice at home? With a little effort, you will stock a natural vitamin drink for the whole family - for a long period of cold weather. Apple juice prepared according to our recipe not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body get rid of toxins and normalize metabolism. A real health elixir!

The list of ingredients for harvesting apple juice with pulp for the winter:

  • sweet and sour apples of late varieties - 2 kg
  • water - 250 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

A step-by-step description of the recipe for homemade apple juice with pulp for the winter:

  1. We wash the fruits under running water, remove the places with damage and diaper rash - leave the peel and the inside.
  2. Cut into medium-sized pieces and put in a large saucepan. On top we place a plate and a small press in the form of a jar of water - the apples should let the juice out a little. Pour in water and add sugar.
  3. We put the pan on a slow fire and boil until the apples are completely softened. At the same time, it is important not to bring the mass to a boil, so that a significant part of the nutrients and vitamins does not “evaporate”.
  4. With a wooden crush, mash the boiled apples into a puree and put them on the fire again for about 5 minutes.
  5. Ready apple juice with pulp should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with metal lids boiled in hot water. We cover the jars with a warm blanket, and after a day we take the cooled drink to a cool dark place. Such homemade apple juice can be safely given to six-month-old babies as complementary foods. So we roll up enough juice so that there is enough for both children and adults - with all our hearts!

A simple recipe for apple juice with grapes at home, with a photo

Apple juice contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body. However, in combination with grapes, the taste of the drink will increase many times over - you get a real vitamin "bomb"! According to our simple recipe with a photo, you will prepare tart grape-apple juice for the winter at home. All the ingredients for the recipe in the fall can be found at your summer cottage or the nearest market. Happy conservation!

To make apple-grape juice at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • apples - 1 kg
  • blue grapes - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

How to make apple juice with grapes for the winter at home - according to a simple recipe:

  1. We wash the grapes in cold running water, separate the berries from the ridges in a separate bowl. If you have a special meat grinder that separates the bones and skin from the pulp - great, you can use this "miracle" of technology. Otherwise, you will have to “squeeze” the berries with your hands or a wooden pusher, straining the mass through gauze. Squeeze the juice into a separate bowl.
  2. My apples and cut into quarters, remove the core. Pieces of fruit are sent to the juicer and we get about 0.5 liters of fresh juice.
  3. We mix grape and apple juices in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add sugar - you can do without sand. Boil the drink for about 3 minutes, not forgetting to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. To obtain clear juice, strain it through a couple of layers of gauze and boil again.
  5. Pour the juice from apples and grapes into clean sterilized jars, roll up and leave for a day under a warm towel or blanket. Then we take it to the basement or cellar, and in winter we enjoy the amazing taste of grape-apple juice. Awesome mix!

Low-calorie apple juice - preparations for the winter without sugar, recipe with photo

To harvest apple juice for the winter according to our recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients - only juicy fruits of sweet varieties. Such a low-calorie drink will appeal to those who, for health reasons, sugar is contraindicated, as well as dieters. Drinking a glass of apple juice without sugar a day, you will get not only a slim figure, but also a decent supply of vitamin C and useful trace elements - iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, acids. Just nectar, and more!

Ingredients for Sugar Free Apple Juice Recipe:

  • apples - 3 kg or quantity as desired

Harvesting apple juice without sugar for the winter at home, step by step:

  1. We wash the fruits under running water, cut into quarters and remove the inside and tails.
  2. We pass the prepared pieces through the juicer and “at the exit” we get about 1.5 liters of juice - from 3 kg of apples according to the recipe. If you plan to thoroughly stock up on apple juice for the winter, you will have to increase the volume of “raw materials” to at least 10 kg.
  3. Foam forms on the surface of the juice, which must be removed. Then you need to pour the drink into a saucepan and put on fire, but do not bring to a boil. During cooking, also periodically remove the foam.
  4. When the temperature reaches 90 degrees, remove the juice from the fire - in this case, a significant part of the vitamins will remain.
  5. We select a convenient and practical container for our apple juice - glass bottles with a screw cap. Prepared containers are steam sterilized, filled with juice and rolled up. Turn upside down to make sure the bottles don't leak. The cooled drink can be stored until winter in a kitchen cabinet or pantry - try it to your health!

Apple juice for the winter with zucchini - canning at home

When preserving apple juice for the winter, you can experiment with adding other juices - carrot, pumpkin and even squash. Such mixing is called blending and improves the taste and useful qualities of the drink. We offer a recipe for apple-zucchini juice, which can be easily prepared at home, surprising loved ones and guests with a new drink with an "intriguing" taste.

We stock up on ingredients for harvesting apple-zucchini juice for the winter:

  • zucchini - 2 kg
  • apples - 2 kg
  • citric acid - 2 gr.
  • sugar - 0.5 kg

How to preserve homemade juice from apples and zucchini for the winter:

  1. We wash and peel the zucchini, remove the seeds and the inner fibrous part.
  2. Remove the skin from clean apples and cut out the core.
  3. Prepared fruits and vegetables should be cut into medium-sized pieces and passed through a juicer.
  4. Pour the juice of zucchini and apples into an enameled pan, put on fire and heat. Pour citric acid and sugar, stir. Boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars, close with lids and let cool. The place for long-term storage of such a vitamin drink will be a dark, cool place - a basement or cellar. As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and does not require special skills, and the finished juice will pleasantly surprise you with an original flavor combination.

How to quickly make juice from apples without a juicer, video

Many summer residents in the fall try to usefully “attach” the surplus of generous apple crops, rolling up juices and compotes for the winter. From our video you will learn how to quickly make juice from apples without a juicer, because not everyone in the country has such a device. This method is simple - like all ingenious!

Harvesting apple-pumpkin juice for the winter - a recipe for video

Pumpkin with apple is an extremely harmonious combination of taste and health benefits. By mixing these two juices, you get a bright and rich drink, rich in vitamins and minerals. How to prepare apple-pumpkin juice for the winter? Watch the video with the recipe for this amazingly delicious "sunny" drink.

Canned apple and carrot juice at home for the winter - a video recipe for harvesting

Preparing apple juice with carrots for the winter is very easy - especially if you use a juicer. So, due to the presence of apples, the tart "carrot" taste is significantly softened, and the benefits of the drink increase significantly. According to our video recipe, each housewife will preserve several cans of “mega-healthy” apple-carrot juice at home - drink it and don’t get sick in winter!

Take care of your health from a young age ... And fruits and vegetables from the summer! And don't just take care of it, but prepare it. Yes, more. Indeed, in winter, the body needs useful substances, a full range of vitamins and a whole palette of pleasant gastronomic experiences. Prepare homemade apple juice for the winter in jars - and delight each family member with all the above benefits.

And look for simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos in our convenient selection. Preparing pure apple juice with and without pulp at home, making apple-carrot, apple-pumpkin juice through a juicer, brewing a vitamin drink with spices in a juicer and much more ...

Classic apple juice at home for the winter

You can prepare classic juice for the winter at home from a variety of apple varieties. However, it is not recommended to use exclusively sour or tart fruits. The taste of the finished drink will turn out to be not entirely pleasant, and excessive acids will lead to painful heartburn. An ideal 100% apple juice should be brewed from varieties Gala, Vita, Golden, Snowy Calvin, Glory to the winners, Malinovka, Macintosh, Champion.

The necessary ingredients for harvesting classic apple juice for the winter

  • fresh apples - 10 kg
  • sugar - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of traditional apple juice for the winter at home

On a note! If the juice for the winter is made from sweet varieties of apples, you can do without sugar at all. So the drink will turn out not only tasty and natural, but also low-calorie!

How to make juice with pulp from apples without a juicer

Natural apple juice is prepared in one of several possible ways. Most often, the fruits are passed through a Soviet or modern juicer. The squeezed liquid is pasteurized in jars or brought to 95C in a saucepan. Housewives wise with life experience also use juice cookers - devices that languish fruits for a couple and thereby withdraw the maximum of a healthy drink. But even without these two kitchen machines, you can make juice with pulp at home. It is enough to grind the fruit on a fine grater or scroll in a meat grinder, and then squeeze through 2-5 layers of gauze.

Necessary ingredients for harvesting apple juice with pulp without a juicer

  • sweet apples - 10 kg
  • cinnamon - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of natural juice from apples with pulp for the winter without a juicer

  1. Wash juicy and ripe apples of sweet varieties thoroughly in two waters, peel them from the stalks and cores.
  2. Grate the fruit along with the peel on a fine or medium grater.
  3. Fold the apple mass on 1-2 layers of clean gauze, fold the ends, forming a neat bag. By pressing on the gauze bag, squeeze out all the juice from the fruit. Hang the cake over a bowl of liquid so that all valuable residues are collected.

On a note! The more layers of gauze you prepare for squeezing the juice, the less likely it is that the pulp will remain in the drink. So, with the density of the "bag" it is better not to overdo it.

  1. Pour the apple juice into a clean enamel saucepan and simmer for 10-15 minutes without bringing to a boil. Turn off the burner from time to time so that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 90C - 95C. Add cinnamon powder of your choice to your drink.
  2. Wash three-liter or two-liter jars with soda, rinse and sterilize over steam (in the oven, in boiling water). Also treat the lids with high temperature.
  3. Pour pasteurized juice with apple pulp without a juicer into a clean container, roll up the lids until winter. Keep the workpiece "under the casing" for 8-10 hours. Then move to a permanent storage location.

Delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer

It would seem that preparing delicious apple juice for the winter through a juicer is the easiest type of harvesting at home. But even in such a primitive business there are pitfalls: it turns out that the apparatus is different for the apparatus! If juicers of Russian or Belarusian production can easily process several kilograms of apples in half an hour, then an overseas device is only suitable for squeezing 2-3 fruits per glass of fresh drink. And after - requires a long rest. In addition, foreign juicers, unlike the "Soviet" ones, do not leave dry cake, but liquid slurry. Translating thereby useful products.

See video recipes on how to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer:

Natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter at home

Juice cookers have been known to cooks since Soviet times. And, meanwhile, they still remain in the active kitchen arsenal of thousands of housewives. Which is not at all surprising!

  • juice from a juicer does not need additional heat treatment before seaming;
  • the pulp left after evaporating the juice can be used to make jam;
  • an open can of drink is stored in the refrigerator for at least 7-10 days, and not 2 days, as in options with other harvesting methods;
  • natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter is very easy to prepare at home, without wasting energy on pre-twisting or grinding fruits.

Necessary ingredients for natural apple juice through a juicer for winter

  • juicy apples
  • granulated sugar (if apples are sour)

Step-by-step instructions for harvesting natural apple juice for the winter through a juicer

On a note! The hose from the juicer should be lowered into a canning jar. The container must be sterile, since the finished juice does not undergo additional heat treatment.

Diet apple juice - preparations for the winter without sugar

Refined cinnamon is an amazing spice. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples and sets off their sweetness with its own astringency. And yet - along with cloves and nutmeg, cinnamon provides invaluable benefits to the body: it speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, stimulates brain activity, and destroys harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. Prepare a sugar-free dietary apple juice recipe and enjoy not only a delicious, but also a very healthy spicy drink all year round.

The necessary ingredients for harvesting sugar-free dietary apple juice for the winter

  • sweet and sour apples - 4 kg
  • cinnamon powder - 0.5 tsp
  • crushed nutmeg - 0.5 tsp
  • carnation - 5 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation of spicy apple juice for the winter without sugar

  1. Wash juicy apples of late sweet and sour varieties in cold water. Cut each fruit into 4 parts, carefully cut out the core. Twist the fruit through a meat grinder.
  2. Put part of the resulting apple mass on a gauze substrate. Form a bag and squeeze out all the juice. Treat the rest of the fruit mass in the same way.
  3. Pour all the available juice into a deep enameled pan, add spices. Without bringing to a boil, pasteurize the drink at 90C-95C.
  4. Wash jars and sterilize. Prepare the seaming lids in the same way. Diet apple juice - preparation for the winter without sugar. This means that the container must be clean enough so that bacteria do not breed in the drink.
  5. Fill sterile jars with pasteurized juice, roll up the lids. Wrap the workpiece in a terry towel or warm blanket until it cools completely.

Apple juice with pear at home: a simple video recipe

The composition of blended apple juices and assorted juices can be listed indefinitely: apple-pumpkin, apple-carrot, grape-apple, etc. But the most delicious and popular is still the juice from ripe apples and pears, prepared by hardworking housewives from their own harvest at home. Such a drink, similarly to the previous ones, can be sweet or spicy, with or without pulp, light or concentrated.

Watch how to make apple pear juice at home in a simple video recipe:

Vitamin apple-carrot juice - canning at home for the winter

Making homemade juice is the most convenient and practical way to harvest for the winter. And especially, such a plentiful harvest as apples and carrots. Of course, they can be carefully packed in wooden boxes with dry grass or sawdust and hidden in a dark basement. But after all, a glass of bright vitamin apple-carrot juice, canned at home for the winter, is much more appetizing than a wilted apple or a shriveled carrot. Is not it?

Essential ingredients for carrot-apple juice for the winter at home

  • sweet and sour apples - 3 kg
  • juicy carrots - 5 kg
  • ginger root
  • lemon

Step-by-step cooking at home according to a recipe with a photo of vitamin juice from apples and carrots for the winter

Tart apple juice with grapes - canning at home

Apple juice is useful in itself: vitamin C, organic acids, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus have a beneficial effect on the respiratory, digestive, circulatory system and the whole body. But in combination with fresh homemade grapes, the drink becomes miraculous at times. Tart apple juice with grapes according to home canning recipes is an amazing preparation for everyone: from kids to the elderly.

The necessary ingredients for harvesting tart grape-apple juice for the winter at home

  • juicy apples - 4 kg
  • pink grapes - 5 kg
  • blue grapes - 1 kg

Step-by-step preparation of tart apple-grape juice at home for the winter

  1. Wash all apples thoroughly. Cut large fruits into 4 parts, small ones into 2. Remove cores with stones.
  2. Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the twigs.
  3. Pass the fruit through the juicer, pour the juice into a thick-walled saucepan.
  4. Boil the workpiece for 5-7 minutes at 90C-95C, avoiding boiling. Remove the formed foam.
  5. Pour tart apple juice with grapes at home into sterile jars, roll up with lids. Turn the container upside down, wrap it with a blanket for the night.
  6. Move the cooled juice to the pantry. The drink is perfectly preserved at room temperature.

Homemade apple and pumpkin juice for the winter

Pure pumpkin juice is very valuable for the human body, but not everyone admires its taste. Someone does not like the astringent structure with an abundance of pulp, others are confused by the "soapy" taste. Fortunately, there is an excellent solution to all these nuances - mix a pumpkin with an apple and prepare a multivitamin juice for the winter. The technology of its preparation is not much different from the preparations from previous recipes. Yes, and the method of storage is exactly the same.

See more about making homemade apple-pumpkin juice for the winter in the video recipe:

Homemade apple juice for the winter is the noblest preparation of the most primitive representatives of the summer-autumn harvest. A healthy vitamin drink can be made sweet and clear, devoid of any sediment. Or tart with carrot or pumpkin pulp. Having a juicer or a juicer in the arsenal, each culinary specialist will prepare at home a whole batch of a delicious drink "in cans" without much difficulty.

Everyone loves apple juice, both children and adults. Therefore, when the season is coming, housewives are stocking up on apple juice for the winter, both in its pure form and mixed with other vegetables and fruits. After all, homemade juice cannot be compared with the purchased one.

It is in this article that we will introduce you to a variety of simple recipes for making apple juice for the winter at home using a juicer or a juicer. And also consider the combination of apple juice with other juices: carrot, pumpkin, tomato, pear, grape and rowan.

Selection of raw materials for harvesting apple juice for the winter

Despite the fact that both carrion and rejection from other blanks are used for juice, not every apple can be put into juice to harvest apple juice for the winter. It is necessary that the fruits are juicy and not too sour. Too much juice acid can cause heartburn, even if you even out the taste by adding more sugar.

Based on sugar minimization considerations, 2-3 tablespoons per large 3-liter jar is an acceptable amount. Do not be afraid that a lack of sugar will cause the cans to bloat. The natural sourness of apple juice also works as a natural preservative, so you'll be fine.

Unless, of course, all the requirements for cleanliness and sterility of the container are met.

Procurement technology homemade apple juice for the winter

At home, you can apply one of the four ways to harvest apple juice. Which one to use is your choice. The main thing is to choose the "right" apples, as already mentioned above - juicy and not very sour, and, of course, remove the core with the help of a well-known device.

Option 1. If the household has a juicer, apple juice for the winter is harvested very simply, this is the most convenient way. We act according to the instructions, and pour the resulting juice directly from the juicer into a sterilized container, immediately roll it up.

If there is no juicer, then we will get apple juice from a juicer. This is for all three remaining options, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. First we squeeze the juice, and then its processing can be done in different ways.

Unsightly, but productive and hardy juicers produced in Belarus and Russia have proven themselves best of all. In some ½ hour they can process a couple of buckets of apples without any tension, they don’t even heat up. Moreover, the cake will be dry, and this indicates that the juice is squeezed out to the maximum.

If you are tempted by a glamorous imported juicer, then the maximum that it is good for is to process a couple of apples for a cocktail or smoothie - the power is incomparable. And the quality leaves much to be desired: if you look at the cake, you will see that it is almost liquid.

So, we are considering options for obtaining apple juice for the winter using a juicer.

Option 2. Pour freshly squeezed juice into a saucepan (enamelled!) And make it boil a little. Along the way, we remove the foam. After that, we take the prepared hot jars, pour juice into them and roll them up. This method is convenient because you can do without sterilization.

Option 3. After pouring the juice into a saucepan, do not bring it to a boil, but keep it for some time at 95 ° C. Foam is also formed in this case, and it must also be removed. Roll up.

Option 4, with pasteurization. The juice, just squeezed, is immediately poured into jars, and then subjected to pasteurization. To do this, we put them in a wide bowl, fill them with water up to the shoulders and set to heat.

When the ambient water temperature reaches 85 ° C, we do not raise it above it, but we hold the jars for such a time:

20 minutes for volumes up to 1½ l;

30 minutes for 2 and 3 liter.

How to make homemade apple juice in winter

First, we select the raw materials, as described above.

Wash the apples thoroughly, clean out doubtful places, remove the core, cut into pieces. It is convenient to use, if there are a lot of apples, a special device: with one touch of the hand, the core is cut out, and the apple itself breaks up into 8 or 6 equal parts.

After squeezing the juice from apples, it is necessary to strain it, folding gauze in several layers. This will remove all the pulp, and the juice does not have to be clarified. The maximum you get is a thin layer of sediment at the bottom of the jar. But, in principle, this operation is not mandatory.

Apple juice tends to darken, which can be prevented by adding freshly squeezed lemon juice - very little. The same 2-3 tablespoons of sugar in a 3-liter jar, which were discussed above, should balance the acid.

Apple juice, if prepared pure and natural, will turn out to be very concentrated, and in winter, before drinking, it is diluted with water.

Container preparation and final seaming operations

The preparation of containers is an important issue, because it is a pity if the work is lost due to poor-quality preparation of dishes or improper handling of already rolled up cans of juice. Therefore, the housewives are trying to carefully approach such crucial technical issues.

There is nothing difficult, you just have to be conscientious. Banks are first thoroughly washed and rinsed out no less diligently to get rid of detergent residues.

Clean jars are sterilized, and for this, 2 methods are used at home.

They put a large kettle of water on the fire and turn the spout so that an overturned jar can be placed above it. The water in the kettle boils, a jet of steam shoots out of the spout right into the jar. It is turned several times over the steam, then, after a few minutes, it is put to drain on the dryer, and the next one is installed in its place.

Banks are placed in the oven and fried there at 100-120 ° C for at least 10 or 15 minutes, but longer. When pouring boiling juice, it is better if the jars themselves are hot. Here, too, it is not necessary to grab with bare hands.

As for the lids, they just boil. There is acid in the juice, so they take varnished lids.

After the juice cans are rolled up, they are placed upside down and checked to see if air is leaking anywhere. If everything is in order, the jars are wrapped and waiting for them to cool.

Now they can be deployed and put in the usual position somewhere in a cool dark place. Juice should be stored for no more than two years.

You can prepare apple juice by combining apples with other auxiliary components, this greatly diversifies the taste.

If you want to have such a blended juice in winter, then there are many options. Grape-apple juice is very good, and the combination of apple juice with pumpkin, carrot or chokeberry juice is considered very useful.

Here are some examples of harvesting apple juice for the winter with various additives.

Juice for the winter apple-carrot



Juice from apples, they are as much in weight as carrots, or more

1. In any way, squeeze the juice out of the carrots, after steaming it first.

2. Can be rubbed through a sieve if we expect baby food.

3. Mix carrot puree with apple juice.

4. Roll up.

To this apple juice for the winter without sugar, carrots add a pleasant sweetness. A glass of apple-carrot juice in winter plays the role of a portion of a vitamin cocktail. It is all the more good because they do not put sugar in it, the taste is absolutely natural.

Apple-tomato juice for the winter


1 kg apples

2 kg tomatoes, always ripe

Spices as desired (bay leaf, cloves, etc.)

Sugar at will

Rock salt to taste - optional

1. We crush tomatoes or in any other way we get juice from them. We boil the resulting mass.

2. If the juice from the tomatoes is obtained without a juicer, you will have to cool it and wipe it to remove the remnants of the cake.

3. Peel the apples, get rid of the core and grind in a meat grinder - we get mashed potatoes.

4. Combine applesauce with tomato puree, add everything the recipe says, and heat. But not to a boil.

5. Warm up the juice well, pack it and sterilize it.

6. Roll up.

Apple-tomato is well stored all winter and has a pleasant, completely unique taste. Apples and tomatoes perfectly complement each other and contribute to the normalization of the mineral-salt balance.

Pumpkin-apple juice for the winter, disguised as orange


2 kg apples

1 kg pumpkin pulp

2 oranges

A little sugar (200 g)

Water ¼ l

1. Steam the pumpkin pulp, cut into pieces.

2. Puree in a blender or simply rub through a sieve.

3. Taking a juicer, we get apple juice.

4. My citrus fruits, remove the zest and squeeze the maximum amount of juice from the fruits.

5. Mix pumpkin puree with apple juice, citrus zest and juice, put sugar.

6. Boil the juice and pack it in hot jars. Roll up.

Pumpkin-apple drink is bright, sunny, exceptionally beautiful. Why do you have to disguise it as orange juice? Yes, because children cannot be persuaded to eat pumpkin, in any form.

And here the taste and aroma of citrus interrupts the signs of pumpkin, and the healthy juice goes with a bang. And if they knew that there was a pumpkin there, they would not even try, despite the presence of their favorite apple juice.

Apple and mountain ash juice for the winter


Apples, 3 kg

Rowan chokeberry, a small portion of berries, about ½ kg

A little sugar, from 40 to 60 g per 1 kg of the total weight of raw materials

1. We pick the berries, cut the apples and put everything together in a juicer.

2. We pack the finished juice in a hot container and roll it up.

Apple and mountain ash juice is another option for harvesting vitamin and at the same time tasty juice for the winter. Both apples and mountain ash contain a lot of acids and natural preservatives, so this healthy juice is perfectly stored.

Recipe for apple-pear juice for the winter


Juice squeezed from apples or apples

1. You can squeeze juice from apples and pears at the same time, and you can also cook them in a juicer together. Any ratio is allowed.

2. Roll up.

Apple-pear juice has an interesting bouquet and great taste. Pear juice in its pure form is not very expressive, but the combination of pears with apples gives a completely new quality.

Juice for the winter apple-grape


- ½ kg of black or blue grapes

- ½ kg of juicy apples

2 kg pink grapes

1. Let's take the grapes, cut the apples and pass it all through the juicer.

2. After pouring the juice into a saucepan, heat it up, remove the foam and cook slowly for about 5 minutes.

3. If you do not want to see sediment in the jar in winter, then after removing the foam, after cooling, strain the liquid and boil again.

4. Roll the juice into hot jars. Wrap up.

Apple-grape juice is absolutely natural, very beautiful, drunk with pleasure. It is quite sweet and without sugar, has a rich taste, so they drink it diluted with water. Children love topping up with mineral sparkling water, it turns out delicious natural soda.

And housewives use this juice to make mousses, jellies, sauces and compotes. A must have in winter!

Further enumeration of the production of blended apple-based juices is unnecessary, they are all made according to the same scheme. You can mix apples in juice with berries, vegetables and other fruits that have a large amount of juice.

Apple juice for the winter, prepared at home, cannot be compared with purchased juices. Homemade juice, absolutely natural, retains its usefulness to the maximum extent, and its taste is simply impossible to describe in words.

To supplement you with a useful video on our article topic - How to make apple juice for the winter

Homemade apple juice: a recipe for the winter

Homemade apple juice for the winter: a step-by-step recipe and the best combinations with other fruits and berries. Simple ways to stock up on vitamins for the whole year and get them from a delicious apple drink. It turns out to be useful and very fragrant, and in terms of taste it is many times superior to the store counterpart.

  1. Type of dish: drink.
  2. Dish subtype: apple drink.
  3. number of servings per outlet: 5-6
  4. Cooking time: .
  5. National cuisine: Russian.
  6. Energy value:
  • proteins - 0.4 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.8 g.

Apple Juice Secrets

Ingredients for making apple juice

  • apples (the quantity is calculated based on the available raw materials and containers for seaming);
  • sugar is not used in the classic recipe, but if the fruits are very acidic, you can add 50-100 g per liter of liquid.

Classic Apple Juice Recipe

To prepare tasty and healthy juice for the winter, it is better to process apples just taken from the tree - they are more juicy. For these purposes, Anis, Antonovka, Semerenko, Shtrey fling, Grushovka varieties are more suitable, but if there are none, others can be used. It is recommended to mix several varieties of apples: a blended drink has a more interesting taste and aroma. The classic technology for making apple juice at home is as follows:

Pouring apple juice into bottles

  1. Put the containers upside down and wrap with a blanket.
In this state, apple juice should be stored at room temperature for another 10-12 days. If during this time he did not begin to ferment, did not become cloudy and mold did not appear, then the jars can be moved for long-term storage in a cool, dark place. Such a drink is stored for a very long time, so you can enjoy its taste for a whole year until the time for a new harvest comes. If it has deteriorated during the first two weeks, you can boil it for 5-7 minutes and use it to make jelly or fruit drinks. Adhering to this recipe, it is not necessary to heat the juice a second time. The only difference is that reheating allows you to get rid of the sediment at the bottom of the can, which will appear during the storage of the drink. It should be borne in mind that it will not work to get completely clarified juice at home, but this nuance will not affect the taste. Using the pasteurization method, you can save a maximum of vitamins in the resulting drink. Therefore, it is recommended by experienced housewives who care not only about the taste, but also about the benefits of their blanks. For the same purposes, it is advised to use only enameled dishes to heat the liquid.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer

Harvesting apple juice for the winter


  • apples;
  • other vegetables, berries or fruits (optional);
  • sugar if necessary.
This is the most common and easiest way to get any fruit drink. To save the juice for the winter, you can use the first preparation method - pasteurization, which was described in the classic recipe. The second way is sterilization. To do this, strain the resulting juice through cheesecloth and pour into clean jars. If apple varieties are sour, you can add sugar, but not more than 100 g per liter of liquid. You can add granulated sugar just before rolling - it will completely dissolve in the hot liquid. Close the jars tightly with boiled lids. At this time, water should already be boiling in a wide saucepan, on the bottom of which a wooden circle or gauze is laid. Put the filled containers into boiling water (it should reach the neck of the cans) and sterilize for 15 minutes (for 3-liter containers - 30 minutes). The foam will need to be gradually removed. Remove jars from boiling water, turn upside down and wrap in a warm blanket.

Apple juice obtained through a juicer

If the farm has a juicer, you can experiment with preparations for the winter - make blended drinks. Excellent taste qualities are those in which apples are combined with the following fruits, berries and vegetables:

  • pears;
  • plums;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • chokeberry;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • grapes;
  • currant.
Many summer residents prepare exactly an apple-pear drink - it turns out to be light, fragrant and very tasty.

For its preparation you will need:

  • apples;
  • pears.
The amount of ingredients must be selected based on the expected result and individual tastes.
  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly and cut into quarters.
  2. Run them through a juicer.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into an enameled container and put on a gas stove.
  4. As the liquid heats up, foam will collect on its surface. It must be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  5. If there is not enough sweetness, you can add granulated sugar.
  6. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, immediately turn off the heat and quickly strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  7. Pour hot into pre-prepared glass jars and roll them up, turn over and wrap.
After a week and a half, check whether the blanks have deteriorated and put them in a permanent storage place.

Apple Juice: No Juicer Recipe


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar syrup - 4 cups (dissolve 2 cups of granulated sugar in the same amount of hot water).

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Peel apples and rotted areas, remove the seed box.
  2. Cut into slices about 1-2 centimeters wide, transfer them to an enamel pan.

Cutting apples for juice

  1. Pour in water.
  2. Turn on the fire and wait until it boils, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the gas stove and puree its contents. To do this, skip the pulp 2 times through a meat grinder or use a blender.

Turning apples into puree for juice

  1. Combine the resulting mass with syrup and put on fire again.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and cool slightly.
  3. Rub the mass through a fine metal sieve.
  4. Put on fire again, bring to a boil and immediately pour into prepared warm jars, roll up and put down with lids.
Apple juice prepared according to this recipe is obtained with pulp. It contains more dietary fiber, so it will be beneficial for the intestines. It is recommended to use it without adding a sweetener to those who are on a diet. If there is no juicer at home, but you want to prepare a clarified drink, you can use the classic recipe for its preparation. To obtain juice, apples must be passed through a meat grinder or grated on a fine grater, and then squeezed through cheesecloth several times. Then prepare the drink according to the first recipe.

How to make apple juice for the winter: video

Another way to harvest it for long-term storage can be seen in the next video. Its author proposes to make a drink with sugar using the sterilization method. It should be borne in mind that every housewife eventually finds her secrets of home preservation, so different recipes may differ from each other. Each is good in its own way and can be used with equal success for harvesting for the winter.
