
Shelf life of linseed oil from the date of manufacture. Correct shelf life

Flaxseed oil is deservedly considered one of the most useful among vegetable fats. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, has a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Only 1 tbsp. flaxseed oil, taken in the morning on an empty stomach, will help improve immunity, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and overall health. However, it is worth remembering that oil will be useful only if stored properly. How, where and how long can linseed oil be stored? Let's figure it out.

Home storage rules

Unlike other oils, linseed oil is very susceptible to environmental conditions and therefore oxidizes quickly. When storing it, it is important to follow many important rules.

  • Use the correct container. Flaxseed oil should be kept in a tightly closed dark glass bottle with a narrow neck.
  • Observe a certain temperature regime. Since high temperatures are not used to press the oil, the same principle should be followed when storing it.
  • Store the oil in a dark place. Exposure to sunlight is detrimental to him.
  • Be sure to check the expiration date of the product. Do not use the oil after the specified date, otherwise you may be injurious to health.

Best before date

It is important to remember that the shelf life of linseed oil depends on the method of extraction, the packaging used and ranges from 3 months to 1 year. Refined linseed fat produced by cold pressing at a temperature not exceeding +45 °C has the maximum shelf life. At the same time, it should be stored in unopened opaque glass original packaging. It is even better if such a bottle is additionally closed in a cardboard box.

Flaxseed oil that has passed its shelf life becomes dark and viscous, with a sour, rancid taste.

When buying, be sure to carefully study the instructions for using the product. Try not to buy a large amount of oil at once. Take it as much as you intend to use within a month. It is also not recommended to use it more than the daily allowance. This can cause side effects - worsening blood clotting or metabolic disorders.

To extend the shelf life of linseed oil after opening the bottle for another couple of weeks, use folk wisdom. Ignite table salt in a pan for 2-3 minutes and add 1 tsp each. for every liter of oil. You can determine that flaxseed fat has expired by the following criteria: it acquires a sour and rancid taste and becomes darker and more viscous.

The choice of containers for draft oil

When purchasing flaxseed oil for bottling, keep in mind that it is better to do it often and little by little. A necessary condition for the storage of draft oil is the correct selection of containers. Never store the product in plastic bottles. Even if you purchased it in such a package, be sure to pour it into an opaque glass bottle, porcelain or ceramic container with a tight-fitting lid. Try not to exceed 0.5 liters of the maximum purchase volume. Be sure to sign the date of purchase.

Remember that proper storage of linseed oil means a container with a tight-fitting lid or stopper. Otherwise, when interacting with oxygen, vegetable fat will dry and become covered with a film. And with prolonged contact with air, changes in the composition of the oil can occur that are harmful to human health.

Features of storage in the refrigerator

It is important to remember that only unrefined linseed oil can be stored in the refrigerator. It is best to place it on the door. Do not be alarmed if a dark sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle over time. Never put refined oil in the refrigerator. Even at a temperature of +12 ° C, it will freeze and lose its beneficial properties. Refined oils are best stored in a dark, cool place, such as a pantry or kitchen cabinet.

All types of oils, from olive to coconut and butter, have only 4 enemies:

  • Light;
  • Warm;
  • Oxygen;
  • Sudden temperature changes.

Under their influence, the oil oxidizes, becomes rancid, loses its taste, aroma and beneficial properties. The best way to prevent this (and even extend the product's shelf life) is proper storage. Today we will talk about home storage of the 5 most favorite types of oils:

  • olive;
  • sunflower;
  • linen;
  • coconut;
  • creamy.

How to store vegetable oils (olive, linseed, sunflower)

When it comes to storing oils, there are three things to consider: Where store it, How store it and what.

Temperature regime

Before opening: Let's start with the good news - most vegetable oils can be stored at room temperature, that is, at + 20-24 ° C, but no more. The minimum allowed temperature is 5°C. Well, the optimal mode is about 14 ° C. Such an ideal climate at home can only be provided by a wine cooler.

After opening: and here's the not-so-good news - unfortunately, most vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, linseed) need to be consumed within 1 month after opening the bottle. After a month, the oil remains suitable for consumption, but still it is undesirable to use it in food, since toxic and even carcinogenic substances are formed in the product. The taste of the oil becomes bitter a month after opening the package (especially for olive and linseed oils), the aroma becomes neutral.

  • A month after opening, olive oil can be used as sunflower oil for frying.
  • Flaxseed oil, after opening, should preferably be stored in the refrigerator on the middle / top shelf or in the compartment for fruits and vegetables.

Flaxseed oil can be refrigerated after opening.

  • Due to their rapid rancidity, buying large cans of olive, flaxseed, and unrefined sunflower oil is not very wise. It is better to buy a product less, but more often.

Where to store

So, all oils like dark, dry and cool (but not cold!) places. Where can you find them in the kitchen of a city apartment?

The optimal solution for both long-term and daily storage of oils is a closed cabinet, preferably lower (because the lower it is, the cooler it is) and not too close to the stove. It is not recommended to store spices and spices next to the oil, as it tends to absorb odors.

Unfortunately, the most convenient place to store oil is the countertop, which is the most unfavorable because of its proximity to the stove, daylight and artificial light, and temperature changes. But it's so convenient to always have a bottle on hand, what to do? A compromise is possible: just pour the oil from a large bottle into a small one with a margin of one to two weeks. The bottle should be made of dark glass and stand away from the stove.

An ideal place for long-term storage of oils is a wine cellar or its modern substitute - a wine cooler with a temperature of 14 degrees. Can butter be stored in a conventional refrigerator? Yes, you can, but be careful.

  • Firstly, the oil extracted from the refrigerator should not be left warm for a long time, stored in a cupboard, then again in the refrigerator. Remember, abrupt climate change is one of the enemies of any oil.
  • Secondly, it is advisable to store the oil in the refrigerator in the compartment for fruits and vegetables (there is a temperature of about 8 degrees) or on the topmost shelf (7 degrees Celsius). Do not forget that too low temperatures (below 5 degrees), which are typical for the middle and bottom shelves of the refrigerator, are harmful for oils. But the refrigerator door is not the best option, since the climate on the door shelves, although optimal for storing oils, is too unstable.

By the way, there is one more nuance that applies only to olive oil: when stored in the refrigerator, white flakes form in it. There is no need to be afraid of this, on the contrary, such a sediment only proves that the purchased oil is really olive oil. At room temperature, it will return to its normal consistency.

Where to store oil

The ideal container is dark glass (such as amber or cobalt) with a tight lid and possibly a dispenser or spray bottle.

A ceramic vessel that can be tightly closed is also a good fit.

But metal containers (for example, those in which oil is often sold) are less suitable. As a rule, medium quality oil is sold in such packages.

The worst choice of container for storing oil is plastic bottles. If you bought fresh and valuable oil (olive, linseed, unrefined or raw sunflower) in such a package, say, at the market, then it should be poured into a dark glass bottle. In general, it is better to refuse to buy oil in plastic packaging, since during storage, chemical compounds harmful to health from plastic can pass into the product. The only oil that can be sold in plastic packaging is refined sunflower and coconut oil.

  • If you bought the oil in a transparent glass bottle, you can wrap it in foil.

How to store coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most non-capricious oils: it can be stored for a long time, it is not too afraid of heat (more than 24 degrees) and even light. But there is one important nuance - its consistency depends on the storage temperature of coconut oil.

Coconut oil liquid consistency - the most convenient to use for both culinary and cosmetic purposes

At room temperature, it becomes liquid - and this is the most convenient option for eating oil and for cosmetic procedures. At temperatures below 20 degrees, coconut oil will acquire a jelly-like consistency, and in the refrigerator it will harden.

It turns out that a product that you use often or daily is best stored simply on a shelf in a closet and even on a countertop.

However, for long-term storage of coconut oil (especially unrefined), which you use only occasionally, the top shelf of the refrigerator or the compartment for fruits and vegetables is more suitable.

  • Refined coconut oil can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year, and unrefined - up to six months.
  • For easier use when stored in the refrigerator, coconut oil can be poured into silicone ice molds as shown in the photo below.

But the bathroom is the least suitable for storing coconut oil due to high humidity.

What to store

As for the containers for storing coconut oil, a dark glass jar with a tight lid is best, but opaque plastic will also work.

How to store butter

Temperature conditions and storage locations

The optimal temperature regime for storing butter for daily use is from 0 to 6 degrees. It is this climate that a refrigerator can provide; here the oil can be stored for 15 days after opening.

  • So that butter is not too hard and easy to spread on bread, it is worth storing it on the top shelf of the refrigerator, in the fruit and vegetable compartment or on the door shelf.

But for long-term storage (up to 1 year), you need to use a freezer. But still, this option is not the best, since during long-term storage in the cold, butter becomes less tasty and healthy.

Remember that you can not leave butter at room temperature for a long time. Due to exposure to heat and light, it will turn yellow, oxidize, lose its beneficial properties and taste.

However, if there is no refrigerator nearby, for example, in field conditions or a country house, then you can save the oil in one of the following ways:

Method 1: Wrap the oil in a cotton cloth soaked in a solution of water and vinegar. When the cloth is dry, soak it again in the solution.

Method 2. Put a piece of butter in a jar and pour vinegar so that it covers the bar for a couple of centimeters.

Method 3. Wrap a bar of butter up to 200 g (or several bars) in parchment, then place it in a deep container and fill it with a strong salt solution. Store the oil container in a dark place and change the saline solution daily.

What to store

Butter can be stored both in a butter dish and in factory-made foil packaging. Parchment paper (pictured below) or foil is also suitable. The main thing is that the packaging or container protects the oil from light.

You should not store butter in plastic containers and plastic bags - in such containers the product will quickly go rancid, turn yellow and deteriorate.

Flaxseed oil has long had a wide range of applications, as it contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. However, with long or improper storage, it loses its properties. In order for this valuable product to remain suitable for consumption as long as possible, you need to take care of its proper storage.


Getting this valuable product is a well-established process in those regions where flax grows. However, there are different ways to obtain it, affecting the qualitative composition of the final product. The most saturated with useful substances is oil produced by cold pressing.

Raw materials are cleaned, crushed and put under a press. The resulting product has a beautiful color, it has a taste and a light aroma. It retains as much as possible all the useful components that the raw materials contained. Such oil can be distinguished visually - it may contain a cloudy precipitate. This is a perishable product, although the most expensive.

An unrefined oil may be hydrated, that is, treated with water to remove precipitate-forming substances; a small amount of sediment is sometimes present. The product retains almost all of the properties inherent in unrefined oil, however, the hydration process removes some of the beneficial components.

On sale you can find refined linseed oil. It is obtained from unrefined by mechanical and chemical processing. There is no sediment in it, it is stored longer, has a mild taste, color and aroma.

Refined oil can undergo another purification - deodorization. Deodorized oil is transparent, there is no sediment in it, it has practically no taste and smell.

It should be understood that each subsequent processing, although it prolongs the shelf life of the product, reduces the content of useful substances in it, and, therefore, makes it cheaper and less valuable. Nevertheless, each type of oil finds its application in different areas of life.

In industry, it is used to make drying oil and quick-drying oil paints; natural linoleum is made from it. However, the abundance of useful substances makes it an indispensable product for a healthy diet, in medicine and cosmetology.

Useful properties and application

Useful properties of the oil are given by the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it, vitamins and trace elements. Their diversity in composition is great, and this makes the oil a suitable product for various conditions of the body.

It is enough to consume one to two tablespoons of the product per day to:

  • normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heal lesions on the gastric mucosa and prevent their occurrence;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • reduce the risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthen blood vessels, improve their elasticity and cleanse them of cholesterol;
  • regulate metabolic processes in the body;
  • improve the body, improve immunity;
  • prevent weight gain;
  • look good, have healthy hair and nails;
  • quickly restore health after illnesses and operations;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle in women.

A small dose, not exceeding a teaspoon, can be given to a child. He will become stronger, smarter and more resilient.

You should be aware that the beneficial properties of oil as a food additive appear only on the condition that you take the oil as such, and do not use it for cooking fried or baked dishes: heat treatment leads to the formation of carcinogens. Therefore, add it to ready-made, but not hot, dishes or use it as a dressing for salads.

It must be remembered that polyunsaturated acids lose their properties very quickly when exposed to air. This means that you need to add oil only before the direct serving of the dish on the table. Do not refill too large portions - they are not subject to storage, even in the refrigerator.

You should not take too large doses of oil - this will lead to diarrhea, badly affect the liver, and cause other unpleasant conditions. Also, the oil is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and some chronic diseases and when taken in combination with certain medications. In the presence of diseases, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

In cosmetology, it is used for various skin lesions, used as a wound healing agent. It can be added to creams and masks. The oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, relieves dryness, irritation and peeling. Just do not need to prepare large portions of funds - they are not stored for a long time.

The product can also be used as a hair mask. It will have a good effect on split ends, strengthen hair follicles, help restore hair after dyeing, and make it more silky.

It is also useful to periodically treat them with nails. The oil will help with their delamination and brittleness, will help restore their elasticity and shine.

If you need to take unrefined oil for ingestion, then a more refined one or with preservative additives, and therefore having a longer shelf life, is quite suitable for adding to cosmetics.

How and where to keep?

All the numerous properties of the product will be manifested if it is fit for consumption, has not lost its freshness. The expiration date indicated on the packaging refers to the product in the unopened container of the manufacturer. But the fact is that after its opening, linseed oil can be stored for about a month. Unsuitable storage conditions accelerate the process of loss of useful qualities.

To prevent this from happening, open oil should be stored correctly. It would be useful to write down the date you opened the bottle on the label. First of all, temperature control is very important.

The destruction of polyunsaturated acids and vitamins begins when the mark is exceeded at 23. The temperature of 18–23 is considered optimal. The product can be stored in the refrigerator door. Low temperatures may cause the product to thicken or precipitate. This is not scary - at room temperature it will return to its original state. In no case should you heat it in the microwave or using a water bath.

It is very important to take care that sunlight does not fall on it, which will start the oxidation processes. Therefore, the product should be stored in a dry dark place.

You also need to take care of the storage container. It is best if tinted glass or high-quality ceramics are used for its manufacture, since the substances contained in the container should not enter into chemical interaction with the elements of the oil.

If you bought oil in a plastic container, then after opening it, you need to pour it into a glass, preferably brown, bottle with a narrow neck and a tight-fitting cork. If you do not have a dark bottle on hand, then wrap a light bottle for better storage with thick paper.

The storage location should not be located near stoves or heating appliances.

Be sure to minimize the contact time of the oil with air. Remember to close the cap on the bottle tightly immediately after each use to reduce the time the oil is exposed to air, which oxidizes it. For the same reason, oil should be stored in a bottle with a narrow neck.

Where is the best place to buy?

Since flaxseed oil cannot be stored for a long time after opening, you should not buy it in a large package, more than 0.5 liters, it is unreasonable to purchase it. Today, you can buy flaxseed oil in the store, and in the pharmacy, and in the market. On the market, it is sometimes offered to purchase for bottling. And although in this case you can purchase a small amount of it, you should still refuse such a purchase - it is very difficult to create favorable storage conditions for the product on the market, it is not protected from temperature extremes and exposure to air.

It is safer to buy in a store where the oil is sold in a dark glass bottle, hermetically sealed at the factory.

In pharmacies, you can buy flaxseed oil in capsules. This is very convenient because:

  • the product is dosed - it contains the daily rate;
  • long shelf life;
  • it is better protected from harmful environmental influences, destructive processes are slow, and the oil remains suitable for the entire stated period on the package;
  • in capsules, as a rule, there is only a product obtained by cold pressing, that is, all useful substances in it are maximally preserved;
  • convenient to store or take with you on the road; Just keep it away from heat and direct sunlight.

You can somewhat extend the service life using the folk canning method. You need to add ordinary table salt at the rate of half a teaspoon per 0.5 liters of oil. At the same time, be sure to follow the other storage rules.

The popularity of linseed oil as a carrier of components that are especially useful for the human body is becoming more and more every year.

People acquire this product, unique in its composition, in different quantities and natural, in connection with this, the question becomes: how and where to store linseed oil.

How storage affects the properties of linseed oil

  • as a useful food supplement;
  • for the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart;
  • for cosmetic purposes;
  • with dietary nutrition;
  • to improve the condition of wool in animals;
  • as a prophylactic.

For different purposes, a certain dosage and frequency of taking linseed oil is required. As a result, special attention must be paid to how to store flaxseed oil. It should be understood that improper storage can not only reduce the activity of beneficial properties, but also cause intestinal disorders and disorders in the work of many systems.

Particular attention should be paid to how to store linseed oil after opening the bottle. Since the high content of fatty acids is the main reason for the rapid drying of the oil composition in air, when the molecules of fatty acids stick together, they form polymer units. As a result of this reaction, the polymers differ in their characteristics from the previous molecules, which provokes the loss of the beneficial properties of flax.

Storage Requirements

People who use this product for long-term therapeutic or preventive procedures should follow certain rules on how to store flaxseed oil after opening.

Should be considered:

  1. After opening, the oil bottle cannot be stored without a cap.
  2. Products in which oil has been added - salads, cereals, should be eaten immediately.
  3. Since open oil quickly oxidizes, allowing free radicals to form, close the lid immediately after taking the required amount.
  4. The place where to store cold-pressed linseed oil or its unrefined composition is a refrigerator in which the temperature does not exceed 5 degrees.
  5. When sediment appears, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the product can be used further only on the condition that this sediment is no more than 1% of the total volume.
  6. Refined linseed oil is stored in a dark, cool place.
  7. If the oil is rarely used, then it is better to purchase a small amount of it - a small bottle of 100 g.
  8. The shelf life of the purchased oil can be found on the packaging or in the instructions attached to the product. Each manufacturer has its own storage requirements.
  9. Fresh flaxseed oil has little or no nutty flavor. Unrefined fresh oil may be slightly bitter. If rancidity is felt in the oil, it has already deteriorated and cannot be used for food.

The shelf life of linseed oil after opening is standard - no more than two weeks, if stored in a cool place. No more than 1 month should be stored medicines that are prepared on the basis of linseed oil and other types of fat-containing components - vitamin E, fish oil, etc. This applies to cosmetics prepared at home and mixtures for animals.

According to generally accepted standards, bottled flax oil is stored at a temperature of no more than 23 degrees in a dark place, with low humidity. Shelf life if properly stored and unopened is 1 year from date of manufacture.

How long flaxseed oil is stored depends on how it is prepared under production conditions. Flaxseed oil, which goes on sale, is:

  • refined;
  • cold pressed.

Refined oil can be stored longer than cold-pressed flaxseed oil. In any case, you must follow the instructions on the packaging. According to useful characteristics, unrefined oil leaves more useful vitamins in the process of pressing using low temperatures, while refined oil leaves more fatty acids. The only difference is the shelf life.

In no case should flax oil be boiled or used after the statute of limitations has expired.

How to choose linseed oil

How useful linseed oil will be, storage affects, of course, in the first place.

But it is also worth paying attention when buying this product to other equally important features.

There are some important factors to consider:

  1. There are several forms of production of linseed oil. It is sold in bottles of 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter, as well as in the form of capsules. Preference should be given to small packages if the intended service life is not more than 2 weeks.
  2. Large bottles of flaxseed oil are best used for large animals or large numbers of people.
  3. Capsules are very convenient for long-term use of flax oil as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent. They already have a dosed composition that is easy to use with a single application.
  4. When choosing linseed oil, you need to look at the date of manufacture - the oil must be fresh.
  5. The packaging in which the oil is stored must be dry, especially for capsules. High humidity can cause rapid deterioration of the product when it is opened.
  6. Do not sound the alarm if a precipitate has formed in the purchased oil. This is often the case with cold-pressed oils.
  7. You should pay attention to how linseed oil is stored in a pharmacy or store. If the requirements are violated, it is worth finding another place to buy it.
  8. If the oil is used as an oral supplement or treatment, care should be taken to ensure that there are no additional impurities in the oil. Such options can only be welcomed in cosmetology.

It should be remembered that flax oil is beneficial only if it is properly selected and stored.

There are more and more fans of a healthy lifestyle every year. People who take care of themselves try to eat natural products, replace medicines and cosmetics with folk recipes.

These include linseed oil - a product known for its properties since ancient times. Golden pomace from flax seeds requires special storage conditions; if they are violated, it loses its taste and can be harmful to health.

Flax is a plant cultivated by the Slavs from time immemorial. The range of its application is quite wide:

  • fabric manufacturing;
  • medicine;
  • cooking;
  • cosmetology.

Oil is made from flax seeds in several ways. The most gentle is the cold pressing method, the absence of heat treatment allows you to save all its healing properties. Other methods: hot pressing and extraction (using solvents).

Flaxseed oil is a viscous liquid of golden color with a pleasant, unobtrusive odor. Its taste is somewhat reminiscent of peanuts.

At low temperatures, the product thickens, and upon contact with air, it oxidizes and becomes covered with a transparent, rather dense film.

The product contains many valuable vitamins and fatty acids for humans:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins C, E;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega3 and Omega6: linoleic, oleic, linolenic (in this indicator they surpass even fish oil);
  • plant hormones;
  • proteins.

When taken orally as little as 30 ml of flax seed oil per day, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many systems.:

  • normalizes bowel function;
  • heals damage to the gastric mucosa and prevents them;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • strengthens blood vessels and cleanses them of cholesterol plaques;
  • regulates metabolic processes in the body.

Flaxseed oil is extremely useful for women, it normalizes the menstrual cycle, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also helps to maintain normal weight.

However, when overdosed, it can be harmful: it makes the blood thicker, which can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Where can you buy essential oils

The demand for flaxseed oil is quite high, so it is important to know where you can get it. If earlier it was possible to buy it mainly in a pharmacy, today it is sold in stores and even on the market.

Flaxseed oil can be refined and unrefined, the latter is considered more useful, it has the shortest shelf life - a year from the date of extraction, and in an open package, on average, a month, subject to all conditions.

Refined oil is purified, components are added that increase its shelf life by several months, however, such a product does not bring much benefit.

Pharmacies sell encapsulated oil, one unit contains a daily dose of consumption, it is convenient to buy it for medicinal purposes. Its shelf life is 12-18 months.

Linseed oil quickly loses its properties at high temperature and contact with light and air.

Criteria for buying a quality product:

  1. Place.

It is better to buy in a pharmacy or a store. There is a constant temperature regime, unlike the market. If the room is hot and the bottle is in bright light, it is better to refuse to buy in this place

  1. Spill date.

After opening, the oil retains its properties for about a month, so it must be fresh.

  1. Compound.

Quality little should not contain deodorizing additives and preservatives.

  1. Volume.

Due to the short shelf life, it is better to buy small bottles if you do not plan to use it in large quantities.

  1. When buying oil for bottling, you need to smell and taste it.

A poor-quality product will be bitter and have a rather unpleasant odor.

If the oil is planned to be used for cosmetic purposes, the presence of additives that increase the shelf life is acceptable. If the product will be used in food as a dietary supplement, it is better to give preference to unrefined or buy it in capsules.

How to properly and how long to store the oil after opening

So that linseed oil does not lose its valuable properties, it is important to create certain conditions for it and know how long an open bottle can be stored:

  1. Temperature regime.

Polyunsaturated acids and vitamins are destroyed at temperatures above 23°C. The optimal mode is 20-23°C. In extreme cases, you can keep it in the refrigerator door.

At this temperature, it may thicken, but, upon returning to room temperature, it will return to its normal state. You can not heat it in the microwave and in a water bath.

  1. Illumination.

Useful elements lose their properties when exposed to sunlight. The place where the product is stored must be dark.

  1. Humidity. Flaxseed oil should be stored in a dry place.

Particular attention should be paid to the container in which the product will be stored. It should be made of tinted glass or high-quality ceramics. It is desirable that it has a narrowed and hermetically sealed neck - this will reduce the contact of oil with air. The best option is a small brown glass bottle with a natural cork.

After opening, a bottle of unrefined oil can be stored for 2-4 weeks, preferably in the refrigerator door. In this case, sediment may appear on the bottom. This phenomenon is quite common for a raw product and does not affect its quality.

Refined oil can be stored for up to 6 weeks in a dark cupboard (away from stoves and radiators) or in a pantry. Capsules retain their properties for up to one and a half years.

Flaxseed oil is used to support the work of the digestive, cardiovascular systems, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the female body. Properly stored, it will be of great benefit to fans of a healthy diet.
