
Pancakes on kefir with milk - the most delicious recipes for making pancakes. Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk

Good afternoon

That's really something, and recipes for making pancakes - you can’t overeat in a lifetime! It would seem that there are ingredients, then? An, no. Here you have Russian custard pancakes, and royal yeast, and with buckwheat flour, and whey, and. In short, it's easy to get lost.

And the neophyte cook in the preparation of pancakes is alarming by the process itself. If everything is somehow more or less simple with the dough, then frying, due to the complexity of turning over, usually plunges into despondency and stimulates disbelief in one's own strength, with the subsequent development of kitchen depression.

If lumps are obtained instead of pancakes, bake lumps ©

And in vain, I tell you! Cooking pancakes is not such an intricate process, and today we will talk about a method that is subject to everyone. Moreover, cooking pancakes in this way will allow them to be made, I’m not afraid of this word, by a conveyor, it takes a minimum of time and is suitable for everyday use.

Grocery set:

  • Flour (1 cup)
  • Kefir (1 cup)
  • Milk (1.5 cups)
  • Eggs (3 pcs.)
  • Sugar (2 teaspoons)
  • Soda (1 teaspoon without top)
  • Salt (0.5 tsp)

We load everything except flour into a suitable bowl:

And beat with a mixer, gradually adding flour:

Now we take two frying pans, put them on the stove, pour in a little vegetable oil and light the maximum fire under both:

Let's do some testing:

And send it to one of the pans. If they are of different diameters, then to a smaller one. Shaking the pan, spread the dough over the entire surface:

We are waiting exactly 60 seconds. After this time, the future pancake should easily peel off from the pan:

Now just flip the pan with the pancake over the empty one. Our hero, drawn by the force of gravity, says goodbye to the first frying pan that has become so dear in a minute, and falls into the red-hot embrace of the second, where he continues his sizzling life:

While the first pancake heats up its second block, if necessary, add a little oil to the first pan, pour the dough again, and count. At the thirtieth second, we shift the already prepared first pancake to the prepared plate (also just turning the pan over), check the second pancake for stickiness, count, and so on.

As a result, each pancake is fried in the first pan for 60 seconds. and 30 sec. On the second. But in general, the cycle lasts exactly a minute, respectively, how many minutes, so many pancakes:

If, unloading the result of the righteous labors, you turned over the second frying pan, then on the plate all the pancakes turned out to be turned with the second side up. It is not as beautiful and pimply as the first one, so we cover everything with a new clean plate, turn the structure upside down and serve it on the table:

Bon appetit!

If you cannot decide which pancakes taste better, kefir or milk, combine the two products. And you will not regret it, because baking will only benefit from this. Along with pies, pancakes are traditional companions of Russian feasts and hospitality. Do you want me to give you an old secret? If you had a fight the day before, or just got mad at someone before baking, be sure to smile and make peace. If it doesn't work, give up altogether. Well, if the mood is in order, keep the recipes.

I would be glad if my tips help you learn how to cook the perfect pancakes. And you will be fully armed to meet Maslenitsa, guests of any rank, or simply indulge in quiet family joys.

Classic thin pancakes with kefir and milk - recipe

To be honest, it is difficult to bake really thin pancakes with the addition of kefir. But you can try. Skill comes with experience, and the recipe is in front of you. Any filling is easily wrapped in such pancakes.


  • Milk is a glass.
  • Flour - 200-250 gr.
  • Kefir - a glass.
  • Sugar - 3-4 large spoons.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 large spoons.
  • Eggs are a couple.
  • Edible salt - a pinch.
  • Soda - ½ a small spoon (even a little less).
  • A piece of butter.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Remove both drinks from the refrigerator in advance, let them warm up a little in the conditions of the room. If you forgot, I advise you to warm it up a little, but not more than up to 30-40 o C.
  2. Combine both drinks, beat in eggs. Stir with a whisk.
  3. Pour sugar and salt, add soda. Start whisking. Put sugar at your discretion, for a sweet tooth you will need more, all 4 spoons. It is not necessary to extinguish the soda, this will happen naturally due to the presence of natural lactic acid bacteria in the kefir drink.
  4. I advise you to enrich the flour with oxygen, and for this, sift it. Pour it into the dough in small portions, stirring each conscientiously. It is more convenient and faster to work with a mixer here, since lumps are easier to break.
  5. The batter will be quite runny and will foam up a bit (this is the baking soda doing its job, making holes in the pancakes). Leave it alone for a quarter of an hour so that the flour gluten disperses.
  6. Oil is added last to the dough to immediately start frying.
  7. Warm up the skillet well. For the first pancake, lightly grease it with oil. Further, this procedure is not needed, there is enough oil in the dough.
  8. Adjust the frying temperature yourself, based on the characteristics of your gas stove. Reheat over high heat, then reduce to medium and observe, finding the best option.
  9. Pour a small amount of dough into the pan, turning it so that the mixture spreads evenly over the surface.
  10. On the first side, pancakes are baked longer, with a minute. You will notice that the edges are browned, turn over. On the second side, the cakes will be fried in a few seconds.
  11. Put the finished pancakes in a pile on a plate, spreading each with butter.

Openwork pancakes with holes - a simple recipe from kefir and milk

Lacy, pancakes become due to the many holes formed during baking. Any baking powder will ensure their appearance. But more often put baking soda. Thin, openwork cakes are good with condensed milk for breakfast. Serve with sour cream, jam, or just sprinkle with sugar, the household will be satisfied.


  • Kefir drink - 3 cups.
  • Milk is a glass.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Baking soda - a small spoon.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.
  • Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.

How to bake:

  1. Gourmets are advised to beat the whites separately from the yolks. I am lazy and beat them together, this does not affect the taste of baking. To make eggs easier to beat, add a little salt.
  2. Pour sugar, work again with a whisk. The mixture will turn a little white and start to foam.
  3. Pour kefir slightly warmed to room temperature, stir the mass.
  4. Pour in milk, add soda, beat the mixture with a mixer.
  5. As in the previous step-by-step recipe, add the flour gradually, kneading conscientiously each time to break up the lumps.
  6. Cover the bowl with a towel, let stand for 10-15 minutes, so that the dough has time to “grab”. Pay attention to how the mass bubbles. This means that it is time to move on to the final stages.
  7. Pour in sunflower oil, stir quickly (you can use the mixer again). The oil will make it easy to remove the cakes.
  8. Bake pancakes by warming the pan well. Lubricate it the first time, but there is no need to do so afterwards. Pour the dough in a small portion, otherwise the pancakes will turn out thick.

Custard pancakes with kefir and milk - the best recipe with holes

The skill of housewives in baking pancakes is usually assessed by the presence of many delicious holes. This makes the cakes openwork, stellar. Above, I explained that soda helps to achieve the cherished goal. But there is another simple way - to brew the dough with boiled milk and ordinary boiling water. I will introduce the boiled water test below, but now keep the best option in hot milk.


  • Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Soda - a teaspoon.
  • Hot milk - a glass.
  • Low-fat kefir - ½ cup.
  • Edible salt - ½ small spoon.
  • Sugar-sand - Art. spoon.
  • Oil.

How to do:

  1. Warm the fermented milk drink a little (to room temperature, otherwise the eggs will “cook”).
  2. Add eggs, sweetness, soda, salt. Stir the mass and beat until smooth.
  3. Slowly add flour (be sure to sift). Pour, mix, eliminating lumps.
  4. Boil milk. Pour in a light stream into the dough, without ceasing to mix quickly, as if brewing. Decide on the consistency of the mixture. If there is not enough flour, add more. Or add kefir if the dough is thick. It should resemble thick sour cream.
  5. Pour the oil, stir the dough again.
  6. Bake pancakes in the usual way. Patterns on the cakes will appear as soon as you pour the first portion into the pan.

How to cook pancakes in boiling water, milk and kefir

Another option for making pancakes on choux pastry. We will boil it with hot water, and this will make the cakes thin, elastic and lacy.

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Milk is a glass.
  • Kefir, low fat - a glass.
  • Eggs - a couple of pieces.
  • Salt and baking soda - 0.5 small spoons each.
  • Sugar is a large spoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Boiling water - a glass.

How to do:

  1. Break eggs into a bowl, add dry spices, stir with a spoon.
  2. Pour in liquid ingredients other than water. Stir the mixture.
  3. Pour in the flour, carefully breaking up the lumps. Have you forgotten that we add small doses?
  4. Boil water. Gradually, in a stream, pour into the dough, constantly stirring the mass. Add soda at the same time.
  5. Cover the bowl, pause for about half an hour for the dough to ripen.
  6. Pour in the oil, stir well again.
  7. Grease a hot skillet. Bake pancakes, put them in a bowl on a plate, smearing each with butter.

Recipe for delicious pancakes with kefir and sour milk

Soured milk for baking is ideal, so there is no need to get rid of it if the product is out of date. Not enough? Add some kefir, relatives will like pancakes with a slight sourness.

  • Flour is a glass.
  • Kefir drink - 0.5 liters.
  • Sour milk - 0.5 cups. (1 liter is the total amount of the liquid component. If there is not enough expired milk, add more kefir).
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Soda - a little less than a small spoon.

How to bake:

  1. Rub eggs with sugar and salt. Pour in both drinks, stir.
  2. Slowly introduce well-sifted flour with soda.
  3. At this step, it is advisable to let the dough stand for a while and “grab”. But if you're in a hurry, you can start baking.
  4. Add vegetable oil, mix the mass.
  5. Bake the pancakes immediately in a hot skillet.

Video recipe for delicious pancakes made from milk and kefir

Not enough experience, borrow from the video, in which the author talks in great detail about baking thin openwork cakes. Enjoy!

Step-by-step recipes for delicious pancakes on kefir and milk, with the addition of baking powder, soda and yeast, as well as vanilla sugar and fresh fruits and berries

2018-02-07 Mila Kochetkova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

14 gr.


19 gr.

226 kcal.

Option 1: Pancakes with kefir and milk - a classic recipe

In Rus', and even in our time, pancakes on kefir and milk are considered a traditional companion of feasts, as well as Slavic hospitality along with pies. Children adore them, adults are not indifferent to them, and even the most fastidious gourmets are happy to agree to take a sample. And all thanks to the fact that they look appetizing, and their taste can always be varied.


  • 1 glass of cow's milk;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 glass of classic kefir;
  • 1 cup white wheat flour;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of fine granulated sugar;
  • A pinch of salt and soda;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 100 ml. vegetable oil.

Step-by-step recipe for pancakes with kefir and milk

Prepare a large convenient bowl or pan in which it will be convenient to knead the dough for pancakes. Break eggs into it, add granulated sugar and fine salt. Warm the kefir a little in the microwave so that it is warm, add to the eggs and beat thoroughly with a whisk until the mixture is homogeneous.

To evenly mix the eggs, you can first beat them with sugar and salt, and only then add kefir and continue mixing.

Add the flour sifted through a fine sieve to the mixture, quench the soda with lemon juice (or boiling water), but baking powder is not suitable for this recipe.

Trying not to allow the appearance of lumps, thoroughly mix the components of the pancake dough, and gradually pour cow's milk into the dough, preferably in a thin stream. Almost ready dough should drain well from a spoon and not be thick.

You should not immediately pour in all the milk, the dough, depending on the type and grade of flour, can turn out to be very liquid, but if there is not enough moisture, you can add warm boiled water to it.

Now it remains to cover the dishes with cling film, and leave for the gluten from the flour to disperse in it, this will take approximately 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, pour vegetable oil into the dough and mix, this will help when baking pancakes with kefir and milk in that you do not need to grease the pan every time. The dough is completely ready.

A heavy, ideally cast-iron frying pan should be well heated and pouring the dough in small portions, bake pancakes on both sides.

At the family table, when eating pancakes, you do not need to use a fork and knife; in such an environment, they are eaten with their hands. But you should take care of the napkins in advance.

Option 2: Pancakes with kefir and milk - a quick recipe

The most radiant breakfast on a day off is pancakes with kefir and milk, and in order to quickly cook them, you need to make the right dough zemes. Or use another tricky trick - cook the dough in the evening, pour it into a clean bottle, and then put it in the refrigerator. Shake vigorously before cooking. Yes, and the dough itself can be poured into the pan, directly from it.


  • Wheat flour (rye or buckwheat) - 1 cup;
  • Fresh cow's milk - 1.5 cups;
  • Yesterday's kefir - 125 ml;
  • A little granulated sugar;
  • A pinch of fine salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to quickly cook pancakes on kefir and milk

To prepare quick pancakes on kefir and milk, you need a bottle with a wide neck, pour the sifted flour into it, add sugar and salt.

Beat milk, kefir and eggs and pour into a container, not forgetting to also add vegetable or neutral-tasting olive oil. It is good to clog it and start vigorous shaking, making up and down movements with your hands.

The dough for pancakes is ready, you can heat the pan and start baking. Fry each pancake on both sides for 1 minute, then stack them on a large flat plate.

Such pancakes are served with cool and thick sour cream, it is she who will perfectly set off the taste of this recipe.

Option 3: Thin pancakes with kefir and milk

Making pancakes with kefir and milk crispy and golden brown is a real skill, and not everyone can do it. But it is enough to know a few secrets - and you can please the family with a homemade delicacy.


  • 2 glasses of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 glasses of fresh milk;
  • 265 gr. good quality wheat flour;
  • 3 large chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar;
  • A little fine table salt;
  • 85 ml. odorless sunflower oil.

Step by step recipe

Pour kefir and milk into a saucepan and heat them a little on the stove, watching and stirring so that the kefir does not curdle. At this stage, you can add salt and sugar to them, then they will dissolve faster.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs until smooth, as in the preparation of a magnificent omelette, and add to milk and kefir. Sift in the same flour, and mix everything well, so that there are no lumps left in the dough. For convenience, you can use a mixer with whisks that rotate.

Now butter is added to the dough, mixed again and you can leave it alone for a while, 15 minutes is enough. You can start baking.

We grease the pan for the first time, then no oil is needed, and pouring a little dough, we bake thin and delicate pancakes.

To pamper pancakes on kefir and relatives' milk, it is enough to serve sour cream, condensed milk or homemade jam.

Option 4: Appetizing pancakes with kefir and milk

The most important thing in the preparation of pancakes is to make the dough of the required consistency, and then they will turn out not only appetizing, but also golden in color, with fried edges. Liquid dough is bad for pancakes, it will tear when the treat is turned over, and pancakes with kefir and milk will turn out thick and dense from thick dough.


  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • 1 glass of thick kefir of normal fat content;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 180 gr. wheat flour;
  • A little salt - to taste;
  • Vanilla sugar or vanillin;
  • Sunflower oil.

How to cook

Mix eggs with sugar and salt in a bowl. All grains of sugar should be completely dissolved.

Milk must be heated to 38 C, mixed with kefir and poured into the egg mixture. Once again, mix everything well and gradually add the well-sifted flour.

Now kneading the dough for pancakes should be thorough so that no lumps remain in it. Lastly, oil is added, and the dough must be mixed well again until smooth.

Before you start baking pancakes, the dough needs a little time for the gluten to swell in the flour. Pancakes are fried in a hot pan, it’s good if it is special, with low sides and a non-stick coating. You do not need to grease it, the oil has already been added to the dough.

The baking process will not take much time, especially if you arm yourself with two frying pans. Fry each pancake for 2 to 3 minutes over medium heat.

Pancakes can be served both with sour cream and with sweet fillers, the remaining pancakes can be warmed up for breakfast in the morning, or even better stuffed and fried in butter if necessary.

Option 5: Pancakes on kefir and milk with baking powder

A simple and delicious recipe for making your favorite treat. In pancakes made with kefir and milk with the addition of baking powder, a very delicate and airy structure is obtained, and they are great for feeding small children.


  • 2 large chicken eggs;
  • A little fine sugar;
  • Fresh cow's milk - 200 ml;
  • A little low-fat kefir - about 125 ml;
  • A large pinch of salt;
  • A bag of baking powder;
  • Sunflower oil.

Step by step cooking recipe

Mix milk with kefir, add eggs and all dry ingredients, and thoroughly beat the dough for pancakes with a whisk mixer.

In no case should you leave the dough with lumps, if this happens, it is better to strain it through a sieve. Add oil and mix again.

Bake pancakes on both sides in a hot pan, 1.5 minutes on each side.

Fold the finished pancakes in a pile, cover with a clean towel and let them stand for 10 minutes, and then you can serve.

Pancakes are the most popular pastry in our country, and not only. For many, they are associated with winter and Shrove Tuesday. Since it is during Shrovetide week that they are especially popular. They try to bake almost every day. And the one who believes in omens and really bake pancakes for Shrove Tuesday every day so that the family lives happily all year.

But pancakes are also popular not only for Shrovetide. They are also eaten on a daily basis. They are great for breakfast. And not only. Many will say that it is troublesome to cook pancakes for breakfast. But here I disagree with you. Since the dough can be prepared in the evening and put it in the refrigerator.

Delicious pancakes with holes. How to cook thin pancakes on kefir with milk?

It is not difficult to learn how to bake pancakes. But to do with holes, and even thin ones - this requires a certain skill. I say this from my own experience. But through trial and error, I found a great recipe that I often use.


  • Kefir 2.5% - 1 cup;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon.


1. Kefir is heated a little so that it is warm. Break eggs into it. Add salt and sugar to them. Whisk everything thoroughly with a whisk.

2. Sift flour and soda through a sieve. Pour the flour into the mixture in small portions. Beat well with a whisk so that all the lumps disappear, and the mass becomes homogeneous.

Flour must always be sifted. Due to this, it is saturated with oxygen and becomes more sticky. And our products will turn out whiter and lighter.

3. Bring the milk to a boil and pour it into our dough in a thin stream, while constantly stirring with a whisk.

Milk makes the dough more liquid, which means the pancakes will be very thin.

4. Add vegetable oil and stir a little.

5. Heat the pan over a fire, grease with vegetable oil and heat it up. There should be a little smoke and the smell of oil will increase. Then with a ladle filled with a little more than half, pour the dough into the pan. In this case, the pan must be rotated so that the bottom is completely closed. Bake one side first. When no batter remains on the surface, and the edges turn golden, turn the pancake over to the other side and bake until done. Transfer the finished pancake to a plate and brush with butter.

Recipe for thick (fluffy) pancakes on kefir:

I have never baked specially thick pancakes before. They used to always turn out somehow by themselves. But after visiting my sister and trying them, I was very surprised. Because I liked them. I advise you to try it too.


  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch;
  • Kefir 2.5% - 2 cups;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


1. Break chicken eggs into a deep bowl. Pour salt, sugar, soda and vanilla to them. Whisk everything thoroughly with a whisk. Then pour in 1 cup of kefir and mix.

2. Sift the flour through a sieve and pour it into a bowl in small portions. At the same time, stir constantly with a whisk. The dough will be very thick. This is done so that there are no lumps in the dough.

3. Then pour in the second glass of kefir and mix the dough. It becomes whiter liquid and homogeneous. Add vegetable oil and stir lightly. See that the dough is thinner than for pancakes. If it is thick, add another tablespoon of vegetable oil or a little kefir.

4. Heat the pan well. It does not need to be lubricated with oil. Pour the batter into the skillet with a ladle. Pancake does not have to completely cover the bottom. They can be baked in different sizes: small or large. Bake one side first, then the other.

Beautiful ways to wrap pancakes with filling (caviar):

Did you know that pancakes can be difficult to fold into triangles, as most of us do, and maybe all of us. But there are enough ways to wrap pancakes beautifully so that you can surprise your friends.

Method 1: triangle.

This is our favorite, simple and well-known way. Just fold the pancake in half, and then half in half again. You can continue as long as it is possible to collapse it.

Method 2: closed triangle.

Have you ever folded an airplane out of paper? Here the principle is the same. First, we fold one side of the pancake obliquely, then the second to meet the first side with an overlap. And now wrap the bottom. You will have a wonderful triangle. You can put any filling in it, in our case, the filling is caviar.

Method 3: envelope.

Put the caviar in the middle of the pancake. Fold the bottom of the pancake first, then the sides. And now turn off the top. it looks like an envelope.

Method 4: tube.

Put caviar on the edge of the pancake on one side and roll it into a tube. It gets long. You can leave it as it is, but you can cut it in half. It will be more beautiful if you cut it diagonally.

Method 5: snail.

Fold pancake in half. And now twist it into a tube from one end. It turns out such a beautiful snail.

Method 6: bags.

Put the filling in the middle of the pancake. Now we collect the edges in the form of a bag and bandage with greens. You can even use caviar as a filling and serve it in such an original way.

Method 7: open triangle.

We cut the pancake into two parts. We put the filling in the middle of the half and wrap it like an airplane. The sides must be overlapped.

Method 8: basket.

Pancakes are baked from a grid-shaped bottle. Place lettuce leaves on both sides of the pancake and caviar on one of them. First fold the sides free from lettuce. And then the sides with lettuce. It turns out a lovely basket with greens.

Method 9: bombs.

Pancakes are folded into a tube and put one end into the other. It turns out the shape of a circle. You can put caviar in the middle.

Method 10: hearts.

Roll the pancake into a tube and connect the ends together. Cut the fold in half and turn out. Top can be decorated with caviar.

Thin transparent openwork pancakes can be eaten both for breakfast and served at the festive table.

Thin openwork pancakes with milk

This is the easiest recipe. It is with him that young housewives need to start in order to prepare an amazing lace dish.

You will need:

  • Three eggs;
  • Milk - 0.7 l;
  • Wheat flour - 0.24 kg;
  • Butter - 30 gr.;
  • Sugar - 60 gr.;
  • Salt - 5 gr.

How to cook thin openwork pancakes in milk:

  1. In the first bowl, break the eggs, pour sugar and salt into them. Beat the ingredients with a whisk until a white foam appears.
  2. Pour 0.4 l of milk into the egg mass.
  3. Add all the flour and mix thoroughly. The consistency should come out thick.
  4. Pour the melted butter and remaining milk into the mixture. Mix everything.
  5. The dough should not be too liquidy. Add more flour if necessary.
  6. Heat the pan, scoop up the dough with a ladle and pour into the pan in a thin layer.
  7. Lubricate each resulting pancake with a piece of butter or ghee.

Recipe for kefir with milk

With kefir, the dough will turn out very soft and tender. The most important thing is to dilute it with boiling water, then a thin layer of dough will not tear during cooking.

The required composition of the components:

  • Flour of the first grade - 0.25 kg;
  • Kefir - 0.5 l;
  • Two chicken eggs
  • Boiling water - 0.2 l;
  • Soda - 3 gr.;
  • Sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • Salt and vanilla - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Break two eggs into a bowl, add sugar. Its amount varies depending on what the pancakes will be - sweet or with meat. The sugar in this recipe is designed for a sweet dish. Sprinkle salt and beat everything together well.
  2. Pour kefir to the resulting lush mass.
  3. Flour should first be passed through a sieve to remove lumps. Then we pour to the main mass along with vanilla.
  4. Knead a thick dough.
  5. Pour boiling water into another bowl and add soda, mix.
  6. Pour this liquid into the dough and stir. Get a homogeneous mass with bubbles.
  7. Add vegetable oil and wait 5 minutes.
  8. During this time, we heat the pan and fry beautiful openwork pancakes on kefir on it.
  9. You need to turn the product over to the other side when the bubbles on the dough burst, and holes appear in their place.

Read more on the site: Thin pancakes - 8 delicious cooking recipes

Cooking without adding eggs

When you urgently need to cook pancakes, but there are no eggs in the kitchen, a couple of secrets will help. The dish will turn out just as tender and yellow as with the addition of eggs.

Grocery list:

  • Premium flour - 0.3 kg;
  • Milk - 1 l;
  • Salt - 3 gr.;
  • Sugar - 75 gr.;
  • Soda - 3 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • Butter - 65 gr.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. In one container, combine sugar, salt, soda, flour and half of the total amount of milk. The whole mass comes out very thick. Make sure the mixture is homogeneous in composition.
  2. Heat and melt the butter in the microwave and pour into the dough along with the vegetable, mix again.
  3. Boil 0.5 liters of milk, and gradually add to the bulk.
  4. Pour about half a ladleful of dough into the prepared pan and spread over the dishes. The pancake should be very thin.
  5. After a minute, turn it over to the other side.
  6. The finished dish can not be coated with oil.

Yeast openwork pancakes

Pancakes with yeast come out thin and fluffy, tender and tasty at the same time.

Required components:

  • Milk - 0.3 l;
  • Dry yeast - 10 gr.;
  • Flour - 0.5 kg;
  • Two eggs;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.;
  • Salt - 6 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 32 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to boil the milk over low heat.
  2. After that, pour yeast, a little sugar into one bowl and pour all 50 ml of milk. Put the dishes aside in a warm place.
  3. At this time, let's start with the dough. Flour must be rid of lumps by sifting through a sieve. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil to it, break the eggs, and pour out the bulk of the milk. Pour the yeast mixture, knead the dough. It should turn out homogeneous, without lumps and other impurities.
  4. Leave the resulting dough under the lid. After 20 minutes, when the product rises, it must be mixed. Repeat this procedure four times.
  5. When the dough is completely ready, it is recommended to heat a frying pan with a little vegetable oil and fry beautiful patterned pancakes.

On custard milk dough

It is choux pastry that best provides thin pancakes with holes.

Read more on the site: Kurnik - 13 recipes for cooking at home

Grocery list:

  • Flour - 0.32 kg;
  • Milk - 0.25 l;
  • Boiling water - 0.2 l;
  • Two chicken eggs;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 gr.;
  • Sugar - 50 gr.;
  • Baking powder dough - 5 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Pour clean water into a bowl and bring to a boil.
  2. During this time, you can combine together in another bowl milk, granulated sugar and break the eggs.
  3. Process the flour with a sieve and pour into the milk. Mix everything carefully.
  4. Add baking powder and pour it all over with a glass of hot water. It turns out choux pastry.
  5. Don't forget to preheat your skillet with vegetable oil before cooking.
  6. Pancakes will flip easily.
  7. The finished dish can be served with condensed milk or jam.

Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk

Kefir together with milk will provide you with a nutritious and healthy breakfast. But it will not be too greasy, as the pancakes are almost weightless.

Required Ingredients:

  • Flour of the first grade - 0.24 kg;
  • Milk - 0.2 l;
  • Kefir - 0.25 l;
  • Vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • Sugar - 17 gr.;
  • Two fresh chicken eggs;
  • Soda - 6 gr;
  • Salt - 3 gr.

Cooking option:

  1. Kefir should be warm during cooking, so heat it up, but do not let it reach high temperatures.
  2. Pour granulated sugar, salt, soda into a bowl with warmed kefir and break the eggs. We mix all the ingredients.
  3. Add the refined flour in portions to the main mixture.
  4. It is desirable to bring the milk to a temperature of 90 degrees and pour into a common dish.
  5. Add vegetable oil and knead the dough. It should contain small bubbles.
  6. Add oil to a hot frying pan and start frying. Each side of the pancakes should be fried for no more than 1 minute.
  7. Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk can be folded in a pile, or you can roll up an envelope.
