
Sweet toppings for pancakes. Recipe: Pancakes with berry filling - with wild berries

I was very interested in the recipe for lean pancakes: after all, I was sure that eggs would certainly be needed for them, otherwise the pancakes would tear when turned over. And finding lean pancakes on water and starch, I decided to try it!

Eggs in the dough replace starch, playing the role of a binder (by the way, you can replace eggs with starch in other dishes - for example, in meatballs). Well, instead of milk or kefir, we take water.

But if fish cakes with starch turned out great, but the pancakes had to tinker! For the first time I saw such pancakes that even managed to stick to a special pancake pan, from which even delicate whims - kefir and custard pancakes - were removed easily and simply! But these, on starch, still managed to stick; nevertheless, I turned them with difficulty, but turned them over. And then, they turned out to be far from being as tasty as the usual ones: in my opinion, the dough came out too dense and, as it were, “gummy”.

But, being fried with a filling of cherries and strawberries, the pancakes acquired a very beautiful view, and we ate them for breakfast, watering berry sauce- and the children at the same time sentenced that it was very tasty! Therefore, I offer this recipe to you: what if you like it? Moreover, pancakes without eggs and milk are very economical, you can cook them even if you run out of eggs in the refrigerator, and you don’t want to go to the store.

So my conclusion: it is possible, but difficult. You have to get used to lean pancakes. If you do not want to experiment with lean pancake dough, I advise you to make such pancakes with frozen berries according to regular recipe, on milk . It will be tastier and easier. Cherries, strawberries, raspberries - fresh or frozen - are suitable for the filling. Now, in early spring, berries from the freezer will go great: it will turn out bright, summer recipe! And in the season we'll take fresh berries!


For test:

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2.5 cups of water (500 ml);
  • 1.5 cups flour (195 g);
  • A pinch of salt.


  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

For filling:

  • 1.5 cups of berries (strawberries, pitted cherries);
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (optional)

How to bake:

Let's cook pancake dough. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour vegetable oil, water and lemon juice.

Add starch and mix.

Gradually, in 3-4 passes, we winnow the flour, while beating the dough with a whisk or a mixer so that there is no lump left. If using a mixer, first stir with whisks while it is turned off, and then turn it on - otherwise the flour will scatter around the kitchen. Together with flour, add salt and soda. I added later ready dough, since the original recipe was without soda; but in the process of cooking I decided to add and pay off, then I’ll tell you why.

Lubricate the pan with sunflower oil, heat it well over a fire a little more than average and pour a little dough with a ladle. I warn you: we make pancakes of small size and not thin, but of medium thickness. Too big and thin pancakes it will be very difficult to flip. I have a large frying pan, so I fried the pancakes in its middle, two times smaller than usual, while for some reason they turned out not round, but square. 🙂

To turn the pancake over, wait until it is baked, but not fried, so that the bottom becomes light golden - and gently pry with a thin spatula from all sides. And now, I look - when frying on the first side, such bubbles are obtained, and then, when you turn it over, air gets there, they are blown away and the pancake sticks to the pan in that place. That's when I decided to add soda to the dough so that the pancakes were in the hole and the steam escaped through these holes, and did not accumulate in the form of bubbles. After adding soda, it became easier to turn over.

We put the finished pancakes on a dish.

The filling can be done in two ways.

The first one is simpler: we put a few frozen berries on a pancake, sprinkle a little with sugar, wrap it (everything quickly so that the berries do not have time to release the juice that will burn in the pan), and fry in hot vegetable oil from all sides until golden brown.

We turn into a tube, bending the edges inward so that the syrup does not run away.

And put it on a platter.

Cool down a bit, and you can try!

The second version of the filling in the preparation is longer, but it will also turn out delicious sauce, which is great to water pancakes!

We put the frozen berries in a non-stick saucepan, pour sugar.

We put on a small fire. The berries will heat up, thaw and release the juice, the sugar will melt and the juice will turn into syrup. Cook for 3-4 minutes on low heat, so that the berries boil slightly, but do not boil and do not boil, but remain whole. Then dilute 1 tablespoon of starch in 1.5-2 tablespoons of water, pour into syrup and stir. The syrup thickens and sweet sauce, similar to jelly, a very beautiful ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor.

You can stuff pancakes with berries from this sauce ...

And the sauce itself is used for decoration.

Dip pancakes into it, water it or eat it as a bite.

I was very interested in the recipe for lean pancakes: after all, I was sure that eggs would certainly be needed for them, otherwise the pancakes would tear when turned over. And, having found a recipe for water and starch, I decided to try it! The site provides a detailed step by step recipe lean pancakes with berries, detailed photos and comments should help and answer the question of how to cook them.

Eggs in the dough replace starch, playing the role of a binder (by the way, you can replace eggs with starch in other dishes - for example, in meatballs). Well, instead of milk or kefir, we take water.

But, if the fish cakes with starch turned out great, then I had to tinker with lean pancakes! For the first time I saw such pancakes that managed to stick even to a special pancake pan, from which even gentle whims on kefir and custards with boiling water were removed easily and simply! But these, on starch, still managed to stick; nevertheless, I turned them with difficulty, but turned them over. And then, they turned out to be far from being as tasty as the usual ones: in my opinion, the dough came out too dense and, as it were, “gummy”.

But, being fried with a filling of cherries and strawberries, they acquired a very beautiful look, and we ate them for breakfast, pouring them with berry sauce - and the children at the same time sentenced that it was very tasty! Therefore, I offer this recipe to you: what if you like it? Moreover, the recipe for lean pancakes without eggs and milk is very economical, you can cook them even if you run out of eggs in the refrigerator, but you don’t want to go to the store.

So my conclusion: it is possible, but difficult. You have to get used to lean pancakes. If you do not want to experiment with lean pancake dough, I advise you to make such pancakes with frozen berries according to the usual recipe. It will be tastier and easier. For the filling, cherries, strawberries, raspberries are suitable - fresh or frozen. Now, in early spring, berries from the freezer will go great: you get a bright, summer recipe! And in season we will take fresh berries!


For test:

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2.5 cups of water (500 ml);
  • 1.5 cups flour (195 g);
  • A pinch of salt.


  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

For filling:

  • 1.5 cups of berries (strawberries, pitted cherries);
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (optional)

How to bake:

Let's prepare pancake dough. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour vegetable oil, water and lemon juice.

Add starch and mix.

Gradually, in 3-4 passes, we winnow the flour, while beating the dough with a whisk or a mixer so that there is no lump left. If using a mixer, first stir with whisks while it is turned off, and then turn it on - otherwise the flour will scatter around the kitchen. Together with flour, add salt and soda. I added later, already in the finished dough, since the original recipe was without soda; but in the process of cooking I decided to add and pay off, then I’ll tell you why.

Lubricate the pan with sunflower oil, heat it well over a fire a little more than average and pour a little dough with a ladle. I warn you: we make pancakes of small size and not thin, but of medium thickness. Too large and thin pancakes will be very difficult to turn over. I have a large frying pan, so I fried them in its middle, two times smaller than usual, while for some reason they turned out not round, but square.

To turn the pancake over, wait until it is baked, but not fried, so that the bottom becomes light golden - and gently pry with a thin spatula from all sides. And now, I look - when frying on the first side, such bubbles are obtained, and then, when you turn it over, air gets there, they are blown away and sticks to the pan in that place. That's when I decided to add soda to the dough so that the pancakes were in the hole and the steam escaped through these holes, and did not accumulate in the form of bubbles. After adding soda, it became easier to turn over.

We put the finished pancakes on a dish.

The filling can be done in two ways.

The first one is simpler: we put a few frozen berries on a pancake, sprinkle a little with sugar, wrap it (everything quickly so that the berries do not have time to release the juice that will burn in the pan), and fry in hot vegetable oil from all sides until golden brown.

We turn into a tube, bending the edges inward so that the syrup does not run away.

And put it on a platter.

Cool down a bit, and you can try!

The second version of the filling takes longer to cook, but you will also get a delicious sauce, which is great to pour over pancakes!

We put the frozen berries in a non-stick saucepan, pour sugar.

We put on a small fire. The berries will heat up, thaw and release the juice, the sugar will melt and the juice will turn into syrup. Cook for 3-4 minutes on low heat, so that the berries boil slightly, but do not boil and do not boil, but remain whole. Then dilute 1 tablespoon of starch in 1.5-2 tablespoons of water, pour into syrup and stir. The syrup thickens and a sweet sauce is obtained, similar to jelly, of a very beautiful ruby ​​​​color.

You can stuff pancakes with berries from this sauce ...

And the sauce itself is used for decoration.

Dip pancakes into it, water it or eat it as a bite.

How to cook a recipe for pancakes with berries - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

Dough for pancakes can be prepared by any housewife, since there are a great many options. The sister chose the following combination of products:

  • Wheat flour - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Soda - on the tip of a knife
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Light beer - 1 tbsp.
  • Whole milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Refined oil - 3 tbsp.

1. In a bowl suitable for making dough, mix milk and sifted flour (with the addition of soda);
2. Beat the eggs well with salt, if you want - add a little sugar;
3. Mix vegetable oil and eggs with the milk-flour mixture;
4. Dilute the resulting dough with beer;
5. Leave it alone for a while so that the dough "reaches".

Berry filling for pancakes

The filling just inspired me personally, I share a secret. You will need:

  • Any medium-sized berries (fresh or frozen) - a couple of glasses.
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Honey - 0.5 tbsp.

1. Grind some of the berries with a blender, we had strawberries;

2. Mix them with lemon juice and honey;

3. Add the remaining whole berries there;

I think that such a filling can be welded a little so that it becomes thicker, but my sister did not do this. In principle, the density can be changed due to the number of crushed berries.

Cooking pancakes with berries

1. Fry the pancakes

2. Lubricate them over the entire area with the prepared stuffing

3. Roll the pancakes into a roll, corner or envelope - as you like

So here it is - my sister wanted to treat herself to pancakes, she learned how to cook them. I wonder what she will please me next time?

The recipe participates in the Pancake Contest, held by the Community of Blogger Moms and an online store rondell-posuda.ru

© Mir-yagod.ru
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Read more about berries!

Spring rolls - 5 most "delicious" options

Pancakes are universal dish- you can cook perfectly with them different dishes if you use toppings. They can be served wrapped in rolls or in the form of pancake cake, cutting into portioned pieces. Moreover, it is not necessary to use the classic sweet filling, for delicious and hearty pancakes you can pick up savory salty fillings.

There are pancakes in most different cuisines peace. Some countries bake lean pancakes without milk and eggs, it is customary for us to fry pancakes stuffed with big amount muffins. A cake made from such products is also often present on the everyday and festive table - there are recipes with liver, fish and other fillings. On Maslenitsa it is customary to serve pancakes stuffed with butter, honey, red caviar, and also build a cake out of them, generously pouring sour cream on it.

Basic dough for pancakes

For a pancake cake or for rolls, envelopes, you need to knead and bake pancakes - regular or lean. This is a rather long process, since each is baked separately. You can make your job easier if you use two or three pans at the same time.

So, knead the dough for pancakes or a cake as follows according to a simple recipe:

  1. We heat 0.5 liters of milk to a temperature of about 35 degrees.
  2. Pour in 1-2 eggs and beat thoroughly with a whisk until a light foam appears.
  3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to this. If the whole cake (filling) is unsweetened, then we will change the recipe a little - put 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1.5 teaspoons of salt. Stir.
  4. Pour 2 tablespoons of refined and odorless vegetable oil into the mixture.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of dry yeast or 30 grams of fresh yeast, pre-crumbled in your hands.
  6. Now flour is added according to the recipe. It is necessary to sift it, pour in enough so that the dough turns out to be quite liquid. By consistency, it should resemble low-fat sour cream. So you get thin openwork pancakes. On a pancake cake, you can make the dough thicker.

Lenten pancakes are generally made from minimum quantity ingredients according to the recipe:

  1. Preheat on lean products half a liter of plain water.
  2. Add yeast, as in the previous recipe, mix well until all the crystals are dissolved.
  3. Add a couple of tablespoons of unscented vegetable oil.
  4. We do not add such products to lean products according to classic recipe- eggs, milk and dairy products, butter and margarine.
  5. Add flour to the consistency of a dough of medium density (especially for a cake).

The dough for ordinary and lean pancakes must be defended for at least 30 minutes so that the flour absorbs the liquid, the dough becomes homogeneous. In addition to dry and fresh yeast, you can add soda with vinegar or lemon juice to the dough. Also, the density can be adjusted during the baking process - if the dough is thick, add a little water (for lean) or milk, whey.

The recipe for such a filling is extremely simple - all the ingredients are mixed after grinding, and then a roll or cake is filled with such a filling. We use the following recipes:

these ingredients are also suitable for filling the cake, but today we will make envelopes:

  1. Prepare pancakes - at least 10 pieces. Don't make them too thin. For wrapping, both lean and ordinary ones with milk, but without sugar in the dough, are suitable.
  2. Then boil chicken fillet. You can add 2 peas to the water during cooking allspice and a couple of bay leaves - this will add flavor.
  3. Then we cool the breast and cut in small pieces. You can simply tear the meat into fibers with your hands. If such a filling is intended for filling a pancake cake, then also grind the chicken into a blender or pass through a meat grinder so that it is soft and uniform.
  4. Cut the onion into 4 parts and grind until puree in a blender.
  5. Mix chicken and onion, salt, pepper, mix until smooth.
  6. Add sour cream, stir to make a soft paste.

Now fill the cooled pancakes with such a filling, wrap the envelopes and serve to the table, pouring sour cream. To prepare a pancake cake with chicken, layer the “cakes” with a mass, coat the sides and top with sour cream or mayonnaise.

This is very simple stuffing, and no prescription is required. It is often used in fried pies but it also looks good in pancakes. Let's get started right away:

  1. Boil 4 eggs, let them cool, peel them. Cut into small cubes with a knife or blend in a blender to a paste.
  2. Take a large bunch of green onions. Rinse the feathers, finely chop.
  3. Mix with the egg and add 60 grams of very soft butter. You can also simply grease the pancake with butter, especially if you plan to assemble the cake.
  4. Add salt and spices to taste, wrap pancakes with bags. At the top, the bag can be collected and tied with a green onion feather.

In such pancakes, you can add a little sorrel or other herbs - dill, parsley, cilantro. Also, by adding a little ham, you can make the taste of the snack more juicy.

Curd sweet filling is considered traditional for a cake and regular pancakes wrapped in an envelope or roll. It is very easy to prepare, for it you can use not only pure cottage cheese, but also curd mass with various additives. Getting Started:

  1. Strain cottage cheese (300 grams), if necessary, from excess liquid and place in a blender bowl.
  2. Pour 1 sachet vanilla sugar and 4 tablespoons of regular sugar.
  3. Steam 50 grams of raisins in boiling water for 30 minutes, then remove the liquid.
  4. While the raisins are infused, beat the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla in a blender for at least 5 minutes.
  5. Then put in the mass of raisins, mix.
  6. You can also add a little cinnamon, pieces of chocolate or fresh fruit to this mixture.

The curd filling can turn out to be quite liquid, so it is optimal to wrap the pancakes with the ends inside - with an envelope, or spread the whipped cottage cheese between the pancakes, forming a cake.

With banana and chocolate spread

The most delicious and juicy - pancakes with banana filling and ready-made chocolate paste. They are incredibly airy, the filling inside has original taste. It is very easy to prepare it:

  1. Lay one pancake on the table.
  2. Lubricate it inside, retreating from the edges, with chocolate paste. You can use Nutella or make your own.
  3. Peel the banana and cut into rings slightly obliquely.
  4. Place 3 banana slices directly on top of the pasta.
  5. Wrap the pancake, sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Preheat these pancakes in the microwave before serving. chocolate paste melted, completely spread over pieces of bananas. From above, you can decorate each envelope with fresh raspberries or strawberries, as well as a whisk of whipped cream.

For this filling, you will need at least 2 types of berries and powdered sugar. You can take any seasonal berries- raspberries, strawberries, black and red currants, cherries, plums. How sour berry the more powdered sugar you need to add. And for sweets - reduce. Moreover, you can make a berry-fruit mix - add small pieces of fresh fruit.

  1. Wash the berries running water, dry, remove the stalks and seeds.
  2. Mix with powdered sugar. large plums or niello, for example, can be resolved into pieces.
  3. Mix the berries with sugar, wait about 5 minutes for the juice to drain.
  4. Strain the juice through a strainer into a separate container - we still need it.
  5. Put the berry base on each pancake, wrap it up.
  6. Boil the juice with 1 tablespoon of starch. So that it does not curdle, stir it in 50 milliliters of juice, heat the rest of the liquid, add the starch mixture after boiling. Boil down to a syrup state, if necessary, you can add sugar.
  7. Remember to stir the berry syrup regularly.
  8. Drizzle pancakes with prepared syrup before serving, and top with a mint leaf for freshness and a colorful garnish.

Also in this version of the filling, you can use frozen berries. They must be thawed, drained of juice and then proceed according to the instructions.

Spring rolls will help you out at any time, they are ideal for light breakfast, stuffed with caviar or red fish, mushrooms, meat will become a dish for the festive table, and even with regular sour cream and sugar perfectly complement any meal of the whole family.

Pancakes with berries in sour cream recipe with photo

For pancakes, we take: half a liter of kefir, a couple of chicken eggs, about 2 cups of flour, a tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, soda and a glass of milk. Berries for the filling can be taken frozen (with fresh tastier truth, but in winter it’s great with frozen ones), except for strawberries, currants are suitable, but I wouldn’t use raspberries, because of the abundance of seeds. For berries we need butter and sugar. We first take out the frozen berries to thaw, we decant the released juice.

Cooking pancakes. Pour the kefir into a bowl, heat it up a little. Add eggs, sugar, a pinch of salt. We mix.

We add flour. You need about two cups of flour, look at the state of the dough - at this step it should not turn out liquid, like on pancakes. At the end, add half a teaspoon of soda.

Bring the milk to a boil and pour into the dough. Now the dough will turn out liquid, on thin pancakes.

Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat it up. Pour a ladle of dough into the center and spread it over the bottom of the pan.

Fry pancakes on both sides until done. Let the cooked pancakes cool down a bit.

Let's do the stuffing. Put the butter in a frying pan, heat it over low heat.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar (we use about two tablespoons of sugar), fry the berries, and drain the resulting liquid sauce separately.

During this time, our pancakes have already cooled down a bit.

We spread the berry filling in the center of the pancake (without sauce, thick part).

We roll the pancake with a tube. We do this with all pancakes.

Combine sour cream with sugar.

Stir until sugar dissolves.

Pancakes will be folded "house". The first layer is the widest. We put 4-5 pancake tubes, water them sour cream.

We put the second layer one pancake less, grease again with sour cream and sugar.

So until all the pancakes run out. Top them generously with sour cream and leave to cool place soak for a couple of hours.

Pancakes with berries. Golden recipes with photos

Pancakes with berries can be baked on kefir or milk. For the filling, you can take frozen, fresh berries, as well as berry jam. Additionally, the dish is decorated chocolate sauce, thick syrup etc.

How to cook pancakes with berries

Melt 175 g of margarine, salt, enter 6.2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 eggs, 0.5 tsp. soda, beat well. Pour in a liter of milk, stir. pour liquid better in portions and stir after each use. Pour 2 tbsp. flour, stir. Bake thin pancakes, stuff with strawberry filling. Brush with butter. In order for the pastries to be well removed from the pan, all products must be laid out in advance from the refrigerator so that they have time to heat up. Wash the strawberries in cool water, let dry and grind with sugar.

Delicious pancakes with berries

- testicle
- mascarpone - 6 tbsp. l.
- milk - 290 g
- strawberries - 90 g
- blueberries - 100 g
- flour - 95 g
Brown sugar- 2 large spoons
- sunflower oil

Prepare the dough: sift the flour, mix with a pinch of salt, milk and egg. Blend until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Heat up big spoon oil, pour the dough with a ladle, turn over, fry the pancake, gradually adding oil, turn over, fry the product on the other side. Rinse the berries, remove the stalks from the strawberries, cut the fruits in half. Put blueberries in a saucepan, pour in 4 large spoons of water and add sugar. Heat up the contents small fire to make the mixture homogeneous. Remove from heat, put strawberries, arrange on plates. Mix with 1.5 tbsp. l. mascarpone, drizzle with hot syrup.

Pancakes with berries: recipes with photos

Make the dough: beat 2 eggs, mix in a bowl with two tablespoons of sugar and 120 g of flour. Beat with a whisk, gradually pour in 245 ml of milk. Place the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour. 200 g canned cherries transfer to a colander to drain the juice. Rub the cottage cheese with the rest of the sugar, mix with the berries. Melt the butter in a frying pan, bake 4 pancakes. On each of them place 3 tbsp. tablespoons of filling, fold into a triangle.

pancake recipe with berries

- butter, powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
dark rum- 3 tbsp. l.
- a tablespoon of cocoa
- milk - ½ liter
dark chocolate– 80 g
- a glass of flour
- egg
- vegetable oil

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour in 245 ml warm milk. Beat the rest of the milk with a glass of flour, cocoa, salt and powdered sugar. Kill the testicles to a state of foam, enter into total weight, stir. If the dough is too liquidy, add a little more flour. Melt the butter, pour it into the dough, add melted chocolate and rum, stir, let stand for a couple of hours. Heat the frying pan, coat it with vegetable oil, pour in the ladle with the dough, fry for a minute, turn the product over with a spatula, cook for 30 seconds. Bake pancakes, transfer to a bowl with a lid, spread each product with melted butter, serve with chocolate and berry confiture.

Pancakes "Crepe Suzette".

- butter - 95 g
- vanilla ice cream - 245 g
- a handful of fresh berries
- vegetable oil - a large spoon
- liquor - 20 g
- granulated sugar - 9 tbsp. spoons
- strawberries, raspberries, blackberries

- testicle - 4 pcs.
- sugar - a large spoon
almond flour– 40 g
- wheat flour - 265 g
- milk - 445 g
- sunflower oil

Put the dough ingredients in a blender bowl, stir to get rid of any lumps. In its consistency, it will be similar to liquid sour cream. Grease a frying pan with oil, heat it up. Bake pancakes. As soon as they are all ready, melt 10 g of butter, pour a tablespoon of sugar on top, wait until it melts. Put 2 pancakes into the resulting caramel, pour liquor on top, set fire. As soon as the fire goes out, transfer the pastries to a plate. Do the same for other items. At the very end, put the berries in the pan, stir and cook for 3 minutes. Pour the resulting sauce ready meal, decorate with ice cream.

Pancakes with berries for children

1.6 art. brew spoons of semolina in 200 g of boiling milk, add granulated sugar, vanilla, lemon peel. Crumble ½ kg of apples into slices, caramelize. Wrap the filling, pour over semolina, garnish with blueberries.

Recipe with lemon juice and honey

In a suitable bowl, combine 1.5 tbsp. sifted spoons wheat flour, 2 glasses whole milk, a pinch of soda. Break the salt with three eggs. If desired, add a little sugar. Mix eggs and vegetable oil with milk-flour mass. Dilute with beer, let the dough "reach". Now you can proceed to the preparation of the filling. Grind a few berries with a blender, mix them with ½ cup of honey and lemon juice. Throw in a few whole berries. Lightly boil the stuffing. Fry the pancakes, on one side smear them with stuffing, roll up.

Recipe with almonds and fruit liqueur

Connect 3.2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, a glass of flour, 3 beaten eggs, 1.5 tbsp. whole milk, a pinch of salt, vanilla. Refrigerate for an hour, and then start baking. Preheat the pan, grease with a thin layer of oil, pour in a little dough, tilt the pan to distribute it evenly. Fry pancakes on both sides, put on a plate, cover with waxed paper.

- water - ½ tbsp.
- vanilla extract - 1 hour and 1 tbsp. spoon
- sugar - ½ tbsp.
- berries - 4 tbsp.
- cottage cheese - 500 g
corn starch- two tablespoons
- honey - 2 tbsp. l.
- sweet fruit liqueur - 0.25 tbsp.
- butter - 2 tsp
- powdered sugar - 0.25 tbsp.
- almond extract - 0.6 tsp

In a bowl, combine 2 tbsp. spoons of liquor, water and starch, mix thoroughly. In a saucepan, combine butter, sugar and cornstarch, heat for a minute. Mix with 3 tbsp. berry fruits, bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer for 2 minutes until mixture thickens. Remove from heat, add a small spoonful of almond extract, stir until smooth. When the mixture is ready, pour a little vanilla and almond extract into it, mix well and leave for a while. Combine curd in a bowl powdered sugar, the remaining spoonful of vanilla extract, stir to obtain a homogeneous mass. Ready stuffing evenly distribute on pancakes, spread the remaining berries, roll the products into tight cylinders. pour over the dish fruit sauce, dust with powdered sugar.

Recipe with chocolate soft cottage cheese

- flour - 4 tbsp. l.
- salt - half a teaspoon
egg- 2 pcs.
- tablespoon sunflower oil
- couple glasses of milk
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
- soda on the tip of a knife

- a couple of packs of curd mass
- ½ st. frozen raspberries

- chocolate - 30 g
fresh strawberries– 45 g
- sweet soft cottage cheese - 165 g

Do batter: combine the ingredients: eggs, granulated sugar, butter, milk, salt. Beat the mass with a whisk, add the sifted flour, add soda, stir to break all the lumps. Melt the butter, brush the hot frying pan with a brush. Pour a little dough with a ladle, fry, turn over with a spatula, fry on the other side. Ready pancake transfer to a plate, grease with oil, put the curd mass on the edge, add berries. Defrost the raspberries first, and transfer the juice to the curd mass. Wrap each pancake with a roll, brush with fat. Prepare the second pancake with the second filling. Fold the pastries in a slide, serve.

Pancakes with berries and jam

Crack a couple of eggs into a bowl, beat with a whisk. Add 30 g granulated sugar, stir. egg mix pour to 80 g of sour cream, sprinkle with salt. Heat 520 ml of water, stir thoroughly. Add 35 ml to the dough olive oil, bring the mixture until smooth. Heat the frying pan, grease with olive oil, pour the dough. Turn the product over to the other side, fry again. Lubricate ready-made pastries jam, sprinkle with blackberries, crush with powder.

Recipe with thick sour cream and strawberry jam

Put a slice of butter in a container, heat it to room temperature. Pour 165 g of granulated sugar, stir. In another bowl, separate the whites from the yolks (from 6 eggs). Heat 120 ml of whole milk, pour into the main mass. Add egg yolks. Sift 530 g of flour, add soda, beat the mass, pour in a little more milk. In a separate bowl, beat 110 ml of cream with proteins. Pour the protein-cream mixture into the dough, stir. Heat a pancake pan, pour in the fat, fry the pancake on one side, turn over and fry on the other side. Lubricate with jam, decorate with whole berries, add sour cream.

Recipe with raspberry jam and wild strawberries

Melt 165 g of margarine, pour into a deep container, add salt, 110 g of sugar, a little soda, mix, beat in a couple of eggs, beat. Pour in 400 ml of milk, sift 460 g of flour, beat the ingredients. Pour another 570 g of milk into the dough. Fry the pancakes. In another bowl, mix 180 g of wild strawberries, combine with sugar, put the sweet mass on pastries, serve yummy with sour cream.

Berry pancakes are delicious dessert, which will decorate not only the daily, but also the festive table. A variety of berries can be included in the recipe: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, etc. They will get a special taste if they are caramelized. Berries go well with fruits, sour cream, soft cottage cheese, chocolate, liquor, sugar syrup, condensed milk, etc.

Pancakes are my family's #1 breakfast dish. Custard pancakes liked the child because of the numerous holes, but he concluded that openwork pancakes more interesting. Therefore, next time we will prepare custard-openwork pancakes.

  • I'll drag away, like a hamster, all the recipes to bookmarks. Some of them really got me interested. I would like to try pancakes made from buckwheat flour, but this is not for sale in our city. (And yet, here’s the bad luck, well, I can’t learn how to pour the dough in a pan in a perfectly even layer. Probably, this art needs to be studied for years.)

  • I like pancakes on kefir most of all, they turn out very tender. But somehow I tried to bake with yeast, but either the yeast was not successful, or I went too far with it, but I was haunted by the yeast smell in pancakes. Since then, I haven’t experimented any more, but I’m frying a proven recipe.

  • I have never made custard pancakes. But my family really like pancakes with yeast. I just rarely do them. This weekend I will definitely cook pancakes according to one of these recipes. Especially Shrovetide in the yard.
  • God, what a treat! I read the article just in time, because now is the eve of Shrovetide! Honestly, choux pastry I have never made pancakes for pancakes, although I bake all kinds of pancakes and pancakes quite often. I'll try it tomorrow, I'm salivating! I am sure that my family will definitely appreciate this yummy.

    berry pancake recipe

    In the summer we have fresh berries that can be frozen for the winter. Moreover, if you use a refrigerator with dry freezing (nofrost technology), then the berries after defrosting will taste and look almost like fresh. So pancakes with berries can be cooked all year round.

    In this recipe we bake traditional pancakes With berry filling

    Dough Ingredients:

    • half a liter of milk
    • a glass with a slide of flour
    • two eggs
    • one tablespoon of sunflower oil
    • two tablespoons of sugar.

    These products should make about 20 pancakes.

    Filling Ingredients:

    • two glasses of raspberries, blueberries or other berries (preferably sweet, but you can also take sour ones)
    • 4 tablespoons of sugar
    • sachet of vanilla sugar.
    1. Mix two eggs and two tablespoons of sugar, beat with a mixer.
    2. We heat the milk so that it becomes warm and add to the eggs, mix again.
  • While stirring, pour in the flour, one tablespoon at a time, so that no lumps form.
  • The dough should become similar in consistency to liquid sour cream.
  • Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil.
  • We bake pancakes in a hot pan and put them in a pile.
  • We can put the berries in a bowl, add a bag of vanilla sugar and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar, mix.
  • We put some berries in the center of each pancake, about a tablespoon and wrap it in any convenient way.
  • Drizzle pancakes with berry juice.

    Pancakes with berries a recipe in which we will make the filling from strawberries. In addition to berries, we need products:

    • 6 tablespoons margarine
    • 6 tablespoons of sugar
    • 2 eggs
    • half a teaspoon of baking soda
    • 1 liter of milk
    • 2 cups of flour.
    • 2 cups strawberries.
    1. Mix the melted margarine with 6 tablespoons of sugar, salt, mix.
    2. Add two eggs to margarine, half a teaspoon of soda, beat with a mixer.
    3. Add 1 liter of milk, stir.
    4. Pour flour into milk, mix again.
    5. We bake pancakes in a pan.

    We make the filling - mix strawberries with sugar and make the filling for pancakes.

    Vitamin pancakes are made from a mixture of berries. We need products:

    • 1 egg
    • 10 tablespoons mascarpone or other soft cheese
    • 1 glass of milk
    • a pinch of salt
    • half a glass of strawberries (strawberries are better)
    • half a glass of blueberries
    • half a glass of raspberries
    • 4 tablespoons flour
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar
    • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (refined sunflower oil is always better for pancakes).
    1. Sift flour, salt, mix with a mixer with egg and milk.
    2. Pour in two tablespoons of oil, mix with a spoon.
    3. We bake pancakes.
    4. In a saucepan, heat half a cup of blueberries and two tablespoons of sugar for a while until the mass is smooth.
    5. Remove from heat, add strawberries (or strawberries) and raspberries, mix it with mascarpone or other soft cheese.

    Stuff pancakes with cheese and berry cream. It is advisable to serve hot, pour over the syrup that remains from the blueberries.

    Pancakes belong to bread products. They are prepared from conventional products, each of which has its own benefits:

    • milk is a source of protein and calcium
    • flour - a source of energy, contains vitamins, fiber
    • eggs - a source of protein (protein, as they say in a sports environment)
    • sunflower oil is harmful to the liver, but it contains a lot of fatty acids
    • salt is needed for the effective transfer of nutrients, including oxygen molecules, in the work of muscles, the transmission of nerve impulses
    • sugar is a source of energy.

    To make pancakes healthier, it is advisable to use homemade products, but if they are not available, purchased ones will do. The main fillings are cottage cheese, with mushrooms, jam, jam, sour cream.

    Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    Pancakes with berries can be baked on kefir or milk. For the filling, you can take frozen, fresh berries, as well as berry jam. Additionally, the dish is decorated with chocolate sauce, thick syrup, etc.

    How to cook pancakes with berries

    Melt 175 g of margarine, salt, enter 6.2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 eggs, 0.5 tsp. soda, beat well. Pour in a liter of milk, stir. It is better to pour in the liquid in portions and mix the contents after each time. Pour 2 tbsp. flour, stir. Bake thin pancakes, stuff with strawberry filling. Brush with butter. In order for the pastries to be well removed from the pan, all products must be laid out in advance from the refrigerator so that they have time to heat up. Wash the strawberries in cool water, let dry and grind with sugar.

    Bake and .

    Delicious pancakes with berries

    Required products:

    - mascarpone - 6 tbsp. l.
    - milk - 290 g
    - strawberries - 90 g
    - blueberries - 100 g
    - flour - 95 g
    - brown sugar - 2 large spoons
    - sunflower oil

    Cooking steps:

    Prepare the dough: sift the flour, mix with a pinch of salt, milk and egg. Blend until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Heat a large spoonful of oil, pour the dough with a ladle, turn over, fry the pancake, gradually adding oil, turn over, fry the product on the other side. Rinse the berries, remove the stalks from the strawberries, cut the fruits in half. Put blueberries in a saucepan, pour in 4 large spoons of water and add sugar. Heat the contents over low heat so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Remove from heat, put strawberries, arrange on plates. Mix with 1.5 tbsp. l. mascarpone, drizzle with hot syrup.

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    Pancakes with berries: recipes with photos

    Make the dough: beat 2 eggs, mix in a bowl with two tablespoons of sugar and 120 g of flour. Beat with a whisk, gradually pour in 245 ml of milk. Place the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour. Transfer 200 g of canned cherries to a colander to drain the juice. Rub the cottage cheese with the rest of the sugar, mix with the berries. Melt the butter in a frying pan, bake 4 pancakes. On each of them place 3 tbsp. tablespoons of filling, fold into a triangle.

    How about you?

    pancake recipe with berries

    You will need:

    Butter, powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
    - dark rum - 3 tbsp. l.
    - a tablespoon of cocoa
    - milk - ½ liter
    - dark chocolate - 80 g
    - a glass of flour
    - egg
    - vegetable oil

    Melt the chocolate in a water bath, pour in 245 ml of warm milk. Beat the rest of the milk with a glass of flour, cocoa, salt and powdered sugar. Break the testicles to a state of foam, add to the total mass, stir. If the dough is too liquidy, add a little more flour. Melt the butter, pour it into the dough, add melted chocolate and rum, stir, let stand for a couple of hours. Heat the frying pan, coat it with vegetable oil, pour in the ladle with the dough, fry for a minute, turn the product over with a spatula, cook for 30 seconds. Bake pancakes, transfer to a bowl with a lid, spread each product with melted butter, serve with chocolate and berry confiture.

    Try also .

    Pancakes "Crepe Suzette".

    Required products:

    Butter - 95 g
    - vanilla ice cream - 245 g
    - a handful of fresh berries
    - vegetable oil - a large spoon
    - liquor - 20 g
    - granulated sugar - 9 tbsp. spoons
    - strawberries, raspberries, blackberries

    For test:

    Testicle - 4 pcs.
    - sugar - a large spoon
    - almond flour - 40 g
    - wheat flour - 265 g
    - milk - 445 g
    - sunflower oil

    Cooking steps:

    Put the dough ingredients in a blender bowl, stir to get rid of any lumps. In its consistency, it will be similar to liquid sour cream. Grease a frying pan with oil, heat it up. Bake pancakes. As soon as they are all ready, melt 10 g of butter, pour a tablespoon of sugar on top, wait until it melts. Put 2 pancakes into the resulting caramel, pour liquor on top, set fire. As soon as the fire goes out, transfer the pastries to a plate. Do the same for other items. At the very end, put the berries in the pan, stir and cook for 3 minutes. Pour the prepared dish with the resulting sauce, decorate with ice cream.

    They turn out very tasty.

    Pancakes with berries for children

    1.6 art. brew spoons of semolina in 200 g of boiling milk, add granulated sugar, vanilla, lemon zest. Crumble ½ kg of apples into slices, caramelize. Wrap the filling, pour over semolina, garnish with blueberries.

    Recipe with lemon juice and honey

    In a suitable bowl, combine 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sifted wheat flour, 2 cups of whole milk, a pinch of soda. Break the salt with three eggs. If desired, add a little sugar. Mix eggs and vegetable oil with milk-flour mass. Dilute with beer, let the dough "reach". Now you can proceed to the preparation of the filling. Grind a few berries with a blender, mix them with ½ cup of honey and lemon juice. Throw in a few whole berries. Lightly boil the stuffing. Fry the pancakes, on one side smear them with stuffing, roll up.

    How about you?

    Recipe with almonds and fruit liqueur

    Connect 3.2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, a glass of flour, 3 beaten eggs, 1.5 tbsp. whole milk, a pinch of salt, vanilla. Refrigerate for an hour, and then start baking. Preheat the pan, grease with a thin layer of oil, pour in a little dough, tilt the pan to distribute it evenly. Fry pancakes on both sides, put on a plate, cover with waxed paper.

    For filling:

    Water - ½ tbsp.
    - vanilla extract - 1 hour and 1 tbsp. spoon
    - sugar - ½ tbsp.
    - berries - 4 tbsp.
    - cottage cheese - 500 g
    - corn starch - two tablespoons
    - honey - 2 tbsp. l.
    - sweet fruit liqueur - 0.25 tbsp.
    - butter - 2 tsp
    - powdered sugar - 0.25 tbsp.
    - almond extract - 0.6 tsp


    In a bowl, combine 2 tbsp. spoons of liquor, water and starch, mix thoroughly. In a saucepan, combine butter, sugar and cornstarch, heat for a minute. Mix with 3 tbsp. berry fruits, bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer for 2 minutes until mixture thickens. Remove from heat, add a small spoonful of almond extract, stir until smooth. When the mixture is ready, pour a little vanilla and almond extract into it, mix well and leave for a while. Combine cottage cheese, powdered sugar, the remaining spoonful of vanilla extract in a bowl, stir to obtain a homogeneous mass. Distribute the finished filling evenly on the pancakes, spread the remaining berries, roll the products into tight cylinders. Pour the fruit sauce over the dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    You will like and.

    Recipe with chocolate and soft cottage cheese


    Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
    - salt - half a teaspoon
    - chicken egg - 2 pcs.
    - a tablespoon of sunflower oil
    - couple glasses of milk
    - sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    - soda on the tip of a knife

    For the first filling:

    A couple of packs of cottage cheese
    - ½ st. frozen raspberries

    For the second filling:

    Chocolate - 30 g
    - fresh strawberries - 45 g
    - sweet soft cottage cheese - 165 g

    Cooking steps:

    Make batter: combine the ingredients: eggs, granulated sugar, butter, milk, salt. Beat the mass with a whisk, add the sifted flour, add soda, stir to break all the lumps. Melt the butter, brush the hot frying pan with a brush. Pour a little dough with a ladle, fry, turn over with a spatula, fry on the other side. Transfer the finished pancake to a plate, grease with oil, put the curd mass on the edge, add berries. Defrost the raspberries first, and transfer the juice to the curd mass. Wrap each pancake with a roll, brush with fat. Prepare the second pancake with the second filling. Fold the pastries in a slide, serve.

    Bake and .

    Pancakes with berries and jam

    Crack a couple of eggs into a bowl, beat with a whisk. Add 30 g of granulated sugar, stir. Pour the egg mixture to 80 g of sour cream, sprinkle with salt. Heat 520 ml of water, stir thoroughly. Add 35 ml of olive oil to the dough, bring the mixture until smooth. Heat the frying pan, grease with olive oil, pour the dough. Turn the product over to the other side, fry again. Lubricate the finished pastries with jam, sprinkle with blackberries, crush with powder.

    Recipe with thick sour cream and strawberry jam

    Put a slice of butter in a container, heat it to room temperature. Pour 165 g of granulated sugar, stir. In another bowl, separate the whites from the yolks (from 6 eggs). Heat 120 ml of whole milk, pour into the main mass. Add egg yolks. Sift 530 g of flour, add soda, beat the mass, pour in a little more milk. In a separate bowl, beat 110 ml of cream with proteins. Pour the protein-cream mixture into the dough, stir. Heat a pancake pan, pour in the fat, fry the pancake on one side, turn over and fry on the other side. Lubricate with jam, decorate with whole berries, add sour cream.

    Recipe with raspberry jam and wild strawberries

    Melt 165 g of margarine, pour into a deep container, add salt, 110 g of sugar, a little soda, mix, beat in a couple of eggs, beat. Pour in 400 ml of milk, sift 460 g of flour, beat the ingredients. Pour another 570 g of milk into the dough. Fry the pancakes. In another bowl, mix 180 g of wild strawberries, combine with sugar, put the sweet mass on pastries, serve yummy with sour cream.

    Berry pancakes are a delicious dessert that will decorate not only the daily, but also the festive table. A variety of berries can be included in the recipe: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, etc. They will get a special taste if they are caramelized. Berries go well with fruits, sour cream, soft cottage cheese, chocolate, liquor, sugar syrup, condensed milk, etc.

    Pancakes are the pride of Russian cuisine. Their dough is made from different type flour, on milk or kefir, with or without yeast, as a result, their taste may be different: sour, sweet, insipid. For this reason, pancakes can be served as a dessert or as a main course. They diversify the taste of the filling even more, the recipes of which exist by an order of magnitude more than the options for making dough. Fillings for pancakes are made from meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, berries, cottage cheese and other products. Some housewives themselves come up with what to serve it with. National dish, and the result is almost always positive. However, for this, in addition to imagination, you need to have knowledge of some culinary subtleties.

    Cooking features

    Do delicious stuffing for pancakes, you can use almost any product, and in most cases you don’t need to have great skill to make it. But there are a few things to keep in mind when cooking, especially if you decide to refine the recipe you found or invent your own.

    • Pancakes are much thicker than pancakes, so it is not customary to fry them after filling with filling. This means that the filling and pancakes should be cooked or reheated separately just before serving.
    • Considering that pancakes stuffed with something are not subjected to heat treatment, the composition of the filler should not include undercooked or undercooked products.
    • Pancake toppings can be sweet or savory. Depending on this, you need to choose a test recipe. For sweet fillings, the dough is prepared with a significant addition of sugar; for unsweetened fillings, preference should be given to fresh.
    • Pancakes will be tastier if, before laying out the filling, grease them with butter or cream cheese.

    You can roll pancakes different ways: tube, triangle, envelope. The method often depends on the type of filling. Unusual dish it will turn out if the products covered with cream or pate are laid out on top of each other, thus constructing a pancake cake.

    Curd and berry filling

    • cottage cheese - 0.45 kg;
    • fresh or frozen berries (any) - 100 g;
    • sour cream - 100 ml;
    • sugar - 40 g;
    • vanilla sugar - 5 g;
    • cinnamon - 5 g.

    Cooking method:

    • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.
    • Mix with sour cream, beat with a blender.
    • Add sugar, regular and vanilla, cinnamon. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Lubricate the pancakes with curd mass, spread the berries. After that, roll the pancake into a tube. If desired, it can be cut into medium-sized pieces, like a roll.

    Cottage cheese filling with raisins

    • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
    • sour cream - 50 ml;
    • sugar - 60 g;
    • raisins - 100 g;
    • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
    • butter - as needed.

    Cooking method:

    • Mix cottage cheese mashed through a sieve with sour cream.
    • Soak the raisins in warm water for 10 minutes, squeeze and dry. Mix with sugar.
    • Pour the raisins mixed with sugar into the curd mass, mix thoroughly. For convenience, you can use a mixer.
    • Add vanilla and mix thoroughly again.

    Grease hot pancakes with butter, put a large spoonful of filling just above the middle of the pancake. Cover with the top edge, then fold in the side edges. Roll the pancake into an envelope. It is desirable that the pancakes are not too thick, otherwise, when folding, they may not retain their integrity.

    apple filling

    • apples - 0.5 kg;
    • raisins - 100 g;
    • butter - 20 g;
    • peeled almonds - 40 g;
    • brown sugar - 80 g;
    • honey - 40 ml;
    • cinnamon - a pinch;
    • nutmeg- a pinch.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the apples, blot with a napkin. Cut the core out of them, remove the peel with a knife. Cut the pulp into small cubes.
    • Sprinkle the apple slices with sugar and leave for 10-20 minutes.
    • Toast the almonds in a dry frying pan. Crush them with a pestle and mortar. You can use a wooden masher designed for making mashed potatoes.
    • Pour boiling water over raisins. Drain the water after 10 minutes.
    • Melt up liquid state honey, put raisins and nuts in it, mix.
    • Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan, put the berry pieces in it and fry them in the resulting syrup, stirring with a spatula, for 10 minutes.
    • Combine caramelized apples with raisins and nuts mixed with honey. Add cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix everything.

    Pancakes stuffed with apples can be folded into an envelope or a triangle, as you like.

    banana filling

    • bananas - 0.5 kg;
    • dried dates - 60 g;
    • lemon juice - 30 ml;
    • cinnamon - a pinch;
    • ground ginger - a pinch;
    • condensed milk or chocolate sauce - for serving.

    Cooking method:

    • Peel the bananas, mash them thoroughly with a fork or beat with a blender.
    • Add ginger, cinnamon, lemon juice, beat again.
    • Remove the pits from the dates and chop them very small pieces.
    • Mix the dates with the banana mass. You don't want to use a blender, but you can use a mixer.

    Thickly cover pancakes with banana filling, roll into a tube or triangle. Drizzle with chocolate sauce or condensed milk before serving. It is difficult to find a person who would not like this fragrant and appetizing looking dessert.

    Minced meat filling

    • meat - 0.5 kg;
    • onion- 100 g;
    • salt, black ground pepper - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - as needed;
    • broth - 50 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the meat, dry it, cut into pieces and scroll through a meat grinder. Add salt and spices, stir.
    • Peel the onion and finely chop it with a knife.
    • Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion over low heat until it becomes transparent.
    • Add minced meat and fry it for 10 minutes.
    • Pour in the broth and simmer until the excess liquid has evaporated.

    Stuffed minced meat pancakes are most conveniently folded into an envelope. If you chopped the meat to a very tender consistency, then the resulting pate can play the role of "cream" in the preparation of a pancake cake.

    Chicken Stuffing with Pineapple and Peach

    • chicken breast - 0.4 kg;
    • canned pineapples - 150 g;
    • fresh peach - 0.2 kg;
    • watercress - 50 g;
    • dried thyme - a pinch;
    • ginger powder - a pinch;
    • tomato paste - 50 g;
    • green onion- 50 g;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Boil the chicken breast until tender, cool. Separate the fillet from the bones, cut into small cubes. Pour in the syrup from the canned pineapple.
    • Wash the peach, cut and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
    • Cut the canned pineapple - the pieces are not as large as they usually are in jars.
    • Mix pineapple and peach.
    • Sprinkle the fruit with ginger and thyme and stir.
    • Drain excess liquid from chicken, mix chicken pieces with tomato paste.
    • Add fruit mix, stir.
    • Coarsely chop or tear the watercress with your hands, mix with the filling.

    Put the filling in the center of the pancake, lift all its edges up and tie with an onion feather, forming a "pouch". Such original submission Your guests will surely love it. The taste will not disappoint either. The filling has a specific, but delicate and harmonious taste. The dish, in particular, will appeal to lovers of Asian cuisine.

    Salmon stuffing

    • slightly salted salmon - 0.35 kg;
    • cream cheese - 0.2 kg;
    • pitted olives - 100 g;
    • fresh herbs (dill, parsley) - 100 g.

    Cooking method:

    • cut the fish thin plates, then cut them into strips.
    • Cut the olives into small rings. Mix with salmon strips.
    • Cream cheese with a fork.
    • Finely chop the greens, mix with cheese.
    • Grease a pancake with cheese. Put a mixture of salmon and olives on one half. Fold the pancake in half and in half again to form an envelope. Do the same with other pancakes.

    If desired, the filling can be distributed over the area of ​​the entire pancake, spreading the fish and olive rings in a thin layer, then form a roll. This option is more suitable for you if you are preparing a dish for festive table, for example, to Shrovetide.

    Cheese and ham filling

    • rice - 0.2 kg;
    • ham - 150 g;
    • hard cheese - 150 g;
    • fresh herbs - 100 g;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • salt, spices - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Sort the rice and wash. Boil it in salted water until tender. It should remain slightly firm on the inside and crumbly.
    • Hard boil eggs, cool cold water, peel off the shell. Chop with a knife and mix with rice.
    • Wash and shake off the water from the greens. Finely chop it and mix with other ingredients.
    • Cut the ham into small cubes or thin strips.
    • Grind the cheese on a coarse grater.
    • Combine ham and cheese with rice-egg mixture.

    Pancakes stuffed with rice, cheese and ham are best wrapped in an envelope or bag. The dish turns out to be very satisfying, it can replace lunch or dinner.

    Mushroom filling

    • fresh mushrooms (porcini or champignons) - 0.4 kg;
    • butter - as much as needed;
    • onions - 0.2 kg;
    • fresh herbs - 100 g;
    • salt, spices - to taste;
    • sour cream or mushroom sauce - for serving.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the mushrooms, blot with a napkin, cut into plates or cubes.
    • Remove the husk from the onion. Cut the onions into cubes, you can not too small.
    • Heat up the oil and put the onion in it. Fry until it turns golden.
    • Add the mushrooms and sauté them along with the onions until the liquid released from them has almost completely evaporated from the pan.
    • Wash and dry the greens.
    • Mix greens with mushrooms and turn this mixture into a puree using a blender. Don't forget to season and salt the filling to taste.

    Distribute the filling resembling mushroom caviar, according to the pancake, roll it into a tube or triangle. Serve drizzled with sour cream or mushroom sauce. This filling will especially appeal to those who are not indifferent to the gifts of the forest. Made from porcini mushrooms, it will be more fragrant. So, if you are making a dish for the festive table, it is better to choose this option.

    Chicken liver filling

    • chicken liver - 0.35 kg;
    • onions - 100 g;
    • green onions - 50 g;
    • milk - 0.25 l;
    • butter - as needed;
    • salt, seasonings - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Rinse the chicken liver well, cut into medium-sized pieces and fill with milk. Soak the liver in milk for half an hour. During this time, prepare the rest of the ingredients.
    • Peel the onion, cut into small pieces.
    • Wash, dry and finely chop the green onion, put it separately.
    • Drain the milk from the liver.
    • Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the onion and liver in it, fry until tender.
    • Scroll the liver with onions through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
    • Melt some butter, add to liver paste, stir.
    • Combine the liver mass with green onions.

    Cooking pancakes with liver filling, it is best to fold them with an envelope or a triangle. Sour cream or mayonnaise when serving dishes to the table will not be superfluous.

    Cottage cheese stuffing with herbs

    • cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
    • milk - 50 ml;
    • heavy cream (for whipping) - 100 ml;
    • greens - 100 g;
    • salt, spices - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and stir with milk to obtain a more delicate consistency. Salt and season, mix again.
    • Combine curd mass with finely chopped greens. Greens can first be chopped in a blender, this option is even preferable.
    • Whip the cream and carefully fold it into the curd mixture.

    It remains to grease pancakes with air mass, form tubes or a cake out of them. This dish differs from others in that it is served cold. Such unusual snack many will like it.

    Pancake toppings can be sweet or savory. There are so many recipes that everyone can find an option that suits their taste.
