
Cod liver salad with egg. Cod liver with quail eggs

Now on sale you can find a lot of very tasty and useful products that you can include in your daily diet. So in almost every store a lot of canned food is sold, among which you can find very useful ones. Just such products include cod liver, which is a source of a significant amount fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin A and calcium. Many delicious dishes can be prepared from it, for example, a salad of cod liver, eggs and cucumbers or with eggs and onions.

Salad with eggs, cod liver, cucumbers

To prepare such a delicious and very healthy salad, you need to use one can of canned cod liver, a couple of large potatoes, a couple of medium fresh cucumbers and a couple of eggs. You will also need ten to fifteen stalks of green onions, three to four cloves of garlic and some salt.

Boil potatoes in their uniforms, and hard-boiled eggs. Pour cold water.
Chop the cucumbers into medium-sized cubes - about half a centimeter. You don't need to clean them up.

Finely chop the green onion. Peel and grate the potatoes on a coarse grater, chop the eggs in the same way.
Uncork a jar of cod liver. Mash it together with the oil with a fork (but if there is excess oil in the canned food, it is better to drain it a little).

Mix all the prepared ingredients, squeeze the garlic to them using the garlic press. Salt, focusing on your taste preferences. Stir. Dressing for such a salad is not needed, its role is played by the most valuable fish oil.
This salad is best served chilled.

To prepare this version of the salad, you need to prepare two hundred grams of cod liver, a couple chicken eggs, a couple of cucumbers, a little parsley and feathers. Also use a tablespoon lemon juice, a few lettuce leaves, some salt, and a tablespoon of sesame seeds.

Grind the cucumbers and one and a half eggs into small cubes, cut the rest of the egg into slices - you will decorate them ready meal. Open the cod liver, drain the oil and cut the liver into large cubes. Do not pour out the oil completely, you can add it to the salad if it seems dry to you.

Heat up a dry skillet. Fry the sesame seeds on it until a pleasant golden color. Finely chop the onion and parsley.

Combine all ingredients in a suitable sized bowl. Add salt and pepper to them, pour over the juice squeezed from the lemon. Leave the salad for one to one and a half hours to infuse. Put the finished dish on lettuce leaves, decorate with egg slices and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Cod liver salad with egg and cucumber

To prepare this version of this salad, use two hundred and fifty grams of cod liver, a couple of fresh cucumbers, three chicken eggs, a couple of tablespoons canned corn, one small onion. You will also need one hundred grams of mayonnaise, some salt and pepper, depending on your taste preferences. Popular about Health magazine asks you not to give up food table salt fully. You need to eat everything, but in moderation. By the way, you can cook in advance with your own hands.

Hard boil eggs, peel. Peel the onion, wash and dry the cucumbers. Finely chop the onion, chop the cucumbers in the same way. If you come across a particularly bitter onion, put it in a separate plate, pour boiling water over it and leave for five to ten minutes. Then wring it out well and put it in a salad bowl.

Chop boiled eggs into small cubes. Drain the cod liver oil into a separate container, mash the liver with a fork.

Combine all prepared ingredients, add corn and mayonnaise to them. Mix well. Leave a little mayonnaise - brush it on top of the finished dish. You can decorate the salad however you like.

Cod liver salad with eggs and onions

This is a very simple salad that can be easily prepared for dinner. To prepare it, you will need one hundred and twenty grams of cod liver, three eggs, a bunch of green onions, some salt and pepper.

Hard boil chicken eggs, cover them with cold water and leave to cool. Peel the eggs and chop them into small cubes. Chop green onions into small rings. Open the canned food, remove the cod liver from the oil and put it on a napkin to eliminate excess fat. Put the liver in a salad bowl, mash with a fork. Add eggs to it green onion. Season the finished dish with salt and pepper, mix, pour in a little oil from the canned food and mix again. Serve the salad slightly chilled.

Salad with onions, cod liver, eggs and cheese

To prepare such a tasty and healthy salad need to use one jar canned cod, one medium-sized onion, a couple of chicken eggs, seventy grams of hard cheese and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. You will also need a teaspoon or regular and some ground pepper.

Hard-boil eggs, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater. Grind in the same way hard cheese. Peel the onion, chop it smaller, pour vinegar into it, mix well and leave for a quarter of an hour. Uncork canned food, drain excess fat, and mash the liver with a fork.

Mix all prepared ingredients, season them Not big amount mayonnaise and sprinkle with black pepper. Mix well and serve.

Cod liver salad will be a great find and can decorate. It will not only help diversify the diet, but also have a positive effect on general condition health.

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In the old days, when people did not yet know that many foods are rich in minerals and vitamins, doctors treated various ailments with the liver of fish and animals. The great scientist Avicenna believed that it should be used by those who do not see well, gradually losing their eyesight. Using the recipe for cod liver salads with eggs, it is easy to prepare not only a tasty and satisfying, but also a very healthy dish. No special culinary talent is needed for this.

Why should you use the product

After examining the composition of the liver, scientists were amazed at the variety of trace elements that are present in it. Thanks to vitamin A, which is in abundance in the product:

  • The skin is smoothed.
  • Strengthens teeth and hair.
  • Vision is normalized.
  • Eating dishes with cod liver is necessary for those who suffer from osteoporosis, because they have fragile bones and suffer from calcium deficiency. The trace elements that are present in the product are easily absorbed. Iron improves blood counts, copper eliminates inflammation.

    Cod fat is prescribed for babies to accelerate growth, improve immunity. Omega acids normalize the work of the heart, prevent the occurrence of arrhythmias and atherosclerosis.

    People should not get carried away with liver dishes if seafood causes allergies. You do not need to use them when stones have accumulated in the kidneys. For women who are carrying a baby, fish is very useful, but you need to know when to stop.

    Cod liver salad recipe with eggs and onions

    This will take no more than 15 minutes. First, the egg is boiled. It, like the liver, is cut into strips. Chopped onions are mixed with these ingredients. The gravy is made from olive oil, which is used to season canned food. It is diluted with boiling water, salted and put a little citric acid. This sauce is poured over salad, which is spread on bread. The resulting mixture is also suitable as minced meat for delicious and nutritious pancakes.

    Watch the video for a simple cod liver salad recipe.

    Some housewives prefer to cook dishes according to their own recipe, where cod liver with egg and onions are the main ingredients in the salad. Children eat it with pleasure, while they will not take fish oil in their mouths, despite the fact that adults constantly tell how useful it is.

    The cooking process includes the following steps:

  • Half a dozen eggs are placed in a saucepan or pan. After boiling, cook for at least 12 minutes, then rinse with cold water, peel.
  • The protein is crushed with a grater, the yolk is kneaded with a fork.
  • Onions are freed from the husk, cut into cubes, green - into pieces.
  • From tin can merges most of oil in a container. Using a blender, the liver is turned into gruel.
  • To make the dish look appetizing, you need to follow the order of the ingredients. First, onions and mashed yolks are sent to the salad bowl, cod oil is added, mixed well. Put the liver and protein on top.

    Before putting the food on the table, it is decorated with circles of tomatoes, peppers, herbs. Often used as ingredients green pea and even pickled corn.

    A salad with cod liver, cucumber and an egg is distinguished by its peculiar taste. By wrapping it in pita bread, you can surprise guests with an unexpected solution. A nutritious snack is prepared quickly and easily.

    Cod liver with boiled potatoes

    Salads "Olivier", "Greek", "Sunflower" are usually served for the holiday, for the anniversary. Gourmets highly cod liver in tartlets, many housewives know the recipes for their preparation. This tender snack serves as a real table decoration. But every day it is not served.

    In the family, both kids and adults enjoy eating cod liver salad with boiled potatoes. In addition to these ingredients, you will need:

    • bulb;
    • fresh dill;
    • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
    • three eggs;
    • a can of canned food;
    • carrot;
    • mayonnaise.

    For this salad, potatoes are more suitable in their skins, they are cut into cubes, chopped onion is poured with boiling water for five minutes to remove bitterness. The liver is separated from the oil, whipped with a blender until a puree is obtained. Cucumbers should be in the form of straws. Boiled carrots, rub on a grater. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise.

    Cod liver with pickles - salad recipes

    You can change the taste of any dish by adding different ingredients. Many people love vegetables, which are rich in vitamins but often lack protein. Therefore, they are combined with fish or meat.

    This recipe for cod salad with pickles is also suitable inexperienced housewives. The onion, cut into rings, is placed in a marinade, which is made from water, vinegar, salt and sugar. grated boiled potatoes should be laid on a dish greased with mustard mayonnaise. Straws of cucumbers and onions are placed on top. Everything is sprinkled with crumbs from eggs, soaked in sauce, decorated with pieces of liver, parsley leaves and olives.

    Children will love this salad. But in this case it is better to take sour cream instead of mayonnaise.

    Stuffed eggs

    Elderly people enjoy eating. They are easy to chew because all the ingredients are ground and crushed. On hastily you can use a simple recipe and cook stuffed eggs, which are boiled hard, after cooling, remove the shell, take out the yolk. It is placed in the liver, mashed with a fork, mixed with dill, horseradish mayonnaise and capers. Boats made from proteins are filled with the resulting mass.

    On festive table you can put toasts from black bread, spread with cod liver pate. A real delicacy obtained from mushrooms stuffed with this product.

    Have you ever whipped up cod liver salads? Leave your answers in

    In order to have a quick, tasty and healthy snack, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Just a few are enough simple ingredients and a little imagination, and you will succeed amazing dish. So great option for such culinary experiments are various salads. They really can be built from almost all products that can be found in any refrigerator. And today on this page "Popular about health" we will clarify how to cook a salad with green onions and an egg or with cod liver and onions.

    Salad with onion and egg

    To prepare the simplest, but at the same time very healthy salad, you need to prepare three chicken eggs, a bunch of feathers, some salt, depending on your taste preferences, and sour cream for dressing.

    First of all, boil hard-boiled eggs (within ten minutes after boiling). Then drain the water from the eggs, fill them with cold water and leave to cool. Peel the eggs and chop them into small cubes. Wash the onion, shake it well and dry it so that no drops of water remain on it. Chop it into smaller pieces and add to the eggs.
    Salt the finished dish and season it with sour cream. Mix the salad and serve it to the table.

    In order to soften the spiciness of the onions in this salad, you can use the following method. Sprinkle finely chopped onions with a pinch of sugar and sprinkle with a couple of drops table vinegar. Mix well and leave for a couple of minutes.

    Also, to make salad dressing especially tasty, you can use additional ingredients. For example, if sour cream has a slight sour taste, you can add a couple of quality drops to it. If sour cream has no taste at all, you can add a couple of drops of dark to it.

    Salad with green onion, egg and cucumber

    To prepare such a dish, you need to use one hundred grams of green onions, a couple, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and one hundred grams. You will also need some salt depending on your taste preference.

    First of all, put the eggs to boil - fill them with water, sprinkle a little salt and cook for ten minutes after boiling. After draining the boiling water, pour the eggs with ice water and leave to cool.
    Wash the cucumber, dry it and cut into medium pieces or cubes.
    Peel the cooled eggs and cut into small cubes.
    Wash and dry the onion, cut it into small pieces.

    Combine all prepared ingredients, sprinkle them with salt. Refuel ready salad with egg, cucumber and onion good sour cream, mix well and serve.

    Salad with cod liver and green onions

    To prepare such a delicious and healthy dish, you should stock up on a jar (one hundred and twenty grams), three chicken eggs, one bunch of green onions, some salt and black pepper.

    Pour chicken eggs with cold water, add salt and send to the fire. Boil them for ten minutes after boiling, then fill with cold water and leave to cool. Chop the cooled eggs into small cubes.
    Open the jar of cod liver oil, remove it from the oil and place it on a paper towel to remove excess oil. After put the liver in a salad bowl, mash it with a fork.

    Wash the onion well and let it dry. Chop it up smaller.
    Add the prepared eggs and onions to the cod liver. Salt and pepper, focusing on your taste preferences. Toss the salad and add some cod liver oil to it if it's a bit dry. Serve the finished dish to the table.

    Salad of cod fish liver and green onions with cottage cheese

    To prepare such a tasty, interesting and very healthy salad, you need to prepare three hundred grams low-fat cottage cheese, two hundred and fifty grams of cod liver and fifty grams. Also use half a teaspoon of curry, some salt, cilantro and dill and parsley.

    First of all, open the can of canned food. Mash the liver in a plate using a fork. Wash onions and greens well and dry. crumble smaller onion, add it to the liver. Mash the cottage cheese in a separate container, then also add it to the salad bowl. Mix well. Sprinkle the resulting mixture with salt and curry. Stir, if necessary, add a little cod liver oil to the salad so that the finished dish is not dry. Sprinkle the resulting appetizer with plenty of finely chopped greens of cilantro, dill and parsley.

    Cod liver salad with green onions and potatoes

    To prepare such delicious dish you need to stock up on a jar of cod liver, a couple of medium potatoes, half a glass of green peas, a couple of eggs and a bunch of green onions.

    First of all, prepare the ingredients: wash the potatoes with a stiff brush, fill it with water and send it to the fire. Boil until done. In a separate container, boil the eggs - for ten minutes after boiling.

    Cool potatoes and eggs, then peel. Chop potatoes into small pieces.
    Uncork the cod liver, remove it from the oil and send it to a salad bowl. Throw in the egg yolks as well. Mash these ingredients with a fork.
    Finely chop the onion, add it to the salad bowl. Put the prepared potatoes there. Salt the finished dish and mix it. Decorate the salad with egg whites and green peas.

    Eggs, stuffed with liver cod is a classic and versatile festive snack for any occasion. In the past Soviet times without mouth-watering egg halves filled with those scarce canned fish, not a single holiday or solemn feast was dispensed with, and even more so New Year. Eggs stuffed with liver must have been displayed on the honorable place of the festive table, beckoning with their appetizing glossy sheen and pleasant rich aroma. Therefore, it was simply impossible to resist this wonderful delicacy!

    In our time, the relevance of this simple but tasty snack in no way faded, even despite the abundance of all kinds of overseas delicacies. After all, eggs with cod liver are incredibly simple and quick to prepare, so in the bustle of the holidays they leave us time to relax or cook other, more complex dishes. Also, this recipe uses minimum set simple and available products, and the result is a beautiful hearty snack which will appeal to both adults and children.

    Canned cod liver is not only delicious, but also pretty useful thing. After all, it is filled to capacity with fish oil, which carries a lot of vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids, as well as unique omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to a large number calcium and vitamin D cod liver is able to strengthen bones, so it is especially useful for growing children's body and all those who suffer from osteoporosis and diseases of the spine.

    Cod liver eggs cooked according to this simple recipe, are very tasty and tender and literally melt in your mouth. The filling for eggs has a soft creamy texture and a spicy rich taste of fish liver with spicy note onions and green onions. This popular snack has a completely natural useful composition and will give you a lot of pleasure both on holidays and on any weekday!


    • 6 large chicken eggs grade C-0
    • 1 can of canned cod liver (230 g)
    • 1/4 large red onion
    • 1 st. l. mayonnaise
    • 1 - 2 green onions


    1. In order to cook eggs stuffed with cod liver, it is important to boil hard-boiled eggs in such a way that they remain as whole and attractive as possible, that is, they do not burst during the cooking process and are well peeled. To do this, you can use the following tips:

    1) Do not use the freshest village eggs from under the laying hen, they must be allowed to lie down before cooking less than a week, otherwise it will be almost impossible to clean them carefully from the shell. This advice does not apply to shop eggs that are never too fresh.

    2) Before boiling the eggs, let them heat up to room temperature, otherwise the cold shell may crack in boiling water from the temperature difference.

    3) Dip the eggs into the boiling water one at a time with a slotted spoon. The pot should be the right size for the number of eggs so they don't dangle too much in the water and get damaged.

    4) Boil the eggs over medium heat with a slight boil for 10 minutes from the moment of re-boiling.

    5) Immediately after cooking, place the pot of eggs under the cold water. Lightly beat the egg shells from the flat end and leave them to soak in cold water for 10 to 15 minutes.

    6) Gently peel each egg from the shell, starting at the flat end, while holding it under running cold water.

    2. Cut the boiled and peeled eggs very carefully lengthwise into 2 halves. Remove egg yolks and place in a separate bowl. Lightly salt the remaining protein shells and leave for subsequent stuffing with cod liver.

    3. Into a bowl egg yolks lay out pieces of cod liver without oil.

    Advice! When choosing this product in a store, it is advisable to give preference to canned food called "Natural Cod Liver", as they contain decorated pieces of real liver, while the cheaper "Murmansk Cod Liver" is a pate, usually not of the highest quality.

    4. Thoroughly mash the cod liver with yolks with a fork. You can use a blender for this purpose, but personally I like to feel the structure of the filling.

    5. Red onion chop as finely as possible and add to a salad bowl.

    Advice! For cooking eggs with cod liver, you can also use white salad onions or regular onions. Since the cheaper and more familiar onion has a rather sharp and spicy taste, it is better to add it in a smaller amount. In addition, the taste of onions can be softened by scalding it with boiling water or holding it in a vinegar solution for 10 to 15 minutes (1 tablespoon of any 9% vinegar per 50 ml of water).

    6. Lightly salt the cod liver filling and season with mayonnaise. It will take quite a bit of mayonnaise, literally “for taste”, since fish liver contains enough fat to bind all ingredients.

    Advice! Before adding salt, be sure to taste the filling, as canned liver cod is quite salty.

    7. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and you can start stuffing the eggs.

    8. Using a teaspoon, carefully fill the protein halves with the cod liver filling, making appetizing "slides", and sprinkle the eggs on top with chopped green onions.

    Before serving, it is advisable to cool the stuffed eggs in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the filling “grabs” a little. Gentle and savory eggs with cod liver for holidays and weekdays are ready!

    Everyone's favorite cod liver salad with eggs is on your table. The classic recipe is easy to diversify with nuts or cheese.

    Cod liver - very tender and incredibly useful component that nature gives us. The content of fatty acids in it helps the body maintain stable operation and prevents senile diseases. And it's just incredibly delicious!

    • 2 potatoes;
    • 180 g cod liver from a jar;
    • 2 medium fresh cucumbers;
    • 12 stalks of green onions;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 garlic cloves.

    Potatoes need to be washed and boiled. He must be fully prepared.

    Eggs should also be fully cooked. The yolk should be firm. Boil for ten minutes after boiling, then cool them under running cold water and peel off the shell.

    Ready potatoes need to be cooled a little, and then peeled. It needs to be coarsely grated.

    Wash cucumbers, taste with tongue for bitterness. If it is, then the skin should be cut off. Next, cut the fruits into small cubes.

    Washed and dried onions must be finely chopped.

    Chilled eggs should be grated in the same way as potatoes.

    Remove the liver from the jar, while it is not necessary to drain the fat from it strongly. It is necessary for juiciness. Everything else should be left for later.

    The fish needs to be mashed with a fork in a separate plate, it should turn into gruel.

    All of the above ingredients should be mixed in a salad bowl, adding your favorite spices.

    Remove the husk from the garlic. It must be passed through the press directly into the salad, then mixed. As a dressing, you can use a couple of tablespoons of fish oil or take mayonnaise.

    Recipe 2: salad with cod liver, eggs and cucumbers

    Salad with cod liver turns out to be very tender, at the same time salted cucumbers, cheese and green onions add spice to it.

    • cod liver - 1 can;
    • potatoes boiled in their uniforms - 2-3 pcs.;
    • boiled carrots - 2-3 pcs.;
    • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • pickled cucumbers - 5-6 pcs.;
    • cheese - 70 g;
    • some green onions;
    • mayonnaise - 50 g.

    Peel potatoes and grate. Put in a salad bowl (I laid out in portions) with the first layer and grease with mayonnaise, lightly salt.

    Cod liver thoroughly knead with a fork, put on a layer of potatoes, grease with mayonnaise.

    Finely chop the green onion, put on the cod liver.

    Grate cucumbers, put on onions. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

    Peel the carrots, also grate. Put on top of cucumbers, grease with mayonnaise.

    The next layer is grated cheese. It also needs to be greased with mayonnaise.

    Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Grate the whites on fine grater put on top of the carrots. Lightly salt, grease with mayonnaise.

    The last layer is grated yolks.

    Let the salad soak in the refrigerator for 3 hours and serve.

    Recipe 3: Cod Liver Salad with Eggs and Onions (Step by Step)

    Salad from cod liver with potatoes, eggs, cucumbers and a large set of greens - a favorite snack dish in all national cuisines. Preparing this tender salad at home, you can change its taste and aroma each time by using fresh, pickled or pickled cucumbers for its preparation.

    • Cod liver - 1 can (230 g)
    • Potatoes - 3 pcs. (300 g)
    • Egg - 3 pcs.
    • Cucumbers - 1 pc. (100 g)
    • Onion - 1 small onion
    • A set of greens (parsley, dill, green onion) - 1 bunch
    • table vinegar
    • Vegetable oil
    • Salt - to taste

    Wash potatoes, peel, boil in salted water until tender.

    Hard boil eggs.

    Cool boiled potatoes, cut into cubes.

    Finely chop the eggs.

    Cucumbers cut into cubes.

    Chop parsley, dill and green onion.

    Finely chop the onion, pour over with boiling water.

    Mix everything with cod liver, season with salt.

    Drizzle salad with vinegar vegetable oil. Bon appetit.

    Recipe 4, step by step: cod liver salad with rice and egg

    Cod liver salad traditionally decorates our festive table. Here is one of simple options its cooking with rice, fresh cucumber and an egg.

    • Cod liver - 160 g
    • Rice - 100 g
    • Onion - 100 g
    • Cucumber - 100 g
    • Eggs - 1 pc.
    • Mayonnaise - 4-6 tbsp. spoons
    • or Sour cream - 4-6 tbsp. spoons
    • Salt - 0.25 tsp

    Pour rice with plenty of water, bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, rinse well, cool.

    Hard boil eggs. Boil 7 minutes. Cool, peel, finely chop.

    Cucumber cut into cubes.

    Peel the onion, finely chop.

    Grind the cod liver.

    Transfer rice to a bowl. Add cod liver, onion, egg, cucumber.

    Dress cod liver salad with mayonnaise or sour cream. Place in refrigerator for 1 hour.

    You can apply. Bon appetit!

    Recipe 5: Salad with Eggs, Green Onions and Cod Liver

    Today we will prepare cod liver salad, classic recipe with egg and green onions is perfect for all family members, the only one for more easy option use as a refueling olive oil, for a more satisfying option, you can take mayonnaise. The main ingredients are cod liver, egg and green go well with it. fresh onion also good here fresh salad and some ripe juicy tomatoes.

    • cod liver - 1 jar;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • green onion - 1 bunch;
    • lettuce, parsley or other herbs - to taste;
    • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Prepare lettuce leaves - rinse lightly under cool water, tear with your hands and spread on flat dish. You can also use a mix of lettuce leaves.

    Peel hard-boiled eggs, cut into slices and randomly spread out on a “green pillow”. Do the same with tomatoes. You can use cherry tomatoes.

    Arrange the cod liver on a dish in medium pieces. Also chop the green onion, scatter it over the salad. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper.

    Season the salad with mayonnaise, add spices and herbs if desired. Also you can do more hearty option salad - mix chopped eggs with liver, add chopped onion and, for example, boiled potatoes, season with mayonnaise.

    Recipe 6, simple: cod liver salad, with onions and eggs

    Today I propose to prepare a salad with eggs and cod liver, because it is not only incredibly tasty, easy to prepare, but also healthy. After all, since childhood, everyone knows how useful fish is, and especially fish oil, because it is a source of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the life of the body. But, as everyone knows from childhood about the benefits of this product, they do not like it. And cod liver is the source of this very fish oil, but in terms of its taste qualities it surpasses it many times, especially if cooked with it egg salad.

    • Canned cod liver 250 grams
    • Chicken egg 5 pieces (selected)
    • Onion 100 grams
    • Green onion 50 grams
    • Salt to taste (optional)

    Since our salad is egg, respectively, it is based on eggs. First of all, they need to be hard-boiled. To do this, place the ingredients in a saucepan, fill with water so that it covers the eggs with a margin. Put it all on the stove and bring to a boil. Then continue to cook over medium heat for 12-15 minutes.

    Cool the finished eggs, immediately immediately shifting them from hot water into ice, preferably flowing.
    Cooled down boiled eggs very easy to peel off the shell. With a knife, make a longitudinal cut on each, not reaching the yolk, and separate the whites.

    Grate the whites and set aside for now, and mash the yolks with a fork and also set aside for now.

    Cut the onion into halves and remove the skins. Then chop the vegetable by cutting it kitchen knife into very small cubes.
    If the onion is very bitter and smells strongly, pour boiling water over it for 2-3 minutes.

    Rinse green onions thoroughly with water and shake off excess moisture or blot with a napkin. Cut the ingredient thus prepared with a knife into very small pieces.

    Open the jar of cod liver and pour half or more of the oil into the bowl. Mash the rest with a fork, turning into a pulp. To make the salad more tender, you can chop the cod with a blender.

    First, place the yolks and onions in a salad bowl, pour over the oil drained from the cod and mix these ingredients well together. Then pour out the proteins and chopped cod liver. Mix the salad thoroughly with a tablespoon. If you see fit, add salt. This completes the preparation of egg salad with cod liver, all that remains is to serve it to the table.

    Transfer the finished salad to a serving dish, garnishing with fresh herb leaves and vegetable slices. Serve this delicious healthy food for breakfast, for lunch, or just as a nice snack, spreading it on toast or croutons.
    Bon appetit!

    Recipe 7: Cod Liver Egg Salad with Walnuts
    • cod liver 1-2 cans
    • boiled potatoes 2-4 pcs.
    • walnuts
    • boiled carrots 1-2 pcs.
    • green apple (I used to add, but Lately no, but it tastes good too)
    • boiled eggs 2-4 pcs.
    • mayonnaise

    1st layer: knead the cod liver with a fork.

    2nd layer: three potatoes coarse grater, pour a little cod liver oil or grease with mayonnaise.

    3rd layer: three carrots on a coarse grater.

    4th layer: three eggs on a medium grater, grease with mayonnaise.

    5th layer: sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

    We put the finished salad in the refrigerator overnight, for impregnation.

    Recipe 8: Cod Liver with Egg and Cheese - Salad (with photo)

    We offer a salad recipe with cod liver and egg. Another insanely simple recipe in terms of preparation, but insanely delicious in taste!

    • cod liver - 180 grams;
    • hard cheese - 80-100 grams;
    • chicken eggs - 4 pieces

    We open the canned food and put the contents in a salad bowl.

    Next we take the cheese. Definitely solid!

    We rub it on a coarse grater to get longitudinal texture particles at the exit.

    We add them to the salad bowl to the liver already waiting for the cheese.

    We mix them. Then we proceed to the already boiled eggs. We need 4 pieces. We clean them and cut them.

    And now, when all three ingredients are in the salad bowl, we begin to mix the resulting mass again.
